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>50 cis women were asked about what sexual fetishes they had which were added to a list of fetishes alongside a description of the fetish. Then 500 cis women ticked boxes on what fetishes they had. Cis female scientists were used as women tend to lie to male scientists about their sexuality

>The following are the top fetishes amongst women, how many women have it and the description of the fetish:

>1. Financial Domination 98% "I get turned on when I take money from men or men buy me gifts."

>2. Loving Myself 97% "I romantically love myself, I get turned on by how I look and act."

>3. Feminist Cuckolding 85% "I want to sleep with other men when I have a partner but the men I sleep with are beneath me and serve me sexually they are not degrading me."

>4. Teasing 78% "I want to flirt with men I won't have sex with so I feel sexy and they give me attention."

>5. Queen and her Knight 63% "I want to date a successful masculine man who treats me like I am better than him and worships me as a queen."

>6. Rape 58% "I want to be raped by a man who is extremely attractive who will give me great sex and make me feel sexy as he picked me."

>7. Female Cuckolding 50% "I want to corrupt and seduce a man who is dating an attractive woman so he dates me instead."

>8. Woman's World 49% "I get turned on by the thought of working with other women to make the world better for women even at the expense of men."

>9. Gangbang 34% "I want to have sex with more than 3 guys at once."

>10. Dogs 28% "I get turned on by dogs but not in a weird way."
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>6. Rape 58% "I want to be raped by a man who is extremely attractive who will give me great sex and make me feel sexy as he picked me
This statistics are bigger than that.

>The nature of women's rape fantasies: an analysis of prevalence, frequency, and contents

>This study evaluated the rape fantasies of female undergraduates (N = 355) using a fantasy checklist that reflected the legal definition of rape and a sexual fantasy log that included systematic prompts and self-ratings. Results indicated that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy, which is somewhat higher than previous estimates. For women who have had rape fantasies, the median frequency of these fantasies was about 4 times per year, with 14% of participants reporting that they had rape fantasies at least once a week. In contrast to previous research, which suggested that rape fantasies were either entirely aversive or entirely erotic, rape fantasies were found to exist on an erotic-aversive continuum, with 9% completely aversive, 45% completely erotic, and 46% both erotic and aversive
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TL;DR The idea of being raped by a handsome man is the ultimate proof for women that they're so desirable that the highest status men will break the ultimate societal taboo to have them. Of course women love that shit. And no, it doesn't mean that they want to be raped by you, the basement dwelling incel reading this.
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>I get turned on by dogs but not in a weird way.
>but not in a weird way.
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>I get turned on by dogs but not in a weird way.
Yeah, sure.
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>10. Dogs 28% "I get turned on by dogs but not in a weird way."
Is this real?!
>Dogs 28% "I get turned on by dogs but not in a weird way
>not in a weird way
>Loving Myself 97%
97% of women are narcissistic?
that's lower then I thought
>women are narcissistic, destructive and parasitic
shouldn't really surprise anyone
I don't speak trannybabble sorry
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BWC/BBCbros.....our response?
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>but not in a weird way
Why are you laughing? She said not in a weird way.
Did they only survey white women? WTF are these results
Yep but women are also retarded and think that rape is just rough sex not punches to the face.
>1. Financial Domination 98% "I get turned on when I take money from men or men buy me gifts."
LMAO yeah right, they just say this it's not true
Another day another dogpill
The Feminist cuckolding one is interesting. It explains the BBC phenomenon.
White girls see niggers as beneath them.
5 first items are abviously absurd, woke "fantasies"
1-2-3 explains why 80% of divorces are initiated by women.

