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>we need to destroy our government every 20 years
What the fuck was his problem?
Coldness be my god.
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If you make a constitution then there will be people who try to find ways to subvert the intentions of the protections and powers enumerated therein. So with that fact in mind, it is prudent to re-evaluate the document regularly in order to combat the subversive elements that certainly always try to make themselves kings over all at every opportunity.
actual misquote
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Two problems:
He supported a form of government that only works with a homogeneous moral population.
He never thought wealthy white men would be incompetent enough to relinquish their own power.
Taken in context he really meant to say that the times would change every generation or so and the Constitution might need to be rewritten for it. It is true that people tend to have more personal attachment to laws they themselves wrote and after the generation that wrote a given law has died off their grandkids might misunderstand its context and purpose. An example of this can be seen in the 14th Amendment which was never really interpreted properly past the first decade of the 20th century and was starting to be subject to revisionist readings in the 1920s.
Didn’t he knock up a slave?
Proto-Marxist “permanent revolution” fag.
Jefferson was a true leftist. He believed that in any moment the individual could discern whether or not they were wronged by their government and take up arms against it. Marxism only exists to subvert a liberal reform movement by creating conflict to weaken all power bases so that the communist/socialist party assumes control.

Jefferson believed in the power of the individual to perceive the truth of injustice, communists want to plant the vision of injustice in the individual a d then send them off to be a martyr
> Believes in Yeoman farmer fantasy
> Also believes that government should be held with a varying league of Northeastern oligarcs and Southern farm aristocrats
ngl Jefferson is a bit weird one
But was he wrong?
Those two beliefs are actually cool wtf I love Jefferson now. Idk how I got tricked by this board into hating him.
If Jefferson was born in Russia around the time of the revolution he’d be some agrarian socialist sòyboy, likely leading the SR party.
Jefferson was just too early to the Marxist/socialist party. He was still a fan of the Jacobins and Robespierre.
Jefferson supported the French with the hopes that they could create a functional Republic to the bitter end. One could not predict that France's political inexperience would render them incapable of functioning properly
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>The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants
>Rivers of blood must yet flow
Sounds pretty Communist to me idk
>with a homogeneous moral population.
So... is this your justification for why America never worked as a state?
sounds pretty french
Socialism is niggers and trannies. It has nothing to do with government.
Jefferson was into niggers and trannies (French men)
Checks out, your archshitlib was a commie
>ummmmmm, did you just criticize the Liberal Atheist Freemason who rewrote the Bible and cheered on Radical Jacobins executing French Christian’s?
>how dare you! You must be a nigger!

Why are American “””conservatives””” like this?
>American conservativism is based on liberalism
Yes, it's been like that since we separated from britain and when the federalists disbanded
Yes America was founded on liberal Renaissance ideas.
This shouldn't be a surprise but it always is. These guys had a similar situation occurred today would have liberals of today.
Though I know they would probably vomit seeing all the self Hating whites destroying their own country
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>What the fuck was his problem?
the government
>18th century southern planter
>has complex beliefs that just so happen to align with his personal material interests
>200 years of various thinkers attempting to synthesize his "ideology" into an abstract set of beliefs because they want to claim his legitimacy as the most important early american statesman.
Jefferson was a partisan of the Virginian gentry, his beliefs are downstream from this. Modern "american" thinkers are uneasy with this reality.
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So what you are saying is that Marx is a plagiarist.
So they're uneasy because they thought partisanism is bad? While the concept of democracy is to acknowledge exactly those partisan viewpoints and trying to find a common ground/compromise between them so that they're able to work together?
He was a quasi Anarchist.
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Tommy was the OG basedboi and would be the equivalent of Vaush or some other e-celeb today. Probably a right-winger lolbertarian type who gets caught for being a shill when his black girlfrien walks into the camera angle lmao
Jefferson was a probable genius and a man of principle, he couldn't ever be a socialist
That is not a legitimate source for anything except schizo nonsense
>Europe and the rest of the Old World was (still is) filled with retards who either venerate the Church beyond all wrong-doing, or venerate the state as the church
>He knew this, and drew inspiration from the likes of Beccaria in dealing with the problem of state intrusion on liberty in matters of crime and justice
>He also knew that the state would probably try getting rid of those liberties, because of course they fucking would
>Conclusion is to get rid of the government and replace it with a new one every now and again, whilst retaining the same natural rights, in order to prevent the power creep of the leviathan
For all his faults, I could only pray that modern politicians, jurists, and philosophers were even half the man that he was. The conduct of the modern politician makes Jefferson look like a faultlessly honest man in comparison.
>man of principle
>embargoes the entire east coast just because he doesn't like Britain after calling Washington and Adams pseudo-monarchs
Principally retarded, sure
>man of principle
>bans slavery in the midwest which was once virginian clay and peacefully hands it over to the north
>permanently extends the ban of slave importation from the signing of the constitution
>banker jews shit and piss themselves when they can't trade with the people violating the treaty that they themselves created
>the same banker jews that through bribery passed the jay treaty to try and cozy up to the british who immediately violated the treaty
>they're so irate and inconsolable they commit treason and make secret negotiations with the british during the war of 1812 for favorable trade conditions by promising them US territory
yeah I'd say he was pretty principled in comparison to most US politicians
I have a theory that the founding of the United States was only due to rare circumstances where you had extremely intelligent men, who were wealthy enough to have influence, but whose source of wealth did not consume so much of their time that they could not educate themselves and ponder upon those ideas, and were motivated (by oppression) enough to engage in activity that would risk their lives.
We will probably never see such conditions exist on Earth again.

