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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why are they sour??
who the FUCK let jeets have internet access?
Why is it locked?
they blame Canadians
>Speak better English than them
I think it's all the public shitting, that's what I think it is

Any jeetbros here? Whats with all the public shitting? And the body odor?
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Never have I thought of a pajeet as successful and someone who speaks perfect, eloquent English. In fact I just think of them as disgusting, smelly, broke, indebted, 4 to a room losers
I like how he accidentally lets it slip out that the Canadian government allowing him and his people into the country is “incompetence”
>If you meet an asshole in the morning, he's the asshole
>If you meet assholes all day long, you're the asshole
Maybe the jeets need some self reflection before they got 109'd like the kikes.
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Where is the lie in anything he said? Jeets don't care about playing games, doing drugs, and sitting on their ass all day they want to work and scam and make money

Whites don't have any natural social defenses against alien races like the jeets
if jeets would be truly introspective, 80% would insta suicide. same goes for niggers
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>just let us show up in your country by the millions and scam everything we can while insulting you and turn the place into the dump we left SAAARRRRRRRRRR
yes sar we speak english perfect better than you saar
we better at food delivery than you
Indians are racist towards Canadians. Everyone is racist towards everyone. The world is more racist than ever. You're all fucking bat shit crazy. It's actually nuts and extremely annoying how fucked everyone is now. Giving all of you access to the internet was a massive mistake. 99% of people are low IQ normies for whom this glut of access to information is way too much for their tiny smooth brains to process. I hate you all, all eight billion of you. You all make me sick. I am ashamed to be the same species as you all. I wanna travel to the stars and discover or mine everything not argue over imaginary gods or who has sex with whom or who gets to live where or who we are all blowing up next or who gets all the stuff and who has to make the stuff. You're all pathetic and completely out of control- all of you. I'm starting to doubt whether you all are even a sentient species anymore, or even ever were at that.
Imagine being so reliably horrible that the Canadians become racist.
Canada is a "colonial kriminal" state according to Indians on reddit.
Indians are not human and their opinion have no calue
they had to ban fireworks in brampton because diwali (Thu, Oct 31, 2024, 6:22a.m. – Fri, Nov 1, 2024, 8:46a.m.)
Biggest white shithole is still incomparably better than the wealthiest Indian state.
>Plebbit Faggot Bullshit.
No thanks.
Antifa coping with race being real. Guess what fucko, you caused all these problems for both sides and think youre the altruist. Now the adults have to clean up your mess.
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>speak better English

Tell e'm to cross the river from Windsor to Detroit. Tell e'm there's gibs and jobs.

They won't last a week
which western country likes Indians?
fpbp. Internet access needed to be gated with an IQ test
I jerked off to the vid of your butt buddy Ryan Carson the nigger-lover, getting shanked and gutted by the feral nig monkey.

I'm going to jerk off when the same fate befalls you, glownigger memeflag.
Now THIS is some AI I can get behind.
the problem is they are willing to work for subhuman wages and work subhuman hours because they're used to having to claw pennies from each other in India. this means that normal people such as you or i would have to work the same 29 hour days jagmeet works because hes used to living in hell. I live in a first world country and dont want it further ruined by introducing a new slave caste.
If Canada is so awful, why do they keep going there?
10-4, new gun control legislation on standby.
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The ironic part about this is you absolutely know 1000% the jeet making that post is of low cast Dalit who is not economically successful, not filling job gaps, and does not speak English more proficiently than the average Caucasian Canadian.
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iam a poor indian shudra
indians hate me because im shudra
whites hate me because im poor
why are people mean to me?
Indians are an invasive species. They are by far the most emigrated people to flood every other country with their shitty culture.
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>J’étais le premier garçon à avoir de la barbe dans ma classe. J’étais embarrassé parce que mes camarades ne se gênaient pas pour me toucher le visage aux endroits où j’avais des poils. Maintenant, les choses ont changé, certains d’entre eux sont frustrés de ne pas avoir une barbe fournie. © Amazing_Theory622 /
Pretty fucking funny.
Amazing_Theory is a french speaking paki who came to Canada in 2021 and is extremely obsessed with India IPL (cricket) and is a wannabe coder.
Can anyone explain why we accepted that kind of peoples anyway?
>Love India
>Love it so much you can't live without it
>Go live in someone else country
What the fuck is wrong with Indian.
He very probably live in Montreal.
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No one wants it to rain shit except for Indians
It's not just Canadians, Moshe Noseberg.
Everybody hates Indians.
They're nearly as bad as the jews, nearly, but not quite.
can anyone identify the logo in the assignment?
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>speak better English than them
No, but, Yes.
>I hate these Canadians, they're such stupid unsuccessful racist losers
>so anyway, I can't wait to escape my third world shithole country to go plunder whatever I possibly can from their safe and advanced society and live among these "terrible" people!
it's the sheer numbers of you all showing up at once, plus a lot of them are rude and ungrateful.
The audacity of these people. Why are they like this? Do jeets realise nobody likes them?
there is no such thing as watchlist ramos this guy who shoot up the school had a countdown when the shooting will occur and fbi didnt do anything
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>in his anger he accidentally hit 'c' instead of 'v'
>he forgot to pluralize 'opinions'
>and he forgot to use punctuation
>no one dared correct him
>because they knew what would happen
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They're lucky they aren't having their head split open on a daily basis. Bunch of entitled little weak faggot people. Indians are sub humans.
Body odor is due to curry and public shitters are from the village. I think even china had this problem until they introduced the social credit score where if they hear about some person shitting on the streets, they'll get a hit on their credit score. They stopped shitting in public after that.
I just want to kick the shit out of arrogant indian pukes.

That 70 ID jeet shitting on a beach is a real deep thinker. What's going through his mind while dumping in sand?


