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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I was born in the United States and have lived there my entire life. I’m amazed how awful Serbia is though (and the people).

I noticed how the streets aren’t maintained and the infrastructure looks ugly and Soviet-like. There seems to be no effort to make the country look nicer. Maybe it’s the fault of the west, or just the fault of the people who run the country. Trash everywhere.

Serbia (or Belgrade) is touted as a great place for “nightlife” as if it’s something to be proud of. Going out at night and acting like a degenerate whilst drinking alcoholic beverages is not an achievement, it’s something to be embarrassed by. I can’t stress how many times I walked past a cafe or restaurant or nightclub or whatever and heard nasty Turkish-sounding “turbofolk” being played as if it’s the national anthem of Serbia (ironic, we fought the ottomans to liberate ourselves and now turbofolk is a huge part of Serbian culture, lolz). It’s an awful taste of music, and should be banned immediately.
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Who are you rooting for?
The men are obsessed with status symbols like expensive clothes and watches insisting that “you need to look presentable” but will never watch what they eat and never worry about exercising. They also use language like “bre” or “brate” in a deep thuggish voice after each sentence.

The people are unprofessional and miserable as well.
I greeted the cashier with a big smile and a “dobar dan” at the checkout and he told me that I needed to weigh the bananas I bought (in the United States the cashier does it for you). He then pointed in a drunk fashion vaguely in the corner of the store where I struggled to find the weigh to weight the bananas to produce a receipt for them. He then screamed across the store like a drunk idiot for me to press the “1” button (apparently the “1” means bananas). When I got the receipt and got back to the cashier, I told him in Serbian that I don’t speak Serbian very well and that I was sorry that I didn’t know I had to weight the bananas. Instead of understanding, he just asked me “Koliko godine imaš, dečko?” in a degrading tone.
I have many more unfortunate stories but in general people who are complete wrecks and failures themselves will give the most unsolicited advice that I’ve gotten in my life as if they’re perfect themselves. Really weird culture.

People just don’t know how to shut their mouths and have no concept of social awareness.

I can kind of understand why my dad wanted to leave this country so badly.
I asked you a fucking question >:(
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>US destroys Yugoslavia
>systematically economically cripples Serbia
>invents modern "color revolutions" to fuck it
>promotes its rivals
>steals its land
>builds a human trafficking military base and a Clinton statue
>why is Serbia a depressed economy?
I bet you didn't see a single tranny or degenerate feminist. They're not in (((the EU))). They might be under the boot of the empire but they refuse to lick it, unlike your traitor of a father. What a disgrace to your heritage. Diaspora fags truly are scum.
Nigga acting like philly is better than belgrade
> “Koliko godine imaš, dečko?”

Ahh, brings back memories of when I used to visit Serbia as a kid with my parents…they never spoke Serbian to me as a kid but somehow it was my fault I didn’t know the language

Lmfao, muh ancestry fags are the biggest fucking losers.
Same when i go to Albania, that's a shithole that can't be saved, culturally middle Eastern
I’m 100%, unfortunately.
mutt your "new" country is falling apart

you betrayed your original country

you are a traitor to Serbia

and you deserve to burn together with your "new" country

thank you Russia and China
>I was born in the United States and have lived there my entire life.
Good. Stay, you foreskinless subhuman shit. The greatest of goyim.
>I noticed how the streets aren’t maintained
Yeah, well, it is shit, you'll find such shit in the USA without looking too hard, admittedly if Croatia can have relatively good roads we could too but our leadership is a fucking joke.
>and the infrastructure looks ugly and Soviet-like.
Infrastructure? Ugly? What do you fucking masturbate to water pipes and power lines over in the US of A? Our infrastructure standards are literally a copypaste of the Krauts. Better than mutts could ever hope for now.
Or you mean buildings with brutalist architecture? That's a western invention.
>There seems to be no effort to make the country look nicer. Maybe it’s the fault of the west
How can you even think up something this nonsensical? It is our fault, as I said we have dogshit for leadership, the only thing I can blame the west for is this obsession with democracy, it doesn't even work for them today and it sure as shit never worked for us.
>Trash everywhere.
Could be worse. Most cities have such problems.
>Serbia (or Belgrade) is touted as a great place for “nightlife” as if it’s something to be proud of. Going out at night and acting like a degenerate whilst drinking alcoholic beverages is not an achievement, it’s something to be embarrassed by.
You KNEW that, you came and now you act disappointed? What a mong.
>>invents modern "color revolutions" to fuck it
Milosevic was a retard. Good riddance.
I remember you and this is pasta thread. All fields.
Correct, based Mexican.
>The men are obsessed with status symbols like expensive clothes and watches insisting that “you need to look presentable”
That's a western thing (we are a western country after all)
>but will never watch what they eat and never worry about exercising.
Something something USA obesity rate
>he told me that I needed to weigh the bananas I bought
Yes you do that. What's the problem?
> (in the United States the cashier does it for you)
You are not in the United States. It's the same in all of Europe I think.
>He then screamed across the store like a drunk idiot for me to press the “1” button
>across the store
So you'd notice and hear? Man was saving you time looking for the number of the bananas and that's somehow bad?
>(apparently the “1” means bananas)
Yes all such items have a code, it's written next to the basket.
If you struggle with something as simple as weighing produce, I advise getting tested for mental disabilities.
>“Koliko godine imaš, dečko?”
>causes WW1
>causes the bloodiest 1990s war in Europe for nothing
>keeps losing
why are you so amazed? Serbia is a shithole even by communist shithole standards. Serbodravidians speak Slavic but act like pajeets. Even Turks are more civilized than these monkeys.
Their up until few months ago incumbent prime minister was a lesbian, plenty of lgbt people (from ex Yugo)go to Serbia to do their body enhancement surgeries, sex changes and to party because choice of clubs and acceptance is better. Serbia is a center of degeneracy in the region.
Read the other comments you fucking brain dead ape. 500 years of ottoman rule fucked us up more than ever.
>>builds a human trafficking military base and a Clinton statue
Oh the albanians do that shit of their own accord I am sure. They have a George Bush Boulevard in Pristina. No Putin street in Serbia.
Fucking dubya bush. Don't Americans almost universally regard him and Clinton as among the shittiest presidents they had?
>I bet you didn't see a single tranny
Know someone who met an FTM troon once. Clocked by a fuckin handshake lmao.
>or degenerate feminist
That's most women anywhere, man.
As someone who lived abroad three quarters of my life, fuck you. You're a demoralized and westernized faggot. Don't you ever dare to say you're Serbian again, I'm ashamed of you. Fuck off to America since you're an American with American attitudes. Don't ever come back. Put a ch at the end of your surnname to make the transition complete, you're probably called Jeff or Steve anyway.
>500 years of ottoman rule fucked us up more than ever.
How old are you boy?
That's because these people are broken
My advice is don't come back. Literal shit holes
>I greeted the cashier with a big smile and a “dobar dan” at the checkout and he told me that I needed to weigh the bananas
I remember reading this multiple times you spamming faggot, saged and filtered
Send me a picture of you. I dare you. You uncivilized chump.
Anyone who doesn't want to flee any of these dumps at the first chance they get is a literal loser a moron or a drug dealer
Ratio + you’re a brown ape
>Their up until few months ago incumbent prime minister was a lesbian
Ez farming brownie points with the west. She was like a potted plant in practice, I know it's unconstitutional, I know but constitution makes for good toilet paper and not much more.
>plenty of lgbt people (from ex Yugo)go to Serbia to do their body enhancement surgeries, sex changes
Speeding up troons path to suicide and making bank while at it? Fuck yeah.
>because choice of clubs and acceptance is better. Serbia is a center of degeneracy in the region.
Only Zagreb has put up pride flags in the center so far.
lmao everything you said applies to us as well. Except the
>People just don’t know how to shut their mouths and have no concept of social awareness.
part, it's the other way around and people here are too quiet and you will get stares if you do the American thing where you speak like a loud and obnoxious retard. But yes the cashier thing is completely on spot, worse here even.
As someone who lived ~90% of my life in the diaspora, I'm actually gonna say it's pretty comfy here. Yea, the standard is lower and all that stuff, but there is SOVL. No. I will never be a gigga-genius brain surgeon in the Bay Area, but I still get to experience village life and city life and the comforts of neighbors who care about me and biq boi Serbian tradition. Grass is always greener on the other side, I guess.
It’s clearly an Indian in Serbia larping to talk shit.
It's not that what he's saying isn't true, it's that he's posting it in pastas and came from abroad and doesn't leave.
now that I think about it, this >>475740716 is probably true. I saw a bunch of glovo jeets yesterday and it ruined my day. The shitskin menace is spreading at an alarming rate. Not even poverty will help you nowadays.

