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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Even though they mocked us, even though they wanted us to die for standing up against their Satanic cult, even though they spit in the face of their Creator, wishing for them to die and suffer is not right. It is satanic.

We are better than this. We need to forgive them. Their salvation is now in their own hands and depends entirely on their own repentance. I will pray to Jesus Christ, God and Lord of all creation, that He will forgive them.
The enemies of the domain of god have had enough prayers and good fortune.
When you realize they are scientifically studied and manipulated to be like this, it is hard to hate them personally. This was done to them. They are insufferable and the worst people alive, but they didn't make themselves like this. A lot of time and money was spent to make them like this.
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It's not about forgiveness. I forgive them. It's about them still being the same idiots they were before. They WILL do it again. Not because they are bad people. If they were bad people they could perhaps have a change of heart. No, it's because they are dumb. That's why they will do it again. That's even worse. They can't help being dumb. Whatever the elites try next they will fall for, and probably get some of us killed as well.

They're so stupid they are a danger not only to themselves, but those around them as well.
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i don't they wanted to throw us in camps and where happy to wield the tiny amount of power they got to torment us. everyone knows now who they can and can't trust in their immediate vicinity if something where to happen where even the mildest amount of pressure where to be pushed onto people.

It was never about the Vaxx for me just about how they'd treat me if i said no the first two times.
Exactly. I see the masses for what they are: well-meaning sheep. They aren’t like many of us here, they never cared about the truth of things. They just wanted to fit in socially, enjoy friends and family, have a sense of purpose, etc. “How the world really works” is above their paygrade.
They just got complacent in a time where mass depopulation was required. It was just bad luck on their part, really, but in the end it’s okay. We all die, and death is just a doorway.
Fuck off Jew.
>They just got complacent in a time where mass depopulation was required
It isn't required. If it were required, we wouldn't send all of this food aid to Africa to allow a population boom. This is being done on purpose, even the problem itself is manufactured.
the fight is not over, who are you kidding?
I've repeatedly said it's not cool to make fun of vaccinated people. Making fun of the suffering of others isnt nice, but also the vast majority of the vaxxed got tricked plain and simple.

I'll be honest I wrote a few vax jamz back in 2022 but it's too real now.
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I'm happy to forgive people, they refuse to repent. You have to give me something to work with, I'm not that good of a man to forgive completely unapologetic people who want to bring harm to me, I'm just not.
I agree wholeheartedly. Forgiveness is not a get out of jail free card. And it necessitates repentance and often punishment. I am just saying we should not place them beyond redemption and treat them as such.
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so what would you tell to the man who makes posts like this? what would you say to his wife and kids who were almost poisoned against their will? how they almost had to get mark of the beast, just to be able to buy food from supermarket, because vaxx passes/checkpoints for supermarkets were very close to being passed in europe?
>I'm happy to forgive people, they refuse to repent. You have to give me something to work with, I'm not that good of a man to forgive completely unapologetic people who want to bring harm to me, I'm just not.
This. I grew up in a family where my parent was an alcoholic, and to this day, decades later, they've not shown much improvement. It doesn't help to try forgive someone if they don't show progress
These. The average vaxgroid was MKultra'd into using their own natures against them. The vax was pushed as sense, sensible, logical, and the right thing to do. Most normies still think the controllers are on their side. They don't have the perspective to realize that they are hated, and those pushing the narrative are their enemy.
It's debts.
The poison spreads to everyone


It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else & grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after removed from body & put in preservative


Scientists find moving tech in vaxxed blood dead for 8 months

>32:00 mark





>antioxidants, alkaline diet, EDTA, high dose Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic & Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG

Pyrantel pamoate once a week for 3 weeks, once a year, to clear intestine parasites

Use Zelenko protocol to clear vax

Pray for divine intervention

"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons & instead transmute it to the good"

Pray for God to transmute the evil to good, which makes the magnitude of evil not so important. Pray that the more the beast wriggles the faster the divine plan comes to fruition. Pray any & all actions people take ultimately energize the divine plan & it doesn't matter if they have good or bad intentions. Pray to redirect all efforts everywhere & every-when into the divine goal