He cites all his work; I don't see you discrediting any of it.
it was actually a pretty big filter that most of the people that made the constitution had to do so with no salary, so they were either entirely self funded or were there by sponsorship. The snobs that considered the constitutional convention a "waste of time and money" didn't go. This continued to be a problem even after ratification where crude men but especially ones from new england, couldn't stand how little compensated they were for public service. This is probably why so many of them engaged in land speculation to the point that they were stacking state congresses and then bribing them to sell land to them for next to nothing
>bans slavery in the Midwest
That was Congress.
>peacefully hands it over
LMFAO are you seriously implying Jefferson handed it over?
>extends ban on slavery
>The Library of Congress notes, "The Ordinance of 1784 marks the high point of Jefferson's opposition to slavery, which is more muted thereafter."[46][47] In 1786, Jefferson bitterly remarked "The voice of a single individual of the state which was divided, or of one of those which were of the negative, would have prevented this abominable crime from spreading itself over the new country. Thus we see the fate of millions unborn hanging on the tongue of one man, & heaven was silent in that awful moment!"[48] Jefferson's Ordinance of 1784 did influence the Ordinance of 1787, that prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory.
>banker jews
Rent free
>implying the British had any reason to not do whatever the fuck they pleased
Lol, lmao even
>"hurrrr let me just embargo my own country what could go wro-ACK! Gallatin save the economy!" - Jefferson
>nnnoooooo you can't just keep trade flowing into your colonies because a retarded Virginian slave driver has a hardon for hating the Brits that he owes money to!!
Impressive levels of cope, anon
>democrat republicans, with rallied behind their leader jefferson, ended slavery
>jefferson was a slave owner from virginia
>jefferson, with complete control of the house and the senate, did not make a deal over virginia's land claims in the midwest, and instead essentially ceded the territory to the north while also banning slavery there
>yeah well uhm... uh... semantics
you actual faggot don't respond unless you have an argument
*ended the slave trade
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>democrat republicans, with rallied behind their leader jefferson, ended slavery
Yeah no ulterior motive at all. Only because Daddy Jefferson said too. Do you have any idea how many Northerners were Democratic-Republicans? It's pure cope to put all of that on Jefferson as if not one man had an original thought or motive to vote for it
>b-b-but he could have not done it
And yet then he turned weak on the issue and went back to owning 600 slaves. Mute point when the same guy is breeding them in his own colony to make sure they keep their value lmao
>jefferson, with complete control of the house and the senate, did not make a deal over virginia's land claims in the midwest, and instead essentially ceded the territory to the north while also banning slavery there
Your ability to convince yourself that the Ohio Valley wasn't also claimed by NY and Pennsylvania and Jefferson opposing it would have meant jack-shit to anyone is incredible, anon. What reason would Jefferson have to oppose it besides political suicide? Get off your knees anon lmao
>yeah well uhm... uh... semantics
I see my argument was too much for your infantile, ahistorical brain
>you actual faggot don't respond unless you have an argument
Stop arguing in bad faith and twisting the narrative to make you dick sucking look good faggot
>i-its was congress!
>i-it was the north!
most of new england was federalist, what's your next cope going to be
>pointing out facts is coping
Uh-huh. Go suck Jefferson's balls somewhere else
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again how could the north claim to have ended the slave trade and slavery in the midwest when congress and the presidency was controlled by jefferson? they hated jefferson and were in active rebellion threatening secession
As a state, it was expressly designed to collapse under moral degeneration.
>congress... was controlled by jefferson
Lol, lmao even
>he's stalking in circles
Yes the party Jefferson created controlled all parts of the government, except the supreme court
>Jefferson created
>except the Court
And boy did it ever make him seethe
Yes the supreme court regularly passed legislation to try and stab the south in the back despite all the concessions it made to the north