Glovohomo is conquering Balkans
I don't see them in my town. So far only Belgrade is mildly affected.
>My advice is don't come back. Literal shit holes
So what's the krug dvojke equivalent of Zagreb?
>uncivilized chump
The hypocrisy
Back the catboy ranch, troon. You're not even welcome on xitter anymore lmao
I mean you're not wrong kek. Our only redeeming quality is the lack of non-european immigrants, but that's probably about to change.
>only Belgrade is mildly affected
I've never seen a jeet only a middle easterner and only once ever.
HOWEVER every fucking Turkish shitcan bush by Arriva is driven by some pajeet or Rwandan Morgan Freeman lookalike.
I don't care about any of that shit, but my dad was a F-14 RIO with the Tophatters flying over there in 1999.
Hahaha tell him I thank him for his service, and that I’m Serbian lmfao
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oh trust me bro its going to change faster than you expect it to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD7ECo1wqSI&t=2m40s
I'm talking about non-Serbs in general. I've seen a couple of jeets drive the local buses too (though only private here, that go to smaller towns and villages). That doesn't really affect me except I don't trust these people to drive properly.
They come from Asia, they don't have rules there.
As GSP employees move to trucking instead for an actual livable wage, bus lines go to private transporters and those hire either 90 year old stroke victims or people from god knows where, jeet-adjacent dumps and fucking Africa.
>admitting to being the child of a ZOGbot on /pol/
They forgot to circumcise your balls at birth huh.
>Koliko godine imaš, dečko?
LMAO, you got destroyed
You aren't Serbian, you're the jew faggot that writes here under a Serbian flag sometimes, now fuck off, back to London you go.
>As GSP employees move to trucking instead for an actual livable wage
They earn 1200-1300$, what are you on about?
>They earn 1200-1300$
Oh. Thought it was worse but that's still shitty. Truckers earn 3000 easily.
They will try replacing us. Just look at this lithium mining situation, snsubhumans are planning to open like dozens of cancerous globohomo mines. Who do you think will work there? Since we don't have that many miners or even demand for mining jobs, they'll bring thousands and thousands of Chinese, central asians and jeets of course

That's not something a real Serb would say, Enrico Rodriguez-Jovanović
Only those who work abroad and you're away from friends, family and such things.
I had two friends whose dad was a trucker and they wouldn't see him for 2-3 months.
Some work for a few weeks and then come home, but still.
It's just three steps down from working on an oil derrick.
Checked. There's nowhere to run from globohomo, we'll see how it goes
Serbia is just little Russia without any power
Also, they raised the wages because they had to, a bit too late, I know what you're talking about and the wage was a problem.
Nowadays it isn't much higher in Berlin, I've talked to one guy and he earns about 2000 euros for normal shifts.
>Serbia is just little Russia
And you're just small Israel.
Delivery, taxi, construction and hospitality jeets (and Filipinos) and very common for the last 3 years. And it's not "Bruxelles" at fault, it's the both small and big entrepreneurs. They treated workers like absolute shit and now when many people went abroad together with the workers in the region, they just started importing Asians en masse. Many companies even stopped seeking domestic workers all together, instead they contact foreign worker employment agencies straight away. It sucks, but I can only hope they won't get citizenship or permanent stay permits. How's the situation in Bulgaria?
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we tried to warn you
>How's the situation in Bulgaria?
The businesses here say the exact same things and have given up on even trying to hire gypsies. They used to use gypsies as slave labor until recently, when they suddenly flipped to central and south asia. A lot of people here keep asking, "why the need to import other gypsies when we're the gypsy HQ of the balkans" and it appears that no one can actually answer this question and the corporations keep ignoring it and keep trying to hire foreigners. I think that there is a globohomo bribe from the EU or various NGOs involved here. It cannot be the labor itself since we're packed with unemployed gypsies.
>I bet you didn't see a single tranny or degenerate feminist.

Belgrade has them as do all the other European capitols regardless of whether or not they're in the EU. Vucic is trying to appease both the west and BRICS

> ironic, we fought the ottomans to liberate ourselves and now turbofolk is a huge part of Serbian culture, lolz
The only lolz is thinking that’s true. You literally attacked the Austrians as they were liberating you from the Ottomans. Then you betrayed and attacked the Nazis 20 years later. Scum.
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>That's most women anywhere, man.

