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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What can we expect from a Dem victory?
War with Iran and Ukraine that will only be stopped by the total collapse of US economy
Russian victory on Ukraine, but israeli success against Iran
Sacrifice of the red effer and rebuilding of the temple and of Eretz Israel
Great reset (black rock will finish the job buying all existing real estate)
Shutting down twitter for hate speech
Tranyfication of the US
Just look at any Democrat run city or look at the price of food or read about the war in Ukraine or the failure pulling out of Afghanistan or the fact that joe Biden is to old and retarded to serve a second term
Similar but better policies than Biden
turning all Urban areas into the shit hole that is her Senate district in CA. Crime, homelessness, and drugs everywhere with all cops/prosecutors being ordered to stand down.
She won’t do anything... deep state will go wild
Politicians come and go, the policies stay.
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An actually good economy with an adult in the white house. Grow up kiddo.
They’ll ramp up the demographic destruction of this country. If Dems win this election it will be checkmate for all white conservatives.
If she does get elected then all the people who voted for her deserve the economic hardship that'll be coming their way.

I got 20 to 1 the market will crash if she wins.

Civil War
Trump is on the edge of too old, he rambles after a while and there is a hint of senility. Harris has the speaking skills of a six year old. No one is winning the next four years.
Even more inflation than the last four years and the debt will possibly reach terminal velocity and become uncontrollable. Both Harris and Yellen are Californian officials and Harris is pretty much a radical compared to the rest of the (D)s. She's going to spend on silly progressive causes that will go nowhere and the country will make no progress for another 4 years.
Good. It's called the future. Deal with it boomer.
You mean when they steal it what hell will they unleash.
>waah waah white supremacists stay losing
Cry moar.
jews will crash the economy to punish dem's for not attending king bibi's speech
Better for who
How are they going to fix the economy. What plan have they disclosed?
National "assault weapon" ban. Meanwhile niggers will continue to slaughter each other in the streets with their shitty jammed handguns by the thousands. They want to disarm white men so they can forcibly vaccinate them and trans their kids.
Draft and american boots in Ukraine
Drafted to die in an islamic/Jewish holy war, no refunds, get your state mandated jabs
USA sliding more into the 3rd world. We are already there by 1950s standards.
Total collapse of the country into some dystopian nightmare like brazil
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Generational division politics is dead, newfag.
Pretty much the same as with Trump victory
> sacrifice of the red heiffer and rebuilding of the temple..

have they figured out where to build it yet? funny they could almost start right now if they chose the correct location (above the gihon spring, south of the current temple mount)
>What can we expect from a Dem victory?
The end of America as we know it. Here's just a taste based on what Kamala has actually said she wants to do:

- end 2nd amendment - combine it with gun buyback confiscation program nationwide like in Australia
- continued mass illegal immigration upwards of 5 million new immigrants each year, if not more
- Mo money fo dem programs - massive welfare spending and/or UBI
- decreased incarceration rate of black males in the name of restorative justice and ending racism
- increased NSA surveillance on all white males in USA
- if you are determined to have been a Trump supporter no matter your race, you will be under enhanced scrutiny, going through the airport will take longer, etc

that's just a taste. Most likely because she's a retarded cackling bitch, we'll probably get directly attacked by Russia or China who feel they will be able to act with impunity.

The only hope we have now is that old blue dog democrats will come over and support Trump. I can't help but think about Hillary desu, she must be absolutely seething right now. Imagine her mind, she was arguably the most qualified woman to be president. While I disagree with Hilary, you can't deny she's an intelligent woman. The same cannot be said of Kamala. I can just see Hilary drinking a cocktail and smashing it on the floor saying, "I can't believe that RETARDED NIGGER BITCH is going to get to be president and not me!!!"

Legit wouldn't be surprised if Hilary bent the knee and decided to work with the Trump campaign solely to prevent Kamala from being president
DC will probably burn to the fucking ground if this happens. Long overdue anyways.
>What can we expect from a Dem victory?
White genocide followed by gay racial communism.
>this is what chabad niggers actually believe

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