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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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why are are larpagans zo sensitive, they literally turn into feral niggers when they hear the name Jesus Christ, they remind me of homosexuals who go into a murderer rage when you preach to them at a gay parade, is it the same spirit? larpagans soft af probably why the vikangs got buck broken and converted in mass
coal burning faggot
Jesus defeated Odin and he wasn’t even around. These copers sound like niggers
>We wuz happy and sheeit
>sheboon is told to turn off stove for her own good
>she decides to hold the pot instead
>sheboon starts saying the same exact shit an exorcist says before hurling holy water while holding a pot of scalding water
>officer Chad obviously feels threatened
>he informs the schizo sheboon that an exorcism at this time would be a bad idea
>Chad draws his gun to defend himself
>orders the sheboon to put the pot down
>she puts it down on the stove to "surrender"
>1 millisecond after putting it down, she's told to put it down again
This is where the main trantifa copes come in saying this is "confusing" which is bullshit. She only got told to put it down once while not holding it and that was literally milliseconds after putting it down. No reasonable person would interpret that to mean "do the opposite of what I said" in such a tiny time frame.
>(cont) sheboon grabs the full pot off the stove and whips the contents toward the officer
>gets rightfully domed
That guy mogs you into oblivion.
>hey go take care of that stove
>proceeds to go full demon
>cries to all of the other cops who show up
>none of them are buying it
>'Where's the gun?'
>oh she had a pot of water
>Cops know he's absolutely fucked
>calls her a crazy bitch later in the vid
Yea i'm thinking he's toast
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>a nigger and a larpagan cop
>somehow the larpagan cop acts like a bigger nigger than the actual nigger
He's a "nigger" because he's 200% more muscular than you and could break your neck like a twig? Weird flex but ok
Low IQ Punisher fanboy to cop pipeline is real
>bootlicker response is to fetishize the cop
can't make it up
are you a faggot or something, talking about his "muscles and shiiieet." he's a pagan zo he probably likes it when you tickle his butthole LMAO
I just don't care about what weak men think about anything.
Simple as.
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>starts talking about male anus out of NOWHERE
>typical homosexual deflection
>reeeeee!!!!!!! nooooooooo!!!!!! think of all the twig arm pencil necks like me that have great opinions on why you should kneel for BLM!!!!!!! You can't just ignore us!!!!!!!
>says the BLM kneeler
>"damn he's onto me, hmmmm how do i get out of this, oh yeah." BLM!!!!!
LOL larpfagans aren't sending their best
You're literally simping for a schizophrenic welfare nigger leach Lmao
You faggots are really retarded, huh?
>ayyy yo big daddy cop let me oil up your big muscles while i choke on it
LMAO pagan IQ
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trips of truth
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>more gay sex obsession out of NOWHERE
When women reject you for being a pencil neck, do you call them "gay" too?
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>When women reject you for being a pencil neck, do you call them "gay" too?
awww zo the larpagan is foid or a leftist feminist, you juzt hit home runs in exposing yourself LMAO
>larpagan is a jew with memeflag
Let me practice my shocked face LMFAO
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Nope, just have arms bigger than your quads. Pencil necks are to be ignored like children.
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>has the body of hazan piker
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>no pic
Pencil neck Christniggers on suicide watch
Where is your third world flag, brown christcuck?
>Inb4 what kind of faggot get zo butthurt he starts sending Pics to other guys like a foid
LMAO need a tissue hasan?
>poojeet canadian
Opinion discarded LMAO
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>no pic
You got mogged Lmao
Cope moar pencil neck christkike
>ayooo let me see a pic zo i can zee if you have big muscles like my cop daddy
KEK hasan
Every cop I have encountered has tried to escalate situations because they are fucking juice heads
Do you actually believe anything that you're saying? A woman was shot in the head for no reason.
dont care people die all the time this is nothing extraordinary not even gonna watch the video
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Pencil neck, you claimed that I was a woman and I just casually proved you wrong with a friendly mogging.
Why you having a melty?
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>you claimed i was a woman and I'm zo soft i got triggered and had to prove you wrong with my roblox physique
He didn't de-escalate the situation at all and he's obviously a roiding psycopath with skull tattoos our country is fucked of course he shouldn't be having to babysit some schizo nigger either
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>i maintain a soft weak doughy effeminate body because i don't want to look like... ummmmm...... roblox
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>my bad i meant eggman build
I don’t like cops as much as the next guy, but it’s clear in the video that she threw boiling water at him. Quit gaslighting
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>no pic
You could have posted body 10 times by now if you weren't hideous.
Womp womp, sucks to suck
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>getting cooked to this degree
EZ like Epstein taking candy from baby
Reminder that it is the church that says you are one with niggers under god.
Get fucked you traitorous christcuck faggots, it's your jewish religion that opened Europes gates to rapefugees.
Oh cool it's this thread again.