>Serbia is a center of degeneracy in the region.

Have you been to Germoney, Swedecuckistan, Netherlands, Spain? The US? If you haven't then you really don't know how bad things really are.
I have been to Serbia, and to many places in Europe, and the US. Of course Serbia is under attack by globohomo, like everyone else, but whatever feminists or fags there are in Serbia, they're 1% of the depths of degeneracy in the core of globohomo.
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Kys illiterate subhuman ape, so-called American "white'.
It's a shame really, I don't know wtf happened to SE Europe in the last few years with the immigration. I might be downplaying Eu's role in this, but all those small construction companies, manufacturing companies and restaurants/caffe bars are owned by locals and they seem to be much more prone to reach for the foreigners than big companies and foreign owned businesses. This disregard of locals of their own people and locale is mind-boggling. And gypsy that works here (not self "employed") is an outlier. Actually, county ( županija) that first started to import Asians in visible numbers has the biggest share of gypsies in the population (10-15%).
what about teeth?
>poturcenec horsi turka
wazup slovak cigany
>locals more prone to reach for the foreigners than big companies and foreign owned businesses.
Big, foreign businesses are not going to set up shop in a country just to use people from a 3rd country. If they're in your cunt, they are there for the specific use of your people and your business environment. If they wanted asian labor then they'd just set up shop in fucking asia.
80% of small business owners are jewed as fuck and profit is all they think about, especially in hard times. If some asian bugman is willing to work more and accept less pay than your native slave class, then they will take the bugs with barely a thought.
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not a thing here yet at such scale, but there is a strong recent push into "thinking about it"
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Yes but you still don't get what I'm trying to say. Imagine that you had some browner latinxes, like the brownest version of latam that you could think of, and imagine that these people worked for the $150-200 equivalent per month. They sweep the streets, they work as toilet cleaners, they pick the berries of the local farmers, etc etc. And one day everyone decides to just stop employing them and to start importing the blackest gorilla niggers from India. What would you personally think of that turn of events?
Its because the locals really very much also want to be Western like the Western elites. They see west imports slaves from Syria Africa etc, ape see ape do.
They take pride in not being the bottom on totem pole or bottom omega dog, see we also import gypsies from other side of world and rule over their lives. We a masta now.

Dont you want own say 4 or 8 slaves? They cost like 400eur per head per month, you can make them do anything in the world.
This force is greatee than any nationalistic patriot feeling.
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>Belgrade has them
yeah they found all 5 of them to interview lol
not one of them is allowed to act out on it and is promptly shut down when they do so they'll quit it or 41%
all is as it should be
You have to fuck off you filthy mutt
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So anyway how many square meters is your bathroom?
Local gypsies may aquire rights in fact may already be bulgarian citizen and even speak bulgarian
Aquire a foreign gypsy easier to rule and boss over it also easier to fire or dump it, it wont stay around start stealing your shit at night
Local gypsies where sent to be beggars in EU capitals, I expect a bigger drive to expel them and make them clean toilets in Sweden
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>Local gypsies may aquire rights in fact may already be bulgarian citizen and even speak bulgarian
yes and they're actually integrated and speak the language and are much easier to be employed. Whereas the only jeet that would come to Bulgaria is the brownest dravidian shitskin, a literal downgrade of the gypsies here, who cannot even do manual labor let alone function as a citizen. What kind of a Bulgarian would wish that to his country? What kind of an employer would destroy his business with such inferior subhumanity? The well-educated workers go to Canada UK France Germany etc. The worst possible subhumans go to the balkans, the least productive jeets not only from India but in general as a worker in the entire world. A nigger is more productive than these dravidian animals that couldn't reach Germany and had to go to Bulgaria for some reason.

And yet they keep inviting them over. WHY?
>Aquire a foreign gypsy easier to rule and boss over it also easier to fire or dump it
Exactly. A foreign slave barely has rights, and their importation puts downward pressure on the wages of the locals. Greedy businesses with short-term thinking love it.

>What kind of a Bulgarian would wish that to his country
The jew-mindset business owner.
>is the brownest dravidian shitskin
Anon, why are you familiar with types of Indians?
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um dravidian is quite a common word, lurk some of the india hate threads to catch up on the lingo
Where u at atm nigger?
I just wanna talk is all
For 800BGN per month you too can own a literal dravidian 1m short slave. If you would not, it fine. But almost a third of any population would love to own a slave, in fact they would pay as much as for a new car. And bulgaria has many jews, they have no moral brakes like you do
>For 800BGN per month you too can own a literal dravidian 1m short slave.
ok and you can do that for the same price with gypsies. What the fuck is the difference? Hello?
The gypsy can run away and cry to his cousins and they can involve police or worse attack you and break your shit

A dravidian or nepalese has no where and no one to run to
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ok let's switch tactics, remember what the ultras did in Sofia when the shitskins chimped out? They chimped out in response. Businesses that cargocult the inflow of jeets should be [Redacted]
Well yeah, and Croat bbb the ultra right winger football club thugh guys ustashe also chimped out and also said they would this and that, only 1 of them is in jail for abusing an import gypsy. The rest got the msg from state, stfu and let 200k dark gypsys roam around if you touch them the cops fuck you

The state is protecting private property
You know whats crazy about serbia and belgrade? (all cities in serbia desu) the amount of graffity-vandalism its insane, ive been to every european city and belgrade is the worst its like they give out free paint cans for people to tag shit
>ive been to every european city and belgrade is the worst its like they give out free paint cans for people to tag shit
you haven't been to Sofia
>the amount of graffity-vandalism its insane
When you do it you get respect+++ written in front of your eyes.
Serbia is a shithole? Old news. Such a pathetic Nation with the most narcissistic people.
Based Mesoamerican übermensch.
Saw literal human shit in many places
Dog shit is everywhere this I cant understand
Human shit in Sofia because it still does not build apartments with 2 toilets, 99% even 4 room apartments have only 1 toilet. Imagine that family of 4 or 5, toilet is busy, what does the other kid do? Shit outside
There is no other explanation
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I know right, we have to unite just to kick out these fucking pajeets they can all go back including the original gypsies and the new ones just GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE BALKANS YOU LOOK AND SMELL LIKE A PIECE OF DISGUSTING SHIT
That's a funny dream you had there.
>kick out these fucking pajeets
I propose to priority kick out the politicians and the workers who approved the visa forms and the slave owners, to India
Then dump thre gypsys on Turkey like Bulgaria did in 1989 with Turks
>kick out the politicians and the workers who approved the visa forms and the slave owners, to India
kek that's genius. yeah we definitely have to take care of traitors before taking care of the shitskins, the pajeets have 50IQ and 1.55m anyways they can't fight back
which is nothing, especially in belgrade
Kek what did you expect retard? We are a post communist nation who was fairly recently in a war against half the planet and ourselves. No shit everything is fucked up lmao
Gypsies dont fight have you ever seen a gypsy with a gun?

