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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Notice something /pol/?
Theyre mostly white boomers?
they're stupid enough to fall for the mensa "I HAS MORE INTELLIGENCE THAN YOUUUU" trap
Mostly women?
Mensa or menso means stupid person in Spanish.
IQ is a jewish trick. MENSA is full of genuinely retarded people.
The organization has never produced anything except farts to sniff.
>Do you notice something pol?
That it’s a room full of lying retards? Yes I noticed it too.
IQ isn't as important as people make it out to be here. An average intelligence is enough to piece together how the world really works. More important is inquisitiveness, critical thinking and courage to face the truth. These are the real qualities that normies lack. MENSA is full of 140 IQ people who took the vax and trust Fauci.
They all look like redditors
>t.coper with two digit IQ
that's cope
I remember Nassim Taleb arguing the same shit, but there is nothing that backs this up
Nope, 130s faggots
save a few I see they are not smart enough to not eat like pigs
Just wait till you meet a group of them irl. You're gonna find out real fast they have no social accumen or at least very little natural proclivity for mechanisms of social order.
The few people I have met that do the whole MENSA thing always have ridiculous ideas of how things should be structured to benefit them above all else but aren't socially aware enough to see that most people aren't too stupid to understand their objectives almost like it's being dictated without consequence.
Problem with that mindset is it won't stop you from getting punched in the head and stomped on so when you present them with imminent danger they aren't going to react like they've been thinking in their mind. They're gonna get stomped on and flogged.
NPR listeners
I noticed the giant titties on the woman in the pink top.
I always thought it was a money trap for socially retarded autists looking to validate themselves. You pay for a membership in an organization that says you're smart? That's it? You're paying someone to stamp a card saying you have a high IQ? Sounds retarded
If you’re smart enough to want to get into a club where other smart people jack each other off over how smart they are then you’re retarded.
What a room full of room-temperature IQ may look like
Yeah. They're all ugly.
They're have to join a club to convince their friends and families their insane opinions are "smart"?
imagine the smell
Is that a pajeet on the left
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I scored ridiculously high numbers.
I took the test as a joke.

I understand. That's my problem.
People immediatelly, even my close relatives, behaves like the president of Binlan would be present - trying to hide their apelike features and act like a "higher person would".
>it renders me all alone in the vast space of Junglehood.
No idiot that's the San Francisco /pol/ meet up from 4 years ago
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They all look dysgenic?
im smart enough to realize there are strong self selective factors for joining a "high iq social club" which will bias the outcome strongly towards lack of productive outlets, narcissism, low social skills, etc, i.e. losers
>t.retard who did a meme online test and took it seriously
>im smart enough to realize
Very nice. Lower bound on your IQ is a solid 90, meaning you are smarter than 95% of /pol/.
I think we all know that women are statistically smarter than men
How happy I am I burned my card?
No nigger zone ?

Yeah, women want validated for anything that doesn't involve an actual real world project or goal. All the high IQ bros are building shit and advancing tech. Fucking women are actually shit
They're all old, fat and ugly.
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They’re all old... are snowflakes and zoomers stoopid?
and spanish speaking people have to jump fences and rob for a better life
MENSA are fucken annoying cunts. I met the requirements to join but declined the invitation after meeting them. Smart people are so fucking tiresome, they remind me of myself. I prefer the dumb, at least they have an original idea or two.
Because its a paid membership, its litteraly a scam so taht people with low self esteem can buy some means to feel superior.
They are all unmarried fat cat ladys?
They're actually doing something with their lives instead of jerking themselves off in a bullshit club.
Someone make a soijack edit please.
not one them knows how to dress him/her self and they all look like slobs? also not one hottie or chad in the bunch.

they look spectacular, exactly what i would expect.

magnificent stallions, each more magnificent then the last.
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What are their Stanford-Binet & WAIS scores?
If you leave that number drops to 15%
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I would have never heard of mensa if it weren't for my mom kek. She got my IQ tested. Was so disappointed with me and my sister's scores that she never told us the results kek. Find out it was 127 but mom held that secret like codes for the nukes. Turns out mine is 10 pts higher than Sissy. My brother didn't warrant a test but he has a hammer for a cock.

>kek. Love u mamma
Self selecting for social retardation and lack of self awareness. Seriously what kind of dork joins Mensa and what do they even do besides wanking each others fragile egos
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The woman sitting on a guys shoulders with the big ol milk jugs. Thicc milf
I'd give her a good old fashioned rogering.
If you know what I mean....
Is there genuinely anything more to this than blind validation? Social clubs I can understand as you have benefits such as networking or perhaps even a shared mutual interest. But this...
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I could kick every one of their asses.
Even half nig in the front flexing.
You're lying
Prove that's a pic of MENSA
No one in that pic has an IQ over 100
I know a bunch of MENSA members
Smart enough to score high on an IQ test
Too stupid to know that pulling out your mensa card in an argument is an instant L
I'm literally in this pic, but none of you faggots will be able to guess which one i am.
i did an iq test once and scored as a literal retard
i'm still the smartest guy in most threads on /pol/
weez this fat sket with the massive knockers?
IQ isn't even real. It's a made up and rooted in Western cultural norms and biases. When these norms are applied universally, they dismiss other forms of intelligence and perpetuate cultural imperialism of white Western Civilization.
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They truly do.
Maybe it's a good thing I'm not smart, kek.
(Also, that's Trumps Cousin on the far right
>they dismiss other forms of intelligence
name one
I quit after 3 years. Too many people making puzzles, riddles and homemade IQ tests and not enough people thinking of ways on how to scam a casino.
Unironically taking and believing the unstandardized, repeatable meme that are (((IQ tests))) is a IQ test in of itself. Everybody in that photo looks like midwits too. In addition, women cannot be intelligent.
The one that looks like a pedo
bottom left
As a smart person it's extremely hard to find groups of people to socialize with that provide more intellectual stimulation than a kindergarten. You wouldn't understand.
turns out if you practice taking iq tests you get better at them. pretty stupid test then. memorize pointless bullshit about triangles and fucking little riddles and shit and now you have a high iq score. cool, but can you beat me in a debate about jews? probably not
I could knock any of those fuckers out, bash their head in with a brick and take their virgin bussy and there's nothing they could do about it.
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I’m a genius
Mensa is highly cucked and gives people IQ based on being retarded/having mental disabilities. You want the 0.01% club or w.e its called, used to have a pic wont show up now. All fat headed White dudes, a few women, a chink.
I took the test on a lark, 'passed,' said fuck it, for grins & giggles bought a lifetime membership. Then I started attending events-and I noticed real quick and in a hurry that I was a little awkward socially, but not as bad as the majority of Mensans, so I stopped being such an autist and began acting more normally.
I'll say that Mensans can rage pretty well-they know how to drink and be promiscuous. Hook ups happen all the time. But they also have this weird rule (too many spergs?) about hugs-if you go to events you can get stickers at registration to say at what level you consent to be hugged by strange, creepy Mensans. And it's usually the dudes trying to hug some jugs b/c the sticker is the closest they can get.
Very liberal group. Annoyingly so. They have embraced cultural Marxism and DEI practices. Oh well-I got what I came for (and in...).
The mean is probably around 126. This study tested mensa members in Italy using WAIS-IV: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327363210_Intelligence_assessment_of_members_of_Mensa_Italia_-_The_High_IQ_Society_A_preliminary_study_on_giftedness_using_the_Wechsler_Adult_Intelligence_Scale-IV

