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Why don't Christians have a mystical tradition? It's no wonder they are materialistic golem and need to steal ideas from other religions.
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Only kikes like this kike flag OP use this word unironically
Once they start they cannot stop
It's a weird mental disease in most kikes due to their defective genes

Say your favorite word again kike slave, I order you
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They do. But Kabbalah is satanic. Jesus Christ is God and Lord of all creation. In His mighty Name, all Kabbalah and other satanic powers of the enemy are broken and turned back on their users. For the Lord gave his disciples power to trample on serpents and scorpions, and to thwart all traps and snares of the Devil. In Jesus's Name, Kabbalah will never work for you again. Amen.
Gnosticism is the only valid form of Christianity. Nag Hammadi library proves this. It’s literally all there. Mainstream Christianity is a farce.
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>Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God. It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in. He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb. And this was no afterthought. Even though it has only lately—at the end of the ages—become public knowledge, God always knew he was going to do this for you. It’s because of this sacrificed Messiah, whom God then raised from the dead and glorified, that you trust God, that you know you have a future in God.

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Kabbalah is 'Christian' mythicism. Jews bastardized it from ancient egyptians/greeks. It's not from the middle ages like christcopers insist. Paul was a 'tentmaker' i.e. mason who "wore the apron"
Numbers are saying that you are kike.
they do.
it's called "The Trinity".
most of what jesus taught was in allegory form, which means it is mystical and cannot be taken literally.
Christians do have a mystical tradition. Westerners call it contemplation and Easterners call it theoria.
They do. That's what being a monk is. If we define mysticism as most do, i.e. "a practice to achieve unity with the divine", then the entirety of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Sacramental/Mystery rite system is within a mystical tradition as well. If you're looking for asceticism, then when a monk spends all day in prayer, that is mysticism.

Myabe you're talking about some kind of written system or doctrine that an individual practitioner can use to empower themselves? That's anti-Christian as Christianity is inherently a communal religion. Even one individual practicing the faith practices in tandem with thw community of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Ex. Christian btw.
The Roman Catholics have lots of traditional ceremonies.
The fact you are all contradicting each other shows how full of shit you all are. Why is it so hard for Christians to tell the truth?
That's not what "mystical means". What you just described would more appropriately be called "metaphorical".
It's mostly ignorance, not deception. The biggest element or deception here is people opting to give opinions when they know they're not well-informed. I don't see why you would assume the contradictions to be a product of deliberate deception.
Look then at his words
and all the writings which have been completed.
Give heed then, you hearers
and you also, the angels and those who have been sent,
and you spirits who have arisen from the dead.
For I am the one who alone exists,
and I have no one who will judge me.
For many are the pleasant forms which exist in numerous sins,
and incontinencies,
and disgraceful passions,
and fleeting pleasures,
which (men) embrace until they become sober
and go up to their resting place.
And they will find me there,
and they will live,
and they will not die again.
You are very naive when it comes to spiritual matters.
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>Gnosticism is the only valid form of Christianity
Christianity is like gnosticism made invalid
Either way it proves my point, Christians don't have any higher knowledge.
I've studied all the religions, Christianity is the most shallow and superficial out of all of them.
The Nag Hammadi library doesn't prove anything. It just offers another take. Why do you consider it proof of Gnosticism's validity but don't consider the dogmas of the RCC proof of the validity of their perspective?
theosis = yechidah/da'at = fanaa = moksha, etc.
>Why don't Christians have a mystical tradition
Orthodox Christianity is the only valid form of Christianity, and it is all about mysticism you tool
Kabbalah is a lens to understand God's different attributes. If you look directly at the sun for too long, you will go blind. This is the same thing, what does that have to do with satan (who by the way is and always has been under God's control, it's absolutely hilarious that christians think satan has any free will or even rebelled against God lol)?

Christianity is the definiton of histrionics
We do, you must go to an Orthodox Church to be exposed to the mysteries.

"I will not speak of thy mysteries to thine enemies, neither like Judas will I give thee a kiss, but like the thief remember me o Lord in thy kingdom"
I think you're full of shit and probably very young and arrogant. I doubt you've seriously studied all major religions to a point where you could be considered well-versed. However, I'm not here to defend Christianity.
>Paul was a 'tentmaker' i.e. mason who "wore the apron"
kek fucking delusional
>kek fucking delusional
>orthonigger believes a magic jew really existed
No Orthodox Christian should be on 4chan, much less engaging in shit-flinging and name-calling.
Is your religion based on assumptions?
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You don't need to get deep into esoteric and obscure stuff. At the end of that rabbithole an earnest seeker just finds themselves back at the gospels where they started with a lot of time wasted and feeling kind of silly. Your most famous and mainstream apologists are plenty sufficient here. Agusistine, Aquinas, Pascal, Chesterton, that sort of thing.

That's the problem with the occult, the knowledge you go seeking was never really hidden to begin with
You come across as very young. Rebelling against mommy and daddy?
>the mysteries in question
You just drug and rape people and then accuse jews of this.
You can tell this is true by how assmad it makes christbeaners
>Christianity is the most shallow
Why do you lie?
It has more text than most religions with seemingly endless cross references along with deep analytical thoughts on humanity; the very definition of depth.

