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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Are we being massively brigaded?
Are the glowies finally invading?
Are chuds actually in favor of Kamala?
no chud is favoring the street shitter trust me
is the vpniggers

also arriba españa
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It's not spam, they really support her. It's over for us.
massive brigade combined with a janny crackdown so the narrative on the astroturfing isn't full of (((mean words)))
Notice how the BBC spam has stopped this week. Israel can only spam one topic at a time.
I don't know who you people think posts here. You'd think the threads posted constantly would have tipped you off.
It's organic
Kamala IS brat
I mean, I haven't seen the spam in a very, very long time
Kamala has been appointed by the Democrats not elected the Democrat party does not give a shit about democracy only control
Because Zion Don went full mandate of the jews.
No one wants to die for him and get replaced by jeets
Oh boy I can't wait for the first female president to make anti-male laws. 2025 will be worse than 2024. Lol.
You sound like a mudslime
Denounce the Quran and call Mohammed a false prophet goatfucker
just oldfags coming back for a visit

im so old this captcha is a fucking problem how the fuck yall deal with this daily
Trolls and a handful of deflated, unconvincing shills
Muhammad was a pedophile who fucked kids
Quran is actually fine print toilet paper
My brain has evolved specific captcha solving circuits
Have fun and shitpost. This is how memes are made.
Based. I stand corrected.
The spam seems to be down this mourning, but it's still early.
Who died?
There are more glowies, jidf, shit posting jews and Shareblue here than there are actual posters.
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>Are we being massively brigaded?
>anything me no likey is spam

Literally rope yourself faggot.
its the same when october 7th happend and "everyone" was pretending pedophile kikes were based. its bots and trolls.
They have 2 weeks till the convention and need to spam a years worth of propaganda in that time
Note: Kamala is still losing in the polls and Dems need +3 to win
just respond with a variation of
>never heard of her
>who's that?
>win what? who is this?
>I've been here for years and I've never seen her before
don't include things that indicate you do know who it is such as her whorish deeds and other traits
it's genuine enthusiasm.
we all coincidentally realized Kamala's great the day she got $100 million
Yeah they are in overdrive they have been waiting for either Trump or Biden to die.
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They are in overdrive because they're trying to convince themselves
I don't know about the kameltoe spam but fucking JD faggot Vance man. WTF is this guy? Eye makeup, went to dick grabbing Yale of all places, 'thinking' heay have been gay. Are we sure he's not a plant?
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What's happening is that she is actually winning
I just want you to know that I will be voting for RFK with the mail in ballot they sent me and then I will vote Trump on election day.
Telling others to do the same.
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There's no mod crackdown. It's just not as funny as it was a few days ago.
I'm not awake yet. Cut me some slack,
Spelling Nazi.
Astro turfing by the shills of the coup de'tat of Biden.
Its amazing how hard they are trying to push Kabul Kamala.
>Are we being massively brigaded?
Yes. It’s the same fucking posts, memes and twatter screencaps every day. Guess the corpo donations need to go somewhere

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