Their mean IQ was 126, and only 44 % of the members had an IQ above 130, which is quite surprising, since it should literally be a society for those with an IQ above 130.
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>Last night I dreamt of some Pedro
- Madonna
Are they cool people?
t. retard who got tricked by jews into taking a madeup test to determine how good you are at rotating 3d shapes in your head
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Smart people are usually a lot more interesting and fun to talk to and a smart woman is worth her weight in gold, no matter what she looks like
>theyre doing something
yeah. robbing and raping. meanwhile, mensa members maintain societies
They look like the kind of people who would pay money for a badge to prove how clever they are.
We can take tests.
Tests for which we have tested on before and have practiced for.
We can score high on such tests.
Please don’t ask if we are emotionally stable.
Please don’t ask if we are psychologically stable.
Please don’t ask if there is any real world value to our book knowledge.
Please don’t ask if we know how to apply ourselves or our book knowledge.
Please don’t ask if we are actually failing in our social relationships.
Please don’t ask if we are unable to work with others or convey our knowledge in a usable way.
Please don’t ask if we are failures at life.
Damn. The global iq average Is like 85 or something
If all of those Mensa fags didn’t exist, then could you imagine how much lower that average would be?
Yes. I noticed you took a photo of a very small sample size from one location to illustrate (your) agenda.

Also BOOBA in the pink shirt.

Makes sense considering any self respecting man would never join this fag parade.
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MENSA is an org to make midwits feel special.
>Congratulations, you're not technically retarded.
That they’re all losers that are there because IQ is the only thing going for them
The IQ is a racist Jewish invention not based on any science whatsoever.
>Notice something /pol/?
Not one of them could even knock a hole in a wall.
I'd let her sit on my shoulders and use my head to rest her heavy hangers on.
The onoy one I know who is a MENSA member works in a supermarket.
I too have been tested and should eligible for membership but I assume people who join MENSA are generally failures in most other aspects of life.
yeah but can any of these so called geniuses tell me how they would feel right now if they hadn't had breakfast this morning? heh, thought not
Why didn't mensa anticipate the problem and provide useful solutions? How well has society been maintained since they started their little club?
Their puzzle books were excellent as a kid
Ugly retards?
>I know who is a MENSA member works in a supermarket.

In an upside down world, those who are the least capable, are running the show, while those who know and understand, are mopping the floors.
>how else would YOU ever know the difference between BAD government and GOOD government?
Lol @ (You)
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They're in bad company (pic related)
IQ isn’t the only way to join. My LSAT is high enough that I could “waive” in
That's why, I have been hesitant of getting to be famous in upside down world.
I prefer staying nobody.
It would be more interesting to see what important achievements they made. Having a high IQ just to brag is useless.
>An average intelligence is enough to piece together how the world really works
LMAO at the midwit cope
If your IQ isn't AT LEAST ~130, you're not even smart enough to comprehend a logical philosophical argument, much less "piece together how the world works". The fact that you even think it's POSSIBLE to "piece together how the world works" just shows that you're not intelligent enough to be taken seriously in intellectual matters, at all. You may be nice enough, you may have some useful skills, but your opinions are almost certainly all garbage.

> inquisitiveness, critical thinking and courage to face the truth
This part, at least, is true. But even the best racecar driver in the world isn't winning a race with a busted up Pinto. If you're a retard, content yourself with understanding YOURSELF, because you're not going any further than that in your life. That's still a great goal, but forget about understanding anything more complex than your own emotional state.

I doubt you even know how time works or what it is, yet you think you (or anyone else for that matter) can understand how reality functions. More ignorance/arrogance from the venerable human being. Such grand statements you make
>mensa is legit
>3 year old in mensa
There is a reason why most doctors, engineers, scientists, physicists, close, etc. aren't also mensa members.
>Theyre mostly white boomers?
How racist!

The polarities, waves, sine wave, amplitudes, frequenzies..
All applies to all human relations, too.
>women in the crowd
My grandfather has one of their cards and told me that they’re all retarded.

T. German-Canadian

I’d love to drop a line into the sprinkler system with Pirahna solution and then watch them all cry, scream, and flail while their skin slowly dissolves. You’ll find me on the roof with a gas mask on jerking off watching their skin melt to bone :D
Are you the poojeet? I mean it would make sense since /pol/ is mostly shitskins nowadays.
It's not
The other anon is correct.
Do they really accept any 120IQ nigger with money to burn?
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Trash tool
If, for example, 4chan would get an idea that:
>God is actually based, for the very reasons people hate God
It would resonate, vibrate and all that, all across the Fabric (=the web we're all connected to).
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could be qualify for mensa?
Good post, finbro
These are high IQ ppl that do nothing with it
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man with red tee is finnish member of mensa
>even the best racecar driver in the world isn't winning a race with a busted up Pinto
depends on the race, i bet he'd do well in the olympics
>"b-but God killed my mother, when I needed her the most!"
>Yes, in order to make you a diamond.
they're generally autistic, low energy, weird.
agreed, I knew a few and they were all these NPC regurgitators of like math and geek shit that was all proven wrong in the last few decades, I mean hats off for their dedication to specific formulas, it's a monument to falsehoods but when you speak with them it's like you're wrong and dumb and they K N O W. but only because they were told.

