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Elon Musk's trans daughter says Elon was never around, is constantly high off ketamine and addicted to Xitter
Sounds like a grifted young man that's having a mental breakdown
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Maybe if being a spoiled rich kid is so horrible he should just rope
is ketameem a based drug? i just do alcohol/thc.
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>Elon was never around
sound like he trooned out cause he wanted daddy's attention
This tranny can't remember shit that happened a year ago, you expect me to believe he has perfect memory of his life as a four year old
>Son, you cut your own dick off.
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keep me posted /pol/.
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lmao. Matter of time before this tranny offs himself.
Micro dosing psychedelics is retarded imo, better to just take 10 doses at once and get the ego death over with
oh my science is that le celeb drama?
Doesn't Elon have like 20 kids with mostly different moms? We all know he's been ignoring most of those kids.
the rope is near, its undefeated

He trooned out because the school basically forced Elon to sign documents during COVID lockdowns when he said he didn't realize that's what they were going to do. The SCHOOL called Elon with an ultimatum: Sign these documents or your son is going to die.

That is what they told him. Trannies are evil, vile people who once they troon out - you go on as if they died. His son is DEAD and DISOWNED. I hope it necks itself soon.
He sounds like an incarnation of reddit. This kind of resentful sanctimoniousness combined with newspeak insults and slogans is like distilled top comments. "I'm not mad, I find it funny" is a real cherry on top.
Probably all true, hence why his son cut his own dick off in a crazed search for meaning and identity.
>Ignore your kid while they grow up
>They troon out

Neglect does not make one TROON OUT, assuming it was even due to neglect. No his son was experimented upon and it'll neck itself soon.

He has 11 other children.
>Worlds richest man
>Got owned by a single public school
Yes. ALL IVF products as well
i think she can pass
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>as for if I'm not a woman..sure, Jan. Whatever you say. I'm legally recognized as a woman in California..
I knew he was a junkie. I can tell them from a mile away.
>workaholic is bad father
shocking, also he's the only reason anyone cares what she has to say
Yeah it I had a child groomed I would never want them around me either LOL. That's if I don't put them down my damn self.
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>mentally ill ramblings from a tranny
we should bring lobotomies back
I think you groomers cannot pass the trials that are coming soon
Fuck off retard. Go look at fatherless nigger stats and get some perspective.
why do trannies never take responsibility for their actions! sad!
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Isn’t he taking ketamine because of severe insomnia? I think Garrett Reisman even mentioned how he just seem to sleep
daughter? But it's a boy you fucking nigger
Going trans is stupid, but if I were Musk's child I'd probably do it just to kill him inside. Musk seems like the type that still laughs at 41% jokes years after it was funny.
Oh yeah, I'm sure someone who has been indoctrinated by the modern left definitely aint lying out the ass. It aint like we see people on twitter constantly lying for clout and attention all the time.
I think even Garrett Reisman mentioned how it seems like Musk just doesn’t sleep*
Elon being a drug user is a well known fact
>neglected by fat fuck investor zionist father
>troon out
>Musk keeps investing in anything but his children, visits Epstein island
I don't get why people ITT are making fun of this kid, everything they describe is exactly how you people say it will happen if you act like Musk.

A few hours ago, even, I remember reading someone posting some bullshit, probably made up story
>parents give away $4 million to niggers
>when they grow old, put them in the nigger's care home
>when they beg to be let out, remind them
isn't this the same sort of thing? Shitty parents make shitty kids. The fact that he's laying this all out, and telling us exactly how Musk is dishonest, is a good thing. But it sucks for him, because it's his life that's been fucked. He seems to think trooning out is great, but he is a victim, and we should pity him.

i honestly don't believe it's a bad idea to let underage boys and girls make their own sexual orientation
if parents or society force them to grow up to be men or women
they'll kill themselves before they're 30
so it's better to let them live their lives the way they want
>never around
>constantly high off ketamine
Which one is it?
>is drugged up every time
On ketamine? Doubt it. I don't know that much about it but it doesn't seem like an out and about type of drug.
>I don't concern myself with the opinions of those below me.
This nigga still thinks they're getting the emerald mine.
>passes as a mongoloid pretend girl in one specific selfie setting

Are you retarded?
You mean mentally ill, retarded son. Cross dressing doesn't make you a woman.
It would be better if mentally ill homos died young before they could act as a social contagion.
yeah it does lol
> still the transgender's fault for existing
> Elon cock gargling
The absolute state of /pol/
Why do I see very few people here pointing out that Elon was a shitty parent? Why do you think his kid trooned out?
>I'm not gay! I'm not gay!
Talks in gay
Opinion immediately discarded
Kys Op
No wonder he turned into a troon

Let this be a lesson... You kids turn out how you raise them.
Trans goddess of /pol/.

