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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Do modern females have unrealistic societal standards or has this always been the norm? Any boomers can confirm? What caused it, feminism?
Women are retarded
We need to increase social welfare to ensure that BLACKBRED white QUEENS are given enough provisiion to survive. Black GODCHILDREN
Women are easily susceptible to propaganda
women have always been retarded but now society enables their retardation every step of the way instead of reining it in
Why are white women so passionate about abortion yet never abort Tyrone's spawn?
>I won't work
>I also won't cook or clean
So, what does she even do?
This includes their sociopathy, which is the worst part because the bitches have access to military and spying equipment.
pretty sure cucked men are the retarded ones.
damn. that cute face is powerful. that poor one guy paying for all those kids not his
>most beautiful most trad most genuine most loving most caring american female
This is a form of "dindu nuffins" every sociopathic piece of shit tries to use, but when almost every men that exists doesn't fit your definition of "not cucked" you will still try to bale someone else for being vomit inducing human garbage.
it's all in your mind, just have carisma and you can pick wathever woman you desire
White women are extremely stupid
*try to blame someone else
>cute face
she's poor white trash
According to Trump's vice president, this woman should have the right to vote while you should not.
And you will still be sociopathic trash ready to backstab anyone and playing mind games all the time.
this shit is happening all over the country
it's so over
retarded white women spitting out 2 to 5 little goblins with no father in the picture
this doesn't end well
but of course, that's been (((their))) plan since the beginning
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I am a literal wizard and even I'm less cucked than any man who gets involved with a woman who already has kids. it's kind of unreal how simple it is to not be a cuck but I wouldn't expect a monkey to understand.
Allows you to give her money for her shit decision to abort White kids, but take all of tyrone the niggers seed, gibsherdat
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Good luck to all the strong independent white women raising niglets.
nope, I always remain myself and women like it
Yes. Also, Jewish programming.
You write in an effeminate way so you don't count as a man.
>So, what does she even do?
Gets fucked by niggers all day, apparently.
You, a bitch, pretended to misunderstand what I said.
That pictures feels like bait
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almost definitely ragebait caption added by some chud to the original image
and people will fall for it
This. Women are meant to be directed, they have no internal morality and as such are easy to control. Giving women the right to vote was basically the downfall of the west.
Taking care of a woman who has kids that aren't your own is cucked.
Neglect the kids all day long.
>support my nigger clan

My taxes already do, whore
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Very true and white women are the absolute worst when it comes to that I am ashamed to admit. That combo they all have of being spoiled rotten by society and their weak fathers combined with the shallowness of white women as a whole is a really bad combo for sure.
Redhead/Ginger are disgusting subhuman, next to Jews.
if niggers had small dick then white women wouldnt care about them
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birthing machine for future criminals
No. You DID NOT see this disgusting shit, even twenty years ago and white women with half-breeds were properly looked down upon. Actual white/black marriages, between two intelligent people, were usually overlooked.
So she is a slut. Got it.
>Driving with small child on lap
Reported to CPS.
the sad thing is this bitch probably has a dozen orbiters that will give her anything for a crumb of attention

I was talking to a guy on Xbox one night and he was telling me about this woman he was going after and I started laughing she sounded so terrible but the guy got really offended
Because having a black baby gives them social justice points.
Absolute wastes now. If I'm single after this current relationship I'm giving up on women and just reserving myself to my hobbies and ignoring the world around me.
i did that 20 years ago.
t. semi-pro guitarist/pianist
Ugly fucking kids, god damn.
Indeed. What abominations... Earth will suffer much under the future rule by these miscreants.
>Actual white/black marriages, between two intelligent people, were usually overlooked.
>Intelligent people
Only during the decline.
Apparently,these magazines made many a serial killer back in the day. I can see why......
>So, what does she even do?
My cousin is married to a slag like that and all she does is watch RuPauls Drag Race on repeat and look at Insta all day
Not hyperbole either. She's a "stay at home dog mom" that doesn't walk her dogs or even housekeep. My cousin comes home every day after work to clean up dog shit and cook dinner for her 300lb ass. Contemplated talking to him about it, but he's an adult and it's his life, so whatever.
Marriage used to be a social contract, something people did out of necessity (man and woman), and women typically didn't marry men they were happy with. Various waves of feminism "corrected" this, which is better now in some ways, but the script is totally flipped now. Yes, modern women have standards that are completely unrealistic for the majority of men (and I'm not even talking personality - in terms of physical features, socioeconomic factors, and more). But since women got the short end of the stick for so long, women and the general populace still has the mindset that they're oppressed. But they aren't anymore. In fact they're the ones in power now. So you end up in a situation where the powerful "elite" (women) are not only enjoying the massive amount of privelege theh have, but the general populace still perceived them as oppressed. Simultaneously the ones in power and also the "victims". It's completely fucked and you can't have a conversation about it with fucking anyone because then just call you a misogynist.