Hey 4chan, I think what we should do is go join the police academy. Hear me out.
1. If you hate these racist white cops, take their jobs and do better.
2. If you hate these violent drug crazed psychos roaming our society unchecked, you can be the law and punish them and remove them.

It makes sense from both angles. If you are anti racist or racist, you should join the police academy. Do a better job yourself.

Think about it. You could get paid to hassle fentanyl addicts who forge 20 dollar bills until they OD. You could get paid to shoot thieves and robbers. You could get paid for doing car chases. It sounds to me like this would be sort of the ideal occupation for a 4channer. You could sit there eating donuts, drinking coffee and scrolling 4chan and then when a crime happens you can crack some black skulls with your night stick and throw them in prison.

Or, you know, from the other side it works both ways. Enforce your law on the people who make this world shitty. Quit complaining and start fighting crime yourself.
>christams trees, bunnies and other holidays are jesus related
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>source trust me bro!!!
Did you get on your knees for George Floyd?
>it's your jewish religion that opened Europes gates to rapefugees
Replacement migration ramped up starting 2015 long after Europeans abandoned Christianity, no generation after WW2 has been religious in any meaningful sense.
Between the woman that was shot, the cop that shot her, and you, YOU are the biggest nigger of all. That cop is going to nigger college where he belongs. Stupid fucks created the circumstances under which they shot some retard instead of just fucking off when their business was concluded. Officer friendly keeping everyone safe, yet again.
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It's unbelievable that we have to share the same planet with people as retarded as you
Larping as your ancestors is cringe but larping as ancient Israeli Jews is based!!
>proved you're a fat tub of shit nigger lover (who is probably brown)
You're fat, brown and seething
I share your sentiment faggot retard.
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> feral nigger
But that means nothing coming from you because you are genuinely retarded
The level of copium when you christcucks try to call others out for how they act about religious practices.
You have no idea how Odin play his game. So go back to your saint processions... (giggles) and hiding eggs on Easter... (tee hee) and sing and dance around the tree on winter (pfffhahahaha...)

What day of the week is it today again?
Did you even watch the video or use your brain nigger? Im convinced youre just a d&c shill bot to instill retardation to retards who read your garbage and repeat it.

>The nigress was told to put down the boiling water and when aimed at she says "okay sorry" thus admitting she knew she was doing something that could get her shot. Then a second later picks up the pot and its hard to tell from the video angle but its assumed that she went to throw it at the cop.

Kys tranny
Just call him fat. He literally had to concede that he's fat as shit.
I could literally chokeslam every single christkike on /pol/ to death.
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>I like looking like shit :^)
Holy fucking cope. You got rekt.

That defense would only make sense if he wasn't standing on the opposite side of the room.

He literally imagined a threat that never presented itself. He also orchestrated the perceived danger by telling her to fuck around with the pot. It's a pot of water. If it boils too much it'll just evaporate, and ostensibly the pot will simply break . It's not a thermonuclear reactor, people have been boiling pots over much larger fires since the beginning of time.

That whitenigger makes all whites look bad, as nearly all American cops do. He made blond men look like jumpy cowardly psychopaths with faggy tattoos.