Alpha fux, Beta bux all the way down. Blame our primate ancestors and natural selection.
No way brazilian anon, women fantasize about having power!
No way man!
Who could have ever thought about it since women in general have NO power whatsoever.
This could set a trend!
People desire what they don’t possess!!
It’s like discovering gunpowder!!!
>piss in her ass
>this is not degrading for her
>not realizing it's you, man, who gets turned on sexually by beastiality
>not realizing it's you who project onto women
Kill yourself scum
Yeah makes sense it's like just passionate spontaneous and actually consensual sex lmao
If microphilia isnt on there they can fuck off. I need a shrunken woman to pole dance my giant cock
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Blame gynocentric feminist society for not holding woman accountable for their actions and choices.
Society is unnatural
>>6. Rape 58% "I want to be raped by a man who is extremely attractive who will give me great sex and make me feel sexy as he picked me."

yeah it's better. You get to beat up women and fags who step out of line because men are the strongest and can impose such rules
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Oh, one of these threads.
It said 50 scientist women "cis" STRAIGHT women were asked. And 500 women "ticked boxes"
This is also being presented to us by a favela monkey. I wouldn't trust any of it
>>5. Queen and her Knight 63% "I want to date a successful masculine man who treats me like I am better than him and worships me as a queen."
this makes some sense - here's the fetish most of the MILFs in the GenX cohort have. Sad how it's going to be below 40% for millennials.
Exactly this.

Women want to believe they're so overwhelmingly attractive no man can control himself and must have her - no matter how high the price.

And rape fantasies are always about women having total control (since the person having the fantasy is in control of it). So a rape fantasy is a woman enjoying feeling in total control of a situation in which she has absolutely no control.

It's such essentially female behavior.
>>475733923 please provide me a source
females are more narcissistic then men on a biological level
its like an open secret in social sciences
something everyone knows but doesn't talk about

also men are programmed not to see it
>2. Loving Myself
Just like trannies, but /pol/ denies it
Kazakhstan bro is absolutely right about women.
Bear fags SEETHING itt
Exactly. That's how rapists get their way (that or drugs). They beat the woman until getting raped is a better option than another punch.
Because, without that, it's pretty difficult to line up your dick in a woman squirming around.
Women forget they have three outcomes from a rape.
1. They are unconscious: either from drugs or from a beating.
2. They get beaten into submission.
3. They comply
that's the same as men having the sexual fantasy about fucking a young girl that cannot resist them. It's "aversive" because you don't wanna be a pedo and "erotic" because dominating a young fertile, hot girl is hot.

This is why so many shill retarded apes like you populate this website. You read research but are too stupid and primitive to see how men and women are still the same human being, capable of the same perversions. It doesn't change the basics facts: men are stronger and will always be more necessary to any civilization than women. So who cares what fetishes women have? If you have a traditional society young girls get married to financially strong men who basically rape them. Lo and behold, that fulfills the fantasies of both sexes. It's almost like all new age beliefs and "research" are entirely worthless because dumb apes like you can't understand how the fuck the world works or should work anyway
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>me me me me my my my
You have an absurd amount of undeserved power and will always play the victim no matter waht because that's typical of power hungry pieces of shit.
>"I get turned on by dogs but not in a weird way."
Bitch that's weird af
I thought I was blackpilled on women prior to reading this thread, I had no idea
>cites scientific study
>doesn't provide source

Also protip: nothing has 98% approval rating. Ever.

I'd say 2/10 effort troll
"Let's not turn this rape into a murder."
(3) says she will take seed from alphas who won’t rat her out to hubby

(1) says she will gladly have hubby help raise the offspring resulting from (3)

(2) says she will feel zero remorse or guilt while doing the above

This is pretty scary since we are looking at over +85% of respondents. I pray that this study was flawed in some way.
Women grow up sleeping with stuffed animals. Real animals just reminds them of the softness and cuddleness of sleeping with stuffed animals. Women are not on the same level of perversion and horniness as men
>Female Cuckolding 50% "I want to corrupt and seduce a man who is dating an attractive woman so he dates me instead."
denies what? kys troon
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>Dogs 28%
No way that's accurate.
Should be closer to 100%, but it's not surprising most don't speak the truth.
Jewish women doesnt count.
The number of incels that will take this shitpost at face value is hilarious
>Rape 58%
Say no more
Rape and Gangbangs are ones that repeatedly come up in these studies.