Really dark time to be alive.
this. the real retards are the ones allowing this
hält ausschau nach einen neuen neger schwanz
Yeah, even though people back in the 90s and early 2000s would say they support interracial marriage on polls, if you saw the way interracial couples were avoided and looked down on in every day life, you'd realize most social polling is at least half bullshit. People just adapt to what they're "supposed to say" to stay out of trouble, like Havel's Greengrocer.

That said, the outward submission to "what you're supposed to say" results in your children thinking that it is real acceptance, which then causes the epidemic of half-breeds that we have now.
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woman bait
Pre-21st century, women could only hook up within their zip code. If you were in a small town, maybe within 20-30 miles of it was as far as they could conceivably find a dude.

But with online dating and the Internet? Girls can get hundreds if not thousands of simps. Women hold the gateway to sex. An average girl can be pumped & dumped by guys way out of their league because dudes are willing to fuck down; women are only willing to fuck at the same level or preferably up.

What baffles me is the lack of self-awareness that single moms post for millions to see about their mixed kids or how she has kids that don't have the same bio dads. There really is no shame and they truly believe that a quality guy that checks all their boxes would wife them up?

It's the same shit when there are women who brazenly have Venmo or Cashapp links for guys to give them money. Or buy them shit on their Amazon wish list.
Is it actually this bad in the US ?

The last time I was there, I saw a pretty white woman with a ghetto beat up rusty minivan, a dark Mexican husband, and 3 brown kids in tow.

It was weird because she seemed pretty and middle class, yet her husband and kids were so ghetto. Such a downgrade.

Even in cucked Canada generally you never see that. If race mixing does happen it happens across equal economic and attractiveness classes.
Pretty much. It's the same thing for not openly supporting LGBTQ+ because it'll be career suicide as well as social ostracism. Even my leftist buddy flatly rejected signing a petition for gay rights when he was approached in the middle of Manhattan. I was shocked because I thought he was all in it for that, but where he doesn't have to be seen by people he knows or deals with on an everyday basis, he doesn't give a fuck and drops the mask.

Same thing happened when I was sitting in an elective my senior year; it was some art history class I think. No non-whites in there and holy shit the white girls talked so much shit about the Asian exchange students, you'd think it was a Klan rally.
Fat Jew
Some white women don't mind slumming it up. I knew a girl from a fairly wealthy family who only fucked black dudes in college. She got knocked up by a thug and now her family disowned her. So did her friends. She was absolutely shocked that nobody in her circle wanted anything to do with her or her ghetto crack baby. The baby daddy bounced and left the state so she has no idea where he is. Last I heard, she's going on a crusade about "how white male patriarchy oppresses her and her mulatto son".

Does no one tell them it's wrong at any point? Even as a last resort, you'd think her dad would tell her to not have that kid. At the very least.
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>married a qt sea virgin
>happily ever after'd and life is pretty ok
>mfw racial purists on the right and christcucks in the middle hate me for it
>mfw I feel bad for them because they have to put up with some of the worst women in human history to ever walk this Earth, meanwhile I have a happy life
Stupid bitch can't even spell father because it's something that she never had growing up.
But at the same time the angel on my shoulder is saying to go easy since I always end up having typos now and again and its not fair to judge her on a single one. Which inner voice do I listen to?
if this is what winning is like I hope I stay a loser
why would christcucks hate it, SEA girls from philippines are usually catholic.
Disgusting brown mongrel with blue eyes.
Tricky subject. Case by case basis. I can only name a handful, that I met, or know of, that actually fit that description.
Yeah. We let WAY too much shit slide, in the '90s, that really turned around and bit the world in the ass. No one (ok, me in my early 20's) ever expected things would go so insane.
Fpbp, we want it to be deeper because as men, we are logical. But it's really this simple.