Death penalty, televised please.
police department fired the officer because of his crime, DA charged officer with murder because of his crime. Oh no its the dead woman's fault.
>sheboon starts saying the same exact shit an exorcist says
Citation needed
Yes retard if youre ever arrested generally your employer can fire you just because you were arrested alone that doesnt mean you were found guilty.
You know being charged does not mean being convicted and doesnt mean shit right? Such a fucking retard its no wonder you dont understand how the real world works considering youre a tankie nigger
Tranny detected
>christians now defending a nigger over their own race

lol, lmao
Bruh the cop was unhinged, he might look white but he is a nigga at heart.
Roaches like him deserve life. Imagine being delusional enough to defend a roach while the evidence are in front of your face.
There are videos of exorcisms, go watch a few.
They're all "i cast you out in the name of Jesus, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus", etc
Pagans, jews, sodomites; all have demons in them. Demons hate Jesus.

Jesus Christ is King.
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faggots on here pretending they want to deport all illegals, which will get fucking ugly then cry over some dumb nigger getting shot due to her own choices.
I'm agnostic, why do I have a much better physique than you?
Said the noodle arm bitch boy
>sheboon starts saying the same exact shit an exorcist says
>Citation needed>>475745440
>They're all "i cast you out in the name of Jesus, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" etc
Kek so they don't really say "I rebuke you"
>Go watch a few exorcist videos
Nah you're full of shit
Proof or gtfo
Go suck a cops dick, you will always be a virgin
Said the pencil neck incel christkike
weak inferior cracker twice her size and git a gun and partner but he scared of the boiling water 10 meters away kill yourselves crackers
>police department fired the officer because of his crime, DA charged officer with murder because of his crime.
find it interesting that the left is so quick to side with the law when it's arresting itself but as soon as the law is applied to them, they shriek in offense. Such opportunists with no actual morals at all. As long as their enemies are getting the raw side of the deal its 'good'
What do you mean? He's huge and he's a really good shot too. BOOM HEADSHOT! he fucked that bitches face off in one shot. It was efficient. Good for him. That dude is maximum strength and yall are just mad that you are too weak to contest the mighty whitey.
Next time you get a ticket from a cop ask if you could suck his dick, and maybe if he pegs you, you can finally loose your virginity
Jesus never existed. You are being fooled, trusting the "experts" (pastors).
You could have posted physique several times by now if weren't a fat tub of shit. Womp womp, sucks to suck
where's the webm? or link?
idk what you niggers are even talking about and what does pencil neck have to do with any of this, ffs why can you just be normal?
tl dr kill yourself cracker
It's not being triggered. That's a cope.
You mention Jesus Christ around a pagan bull, you're going to get domed. That's just how it is. Gonna cry about it, faggoty fuck? Leave it to a christcuck to side with a schizo boiling water nigger however.
Man you hurt my feelings. Because you did that I'm going to join the police force and shoot more crackhead women with boiling water. Get clapped bitch. I am the law!
Let's be honest you tout about physique because you are insecure virgin. And no adult says womp womp kiddo, you have to be 18 to be on this site. Now get your virgin ass out of here lol
tl dr everybody supports white genocide
>You're a virgin
>my evidence? You mog the shit out of me
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Leftoids love to say womp womp, they love sounding faggy and passive aggressive over just using direct insults because their balls are constantly receding into their body.
kill yourself, christcuck
Fatty back up defense force lol
I'm done, you are embarrassing yourself lmao everyone is laughing at you

For real brother lol
your reindeer herding snow chink ancestors didn't worship odin, retard.
They are now
no hes a nigger because he is out of control
and so are you
he's also fat and tattooed, he didn't have to behave that way for me to know that he's a nigger.
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I would insult you, but the reality of your GAY LIFE is far worse than anything I can muster. Good luck.
>you mogged me, how embarrassing for you :^)
You could not possibly cope any harder.
You have my pity now.

My life where I mog you? That life?

>you could literally choke slam me to death like a small dog, aren't you embarrassed?
Kid you need to seek help, your schizo manic behavior is showing.
>you are infinitely more masculine than I am, that's problematic AF, get help
I could literally kill every single christnigger on 4chan with my bare hands. They could all come at me at once, wouldn't matter.

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