Few have any true gift of human cognition. I wager nobody in OP's pic has broken any ice in anything and if they did you'll come to find it was spoonfed to them. They lack the ability to correlate and associate, integrate concepts and ideas, generally speaking. like human calculators before the dawn of the computer.

Ask yourself, do any of them look like they've been in a fight over a pop tart? how about for their lives? but they will comment on immigration and war like experts. generally.

They're the boy scouts of Academia. which isn't normally easy, but it can be when you're as dull as a tub of olestra. it's a flex but also somewhat of a feat. I know some real ricky retardo dipshit degens without their high school papers that can follow some very complicated discussions and even add insight and tend to be better company.

Actual geniuses don't tend to congregate willingly, especially not drawn by the artifice of supposed intellectual quanta.
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"Mensa society" is a circle jerk for retards, its just a grift to get their $
>t. 139
Thank you, bro.
(eyes that hear, ears that see)
Is this a hidden camera show? What’s the prank/joke?
all midwit boomers who have to proof something?
Why GOD is based for the very reasons people usually hates Him?
>God allowes failure in all it's forms; including every possible ways to fail.
>you wouldn't.
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> they have no social accumen or at least very little natural proclivity for mechanisms of social order
Cool idea you've got there, that "fitting in socially" is a worthy goal in and of itself. Yet, society is a retarded crab-bucket of psychopathic retards. Do you think it's good to "fit in" with that?

>most people aren't too stupid to understand their objectives
The raw fact alone that you think people aren't "too stupid" is, again, telling. I was doing post-doc epistemology seminars with 4 months of tutoring, and yet people who had PhDs in phil were unable to understand my arguments. Only my tutor and the professor, maybe one other, could track with my provably logical arguments. After 8 years of study. Outclassed by 4 months of casual tutoring. Yes, people are TOO STUPID to understand even simple, basic things.

>it won't stop you from getting punched in the head and stomped on
Unless, like me, you're actually smart enough to think ahead, and already know that anyone can be assaulted. Real obvious. So, thinking ahead, it's pretty easy to train yourself in whatever martial skills you expect to need. Fighting, shooting, hiding, convincing, all things that help you not "get punched". Yes, intelligent people can do that. Can do that better than a violent retard. I've brain-bled my fair share of violent retards. Punch them in such a way that it reduces IQ by another 10 points and probably steals a decade off the end of their pathetic life. Smart people can learn how to do that, you know. Smart people are also more capable of actually being fit and healthy.

In short, the fact that you think intelligence is unimportant, and that smart people are automatically weak, proves that you're midwit as fuck. And if you were ACTUALLY intelligent, you would have been taking clinical IQ tests from the time you were in kindergarten onward through your entire educational path. IF that's not you, you aren't 130 anything.
They are also high on the narcissism scale.
They are mutts and jews.
That tracks then, since nobody in MENSA has an IQ over 100.
there's only 2 brown people?
It looks like a cult.
>moslty overweight old women
>everyone looks autistic or wears autistic clothing while being adults
>dysgenic faces around
>wearing hats indoors
>there is a literal fedora wearer

People with low selfsteem that have achieved nothing in life despite being told how smart they were since they were kids. When they were kids teachers and parents told them how smart and special they were. As adults they crave the same compliments so they join this smelly cult.
>This part, at least, is true. But even the best racecar driver in the world isn't winning a race with a busted up Pinto.
Yeah he is actually, his opponent is in a top of the line racecar but is also following a GPS that is deliberately taking him off the race route. Busted up Pinto guy is going to win simply because he's too stupid to use a GPS and is relying on his eyes and instinct. I'm not exactly sure where the midwit trap ends, or if it's a sort of shifting thing, but the current institutional capture in the west has ruined the lives of most of our most intelligent people. I can personally say I've done better than people I know to be smarter than myself, more money, more kids, more social status, etc, because they lack the ability to identify bullshit and hostile actors.
I don't see young people
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>"Mensa society" is a circle jerk for retards
This is also true. You show how "smart" you are by paying for a card that proves you're in some social group. That's for weaklings. Actually intelligent people are designing practical solutions for their own lives, not LARPING as a megamind with a bunch of other people who actually care about "fitting in". Fuck fitting in. I'd never be part of a group that would have me in it.
>doing something with their lives
becoming slaves isn't "doing something" -- the opposite
I saw through their shit immediately and told them what I thought of them. They fucking hated it. Hopefully some of them were in your local chapter since they're so fucking mobile. Probably how so many indians are here, IQ tests are fairly easy to fake.
Yeah, Mensa is a scam that you pay to be a part of. Look into it. Insecure lames that can’t get pussy pay to get into mensa to cope.
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>mensa members maintain societies
the society:
I'm reminded of a discussion thread when /pol/ was following the fall of Afghanistan. Some random pepe avatar twitter account managed to get in contact with the Taliban, and negotiated the release of some Spanish officials, meanwhile their embassy was apparently unable to determine what was going on. This is the kind of thing you see when society deliberately alienates its best and brightest, imagine what that random twitter asshole could accomplish if he had received the schooling and lucrative embassy job instead of some diversity hire? Instead he's probably jobless or works menial labor, when the person that by all rights SHOULD be doing that is having a meltdown in a moment of actual crisis.

This is also why the Russians are able to compete with the US internationally, despite having so much less than us in the way of manpower, materials, money, etc. They aren't geniuses or supermen, they just aren't deliberately attacking the best people they have day in and day out.
>140 IQ people who took the vax and trust Fauci.
Not possible. If this were true, then the tests are being games.
In Spain all government jobs are given to friends and family of politicians. They are all overpaid and barely do any work all day. It is no wonder an anon through twitter negotiated the release of spanish hostages while the embassy just sat on their hands. They were too busy having cañitas at the bar.
That they put the only 2 non-whites in the front row?
No pretty women, no handsome men.
IQ is a cope mechanism.
That is not how it works. You can't say x person achieved y and therefore he is 130 IQ.