Women are complete degenerates, and I haven’t even mentioned the dog one :/
>>7. Female Cuckolding 50% "I want to corrupt and seduce a man who is dating an attractive woman so he dates me instead."

careful with this. Indulge a woman like that but dont give her all the attention (what she ultimately wants) the rape accusations and crazy revenge plots will be relentless
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Pretty much every single example communicates hatred for the opposite sex.

People need to realise that the human species is in its infancy. We are like a child born with a horrible genetic disorder that means we will survive for a day and that’s it.

That day is ending as we come into high civilisation and set free all of the inherent enemies that we have within us as a species.

One of those enemies is woman.
The human species is made of two separate parts where one of them is incompatible and uncooperative with the other.

In that situation the species can only survive if one forces the other to comply. That was patriarchy. Patriarchy saved humanity and created civilisation. But we inevitably abandoned it because we want to believe that it’s unnecessary. Now we have come face to face with our enemies and we are at the beginning of the end.
Hence, robosex bots are the future of man
what would be the weird way
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Thanks for reminding me how much I hate women
Good day
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Is this YT comment where the Kazakhstan meme comes from?
>4. Teasing 78% "I want to flirt with men I won't have sex with so I feel sexy and they give me attention."
This is like basically every woman
At least this confirmed what I always say that women don’t actually have fetishes. All this shit besides dogs is just normie sex
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I was just considering what my own sexual fantasies are.
It’s pretty much simply;
An attractive woman wants to have sex with me, I am touching her body, we are having sex and she has an orgasm.

That’s it. I don’t ever get turned on by the idea of degrading a woman or putting myself above her.

That’s how you know that we men are on the raw end of the deal; we are made for our sexual opposite and are willing to be totally cooperative with them, while they are made to betray, emasculate and degrade us.
>>2. Loving Myself 97% "I romantically love myself, I get turned on by how I look and act."
>most women look like shit
I'm not sure I believe this.
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>8. Woman's World 49% "I get turned on by the thought of working with other women to make the world better for women even at the expense of men."
Got anything that’s not pixelated shit Juan Carlos?
Once you realize some percent are still lying/not being entirely open, it tracks
Women cannot be asexual. Women love sex and love to desire sex. It's why most books targeting women are about sex.

Men love sex but they do not love much, nor dislike much the desire for sex. In fact the desire for sex is more like an hindrance and a thing to eject, precisely by wanking and ejaculation that is the pinnacle of fucking a slag.
Men still despise not loving sex, since it removes the most effective mechanism of valuation that they have (a man feels valued by a woman once she picks him up out of the male competition, telling him he won and rewarding him with the right to fuck her), which leads them to the usual mockery of being shagless dildos remaining on the shelf of the sex market controlled by women, being baby dicks and being asexual.
Men despise asexuality in men, since it shows them that sex-havers are far less dominant than the story they plays in their heads about being stronger and better than vaginas.

Women despise asexuality in men, since the few asexual men (few are handsome) no longer acknowledge women for sex nor for companionship. Some asexual men claim to still want a gf just to cuddle, but that's already a baby-level sex and we are still in the situation of validation (and the gf still wants sex anyway sooner or later) and once they have sex with a girl that they love they see sex is not so bad.

Women despise asexuality in women, precisely because women live on sex while their hate of their body for menstruating leads them to take pills which kills their desire for sex (but indeed kills their menstruation). They hate their life since through their own body, they acknowledge in their intimacy that they cannot win on both accounts: either have a comfy life or have an erotic life. Women want the erotic life.