>Well known fact

Source for the fact other than a crying, unstable troon clearly lying for attention?

Nigger no it does not. Plenty of troons have had "coming out" parties with full support of both, actively involved parents. In fact it's usually because the parents are SO active that they push this on the children and they then eventually troon out.

sounds like a troon with daddy issues
I cant imagine how bad this hurts for Elon, fuck
/pol/ has been officially cucked and become a Xitter colony instead of the other way around
trooning is the result of autism and porn, thats it
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If I were Person, I'd make twitter code-monkeys detect his son's user logins and make text on the page distort into a crude digital face and mock him for being a failure
>I'd cut my dick off to inconvenience someone else

Faggot mentality

Sometimes people are born retarded, anon. This guy has autism and there is a strong link between that and trooning. Autism is brain damage, by the way. People have just softened their wording on it, but it literally means BRAIN DAMAGE. This is why it's a "spectrum" some have more damage than others
Reminder: Ignore attention seekers
>if parents or society force them to grow up to be men or women
>they'll kill themselves before they're 30

Your terms are acceptable

Oh, some illicit drugs at a few parties. That's far more normal than you realize. I've tried all those drugs at parties too, doesn't mean i've touched them since. Shit that stuff is all WAY too expensive for me. I suppose he wouldn't have that issue.

Goto rich people parties, drugs flow like the booze. I thought this was a SCANDAL? something about him using during work or something. But that article, which i just read in full, says about claims of him doing some stuff at PARTIES. That's not a fucking scandal or what you think it means, anon.
>ill tranny trowing a tantrum
what else new?
imagine how much money this tranny has access to through his father.

Unlikely he gets much, failed rich kids like this often times aren't given much before necessities. But who knows, this little monster could have a million dollar cushion just because.
If only. Parents are just one factor in a child's life. Like the other anon said, genetics play a large factor. Musk is autistic or whatever himself so it's likely his son is too. Combine autism with a pro tranny school, the wrong social group and porno addiction and it's an uphill struggle for any parent, let alone a workaholic with 20 other kids
elon being a shit father
oh wait that isn't new
>tranny calling people incels and telling them to touch grass
the ironing. no wonder elon didn't want to be around this mentally ill attention whore
>elon shills itt now
>memeflag shilling against elon
you will never be a real woman.
she's 20 anon
elon is neglecting his children
time to neck yourself, Jose
>Oh, some illicit drugs at a few parties. That's far more normal than you realize. I've tried all those drugs at parties too, doesn't mean i've touched them since. Shit that stuff is all WAY too expensive for me. I suppose he wouldn't have that issue.

no non NPCs care

/pol/ is just wall to wall NPCs
t. elon cock sucker
how dare you
I don't take trannies at their word. They will lie to my face and say men are women.
elon said he would get rid of the bots
>parents not involved
troon out

>parents control every aspect of your life
troon out

Honestly, it seems understandable, it's just another form of substance abuse to them. If it wasn't hormones, it'd be something just as damaging - all these suiciding troons would be dying in an alley from drug overdoses instead.
People don't choose their sexual orientation and preferred gender identity. It's something people are born with and the beauty is that everyone is different and valid. I don't know why close-minded chuds just cannot understand this concept.

Any attempt to limit freedom of expression is evil tyranny and against the United States Constitution.
t. literal cock sucker (who will never be a woman)
Bigger. Elon said he takes Keta to help his "depression". Guy is an addict >>475740615
Guy pushes his addiction on twitter to normalize his drug uses
Elon is a shitty father who cares more about his business than his children, he is worse than a nigger, at least the nigger knows when the leave.
at least I get something in return
you're shilling for a billionaire
Show me which post I shilled for Elon in
here >>475744476
nobody remembers more than 15 seconds these says, look up all the past promises Elon made. he does nothing but lie and hype up shit.

either way you can't blame the kid for your own failure as a father - he should be ashamed of himself for not protecting the kid.
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>Be male
>Say you are female
>Expect people to believe anything else you say
you completely missed the point
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>You missed the point
I'm not the one had my point surgically removed anon
because you aren't a neglected child?
kek, that drawing is hilarious
point is the dude is lying about being a chick so probably lying about other stuff too
are you saying she isn't a victim?
This board is 60 IQ browns who hate trannies because their gay fake religion told them so
making fun of trannies is shilling for elon?
who raised the tranny
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>I am le high IQ atheist tranny lover
not elon, apparently.
thanks for proving my point that elon is a horrible father

glad we agree
Like I said, third worlder. Go back to India you invading cuckold
Stop creeping on women and demanding bobs and vegena you sick freak
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doesn't make the tranny any less of a gay man in denial
because of his father