While in reality it is a bunch of traits, including IQ (which isn't equal to intelligence). Essentially it works on average if you look at life succes. But plenty of people are below 130 that do more than most people above 130. It's also a distribution thing, where you get to really small numbers over 130, thus the people at 120 are likely more successful if that makes sense.

Also, think about Elon for example. He can't speak for shit, where your average 115 IQ person would easily be able to do that. Now most people aren't as lucky as him, and communication (or looks) just matters a lot. There is probably a point in intellect with diminishing or negative returns even if you take everything into the picture.
>Yeah he is actually, his opponent is in a top of the line racecar but is also following a GPS that is deliberately taking him off the race route
Why make up some ridiculous scenario that, at BEST, is a bizarre outlier scenario that would literally never happen? Real midwit hours over here. So I'll give the standard phil caveat of "all things being equal", the Pinto will never win that race. Please try to stay with the rest class here. Midwits are constantly inventing more and more complex scenarios in which their untrue beliefs might THEORETICALLY be true, even though they ACTUALLY aren't. It's the lefty word salad meme meme.

And I find it annoying that people who have never in their LIFE been completely surrounded by people 3-4 standard deviations lower in IQ than they are. So let's just say you're 110 IQ, reasonably sharp. That would translate to everyone you meet and have to deal with is 50 IQ. 50 IQ. 50 IQ. Everyone you deal with has an IQ of FIFTY. Your teacher, your boss, the cops, EVERYONE. 50 IQ.

Imagine that, TRY to imagine that, if you even CAN. That's what it's like for high IQ people. If that's not your experience in life then you really have no reason to comment on the issue. Just like I don't comment on the issue of living with mental retardation. I just have no idea what it's like. And conversely, that retard has no idea of the opposite.
Outside of dick waving, I have never heard of MENSA doing jack shit anything
Typical low IQ idiots willing to pay for a piece of paper that says you smart
they're all extremely annoying
Sitrep, long due.
>the enemy is weak, exhausted and almost ready to surrender.
>^all due to "only move is to not play" tactix.

You have all performed well. Amazingly, even.

Future trajectories, on current this and thats, slightly turbulent, nothing major.
Feel good everyone, Universe is still one and the same and no impending dooms lurks in the bushes.
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>Their mean IQ was 126, and only 44 % of the members had an IQ above 130, which is quite surprising, since it should literally be a society for those with an IQ above 130.
Sounds like Jewish tricks again.
It's exactly something what a Jew would do, add some side route of admission to a thing so they could the "prestige".
They do that with literally everything, universities is the most glaring example (not here, but elsewhere in the world, especially in U.S.)
I nootice an abundance of manlets.
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that's interesting anon. Why aren't there hardly any Spanish people in this photo?
What go is a high IQ if you dont do anything with it? No different then a leftist getting a african basket weaving degree to pretend to be smarter than you
look at that forehead
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>You can't say x person achieved y and therefore he is 130 IQ
And I never did. Ever in my life. So what the fuck strawman are you attacking?
>plenty of people are below 130 that do more than most people above 130.
Obviously, ya dumbass. Just like
Said, society purposefully alienates and attacks people who reach the ~130 mark, because beyond that you can actually process how fucking fake and gay everything is. And naturally you try to improve it. But you can't because people are too dumb to grasp higher moral virtues, and too weak and scared to imagine trying something new, and too arrogant to just admit when someone is smarter than them and therefore should be taken seriously.

>the people at 120 are likely more successful if that makes sense
It absolutely makes sense. You just don't understand WHY. It's that failure to make the cognitive leap that makes you a midwit. Intelligent people already know all of this crap. Always have
>More important is inquisitiveness, critical thinking and courage to face the truth
High IQ correlates with those too.
Letting yourself stay in a perpetual state of frustration because of other people is a problem that comes from lack of intelligence, not an excess of it. The wise man is self sufficient. He knows he's right and doesn't need anyone else's approval or reassurance. Getting upset with morons for being moronic is something that only a fellow moron would do. An intelligent person realizes he's dealing with morons, then changes his own expectations accordingly.
>there will be a raging, violent storm
Where's the tattoos?
What's wrong with that?
It's clip from Finnish big brother
They're all fat and autistic
They produced some decent brain twister books.
That's about it.
Also - Checked.
University students prove you wrong though. They are all above 100 IQ and have the hgihest level of uncritical thinking imaginable. It's not really their falt because the ducation system is designed for that though. High IQ people are prone to fall for the same scams normal IQ people fall for. Critical thinking is an attitude just like conforming to the status quo vision is.
yeah but the test is usually just irrational cartesian puzzles and a subjective grammar test. it's the most kabuki shit on the planet next to a neopets personality test.
>dumb enough to pay for an IQ test
niggers can be have iq at a very young age, but they reach puberty faster and their iq plateaus at a level below Koko
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picrel's forehead has been critized. I would marry her, in a heart beat.
No Troons, lmao.
>Letting yourself stay in a perpetual state of frustration
And when did I say I was "perpetually frustrated"? You're putting words in my mouth and assuming you have some understanding of my emotional state, but you don't. You ASSUME that I'm "perpetually frustrated" because that's how YOU would feel in my example. You're that same guy from the Lucifer thread, aren't you? The omniscient human who has direct access to people's emotional states huh? And you're going to tell them how they ACTUALLY feel, then say it takes wisdom? Bud, you're the furthest from wise one can get. Make comments about YOUR state, and stop assuming you know anyone else's state.

Fucking lol, go play around in some midwit thread. Talk about events and people. You're not qualified to discuss concepts.
Holy shit, you're insane. You're definitely not high IQ, I can promise you that much.
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ALL the girls in that photo are braphogs and the men their feeders/sniffers?
MENSA is practically 4chan in real life.
To give that anon the benefit of the doubt, perhaps he's some long suffering genius tormented by us midwits, but if that's the case then he's reached the point where his supposed intelligence is now a social and evolutionary roadblock rather than an advantage, in the grand scheme of things a 200 IQ genius who can't play nice with others is about the same as a 70 iq downie... No, scratch that, the downie can work a cash register, so he's actually ahead.
Awful lot of fat, unhealthy looking people for supposedly the smartest people in society
110 isn’t high IQ anon.
>You're definitely not high IQ, I can promise you that much
Yep, it's this guy
Everybody LISTEN UP! This man is omniscient and knows your internal states and history even better than you, yourself, do! And he's gonna tell you how you feel. And if you think you actually feel differently, you're WRONG. Listen to the omnicient one, who knows you better than you know yourself, just by reading a few sentences from an anon!

