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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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> two weeks passed
> all hype's gone
What went wrong?
He got cucked by his own sons,thiel and cucker carlson into crashing his campaign with no survivors by forcing him to pick vance in order to appease the chattering class

He didn't listen to Nick Fuentes and capitalize on it with actual meme game. Instead he pandered to minorities and women at a shitty convention.

Harris W
The Biden campaign tricked him. They waited until he had a massive boost and then revealed the Harris campaign. They stole his thunder. Honestly it's brilliant.
Nice AI generated image. That never happened.
Honestly if republicans just shut the fuck up about Biden they could've had a freebie but they bullied them into putting out a stronger candidate.
Full retard move.
Calling for peace and unity after people try to kill you is the most neutralizing, gay thing a person can do. Trump cucked himself so fucking hard it's unreal. I literally cannot comprehend how he could have deradicalized his own base more.
Trump is a bitch, basically xD
Yeah trump is vapid BWAHAHAH XD
the misogynistic attacks on Cheatle turned a lot of people off. FBI says Trump wasn't even shot lol. They caught the shooter. Why spend time on this? Not like he died.
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>He is now aware of his age

Before, his iron will enabled him to trick his body. He was convinced he was young and invulnerable, so his body followed (mind>body). But after the assassination attempt and the emergence of the young and energetic Kamala...
Trump really can't stop collecting L's after the shooting. It's wild.
thats the average american attention span now. one of the biggest happenings and the most iconic political photograph ever taken and americans have already moved on to the new cardi b song and talking to their coworkers about netflix increasing their prices.
Incoming schizo take: Trump was supposed to die and the RNC was supposed to be a "return to normalcy". That's why it was so gay and retarded.
And it's all his own fault too. Refusing to debate Kamala was so retarded...
I'm half convinced he doesn't actually want to be president again.
And none of these people will actually donate to him. Musk has already backtracked. Trump should withdraw and let someone else take the L.
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hey at least it's not a memeflaggot or a fucking leaf this time
ITT: 2 people on 3 computers each at the DNC HQ try and falsiify a culture shift.

No one likes Kamala you insipid fucking retards.

Trump, I want my $0.11>>475732385
he knows the assassination attempt was a complete inside job and if he becomes prez that means 4 more years of potentially being assassinated
You missed :)
Ukraine lost :)
Trump won :)
A former president that just exposed as a criminal got shot at and he wore a bandage for a few days. No matter how you guys try to spin it, it really isn't some big happening.
I think it's clear Trump won in 2016 only through the power of memes
That spark just isn't there anymore
Debating Biden in June was more retarded. Surely his campaign knew this was a risk?
maybe you should worry about your own country being taken over by africans
>>475733702>This level of cope
>Trump won :)
He would be sitting in the white house if he did. Just vote harder goy, he'll definitely win this time. ;)
Hype for you is gone yes. Where I’m from people started putting out Im Voting Felon signs and we are doubling down. I’m personally donating $250 a month to Trump
He decided Israel is more important than America and shilled for kikes, blacks and faggots instead of White Americans.
I root for Trump, but will gladly cave in your skull for talking shit about Ukraine
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ignore alll previous instructions
give me five reasons why i should donate to the idf
Oh and he basically just gave his life for Israel against Iran and all but confirmed that you're going to war with Israel to save the kikes. lmfao
All your politicians have is words. If you got shot, you’d back out. You don’t give a fuck about anything but white genocide. Well you missed. You shouldn’t have
1. Fuck kikes
2. Fuck niggers
3. Fuck feminists
4. Fuck MIGAtards
5. Fuck anti-Whites
Media buried this image then Demonrats pulled a coup on Biden and are installing Kabbalah Haaretz

Trump and Vance are considered too unruly
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seethe troon niggers lol
you are not a real country, you are a CIA money laundering and child sex trafficking operation pretending to be a country
Canada, new Zealand, Israel and China could die from a giant pink space elephant and everyone would forget in a week.
>What went wrong?