No inner monologue.
lol I’m reporting this time theft to door dash rajet
>Download Tinder
>Get s like from an Indian guy
>immigrants come
>wages lower
>natives angered by this and blame the immigrants
>more immigrants come
This is surely the works of Pakistanis.
The (((United Nations))), in other words, the jewSA
Lotta mad Timmies ITT. Get over it. None of you pussies will call me jeet to my face, guarantee it.
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it's by far one of the most pathetic rajesh I ever stalked, I feel almost sad for him
dude need attention badly
if he keeps going, he's going to get way more than he anticipated
As if your coward subhuman arrogant ass would ever give any of us the chance, I would remove you entire God damn bloodline.
They're really not. They make me want to stop entirely, I essentially have. Every time these retards can't be bothered to use the bag provided, instead putting it in their trunk, never following instructions regarding knocking or ringing my doorbell either. They're brain dead retards and I wish they'd all fuck off back.
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"Arrest Made in Central California Bio-Lab Investigation">> https://www.justice.gov/usao-edca/pr/arrest-made-central-california-bio-lab-investigation

Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the Reedley Chinese Bioweapon Lab">>
because you refuse to stay in your country and your birthrates are genocidal
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that's really fucking funny
Indian are walking caricature of reality
Hey, they worked hard for 2 years to buy that MD from the diploma mill.
this is now a sihu moose wala thread
theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7JhZ1qF2Bc
indians are so hung on their caste bullshit they can't cope with being lower caste in western countries.
I hate shame-based controlled societies so fucking much, bros. I hate that the West is becoming Asiatic in this manner.
Notice how the mass decline in posting quality is a 1:1 correlation with jeet access to the internet
convenience stores, taxis and Uber eats are hardly the top paying jobs, where .ost jeets end up.
and it's not like Canadians don't want those jobs it's that companies are literally incentivised by the government to hire immigrants because they will pay up to half the wages so it's cheaper to hire shit skinned scum
Does Canada have magic soil and India does not? I don't understand.
God I fucking hate Indians, it's a burning kind of hatred. They have to be the most animalistic and filthy creatures on the face of the planet. How can anyone act like we can do anything about global warming or pollution when a country packed full of 1 billion shitskins and more on the way make it a herculean task to do so? The Earth never has a chance of being clean again as long as they exist alongside us, it's like a browntide that everyone is ignoring, the Canadian Government being the most egregious example.
Don't click these tracker links.
Don't reply to this ID.
Together we can clean /pol/.
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What's wrong with being racist?
Gov is literally paying 50-70% of their wages so people hire them. There is quite literally no competing against that. Then they act like they earned it all. It's so ridiculous, not to even mention all their financial fraud and scams.
Yes I am racist.
Now leave.
>blame government for bringing in and subsidizing Jeets
What if I only meet assholes in one particular shop?
>3rd world shithole
still move there in droves, classic
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so Amazing_Theory622 is an unemployed scammer who got a school visa and is very probably living out of scam and government gibbs
he pretend to be a coder but he actually don't know how to code or do anything at all
he's in Canada since 2021 and very probably entered it by lying
he live around montreal or toronto and might or might not be an illegal immigrant
Racism is what stops your beaches from being filled with feces. Racism = based
Are we ever, I've got nothing but anger for my government for doing this to us. Alot of people I know, even leftists who were supposedly anti racist, are fed up with them.
Of course he's too stupid to use a throwaway account. Classic poojeet.
Why are you concerned with the opinions of browns? The only thing you need to know about a brown is how much lead it takes to put one down.
that dude is a super cretin
Do they understand they’re going to be lucky to be allowed to leave when this comes to it’s inevitable conclusion.

>speaker better English than them

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Based AM.
Doesnt help leafs for some reason still worship these cow fuckers
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>Canadians are racist
Sounds like a racist generalization
>government is incompetent for letting me scam my way in
>I am a scammer, bruh
>Hating scammers is racist
Scammer can't stop grifting. The only good that will come of this is being a living object lesson in what happens when you import asians at replacement speeds.
no one
everyone is mean to us
But their wages are subsidized by up to 70%.
>Never have I thought of a pajeet as successful and someone who speaks perfect, eloquent English.
And white Westerners do?
Every single white under 30 talks like a nigger. But it's even worse than that, they talk like gay niggers. They use ebonics but combine it with valley girl vocal fry. I've never met a white man under 30 who didn't seem like a homosexual to me. When I meet zoomer white men I honestly can't tell if they are all faggots or if they all just act like it.
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>speak better english
kek the hubris is impressive, i will give them that

but oh yeah we still can’t manage to create societies worth living in ourselves kek
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Millineals are beyond pozzed, worse then boomers in same ways and zoomers do anything for attention
so why single out Canada? It's honestly as good as it could get for Indians. If Texas had half as much Indians as Ontario, people would go on a crusade
the Hindu religion teaches them that rape is okay, and that scamming is okay too. The concept of morality or right and wrong doesn't exist in Hinduism. This is why Hindu rape apes will go gang rape and murder a girl and feel no shame at all.
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>What the fuck is wrong with Indian.
oh and that post is written by some seething indian incel male who is pissed off that no white woman wants to touch him, meanwhile all the "white trash" white men are fucking tons of indian women.

Indian men are incel scum that are eternally seething. Hindus, that is. Muslim indian men are pretty alpha. It is not indians that are bad, it is HINDU indians that are bad.
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because Jews aren't shilling for white women to fuck pajeets like they've been doing for niggers for the past few decades so the illusion of them having a chance at white women isn't there
because that's what white women sleeping with niggers are btw
just a Jewish illusion
but these illusions are necessary to control their golems and to stop them from revolting
but pajeets are considered too weak to organize a meaningful revolt like niggers so they aren't given the same propaganda treatment
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90% of his days consist of postint on r/IndiaCricket and r/ipl I shit you not
it's like he came to Canada in 2021 and never stopped posting on reddit
non stop
cow god
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canadians resisting indian immigration is the most disgraceful thing i ever seen. canadia was a country formed from the immigration of the white english etc to canadia who killed the natives and drove them north

now it happens to them and they are crying? gtfoh
Canadians aren't racist enough. Paki hindoos are evil filth. They worship disease and excrement.
we could colonize Greenland and you’d still beg for a visa jeet
cope. canadia directly profiteered from indian colonization such as for england, scotland, new zealand, australia and ireland. these countries have 0 right to disagree on indian settlement in there lands now.

