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Women’s rights absolutely cannot be tied to the future of the Aryan race. These women are fine with our people being destroyed. We cannot allow this crime to happen.
>entitled white women who answer the call
The call to what?
Women's rights destroyed the white race.
Imagine so many white women talking even the servers an hero'd
okay, THIS is epic
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>White Women: Answer the Call
Can we do one of these to get me a girlfriend?
White women need to be put back in the bottle
Not my problem.
164k is jack shit. Cat ladies can eat a dick. They only vote against our interest every election ever.
Imagine the smell of that zoom call
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>Dear fellow white women,
The aryan race has been through many empires rising and falling, we will be fine. This empire will fall or be taken under control on its current trajectory. Whites are visibly starting to rebel and the system is infighting. It will be impossible to control all of the chaos moving forward from this point and people are starting to recognize that. The black community has noticed and is taking advantage of this already ever since the George floyd saga.
another reason Trump must drop JD Vance from the ticket. Running a ticket with two-while-males is suiciadal. JD has made it impossible for the GOP to time.

2 million huh? Trump has that in his left pocket giving out tips just because he's cool and treats his workers very well.
>hate women, goy
stop being dumb niggers.


>oh shit that's right they destroyed the franchise with ugly dumb cunts
$2M? Trump calls that a bad Monday.
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You think Trump could do a fundraiser for white men and get away with it without media jews sperging the fuck out?
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>Answer the Call
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No, they're right. Giving women the vote was the single worst mistake in the history of western civilization, and we can't progress as a species until it's rectified.
Zoom CEO here. I can say with certainty that Zoom never crashed and continues to be the most reliable video meeting platform.
Holy shit she got bogged so hard
>women get together to vote for someone hellbent on destroying the country and getting everyone inside of it killed.
>oh but I’m a woman so surely whoever comes will be accommodating towards me
Women should not have money. Women should not have voting power. They should not have rights. Everything they do is with the sole intention of destroying everything. Women have never built anything just destroyed it. I used to think blacks and Jews were the problem with society but I was wrong.
Definitely not an ActBlue money laundering operation
Ironically dumb niggers got the right to vote before women for a reason
Meanwhile a single white man, Elon Musk raised 20 times that amount for Trump.
1 man.
Is this the limit of women's power?
White women are traitors and need to dealt with like they are
Taking voting away from women would literally save the world for men
>Taking voting away from women would literally save the world for men
and women
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>women don't vote the way i want them too
>le heckin feminism is bad ;(
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>The call, "Entitled White Women Answer the Call"
>164,000 White men worked 9:00-7:00 so their dumb cunts at home could crowdfund degeneracy

Many such cases
>t. Literally first country to give women th vote
Shut the fuck up KAFIR
White women WILL continue to import refugees for the sole purpose of having sex with them: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bJC0TvRuewiv/

And y'all won't do SHIT about it ok, give up the LARP. Europe is MVSLIM SOIL
White women want to flood the country with shitskins? Color me shocked.
Amen. But first, destroy their masters. The Jewish Elite, who, while hiding in high places have orchestrated our destruction with impunity.

It is time for them to die and learn there are consequences for their actions, even if they control the courts, and the law. We will hunt them down and bring them to justice, one jewish psychopath at a time...women will fall in line later.
I hate women.
Ask me anything.
Voting? Take away their money they didn’t earn any of it to begin with. They’re fucking useless.

Hammer and Glueck ( JEWS ) created the age of consent laws
200+ JEWISH feminists launched the female rights movement.