But Bulgaria had gypsies longer than Croatia and are darker, even Prime Minister looks brown. Why? Because someone just had to fuck a gypsy female long ago
In the West everybody wants harmony. But it is a cold anonymous harmony. It is death. 'Have a nice day' and die they say and think.
Embrace the honesty of the clerk of the bus driver. You have not to be nice not to be polite. Be polite to the elderly the weak. The strangers be aware off.
You fuck up in the West? 'Everything is fine.' and die - they say and think. Just go away and leave me alone. I do not want to hear about your problems. I do not want to be your friend.

In Serbia everybody can be your friend.

Enjoy your stay. In Rome do as the Romans. Yell back at the clerk 'Got it brate'. Observe and mimic. People are the same all around. Their circumstances are not. You can adapt.
Maybe Serbia should copy Chicago, San Francisco or Detroit?
>it still does not build apartments with 2 toilets, 99% even 4 room apartments have only 1 toilet
wtf brah every apartment that's above ~70m2 has a bathroom with a toilet and a separate toilet. I'm in a 2-bedroom apartment and have 2
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You are not a Serb anymore you FAGGOT. Go back to the filthy west. Nobody wants you here or is impressed by your tranny money.
>apartments with 2 toilets, 99% even 4 room
what? All the 70's drushbah commie block flats I been to have 2 toilets even.
Funny some have heater radiators too but they are not connected. Never were and are standing this way 50years+
lol you literally have a pipeline going into your country with the correct name
I am similar but I am Croatian who moved to Canada. Fucking hate this country, but its hard to fit in back at home. Everyones got their little circles and all they do is go to the kafic, work, or drink. I love the people but at the same time its not perfect. There is also more foreigners than ever in Zagreb, 3 years ago I remember seeing two black people and it stood out to me, this year 20-30% of the people I saw were foreigners. It is just sad, being a balkan immigrant is just sad
Don't make me to come to Praha 17 in 7 hours from Zemun, Donji Grad just to force you back to frontline, you fragile little piggy. So better keep that cute little oinking in silence.
who tf thought public transport in the small streets of Zemun is a good idea?? This was ridiculous to watch
Some nigger before this fat Mayer and his administrative workers who take bribe (3k$-4k$ for legalization permits) from time to time. Don't ask me how I know.
They are mad your family escaped. All they have is their national pride. Their country has been thoroughly defeated and ZOGGED.
Serbia will correct itself over time.
I was born in the US and lived there until I was 35. In my entire life I've never said or typed, 'whilst'... Also, Stari Grad in Belgrade is nice. The average IQ throughout the Balkans is 85 - lower in the rural regions, so you have to expect some funky shit and behavior, especially within the commie blocks.
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Its full of brown people, also known as serbs
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Serbians remove kabab.

That's good enough for me
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>Serbia is a center of degeneracy in the region.
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>Its full of brown people, also known as serbs
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Be mad!
>causes WW1
A chimera mutt
This comment would provoke a mass killing event under normal circumstances, but I need Albanians, so I will let it slide. I hired a bunch of Albanians for a couple of construction jobs that locals were to uppity to do. They worked really hard and for reasonable prices, so I have respect for them. I even asked their Montenegro boss to be friendly to them because he treats them like shit, I bought them food and a couple of beers were brought to them, even though he told me not to bring them booze. I was impressed by their work ethic.
Then why do you still shit in the streets and park
Talking shit about Serbia while doing nothing to make a change is one of the most Serbian things you can do.
Albanians are mostly dumb one-dimensional creatures and your post will fly over it's head, as much as you're writing it in good faith.
They do not value good gestures or good actions, at least most of them.
Rather Albanians than gypsys or worse, nepalese darkies
Isn't beanland about the biggest exporter of expat trash in all LatAm though?
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>but I need Albanians
To rule over you?
Maybe I'm a masochist but I liked Belgrade.
t. Bong.
I can't vote here anyway, I only have a Serbian and a German passport, but locals say that he's pretty ok. He's sure as fuck better than Milo. Was that supposed to rile me up, or something?
you're amerimutt, not serb
based serbia
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Curb stomp Smrdia!
I hope you aren't my guest. Please don't write shit on /pol/ using my WiFi. That's actually one of my bigger fears, some moron guest writing dumb shit on /pol/ and I get banned for it. Which city are you at?
I'm using my own wifi in my apartment not staying at your shitty hostel
go back to albania shqipy, you are not welcome here
that's bums and junkies, I've seen plenty of shit too. Do you think people exit their homes, go outside and shit on the sidewalk because the toilet is occupied?
Why are you so unfriendly? Do you want me to pogrom every single Bong out of Montenegro? I could have offered you a flat for a reasonable price, that's the shit the Albanians were doing. I also don't have a shitty hostel, I have one of the finer houses in my city. Don't get fresh with me, Inselaffe. Also, bong guests and frogs are the only guests who only get a hello and good bye from me because they are absolute shit. Also not touching any crooked toothed roses of Albion, these whores come here to get railed but nobody wants to touch them, maybe a Gypsy will take pity if he's drunk enough. There's a reason you moved away from Bonglandia after all.
> Also, bong guests and frogs are the only guests who only get a hello and good bye from me because they are absolute shit.