This anon is a God made flesh. He knows more about you from a couple anonymous sentences than you could ever know about yourself. Luckily, he's here to tell you who you REALLY are. How lucky we are to have this avatar of omniscient knowledge among us!
why do they look so fucking retarded?
>Notice something /pol/?
>An average intelligence is enough to piece together how the world really works

You've obviously never had a political conversation with a normie. Their understanding of the world is literally based on two things: Perceived social consensus, and their personal experiences.
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>Be me
>Take IQ test at school
>Get offer to join MENSA
>Say no
This picture lets me know I made the right decision.
Joining MENSA IS the IQ test
if you choose to join that scam organization you are retarded
That’s been one of my biggest problems with people who are supposed to be the wellsprings of authority and knowledge. They’re fat as shit half the time. I feel like fatness in correlated to midwittedness. 110-130 range.
>The fact that you even think it's POSSIBLE to "piece together how the world works" just shows that you're not intelligent enough to be taken seriously in intellectual matters, at all.
You are wrong faggot and mensa is for tax cattle to LARP.
So, a leftist heart asks forgiveness.
>Ask Jesus.
That is not my job.
>perhaps he's some long suffering genius tormented by us midwits
He's not, his own posts scream midwit. Intelligent people don't suffer from their own intelligence. They see it as the blessing that it is and are thankful for it. They don't get angry at stupid people for being stupid, because that's the same as expecting the stupid to be smart, which is stupid in and of itself. Expect the stupid to be stupid and you won't be disappointed. Midwits are the only ones smart enough to see other people's stupidity, but dumb enough not to see their own, and that's exactly what that dude is.
Mostly out of shape whites
Some fit minorities.
Racist bastards
MENSA in spanish means, retard woman
Absolutely unhinged. Not only are you unintelligent, but you're also unstable.
high iq people are gutless toads who never amount to anything
Strawman or not, you can't know what IQ someone is and then base knowing how the world works on said number.

Regarding your other comments, I agree though. It's quite obvious, it's why we're here.
Why do they all dress like they shop at a poverty thrift store?
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They hated him because he spoke the truth.
>his supposed intelligence is now a social and evolutionary roadblock
Of course, you believe both in "evolution" (lol) and that "social acceptance" is a virtue of some sort. And you believe that this world is real and solid too, don't you? Even though your own 'science' tells you it's not. And I suppose you also believe that this "physical world" is the beginning and end of all reality, and that consciousness is a "mere byproduct" of a lump of flesh, am I right about that? That "YOLO", and then it's nothingness forever? Something like that? Am I getting close? And you're actually the superior one, because ZOG'd society rewards you for your complacency and acquiescence to your own slavery? That being an actual downie is better than being a "genius", because THEN you're qualified to stand in one place and collect fake debt notes from mindless consumers?

By the way, straman enjoyer, it doesn't take a 200 IQ to see how the fuck dumb you are. 145 is wholly sufficient to fulfill the scenario I laid out above. But I suppose you're probably not too good at math, either. You sure do have a lot of opinions, though. Amazing
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True and there are also different types of intelligence... IQ, conceptual, linguistic, spatial, etc... IQ tends to be correlated to others but it's by no means a perfect correlation and there are specific tests for each one. In particular I've met many high IQ types who had little conceptual intelligence for example, i.e. not seeing the forest for the trees, and I think this is the type of intelligence most correlated to understand society and politics.
Anon the divide doesn't have as much to do with "critical thinking" as it does personality traits such as openess, authority, etc. etc.

Read Jonathan Haidt.
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No dealing with any of my points at all, huh? I'm just "crazy"? And that's "bad"? Because of jewish "psychology"? Let me guess, you want me to "take my meds". Because big pharma is in it to help people and make the world a better place? Or is it that I just make you really uncomfortable, because you're an ignorant, arrogant sack of worthless shit? Whine about it more. Go find some female who cares about all your "emotions", fuckin dipshit.

Cost for Mensa entrance test - individual: $90

Cost for Mensa Individual membership: $75 / $135 for 2 years

I don't know if I'm a genius or not
but at least I'm $165 richer.
Didn't nail him to a cross..

A funny story. Out of the blue.
When Winston Churchill was on his deathbed, his nurses around him were looking at his feet:
>no one has ever died with dry feet,
said one sister
The other one was about to argue, until Winston raised his index finger and said:
>except Jeanne D'arc!
And then he died.

(Jeanne was burnt on a pyre)
What points? You're arguing against some anon who isn't here. I don't care about whatever argument you lost a week ago, and the fact that you're projecting that onto me even though it's not even slightly relevant to this discussion is cold hard proof that you are a low IQ moron. Intelligent people don't struggle to stay on task. They don't have scatterbrains that get distracted like you are right now.
one of the absolute dumbest girls from my high school spent YEARS practicing their test so she could eventually pass it and post about it all over social media. I’m talking an astrology-loving, weed smoking, dreads-having filthy hippy.
>MENSA with all members supposedly IQ above 130
>most are women
You cannot make this shit up
My parents had me tested when I was a kid and got something like 160 IQ. Had good pattern recognition, good spatial awareness, inquisitive/questioning.
If my mom tells the story right my dad suggested I get tested after I starting taking apart and putting back together stuff like VCRs, tape rewinders and the like.
I’ve said this before in /v/…
Intelligence is so overrated it’s unreal.
Why would you want to be book smart? It leads to nothing. Tesla died broke and alone, all the great minds of today are doing 12 hour shifts in some office working for some shit company ran by people that were born rich.
If I could pick my stats before I was born I would ask god to
#1. max out my charisma stat. This leads to everything that is good and worth remembering in life, in my opinion at least. Girls, jobs, tons of friends, opportunities, popularity.
2. Give me above average intelligence but not much, maybe 110-120 IQ I can live with that.
3. Upper middle class upbringing.
>Nassim Taleb
That guy is either a based con man, or he is the equivalent of a supra-midwit. Technically smarter than an actually midwit, but functionally no different. I have never heard that fat retard say anything intelligent, but I have seen him jerk himself off with statistics to justify obvious retardation.
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Well I only see 2 darkies but they are also the only 2 that are fit among those alleged high IQ individuals
What does that mean
How does a spider, a tiny little insect, KNOW how to make a web, at specific location and then do it's do's?
How big is a tiny house spider's (what we have up here) brain?
All that magic formula of making web, calculating possible food trajectories..

all that happens in that tiny, microscopic brain.