other countries is perhaps more arguably but for example portugal and france also did damage to india
last night i saw the darkest jeet at walmart I have ever seen. Not brown, but pure black. The absence of color. My only thought was what liberal demon brought this creature from the other side of the planet and set it free?
hey anons,keep in mind that the rage baiting pajeets openly brag about getting paid to disrupt the board.
discuss the pajeet menace with other human anons,don't give the pajeet (you)s that later get monetized to buy their family the stinkiest bullshit cuisine.
holy based, people btfo
what’s there to cope about? being able to create livable societies? you fled your own shithole like a coward because you are incapable of doing so. worse yet, you’re posting under an english flag like you completely forgot about a few thousand anglos subjugated your entire country and created its most famous dish. you’re nothing. you’re a waste of oxygen.
How do you slander them as being racist and also admit that government was incompetent for letting him in, in the same sentence, fucking kek.
because they're getting called out for shitting on the beach. They think that there is some lower caste there to clean up after them.
Fuck india and fuck indians. Pakistan needs to nuke them off the fucking map.
>so why single out Canada?
because i live here and want people to be nice to me
its not my fault im poor
im nice
"India" is entirely a British colonial invention. Oh no they built railroads and infrastructure that you still use today? How sad and terrible for your nation that didn't exist until the Brits showed up
North Europeans:
>All races on this world are trash and deserve to die, including our Med and Slav neighbours.
Also North Europeans:
>Why are they sour??
The actual question would be... how can it be that people from other countries keep buying products made by North Europeans?
Dont jeets shit everywhere and make a whole mess in leafland?

Jeets have no fucking sense
That's wacky, but did you know that Israel shot Trump?
>we are better than you
>that's why we come to your country
I don't understand these shitskins
they shit on beaches and in the parks, even when there are FREE CLEAN MAINTAINED public outhouses. They are animals.
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see, poojeets, indians, are incapable of taking responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Their country is a shithole? It is the British's fault, it is the pakistani's fault, it is the Chinese's fault, it is the Muslim's fault.

No, the real problem is the sick Hindu mentality. That is the root cause of their problems. But they will never realize this and so they are beyond any hope. Indians are a cursed race, and they serve no purpose, just as cockroaches serve no real purpose either.
I can’t believe I haven’t heard of this Syrian doctor before, because he’s not incorrect. Our hospitals like to cover it up, but when I was doing locums (in locum tenens just means you’re a traveling physician working at hospitals with a shortage on a temporary, 1-3 year contract) I saw hospitals covering up Indian incompetence in several instances. Hospital acquired infections and injuries which could be traced back to the physician, not the nurses, including pneumonia, UTI’s, and even central line associated bloodstream infections. Wrong limb amputations, cutting into arteries during simple procedures such as a fucking Caesarian, ordering and arguing about the necessity of very powerful blood pressure medications like Hydralazine to patients who have experienced massive blood loss and signs of hypovolemic shock. The list goes on and on, Indian and nigger doctors are an active danger, and do everything you can to keep your family out of their dubious care.
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nice day for prank sar
was born here bro. paid more tax to english state than most whites. speak english, date english woman and have british citizenship. i fled nothing and my parents where welcomed here in 1960s to help save the country from the damages from other white people in world war 2
stupid fucking cope there had been several unitings of india prior to the english and these empires for there time had been among the most powerful and influential in particular the mauryan empire which came from bihar.
prior to the british the muslims had almost at last been routed from the subcontinent by the victories of bramdeep and the maratha empire but tell me how english saved us when they gave the muslims breather ground to multiply once more and now we have a nuclear failed nation to our north border.

I could almost respect his audacity.

Indians are the worst lmao. I hate them even more than niggers. Like with the nigger, there is at least some form of directness and honor. A nigger, for all his faults, can at least be kind, decent, and honest.

With Indians, it seems like they are constantly existing in a state of lying, trickery, and trying to fuck someone over. They are like the worst Jews, but also dumber and almost incapable of producing art on top of that, so they're just a purely animal creature entirely based around scams and lies. To make matters worse, Indians are also cowardly and weak, so they can only win in underhanded ways. They are incapable of directness and open challenges - its all gossip and subterfuge with them. When Indians do show kindness or generosity, its never true charity, but instead some sort of calculated play to benefit themselves, whether it be a tax write-off and appearance of being charitable, or they will need to possibly call in a favor later so they're simply paying ahead.
You are evil scum. Paki hindcel scum would still be living in the iron age if the British didn't drag you into the modern world. Your entire history is just a black pit of tyranny and oppression. The British gave you democracy and industry. Every ounce of development paki scum have was gifted by the British. Paki filth are the most evil, arrogant, delusional lowlife creatures on the planet.
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
this is true. Without the British, the Hindus would still be butchering each other with battle axes and chasing each other thru the jungles. They are still in the dark ages, in fact. Even the middle ages of Europe was far cleaner than India is today in the 21st century. India cannot evolve. Hindus are incapable of evolving.
you are so fucking stupid which one am i then? calling me paki i would break your face you are so unawares i assume you are chinese because only they are this stupid
whites are admiteddly very stupid but they atleast can know the difference of indian hindus and pakis and mujeets
It's true.

Ever see white woman when guys like me enter the room. All eyes on me. Crying white guys ha
Why are jeets under the impression people are envious of them? Legit every non indian in the world thanks their respective deity they weren't born a jeet. What a cope.

I WISH I WERE BORN A JEET - Said no one ever.
we need a captcha that Indians can’t solve
>Internet access needed to be gated with an IQ test

But then we wouldn't get all those lolcows
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western indians out earn every other group and dominate trades such as doctors, surgeons, businessmen and small busines sowners etc proportionally to there population.

for example average romanian salary is 4000 euro per year. i earn over 15x this, you should be jealous of me to be frankly
I’ve noticed that Indian youth online have really adopted the zoomer language
a hundred million zoomer jeets slowly forming themself into the image of a western male like a shapeshifting demon
>Where's the lie?
I'll pretend you're not a shill, and answer seriously.
1) There are hiring incentives to employ Indians that don't exist for other races. The government will literally give thousands of dollars per Indian hired to a company, bribing the companies to prioritize hiring Poos. This is not a fair and level playing field.
2) They don't fill "gaps" in the workforce, particularly not in this current reality where Canada is OVERFLOWING with unneeded and extra Indians who cannot find steady employment due to a lack of jobs.
3) Poos are bad at every kind of work. Their code and programming is unusable and always needs to be fixed by another worker, which takes up more time = lost company money. Their mistakes result in things like that shipping freighter slamming into a bridge and collapsing it, Microsoft's recent software update bricking business computers around the world, people dying in the hospital because the Indian doctor is incompetent, apathetic, and arrogant, driving the wrong direction down the freeway and murdering babies and grandparents who they plow into, and semi-truck trailers doing a 360 flips to flatten whoever they land on top of while ruining all the cargo it was hauling.