>Increasing dominance over American politics led to increasing factional splits within the party. Old Republicans, led by John Taylor of Caroline and John Randolph of Roanoke, believed that the administrations of Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe—and the Congresses led by Henry Clay—had in some ways betrayed the republican "Principles of '98" by expanding the size and scope of the national government. The Republicans splintered during the 1824 presidential election. Those calling for a return to the older founding principles of the party were often referred to as "Democratic Republicans" (later Democrats) while those embracing the newer nationalist principles of "The American System" were often referred to as National Republicans (later Whigs).[9][10]
In reality all the federalists fled the sinking federalist ship and join the democrat party and called themselves republicans
>the South was the victim meme
Shouldn't have buily your entire "economy" around nigger-breeding plantation owners handling everybody's tobacco sale exports and importing manufactured goods. It was failing before Washington was even dead and those retards stuck to it lmao meanwhile Boston and NY have blown by them because they got rid of their indentured nigger labor to actually employ white folks who could build their own businesses with skilled trade work. The South dug its own grave, just be thankful the North had no reason to let you go full Haiti
>it's okay if you commit treason if it's against the south, because niggers
you're not worth your body's weight in compost
All but 3 of the men who sat at the Constitutional Convention were either dead or in office outside of Congress when the Alien & Sedition Acts were passed
>the North committed treason, not the South for chimping out every time they didn't get everything they wanted in remaining a colonial backwater
federalists trying to revive their party is basically the reason there were any other parties than the democrats besides the know nothings
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>Federalists trying to lead the country to greatness and corral the illiterate masses
>lead the country to greatness
*buttfuck it to oblivion with corruption
They all were, especially the confederates. That's why they not raped them and force breed more of them they wanted to spread them to every known state and territory in continental united states.
both sides would have shot you for being a tranny
>buttfucks the country by breeding millions of niggers because god fucking forbid he pay a white man for his labor
Sorry dixoid, can't hear you over the sound of my canals and standard gauge railways going brrrrr as I settle and Northernize """your"""" northwest territory
That's appropriate since reconstruction was nothing but a smash and grab money printing and tax revenue theft operation
This is the only way to keep bureaucratic rot from infesting a state built on ideology rather than heredity
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Shouldn't have whacked the one man who was capable of stopping it
Thomas Jefferson was a classical liberal in the sense that he believes individual liberty was the ultimate good. The concept of "left" has been hijacked by Marxists so they can claim the accomplishments of liberal republicans like Jefferson and also pretend to be their inheritors, when their end goal is not individual liberty, but rather "equality" (for thee but not for for them of course).
Hence why Marxists deride people like Jefferson as Yeoman farmers
You're full of false narratives, like your entire worldview is a lie.
>We will probably never see such conditions exist on Earth again.
This is my reason for being firmly anti-communist and anti-socialist in any way possible. My end goal for society is for us to colonize the stars. Trailblazers being given the freedom to experiment and dream is what will get us there, not centralized bureaucrats who will decide how much funding will go to you after all the gibs have been doled out, and blocking any AI that could potentially say heckin nono racist words
Go cry about your "banker jews" retard
This might be the worst take I've ever seen on 4chan, and I spend most of my time in /pol/.
Please never procreate.
Not an argument
Delusional retard, where did you learn about history? a cereal box?
DNA testing showed that a male member of the Jefferson bloodline mated with the slave Sally Hemmings, but it was more likely Thomas Jefferson's brother Randolph than Thomas himself, since Jefferson was already an old man by the time Hemmings gave birth, whereas Randolph was known to spend much more time around the slaves.
Here is a big redpill you wont get because no one put the pieces together.