irish women are retarded
She needed three niglets to realize her poor choices.
>no they do not have same father
>my baby daddy not in jail
The way people are today is that they shit talk and spout off behind everyone’s backs and then enable them to their faces. Everyone in my family is like that even the older generation. My 85 year old grandfather does this, my mom does it my sister does it my friends do it. Everyone likes to act pleasant to your face and then when you aren't around they'll talk about how stupid/fat/irresponsible someone is. I've gotten really sick of it and just started saying the truth aloud now and my mother especially gets extremely pissed off when I do.
>Oh, didn't you say so and so was a bitch?

Well then don't tell me that behind closed doors you fucking moron. my grandfather enables our fat fuck cousins too, shit talks their weight and how fucking fat they are but always offers them 3rds and 4ths at dinner and literally pushes it on them. Absolute retardation if you ask me and I genuinely don't understand it. Like sincerely it baffles the shit out of me. My mom shit talks my sisters mother in law all the time too and then tries to play it off when we’re around her. They’re both exactly the same too yet she has to make a point of “how much better she is” any time it comes up.
>baby daddy
nigger ghetto terminology
Fuck any animal for penis size.
Penis size is 99% of female sexuality.
You can be ugly, retarded, violent, childish, boring, poor, and smell like shit, but if you have a big penis a woman way out of your league, no, your fucking species, will let you fuck.

The dick pill is the truth about female sexuality and it is proven to you every single day.
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Why is it always weird looking fatties?
True racial purists don’t blame you for abandoning mudshark slags. White women are not salvageable.
Can’t wait to see the toll payment.
With any luck, she drives that minivan off a bridge with all three of her mystery meatbags inside.
She's an aberration. She has very bad genetics.
Had she been born into an evolutionary genetic clan system in the wild, she'd have been put down at an early age for the good of the clan.
They really shouldn't be allowed to vote she'll just pick the wrong man again.
White w*men just can't stop bouncing on BBC KEK.
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Not true. My white wife is amazing.
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im a white boy with normal cock size.
should i go thailand and buy a bigger dick? anyone done this? cos it sounds like paying a dodgy bangkok plastic surgeron to make me a huge porno cock is a sensible investment that will pay dividends.
>I don't cook or clean
Every person should know how to cook and clean, among other things.
Only useless humans, like our dysgenic "elites" and low class dysgenics like this woman, don't know how to do things or refuse to learn.
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Thats one freaky nose tip. Looks just like bald and bankrupts does.
Ok genius how does that help when females I talk to out in the wild can't immediately see my penis size because that would be a crime for me to expose myself publicly?
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Being a felon factory
Fake headline, but that won't stop you incels from taking this slide thread to bump limit
Shitskins are dead between the ears
my wife's sister is this way, but it's even more strange because she graduated from carnegie mellon, worked for ~5 years, then just decided out of no where, while still single, that she wanted to move in with her parents and wait for a husband to come along. still a blue wave feminist who doesn't want kids
I'm not even a racial purist and wouldn't fuck a SEA looking downie.
t. stronk mudshark
SEA women are hideous. The only attractive Asians are japs and koreans
Why are white men such spineless cowards?
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Those kids sure don't seem to have the same shade of brown...
Why are you such a faggot shill?
She obviously bred with multiple species of ape.
You're the one insisting that raising niglets is based.
They look a little better but what gets me about asians is the downie looking eyes and flat faces.
You just know that magazine was run by kikes
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i've seen so many girls in pattaya that almost look like ginger british girls. dirty old british pensioners have been fucking girls there for 50+ years, so it makes sense. they are probably more racially pure that actual british girls at this point.
her saying that immediately disqualifies her for the role of anything but being a slut
>I am completely incapable of emotionally bonding with someone
Not even digits, but still: check'd n' kek'd
Isn't this a good reason to keep abortion and birth control legal, /pol/? Or do you like nigger and mulatto babies that much? Asking Jessica to keep her legs closed for Tyrone, Jamal, and DeAndre is impossible and you know it.
How does he pay from jail? Prison hits?
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Literally the ONLY way that roastie logic would make sense is if all the dudes were effectively clones of each other.
Social media and 90s TV poisoned the minds of weak people. Women broke the social contract when they can't cook, clean, wash, or do any basic shit a woman has historically done. They killed chivalry. Not all women, there are some really great ones but majority are phone addicted and have no personality or hobbies
Women are only 3-5 inches deep. Maybe width matters but a pinky finger can get a girl off if you know what you're doing.
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Anon, people post pics like that because of how silly and not typical they are.
Real life single moms are usually either extremely desperate or else just give up on even trying to find a new boyfriend.
I had a single mom Uber driver one time about two years ago aggressively hit on me and try to get me to start dating her. At the time I was literally toothless and had an ostomy bag. She didn't care and if anything that made her even more willing to try getting with me because she probably thought only guys with serious problems like that would ever consider being with her.
wh*Te subhumans , how does this make you feel?

