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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>be king of chuds
>have a tranny son
IVF is acually much more likely to give you low t sons
Why the fuck is this being posted so much? /pol/ is more obsessed with transgender people than they are with themselves.
Lol remember when lefty faggots loved elon cuz of the heckin science? I member
Democrats are here astroturfing so they need to make everything about their beloved trannies
i refuse to believe he couldnĀ“t cure him, he let him die on purpose, he has the means and resources to fix him I think is propaganda like Bill Gates daugther dating a Nog bc Billy was gaining too much popularity for sterilizing africans.
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>Immigrant Elon Musk.
>Made most of his money off US Government gibs.
>Has 11 sons, only sons, including 3 with an Indian woman named Shivon Zilis (he's a race-mixer.)
>Advocating for importing millions of pajeet immigrants into the USA, just like he arranged in Canada.

Yeah, Elon is a freak of nature. To say nothing about him being a pederast pedophile, his dads pederasty and weird sex kinks, his mothers Jewishness, Elon's obsession with identifying himself as the antichrist, his obsession with sneaking hidden "new world order" slogans into his outfits and his obsession with mocking true Christians.

Hmmmm.... wonder what he's trying to tell you...
I have been saying this for years. Pol is the tranny capital of the world.
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Or us rightwingers are pissed that an immigrant like Elon Musk is trying to manipulate our party into importing millions of jeets.

Elon is scum. No one wants him.

He has links to Jeffrey Epstein and is a definite kid fucker. Probably why his son trooned out, all the sexual abuse Elon inflicted.
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Maybe if being a spoiled rich kid is so heckin awful he should just rope?
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It's not his fault. And even if it was, I forgive him, since he's publicly admitted it and has vowed to eradicate the woke mind virus. I also want to help eradicate the woke mind virus.
I wonder if she has a cute little feminine penis.
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Its because Elon Musk is a pedo pederast like his dad. His dad took him to sex parties when he was 9.

Do you take a kid to a sex party to watch? No, he was sexually assaulted by his dad and his dads elitist friends.

Its called pederasty; adult men fucking boys assholes for the purpose of "toughing" them up. The ancient greeks did it for the same reason.

Elon probably did it to his son and of course this abuse cause mental illness that resulted in trooning out.

After that incident Elon became friends with Jeffrey Epstein, the king of child sex for the elite. Elon sent emails to Epstein and they talked about "kung fu" which is code for "kid fucking."
total faggot death
No such thing as a "transgender" person
Elon causes more problems than he fixes.

He's going to import millions of pajeets to further suppress American wages.

He owns a mind control chip company.

He fathered 3 mutt kids with an Indian CEO of his.

He's a creep.
>wonder what he's trying to tell you
That he is secretly an Alpha Prime autist, but is a world-champion of masking
You haven't even been here for a year, Pvt Gomezina
you missed
probably trooned out to protect his hairline, he saw his future and it was grim.
>blast out a dozen or so kids
>oops one of them is 9/10 would not raise
>toss it off a cliff
>problems solved
IVF is going to solve so many genetic deficiencies. corpo backed eugenics = best eugenics.
Didn't he basically say he become a chud BECAUSE he kid trooned out?
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>labels memes like a nigger
>talks like a fag
>keeps shilling the same unrelated points
yeah seems totally legit
all the kikes shilling this kike are going to hell with him
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I can't wait to see that tranny freak kill herself.
lol elons shills on 4chan are seething
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Nah, lots of evidence to suggest Elon was a full-chid before that. Even before becoming super-rich (he was always from a wealthy family.)

He once got pushed down a flight of stairs, a story he paints as HIM getting bullied. The truth is Elon bullied a kid whose dad has just died so ruthlessly the kid (rightfully) pushed him down the stairs.

They had to transfer schools after that. Obviously Elon didn't learn his lesson and apologize to the kid he'd been taunting.
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Elon Musk the Jew.

His moms a jew so I've heard.
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>us rightwingers
>Pajeet faggot
>Uses VPN to avoid memeflaga
>Shits in street

Wonder why you don't want the guy whose advocating for massive pajeet immigration to the USA to be called out for it?
I've never seen a /pol/poster say positive things about elon. Why do shills want to promote this narrative?
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Elon Musk trying to hide his connections to Epstein???
copy in CAPS. Absolutely schizo ngmi
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Because they now like Elon for calling out his troon son.

Elon cause the mental illness his son suffers from that caused him to troon by repeatedly abusing him as a child, like his father Elon had done to him.

Its called pederasty and Elon is big into it.
>Child is raised on social media to be radical progressive
>Ends up mutilating himself and goes against his family for social justice points on the internet

Who would have ever thought.
>Annoying rightoid Redditor man has equally annoying leftoid trans Twitter child
The Musk family can't stop being unlikeable.
>> "Elon : Son why can't you just be normal like everybody else?"
>be a jew puppet kabbahlist
>sacrifice your firstborns testicles to baal
>convince everyone of the opposite
Every fucking time (((elon))) (((musk)))
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Like father like son
Elonie is a deadbeat dad.
That's his worst trait.
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Imagine what will happen when he will look like his dad.
good, trannies need to go. they are disgusting creature. not even human. baphomets all.
All this is, is a masonic humiliation ritual for elon.
Deadbeat AND a sexual abuser

His dad is a pederast and abused him, he became a pederast and abuses his sons. Notice he only hangs out with the toddlers?

Of course he was friends with Epstein who supplied him with little boys on the regular but that gravy train has come to an end.
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She's cute as fuck
That's what radicalized him, they sterilized and then castrated his son.

Musk will burn every dollar he has to take down the tranny movement, and he's going to win.
>Democrats are here astroturfing
No, we're witnessing the death of /pol/ version 2016-2023. Even the most fanatical /pol/ users have no cartridge left to defend Trump. He's old, faded, repeating the same thing over and over again, but not as well or as funny. Let's not talk about the disastrous RNC and the horrible Vance.

That's a he you fucking pedo faggot

May god not have mercy upon your soul

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