In fact sex is so crucial to a woman, that if a woman is NOT fucked senseless EVERY WEEK, her natural hysteria starts to poor out of her pores and the neurosis kicks in. Sex is literally a medicinal drug to a woman.
>also men are programmed not to see it
if I notice what does it mean about me, or pol at large?
Open it in a new window and remove m from jpg name, retard.
Top kek lmao lol haha ! hehehe
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>1. Financial Domination 98%
I hate men and want to take their resources

>2. Loving Myself 97%
I love myself because I’m in egotistical monster

>3. Feminist Cuckolding 85%
I hate men and I want to emasculate and degrade a man who loves me

>4. Teasing 78%
i hate men and I want to manipulate and frustrate a man to boost my ego

>5. Queen and her Knight 63%
I hate men and want one to put himself beneath me

>6. Rape 58%
I hate men and want to have a lowlife use me for enjoyment as a way of degrading the decent men who make my life liveable who wouldn’t rape because they’re civilised human beings

>7. Female Cuckolding 50%
I hate men and want to ruin a man’s life to boost my ego

>8. Woman's World 49%
I just fucking hate men (this one really hits home hard for me; how else can you get turned on by the idea of feminist scheming without being a pure, absolute monster?)

>9. Gangbang 34%
I hate men and I want to use degenerate sex with several disgusting guys, who are degenerate enough to want to fuck with another man present, to humiliate and degrade decent men who wouldn’t do this.

>10. Dogs 28%
I hate men and I want to make a man feel inadequate in contrast to an animal (they left nigger dick sex out for PC reasons but dog is basically the same thing.

no link, completely made-up rehash of /pol/ stereotypes, what else?
Yes, newnigger
You can only post the same few examples, idiot.
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Okay. If you say so
This is totally fucking made up.

It would be more like

1. Rape (80%)
2. Murder/violence (10%)
3. Impregnantion (10%)

t. woman
Idiot they didn't say they have sex with dogs.
That's all it takes in the modern world for women to avoid confrontation/get a pass.
Just throw a "not in a weird way" at the end of anything weird and it's cool.
It's obviously fake but people who post on pol tend to be low IQ and will propagate it.
The nigger dick phenomenon is because the vagina is an insensate gaping cavern and dick size is 99% of what causes a woman sexual pleasure. They would fuck anything with a big dick, even a repulsive, sticking, ugly, violent retard.
You’re overanalysing somewhat to suggest that mudsharks are somehow “based nigger hating racists”.
I think white men who have to tolerate living with such scum are the ones who have it worse as a result of this subhuman behaviour.
Purely about penis size.
Dick size is 99% of female sexuality.
They do though.
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>50 cis men were asked about what sexual fetishes they had which were added to a list of fetishes alongside a description of the fetish. Then 500 cis men ticked boxes on what fetishes they had. Cis men scientists were used as men tend to lie to female scientists about their sexuality

>The following are the top fetishes amongst men, how many men have it and the description of the fetish:

>1. Financial Cuckoldry 98% "I get turned on when my money is taken by women."

>2. Loving Her 97% "I romantically love her, I get turned on by how she looks and acts."

>3. Male Cuckolding 85% "I want to sleep with other women when I have a partner but the women I sleep with are beneath me and serve me sexually I am degrading them."

>4. Teasing 78% "I want to flirt with women I know I won’t be able to have sex with because I enjoy their uncomfortable reaction."

>5. King and his Princess 63% "I want to date a younger pretty woman who treats me like I am better than her and worships me as a king."

>6. Rape 58% "I want to rape a woman who is extremely attractive who will give me great sex and make me feel dominant and powerful."

>7. Male Cuckolding 50% "I want to corrupt and seduce a woman who is dating a loser male so she inflates my ego instead”

>8. Man’s World 49% "I get turned on by the thought of working with other men to make the world better for men even at the expense of women."

>9. Gangbang 34% "I want to have sex with more than 3 women at once."