I can't disagree. But I haven't seen another bong in a long time as I'm nowhere near Kotor.
>This comment would provoke a mass killing event under normal circumstances
Honestly, why the fuck are they going there? Kotor is a "I'll go there for an afternoon to see the old town" destination. No decent beaches, horrendous prices. Two of my guests went there yesterday and they complained they had to pay 16 EUR for two shitty beers. Not even Dubrovnik has prices like that.
>Two of my guests went there yesterday and they complained they had to pay 16 EUR for two shitty beers
I whined about having to pay 11 euros for 2 0.5L good beers, a sparkling water and a coke.
Here, not in Kotor*
Serbs don't deserve to live a good life.
I rarely go out, I'm too much of a jew for that. I don't want to pay these prices, I don't want to pay 12 EUR for a shitty pizza with warm ketchup and mayo. I don't want to watch drunk and loud tourists, home is where the comfy is. Locals will sit in cafés all day while I work my ass of for my business, then they will whine and complain that they don't have any money.
>t. Albanian diaspora
>in the United States the cashier does it for you
jej mutts never cease to amaze
the US is so fucked that it's citizens can't even be trusted to weigh fucking fruits and here you are complaining about the your ancestral land
Nah. You are subhumans.
that's quite a lot. I was in Belgrade in May and found the prices quite reasonable. Was that in a nightclub?
Serbs are Turks. They're not White, I don't know how much clearer that needs to be made. Stay there with them where you belong.
You're going to get verdrängt in your own country, take a look at your cities. Deal with it, cope.
Schwätz net so viel du Missgeburt.
Are you a Schwabe, lol? You guys are funny, I love it when you get worked up, like a bunch of Rumpelstilzchen.
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Chill, Schwäberle!
Lmao you’re just like me, but I’m Greek. Haven’t been in 9 years and think I’d go berserk if I saw the amount of foreigners there
I don't know why you think you are so funny. I'm from bavaria. Besides serbs are just subhumans and nothing else. They even sold their whole country to us last week and all the money will be pocket by king chud. So seriously. Kys subhuman. I'm gonna ruin the live of thousands of serbs for fun soon. Just because I can.
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>implying I think positively about chicano scum
You can deport them all to the middle of the pacific ocean for all I care.
Maybe practice your German and your English first, after that we can try to solve your delusions of grandeur.
>nooo your typos
enjoy your poluted ground water subhuman xD
You're getting all worked up, I'm just sitting on my couch enjoying a Nikšićko and laughing my ass off. Just five more days and you will get your fresh Bürgergeld, everything will be fine.
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>2 0.5L good beers
Thats some nice cope faggot but even if I was pretending it wouldn't change the fact that we own serbia and will use all their land and water reserves for our factories where we pay them not even enough to feed their subhuman rat families while destroying their already bombed to shit shithole. So...yeah I'm having a chuckle myself over here about how these subhumans get what they deserve.
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Belgrade is OK, I enjoy Balkan people in general as they are quite laid back and relaxed and know how to have fun. Its true that it is rather dirty, and there were a lot of gypsies there. On the other hand, there is a charm to such things as well and to be honest it's not that bad really.
>that's quite a lot. I was in Belgrade in May and found the prices quite reasonable. Was that in a nightclub?
Novi Sad, a regular bar lol.
You're occupied by NATO, slave, sit down.
Turbofolk? I live for that shit. If there are cheap hookers or slutty teens I'll visit. I missed the balkan glory days when everyone was on ecstasy.
Nigger we own you. We'll bomb your ass again if we want to.
You don't own shit, you delusional muppet. You're an American colony and you will stay an American colony. Your industry is fucking off as we speak. Friendly advice, kiss Putin's ring and apologize, he might offer you cheap energy again. Oh wait, you can't do that since you're not calling the shots. Tough luck, go and enjoy the Arabs in your shithole, your sister is probably getting a good dicking from one of them as we speak.
oof thats a lot of cope for a subhuman. Sucking vatnigger dick is all you have left but they can't even take ukraine LMAO. I'll enjoy ruining your lives soon.
It's not you. It's the jews in Washington.
>surprised a poor Slavic country is poor
Imagine my shock.
Germanic people are autistic. They will still see us as bigger enemies than the refugees and jews.
This will be their end.
Speaking of grandeur, what's your secret of a respectably high birth rate ? It doesn't get nearly as much attention, at least here, as it should.
Let the faggot seethe. You should see them, they are all 173cm/70kg. They look at the ground when you pass them, even if people are nothing but friendly to them.
Forcing customers to weigh bananas is unacceptable barbarism, just so you know.
Ok Obelix
Feed catsh Up BiG Up u
If you want to bant, at least try to be somewhat interesting, you repetitive faggot. Schau bloß weg wenn ich an dir vorbeigehe, sonst gibt es Schellen. Ich wähle die Grünen damit Deutschland bunt wird, Problem?
Stop larping as a german bosniashit/analbanian. You are pathetic
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seething serbniggers kek
You WILL weigh the bananas and you WILL enjoy it.
No idea, but it's still below replacement level like everywhere else.
Mudslime larper kek. I'm gonna kill more of your kind soon hopefully
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>killing his shitskin brothers
be me guest
Hide all you want roach, I know you arent german.
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>You should see them
I have no intention of stepping in the western countries.
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>They also use language like “bre” or “brate” in a deep thuggish voice
what gets me about turd worlders is they all have this in common. it sounds so god damn low class
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>all have this in common
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they have to keep having children or other montenegrin tribes will get ahead, they can never allow to happen like last time where Milosevic who was a Vasojevic tribesman had all the power
