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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again, expecting shit to change.
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"kamala is brat" is the "JEB!" of the Democrat Party.
What the fuck lmao I thought this was a Luma AI for a second
They forgot, and they think it's going to work again
Where's her nipples? Her lips look like inflamed anus from aggressive wiping.
Bring back JEB the madman
I was just thinking about this too.
>but Kamala is LE BRAT.

what the fuck does that even mean.
Has anyone learned what "Kamala IS brat" even means?
Anon said it’s a slang term for bratwurst
Meaning she’s the worse
I don’t get the joke to be positive though
But I thought it was an endorsement not an insult?
And there is nothing else that I can do because the whole country is inhabited by jewish garbage and my life is micromanaged by this same trash.
>what the fuck does that even mean.
It's a BDSM thing, basically women act like children and you put them over your knee and spank them and fuck them into submission. Women have rediscovered femininity through the only socially acceptable outlet, i.e. kink.
You know you would.
It’s just saying “she’s a bratty bitch yasss queen slaaaaay”
I want my bf to spank and dominate me, but he's only into vanilla and is basically a spineless beta male irl. :(
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I really need to leave internet forever. Everyday I just find new reasons to despise humanity.
Do hypnosis stuff
No it doesn't, you morons. If it meant she was bratty, that's what would be written. Kamala is A brat. Or Kamala is BRATTY.

IS BRAT makes no sense if you're talking about being a little bitch.
lets rephrase it to BRAP
Ok boomer
Get with the times, boomer
Brat is a vibe like being alpha or soi
You know what. That's not a completely terrible idea.
the problem they have is that there are no normal people on their campaign teams. it's all political dicksuckers completely detached from reality. they cannot say from experience what would appeal to the average person, because they never speak to them, they only huff those party office fumes.
so when they put together a campaign, they look at textbooks and summaries from consultants and then try to present their spin on it. but that's like asking someone to perform a dance they only read about in a book. naturally you'll end up with a horrid caricature.
I see someone isn't coconut pilled.
>gives 2 adopted Black daughters everything
>let's biological white son be homeless
Madonna is so Brat
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Isn't it just out of touch boomers trying to fellow kids zoomies?
It sounds stupid because they don't know what they're doing.
I think it means she is a bad bitch and the youth think that is really cool. She is winning the meme wars
God I wish it were Jeb! versus Kamala because that would be so fucking sweet.
The whole thing is just embarrassing
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I seriously want to just start a crime empire via lone sharking and gambling, and then start a literal underground empire. I'll get my workforce via debt slavery.
Somebody shoop lainey in there.
Her supporters don't know how to write, simple as.
The real ugliness of her soul is showing
>the problem they have is that there are no normal people on their campaign teams. it's all political dicksuckers completely detached from reality. they cannot say from experience what would appeal to the average person, because they never speak to them, they only huff those party office fumes.

Here's millennials onions milk drinkers raising a child that isn't theirs, my friend
who? madonna? that bitch is still alive? wow
didn't she kick the bucket from overdose a long time ago?
I'm a senior registered Independent. I've voted for both Republicans and Democrats.

After the debate, I was not feeling good about what was coming, but I am impressed that President Biden actually listened and was able to let go of the most powerful office in the world, totally blindsiding the Trump campaign.

For the first time in a while, I feel good about the future, and the new commercial Kamala just released and the other videos I'm seeing on Tik Tok give me chills; I'm that moved by them.

In all my years of voting, I have never donated any money, but for the first time, I donated to the Harris campaign and was glad to do it.
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I truly believe that ugly people are evil, after a while what's on the inside starts to stain what's on the outside. I have never met an ugly person that I've felt comfortable around. Now people like ricky berwick are not ugly, they have this look of comfort, like a weathered old grandma or a humble hunchback. True ugly is op's webm, a stain left by an evil soul upon the flesh.
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you do realize we're living in the cursed Jeb! loss timeline, right?
Cringe Kamala memes are a great way to derail her campaign.
I genuinely don't know. I don't think so because the girl who said it is pretty young. Well 30's, but not boomer.
Trump is running for a third time with the same slogan. He has yet to win a popular vote only securing the presidency the first time because of an antiquated system.
Kamala has never even won a single delegate in a primary election. It’s hilarious the “democrat” party has the least-democratic system possible.
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why has everyone including Trump quieted down about the obvious corruption of the voting system itself? It's been known for a long time Democrats do everything they can to fuck around, with dead people voting, mail in ballot frauds, horrified of voter ID laws, etc. Also Biden's numbers were suspicious as fuck and these bastards will obviously do anything in their power to rig the results in their favor.

A major omnipresent topic of the election should be: can we actually trust the system to even collect and process votes legitimately
>he won but not the way I wanted him to win so he didn't really win
Good thing your opinion means dick and the people who founded this country knew it would be populated by retarded niggers like (You) so they put safeguards in place.
Brats refers to childrens who need a spanking. Calling a 50 year old pajeet woman who is a married mother a brat? Another prime example of trannylation making shit up.
Pretty sure you have to convert to Judaism first if you want to do all that
nothing new under the sun
>Well 30's
My brother in Christ, I'm 32 and I absolutely could not ape zoomer lingo successfully (neither italian nor english).
And that's assuming whoever you're talking about actually made this shit up. Could as well just have posted something she was told to post.
She looks like a cadaver. What the actual fuck?
Fucking disgusting, I hate this modern world so much but there's nothing I can do about it besides vent my anger on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum, it feels better to express my unbridled anger and despise for these people and the world they foster
Who is the girl on the right supposed to be
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>old women trying to hang onto relevance
I will behead my daughter on live stream if she ever becomes like this
Madonna is vain and delusional enough to portray herself as such
Holy fucking yikes.

Captcha TTMD total Madonna demise
Kamala is brat
Good thing he’s winning the popular vote according to the RCP average
>Isn't it just out of touch boomers trying to fellow kids zoomies?
Even worse, it's out of touch Gen Xers trying to pretend they're still young trying to fellow kids zoomies.
>why has everyone including Trump quieted down about the obvious corruption of the voting system itself?
afaik his camp is joining in on the ballot harvesting fun
oh fuck i get it now, trump's dodging debates until the actual election cycle starts, because after the last debate he won they fucking SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD. either that or he has to redo his whole talking points chart because his opponent got too demented and then was hotswapped.
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Whatever she says, putting her down would be doing her a favor
You mean the /ptg/-President trump general threads we've had for 9 fucking year now?
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That's not the definition anon
Now we know who we neex to string up when Trump wins
I have THE meme.

Kamala is the next Hilary Clinton!

Spread it far and wide.
Some people actually had genuine enthusiasm for Hilary. She was the long-suffering wife who “should” be president. She had over a decade of exclusively positive msm coverage and long relationships with the people at the top. Kamala has none of that.
>kamala is brat
Can someone explain this niggertalk to me? I'm an out of touch boomer.
No I think it has to do with that green album the zoomalphas have been obsessing over this year but I don't understand

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