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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Now I'm worried, the Japanese boat is straight after the Israeli one...
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who rly did it?
Kek, of course they do
Imagine naively reading this headline and accepting it as truthful in 2024
Nah, they see here it was probably leftist activists
I'm sure Iran said it was Israel but they won't publish that
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guess you can say....nobody "nose"
There WILL be a false flag blamed on Iran and it WILL be used to drag NATO in to war vs Iran
always class act these “people”
iran can't even fly a helicopter properly, these kikles want me to believe that they strung this together? it was striking workers who are mad that they're being lowballed on their salaries.
Why weren't we attacked? Why is it always France?
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This really is exactly like the run up to the Iraq War over twenty years ago. Guaranteed Mossad did it.
they’re incompetent stupid people but also behind everything bad happening trust us goyim!!
this. iran is incredibly overrated, they constantly get cucked and do nothing about it
Divide and conquer. Weaken both your enemies, the West and Iran.
a japanese source said it was korean feminists
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>/pol/ thread #67192669302659391919802
name ONE valid reason why being Jewish is so bad
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days after announcing that they'd like to go to war with Iran?

What a coincidence!
>The sabotage of railway infrastructure across France ahead of the @Paris2024 Olympics was planned and executed under the influence of Iran's axis of evil and radical Islam.
>Israels says Iran sabotaged France's rail lines
he didn't say that thoughever. "under the influence of" is very vague.
if Mossad says so I believe it, but Israelis need to release more info if they have it.
Nothing. Being one of the jewish elite on the other hand..
>le let's make it about us
the trannies of nations
They worship Satan
nous preparons des chevaliers et Rafale
It's a bait thread and since espee is a low iq board it will get lots of (you)s
Media here says it was french leftist activists
Iran can pretty much do what it likes now
No-one believes a word Israelis spout.
No Americans, Chinese, Indian teams at the Euros
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Judaism and Islam are evil religions, Jews and Muslims mutilate children’s genitals.
>Media here says it was french leftist activists
not like you would say one thing at home and another abroad, or anything. Is it.
you're the biggest hebrew puppets in europe, even worse than anglos
stillwaiting for the "retaliation" for killing soleimani lol, that nigger got killed by a fucking drone lmao
was less desperation for a false flag then
>Why is it always France
largest muslim population in europe
Leftist activist is pr much code for Russian sabotage these days
They shut down a Tesla plant and part of our railways in a similar way under that guise
Then they should celebrate it ?
we're the goodest goyim and proud of it
I thought the Tesla plant was actually dumb green protestors that ate up some bullshit water quality report or something? or was that a different time?
The Iranian rail saboteurs just flew over my house
it’s the russians in hans’s brick walls
what would your [great] grandfather say about that?
Sure that's what they claim.
Our police suspects they don't have ties to the known leftist scene.
So some rougue eco terrorists that just sprung up out of nowhere or ...
Also in both cases they knew exactly where to strike, taking out the station and its back-up at the same time in the railway case. Random lefties aren't that smart
Louis IX hated them that's enough for me
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now what?
they shot down a ukrainian commercial airliner full of their own countrymen during the retaliation thinking it was an american plane
there were potentially westoid products on board doe
...child mutilation?
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degeneration and destruction of the world
kek he's literally shaking
I trust the jews
Will that be written on your tombstone?
euro is an irrelevant competition when you think about it
I have multiple jewish friends who hate israel
Ill be using a biodegradable tomb, why bother owning a tombstone when I'm not alive anymore, I won't own it and I will be happy
Only anti-Dreyfusards will deny this.
LOL. Hacker News had a whole thread about how "it was the Russians". Now it has disappeared as new programming has come in. Always wait a few hours for the official software update before commenting.
He didn't even need to name them. The force is strong in that one.

I'm sure he doesn't even check the early life section
Russia shit our pants!
Why do jews lie so much.
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So it's Israel then.
because of what Jews do
ofc they do.
Israel did it not Iran we can’t unsee the evil anymore
Synagogue of Satan and all that
This this this
South koreans are the lowest of asians, way below chinks.
And Iran did not retaliate did they
So PISSRael is in control and PISSREAL IS ISIS IS HAMAS IS ALQUEDA IS MULLAH ETC. WE SEE YOU NOW ISRAEL. Even God is done with you Israel because God Himself foiled your assassination attempt kekekek
Well my church says you're going to hell if you don't stop being a jew, so.
I have a feeling that Iran will cause many things to happen in the next few years: bombings, sabotage, assassinations, plane crashes... I also have a feeling that the proof that Iran is behind all these things will be provided exclusively by israel.
Um ok, what does France have to say? You know, the place where the attacks actually happened
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Well then Israel better go invade Iran to free them or whatever, let us know how it works out.
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Nah, france is a shithole they sabotage themselves
Not Russia?
Can we just have war with Iran and get this over with. Do you want another 9/11? Because we will give you another 9/11
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>get this over with
Iran had to use human waves of ill-equipped children against the smaller Iraq (who we now know was an incompetent military themselves) and you expect me to believe they could pull this off?
The security so far has been abysmal. Drones galore, rabid "fans" invading a soccer field, rapes, robberies (former soccer player Zico has been robbed inside a taxi), underage skating athletes getting stranded for hours without a shuttle to get them back to their lodgings etc etc
i am pretty sure it's just france being france since it's a shithole. picrel.
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shit like this also doesn't help
Curious that Israel knew exactly who to blame, very convenient.
Kind of like that time we blew up Nordstream 2 pipeline and blamed Russia within minutes.
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>"enemies" are Russia and Iran
So it was Mossad.
Sloppy job
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largest jewish population in Europe
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wasn't israel obviously. they wouldn't harm a close US ally. iran is most likely
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They always have the best information. They are always ahead of the news.
modern french problems
part and parcel I guess
Iran getting into headlines a lot for (((terrorism))). Perhaps it is time to invade it?
>we are on the same column as Israel
welp, that's bad
Except 10/7
so what is getting blown up next ?
How about it's just the simple answer which is malding pro hamas losers. No state involvement.

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