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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Have you ever thought about how long Hamas has been fighting against the joint CIA and Mossad Synagogue of Satan? Do you yall understand exactly how horrifying and evil the US and Israel deepstate is? Why do yall get so mad over free Palestinians? You're brainwashed.
Tldr, stop diving jew
What's a diving jew?
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Yall got nothing, huh? Political attachment is retarded.
Bump. Conservatives are just as retarded as Liberals. Two sides to the same deepstate Isreal new world order.
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It’s actually a bizarre byproduct of Reagan mobilizing the conservative evangelical vote in the 80s. It all goes back to a pastor named Chuck Smith who basically went ham on creating the prototypical modern Evangelical church, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. His bizarre theology included an extremely unorthodox view of eschatology, especially the book of Revelation. They view it extremely literally (which, for most of Christian history, and still today by Catholics, Orthodox and most mainline Protestants, is not the case) and see the reestablishment of Israel as critical to their hyper-literal view of the “end times”. Since his views got super popular even outside the Calvary Chapel movement and into mainstream Evangelicalism, they have adopted an apocalyptic worldview that sees the modern Israeli state as a key piece of it all. Thus, support for Israel, because they apparently think every Christian before the 1960s was wrong. I used to go to a Calvary Chapel when I was younger so I’ve seen it firsthand.
The videos MOSSAD has of them fucking kids is the only reason they defend israel so much
It goes back even further in US politics. But still true.
>Why do yall get so mad over free Palestinians?

Two reasons: What are you going to do with all the jewry that would be displaced? Where would they go?..... See nobody wants them.

Second reason: What do you think would happen if the jews left? Do you think they would repopulate the land in a civil manner and live a happy and prosperous life or..... Would a civil war break out, with different factions fighting for what they consider theirs. All backed by Iran and Saudi Arabia. In the mean time Europe would be flooded by waves of dispossessed brown refugees.

I am not pro Israel, but changing the status quo would open a can of worms.
MIC MAKING MONEY. There's an obvious culture that surrounds it all.
why are liberals such hamas cucks?
I'm not asking for all Jews to move out of Israel, just the zionist Synagogue of Satan. They need to be Napoleoned.
A.) Not a liberal
B.) Whats wrong about Hamas?

Tbh. I would just tolerate this war with Hamas and then stop being an unconditional ally of Israel. You cannot abandon an ally in middle of a war.
Christianity makes them worship jews
they're fundamentalist muslims who would impose sharia law on you if they had their way
yes you can
fuck em. We should invade Israel and start hanging them for war crimes lol. A second Nuremberg trial.
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No Mossad likely in conjunction with at least some of US intelligence is using classified technology from the 70's that acts as a remote EEG that monitors the brain state which they then feed through a computer to know your every thought and action past and present. Not only that but they can also "insert" brain states. This is Havana Syndrome, this is gangstalking, this is targeted individuals, this is why when King Jew gets 30 minutes of standing ovation. Those people don't give a fuck about some tiny strip of land in the desert they are absolutely fucking terrified of this technology and will play ball in order to avoid its grasp.
Freemasons tongue my anus
Because Israel guarantees them election victories.
they literally lived with Palestinian Christians in Gaza without problems. it's also their country they can do whatever with their land. it's the Israelis that want to ship them to you.
Evangelicals. Blame the South.
>it's also their country they can do whatever with their land.

is that your final answer?
if you're going to imply Israel owns any of that land then you're retarded. People have a right of self determination. Why should you impose your liberal kike cuckery social values on other people in their lands. Israelis are basically Mongolian invaders that need to be pushed out and back to Ukraine.
Its not exactly black and white, Hamas themselves are just as bad and there are plenty of instances which indicates that they themselves were funded by deepstate for the strife to continue endlessly in that region.
>People have a right of self determination.

so if i start a country and make it legal to sacrifice children to my god and suck their blood, you're okay with that?
But historically, muslims are the ones who invaded and occupied that land.
Why aren't evangelions antisemitic?
Jews killed and rejected Christ. Why don't these Christians feel antipathy for jews?
yes, feel free to kill your own kind in your own country, it's not my problem.
jews gave them their religion, gave them their god, jesus had to die in order to fulfill the jewish fairy tale, without jews, you would not have christianity.
Since when was Israel a supportive ally of the United States? Was it before or after they tried false flagging the USS liberty, or the twin towers? Was it before or after they provoked regional conflicts and directed refugees to Europe? Was it before or after they offered zero military support in the fights against their regional adversaries? As out so-called greatest ally, how many American ships, or air and army bases does Israel host? Help me to recollect.
>yes, feel free to kill your own kind in your own country, it's not my problem.
if you were born in that country, it WOULD be your problem
the Jews were wiped out by the Romans and then the Muslims conquered the land from the Romans. The Jews today are khazarian converts with no racial tie to the land. imagine if I just called myself a Roman and tried to take over all the old Roman lands 2 thousand years later. Palestine and the Middle East was much more peaceful for hundreds of years before the 20th century zionists fucked shit up.
Jews cut off their kids dicks. I don't hear you complaining. If a country's policies are so bad then the people will rise up to fight it. you can't just go into a country and force them to do what you think is right unless begging for it. they'll treat you like an invader otherwise.
Israel belongs to Aryan Christians, not Jews or Muslims.
They should know that Israel shot Trump.
>romans wiped out jews
>muslims conquered the land from the Romans
Byzantine Christians were not exactly Romans but ok. Umar took those lands and let the Jews enter Jerusalem which they were previously banned from. Even during Crusades there are well documented texts which shows conflict between Christians and the local Jews and Muslims. So its not possible for Jews being completely wiped out.
Islamization of those lands began strongly during mamluk era from 1200-1500s and became worse during Jordanian rule in 1700s when Synagogues in Jewish Quarters were systematically destroyed by muslims.
>unless begging for it.
so because the circumcised kids aren't begging for reprieve they aren't worthy of being protected from genital mutilation?
If Israel ceases to exist then jews from there will flee to other countries. Israel allows keeping some of them in one place

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