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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Wants to end government corruption
>Wants to heal the addiction crisis
>Has a magnificent record on climate issues
>Can give you straight answers
>Will end the forever wars
>Will fix education
>Talks about AI
>Isn't demented
>Is a Kennedy
>Will close the borders and stop the cartels raping children by taking them from desperate immigrants
>His wife would be the hottest first lady ever holding that position

Can someone tell me a real reason not to vote for him except brainworm or some corporate media poll?
Worships Israel
You'll never have an option that doesn't
Why is laryy davids wife with him?
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all mutts are like that
That's a moot point with any candidate
He wanted climate change deniers locked up. He’s nothing but a shill and wouldn’t change a thing if he entered office.
He's antigun, I would vote for him if not for that.
He's a cuck
Gargle voice
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He's short. His voice is unbearable.
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Nah, bruh

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Stop projecting your beta insecurities
>magnificent record
Record of what? He’s never held any office and his climate views are quite radical
>will close the borders
He’s said the opposite. He’s also antigun, supports abortion up to term, and is fiscally reckless. The man’s brain has been eaten by worms and it shows. Trump is the clear choice here.
He created riverkeepers and got mercury out of fish.
The only brain that's been eaten by worms is yours
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So jealous that he’s married to Cheryl
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Cope harder NEEToid
The undisputed greatest political family in history even thinks he's a dolt
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Just imagine how good it would be
He has hundreds of family members.
Some 5 th cousin trying to smear him because they have their tongue in Bidens anus means nothing
>roast whore hollywood leftovers how good would it be?
Shes the woman rfk deserves. Guy sounds atrocious and id never vote for him because i heard he likes to suck dicks in his spare time
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You asked. BTW what would be an Alpha insecurity?
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I'm sorry women are disgusted by you.
I hope it gets better
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I forgot how degenerate some of you are
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its not a cope, hes the best person to run the USA at this time, but the DNC wanting more fags and killing whites is what they want more. he could of won if the DNC was not ran by jews. we could of been 1 step closer from being unZOG'd but jews want more nigger and tranny dicks in kids faces. you cant even blame jews and the DNC for this, its cucked whites that vote for it.
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Are you ok?
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yea im good, i make more than enough money to be on the line of (((wealthy))) and having to worry about bills. regardless of who wins me and my family will be okay. It just kinda sucks that both sides live in a echo chamber. RFK has enough balls to get shit done the right way but is too much of a threat to the establishment on both sides. if you are not just (you) farming, just look at Patrician families in rome when they started bringing in overwhelming amount of slave labor, history always repeats itself. the only way USA will be saved is if it nationalizes large parts the privet sector and removes birth right citizenship, but also making clear and worthy paths of citizenship. RFK could of bridged the gap from the similarities of the 1910s when Europe dethroned monarchies. Globohomo has replaced kings with soulless companies and CEO godheads. everything is about profit, and the moment we can consolidate things for the common man, the moment things can get better. fuck commie tho, Christ is king.
I'm a single issue voter. Will he abolish the NSA, CIA, FBI, ATF, and DMV?

He's not a friend of the CIA

I understand that the DMV really sucks but do you want to rid of drivers licenses?
He's 6'1
>I understand that the DMV really sucks but do you want to rid of drivers licenses?
Requiring a license to travel is tyranny.
ask yourself /pol/, why would a (((sweed))) be shilling this hard. the only way he would be able to vote in the USA is if he was dead, and it would go to a dem.
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>Requiring a license to travel is tyranny.

I also believe needing a license to toast is tyranny.
Still has it imo
It's not like USA is the most influential country in the world which policies directly effects everyone else
His uncle came up with CRA. His other uncle the 1965 Immigration Act. He apparently wants to ban guns I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
this video but unironically
the libertarian party was infiltrated and the well poisoned to create a negative association with anyone who supports the ideas of liberty.
that being said libertarians are cucks afraid to go all the way into anarcho capitalism
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Missed the pepe

He doesn't
"Anarcho capitalism" is just political theory coffee-table type stuff.

Lolberts are just confederates except gay and without all the based parts.
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i accept your concession
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You cucked us into NATO.
If your uncles came up with CRA and the 1965 Immigration Acts you deserve to be places squarely under an insurmountable presumption of cuckedness and suspicion.

If your father and both uncles ran for president you have perhaps less basis than anyone to ever claim you are an outsider kek. I simple won't vote for a Clinton, Bush, or Kennedy. Sorry.
True libertarians hate the libertarian party.
he cucks for israel. literally everyone running is going to be the same and you know it kike nigger
Real galaxy political mind over here
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Israel is a moot point with any of them
Kek you'd have to be as dumb as a log on the ground to think a Kennedy or a Bush is an outsider.