You could have a completely homogenous community of middle class wh*Tes. A nice town with almost no crime, an all round good community. However because of the weakness of the wh*Tes all it would take to destroy this community is one BLACK bull?

Just imagine, it's a nice sunny Sunday afternoon, imagine the bustle of this 100% wh*Te town until suddenly a couple of BLACK bulls walk up. Women would feel more attraction to these superior, strong bulls infinitely more than their pathetic wh*Te husbands. Every woman would be begging, grovelling to be impregnated by these overlords, the new kings of the town who earned this position with nothing but their superior presence. And these bulls wouldn't stop until every girl was carrying their children, the wh*Te women's original children would probably be neglected. Who the fuck would want to raise these inferior children? They are only going to turn out like their fathers.

The Men? The men would flee after realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their wives attraction would be. They would flee to Japan where they will try to win over FAS looking ugly Jap girls because they are the only things disgusting and lonely enough to accept them. Many would probably be rejected after the Japs hear of their shameful and dishonorable display, even they probably would have killed themselves to avoid the shame.

Back home in the once nice town, every woman will be raising their BLACK children and will be queuing up for their second or maybe even third pregnancy. They wont stop until they hit menopause, because they know deep down that their purpose is to populate the world with superior BLACK bulls who will then move on to destroy other towns. This is REAL colonization. You can't take over a place without winning the attraction or respect of the people, that method will always collapse
This hasn't been the norm are you retarded? Women until very recently in human history were passed around like resources
my penis is seven inches long
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>Women are only 3-5 inches deep
I used to go to a grocery store regularly for years. I shopped there ever since I moved to my area way back in 2015. There was a cute 20something year old there; nose earring but no visible tattoos on her neck, wrists, hands, or shoulders. Blonde with green eyes, nice perky breasts and a phat ass. She would flirt and banter with me once we got familiar with each other at the cash register. She always saw that I bought high quality items every week and my brand new Jeep I got in 2018.

Eventually she started hitting on me. I admit I was very tempted, but I had gotten wind that she was a single mom and so I just brushed it off and said, "I'll hit you up later when I've got time". Stopped going to that grocery store (which sucks because it was family owned and had really good stuff). Went to farmers' markets and supermarkets instead. Not worth the headache.
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Dear diary, imagine how gay you gotta be to write a homoerotic essay like this that no one is gonna read. BLUUUUUUUUUUURGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!
The funny thing is women fought tooth-and-nail for abortion yet there are dumb whores who willingly incubate a kid for 9 months and then give birth to it despite lacking the maturity, mental faculties, and/or financial stability to be a parent.
Dude you're such a pussy
Unironically what is the point of marriage? Do conservatives/Congress/Senate understand marriage as an institution is dying in the west, divorce courts are killing relationships/marriage and family bloodlines are dying off in vast numbers due to this? What is the solution to these modern congressmen/senators? Does Trump even care? To restore marriage rates you have to give some sort of initiative. The first way to give that initiative is to get rid of incentives to divorce to begin with. Taxing heavily Divorce lawyers or something I dont know.
i agree
I'd rather be a pussy than deal with that headache. The grocery store was not in my town fortunately but on my way to work so I doubt I'll ever see her again.