You can speak in german all you want lol.... I know a lot of germans and they adore me, we are good friends. Seethe and cope mudslime/turk/kike or whatever else type of non-german roach you are. You cant win this conversation
Ahahahaha shitskin your cope is so delicious
>the streets aren’t maintained
Unlike the US? Niggerfaggot.
Aha sure. My german friends probably look at your disgusting family and cringe. They want you deported back to whatever shithole you spawned in kek.
clerks in the us all act like they hate you too so I don't see why you find it surprising.
destiny is serbian?
Sorry I'm no friend of subhumans. You will die like dog. Soon I can go to serbie and slit your families throats in front of you and you won't be able to do shit you pathetic subhuman.
looks like a ripped more arab destiny
what would your mother say about this post?
So, you're not German. You're all worked up about us. I find that funny. So what, we murdered someone from your family, give it a rest.
He actually thinks he's dishing out the bants. He sounds low IQ as fuck and his German is complete shit (and it's not due to the fact he's from Bavaria). Watch him post some WW1 shit again, the Lemming is a one-trick pony. He bored me so much, I think I'll go to bed in a couple of minutes.
>I was born in the United States and have lived there my entire life
You aren't Serbian
I'm not Greek
shut the fuck up dude
But you should be happy with what you have now, while maintaining or improving existing figures. And if I'm not mistaking, births have increased this year compared to previous year, which was already among the best years in terms of births.
Like, how many European countries can boast about this ? https://www.b92.net/o/info/vesti/index?yyyy=2024&mm=01&dd=25&nav_category=167&nav_id=2471106
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Fucking lmao
Halfbreed with superiority complex got destroyed while weighing the bananas then brings his blasted ass to 4chan ahaha
Would be very proud.
Again we own your shithole now. Your chud president literally sold all of serbia to us.
Und heul nicht wenn wir kommen um dein Dorf abzureißen lololol. Man kann schön viele Serben in diesen löchern begraben :) und fragen wo die geblieben sind tut auch niemand xD
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>do nothing
>Would be very proud.
something tells me this isn't true lol
Lol i hit a nerve. You know it's true shitskin, you feel it when you walk around Bavaria. You will never be German and whatever shithole you came from we absolutely ravaged so you cant live there. Best you can do is seethe at us here on this anime board and larp as something you are not lmfao. I kinda feel sorry for you as I type this...
Ofc he isnt, no german thinks like him I can tell you that for a fact.
Kek yep, its some raging fag that we BTFO'd in the past so his mommy and daddy had to run away.
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whens the last time you've been to the US?
US is a shithole now.
Do you realise if you put me (me personally and many others) in a bad spot and decide to do bad things just because, we will just make a competition where we blitz into your villages and murder the rest of your family before an American plane bombs us?
I am amazed by your people's ability to threaten without realising the consequences.
If you put my family in danger I know what I will do. I will make sure to upload the pictures of your dead citizens on here so you can continue whining about it for the next century.
Hahahaha it's so funny that cope and seethe is all you have left
not reading that
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>Turkish-sounding “turbofolk”
finally someone gets me...
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Here is the picture then.
>no answer.
>cant reply with an argument.
>haha, no you!!!
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I don't know who that is shitskin. I'm more into vatnigger gore though
I'm not bothering to read your seethe but keep seething
Yeah I will take my victory and leave. Wasted enough time already, enjoy not being german you shitskin larper.
lol the absolute state of you seething subhumans
>I don't know who that is
Your dead countryman. That is a human being but we made quite a mess of her.
Remember pictures like this when you cheer for war. You will get it.
Pusi kurac izdajice
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>human being
I'm not related to subhumans. You gipsy niggers look all the same with your turk mixxed blood.
Post hand
No idea what that fancy shit is
It could easily be a German, they hate Slavs, especially Serbs and Russians. Who gives a fuck what he thinks, they're getting replaced on a daily level. And not to mention hatred against Germans and their mining colonization plan has united Serbs agains
My detector went off because he's personally seething at Serbs. Maybe we killed his family member in WWII, God knows. This kind of seething is special. You'd be surprised at how 99% of the time, the hatred is very personal, but it makes sense.
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you first with timestamp shitskin
I asked first, you will get a picture afterwards.
you are the lesser human so go on shitskin
First thing first, Serbia was bombed by the USA.
Its not easy to recover.
Secondly, Serbia was the only nation is all of Europe to bring in the Ottoman empire.
You stupid dumb Serbo-American nigger tier cunt.
If your even thinking of the "kebab removers", all those faggots did was genocide slavics who were forced converts.
Third, and last. Just kill yourself, you low iq inbred turk whore scum bag US educated nigger loving cock sucking filth
>First thing first, Serbia was bombed by the USA.
>Its not easy to recover.
it's not supposed to
>Secondly, Serbia was the only nation is all of Europe to bring in the Ottoman empire.
thats why they look like turks
>If your even thinking of the "kebab removers", all those faggots did was genocide slavics who were forced converts.
While I do not hate them today, they were absolutely historically despicable and these "poor slavic converts" were the ones keeping the Ottoman empire alive in the Balkans. Go to wikipedia and read for a minute or two, look at the names and surnames of the people we fought against.
>Secondly, Serbia was the only nation is all of Europe to bring in the Ottoman empire.
I have no idea what this even means. At worst you can only accuse eastern Rome of doing this, because they allowed Ottomans to loot soem city in Europe and they settled there, though I'd never shit on eastern Romans as they resisted far more than anyone thought they could.
Serbian cooperation with the Ottoman empire ended as soon as they terminated our vassalage
Balijanigger detected.
Larping about turks, but he's the one who is their descendant.