>10. Ponies 28% "I get turned on by ponies but not in a weird way."
The BBC "phenomenon" isn't real lol. It's fucking porn fetish bullshit. They purposely seek out black dudes with big dicks to keep the myth alive.

Not to say there arent big black cocks out there, but the idea that every black dude has a huge dick is bullshit. My bf is black and his dick is about as average as a dick can be. The biggest dick i've ever seen was white lol.
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Interesting. Very good to know.
no spanking?
>>10. Ponies 28% "I get turned on by ponies but not in a weird way."

Kill yourself slag.
not remotely true. I'd rather take a dude that's fit and has a nice body/face and a 5 inch dick than a dude with a 10 inch dick thats meh.

That would go into the violence category?
dry sauceless bullshit
you shit on my board, nigger
>nooooo you cant discredit my jewish porn fetish with reality! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

no, you kys tranny coomer.
Male solipsism. Women literally judge dick size based off of subjective psychological factors. A 6” dick on a chad face will feel like 10” and a 7” dick on an incel face will feel like 4” to them
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Do you mean like this man?
Try to find a man who will acknowledge any of these. None of them are accurate.
imagine looking that good and settling for a fat pig.
this dude gets it.

dudes care more about their penis size than we do lol. its kinda gay desu.
You’re just going to be another toll payment that I will laugh at when your corpse gets dragged out of the river.

Fucking scum.
>You’re just going to be another toll payment that I will laugh at when your corpse gets dragged out of the river.

if i pay the toll you got my permission to make a meme of it.
Look at this literal ape fucker trying to throw people off the scent.

Don’t listen to this tyre swing. We have all seen and heard women talk about prioritising penis size and we have all seen shit dudes with women they couldn’t reasonably get who only got them because of penis size.

Damage control bullshit.
I have a tiny dick and I’m attractive and all the girls tell me how it’s “so thick” and “bigger than they’ve ever had”

It’s not like crazy tiny, but from what I see it’s like the low end of average, but is thick, I do fuck them for a long time and make them cum, but I always wondered why they’d tell me it was so big.
Let's do men now
>eating shit
>pay women to exist (lmao)
>dress as women
>receive a beating from girls
>worship niggers and insult them
Women are quite cute in comparison
>calls me an apefucker
>probably has gigabytes of gook porn

Keep saving the white race by blowing your loads into kleenex for gooks lmfao.
>"I get turned on by dogs
>but not in a weird way."

every way you could get turned on by dogs is weird

anyways nothing on this list surprises me, i feel like all of this was already self-evident
>Larp tranny wants a roid tranny
Kys troony
>all of that

Never even once

I’m pretty sure those are all homosexual traits
>head game

All these things are more important than muh dick length.
I don’t watch porn.

How the fuck are you going to talk about the white race you animal fucking cunt?

And children you don’t abort wouldn’t even be homo sapien you stupid whore.
im not a tranny lol i actually have a womb and kids lol.

literally any normal human just says "woman" only a tranny would fucking differentiate by adding "cis".
Low IQ demoralization thread
>50 participants
Where'd you pick them up? In a fetish refuse bar in SF?

Idiots will believe this shit
>perpetuating BBC porn stereotypes
>promoting abortion

stopped reading after that word, only trannies say that
among white women, get that right spic
Age gaps and rape (by hot man with money).
Romeo and Juliet is timeless.
This man should be killed. He is the reason fat hogs like that think their shit don't stink.
accurate post
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silence, dog fucker
98% of people ITT consumes at least one
It took less than 10 posts for someone to mention other races cocks
97% They get turned on by looking at themselves when they look sexy. Makes sense to me. Beautiful women turn me on as well.
Wonderful. You’re an admitted bestiality whore and you think you can drag yourself back up by suggesting I’m a jew.

Why would I be bothered about a white woman fucking an ape if I was a jew? I wouldn’t. You know I wouldn’t. Typical dishonesty.

You’re just scum. Neck yourself you cunt.
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