Yeah I could've fucked her for a bit, but you don't mess with psycho. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and you don't shit where you eat. I like a drama-free life.
you didnt have to marry her faggot
Yeah I could've pumped & dumped her, but I don't want some desperate single mom trying to barge into my life, know where I live, where I work, and all that jazz. I've heard enough horror stories and I'd rather be paranoid than risk it. I spent too much time studying and working to get where I am today. I'm not a low impulse control moron like single moms are; I actually anticipate shit that can go wrong.
ok fair enough. you can always take the hooker pill
I knew a girl that fucked (at least as far as she can recall) 125 guys. And 5 of them was when she had a basketball team run a train on her at a party...

I truly pity whatever schmuck marries her.
Yeah I'd rather do that. You pay for the hooker to leave and at least hookers are upfront about their intentions and there's no illusion. Dating is a shitshow today. Too many entitled women, single mothers, and flat-out psychos. I tried dating in 2019 and thought we hit it off...and then she ghosts me. Whatever.
No you're a retard for thinking everyone with red hair is Irish. That's an American woman and probably old stock American too.
>the real retards are the ones allowing this
so we are getting cucked because we are allowing some women to have kids with niggers that will make them single moms?
why should i be blamed by irresponsible acts made by other people, shouldn't the parents and the education system be held more responsible instead?
I respect my girlfriend enough, nevermind wife, as a person to not go about bragging of her on a anonymous chinese basketweaving forum. I get the feeling, though, I don't really see asians totally people as you do. It would be funny if you showed your slant eyed object your post. Imagine being in a marriage with someone, and even having children that you view this way.
Had a single mom hide 2 kids for 4 months. She got a genuine 'I love you' out of me and the next week there were a 3 and 5 year old running around her place. She claimed she mentioned them on the first date but I don't recall that, their room was an office I mistakenly went into on my first over night at her place and there were a few last minute overnights and weekend trips that there would be no way to get them out of the way. Gave me fucked up trust issues.
This is a good point and it demands some investigation. I wouldn't be surprised if abortion clinics actually encourage white women to keep their mutt spawn.
I sound really white on the phone, and when I was considering a vasectomy the docs office was enthusiastically rushing to get the procedure done, then when I met the staff and they realized I wasn't white, they refused to do the snip saying I was too young. Real shit

You whites are under fanatical attack by true, bestial hatred and need to wake the fuck up or just die already
That's exactly the kind of switch-and-bait I've heard about. They also try to have the kids call you "Daddy" and claim "you're like a father to them" while love-bombing the shit out of you.

I only know of 1 successful single mom story and it's not the atypical background. My neighbor married his wife who had a son with her high school boyfriend the summer after graduation. The boyfriend unfortunately got into an accident and was comatose for years until they pulled the plug. So she's technically a widow. They both knew each other from high school and when the kid was 2, they eventually dated and several years later, they got married and had 3 kids together along with the son from the dead boyfriend. The son was a pretty chill guy; he was a whiz at computers and helped install mods and emulators on my PC when I was growing up. He and the neighbor (always calls him dad) are inseparable and now the neighbor is a grandfather of twin girls through his stepson.

So unless the single mom has a situation like this, I have zero pity for them.
Were already finished my friend. Promise me you'll destroy the jews once whites are extinct...
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>cute face
This. Wifey is Filipina. Only people that give me shit are single white moms pissed off that catching white guy semen and child support has been outsourced. They’re super fucking liberal on immigration until all of the sudden THEY have to compete for something.
LOL, that's what happened in Sweden. Swedish dudes were importing Thai and other SEAsian women as wives and now all of a sudden, it's "problematic."

White women can hook up with black and brown dudes who'll knock them up and leave the with mixed bastards. They're strong independent women right? They don't need a racist white man in their lives.