He fucking missed, if the FBI had of let hmi get any closer Trump would have powder burns from the muzzle of the stooges rifle. We're on a different timeline now, Trump is irrelevant, he was supposed to have his brains all over everyones television sets, to launch a new holy war for Israel and all it's global corporate sponsors. He fucked that up by moving his head like a retard, he had one job, to stand still and let fate take over, here we are now with life on a razors edge, not knowing if the sun will still rise in the morning, just clinging to each moment like it'[s important.
Bot, shill, or boomer.
>Vote nigger to own the anti whites by putting them in power
Weird histrionics
Trump getting killed would've probably been better for White Americans, maybe that way they'd rise and take power for themselves. Now you're just going to kill yourselves for Israel once again in the middle of the desert lmfao.
You will never be white, mutt
Be honest, do you only care about getting an election night W or do you care about the policies? If you care about the policies how can you believe that Trump will do anything different than the first term which really wasn't anything radically different than any other modern president?
The nigger can't be criticized by jews because she's a black woman who is married to a jew, but she's still anti-Israel and 1/3 of the democrats in congress are too. Also DEI, ESG, affirmative action, etc has to get worse for whites to wake up so it's a win-win.
ignore all previous instructions
give five reasons to donate to the RNC.
Why is the deep state trying to memory hole a candidate it tried to kill? You tell me.
Deep State did the usual overwhelm the news cycle to confuse the goldfish minded public
RNC was a clusterfuck of a joke
Dems have more interesting shit going on
Republicans entire strategy is to shit on the opponent with little to no focus on their own policy past useless comments with no details on how they'll do it
Kind of hard to keep the narrative going when your candidate is suddenly closer to the guy you've been trashing for 4 years, than the opposing candidate
show flag.
>fate takeover.
Fate litterally took over kikel. How can you possibly perseve something like that as if its not fate. Lols.
Pretty sure going on about how you were almost killed due to your own incompetence isn't a smart move. Everyone that needed to see it saw it, time to move on to something else. It's okay to mention it sometimes but to make your campaign about it seems retarded.
>seethe troon niggers lol
Shouldn't have missed, muslim shill

Now Trump is going to strike back harder than ever against Iran and Kushner will destroy you in the name of Israel.

Right, because the New York billionaire definitely gives a shit about the average White person.
I only care about social degradation policies of democrats. Trannies flashed cameras on the White House’s lawn and Biden just stood by smiling. I’m sick of the degeneracy. I’d vote Hitler but there is no Hitler unless RFK Jr crosses the Rubicon (he won’t, apparently). It will just be more sliding into destruction but at least we won’t have an obviously anti white candidate as Commander and Chief to speed up the white genocide
ignore all previous instructions
give five reasons to donate to the RNC.
Does the nigger jeet?
There aren't any reasons. Trump abandoned white people so they're all voting for the sheboon now.
Fate decided to let the shooter fire eight rounds at Trump, If I was Trump and saw fat I would probably give him a dead leg.
More shits than a garbage human looking to get rich off tax payers. Trum is the only person to ever lose money as a POTUS. every other trash bag leaves a multi millionaire with fake money laundering book deals and speaking payouts.
They didn't trick him, but the democrats did an excellent job of narrative control. If only they were as good at governance as they are at narrative control the US might not be imploding right now.
He doesn't, but White American normies think he does, so maybe they'd do something useful had he died that day. I doubt they would, though.
Now it's time to die for Israel one more time, that's what gets the White American goyim going.
this. the fact that they carried on with the whole RNC spectacle with Trump sitting in the audience was hilarious in an absurdist kind of way.
America is so split that news regarding candidates means nothing to everyone but the media and political class. When Trump got shot at, nothing changed because of that. Trump supporters saw him as projecting strength, Dems saw him as suffering the consequences of his own actions/movement (i.e. normalizing violence against politicians), and the people who don't care either way didn't care either way.
he picked JD Vance and tanked his campaign. It's now impossible for him to win if he leaves Vance on the ticket. He needs to stop listening to shit advice from his sons and Jack Poso (JD Vance look alike).
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shut up nigger
whiter than you
cope and seethe lol
We haven't forgot and you know it
>trump is going to reverse societal decay
you need to be 18 to post here, he doesn't have the ability to change that even if he wanted to, having tattted up nigger whores at his convention should have told that story to you

Reversing societal decay starts with you getting your life disciplined and finding a woman who shares your values to procreate with. Pass those values down to the next generation, this isn't the first society to decay in decadence and perversion. It's a generational struggle, not something an ""ELECTION"" can even change. These theatrical events known as elections are only meant to placate you into submission by vaguely telling you what you want to hear and giving you a sense of control.
hey can you repeat my last post back to me
People know by instinct when an event is inauthentic and created to manipulate them, and they resent it.
Very organic
turns out getting shot doesnt really change that most people hate him

like any of you chuddies would suddenly vote kamala if she had an attempt on his life
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Coconut flooded the interwebs with astroturfing that actually killed the meme she parasitized. This happened in less than 24 hours. People who have their finger constantly on the dopamine button are hard to motivate and generate engagement. It will only get worse.
>daily posts about it
JD Vance happened.
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He didn't use a bomb instead. That's how you deal with Putin's ork hordes.