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (New Discovery Shows How To Pray 10x More Effectively In Half The Time)

A lot of them will need to die. If the political winds blow in our favor at any point and to any degree, they will fight against us.
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>They're so stupid they are a danger not only to themselves, but those around them as well.
Yea it’s like this pretty much
I suppose we really do have to defend the world from the ‘love’ these fuckwits will unapologetically inflict upon it
The fuck is that grammer
>The vax was pushed as sense, sensible, logical, and the right thing to do.
It was more than that.
They pushed it as the DEFAULT. So if you questioned it it was "Why won't you get it?" They reversed the onus, suddenly it was on us to disprove this amazing 95% effective grandma-saving vaccine.

The whole thing was so well planned, hats off to them.
This tweet is fake btw.
Fair point. What I'm trying to say is that the average person's natural inclination to "be a good person" was hijacked by cynical psychopaths for power and cash.
Maybe Yuval Harari is right. Most people ARE hackable animals.
You can get mad at a dog for biting you, but it makes more sense to get mad at the guy that keeps letting it off the leash and laughing about it.
No they treated me like a second class citizen because I refused the jew jab. Many loved ones were forced to get it because otherwise they'd be jobless. The people behind it and their lapdogs can die from "sudden adult onset death syndrome" for all I fucking care.
Sure, but the normans will respond with #notalldogs, and continue ignoring the dog owner.
My own mother got vaxxed to "keep her herd safe," after multiple conversations where I pointed out all the cognitive dissonance inherent in the vax narrative, and tried every tack I could think of to show her how self-serving to the pharma industry the whole shit show was.
Your average white girl starts listening to rap songs when she’s 8. When she’s 10 she’s already twerking her ass in TikTok for the whole world to see. At 12 she takes her first BBC. By 14 she’s getting passed around like a piece of meat by black boys her age and black men. When she’s 16 she already aborted at least 5 black babies that were growing inside her. When she finally reaches 18 she’s ready to settle down with a nice white boy.
Yeah I agree too.

I could barely discuss it with anyone, it would just go like this:
>I dunno I don't trust the vaccines
>"Well it's not about you, we need to stop the spread"
>Ok but I just dont wanna take untested meds
>"So you're willing to vulnerable people at risk for your own selfishness?"
>If they wanna take the vaccine they can
>"Well theres sick people that cant take it, do you want them to die?"

You couldn't win, they were just deranged. I was literally hitler for daring to question it.
fuck your jew god
no forgiveness ever for vaxxies or circumcisers
People are obsessed with avoiding loss.

So they'd get it to avoid spreading covid to others.... It turned into a reddit-tier "Look how virtuous I am, I did my part and got vaxxed" *pats self on back*
It's tough I know. I had family that still thinks I am a conspiracy whacko to this day. The research for this started in the 1920s. and everything from the Milgram experiment and Stanford experiment, to things we can't know about because they are locked behind a paywall, billions have been spent to figure out a scientific way to manipulate people or create cult like thinking. It is just like "woke" children, they didn't train themselves to be like this, someone did it to them deliberately. The people that did know what they were doing, should be put down.
It was well crafted for people unaware that anyone would attempt to manipulate them for malicious reasons. One of the smartest things they did was convincing people that doing their own research was dangerous because it is just soooo complicated it is beyond your ability to understand, meanwhile intro to statistics was fucking their shit up left and right but no one knew how to interpret the results.
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>this barely literate thing with the reasoning of a child geaduated med school
no fuckem
Forgiveness is posterior to repentance and does not preclude punishment.
No. Justice demands retribution.
Luke 23:34
“Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.”

They might be fucked, and its not our problem; god will sort them.
I figured the world out by age 8 though, so don't think there are any legitimate excuses. Fuck these people. Global self-imposed genocide is the only answer. Every class, every race, every culture. NPCs must go. After that we can have the race war with the Khazarian elites, and then with one another (Whites will win).
That they are terminally retarded cause “almost” doesn’t count. The vax is/was/always will be safe and effective.
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>Realize that you weren’t set free from the worthless life handed down to you from your ancestors by a payment of silver or gold which can be destroyed. Rather, the payment that freed you was the precious blood of Christ, the lamb with no defects or imperfections. He is the lamb who was known long ago before the world existed, but for your good he became publicly known in the last period of time.