The Curricula for Classical Education in the early 1700s did not extend beyond the Greek Golden Age, they did not study the Hellenic period. Everything shifted over to Rome after the Samnite Wars and the Republican period grew to its territorial height.
They were aware of the Demes, Republican corruption, and Tyrants, but they were never taught how democracy ends or how highly productive powers very quickly betray their own roots as they attempt to ascend the branches.

Jefferson literally didnt know about the collapse of democracy and the utter failure of Periclean Athens.
He also didnt know Republicanism ended in much the same way with the army becoming Mercenary and political real estate being sold to power brokers foreign and domestic.

These people didnt even know how their own government worked.
They kept petitioning the King unaware of the 1701 Act of Settlement which stripped the King of most powers.

I like the Founders and revolting against British apes is always based.
But stop idolizing these guys. They werent well educated, they werent political savants, they didnt know how democracy worked or Republicanism, they didnt even know how their own fucking government worked let alone how ancient Greece or Rome worked.
I still think they were far better educated than their successors.
>they live independently and retaliate financially when threatened
i don't understand what the problem is
I thought leftoids complained that people vote against their economic interests? How is this any different?
no, they were less corrupt but their education was extremely lacking and their political ideas were very outdated even for their own time, they just didnt know it.
there's nothing intelligent about a few bourgeois who want to evade taxes from the kings
On one side, Jeffersonians wanted the USA to build a friendship with France, who was going through a revolution of their own. On the other side, the Federalist, whom Washington aligned himself with, wanted to build a new relationship with Great Britain. It eventually reached a point where Jeffersonians demanded a war with England.

The Jay Treaty was kind of the answer. It established America as a "neutral" power that could freely trade with both France and the UK. Once the Jeffersonians took power in the Revolution of 1800, it basically went away, which was a major factor in the War of 1812.
>no argument, just more ad hominem
What's the matters, can't deal with the actual facts because you got everything you think you know about Jefferson from bread tuber?
That is a long-winded way of explaining how freemasonry, not political ideology, is responsible for the travesty of kind relations with the subversive GB, whom, through freemasonry, set off the Civil War 50 or so years later as well. Jefferson knew it, too.
Why do americans worship their constitution, it's so bizarre
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Because we have nothing besides our own self-imposed propaganda to jerk off to. Same reason we continue to blow Tommy J for "writing" the Declaration even though he plagiarized 99% of it from George Mason's far superior Virginian version (and Mason plagiarized Locke lmao). July 4th was also a literal nothingburger in the middle of the worst year of the war and the Declaration a shitty attempt at rallying support for what was, by any clear-sighted view, a nearly lost cause in rebellion
t. an amerimutt who has taken a look behind the curtain and seen the wizard
It's basically the only thing keeping white people from executing non whites and government officials in the streets
>w-w-we'd totally be shooting brownoids in da street if we could
How is this not nigger behavior?
>I want humanity to go to the stars
>That’s why I’m firmly anti-socialist
Socialists governments were the first to go to space lol. The sciences in the USSR were the only part of government outside of the military that were very well funded.
>capitalist Trailblazers being given the freedom to experiment and dream is what will get us there,
“Sorry, but our shareholders have decided you haven’t hired enough black/brown/gay women and we aren’t giving you funding for your project”

The shitlib “free marketplace of ideas” to explain how free market liberal capitalism is inherently superior to all other systems has completely collapsed with the advent of private woke tyranny funded by massive investment groups taking over the economy.
He's right.
People want to think he's wrong because him being right means people have to do hard things.

>Dude, just destroy your government and kill your king every 20 years if he has to take away your gibs because the country has run a massive debt funding useless eaters!!! Fuck tradition and order!!! Viva La Revolution!