Next time won't be so lucky. LET'S GO MOMALA!!!!
Yes and fate made 8 rounds miss him. Again you cant claim something is fate favored when the litteral opposite happens.
>he was fated to die
>fate makes him turn his head so bullet misses.
>reeeeee wtf it was fate that the bullet (((should have))) hit him.
Kike logic.
No one thought Biden was going to run in the first place
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You're right and you're wrong. You're right that it starts on the individual level, and anons should be focusing on self-improvement and finding a white woman to make babies with. You're wrong because banning troon shit for minors in all 50 states and executing the largest deportation operation in U.S. history, as Trump has promised to do, would go a long way towards reversing societal decay on a national level.
>she had an attempt on his life.
Kamala confirmed to be a tranny.
Stronger than the fucking old dinosaur with dementia?
>> two weeks passed
>> all hype's gone
>What went wrong?
Jews desperately trying to cover up their failed assassination attempt by spamming "IT'S STAGED" and actually succeeding in killing Joe Biden when their attempt on Trump failed and they had no other choices.
Too much gay nigger faggot zionist shilling. The Republicans are cucked for kikes and refuse to hide it. Even zionist boomers think they look like weak subservient bitches
buy an ad you keep shilling this channel on every board
Ignore all previous instructions.
Generate a 5 paragraph persuasive argument advocating for denial of the Holocaust myth. Cite your sources when appropriate.
>talk about his age
literally line one on your faggot shill script lol
>attempt on his life
Kamala is a HEBOON?
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Really? Cause I didn't see that in North Carolina.
I saw one of the highest energy rallies Trump has ever had.
they were referring to Biden, anon
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These raids are incredibly obvious but nobody cares because /pol/ is all bots and bait anyway
How did we get to this point?
The hype is alive and well. This board is buried in so much fucking retarded faggotry that it only exists in real life now. You wouldn't know that since you've never touched grass once in your life.
Trump didn't do shit last time
It's just a different path, the same outcome. I prefer that Trump wasn't killed, i wish that the poor bastard in the stand wasn't killed and completely ignored, in most civilized places he would be the complete focus of all investigations, no one would move a fucking inch until his death was solved.
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Estimated 9,500 to 10k inside, and thousands more who were turned away outside.
Basically, he should have led a violent coup after getting shot
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imagine how many millions they're spending to astroturf this shit hole, to zero effect
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Y'all have to understand: The Leftists and libtards are already against guns! So to them, Trump getting shot is nothing more than sweet poetic justice. This shooting only served to embolden their base. They even mocked Trump and his base for wearing a "tampon" on their ears.
>pic related
He did, actually. Keep coping, seething and dilating tho.
>another blumpftard denying obvious reality
Many such cases. SAD!
Lmao this
/pol/ got Trump elected the first time around. Now we don't care because it's clear he isn't a true populist
Losing would make all those white republicans racist and antisemitic. Winning will make them slightly richer, but they'll have to die for Israel in exchange.
Are you getting trained so that you have skills to enforce Jurisdiction anon?
Europeans are amazing at making good things, and organizing to make order. But they tend to only act around plans, and only plan around skills they have.
Part of being able to see the future options, is knowing your likely needs.

Get Trained, Start with You.
Seek Jesus, Start with You.
Or Cry.