Another angel, a third one, followed them and said in a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives the mark on his forehead or on his hand, he will indeed drink the wine of God’s fury poured undiluted into the cup of his rage. He will be tormented by fire and sulfur before the holy angels and before the Lamb,
>wishing for them to die and suffer is not right
weird implication.
I don't wish for such things. I just know such things are what these caricatures earned. they suffer because it's their nature.
>almost doesn't count
>you have to be dead before you can say "I told you so"
>pls die for israel goyim
yeah this is where I say people like you just might be a problem for humanity
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>“If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives the mark on his forehead or on his hand, he will indeed drink the wine of God’s fury poured undiluted into the cup of his rage. He will be tormented by fire and sulfur before the holy angels and before the Lamb,
Of Mice and Men comes to mind. So soft.
I dont understand though what is right. True the bible says love your enemies but at the same time our enemies now literally look and act like baphomet and satanists now and are actively trying to take everything from us good moral people and without a fight, they will. So what are we supposed to do, just sit back and die giving no importance to this world? For what other reason are we still here then?
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All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast--all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.
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The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.”
just 2 more weeks bro
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It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins . . . . . . . And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

>bbc bulls
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>dehumanizing humans
Stress relief. Wew lad

Although he had done no violence
and had said nothing deceptive,
10 yet it pleased Adonai to crush him with illness,
to see if he would present himself as a guilt offering.
If he does, he will see his offspring;
and he will prolong his days;
and at his hand Adonai’s desire
will be accomplished.
Musculoskeletal tension in my body, especially legs. Makes it hard to go on walks or I'd be skinny

>10 yet it pleased Adonai to crush him with illness,
>to see if he would present himself as a guilt offering.

Humans are animals ^.^
fucking christcucks man
Shut up retard

Love you friend ;)

I crushing on everybody xD
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. - John 1:5
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Say something cute! ^.^
It’s for God to forgive, and it’s for me to deliver them to God so that they may be forgiven.
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What's vaxxie against in favor of the vaccines?

I saw both of them die
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The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.

Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them,’ nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; ‘he will lead them to springs of living water.’ ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.’”
Luke 23:34 is about deicide you fucking Cherry picker
Jazz a cute. Cute!

Lol fat Jews XD
>wishing for them to die and suffer is not right. It is satanic

It's justice. Rationalize all you want.
Them choosing to accept the programming offends me 100x more than people trying to program them
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Another angel, a third one, followed them and said in a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives the mark on his forehead or on his hand, he will indeed drink the wine of God’s fury poured undiluted into the cup of his rage. He will be tormented by fire and sulfur before the holy angels and before the Lamb"
>wishing for them to die and suffer is not right. It is satanic.
Correct. It's not their fault. They were lied to.
>We need to forgive them.
No, they're gone, move on. You did what you could and warned them, did they listen?
>Correct. It's not their fault. They were lied to.

But it is their fault because they chose to believe the lie.
Let's all calm down now :) My legs are tensing up
Don't worry about vaxxies
They have their reward
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Yeah, a lot of the moral fags are essentially asking you to die by your own sword for the nigger cattle. They pretend like this was a one off that can't happen again. The road to hell is paved by good intentions. Their intent is entirely, and I mean fucking entirely irrelevant. I don't care if the schizo neighbor thinks my daughter is possessed and that he's doing me a favor by burning her alive. He has to go and I will not even entertain moral fagging appeals to jesus, god or muh heccin poor normies were psyoped and couldn't help it.