Anyways, having said that, for democrat leaning people I know, I often try to sell them on RFKjr. They are low hanging fruit for this type of maneuver and although I won't be in the voting booth with them I'd like to think I've had quite a bit of success.
Woooow you're so impressive
Idk I feel good doing it that's what counts.
I'm going to vote for RFK with the mail in ballot they sent me and then I'm going to vote Trump on election day.
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This is a sting bud
>are peoples issue with this man

Elections are rigged anon. Move on.
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All this complaining about jews taking over the world but no action when it comes to stop it

He's fake and gay. There's a video of him sucking a dude off somewhere.
He was addicted to heroin so nobody is surprised by that.
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Send bachelor's
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Tell your mother to cook tendies for you, it'll be tha last you eat
Correct. Also his campaign manager and daughter in law is a "former" cia agent..I'm.not even kidding. Fuxk this guy..he's only good on vaccines.
I see why you used such a low res pic. Your boy is literally married to a tranny. His previous wife (((hanged herself))). Nothing to see here
Most people are too brainwashed and in-group to ever pick a nuanced and reasonable candidate. The false duality of the left and the right has captured to many people. You get social pressuring to fall in line with a political party. Trying to have a nuanced opinion or balanced take is looked down upon so people like us are black listed and ostracized socially until we conform, usually because of some emotional trigger cultural issue. People won't choose him because he "won't win" even though their decision to not choose him is why, but ultimately a result to appeal of the crowd, authority, or emotion.

However, him being in the race and polling in the double digits tells me like 10% of our population can think critically and is somewhat conscious. That gives me hope honestly, because it's more than I expected.
>pictures you can hear
Spoiler candidate. He hurts Trump in the national popular vote and he hurts Kamala mildly in the rust belt and largely in New England. Mainstream media hate him because pharmaceutical companies make up their biggest source ad revenue peddling drugs to geriatrics.
>Actual policy issues
He’s a gun grabber which pisses off the right and he’s against vaccines which Dems are irreversibly tied to after COVID and offshore wind power because it kills whales.
>Marketing issues
Also his voice box is fucked up.
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This. It is very weird considering his reasonable takes on most other things/ability to sympathize with the other side whereas on this issue he cannot and seems to get emotionally destabilized over it. Once you realize he was even in a tertiary Epstein circle it makes sense. He's a pedo and mossad has the dirt. His moves are dictated by mossad to help whatever candidate they actually want in power.
>spoiler candidate

Nuh uh!

Pajeet truck drivers with no cdl required gonna make you change your mind REAL quick. A drive to walmart should not be logans run.
no accomplishments
no vision other than "mamber kennedy? guys?"
trust fund elite married into hollywood
unbearable voice. i mean get surgery or whatever the fuck you need to do. a president who can't speak is like a bag boy with no arms
probably just running this entire campaign to be a spoiler or to self-aggrandize
He flip flops to whatever position is currently popular or more accurately is currently being declared popular by the establishment. He would be an empty suit rubber stamp of a president. Dude even said he has no issue with 2A, but if it went through the senate he would happily sign a bill that fucks 2A.
He would be a perfectly nothing candidate decades ago, but now he is a outright dangerous pick
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>No accomplishments

You're a very regarded person I see

creating your own law firm out of trust fund money so that you can chase down pet projects that make you look good to your elite friends, like "environmental protection" that mysteriously centers around keeping people from building near the yacht club, that kind of shit, is not an accomplishment. starting life with 100 million dollars behind you should result in more than just "look at me i'm time magazine's hero of the year because i invite the editor to my bbq every summer"
he has no accomplishments, being a kennedy is not an accomplishment
>being a kennedy is not an accomplishment
To be fair being a Kennedy and not being dead by 50 is a high water mark
There are no outside saviors, faggot.
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>In a 2001 article, Kennedy described how he sued the U.S. Navy on behalf of fishermen and residents of Vieques, an island of Puerto Rico, to stop weapons testing, bombing, and other military exercises. Kennedy argued that the activities were unnecessary, and that the Navy had illegally destroyed several endangered species, polluted the island's waters, harmed the residents' health, and damaged its economy.[105] He was arrested for trespassing at Camp Garcia Vieques, the U.S. Navy training facility, where he and others were protesting the use of a section of the island for training. Kennedy served 30 days in a maximum security prison in Puerto Rico.[106] The trespassing incident forced the suspension of live-fire exercises for almost three hours.[107] The lawsuits and protests by Kennedy, and hundreds of Puerto Ricans who were also imprisoned, eventually forced the termination of naval bombing in Vieques by the Bush administration.[108]