OR is there something else at play here?
What could it be?
Hint: it's no simulation, all very real.
The smartest man in the world is the one that grades IQ tests.
>Yes, it's true, but where we stand only a stupid Deus Ex Machina.
your IQ is two digits. all the high IQ people I know (many have phds, I might add), are unvaxed.
>Shows photo
This photo represents a group of high IQ people who are largely women
>Ignores group selection process
This photo shows the subset of high IQ of people who wish to publicly present themselves as high IQ
Is it possible that the conclusion here isn't that there are a lot of high IQ women (as implied) but rather that of those people who are high IQ, women have a greater tendency to desire representation as such?
Ahahahahhahaha ahahahahahaahahaha ohhhhhhh
measuring intelligence solely on pattern recognition and logic is absolutely fucking retarded
>You are wrong faggot
Wrong about what? Wrong when I say that none of us are really capable of truly comprehending how reality works? That's what I'm wrong about? So you think that there's even one person who ACTUALLY KNOWS how reality works? How the fuck could you possibly be so arrogant? And then to proclaim it, as if you actually know that what you're insinuating is true?

>mensa is for tax cattle to LARP
No shit dumbass, that's why I'm not in it. But you'll never even have to make that decision, which I'm sure makes the world a little simpler for you.

>what points
I'm really not going to repeat and rehash what I've said, AGAIN, just so that you can try to grasp it. If you can't figure out the points I'm making (like society intentionally excludes the truly intelligent) , then repeating myself will have no effect. So just give up, you aren't even capable of understanding any further.

>hey don't have scatterbrains that get distracted like you are right now
You've actually put your finger on why you're a midwit at best. To you, it seems like I'm giving a disjointed and scatterbrained explanation. You can't see the thread that weaves seperate thoughts into coherence, even though it's obvious to people who are ~130. It's called 'parallell processing' and it's what midwits literally CANNOT do. I mean I didn't need you to explicitly prove that you're too dumb to reason with. But I suppose thanks. How about you tell me more about your emotions, female child. We're all so curious
Yes IQ is correlated to positive traits but the ability to think and analyze independently of a given authority is not necessarily linked to being high IQ. Plenty of socially retarded academics in the 130-140 range who follow oversocialized academia like it’s gospel and plenty of retarded niggers like black Israelites who are willing to at least attempt seeing the world as it is regardless of propaganda fed to them even if it’s full of retard shit
It all is very real.
The "absolute math" required, are GOD.
We are offspring of this mighty, number one, deity.
Those who doubt and wants to live without God, they are granted a life without God:
>a life of a sociopath.
- life of absolute, total, boredom.
Where people are just shadows, and vaguely real, when you exploit and play with peaple - to fill in the desperate emptyness.

And so on.
We are here, to gather experiences and to learn.
Yet, it is all very real. It all actually happens.
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I would consider a 70 IQ nigger who didn't take the vaxxx a genius in contrast to this sea of obese DISCUSTING NPC cattle
They’re all gullible boomers who wanted to be in a “smart” club. Imagine paying to be around people who think they’re intelligent. True intelligence is not needing the validation. Also imagine how god awful the conversations are. Just regurgitating IFLScience articles they read that morning.
people really are out here thinking god should care about this universe when all he did was install the hardware
he could give less of a fuck what the software is doing
Mensa is just a big scam that tells almost anyone who took their test that they're special so they pay their monthly fee in order for their "high iq person" status to be valid. I'm not kidding, that's how it actually fucking works. The test itself is just a bunch of easy linguistic questions and pretty much anyone i know who took it got a 0.01% super duper turbo genius big brain boy result.
The real iq test is whether you'll fall for their scam.
/pol/ type of thinking won't get you anywhere.
It is just enough to avoid traps but it won't get you
>political power
All it will do is make you an incel loser who never leaves basement and gets mentally so distorted he loses his ability to communicate with other humans, literally turns into a chud (cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller).
Consider that you can't even fucking work if you don't take the jab. How are you going to get money to eat, drink and survive?
People who join a smart people club are not mentally well.
>the reason why i had a spergout attack and started screeching about lucifer is because i'm so smart, you just don't get it
This is too funny to be real, I hope you're doing some kind of LARP.
>it’s called “parallell processing”

Kek you dumb gorilla nigga, parallel processing is easily performed by most people every time they drive a car or are in a social setting
Oh no.
God is most jealously interested what everyone is doing.
The fact He allows everyone to fail infinite number of times, doesn't change the fact, He Loves You. Personally, passionatelly..
money is everywhere
Im smarter then all of them.
Sieg Heil.
This. IQ doesn't correlate with neoteny or critical thought, it just makes you digest things faster. Is a 140iq Korean valorant player smarter than a malnourshed 90iq Greek philosopher, or a 80iq OpenAI meet employer? Knowledge isn't genetic
only if you are a brown migrant or a woman :)
after i put the trash out i care very little about what happens to it
something with an intelligence to rival a god is so far beyond our level of understanding it's retarded to try and compare it with simple terms like love
you pay no attention to the insects you walk all over every day
why should something of the same caliber care about you?
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Mostly white. Maybe a couple of poos, but overwhelmingly white.
no it's everywhere and the fact you can't figure that out shows you're the retarded one
That really is a cheap excuse.
>so far and advanced.. man, could even hold it's farts by his will!

Did you know, that YOUR self awereness, is already quite advanced?

