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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Trump has the tiktok vote it's literally hoever for Copmala
>boomer news convinced that some cringy retard like vance can win over gen Z
massive trump L
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>rave over poojeet couch fucker vance
lmao who believes this shit
china doesnt want to see kamala as president. the rest of the world doesn't want to see kamala as president.

the great chinese tiktok algorithm will promote trump content and bury anything about harris.
Fox News living in different reality
>china desperately wants tarriffs on its exports
kek, I want to live in your reality, sounds fun
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>Fox News says young people will vote for Trump
MIGA unironically believes this kek
They're just doing that media thing where if they say it enough it has to be true
Like the media saying racist sexist Trump voters are flipping to Harris
Or the media saying Crooks was a Republican
Or the media saying Harris wasn't the border czar
Why is Vance trendy for Gen Z
>gets born attractive
>does a dance while smiling
>female robot voice starts talking
>"im voting for trump!"
>spongebob music plays

thats all you need for a good psyop these days
Something I’ve noticed, Lots of real masculine, white, cowboy types are throwing there hat in for Kamala. I work as a clerk at rite aid and was working the register when one of these cowboys came to check out, had to be at least 6’6, square jaw, bright blue predator eyes, and a huge bulge in his jeans. “You see Biden dropped out?” He asked as he passed me a pack of XL Magnum condoms. “I was gonna vote Trump until Kamala stepped up, media hasn’t given her a fair shake, and when I did my own research I found she actually has some good ideas, can’t believe I’m sayin this, but I’m voting blue.” After I rang up his gigantic condoms, as he was walking out the door, he said something about “brat” don’t know what he meant by that though. 10 minutes later a short fat tawny individual with a dirty shirt and MAGA hat covering his balding head comes waddling up to the register, very ugly man. He stands up on his tippy toes to hand me a box of extra small condoms, starts complaining about the pride flag outside, and saving the white race or some nonsense, he even mumbled the n word under his breath, very incoherent. Now I’m not political myself, so I have nothing to gain either way, but it’s just interesting to see the types that back Kamala, and those who back Trump.
Isn't being retarded kinda the Gen Z thing.
I always remember them as the generation that ate tide pods.
He has the fastest growing TikTok account of all time. Kamala is catching up but we all know they're just bots like the ones that post here and on every other (((social media))) site.
Kamala is also going to be 60 years old in October so I'm pretty sure she's not "Gen Z" material at all
This whole trend of both parties paying off kids to shill for their globohomo candidates is pretty cringe.
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Farage won the Gen Z in the UK and hes fairly cringe.
Cringe is fine as long as its about building a better future for the youth, without migration.
In the UK Labour (our version of the democrats) spent 90 times more on tiktok but nigel (our version of ron paul) got better numbers than they did.
She's also demonic, masonic, likely a pedophile, and fakes being black.
JPee Pants got the zoomers on lockdown
bruh vance doesn't have the charisma of anything close to a farage and you know it
you will literally vote for an actual pedophile who has admitted that he used to enter changing rooms full of underage girls to look at them
you should know by now that elections here are just sporting events, no one has any integrity even if the outcome mattered (which it doesnt)
beyond fake reality there. JD have proven to be the worst choice of running mate in the last 44 years. You got to win the election first, THEN you get to make policy.
Did he? I don't think he did or Reform would be in Government right now.
Trump needs to get his own bots to compete with Kamala bot Harris. Lol.
I don't vote in presidential elections because democracy is a jewish trick which I refuse to participate in.
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>gen Z influencers
Are they jewish?
Cut the shit. No one knows anything about this guy other than hes a fat fuck who looks a little queer and has a jeet wife.

Whats the appeal?
>a fat fuck who looks a little queer and has a jeet wife.
just like gen z
>pretend to be principled centrist online
>curiously end up voting for trump anyway
many such cases

now call trump a demonic pedophile
>both sides are endlessly counter signaling like retards

I'm over it
>Farage won the Gen Z in the UK and hes fairly cringe.
he literally didn't
kamala does
kamala is brat
I'm really happy he's finally an MP.
IF IT IS TRUE... that Vance suggested tracking women who leave the state for abortions, then fuck him.
I was all for Roe v Wade being overturned as bad law, but I'm not on board with any craziness on the part of anti abortion people tracking women going elsewhere to get legal abortions.
This kind of extreme shit always shows up with conservatives.
He's an evangelical ephebophile actually. Bipartisan politics are also a jewish trick.
>can't even say it just to pretend that you aren't just another trumptard
I believe post birth abortion should be legalized so I can perform on one you.
He's just like me fr fr
I don’t like the poo fucking thing.
But couching fucking based.
You must be a woman, which makes your opinion on anything invalid.
Hahahaha and you believe this?

Fuck you guys are even more retarded than first suspected.
Denounce the Talmud
wrong, KamalaHQ on twitter has already billions of views and millions of likes. Go read the comments from all the chronically online cat women and queer gen Z.
if you vote for abortion you should be castrated, that's a good trade off.
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Vance has big 'please clap' energy.
young people dont vote
>I don't like this thing
>but i like that he does this!
fuck off faggot nigger no one believes you're white.

He's got my vote, nigger lover.

Interesting fact though is that Trump and Vance get way more views and followers on TikTok than Biden or Kamala. I would not have expected that but it's true. Check the numbers for yourself. JUST LOOK.


Trump's account is a month old. Kamala has had that account for years.
The shit about Vance fucking couches and dolphins is going to backfire, everyone knows it’s a tongue and cheek joke.
It just gives Vance more free publicity.
>He has what it takes to win over my generation
Said no one ever. They didn't even try to make it sound like a real utterance.
>Gen Z influencers
Literally attention whores who would shill anything for money
I will always vote for women to decide for themselves if they will bear children or not. The state forcing them to abort (China one-child policy) or forcing them to bear children (Mao, Hitler, Stalin) is not the purpose of government.

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