Meanwhile white men can hook up with Southeast Asian women (who are vastly superior to East Asian in my opinion, in fact I genuinely prefer SEAsians in general because they actually seem to have souls). Everybody wins. It's multiculturalism at its finest.
Fucking sad
Ever notice that every single single mom has some excuse for being divorced?
>My ex was abusive
>Well no he never hit me but he was financially and emotionally abusive
>Yeah he wouldn’t give me any say in OUR finances and when he finally did he yelled at me once when I forgot to pay the electric bill but we were broke from buying food
>I don’t know we weren’t eating out every meal just dinner because Braydon is picky and only wants chicken nuggets from McDonald’s
Poor kids, brought into this world by absolute retards, they have no chance to be successful in life
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> You don't cook, don't clean
> What do you do?
> You don't cook, don't clean
> What do you do?
> Nothin' subtle 'bout what follows
> You must let niggers inside

It's just the arrogance of it all; I think that's the most infuriating thing about them.
I’m convinced if you want to turn a white woman sane on border patrol you just have to say you’re okay with illegal immigration because “more big booty Latinas for me.” They legit flip the fuck out when they hear that.
Amazing how poor white trash girls always have the “cute” face that gets haggard after 2 kids or age 36.

White men failed their women.
It's not exactly that.

The difference was that if it's 1970 you go to a bar or to a club or any social activity like concerts, sporting events etc and there will be ordinary women(not just sluts) who are available. All you have to do is to get them interested in something other than your looks while being good enough guy in comparison to other nearby men. Once you're in relationship the need to bother yourself with going out specifically to attract a guy etc. is just too much.

Now you have to be good enough guy in comparison to all other men in the same city and a bit on a given dating app. Since switching to another dude can be done without leaving your house, a woman can change then like gloves.
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Meth is hard on a roastie
Yup, it's never her fault for fucking a dude who wasn't wearing a condom or making sure she was on the pill.

My neighbor's wife is a special case because she and her high school boyfriend were an item together and they were planning on marrying. Apparently the boyfriend was a pretty based guy; everyone liked him, he wasn't a scumbag, and he was learning how to become an electrician with his best buddy. Real fucking tragic what happened to him.

So unless she's a widow (and bears no part in the bio dad's death), I don't feel any sympathy for a dumb cunt who should've kept her legs closed and vetted better man.
Its been said that Women's only way to measure value is sex.
>More women means less sex for her
Checks out.
Based knower
Funny enough, I dated a qt Puerto Rican who was 19 way back. Puerto Ricans already have US citizenship since 1917, but I remember this one white middle-aged hambeast mouthing off that I was "taking advantage of illegal migrants" and Yesenia cursed her out that "I'M PUERTO RICAN YOU PASTY-FACED BITCH! Last time I checked, Puerto Rico is US territory so I've got every right to be here unlike your colonizer cracker cunt that no man would touch if it was the last panocha on Earth!"

Whenever we went out, I always got dirty looks by women my age or older. Fuck them.
The absolute state of modern white women.
Yeah man that fucking sucks. Glad there was a happy ending for her. I remember dating one girl that had two kids she legally adopted alongside her ex. Turned out their biological mom had died from a heroine overdose and that’s why she and him both hated heroine. Made me respect her at first. Then I found out that she was a tweaker and her ex was in rehab after she took out her veneers to give me a blowjob. Like wtf? Bailed fast and hard. Last I heard they were back together and she was stripping.
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>citing porn
Kek. Dude I loved it when my uber progressive white suburban boss from Connecticut found out my wife is from the Philippines.
>Oh were you in the military?
Why yes I was how did you know?
>Oh um. I heard a lot of military guys marry locals.
>Well we shut those bases down and I was never stationed there. She has a degree and came here on a work visa. She was never a juicy girl.
>OH! No! No! I didn’t mean anything like that!
>Uh-huh I’ll be remembering that when it comes time to talk about my annual salary increase.
I got the maximum btw kek.
You see I had sympathy for her when you said that she adopted the kids, but then she had to go do that thottery.

Adoption is the only reason any man should raise someone else's child. That's a very noble thing to do.

I never had a grandmother because both of mine had passed away by the time I was born, but my mom's godmother (maternal grandmother's best friend) was practically my honorary grandmother and she even included me in the will alongside her actual grandchildren as "honorary grandson". I didn't want anything from her and was just miserable that I lost her, but her family insisted that was why she gave me some of the artwork and other memorabilia she got when her dad was stationed in Japan during the 1960's. She knew that I would take care of it properly after being a good kid and visited her everyday after school.
is that caption even real, doubt it
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It's common white trash / nigger behavior. More mixed kids and lower IQs, higher crime rates from these mixes.