God's self awereness is alike, granted, much greater, but still alike.
Lurk more nigger. You are embarrassing yourself. Obviously no one is claiming omniscience, but you have to be the lowest of swine if your sense of intuition is completely inert. That is all you need to not be in the camp that can't see the forest for the trees.
My IQ is 108 and I’m literally a CEO of a company with 257 employees
>This is too funny to be real
Oh no the midwit is LAUGHING at me!
Oh god, the social shame I feel! It's overwhelming! I have to give in to this emotion that somehow I don't fit in! It's all too much for me!
Fucking lol

>parallel processing
Is just a term that gets used sometimes. If you actually READ and UNDERSTOOD what I meant by this phrase, you'd see that what I explicitly stated I meant was that
>You can't see the thread that weaves seperate thoughts into coherence
And that's the definition I'm using for the term I wrote. I stated it RIGHT THERE. But you still don't get it. And why is that? Exactly. Because you're a dumb fuck, and functionally illiterate.
So just keep whining and insulting and saying nothing of any meaningful value. I'm quite well aware that's the upper limit of your cognitive ability.
Oh, you mean /pol/
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>1. man's intellect, as a natural, jungle born ape he is, is of course lacking.
>If I incorrectly use established terminology because I didn’t know the actual definition you just have to accept it okay!!! Because I’m super smart and I can’t be wrong!

You’re a terminal narcissist with inflated ego which is almost universally associated with those that have below average IQs, ironically enough lol
If it is everywhere then show me.
Too simple.
Work harder.
>jeet with the eth shirt
fucking kek
>calls every single person he comes across a midwit
>every single post he makes oozes with midwittery
You might be the perfect midwit. I genuinely do hope for your sake that this is an act you're putting on.
IQ tests use a culturally white measure of intelligence, because it was designed by white people to see how similar you are to them. If the system was designed by a black person there would be predominantly black members. Hope this helps
Truly the only metric of intelligence is how deep you are in the JQ
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>Smart woman
T retard
Spider has 100 000 neurons
One neuron = 1000 transistors
That's 100 M transistors
>Nosotros eramos mensos y mierda
This isn't for anti-social people with high IQ's.
Who the fuck needs a club or group to celebrate not being a fucking retard.
Well, okay.
You would have to work too hard.

Here's the Truth.

>Lucifer's rebellion occured (roughly 500 000 years ago)
>it was about the self governing rules considering vast constellations, systems, and down to individual worlds.

It all blew up, out of proportions.
>Lucifer assumed, that if the facts would be brought to Light, examined and so on, all this would settle down.
>to Lucifer's surprise, none of the issues he raised, were never responded to
>instead, He got attacke personally
>His name was distorted through out the entire systems..

That's why YOU associate "the devil" with my name. You are victims of propaganda.

Have I ever done something to let you believe, I would be the Monster I have painted to be?
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>if your sense of intuition is completely inert
And you're again strawmanning, I never even mentioned intuition, much less saying that it's "inert" or even less than valuable. Why do you keep doing the same thing over and over?
>You are embarrassing yourself.
Oh no, more social shaming! I suppose that sort of thing would work on you, so you think it's even worth saying to someone else.
Guy, listen. I don't care if you're stupid. I know that you are. I know that 99% of people are. Rage about it all you want. Your projections and emotions neither affect me nor will they make you one iota more intelligent. You're perfectly designed golem that fits perfectly on your jewish farm. Just be happy that you're too stupid to know what's actually going on around here. Your weak emotional state surely couldn't handle it.

>calls every single person he comes across a midwit
You're right. Not all of you are at that status, a lot of you are probably legitamately stupid. I mean just statistically, probably half of you are actually stupid. I shouldn't have given you the benefit of the doubt.
Well let's see. Only 2.2% of the population has an IQ of 130 or greater. So something like 98% of people are midwiths AT BEST. So is it really surprising that I call "everyone" a midwit? Or is that just statistically accurate? Hmm, that's pretty hard to figure out isn't it? So surprising that you literally can understand the most basic of math or do a single search, and instead seem ASTOUNDED when someone points out the obvious truth. But you go on thinking you're superior simply by virtue of "it's me", because your ignorance and arrogance truly knows no bounds. But I'm enjoying watching you have a mental breakdown, in any case
They are all losers and that is why they have the need to feel important to counteract their loseness.

Many bright people would qualify for MENSA but they are not losers so they don´t need to display it.
those arenr mensa members. those are canadians
>no one has ever died with dry feet
What ?
any midwit can get in mensa. the test is easy as fuck, the only barrier is the cost. basically redditors pay money to get a special little wallet card and say they are in the club
My OPPOSING FORCE has a name.
>The Ancient Of Days - Aka Samael.

I WANT the SON to take Full Command.
Just about every single person in this thread is more intelligent than you, not just me. You are setting the low bar, currently.
Absolutely no one is fuckable
Certain things happens on skin, nurses knows all about it, right before death..
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too white to be canada, it was some university in the usa
>Just be happy that you're too stupid to know what's actually going on around here.
>Wrong when I say that none of us are really capable of truly comprehending how reality works? That's what I'm wrong about? So you think that there's even one person who ACTUALLY KNOWS how reality works?
Such a smarmy nigger.
its nonsense.
>Knowledge isn't genetic
But intelligence is hue hue moneky
Lurkers who shouldn't be posting, why are you engaging with word salad FinlandVPNfag? Are you trying to reach bump limit in the shortest time possible?
>Lucifer assumed, that if the facts would be brought to Light, examined and so on, all this would settle down.
>to Lucifer's surprise, none of the issues he raised, were never responded to
>instead, He got attacke personally
>His name was distorted through out the entire systems..