glad we agree
if absent fathers created fags then 80% of niggers would be trannies/gay
>The son of a Jewish man with a drug habit, blackmail operations, and multiple baby mommas becomes transgender.
Is anyone surprised?
so blame a child then

you're a really cool guy anon
Good, i like Elon even more now.
I hope his dead son dies again.
"Delusional Child Says Dad is Bad".
Trans people are either very ill or very ill liars. Not exactly indicators of being highly accurate and trustworthy.
I blame the society full of "people" like you who taught him it was okay. Why do you try to put words in my mouth every single post? you argue like an actual woman. very passive aggressive and arrogant.
>I blame everyone except the father

elon cock sucker
No, I don't blame everyone. Just the insufferable losers like you.
Surely he blasted one organic baby into this realm come on now Elon don’t be a fucking dweeb
elon is probably a closet fag and that's why he can't cum inside a woman properly
Yah, Elon number 1 dad
so to be clear, we both agree that being gay is a bad thing, and being trans is a bad thing?
we agree it's a consequence of being neglected as child?
No, it's a consequence of being sexually abused as a child, and also of indulging in pornography and degeneracy. The vast majority of neglected children don't want to chop their peens off. Now can you answer my question?
>The vast majority of neglected children don't want to chop their peens off.
I can bet you the people who do are neglected children
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i don't trust any man who says he's a woman or any man who calls someone with 12 children an incel
So you call people fags as an insult but you can't acknowledge that being a fag is a bad thing? That cognitive dissonance must be really painful.
He's mentally ill... lmao.
>muh state of california
top kek
It's also Elon's fault tho... poor parenting.
AWWWWW, no one cares.
Should of been disowned harder.
> poor parenting
Single mom raised kids are AWFUL and completely fucked in the head.
>uses cuckerberg's literal X clone to spite his father
Whatever you might think about trannies and whether Viv is a boy or a girl, Elon saying he/she is “dead” is just plain evil thing for a father to say about a child who is alive and well.
poast tits or gtfo you stupid whore.
>Trusting the word of a mentally ill tranny

Please never have children (not that I think there’s much risk of that).
Shut up hole. No one told you to speak.
I have 3 children. You will never be a woman, tranny.
it's a bad thing because it's a consequence of being neglected
yeah I don't know... if my daughter ever had some kind of intimacy with a nigger she would also be dead and disowned for me, for example.
>then 80% of niggers would be trannies/gay
most of them are but /pol/ hasn't figured that one out yet. their hiv rates would be statistically impossible if most of them weren't being anally pounded
there's a reason if you go to alabama there's black trannies everywhere
Elon is trash
We all knew that though
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>Elon Musk's trans daughter says
There’s more than 1 path to becoming one.
Considering the kid has the tism, most likely scenario is that he was left with a tablet to raise him which left him open to interacting with random weirdos that groomed him into wanting to cut his genitals off.
so child neglection it is
Imagine being the daughter of a billionaire and bitching about life.
the billionaire is the one bitching here
he must be pathologically hungry for attention.
The kid complained before Elon's "son is dead" interview
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It's what the dominatrix that trooned out the creators of the matrix used during their sessions, wouldn't be surprised if elon transitions
There you go. I’m sure there is at least some truth to this.
So you're saying Elon's a rapist
How can we trust what he is saying about Elon and his upbringing when he can't even be honest about what gender he is?
>AGP cries daddy wasn't there
Wasn't there to slap the porn addict coomer dick outta your hand.

Where the fuck was your mother?
If your father wasn't around you, then you weren't around your father either and everything you say about him is speculation
You have the reading comprehension of a nigger
>a 4 year old can't use big words
>but can remember that he never said big words before the average age where people form long term memory
Ok retard.
Other kids were poor, had an absent father and didn't turn out as trannies or cried that dad wasn't around. Spoiled shit.

>I don't concern myself with the opinions of those who are below me
Arrogant, spoiled shit. He loses everything if his dad disowns him.
Elon wasn't there, but perhaps whoever took care of him was.
it does though.
literally all of the research we have done on mtf troons confirms this.
distant/neglectful/unavailable father, coddling/psychotic/bpd mother
Yeah, most business men are "addicted" to the companies they own
Elon failed as a father. There is no way he’s been around for any of his children. I like Elon as a troll, but he’s clearly bullshitting himself here. You let the kid’s mother raise them, and the bitch turned them into a tranny to spite your beta ass. This is why you don’t let women raise children, 99/100 they turn out completely fucked in some way. I’m 40 and I’m still taking inventory of the shitshow that was my single mother, feminized upbringing, and mine was still actually pretty good for the most part (no abuse at least).
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This. How is Elon based again?

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