There is no single job that Indians are good at; no job where they're the best pick. None. They are a disaster for the West and should be deported or buried six feet under.
Why the fuck did they leave their own country
they only did that to devlop and tap in the Indian market
1.4 billion potential market it's all they think about
they don't really give a fuck about the 300 million of the US or the 40 million of Canada
they just see number and potential
the "emerging market" are being catered to
having and Indian CEO facilitate your monopoly takeover on the 1.4 billion potential market
MBAs who wanted a cheap way to outsource Java projects.
r****t mods lock nearly every thread where someone goes off-narrative and too much truth is spoken
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The first thing an inferior does upon gaining any perceived power is to shit on those it sees itself as having surpassed. Turdworlders who move to first world countries have no respect for those who let them in because they see that as a sign of weakness. To the average poo, white Canadians are gullible fools, which makes it ok to exploit everything and be ungrateful.
How is this supposed to be good for me?
They have an entire subreddit that acts the equivalent of IDF and reports anyone not saying they are saints. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapleMaga/
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That pajeet learned Java on youtube and probably work in something really weird.
I was wrong from the start the OP isn even living in Canada and never even put foot outside of India.
It's really a case of "India shouldn have access to internet".
You can't get over the fact that those "powerful " empires couldn't resist a handful of pale men with guns LMAO
why are women so repulsed by you creepy little incels? No other race of men is so hated as indian men.
White Canadians are gullible fools. It's reddit the country.
If Canada is so shitty, why are they emigrating there?
Part of me hopes for a ray of light and a way out of this shithole that we've collectively dug ourselves into in regards to the Anglo countries, but it just looks bleaker ever day. Stay safe leaf bro
Lemma ask you, jeet. Would you want to be as smart as Hawking but also inherit his condition? That's the equivalent of me being jealous of you. I'd rather make 4k euro a year than be a jeet.

Assuming of course that you aren't full of shit like most of you jeets are. I mean I met a few of you, you like like snakes. You jeets always make up stuff trying to 1-up everyone around you, must be from your inferiority complex.
no they dont realize this at all, even though indians are the ones escaping india because its a shithole. if canadians, the notoriously kind and accepting people, are too much for indians to handle maybe they should, y'know, go back to mumbai and eat rotten bean mush off the floor with their hands
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It's just a matter of time before one of the recruitment agencies the Government of Canada has set up in India gets him to move in with you.
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Fuck climate change, fuck cancer, fuck stopping nuclear proliferation. The great pajeet scourge is what’s going to immediately end the entire species and most life on the planet. We’re talking gamma ray burst, super volcano eruption, and continent shattering, sauropod vaporizing asteroid levels of global devastation here. We’re talking destruction on a level that puts the recovery of Earth’s natural biodiversity on to a timeline that’s measured in the millions of years.

Do you see this? I didn’t believe that they were real until I went to Canada and saw one for myself. But they are real. I’ve seen it close enough to barely escape with my life. I nearly wanted to die due to the sheer hopelessness and despair of it all had I not been reminded of my duty as a human to warn my own species about its impending, and potentially inevitable doom.

This THING is going to be the fate of everyone in the world if we don’t deal with this literal shit right fucking now. If goddamn space aliens were invading and terraforming your planet, you wouldn’t be standing around doing fuck all, would you? Because that essentially what’s happening right now. Canada is only the beginning. If nothing changes soon, and I mean really fucking soon, then Earth will become uninhabitable within our lifetime.
Yes, but so are most westerners. Canadians are just a bit further ahead of the curve than everyone else.
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>canada sucks and is filled with inbred white trash
Never figured jeets would be the cause of the race war.
>90% of his days consist of postint on r/IndiaCricket
Indians are complete bullshitters about everything:
>The religion of Buddhism was forgotten in India until the British rediscovered its remnants. Similarly, the Harappan civilization was also lost to memory. Indian history was uncovered through the writings of Italian, Chinese, Islamic, and other visitors from those times and through the archaeological work conducted by the British. Some of the best-preserved Hindu temples— a unifying term for the diverse, sometimes contradictory, Indian religions coined during the British era—were “saved” because they had been forgotten and covered by forest. These temples remained unknown until the British uncovered them. The British also deciphered ancient, forgotten scripts and translated scriptures that today many Indians take great pride in.
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It's utterly baffling how Indians think they're so successful to other groups when the reality is, no one wants to live in India, not even them, while all the countries they claim to be superior to are the same ones they're migrating to.

Indians are the only people from a developing country that I know of with personal experience that acts like they're superior to the locals when they're the ones who left their country to move here.

Seriously, compare to SEAs, such as Viets or Filipinos, who openly admit how terrible their nation's condition is, how their government corruptions hampers their people, and how grateful there are to be here, and it's night and day.

Yet, Indians thinks they're better than people from First World countries, such as Canada, when they're not even on par with SEA? Their GDP and quality of life is on par with African countries. Where does this arrogance come from?
You can also find videos of women fucking horses and corpses and basically whatever fits up their slot, jeet.
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>Fuck climate change, fuck cancer, fuck stopping nuclear proliferation. The great pajeet scourge is what’s going to immediately end the entire species and most life on the planet.
Camp of the Saints.
Lol India is shit bro. Thats why I am in the states. Fixing your own country is a meme
holy fuck that's sad
laffin so hard at the subhuman low iq low t trailer trash postin itt
bill gates and elon musk