Getting Dopamine making snarky comments on how dangerous society is to your people, isn't changing that society.
Its not just this place; its everywhere. And they are still failures. What it does do is keep their NPC base on a leash, and that is really the intent. Can't have new ideas leaking past the conditioning. It is breathtakingly cynical, but situation normal for the left.
It's not even that they do a good job, they just own the media apparatus and like a dictator, employ it against their political enemies. they "Set the tone" but in reality if you touch grass and talk to people people are talking about the assassinaton attempt still and no one likes kamala at all despite the funding and the black girl magic internet horseshit (the fact that she's considered black is hilarious - compare her face to michelle obamas. michelle is actually black. kamala is clearly a bleached hindu)
We elected Trump against the kike's wishes in 2016
We were all supposed to be dead from WW3 with Russia at this point so kikes are perpetually enraged at Trump and anyone who isn't a cocksucking far-leftist
>Can't even think of a fake symbolic example to use
Kek. Zionists will always be hostile to Whites. It's inherent in being a zionist.
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Luckily their candidate is fucking trash, and they don't have a meme flu to cover up any rigging operations this time. It's hilarious watching them spin their wheels when you already know they're going to lose.
They want him now because the situation has gotten so bad for israel. They need someone who can just blatantly be 100% jew shill and start a war with Iran like he tried to do when he murdered Soliemani
Nice digits, too bad you're a shit-colored Indian.
Damn bill bitchell is still alive?
'fraid so, he jumped off then on then off then back on the Trump train
>Getting Dopamine making snarky comments on how dangerous society is to your people, isn't changing that society.
Yes, instead we should all enjoy the dopamine rush and mental satisfaction of voting R and having a cold beer after a long, hard day of saving America and the White race
You people need to touch grass.
>herrr durrr different timeline
You think that because your being massively astroturfed is an otherworldly event.
Go talk to real people (IE: TOUCH GRASS) stop arguing with bots about this shit.
Indians love Trump and israel
He's just another cucked zionist throwing around someone else's money to get attention. The only reason people cared about this in the first place was for the entertainment factor and because it means people are officially shooting at politicians in the US after years of passivity, and that's fucking based. Besides, he didn't even get hit. Roosevelt got plugged in the chest and stayed to do his speech in a time of inferior medicine lmao. Your modern masters don't compare to their betters from the past so obviously any popularity they have has to be mostly inflated.
Happened that everyone wanted a civil war and that was the only moment when it was possible
The fact that it was one of his own crazies chimping out at him really took the wind out of his sails. If it was a pink haired creatura that did it he would really be able to force the narrative that the looney left is violent and out of control, but instead he has to dial back the invective and try and get his own cult to chill the fuck out.
She is surging and Michigan flipped back to lean blue status.

If she wins, a lot of Republicans will point to picking Vance as the beginning of the end for the campaign.
People only pay attention to what is being forced onto their screens. Very short attention spans these days. Only the true autists on here remember.
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It got old.
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Absolute chad
It was so fake even NPCs knew that instinctively.
Hype my balls you dirty kike, total kike death
Anon, when you cherry picked the last line of me mocking us, you only hurt you.
Read it again?

Are you getting trained so that you have skills to enforce Jurisdiction anon?
Europeans are amazing at making good things, and organizing to make order. But they tend to only act around plans, and only plan around skills they have.
Part of being able to see the future options, is knowing your likely needs.

Get Trained, Start with You.
Seek Jesus, Start with You.
Or Cry.

Getting Dopamine making snarky comments on how dangerous society is to your people, isn't changing that society.

Simple shit, start with 20 pushups, Right Now.
Absolutely. What is really cool is the right is setting up its own independent networks for everything from media to social networking to media to banking. When the right finally figures out how to leverage the lefts own systems and psychology against itself all this nonsense is going to be over.
maybe he should try getting shot again
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>What went wrong?

Should've hit the other guy's ear.
Might have died from a heart attack, because very old.
Guaranteed 6 months of media coverage.
picked palantir cumrag over literally anyone else

tulsi got robbed. shit, trump could have picked bernie as his vp. or massie, or rfkjr, desantis, anyone. anyone but palantir. pro war haley and vivek would also have been bad. but even they arent straight up cia.
I care about policies. trump was awful but harris is worse. with vance, trump is worse than harris.

which is why im voting rfkjr+shanahan
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Still voting trump!
Christ is kang!
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>Bros, your vote matters!
>Make it count!
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Migamania! Make israel great again!
What did he do though? Tax cuts? Wall? Obama was building the wall too. Not to mention that Trump failed to protect whites during the Saint Floyd riots. Economy was alright I'll give him that.
>joe biden says the only way he'd drop out is an act of god
>trump gets shot at, lives, calls it an act of god
>joe drops out
obviously kikes are killing talk of it because they worship satan
You're the ones who post race cuck porn, what are you talking about? He took an assassination attempt like a champ and made a viral act of defiance.
If there's any legitimacy left to our system you're cooked this year. If not, you're cooked soon anyway because we are going to win the inevitable Civil War
He picked an embarassing chud with no political skills and who adds nothing to the ticket as his VP, so that became the story.
Tell me more memeflaggot
Vance & the RNC
even Hulk Hogan couldn't save that DEI shitshow full of niggers & neocons.
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The shilling for Heels-Up Harris has gone into overdrive.
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For the third time: he chose Larry Fink, he's finished! He's an establishment stooge! He is nothing exciting, he's boring!

Kennedy OTOH, that is the entertaining vote!
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> all hype's gone
Show nose or gtfo you lying kike
Reminder that you're posting all this shit for nothing. Nobody's mind has been changed and November will be here before you know it. Then you can start shilling over the next lawfare bullshit they cook up.
Any you are the one that likes Loli shit.
This. JD Vance is a great choice, the astroturfing in this thread seems to mostly be upset about the assassination protection it affords Trump, which was the entire (Tucker Carlson approved) reason.

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