Such a neppo baby

Vaccines are so holy to the retards that it overrides all common sense when he says he wants them to be really safe.
>comes from a literal mob dynasty family, which has 'probably' done criminal acts, and has done P.R for their shit family borderline criminal acts
>pads his resume, but is ineffective at any role
>legacy admission
>cheated in college exams(indication he is a mid wit)
>will sell out to entities for cash
>cheated on his ex-wife with dozens of women which caused her suicide. Did a touching P.R photo shoot. Then showed his true self and exhumed her body, to be put in an unmarked grave

The guy is a mobster like figure, a liar, a cheat(in college and on his wife), a sell out, and a coward(wife tells his friends need to be vaccinated). He's just a slightly slicker Vivek. He's there to cheat the public like he did his ex-wife.
I knew you couldn't resist exposing yourself as a DNC shill.
VPN Swede
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>Just imagine how good it would be
She's got that crazy eyes woman look. Same kind of facial expression that Margot Kidder had. The mouth is smiling but the eyes are saying:
>Help me.
DNC post

Maybe mail in ballots wasn't such a good idea.
I'm just a drunk swede
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I keep forgetting how much you guys hate beautiful and successful women
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Reminder that Kennedy was a coomer bourgeois asshole who went to berlin saying ''dont ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do to your country'', which means the public servants are here to be served by the population and not the public servants are here to work for the population.

There is the real purpose of the republican revolutions starting in britain, america, france : the caste of bureaucrats and merchants are here to leech off the population as much as possible.
I'm a German Nazi?
what does that even mean? Also, all candidates are trash. Including Vivek which is an obvious cars salesman. Trump is just trying to earn money for himself and his buddies. Kamala is a sycophant.
Yes. Voting federally is not as critical as voting for local mayor, local sheriff, going to town hall, and so on. Corruption is bad locally, but, at least defeating it is easier and has effects.
No, your drunk.
Admit it: you just wanted to post Hitler
You don't seem good though.
>aaaa is that a politician that doesn’t shit on their donors and hate an allied nation ommmmg I’m going insane

I’m so tired of the same posts in every thread guys. You’re turning me into a kike-lover by triggering my contrarianism
>Wants to end government corruption
All politicians claim this. It falls flat coming from a "candidate" that positioned himself to Nader the vote and hand the election to criminal Trump.

>Wants to heal the addiction crisis
His plan is to create forced labor camps to hold addicts, because of some crackpot fiction he holds in his brain.

>Has a magnificent record on climate issues
He doesn't. At best he voted along party lines.

>Can give you straight answers
If you had been getting straight answers from him, you wouldn't have started this thread that exposes your confusion.

>Will end the forever wars
He won't.

>Will fix education
He won't. He has no grasp of the real world. He is not capable.

>Talks about AI
He is clueless.

>Isn't demented
It quite demented. His complained about vaccines isn't some lack of testing. It's that he believes that microchips are being clandestinely placed in your bloodstream. He's one of those full tinfoil maniacs.

>Is a Kennedy
Not an asset

>Will close the borders and stop the cartels raping children by taking them from desperate immigrants
Empty slogans

Not an asset

>His wife would be the hottest first lady ever holding that position
You're wrong on every point

Shouldn't be alive
Is that Cheryl Hines? I love me some Curb bitchy jew fucker mommy
There isn’t a reason not to vote for him. Voting is fake anyway and you might as well signal you’d like the crazy uncle to run the show now
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He would only do it if there was no other cause in school shootings than guns, if they found nothing in new studies about school shootings and new things we are taking.
He can split the dem vote in some states.
And that makes me happy.
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>You will own nothing
>You will eat ze bugs
>You will be happy

It's like the love child of Orwell and Huxley
Listen you dumb swede. Don't just gloss over the fact that this man has brain damage. He cannot be trusted. This is what his brain cells have to deal with.
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Sure as hell is
You think you'll get a candidate without braindamage this election?
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There is another.
Revolution, terrorism..
Joining the 100 million Americans who don't pay taxes...
Just spreading antisemitism (= freedom) online and offline. Twitter is a good place for it now.
She's coconuts
cant stand his voice
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He'd beat trump
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I look like her when I crossdress. Kek
Nope nice try though he isn’t.
Is Cheryl Hines related to the ketchup?
Retard alert
If we had Larry David as President? I enjoyed curb your enthusiasm but come the fuck on
Except not retarded nigger. He is not for gun control, he has won shit loads of money in court suing major corporations.

Oh wait I just saw that you said some autistic shit about worms. Opinion disregarded. Your brain is run by ‘news’ headlines.
That’s Heinz
Imagine Larry doing peace talks in the middle east
Is she related to the peanuts?
Nope not even close retard he’s not taking anyone’s guns
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SSRIs literally have a black box warning on them saying they cause violence in the patient.

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