The issue with society is Jewish males. Not genetically but the religion itself. It’s a god damn cuck religion and they’re hellbent on bringing everyone into their cuck religion. Fuck that shit. Ban Judaism. Straight up just fucking ban it.
I’m not saying kill them but that shit has to be dumped. that fucking female supremacist religion has been destroying nations for 10000s of years im genuinely convinced they made that religion just to stop humanity from progressing forward.
>We cannot allow this crime to happen

Oh no person who won't do anything about it won't allow this to happen
They have an unstoppable thirst almost like a vice or like cocaine addiction to ABORT.
Look at those old slags even if they're decades past menopause they still have a burning passion to abort, maybe they can experience it through other younger women.
They won't *let* you, Anon. You want their disease, their curse upon mankind to end? Kek

>"Make me."
That's how they see it. That's how they've set it up. It's intimidating...and it means actual violence, and confrontations with the police. There is no way but through.

Grow some balls and accept the bloodshed. This is a hill that is actually worth dying on.
So, on average, each of these obese failures of women donated $12. amazing. such strength.
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oh they pressed a button in their living room? That says a lot. i'm shaking!
Fake and gay
>Women’s rights absolutely cannot be tied to the future
Period. Everything is going to fucking die at this rate if not stopped let alone the Aryan race. Look at how much worst Korea has fallen.
Most of these women look like their eggs are gone, mad cat ladies lmao.
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All of them are childless too lolz
Cool story but what’s Kamala’s platform?
19 karens really killed zoom? kek
We genuinely need to use our superior physical force and violence to take their rights away at this point. White women are a fucking joke and an insult to God.
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Not even 1 million of the 110 million
This is actually a genius Jewish Scheme.
>find people who donate small amounts
>donate the max in their name as often as possible.
>Those people are already sympathetic to the cause and unwilling to work and collaborate with investigators because it reveals fraud for their "team".
Do they not feel upset that a nonwhite woman could win it before them? Considering demographics it’s likely that a white woman may never even become president
They all look single..
It isn't "hate" of women that makes you realize women voting is a mistake. Just look at the products.
Mass immigration and more spending leading to higher inflation. Women don't care though, they just care about feelings.
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>Zoom CEO here.
All that money going to waste, why? The entire world is hurting even their own country and they dump $2M that will go nowhere, for what purpose?
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White liberal women deserve more hate than jews and I wish they were dead.
They won't let you end it, Anon. They will die on this hill, protecting what is killing you, because they have been put there by jews, and told to die.

We are playing a game with a malicious intelligence that is disguised as "The Jew" but operates as a demonic intelligence would, not a real human being with reason and empathy.

As long as you are passive...nothing gets done. We continue to die. The obliteration of our home and everything we care about continues unabated.