He will never be accepted anywhere, not even in Anadolia.

Cope, seethe and dilate faggot, together with your 23% fildzan reservate
I have no idea what any of those words mean LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO holy shit you subhuman are so funny
Maybe this new jeet invasion will help people lump the original street shitters together and everyone does a wholesale remigration deal to kick them all out.
If you're not some trash from here, you certainly act like one, at least on the rational spiritual level.
>rational spiritual
What about you being a subhuman and me hating subhumans do you not understand subhuman? You lost your country. We are in control now.
You seem distressed and angry.
>and heard nasty Turkish-sounding “turbofolk” being played as if it’s the national anthem of Serbia
>(ironic, we fought the ottomans to liberate ourselves and now turbofolk is a huge part of Serbian culture, lolz).
>It’s an awful taste of music, and should be banned immediately.
You mean the country music, like Ceca, Dragana Mirkovic, Mile Kitic, Saban Saulic??
If you seriously think this music sucks then you should literally go fucking kill yourself you westoid son of a whore you’ve NEVER BEEN A SERB
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All these things you mentioned might be valid but you don't see incorruptible true beauty of Serbia.
And comparing to that beauty, all westerstern things of beauty with all of it's fake glory are nothing else but garbage.
>serbnigger seething and projecting
you shitskins are too funny man. I'll come over and set your village on fire personally
It's always because of the people.
Serbs are subhumans, always was, always will be. Can someone post the meme depicts the trigger of Yugoslav wars? A Serb stuffed his anus with a beer bottle then the bottle broke...
chill neeg. ko ga šiša tamo
This is some low tier bait for a goat fucker.
You seem in need of medical help, but you can open up to me, you seem bothered and on the verge of tears. Did some Auslander bully you?
>you're probably called Jeff or Steve anyway
His name is probably Jebediah (Jebadija)
>A Serb stuffed his anus with a beer bottle then the bottle broke...
Albanians were doing bottle torture common for islamic countries and then ended up surprised when we put them in mass graves.
Most of the population is old people and old people in general tend to ne dumber
Yeah, how dare he point out problems in Serbia after seeing how good life can be in the West. Serbians are PROUD of their country. Sure, it's a shithole, but it's THEIR shithole.
Same, but for Belarus. The degeneration that occurred after SU collapse is immense.
We are shitting on him because he came from diaspora. Otherwise, Serbs love to complain. Like every other people.
America has been "falling apart" for decades at this point. Two more weeks, Shlomo?
>Yeah, well, it is shit
>your country has bad parts and that means our shit doesn't stink
Lmao Serbs only have pride for their country online where it means not having to do any actual work.
>we are a western country after all
Thanks for the laugh. Serbs are slavic mountain niggers. You'll never be white.
There are only 20 banks in Serbia, the state is borrowing from the open-market where bigger players speculate, it's a recipe for doom it's not sustainable.
>Two more weeks, Shlomo?
How on earth does someone under your flag have the gall to call anyone else a jew.
God, help me with the westerners, you're animals.
When did you move to Montenegro?
yeah, serbia is dirty and ugly and full of gypsies, it's basically worse than india, you're gonna get jumped & your girl is gonna get fucked, don't come here, thanks
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>"filthy west"
>posts pic of a boomer mowing lawn of his giant property
Yeah, the west really is horrible, anon :^)
That's a vid from Vancouver, jeet.
>he came from diaspora
Crab bucket mentality. You are just jealous he was able to get out and give himself and his family a good life.
You act like a jew and I call you a jew. Simple as.
all i can say is cmon daut win that jew esharts money again
Kosovo not only doesn’t belong to Serbia but neither does Serbia belong to Serbia. Serbs are invader migrants. Why are spics so retarded?
america was just built up more recently, in 50 years it will look exactly like serbia. none of the taxes go to maintenance. all the new shit being built is from (((private))) investment.
>You are just jealous he was able to get out
There is not a Berlin wall here, I can go out anytime I want.
Sure, it will take some effort, but so does anything in life, including staying here. The dumbest imbeciles get out of this country, that's not an achievement. Neither is staying here, on the other hand. It's not a metric.
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>America has been "falling apart" for decades at this point.
I wish. It has been going downhill since WW2 though.
>>your country has bad parts and that means our shit doesn't stink
Solid job ignoring the rest. Regardless, most of your country's bad parts are a hundred times worse than our worst, it should be inexcusable with how much money you fuckers have.
Oh right 99% of it is in a select few jews pocket.
>Serbs are slavic mountain niggers.
What should we be, urbanite faggots? No thanks.
>How on earth does someone under your flag have the gall to call anyone else a jew.
Or "not white" for that matter.
And Albanians took it from the Neolithic people. The Balkans belong to the Neolithic people. Death to the Indo-Europeans.
What you want? Miro Semberac Jedna Bosno Suverena and Arkanove Deline is something I listen to while writing code and looking after trading systems in a hedge fund trading millions lol
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>>posts pic of a boomer mowing lawn of his giant property
And what does he have on that property? A pathetic fucking cuckshed.
And yet you still lost, lmao.
>serbs posting from Germany
Why aren't you in Belgrade, anon? Life there too shitty for you?
>"oh no, my whataboutism was called out!"
Are there other logic fallacies that I ignored, anon? :^)
>What should we be, urbanite faggots
You prefer being a nigger to being a pidor? Strange. I prefer being neither!
>Or "not white" for that matter.
I'm from Belarus. Whiter than you'll ever be, kebab.
>And yet you still lost, lmao.
We didn't lose to them, we lost to NATO.
I have never met a person who considered Albanians to be anything else other than a nuisance to be farmed. Genuinely, every single veteran told me that the biggest problem was the lack of sleep and shitty conditions. Never an enemy.
Why aren’t (You) in Minsk, retard
Oh, so where's your property, anon?
>we lost to NATO
Is this really how serfs cope?
I guess now we know what hohols will say after they capitulate: "We didn't lose to Russia, we lost to China!"
Serbs are vile nigger subhumans. What else is new?
>Is this really how serfs cope?
It is obvious you're trying to provoke a reaction. Laughable.
Serbs have enough territory and the means to build a decent enough economy. Stop being niggers.
Why do you think Kosovo is about territory to us right now?
We simply want to barge in and kill them for their crimes. Fuck territory. Nobody will settle there anyway.
>Honestly, why the fuck are they going there?
They just have to get those instagram pics.
Because Minsk is a shithole. Belarus has some nice parts, but 90% of the country is a rotten asshole. I'm sad how far it's fallen.
I think you just had culture shock, anon. Like, why the fuck did you smile when you went to the store? It's a slavic country. No one fucking smiles there unless it's with family or you are drunk as fuck.
I think you should give Belgrade another chance. Just do your research to avoid the shitty parts like New Belgrade, eat out instead of buying fucking bananas, and use taxis/walking instead of public transport. You're not in Japan, bro. It's a slavhole.
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Bad news is that they are armed now.
In defence of the USA, they do actually finish building their houses.
"They" were armed before too. Nobody is afraid of you, retards, you had good rifles before and you even had instructors from abroad. Didn't help much.
I just thought serbs would be greatly ashamed for having their teeth kicked in so badly the country has not recovered 20+ years later. Instead there's this weird "muh NATO" sneed.
You lost. Get over it.
You won't do shit.
It is obvious the crypto-jewish genes from the Pale of Settlement that prevail in Poland, Belarus and Ukraine have made it into your blood as well.
There is nothing I can do, no further discussion will help you. Ukraine and Poland are two jewish countries of Europe, Belarus less so.
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>Why aren't you in Belgrade, anon? Life there too shitty for you?
I can't speak for him but life is fine here. Comfy, even.
A darn side better than any of your damn cities.
>my whataboutism was called out!
He should be glad shit here is as good as it is and not far worse.
>You prefer being a nigger to being a pidor?
>I'm from Belarus.
And it's better off without retarded faggots like you.
>Oh, so where's your property, anon?
Here? Where the fuck you think I live?
>>we lost to NATO
>Is this really how serfs cope?
But nigger this is completely the case. No NATO involvement = Total Serbian Victory over the Albanian terrorist forces.
Of course the albanians had figured out dicksucking wins wars these days so they got the mutts to defend them, from the air like cowards, targeting civilian shit, literal war crimes.
>I guess now we know what hohols will say after they capitulate: "We didn't lose to Russia, we lost to China!"
I would not be surprised if they do lmao
Kek nah they wherent. Maybe some rifles from WW2 while you had tanks and aircrafts. Its easy to be a big man this way.
>Man with fentanyl zombies and homeless camps on the average city street calls another nation filthy
Nigger shut the fuck up.