However, really nothing new from the white whore.
Red hair is Scottish too.. it's an indicator of degenerate Celtic ancestry. The old Saxon stock was erased when kikes and you bastards came here.
What a fucking doofus. One of my college bros married a Filipina too, but she was US-born and raised (3rd generation I think) and she graduated from Vassar (which is a top-notch school). People thought she was poor and uneducated too.
I’ve had people get real nervous asking where we met like that. Lefty’s always seem to be the most curious about it. Gives me the green light to bash “local girls” and talk about how much better I like her than them. Their brains can’t reconcile their distaste for it while simultaneously being incapable of voicing any kind of detraction to an interracial marriage. By contrast one old redneck dude straight up asked me if I ordered her “offa one’a them websites.” Said she sounded like a good’un when he found out she was a catholic not that we go to church ever.
>while simultaneously being incapable of voicing any kind of detraction to an interracial marriage
I love this hypocrisy. There was a pre-med student I knew from uni who married a pre-med Indian girl who was as gorgeous as a Bollywood star. And the dude was a handsome blonde Aryan's wet dream of a poster boy and came from a good background, but he wanted to have kids with a desi girl. Absolute fucking meltdown from all the girls that wanted him and the shit I heard in the cafeteria and campus courtyard about "some dot bitch thinks she can just take our men away, why doesn't she just get in an arranged marriage with Apu like she's supposed to."

Females standards is whatever they can get away with.
Dude when their hatred of WMAF started trending they literally did a study on it and check out the media cope.

>It’s clearly white supremacy and while Asian men should be offended they shouldn’t blame Asian women because they’re individuals with agency
>Muh hate crime
>Muh imperialism
>Muh misogyny


>White woman producers only cast Asian women as whores
>Especially Tina Fey

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dipshit pastors caused it
>3-5 inches deep

This has to be a joke. They are about 3 times deeper than that.
I think I might have known of this girl in the past. Does anyone have a source? I can't remember her name
It probably doesn’t help you at all. It helps the monkey niggers like the ones that the slag in the OP pic discriminated in favour of.

Kill all mudsharks.
Fingers crossed.
The fuck did I just read?
this is going to sound super gay, but as young as i can remember, i always felt compelled never to give any attention to females
What is that phenotype?
Takes selfies and eats cheetos
At least she’s not a natural red head
Why didn’t you break her face?
>men best at having children are worst at raising them
what did evolution mean by this
takes your money, cheats on you, runs her mouth at you, smokes and gets fatter every year
Women are hyper logical if you treat them like autistic boys you have a decent model.
Evolution is something that happens in nature. In nature all niggers would forcibly removed from polite society. But we live in zionist occupied countries so we have to protect the niggers.
twerk charge they phone be bisexual eat hot chip and lie
Where them tiddies at?
Reminds me of No Longer Human
I remember now, her first name was Jessica. There's a 75% chance that's her
You mean hyper pragmatic.
Kek. Oxford Study found that White, Asian, and Latino men all preferred Asian women. White, Asian, and Latino women all went for white men. It’s literally just the two most desirable spousal groups linking up and people lost their shit. Started calling white guys fucking Asians Passport Bros pretending they couldn’t land a white woman.
I actually think white>black=latino>=asian in terms of attractiveness of women given their face. But usually i just like big boobs.
You're saying a baby has to travel a foot through a pussy? They get deeper when they're horny but not by that much. They're not ducks.
>put women on a pedestal for 50 years with no accountability
>degrade men for 50 years
>how could this happen?
absolute keeper
get in line boys
Full doxx now!
Cut off all gibs.
I want to see pic rel starving in the streets
No pragmatism implies a grasp on reality.
Well they can comfortably take 10-12 inches. That is confirmed.
Look at that fat sausage arm and the fat building up on her face. This broad is gonna hit the wall hard
>so we are getting cucked because we are allowing some women to have kids with niggers that will make them single moms?

Yeah. Women are unattracted to domesticated males who seek legal or logical solutions to problems

>why should i be blamed by irresponsible acts made by other people, shouldn't the parents and the education system be held more responsible instead?