There is only one thing left to do man. Sick of fucking saying it. Christ. I wish there was some other way I'd love for someone to pop I'm here and intellectually woop my ass, but all roads lead to violence now man. They will MAKE you *FORCE THEM*to stop, if you really want this to stop. And it's sad because normies are brainless and going "woohoo!" As their futures are flushed into the sewer and will rabidly attack you for trying to inform him of the trickery that was worked upon him. There will be no proper army, no "uprising" the way people imagine. We have to save the great majority of our idiots from themselves or we're done.
How will that convince white men to die in Ukraine and the Middle East? It's one thing to scream and yell and white men for everything that has ever gone wrong, is going wrong and ever will go wrong. It's something much different to convince them to sweat, bleed and die in a war for people who are replacing them or outright hate them. But you taxed them into poverty, blocked them out of decent jobs, shamed them relentlessly and that always works in the movies. But life isn't a movie. They have one more option that you forgot about. They can simply refuse to play the game. They can refuse to kill for anyone or any cause. In your smuggest, stinkiest gloat you forgot one critical truth. White men don't need you. You need them. Let's see those precious darkies take a few decades of tours on the front lines. Surely they are equal and superior to white men, just like in your movies, right? But for some reason the elite is very reluctant to hire them for front line combat. Since it can't be that you were lied to your entire life, it must be the elite needs to kill off as many white men as possible so they can be replaced at home with non white men. But telling the white men to just fuck off and die hasn't made a stronger world yet. Maybe you just aren't screaming loud enough. Yeah, yeah, that's some good cope right there. You need to scream louder and they will surely obey this time.
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You bots and shills posting pro KamelToeHoe4President shit is absolutely terrible. The levels of this astroturf campaign are off the charts obvious.
You should get better bait. Your op image is low quality, easily proven to be lies, and we all know better.
Removing their right to vote, their right of abortion and limiting their access to the internet is not hating women, schlomo. It's doing right with the wrongs of our ancestors
The raised 12_dollars each. That's way to King worse that the girl scouts. This is extremely fucking funny stuff
Nice fantasy now make it happen. Give me a battle plan.
Remember that women need to have their rights taken away, not because they are weak or evil, but because they are stupid and think like children without concern for the consequences or responsibility towards the future.
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Let's go meme kweens! I wonder how many were "women".
Okay. HOW? Honest question.
It will ironically happen anyway because of all the muslims white women are voting to bring in.
Cool, so let me get this straight. Because of a genocidal brown tide of MUSLIMS which will destroy the White race, women will finally have their rights taken! Once the White women are gone. Am I reading this right?
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the level of astroturfing I have seen this week on every platform is insane.
Pretty much lol
>$2M divided by 164,000
>avg. $12 each
is it really that easy?
if everyone on this board gave me $5 right now, i'd be set for life
Okay. Give me a solution vector where we survive and take their rights without immediate and extreme applications of targeted political violence.
>if everyone on this board gave me $5 right now, i'd be set for life
you would get about $720
you're telling me theres only about 140 - 150 folks here?
good enough, that'd give me around 3k in my currency, i can recoup my gambling loss
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don't bother white women, they'll hate you no matter how well you bend the knee
The silence both disturbs and deeply saddens me.

Does everyone on /pol/ intrinsically know deep down that people in positions of power are going to have to be the targets of illegal violence? We just don't talk about it..?
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white women, this is the thanks you'll get
Why are the mutts in this thread foaming at the mouth to vote for a cucked zionist faggot instead of kamala. I'm starting to think you are cucks who actually want to be ruled by israel
It's called white sharia you stupid FAGGOT and dissident thought hasn't evolved since


>Better dead than Muslim
If that's your view then say it, no shame, Alex Linder said it to me personally and he's one of my favorite WNs ever
Not him and not the answer you are looking for but you must get control over the power to issue currency. Before you can do that you must educate everyone about it. You can be racially exclusive if that's what floats your boat. I tell everyone of every race color and creed because the knowledge of that power weakens the ability of the Jew Masters to run away to some other country and restart the banking scam. You hot heads that call for war don't even have a logistics chain that could feed a small squad of troops. You aren't thinking clearly. Not to mention the Jew Masters have been prepping for you to do something really stupid like start a political fight without a central bank and decades of propaganda behind you.

But what they did not prepare for is for everyone to know English and have a smart phone with a translation program on it. This allows any psyopper to communicate with the world. It violates the lesson of the tower of Bable, where God splits the tongues (makes of different language,) of the workers so they can't unite. TOB is a lesson for rules on how to keep the commoners from ignoring the demands of the ruler. Divide and rule. They made a critical, unforced error in the game. Punish them for it. But how will one keep their sanity when talking to people of other colors? Simple. You don't force integration like the Jew Masters did. Most people prefer their own. And all these people speak English or have a translation program in their hands. And all of them might like to know how the cash, coin and digits on their cards are created and distributed by central banks, legislatures and treasuries.
Better dead than Muslim. Sorry. We are not you.
>Alternate Headline
A bunch of childless cat ladies who were already voting against "literally Hitler" drank wine on a Zoom call and yelled "Yasss queen!" back and forth at one another while billionaire's laundered money through Act Blue