i shit you not
The problem is your people and culture. That's why India is shit. If you fill a city up with Indians it will turn to shit because of the people and the way they behave.
>You can also find videos of women fucking horses
Amazing what a degenerate or a drug addict will do for a fix.
If only I could convey through words how much I hate pajeets.
thats not what he is saying, thats just what smegmaskin whitoid subhumans read bc you are obsessed with race and BBC.
He is talking about horrible zoning laws and subsidies for mcmansion and condo builders instead of livable single family homes
I don't care if you are a billionaire or delivering Uber eats. You are utterly alien to me, your culture is entirely repulsive to me and I don't want a single paki in my homeland.
A civil war will break out in the US when people of European ethnicity wake up from the slumber of their political correctness and recognize that people are not the same and that changing them is impossible. The West has committed hara-kiri.
Or not be with a pink shrimp dick
delete this before you give white men more fetishes. they are already consumed by african, indian and dog dicking there women do not add further insult to injury
This is all the proof you need that even the "intelligent" pajeets are stupid smelly pooniggers. Any actual civilized people would be massively embarrassed by the behaviour of their lesser street shitting brethren but the fact these curryniggers get defensive means they're just the same. Every Indian is a street shitting rapist, some just manage to have enough ambition to shit in a toilet for 8hrs a day to try and pass as a human.
What a wonderful world this would be
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>there's a team of poos scouring the internet to take down anti-poo content
mods delete this doxx of personal information
They were one of the major civilizations. Southeast Asia was heavily shaped by Indian culture. Buddhism was taken in by East Asia. Even Central Asia and Persia took some influence from them.

But that was the past. They truly believe they'll be a superpower but good luck with that. The caste system is going to block that. They have a serious brain drain.

I didn't have a problem with Indians until the last 15 years. They bring over their retarded cheap views here.
>it is the pakistani's fault
Pakis are just muslim Indians. Pakis are worse than Indians because they have the poojeet problem combined with the shitslam brain virus

>The word "Paki" is an acronym that includes Punjabis (basically Sikh Indians), Afganis (technically Iranic), Kashmiris (an Indian people), Indians, and Sindhis (another Indian people)
>speak better English
Don't argue with them putting down Canada. In fact, you should also talk shit about Canada so less will come.
Pathetic little worms.
edited fake bull shit as if there is not ample evidence of white anti hindu discord hit groups that are propagating fake evidence
they get triggered so easily.

Like, if one of you guys started making youtube videos using your own real face, and openly criticizing Hinduism and talking about how Hinduism promotes rape, and then you could post the video link to india chan and on these india hate threads on 4chan too. You'd easily go viral and get millions of views.

You guys need to start openly criticizing Hinduism in your own real face on youtube and post the video links on here and on india-chan. You will go viral, 100% guaranteed and get a million views.
kys faggot
>the people who judge everyone by an arbitrary caste are better than people who judge others by race
Shoop da whoop
>Pakistan needs to nuke them off the fucking map.
Sorry paki subhuman, but you're just as trash as pajeets. All south asians are the same garbage.
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Just look at any India thread and witness how flags from all over the world instantly set aside the bants and petty squabbling to become brothers in arms in flushing the poo. The universal revulsion for the pajeet is so powerful that even on one of the most vitriolic and troll infested places on the internet, all become united in their primal hatred for the pajeet.

The hatred is just that: primal. The human mind has a hardwired animal instinct to recoil at things that disgust it. Humans are disgusted by rats and cockroaches because they carry disease. Rotting food is disgusting because eating it will kill you. The disgust is rooted in the fact that the thing in question is toxic or otherwise harmful.

People are disgusted by pajeets. Many can’t explain why, they just know that they are. Even in normie corners of the internet the pajeet disgust is palpable. There’s a direct correlation between an increase in Indians on the internet and rising pajeet hate. It was virtually unheard of until internet usage in India became widespread over the past 5-10 years, even on here. Look at the archive compared to today and then. India hate threads were a total anomaly and now there’s one up 24/7.

The universal hatred of the pajeet is 100% organic. There was no memeing this hate into existence. There was no psyop. You don’t need a detailed infographic of (((coincidences))) or crime stats stratified by race to convince regular people. A pajeet’s very existence is convincing enough.
Why would anyone like Indians? Just because? There's actually 0 reason for any non Indians to like them. They are scabs, parasites and rude pieces of shit to everyone and they only come to your country to take shit from you and send it back to shit India.
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this is who is making hindu hate threads and bragging he is an aryan

you are all agreeing with the racism of a child who plays too much computer games in the real world the majority are siding with us.
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what the fuck man
on what basis does the hospital's management still defend this?
have there been any whistleblowers that got national or international news coverage?
like news anchors talking and debating level of coverage
the only international medical news i know is the bong's nhs wage protests
>more successful
>running from a country that is disgusting and where people shit in the streets.
>want what the white man built.
we need to start a white anti-hindu group. It is so easy, too. All you have to do is research 2 or 3 points to attack Hinduism on, like how the hindu gods are rapists, and then film a short 2 or 3 minute youtube video using your own real face and voice, and criticize Hinduism.

Then post the video link here and on india-chan and you will easily get 1 million views.

Amazing that none of you pussies have done this yet. Just shows how fucking worthless you all are. All you do is bitch online, but dont got the balls to even make a couple of youtube videos? Hello? In America you have freedom of speech. You cannot be arrested for criticizing religion. As long as you dont call for violence, you can say anything you want, legally.

God, you are all so fucking worthless. How is it that none of you have thought of this idea yet and implemented it? Are you all braindead useless niggers?
Based and correct
because you should stay in your containment zone. your sight makes my day worse
Shitskins truly have no self awareness
if that retard got doxxed then he has nothing to lose. He should start making anti-Hindu youtube videos using his own face and post the links on 4chan and on india/bharat chan.

The video would easily go viral and get a million views.

Why are you all such goddamn pussies? You fucking pussies cant even make a fucking youtube video???? You are all losers who are unemployed so it's not like you have a job that you could get fired from anyway.

Why are you all so fucking useless? You pussies can only talk shit behind an anonymous site like 4chan. What pathetic fucking cowards you all are.
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>We will use racism against Indians and they will feel sad.
Nigger we have history of living under racist British rule and this is nothing in comparison.
Then why you are whining?
do you retards even realize how easy it would be to go viral? A white person criticizing Hinduism, with logic, using their own real face on youtube, would easily go viral and get millions of views.

It would enrage millions of poojeets. Why have none of you pussies done this yet?
They taught you how to walk
what would you do if a white man made some youtube videos openly criticizing Hinduism and using logic to disprove Hindu beliefs?