How is any of this different from what radical Marxists and Trotskyists beleive?
It isn't. Jefferson is just the lolbertarian's version of Marx
>if he has to take away your gibs
no one should be receiving gibs in the first place though.
what Jefferson referred to is when government takes your shit to give themselves gibs.
>Nobody should be getting gibs
Gibs is an inevitable reality in any democratic state. It always starts for old people, widows, crippled and then extends out to everyone. That’s why revolutionary republicanism is retarded because the people can’t be expected to think long term and why you need a monarch who’s not beholden to the mod to make hard choices
>destroy our government
That's not what he says. Wasn't he talking about just having armed rebellions pop up, even if they get defeated?
He was 100% right that the government should remain aware and wary of the people's ability to rise up in violence against tyranny.
When the fuckers think they have nobody opposing them they start pulling all kinds of shit.
Pic related should be something every elected official experiences at least once in his career.
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>People want to think he's wrong because him being right means people have to do hard things.
Wrong, people want to think he's wrong because society spent the last couple generations mindbreaking people into thinking violence bad, in spite of it still being the very foundation of our lives.
There are plenty of violent minded retards who are so mindbroken by doublethink they experience extreme hatred for their political enemies, are willing to engage into street violence, and yet still will profess ideas of absolute pacifism.
>Wasn't he talking about just having armed rebellions pop up, even if they get defeated?
No. He suggested the Constitution be rewritten every generation because one generation shouldn't be beholden to another any more than one country to another. Granted, he said it in the context of the future generation dealing with slavery but the point still stands that he all for generational upheavals in government.
Browns are invaders of the US. The progressive boomers are blinded by the Jewish progressive idea that we need open borders to fuel US industry, and idea imported from the beginning the the US where the north increasingly lowered immigration standards to the point of not having any for immediate profit. Sometimes literally just to make money off of the fee charges for dumping off people in the ports

The only reason this status quo is allowed is because these progressives are who won the civil war, and they largely did so under a vague allegiance to the Constitution. In reality they only use the constitution as a shield to prevent the dissolution of the United states.

So you can worship the constitution in two ways, it prevents people from realizing the lie that is the US and the hatred its leaders gold for the people, and it keeps the US from balkanizing.

The more browns and Asians that come into the US the less and less the constitution will be reversed and the closer and closer the US will be to societal meltdown
The US was never white you retard
>muh north imported immigrants
And the South bred niggers until they were 50% of their states population. The US was never white
>doo bee doo bee dah
you're too unintelligent/brown to understand what I'm talking about
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It would appear that the common denominator here is kikes.
Yeah sorry I don't speak schizobabble
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Oh I see, I was thinking about a different part. When I read "destroy our government" I think about civil war rather than changing the fundamental principles of a nation's laws tb h.
I'm seeing where Jefferson is coming from, but at that point there's no value in having a constitution above your normal laws.
Not to mention that generations is a very fucking arbitrary concept, I may be a millennial by virtue of being born in 1992, but why would that mean I'm generationally closer to a 1981 fag than a 1997 fag?
You seemed to understand it just fine until you had to make a response that wasn't chimping out and drooling
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>he doesn't see the irony
File deleted.
he's not the one selectively pretending to not understand English
>Classical liberal who values individual liberty
>Also cheers on the Jacobins while they execute their political rivals and turn France into an anarchic hellhole
Jefferson was a two-faced fraud, like all liberals classical or not. His seeming naivety and political idealism is really just a mask for hatred of God, hierarchies, and the natural order common among republicans and leftists of all stripes. Of course Marx and his ilk would naturally evolve from such lines of thinking.
>hurrrr ur drooling
Impressive counterargument
>The progressive boomers are blinded by the Jewish progressive
Anon be real, this is pure schizobabble and you know it

>1992 millenial
My nigga
>but why would that mean I'm generationally closer to a 1981 fag than a 1997 fag?
You wouldn't. Jefferson was just retarded like that
>dude next generation will deal with the slave question I'm sure
>proceeds to continue owning 600 of them himself
At the very least he had no intention of making it easier on them lmao
What level of autistic do you have to be to not only scour the internet for picrel but also save it to your computer and let it live rent free in your head?
You just don't understand politics. All it is is stawmanning, especially back then when you could say anything you wanted and it couldn't be expunged in 5 years and you basically needed to wait until everybody forgot about it.

Federalists were heavily tied to the british bank and merchants, this is why their allegiance to the US was relative to british trade relations. They wanted to help the british crush the french immediately after they helped us win a revolution against the british.