If you thought the meltdown after Hillary lost was something, just wait until you see what happens when Kamala doesn't hit 200 EV's
>entitled White women answer the call
>crashed the system
This is why asian women are better
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This. If you hate women you fell for the jewish psyop. Can't you see how awesome and nice women are irl? Not at all privileged or entitled or evil. Just get divorce raped bro, and don't forget to clap when you're sent to jail over fake rape accusations.
real people, yes
>Didn't watch the video
Correct, you fat cuckolds are NOT the men of the Reich who embraced Islam, subjugated the women, and fought the Jew. You ARE the Jew.
Hey retard YOURE the one who needs Islam, Islam doesn't need you
"White Woman: Fell Guilty And Use Your Husband's Money To Support A Fake Nigger"
>White people need a Semitic religion
No. We survived for a hundred thousand years without Semitic religions. We can manage to do so again.
If you mistook them for being like you, that was YOUR mistake. Women are like children. There is a reason they were legally like children in most societies for most of time. If you try to treat them like equals then get disappointed at the results, you fell for bullshit because there was nothing your eyes were telling you to make you think it was true.
>164,000 white women
Not very diverse innit
I'll say it more concisely just in case you are a real anon and not a glowopper.

Unless your strategy first educates about then gets control over the power to issue currency, you're just whistling Dixie. You can make the lesson as racially exclusive or inclusive as you want. I tell everyone to prevent the Tower of Bable strategy from being as effective.
AWFLs prove yet again they are the most hateworthy class of people on the planet
And not to offend but i didn't watch because it's out of the question. The constant mental, physical, and spiritual subjugation of our people has to end.

I wouldn't care what the video said because subjugation to a middle eastern mentality and spirituality is unacceptable.
Apparently not, LMFAO, holy shit you subnigger retards
>Hmm ok we're dying out
>Despite being at peak of unchallenged power
>Something in our system allows us to be undercut from within
>Oh it's a foreign religion, fuck
>WTF EXCUTH ME we cannot adopt a foreign religion to save white DNA!!
>At least we should revive our alleged original religion from 2500 years ago!
>Yes, the one with goddesses and ritual cuckolding, that will save us from female sabotage
KEK /pol/cels are truly the lowest of scum copers, incel forums are twice as based
You talk like a fag
Very pretentious, consider suicide
I am thinking.
It just doesn't feel like we have that much time left. It would take decades and decades to do what you're proposing.

We don't have that kind of time.
Nope, this is primarily being conducted by the kike ruling class.
Woman rights shouldn't be a thing but I won't shift blame towards ANYONE but jews for this.
As has been stated money was pent up waiting to see what happens with Joe. What looks like an extraordinary flood is just what would roll in all along but they held back during uncertainty. Framing. Propaganda. It's the same dollars building up behind the door.
>These women are fine with our people being destroyed.
Same goes for orange nigger voters.
Your beliefs are good for you, I would imagine. But I want white people to be white again.

And typical Muslim behavior, calling for the death of the infidel..no thanks.
Sharia solves every problem including fiat currency and usury.
This fallacious thinking is fascinating to me:
>Christianity banned usury too ok!!
>Until it didn't!!
Wow hey my boat worked fine until it leaked and sank!!
Go fuck yourself, kike rat.
Weak men allowed it to happen though.