Female lizard brain only sees who can kill and dominate, and to mate with that one. Technics, society, politics are fully male domains which women are unable to understand nor do they care to maintain. Thus it is men's fault that the current state of sexual dynamics is complete disfunction. Women would love to be kicked around and dominated and men who feel like they have something to lose won't do it
Some they come in different sizes. And they stretch with hormones. Most sensations of large come from simultaneous pressure in the anterior nerves of the clot on top of the vagina and the stretch of the medial pudendal nerve towards her ass.
Depth is pressure on the anterior fornix
Disinterested bi-monthly handjobs while she scrolls instagram.
>Women are unattracted to domesticated males who seek legal or logical solutions to problems

I wouldnt say that, i would think a certain context in this would matter unless you want to be like some protagonist in a kafkaesque story.
This, they are subhuman animals
found the roastie
Like yeast she consumes, produces CO2 and poisons her immediate surroundings
Thats why I like the democrats and the lgbtq stuff. All I have to do is say im a woman and pay a pittance of lip service and im basically untouchable.
It's weird seeing racial self loathing anti Whites on pol.
You honestly have more in common with leftist and jews then anyone traditional or right wing.
The worst part is the sad cope of flip girls not being total whores and absolute bottom of the barrel Asians.
Ever watch the podcast show @whatever ?

Just watch one episode, all ypur questions will be answered
They do. Doctor's torture white babies and care for mutss and niggers.
Don't forget to execute all pediatricians on the day of the rope
What a load of bullshit.

>t. baby mama was fucking around for a year with a dude who was 6 inches

Meanwhile, I’m 7 inches. Dick size, to a certain extent, does matter, but a good face, a good body, and a good dick mean nothing if your personality is unbearable.
Where can I find these Mariana trench women?
And where are your parents? It's Shabbat already.
in a row?
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>a black father
Shits out retarded goblins
i don't get it
Why marry something that will give you children that look nothing like you.
If you zoom in a bit more, you can already see his arrest record
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Well… that’s what they think before they have niglets. Once they have them THEN they realize it’s not so ideal. Then their desperation leads to more niglets.
>3 spic kids
>2 have fathers in prison
>doesn't work
>doesn't cook
>doesn't clean
Somebody lock this shit down. She must give the best blowjobs known to man
Future chads that will bully incel faggots like you
It must be a tiring hobby looking online for the worst examples of women to farm some (you)'s at a Mongolian basket weaving forum, am I right?
Then how do I use my 7 inch penis to my advantage if I can never get to the stage where a female will see it?
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Yo he's commited. Heres here everyday without fail.
Absolutely mind broken by porn as well.
Send them back to africa where they belong
> but they’re just children!
Her too.
Women were never oppressed or got "the short end of the stick" society has always been exclusively about catering to the needs of women over men.
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niether, the missing component is love. If you are trying to get a partner using your rational mind only, you end up single.
These days people like to pretend that things like soul, love, meaning etc. do not exist. Wanting to live ony in a material world. This understanding is the key to solve most of the modern problems.
Freemasonic pagan feminism is the origin.
Modern Feminism comes from the Freemasons who worship the "androgyne." They are female supremacists. All waves of feminism, rigged family courts, LGBT (especially trans) all come from the Freemasons. They intend America to be "the whore of babylon" or an unrestrained female spirit as spoken about in the bible. Epistemological evil that can be disproven by the most simple reasoning.
>Do modern females have unrealistic societal standards or has this always been the norm? Any boomers can confirm? What caused it, feminism?
all females throughout time and space.
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They do you just don’t see it obviously

why do women have such fucked up hairlines, its like every womans hairline starts at the top of her head and they're basically half bald, is it too much shampoo etc?
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i've noticed that most coal burners have some sort of dysgenic oddity - often subtle, but when you see it you can't unsee it. this is why white men de-value them, but niggers will gladly fuck anything they can get
t. Norwood 5
somewhere someone has a collage of all these edits of white women and their niglet kids in dating app profile pictures
50yo here. Yes. Since the 90s our culture has bent over backwards to placate women. All you have to do is look at the TV shows.....the father or man was always stupid and out of touch. Then affirmative action. Basically it's been all centered around women for over 30yrs. What is happening now is men are no longer wanting to put up with them. They don't want to marry them. They get nothing beneficial from them.
How many days/hrs will these girls be awake given how much they smoked?

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