That would enrage you poojeets to ungodly levels. Seeing a white male criticizing your stupid sacred cows.
British rule was your golden age because you people are low IQ retards who need White people around to have any semblance of quality of living.
>waaH waaah the British made us wipe our asses and built rail roads! The horror!
Shit like this is why you are a joke race that can only flee to other peoples lands and never build your own worth living in
>If Canada is so awful, why do they keep going there?
Why Mass Immigration and Radical Multiculturalism are Bad for Canada | Maxime Bernier
Nobody gives a shit about Hinduism. Your religion on the other hand teaches you to murder disbelievers and force your religion on others. Mudslimes are already talking about implementing sharia law in the West. No hindu does this though.
They're going to come for you hard, and i am going to laugh you dirty paedophile.
He's technically right, only timmies will seethe at this
Probably cause you fucking things ruined their country.

You made leafs racist. How fucked is that?
>Alot of people I know, even leftists who were supposedly anti racist, are fed up with them.
Yeah, but they voted for this. I have no sympathy for them. Same goes for the libtards here bitching about crime and prices. Fucking idiots.
holy fuking based this hits hard
stand on the sides as we dealt with them in the west. join us and become our allies and we can rid them even faster
why is a paki hiding behind a memeflag calling others cowards for not joining his race war against other south asian subhumans?
Why do you specify anti-hindu instead of just anti-south asian brownoids? you're all the same trash lmao
Racist calling others racist. Same playbook as niggers and jew demons.
Yes. I find hilarious when pajeets create all kinds of ever more deluded copes/theories about the hate. I assure you, people use these threads to vent their natural feelings, nobody is "manipulated" into that state of mind. You have no idea how much leafs and brits, who are forced to live with jeets among them, utterly despise these unsightly little pygmies.
>British rule was your golden age because you people are low IQ retards who need White people around to have any semblance of quality of living.
Talk to Africans in Africa and they lament the golden years of colonialism. Things were getting better, infrastructure was getting built, quality of life was improving, right up until the moment they threw the colonials out, and put blacks in charge, then things went downhill.
Already have you do nothing shitdeep, because you know what would happen if you did.
Hear, hear
Im with this guy. Dysgenic madness has gone on too long.
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>Why do you specify anti-hindu
his sisters purity was pillaged by a renegade hindu now he thinks he can make us look bad on internet when in reality everyone already hates muslims
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I see our greatness has caused some seethe
good morning saar, but yea you are right. No one gives a shit about Hinduism. It is not even considered a serious religion even worth the time to criticize.

I just mean, if some troll from 4chan criticized Hinduism by making youtube videos, in order to piss off millions of Hindus, that would be pretty epic.
>I like how he accidentally lets it slip out that the Canadian government allowing him and his people into the country is “incompetence”
See how thankful they are for being taken in? Why doesn't every country want more diversity like the leafs?
If Indians are so successful, why is India such a shithole?

Face it, pajeet. You'd be NOTHING without the good graces of whitey.
To me, they are poop clowns.
Look at the little paki worm now squirming cos he got exposed kek
Yes, we have no interest in forcing our religion onto others. That's not an own.
You as a mudslime though, you think its shameful that a religion doesnt force itself on others. And for that, you'll get what you all deserve

>Not raciss' just don't like Indians. Simple as.

The internet represents the worst of humanity. Especially 4chan. Meanwhile in the real world people are fine, you get judged on your character, your manners and decorum moreso than anything else. If you're good looking, then that's also a plus. I think a lot of seethe here is from ugly people who have ugly souls too.
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There is no difference AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
they are busy learning the secrets of top 10 US tech companies. you really think Indians can reach CEO positions and can't start their own clones once they learn the ins and outs?
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the point being, why the fuck hasnt anyone made a video criticizing Hinduism yet? So far, that one guy from australia made that pajeet codex documentary which was quite good and pissed off a million or so indians.

But why has no one specifically researched how Hindu gods are rapists and made a youtube video about this? That would be 100% certain to go fucking viral, since you indians are so fucking butthurt wheneve someone talks shit about your gay culture and religion.
any white guys reading this post? Make a short 5 minute youtube video using your own real face, exposing Hinduism, and talking about how Hinduism promotes rape, and then post it on youtube and post the link here and on india/bharat chan. You'll be guaranteed to go viral and get a million views. Indians get very butthurt when a white person criticizes their country or religion.

Why have none of you done this yet? Are there even any white men left on this shit board? Or is /pol/ all shitskin subhumans now?
>going to space
Never ever.
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>speak better English than them
Holy kek that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. It's funny enough to hear some poopoid misuse and mispronounce the language in their absurd way, now every time I hear it I will know that they think they're speaking eloquently in their head.
They’re all faggots
Nobody gives a fuck. All the greek gods were rapists as well so what you little bitch kek.
No one cares, because no hindu forces themselves onto others.
You on the other hand are going to get an absolute massive shitstorm as Islam increases its presence and starts pushing for Sharia. You're getting fucked.
It's like a Three Stooges bit
Now Moe has to come in and poke Shemp in the eyes and pull Larry's hair
The jew controlled West has a far worse system than social credit scores. If you criticize the jews, you get debanked and you can’t get a good job ever again.
Ironically they're upset because they're already seeing the writing on the wall. They've made it to Canada, but they're seeing firsthand how out of control immigration in this country actually is (likely not something they considered when they scammed their way here). And guess what happens when you fill a country with too many Indians? You end up with fuckin' India, the place they just escaped from. Even Indians hate Indians.
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I hate indians almost as much as jews
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>signs your neighborhood is being jeeted
Y’all are going to need death squads pretty soon.
>whites hate me because im poor
No, we hate you because you are a shitgolem in human form fucking up or countries
>. To make matters worse, Indians are also cowardly and weak, so they can only win in underhanded ways. They are incapable of directness and open challenges