We can bitch and moan about women all we want but they've been allowed to get away with ruining the western world because weak simps let them.
White is DNA
When Bosnians embraced Islam they immediately outbirthed the christcucks. That's called 1488.
>Bosniaks sacrificed their huwhiteness the moment they converted
Cringelord bitch ass nigger LMAO by that logic all whites should have fought christianization to the death and we're all mistakes today and not huwhite XDDDD
Muslim countries today do not ban usury either since they got jewed as well.
Christianity bans usury and effectively deals with kike rats.
Which is why you jews never managed to take power in the occident until the occident abandoned Christ.
So fuck off, kike!
I like your style, bro.
I've never been a fundamentalist christlarper, but I've always believed the Bible would always have value, and you just exemplified that.
You can blame Jews AND punish women at the same time.
The real kikery is the insistence that you can only tackle one party at a time.
>it's da jooz
>no it's only da winmenz
>no it's the jiggle boos!
When in reality, all of them must be dealt with in some degree at once. Kill the kikes, punish hoes and revoke their rights, and make nigs take IQ tests to get the jobs they have.
Threadly Reminder:
Jews will do anything to suppress Christianity, including the promotion of Islam.
Never fall for it!
And tell the kike to fuck off!
Jews aren't White, how about you twatter that to the cunts.
>All these people replying seriously.
It's very clear this is fake news.
I didn't say it wasn't a mistake. But there is no realistic path to amend that wrong...yet. Right now I would settle for re-Christianization.
I don’t hate women, I am a chad and have actually had good experiences on a personal level. But I can still see that women will vote for polices that’s destroy our communities. They flooded us with Mexicans and niggers.

We now have a society in America that I am not going to participate in and a lot of other white men aren’t either. We will have our own society. Women and Jews voting to flood the country with foreigners is what did this. This isn’t my country anymore and I don’t feel any connection to it. When a new opportunity arises I will join it.
Nope, nor would you want to, since it already failed. Might have sthng to do with the whole "HURRRR durr let's arbitrarily cede civil authority to the State..." LMFAO it's like the opposite of a religion XDDD>>475744584
How does throwing money at candidates impact the hearts and minds of Americans? I’m sure an ad campaign will win people over lol.
>AND punish women at the same time.
For what?
EVERY single mainstream political entity in the West is on board with white genocide.
By your logic men who voted for orange nigger should be punished, since orange nigger was all for white genocide as well.
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sad but true, destroying onlyfan-esque type of "business" is the first step towards a better future
All worthy causes start by speaking the truth. You are calling for a world changing fight without a single central bank on your side. Nor any major media outlets. The entire world has been taught for decades that your people are devils. This isn't 1933 and the founding of the Reichsbank. This is Melting Pot 2024. You are running out of white people to even think about raising and army from. Even ZOG was writing articles worrying about not enough white men enlisting. To be in such a pitiful state of existence means at least one essential truth has not been understood and spoken. I have found it. The power to issue currency. Learn about it. Understand it. Tell everyone. Whites may be fated to die or not but they will surely die if they don't care to learn about how the currency mechanisms they take for granted makes mass immigration inevitable. If they are also disinterested that Jews run most of the currency systems now and for the last 3,000 years, they will not put up an effective defense against mass immigration. They will instead keep wondering why voting never works and why both parties keep flooding all formerly white countries with new slaves.
Can i ask the muslim on this site a serious question and get an answer? Why exactly do white people need guidance from a group of people currently getting genocided and soon to be irans genocide too?
>But I can still see that women will vote for polices that’s destroy our communities.
Which mainstream political side in the US won't destroy the community?
If you have a hole in your boat, fix the hole.

The same exact boat cannot sail, you're right. But to buy an entirely new boat is wasteful. It is just a hole. Have it fixed and happy sailing.

Your logic sucks.
lmao she is BUSTED
Zoom has a limit of 500 people per chat. How did 164,000 connect to 1 Zoom room?
like seriously why would some take advice on how to survive from a people getting killed for attacking whites?
Both sides are shabbos goyim. You would have to be an idiot to fall for the Democrats routine of still pretending to not be Zionists. Obama and his team did that during his years. Of course when it came time to vote and send $$$ to israel they always vote to support them. It’s only in talk that they don’t support Zionism. In reality they do.
Realistic? Even MEXICANS are adopting Islam cuz they see Catholicism being so cucked and worthless.
Only a pseudo intellectual huwhite goodgoy can adopt your attitude. As if u have that luxury XDDD swallow your pride, Islam has the demographic momentum AND global anti Zionist institutions (the only ones actually).
Typical of you boomer tier cucks to let Hispanic Muslims take over black neighborhoods etc, as you flee further to th suburbs and "remote work" or commute, pathetic
I've personally brought dozens of white men into Islam, feels gud
I will think about what you said.
>since it already failed.
Worked just fine, for 1000s of years.
The fact that you jews are so FUCKING terrified of it's return only serves to illustrate it's effectiveness.