You anti-Christ jew puppets care absolutely nothing for truth. Ever.
Cope. Got anything useful to say?
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>Why don't Christians have a mystical tradition? It's no wonder they are materialistic golem and need to steal ideas from other religions.
Why do kikes have it? Kikes do everyting in their power to circumvent their so called gods words
Because your efforts to "understand God's attributes" is not your prerogative and is almost always done in order to understand the nature reality and thus hijack it and manipulate it to your own ends. You are trying to impose your free will on reality itself, i.e. become God, which is satanic and is the original lie of the Serpent. Kabbalah is the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

So yes, you are engaging in a Satanic activity. You are not God and trying to become Him has an ultimate price.
Half of the Bible is stolen from another religion and every other text is condemned by the Church. Most other religions have way more books, just fact.
They have objectively the most powerful toolkit.
You are talking out of your ass. The erev rav tries to manipulate reality (which you can see in all the tranny, lgbt, esg, DEI, cultural marxism, etc), not Torah observant Jews. We follow the laws of reality, not try to bend them. I don't even study Kabbalah, it's beyond my comprehension.

You are just proving you are a hateful individual by making assumptions.
You don't even have a basic understanding of Kabbalah.
I don't have a religion, but ALL worldviews are based on assumptions. We can't think without them.
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>Half of the Bible is stolen from another religion
This is a lie. Pic related
>religion and every other text is condemned by the Church
What are you even talking about?
At least make up sensible lies.
>Most other religions have way more books, just fact.
Another blatant insane lie.
Name name even 5 European religions that have more text

You care nothing for truth.
You can only lie.
Is mysticism an assumption?
they killed the neoplatonists and gnostics back in the day
>powerful toolkit
To fuck with their god? I see that worked well in the claimed ovens. Perhaps I should start to believe in that.
Christianity is not European, lmao.
this is accurate
Oh now it's real, kek.
Your reaction betrays you. Kabbalah is satanic and you will pay the ultimate price for engaging in it. You are not God, will never be God and grow farther from Him every time you try to "understand" Him. Such odious hubris. The proud will be humbled and the humble will be lifted. Your tribe is still the same generation of vipers and serpents that spit in the face of the Almighty, whom Our Savior denounced. You continually partake of the Original Sin day by day and reject the only True Salvation.

In the Name of He Who is and was and is to come, I break your satanic powers and bind them, in the Name of Jesus. You will never curse or hex anyone again, for personal gain or for spite, and you will continually grovel, begging in forgiveness to He Who reigns forever and ever, Jesus Christ, God and Lord of all creation, for the rest of your days.
This is the essence of Christianity, gay emotional tripe.
It is accomplished.
>Why don't Christians have a mystical tradition?
There's NOTHING in this world more mystical than the Eucharist.
What a joke of a religion.
Nah, just kidding. Kikes lies are one of the biggest things in the tool kit. Even their god get fooled. Hat off for you.
>can't defend any of its lies
Thanks for proving my point
You are a liar and care nothing for truth
Any time you see some shill attacking Christianity they are liars
OP is a proven liar.
It cannot defend his lies against Christianity
they do, it’s called Christian mysticism.
Read Cloud of Unknowing.
If Christianity is a joke then how come you have to always lie about it?
You niggers can’t into the Path of Sefirot
That's an incoherent question. To assume that mysticism is "real" is an assumption. But the concept itself is just a concept and no one has to assume that it's real.
Buddy, you came in here with nothing but lies, sit down.
Keep seething, kek.
Full of shit and you accuse others, what a massive faggot you are.
freemasonry is christian, its a gnostic/hermeticist christian sect
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I have exposed your numerous lies and you could not defend yourself, so you falsely accuse me of "lying"
Simple as.

You care nothing for truth

>makes thread seething over Christianity by making lies
Pathetic liar.

Show your flag, kike rat Moshe liar
All you do is lie
the logo of the freemasons is a jewstar aka "Star of Remphan"
I literally said I don't engage in Kabbalah, and I don't worship satan or even regard him as an independent power like you, an idolater. Your incantations are powerless lol

You have testified against yourself that your entire schtick is just juvenile histrionics. You worship a magus who literally dabbled in luciferianism and dionysian mysteries, as well as trafficked and drugged children. The proof is all in your own texts in the greek.
I'm out.
thats your intepretation
in freemasonry the G in the logo stands for many things, sometimes God, sometimes Gnosis and sometimes Gabriel
the checkered tiles are hermeticist
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One could ask the kikes the same.
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For those curious.
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>Realize that you weren’t set free from the worthless life handed down to you from your ancestors by a payment of silver or gold which can be destroyed. Rather, the payment that freed you was the precious blood of Christ, the lamb with no defects or imperfections. He is the lamb who was known long ago before the world existed, but for your good he became publicly known in the last period of time.
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>Muh sephiroth
I guess choice is scant in that tradition after all. What else did you really have to choose from other than a red piece of string?

FYI, Elohim is plural.
Wow amazing. Your magick spell got me to stop practicing Kabbalah!!!
>muh Kabalah
Fuck satan
Fuck demiurge
Fuck lucifer
and fuck you OP
Shove your tikkum olam up your ass you demented inbreed demon worshiping child raping inbreed parasite
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Well you see

Revelation 21:8 states that "the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death".
>Why don't Christians have a mystical tradition?
They do.
All that prayer bs.
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