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According to Oswald Spengler the Christian West is in its civilizational winter - is its transformation into luciferianism and the return to more native and heathen spirituality inevitable?
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I believe it will be a singularity event. We do not know what seeds will sprout after the corpse festers and gives birth to new life
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usually, when a big tree falls you will have a long period of mushrooms and bugs feeding of the decay, and a dense low shrubbery competing against each other for sunlight.
long story short. either the tree can renew itself away from the rotten branches or we will see a very long period (prop 500 years) until a few bigger trees emerge from the thorny thicket.
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And trees of many forests engage in succession strategies. The trees at the mature stage are not the first that broke through the sunstained soil. But humans civilizations are not trees and our cycles are longer and more complex even if as individuals we do not live that long.
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I believe we are in unprecidented times. World pop exploded with chemical fertilizers but is crashing now not because of resource constraint but something else that has resisted easy categorization. We will stablize at some point but at what point and what the survivors will look like is unknown
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At the core the so called Faustian culture has been something that held itself back by its own contradictions. You are experiencing the last violent oscillations before these finally resolve. It is not a death, it will be a shedding.
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The cyclical theory is self evident, but likewise the cast of characters clearly rotates. Sometimes it's an ebb and flow, as Spengler assumed, and sometimes it's catastrophic overhaul, which is what's happening.

Humanity is intertwined with technology, not just the beeps and boops of a computer but technical society extends to the greater understanding of human cognition, and the inevitable manipulations of such. Modern propaganda blows that from Spenglers era out of the water. Jaques Ellul, a 50s french author and a favorite of Uncle Ted, wrote a great book on this topic


This paradigm shift is as significant as agriculture or the domestication of fire. Maybe more so. Both such events overhauled humanity. No doubt hunter gatherer tribes were discussing what form their tribe would take under the new paradigm, before being washed away by shorter, stupider, more obedient farmers but whom massively outnumbered them.

I suspect a similar thing will happen now. The reassuring part is nobody is coping particular well. The Jews and Chinese are as wrong footed as we are. The Chinese have optimized the previous paradigm, but are very vulnerable to change, and the Jews have suffered a greater reduction in ability than the multitudinous European diaspora.

The best thing anyone in this thread can do is optimize themselves, form a family, form a community and begin hardening for the coming fun times.
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>before being washed away

We never entirely left the genepool. :)
Anyway, we are certainly heading for a selective sweep here. After all the next logical step does require a certain type of fitness. The good thing about the whole globalized mess might btw have been that it has either wiped out or irrevocably weakened any other cultures which might have proven competition ... and now that destructive force self destructs rapidly, removing the final remnant power blocs of the old with it. Pretty decent conditions ahead I would say.
Christianity turned me to atheism and it realizing that the gods were still here all along and guide our fates is what pulled me up from that pit.
>its transformation into luciferianism and the return to more native and heathen spirituality inevitable?
Probably. It's pretty obvious whites of the future won't be descended from Christians
As a side effect - I believe more now that Jesus was real and had real mystical ability than I ever did when I was a church kid.
>According to Oswald Spen-
Stopped reading here. Fuck that kike.
Ah. Frue, I appreciate your balancing input against my perhaps too pessimistic spiel.

Seen from my angle it does almost seem too... convenient even. Hm. You are right on the forming communities part btw. Even with the optimism it will be a bit catastrophic by the looks of it.
>begin hardening for the coming fun times

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