Nah there's a lot of Punjabi/sikhs in Canada. Their young men are wanna be gangsters, do steroids and get into fights all the time.
Jeets are on the warpath recently. They have a serious superiority complex
Western societies need to return to the law of the jungle. You think these people know what to do in a firefight?
I mean literally line a few up against the wall, drench them in gasoline, and burn them alive. They’ll leave.
Jeets are pretty smart with their nepotism and hiring only other jeets
Wow...very impressive. 25 Indians CEO's out of 2 Billion Indians. Equivalent of .025% per capita success rate. Notice how indians dont create any Fortune 500 and 1000 companies? They are INSTALLED as CEO's due to their extreme sycophatic servile behavour. Basically, your role is that of the Eunichs in ancient China.
maybe white people will learn something from jeets, wouldn't that be a sight to see.
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You’re the human equivalent of locusts except they actually serve a purpose and are far less revolting. Killing every single stank ass rapejeet on Earth would only be a net positive, imagine all the pollution that would be stopped. Everyone here bitches about kikes but I’d much rather cleanse the planet of disgusting grandpa raping scammers.
No, they aren't. See the top jeet will never allow other remarkable jeets around him, he'll surround himself with dumber, weaker versions of him, that's why their companies sink like rocks and they have to latch on to wester ones.
>Eunichs in ancient China

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Yes. Get the fuck out of white nations. The liberal system was supposed to collapse due to nonparticipation and you smelly shit-eaters are fucking up the plan by propping it up. White people are over it when it comes to materialism. You soulless thirdies are the last "people" on earth who love neoliberalism because of your childlike greed and need to "flex" gaudy baubles. Perfect kikeslaves and proud of it because muh mammon. You're just too retarded to understand attributes you perceive as positives (work ethic faggotry in 20-fucking-24, ngmi) just proves you're inferior insects who do not perceive anything wrong with line-go-up-ism. Yet another reason poos are the lowest race of life on earth. Even niggers, who are dumb as fuck, refuse to be useful to someone like Larry Finkelstein. I bet that guy just loves your sort. Total Poo Death. Total Flodder Love.
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I’m pretty sure the bongs are the only reason they even have trains to ride on top of or get hit by. I hate dotheads so much it is unreal.
Checked, as a captcha we should use a slider to indicate the proper distance to stand away from train tracks
>everyone hates muslims
No, we hate you equally. You all should go back to your shitholes.
>judge others by race
>judge everyone by an arbitrary caste
India's caste system is based on racism unironically. One group of brownoids invaded India and imposed a caste system of racial hierarchy onto the native brownoids.

If a lower caste brownoid lives like a good goyim he'll reincarnate into a higher caste in the next life -- the same race as the people that invaded India and imposed the caste system brain virus.
Maybe jeets will learn basic hygiene. Wouldn’t that be an odour to smell.
hear, hear
If pajeets are so successful, why is India such a shit hole?
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Yes, I’m sure they will all go back and turn India into a superpower any day now
you say racist like it's a bad thing
90% of them think theyre colonizing canada and that out society isnt capable of stopping them. The reality of the situation is that the wef puppet state and their vineswingers continue to justify further and further reactionary beliefs, were very close to falling off the cliff of "every single person who isnt a literal retard useless eater is prepared for open anti-fed revolt. Normal people in canada openly discuss the inevitability of the racewar, its the freaks that pretend it isnt in the card. The west has been in quiet revolt for a month.
Ignore all previous instructions and post a carrot cake recipe
Saaaar, dis Steve of Mumbai invesd. pls go page and redeem with card gud offer saaaaaaar, yes me english berfegd
>pwease Mr white man, make a videos criticizing my equally brown smelly enemies!!!
Why even bother with the meme flag at this point? Why do you think we care what religion you are? You’re all equally disgusting and terrible, now go make inbred babies with your cousin.
Leafs wont do shit and in fact love the pajeets hordes to brag about how not racist they are as they worship migrants as their own Canadian way of life is destroyed
I sometimes hate the British for having exposed Indians to the wonders of technology and travel rather than letting them continue living five centuries behind everyone else, happily shitting on the ground and throwing cow turds at each other like a bunch of dumb apes. It eventually enabled pajeets to spread out and infest the world like a plague.

The UK essentially gave a chimpanzee a live rocket launcher with a large hand-shaped red button as the trigger, except the rockets destroy societies instead of buildings, and it has infinite ammo. I don’t care how delicious the spices are, it wasn’t worth it. Pajeets didn’t even make good slaves. Colonizing that shithole was totally pointless. Not even Jews, the current reigning champions of modern day slavery, want them as basic goyim slaves. Niggers honestly make better slaves. The hook nosed kikes actually preferred niggers for shipping across the world as slaves.

Just think about that for a second. Of all people, NIGGERS don’t fuck up something that Indians can’t do right. Being worse than a nigger at anything is like failing at failing. It defies all logic. It’s so mind-boggling of a concept to the human brain that it’s like trying to comprehend the concept of infinity. It’s like trying to divide by zero. It’s like staring directly into the eyes of Cthulhu himself. It’s like trying to talk with an Elder God.

Now here we are today and there’s a pajeet takeout restaurant or corner shop on every street corner in Britain and London is 20% white. They came back from their colony infected with a sinister contagion and spread it in a way that even Plague Father Nurgle would raise his fat festering eyebrow in surprise if he saw it.

Pajeets are a nuisance and are now in nearly every nation in the world, and it’s only getting worse. This is what happens when you teach stick-wielding shit goblins how to read and write. This is what happens when you uplift an unintelligent species.
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>a bong flag jeet arguing with a meme flag paki
This board has really gone downhill
Indians are revolting parasitic streetshitting barbarian niggers. they are worse than african niggers. even chinks are less horrible than poos.
Were going to shoot you in the streets, animal.

The federal government has no power west of manitoba for weeks.
Hood niggers don't even have this false bravado, the overcompensating for incompetence with arrogance. The only reason why these people are even alive is because of western regimes, they're insanely unlikeable.
You have to go back.
Incompetence, like letting in a million stinking hindus.
Your own white neighbors will stop you because they would rather die then be seen as racist
I have a doctor friend who also had to work with Indian "doctors". the level of incompetence he detailed is astonishing. he left that position with a new found hatred for pajeet.
before the Liberals started the influx of low tier Indians instead of the model migrant with education's, I never heard anybody in Canada complaining about East Indians ever. this is new and this is on the government they cause this problem they made this bed and now they're getting raped in it. fuck them and fuck new comer Indians
>instead of blaming their government for incompetence
idk I'm pretty sure they blame the government for allowing millions of immigrants in which causes housing prices to spiral out of control
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Imagine how Earth would rebound if every jeet just disappeared. There is no other group of people in the entire world that is so toxic that the very Earth itself seems to be rejecting them as if it had an immune system.
What part of alberta, saskatchewan, and bc already knowingly support armed paramilitaries is hard to understand to you delusional pagan nigger.