>People just don’t know how to shut their mouths and have no concept of social awareness.
Well at least you're proving your Serbian ancestry by being exactly the fucking same, retard.
We have even more now. We have tens of thousands of drones, glide bombs, air defense network, we are armed to the teeth, Kosovo is gearing up to replace KFOR. You got one or two Bayraktars that glow on the radar like a light on the Christmas tree. I do not want war, but you act like chimps even though we left more than 2 decades ago. Which is why we need to blow up some skulls to make a point and send the rest of you to Switzerland.
Do you seriously think some MRAPs and gifted cammo are enough to defend yourself?
OP is a faggot and Belgrade is the kind of capital where the country's avg IQ fits well in. What else is new?
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>That's a vid from Vancouver, jeet.
WA, nigger.
>It's a slavic country. No one fucking smiles there unless it's with family or you are drunk as fuck.
It's south yurop. Not russia. Different mindset.
>avoid the shitty parts like New Belgrade
That's one of the best damn parts. Would never live there for personal reasons but it be one of the best.
>use taxis
And get scammed as a dumbass tourist perhaps. Well if you know which to avoid it's unlikely but he's too dumb for that.
Mutts don't get this
>instead of public transport
Public transport is ok. It works, it's not great but it works.
Because some rich jew hires incompetent spics to build it, to sell it to corporations owned by jews or chinks as investments.
>the country has not recovered 20+ years later
The fuck you mean
>You lost.
Yeah. To NATO.
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>Thirdworlders acting like this anon is in the wrong
Truly, the advent of the smartphone was a disaster for all internet communities.
Your Turkish drones can literally be turned off by Turkey.
>Your Turkish drones
Retarded diaspora moron.
For white man obviously
I concur, you probably fantasise yourself to be like Ukrainians, and you fantasise to milk Serbs for 3 years in some ditches, I am sorry but that is simply not realistic. You're first not Slavs, you're not warrior people, you're dumb cowards, and second, the disparity is much greater than disparity between Russia and backed Ukraine.
>The men are obsessed with status symbols like expensive clothes and watches
In other word - gypsies.
All your drones are from Turkey or wherever the fuck, they can all be turned off.
Of all the replies 0 are third world.
>the advent of the smartphone was a disaster for all internet communities.
I couldn't agree more and couldn't be more glad for our relatively early adoption of cable internet.
>All your drones are from Turkey
God help me with the retards on this board.
Most of us have some Montenegrin heritage, i'm like 50% Montenegrin, 25% Bosnian Serb and 25% Serbian/Vojvodina Serb
Russians use drones from fucking Iran and they work perfectly
All that shit got western tech in it
You fags fantazise yourselfs to be very special and very important for centuries now. You are neither. This massive psychosis leads to you fags always starting wars and getting your ass kicked.
More important than albania ever been. Almost never existed.
That is true but that doesn't mean we can't murder you eventually like we always did.
Albanians were always subject to Slavs. Your moment of glory where an entire coalition came to save you was just that, a glorious spark of your history you used to desecrate the churches and make a narco state.
I don't know what you can say to me that I don't already know about. Just because Serbs are this and that does not absolve you from anything.
Thats besides the point.
>erm akshually they are OUR churches
>uhhhh ignore that we destroyed the eyes on the frescos in hundreds of years ago, they are ours
We were subjects to turks just like you. Again inventing shit, huh?
Sounds like you never left America.
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>failures themselves will give the most unsolicited advice
“Never accept criticism from people whose advice you would never accept.” Sun Tzu
Fuck them bro, you’re an American now.
Oh btw, fuck your churches you dumb orthodog tranny.
filtered LMAO
if this wasn't a pasta already, it is now
>They're not in (((the EU)))
You can find filth anywhere if you look hard enough.
This is complete nonsense. Westoids are just intimidated by testosterone and lack of timid, agreeable "don't kill me, please" fake smile culture.

The 'Balkanoids spend too much money on clothing' and want to look good is a fake and gay stereotype. Nordics and west europeans care way more about fashion trends to the point of looking like clowns to an average southerner.
I would be fine with peace with us if you were normal. Like Bosniaks, like Croats. With all that's happened there, they mostly act like normal people.
You don't. Your reward for this is a bullet. What is there further to discuss? And it is too late to make amends now. Not like you ever tried to, but just in case.
lmao even
>We were subjects to turks just like you
Nah you were loyal dogs till you had some disagreement
They care about dressing well, not about brands... They have a point.
you can change that to "lithium pollution"
Danke Deutschland
Nigga, no one gets along with you. You have beef with everyone. You are the one who is not normal.
You were more loyal to them. Hell you were the only christians that attacked vienna with the turks. KEK.
Dumb spic poster. Yugoslavia failed on it's own when Tito died.
Schnauze Hurensohn. Ich vergewaltige deine Mutter und Schwester Tag und Nach, bevor ich sie bis zum Ersticken in Gesicht ficke. Dein Leben gerhört uns.
This. WTF is this uncivilized behavior. Weigh my bananas niggers.
>Nigga, no one gets along with you
Nobody has to get along with me. But I can walk anywhere in Bosnia and Croatia and I can live anywhere in those two countries without being bothered, shot or have my house burned.
I have visited, I know.
And we do get along. Based on my own personal experience.
I don't know what's hard to grasp for you, you will pay in the end, and we will make you pay when it's suitable for us.
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Only someone with abominable ancestry has a viperous outlook such as yours, SAD
Thats nice. Say to a croat or bosnian: Velika smrdija tri prsta ratko radovan aiaiaiaiai aka show your true serbian self and then we will see how you will get along. KEK.
That's not true at all. Entire scandinavia is an "iphone and tesla" country. They, in fact, worship brands way more than Serbs if you compare the middle classes. But they don't, they compare the average of theirs with the worst of ours, because they're arguing in bad faith.

A rolex wearing "bre, brate, ulichna skola beograda" isn't the average Serb.
Deine Schwester ist meine Mutter, onkel hans
>no one gets along with you. You have beef with everyone. You are the one who is not normal.
Who are you talking about? Bosniak? Croat? Serb? It applies to every single one. We literally all got beef with each other. Just the wonders of yugoslavia.
>You were more loyal to them.
I have my foreskin intact
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Ich bin nichter verwandt mit Niggern.
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I haven’t purchased clothes in 5 years
Next up we're gonna force you to bag your groceries and pay for those bags and to buy a glass beer bottle you gotta return the old one.
Oh wait, we do all of that already. Haha.
Du bist einer negger sauger
That is not my true opinion on either of those two people at all. It is once again that your subhuman species shows it's intellect: do something bad, and you'll be hated for it. Masterminds.
I don't do such things.
Go mine your own lithium faggot. We gonna take a shit on your machines. Good luck cunt.
You dont but 95% of your country men do.

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