They also blamed all contemporary problems on the democrat republicans. Going so far as to claim they were treasonous for not helping enrich new england at the expense of our allies. It's probably because of the south's stalwart support of the french's right to not get buttfucked by us and the british that they sold Jefferson a third of the land in the continental US
>it would boost the economy
It did though
>Jose works for shit wages while whites are free to consoom until their big mac-only diet finally shuts down their arteries for good
What's not to love about that? The US was built on the backs of using cheap labor so whites could live as gluttonous NEETs
Haha, imagine being a leftist that cries about the machinations of the rich and powerful and then supporting mass illegal immigration that only benefits the rich and powerful
>It's probably because of the south's stalwart support of the french's right to not get buttfucked by us and the british that they sold Jefferson a third of the land in the continental US
Napoleon just needed a quick cash influx after the army he sent to the Carribean got btfo'd by diseases and any plans he had for keeping Louisiana went down the shitter
Are /his/tards seriously so historically illiterate they don't even know this simple fact anymore?
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Immigration is higher than ever and the economy is worse than ever, because shitskins don't work.
The U.S. was built by whites, which is why when the U.S. was white, it looked like Europe, and when it stopped being white, looks like a third world shithole.
You think napoleon would have sold the territory to the americans if they had engaged in open warfare against them?

this is why your type are the first dead when shit hits the fan, you don't understand basic human interaction
>haha you're a leftist
>haha you support mass immigration
>haha it's totally not white people who are doing the mass importing it's da jooz
>haha it's not white people who are mass consooming everything from China and did nothing to stop their jobs going overseas by voting for their fellow whites who passed the legislation that made it possible haha
>haha nope it's da jooz and leftists haha
The rights mind if so unbelievably infantile
>shitskins don't work
Neither do whites.

>implying he could stop them if they had
>first dead
Ok keyboard warrior
>I support mass immigration that benefits the rich and powerful bankers
>because you name the jew
so you worship the rich and jews? you must be a communist
Whites are the only ones who work, see
>b-b-but my shitty /pol/ infographic
Holy NEET, Batman. Obviously you don't leave your house ever or you would see the average worker at your McDick's is anything but white lmao

>ok but DA JOOZ
Did Reagan, Bush and Clinton all suddenly become jewish when they did NAFTA? What about the white folks that voted them into office? Did the jews personally fill Congress with white people too, anon? Or did white people just undermine themselves because of their need to consoom?
Obviously meant for >>475734689 but probably a samefag anyways lol
>I don't know what NAFTA is/am pretending to be retarded
What is wrong with commies?
Explain it to me then, anon. Tell me about how DA JOOZ are behind it
NAFTA is a nothing burger, I don't even know why you brought it up in relation to progressive funded mass illegal immigration
>i-i-it's a n-nothingburger
Because white people did it, not da jooz, right?
You realize I said that mass illegal immigration originates in the white north which they used to fund their corrupt infrastructure projects where half the funds on average went missing and then they dumped the low wage immigrants into the major cities that formed the first gangs? And these are the people that won the civil war? And worship Israel?
>illegal immigration in the North
>from the people that won the civil war
Are you saying the Irish aren't white, anon?
I'm saying they're illegal immigrants. You're not to intelligent are you
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Marxists are both stupid and evil.
He's just trying to combine whatever words he thinks will get you to stop fighting for the preservation of the white race.
He was right.
So if they were legal you'd be fine with it?
Do I really have to explain immigration to a communist? I suppose it makes sense you know nothing about anything. Immigration to the US was expensive, this is why many signed contracts to work on farms for years to not only pay off their debt, but learn the skills needed to survive in the US without becoming a burden on society. This didn't mesh well with the northern desire for rapid expansion in order to enrich themselves off of infrastructure spending. So in major northern ports like New York city they removed practically all immigration restrictions which is how the first Irish Catholics came here in any considerable amount. By the time of the late 1840's navigation from Europe had drastically cheapened with steam engines,which is when most of the Irish came to the US. At almost no point in northern history was there a concerted effort to deport all the illegals coming over to the US, at first because there was money to be made (because they had to pay a fee per head) but later because the immigrants quickly took over the inner cities politically
>white people coming to the US because it's a growing as a nation is... le bad!
Why do you hate your country, anon?
Well the Irish quickly formed "political machines" in most major cities with the sole purpose of extracting as much tax revenue as possible and funneling it into their pockets
>nnnoooo you can't do things to suit your own interests, that's... le bad!
This is why illegal immigration is a bad thing. The retards imported have no actual loyalty to the US
Neither do whites when they keep returning the same people who are bringing in said immigrants to office
Simple concepts escape you. When you already have disloyal people in the US why would you import more? I guess to a communist this would be their explicit goal
You mean jews?

It makes you think.
>simple concepts escape you
Project harder
Not an argument commie
The same reason that millions attempt to immigrate to the US. It's genuinely a good document, and people want to live freely.
This belongs in his not pol

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