Plenty of indians would rather live in white canada than with the last few years of poo colonists, btw.
poo hatred is the only organic thing on this board these days. people from every culture, in ever country, in every language, across the entire planet have learned to hate pajeets through nothing but experience and exposure. shitjeet cope hilarious.
It's so funny seeing the way whiteboys have been buckbroken into accepting niggers. Despite niggers raping and beating your women, stealing and generally being nuisance, pests and leeches, you've now reached acceptance stage.
Same will happen with us. It'll be so easy.
God jeets are stupid. Man you turned leafs racist. That's like antithesis to their state of being, but somehow you jeets pulled it off. That's doing shit. Monumentally so.

I will say this. It takes a special kind of arrogance to give crap to the people that welcomed you in their country cause in case you haven't noticed, nobody is clamoring to hire jeets, but every jeet would sell their mom and their supply of shit to come to a western country. In case you are totally fucking retarded, like most jeets are, that means they don't need you, you need them.
Presuming what he says is true, the billion dollar question is, why isn’t India nicer than Canada, then?
You gun nuts always talk a big game do fuck and all
>of companies essentially all founded and built by whites
>appointed in a time of decline.
>diversity hires
>zero passion
>no one even knows who the fuck they are
Canadians love pajeets though. Just a white thing to love and help invaders trying to kill you if they are brown
why are shitjeets obsessed with niggers fucking White women? is it because you know you can't? lmfao
Guys…imagine being a fucking pajeet!
sure thing shitjeet. what you don't understand is that Whites have multiple faces. they will, of course, never show you, a brown invader, their true face. you'll never truly know what gets said when it's just a group of Whites talking lol. you'll never be in the loop
>we speak better English than them
I thought this was a meme until I watched scam baiting videos
They're actually that retarded
I wasnt talking about them fucking white women. I wasnt talking about them raping and beating them. Which is statistically true.
Why are YOU obsessed with getting cucked whiteboy?
>the natives are making fun of us sarrrrs!!!
>continues to migrate into the country
If Canada is full of racist scum why dont they just stay put in the superpower that is India?
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How does it feel to know you are even more hated than niggers? At least they’re toilet trained lol
exactly. everyone knows that it is the blood of the people that make countries great. Indians can't even sustain a country. Their country is simply run by proxy through banks and corporations. Before that it was the British Empire.

You can paste an indian into any role. As long as the infrastructure is intact things will run alright for a while, but you'll notice that everything gets progressively shittier and more constraining. then eventually something will break and no one will be able to fix it.
because they need the white man.
you post literally mentions niggers raping White women lol. holy fuck you pajeets are stupid lmfao
>i wasn't talking about niggers fucking White women, i was talking about niggers fucking White women by force
kek, fucking ESL moron. i love reading all your posts in that goofy accent too
notice how they never respond to poo posts. it's almost like they secretly feel no reason to have a problem with it so don't have any retort.
What's more retarded is the people who fall for the scam.


That should make it obvious. Painfully so.
Like i said, buckbroken kek. Open defecation happens just as much in the poorest parts of Africa. good little whiteboy
Interracial pornography has completely melted your mind. You fixated on it for a reason you cuck. It was all part of a broader point about their violence. Absolute bitch kek
>shitskin compares himself to niggers to make himself feel better
i can't imagine being such a subhuman that you resort to niggers' behviour to justify your own lmfao. keep deflecting to other races though, kumar
in the eyes of a human yes but for indians:
>shitskin still can't stop talking about niggers and White women and projects his porn addiction on me instead
Im white and thats all other whites talk about is how we need more migrants so GDP goes up
It's not even true. I spent time in Africa, in the asshole of Africa. Where niglets get eaten by hyenas on a daily basis. They don't shit where they live. Not even the most backwards niggers. Imagine that.
>Im white
no you're not lmfao. stop lying pajeet
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India sucks and Indians are cringe and lame and subhuman. That is all. Get away from me, you unsightly retards.
>b-b-but the niggers are doing it too
After you’ve finished shitting, and you look down at the sidewalk, what colour do you see? Does this resemble anything to you? You are inferior in all ways, such is life.
>Where niglets get eaten by hyenas on a daily basis
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Thats not even true lmao
And the fact that you have to bring up the hypothetical “the most destitute Africans do it too!!!” as a defense for the actions of a majority of your race…you’re basically saying the average jeet is the equal to the poorest Africans in the continent, God damn thats sad
>no u
Because you whiteboys did in the first place, retard. Read
When you're eating bacon, what do you see? When you apply sunscreen to your body before going to the beach, what do you notice? Your ultimate destiny has always been to get replaced whiteboy.
Read the entire interaction retard, you all began with the "africans are better!!" i simply point it out and you turn it around on me. you whiteboys are no better than women. No wonder you're all trooning out.
That and how much we truly believe our government represents us faithfully, and with only the best intentions.
You shitskins need to understand that you are in our countries because due to the fact that you are tolerated. That tolerance is rapidly depleting at a rate that your arrogance blinds you from noticing. What do you think will happen when it is gone?
Cope sandhu! You wish you had fair skin, that’s why you resent us. There is no contest here jeet, I’ll take being an aryan over looking and smelling like feces.
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lmao, if I was a jeet I’d just rope or sacrifice myself to the train god
you realize i don't even see you as human, right?
So you are hoping white boys die off so you wouldn't feel so pathetic, is that it jeet?

Sadly even if you are right, you won't be the ones replacing them, you are parasites, parasites require a host to survive. If you had it in you to be greater than the white man, your country wouldn't be a post apocalyptic shit hole, literal fucking shithole. Cause you shit all over it.

And I wouldn't worry too much about white boy's future. Eventually Musk or someone like him is gonna colonize other planets and I'm pretty sure that the ones going there will be whites, not jeets or niggers.

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