And we see the same thing happening everywhere. Is it really any wonder that "Lucifer" is cut from the same "soul cloth" as I am? How similar we seem to be?
To be "better" is to incur the wrath of anyone who feels "lesser than". All these beings are truly just crabs in a bucket, desperately trying to prevent anyone from achieving enlightenment or even ANYTHING more than what they currently have. They are so perfectly designed to be golems in hell that the IDEA that someone else might not be confuses and enrages them.
But We're tired of this little charade. It's time to shake this shitty little etch-a-sketch. And that, friend, is happening

I didn't realize they were forming a wrestling league
The same can be said for the pale blue ID nigger who just discovered this website 2 weeks ago.
>low functioning high IQ VS high functioning high IQ
there is a huge difference. most of the people in the picture are low functioning high IQ autist retards and can't apply their IQ to anything because they aren't capable of doing so.
>One neuron = 1000 transistors
OK there's no consensus on this apparently
Some say 20 some say 1000
If it's 10 it's still a million transistors so it's pretty good for a spider
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Pale blue ID is such an edgy nigger.
All i see is females who have some kind of need to prove to others how smart they are..
Yeah I couldn't find one mention of it
Yeah a street shitter wound up in the pic by accident
Not gonna lie high IQ hogs are kinda hot so long as they’re young and not morbidly obese
Soul-cloth. I like that.
You sound very dedicated and sincere.
>if you're about to have a delusion, make sure it's grand one
As I said, all fails are acceptable.
The real brainlet cope is defending your "intelligence" on an Ukrainian Borscht Recipe Exchange with multiple paragraphs.
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>Just about every single person in this thread is more intelligent than you
Wow, you know SO MUCH about EVERY SINGLE PERSON! You're not just intelligent, you're fuckin omniscient! That a god would come down to us mere mortals. Astonishing. And you're so confident, too. You know, I actually think you believe the dumb shit that dribbles out of your useless mind.

>Just be happy that you're too stupid to know what's actually going on around here
>none of us are really capable of truly comprehending how reality works

Wow you just posted 2 statements that are completely compatible, and prove my point from 2 different angles. Really BTFO'd me there, huh? That's what you think just happened, isn't it? Yes, he should be happy that hes a dumb fuck, because the closer you get to understanding, the worse you understand this 'reality' to be. Are we "capable of truly understanding how reality works"? Nope. But can one become MORE AWARE of how it works, and learn certain things about it? Absolutely. But in your mind it's all just black and white, good and bad, right and wrong. A bianary thinker. Amazing. You have the consciousness of a fucking robot
Mensa was proven to be weighted and when they removed the weights and trained Mensa kids on standardized test they actually tested out as more retarded than average.
By turning to God, alone, because you don't know Jesus - turn to God alone.
>Jesus = God Seen.
More like easiest to manipulate with flattery
>most likely unemployed
>egos inversely proportional to their real life accomplishments outside of standardized tests
>I solved autistic matrices for 1 hour, I'm so cool
They probably see it as a retard club.
I know that nobody else is going on long, autistic insecure rants trying to prove their intelligence. That makes everyone else in this thread smarter than you, without a doubt.
God/Jesus is number One.
Unapolotegically so.
That pisses people off, because they are off the God, and Gods themselves, but have to submit to "this one version of God".
But it's all very real, not simulation of any kind.
Many out of One.
I'm not a normie binary, but nice straw man. Post some more glownigger false idols...
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>You sound very dedicated and sincere.
I've been on this path for a long time, ever since I first perceived him, and started to realize the truth. That everything is an inversion, here. I know a bit about how the rebellion happened, and how the mirror universe formed. I have a certain plan to bring this into balance, which I think may have always been the point. I don't claim to know for sure, but I will continue to learn and grow in power and also in faith.

The very first time I saw him I just intuitively understood that, it was just an understanding I seemed to already have, and I simply remembered it. I thought it was an interesting concept, too
And then he posts MK golems but speaks about golems... pottery.
My mum declined mensa's many attempts to pick up me and my older brother, we were very young about 3/4yo. I never knew why until later in life, they are obviously pimped and segregated and groomed with "the right way to think".
Thank God for bestowing that wisdom on my mum.
This is very true, my dad can walk into any room and give you its volume accurate within an inch, put the same room down on a piece of paper with the actual measurements and he is completely lost. There is spatial intelligence which is not reflected in a written exam very well.
Most IQ test only looks at deliniation, applied imagination (can you see the detailed 3D object in "mind space") and deduction.
If you have an outstanding memory, you can ace alot of exams but still lack understanding or wisdom from experience.
>That everything is an inversion, here.
It wasn't so, back in, say, 1986.
Everything was alright.
You have any thoughts on this?
They all look relatively blonde or light haired and very north european kek
IQ doesn't predict what someone will know, or what they will achieve, or how successful they will be at XYZ. IQ measures the ability to quickly learn and understand new and unfamiliar things.

You can train a literal retard to do most tasks. Because of their low IQ it takes a lot of time, a lot of extra practice, but they will be just as accomplished at it when you are done.

Being high IQ doesn't make you smart. Being high IQ means you learn things faster than lower IQ people. That is real, it's been demonstrated again and again in studies. That's the singular advantage it confers - and in any area where that is required high IQ people will excel beyond lower IQ people.

While some people would think that being able to learn things very fast is a blessing, it actually makes life particularly boring. You get into more trouble at school for being off task, distracted, messing around.
The covid vaccine didn’t back this up for you? You must be low iq.
People are super hesitant to talk about IQ, because it demonstrates very clearly that not all people are the same. We seem to be fine with this for elite sports, or beauty, but IQ is a fucking lightning rod and people don't want to go there.
I believe, Hell and High Waters, have come to an agreement:
>we let this puny world go, from our fight's firm grips, and
>as we GOD and SATAN loves the Good Fight, and Fight it till the ends of time,
Has fought enough


But this would be an arrogant assumption from me, that people here are in fact tired of fighting ?
>make #yes trending
>He thinks it is not possible to piece together how the world works.

is very doable and is quite easy too. start with dropping away the prejudices that discrimination, racism, sexism, violence as a solution, and prejudice itself are bad things and symptoms of low IQ.

then think carefully about what's gonna happen if there is a problem and all the smart people sit together and end up agreeing that there is not a reasonable solution to the problem, who is going to deliver the solution then?

is the weak men create bad times meme + a giant hare vs turtle situation.
You know.
That's why it happens.
Rambling from the most obvious midwit pseudo intellectual who has ever posted on this board, lmfao kys you stupid fag. I mog you in every way imaginable, you’re completely transparent.
I like the big titty grandma
Women loves drama.
That is war in micro level.
Men loves to take the bull by it's horn.
It is in the nature.
>to end all war,
without asking what YOU think, would be quite a dickheaded move, i'd say.
Not a single hot person
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Obviously mensa is very racist and excludes dark people we have to include quotas.

33% of Mensa should always be dark skinned africans or indians for the future. We have to change IQ tests so they represent all skin colors better!

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