I don't care, I will survive and protect my family and I will not let you stop me.
Why are you preoccupied with circumcision, a rite that has forbidden to Christians for many centuries? Why do you not distinguish between bris milah and bris periah?
Sir, calm down. Not every black person is the same

You're an animal just like they are, except you want to kill everybody who's not white. That's p dark bro
>Milgram experiment and Stanford experiment
Both pseudoscientific frauds, at best.
>Correct. It's not their fault. They were lied to.
People believe the lies they wish to believe. Not all ignorance is inculpable.
>I will survive
One day you will be dead and no one will remember your name.
So is there a reason why Ethan Ralph didn't marry this woman?
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Because of this God will send upon them a misleading influence, [an activity of error and deception] so they will believe the lie, in order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe the truth [about their sin, and the need for salvation through Christ], but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness.
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>send upon them a misleading influence
But I do. I hope their shit colored souls burn for eternity. I feel negative sympathy. I in fact actively hope that the vax kills every single person who took it. Friends of mine would die, I would consider this a totally acceptable loss
And it wont be my problem then either.
because i was mutilated by my christcuck parents as are 100% of christcucks i've ever met
because it's straight up evil
circumcision was never "forbidden to christians", in fact the christian Timothy is circumcised by the christian Paul in the new testament.
I will forgive them when they're dead.
Vaxxed are HELLBOUND!!!
From the Council of Florence (Denzinger 712):
>All, therefore, who after [the promulgation of the Gospel] observe circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the law, it declares alien to the Christian faith and not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation, unless someday they recover from these errors. Therefore, it commands all who glory in the name of Christian, at whatever time, before or after baptism, to cease entirely from circumcision, since, whether or not one places hope in it, it cannot be observed at all without the loss of eternal salvation.
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Uncircumcision is gross and I do not like it. Make of that what you will. I cannot change you. Humans have free will.
based post
i have a lot of compassion for the vaxxed especially the ones who were compelled to take it or took it out of noble instincts to protect people close to them
even the authority figures who were pushing it, who had no idea what they were doing, i forgive them entirely

it's really just the very few people at the top who willfully deceived and manipulated others who i bear ill will towards, but i know that 'what goes around comes around' so i'm not too worried. the hell of their own making those people live in daily is their own punishment.

i am tired of anger and fear, now i am focused on trying to build a world i would like to live in, and i know it's possible within our lifetimes.
An actually motivational post

I also am looking forward to the new age.
And that's why you fail.
Give your enemies no quarter.
ok council of florence sounds pretty based, all circumcisers should be sent to hell, but i guarantee 99% of christians have never heard of it let alone take it as a commandment
kys nigger
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Racists and evil people like you are the ones who won't get into God's Kingdom XD

Forgiving them will not help them change… although forgiveness is warranted it doesn’t mean there are zero consequences. The Creator requires accountability, and we’ll serve as that instrument, or at least I will in whatever capacity.
It showed me the majority are NPC. shocking.


Blue Tooth Mac Address Phenomenon From COVID 19 Shots - Conversation with Dr. Pedro Chavez From COMUSAV. Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 30

In this episode, I speak with Dr. Pedro Chavez, President of COMUSAV from Mexico. Dr Chavez explains his research of the MAC address phenomenon in the COVID19 vaccinated and the unvaccinated who received PCR swabs. He also documented the emission of MAC addresses from grave sites of the injected. His findings were shown in the documentary Bluetruth available here: https://comusav.com/bluetruth/.

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Circumcision among Christians is a recent and unfortunate innovation. A silly example, I admit, but Robin Williams' joke depends on this fact:
Nah. Fuck vaxxies & fuck you. God knew they would crumble and looks forward to laughing at them.
God bless you anon.
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>We are better than this. We need to forgive them. Their salvation is now in their own hands and depends entirely on their own repentance. I will pray to Jesus Christ, God and Lord of all creation, that He will forgive them.

It is great that you surrendered your vengeance to the Lord, but they must repent.
If they will not admit to any wrongdoing, they cannot be pardoned.
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I bet your wiener is always soft.
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Story of Jonah shows us how God forgives our enemies. We should be thankful because we are his enemies and he forgives us.
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Pray for them at judgement, by no means do you need to associate with them, adhere to their dominance hierarchy or got out on a limb. What is required i believe from Jesus is mercy.

Personally for me i think its best i make like an old believer to siberia/ hugh arctic unless a nuremburg 2.0 happen. There are mind controlled by satan, the king of this world, they will worship money and work 200 hpurs min wage to buy a cow when they could get much more than that by a hunting trip

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