>soon to be irans genocide too?
i bet a lot of the are kikes, but white women are basically niggers and kikes rolled into one
Except no one in the christian boat thinks the hole is a problem you dumbfuck
Even th physical importation of immigrants is 110% christian orgs. Thw absolute gall of you cunts on this board lmfao
>killed for attacking whites?
You Jews are not white.
Nor can you fight worth a damn.
And the faggot shilling pisslam is a seething kike as well.
And muttoid /pol/tards will claim Jews are behind this as well
Very true but I question if men would fall for the Jewish tricks as easily. It doesn’t seem any men support multiculturalism at this point except race mixers and zogbots and even half of the zogbots say they aren’t happy either. Democracy has failed. Without the (((jews))) I think it still would have failed. It’s just a horrible system.

People are not created equal. A lot of people are low IQ retards and not fit to rule. Americans would make a retard king in the name of equality and then wonder why their country sucks.

Yes it’s jewish agenda but non whites and women support them and are what prevents anyone from stopping the Jewish agenda
164k and all among them have taken at least one human life per, many multiples, a few weeks before birth. Among 164k men not one has ever extinguished a life. Money won't take the stain away of doing something unthinkable for convenience. One one may be health related. The others pure convenience. You will never buy your way out of that. Ever.
>Even th physical importation of immigrants is 110% christian orgs.
Nope, it's entirely done by you jews.
Fucking kike rat.
You continue to show your true colors.
>Worked just fine, for 1000s of years.
? Holy shit when do u think whites went wrong? What thread do u think ur in? Christcucks started socialism, feminism, abolitionism, etc. unreal LOL

AF post is a Nick Fuentes promotion account created and run by pederast Ali Alexander
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Fuck off mutt cuck/cunt no one buys that bullshit anymore you not fucking children act your fucking age be a mature grown women and own up to your faults.
Weird my auntie isn't Jewish but I've had dinner with a whole family of Haitian niggers she personally sponsored to come etc.
The absolute cope, literally lying blatantly XDDD
And muslims who are rich support all that shit because they're slaves to money while the rest of islam fucks goats in shacks.

He’s right and most white Americans are race traitors. They should have zero power or rights in whatever future is built. They have proven they don’t care about our race so why would they have any say so in its future?
Zoom can and will make exceptions
Can you go into some detail here? Like explain some of the nitty gritty? I am curious.
this is why creating artifical wombs and impregnating robots is so crucial
I am a white man and I am voting for Kamala Harris. Fuck you incel chuds.
Nooo muh vooootes!!
Well your auntie is a skinwalker and you should not associate with her ever again.
Man, Vance really has you ActBlue types in a panic. Never seen you fags so desperate before. Not even Trump sets you off this much. What is it about Vance that scares leftists so much?
Specifically asking for points on how Jews manipulate currency. Things to think about/research.
Christianity is an absolute mind virus lmfao, if 1=3 to you from childhood it's no shock you can also be convinced black = white etc
>Don't believe ur lying eyes goyim, blacks just need Jesus
Jesus doesn't give them shit. Arabs give their black populations SHARIA and those niggers stay in line
There are plenty of men who fall for it and those that don't are just quietly watching it happen and do nothing about it.

> Democracy has failed. Without the (((jews))) I think it still would have failed. It’s just a horrible system.
Fuck democracy, but it would have been much better had jews not showed up with money bags bribing every politician in sight.
Anyhow, democracy is dead nowadays.

> People are not created equal. A lot of people are low IQ retards and not fit to rule. Americans would make a retard king in the name of equality and then wonder why their country sucks.

> Christcucks started socialism, feminism, abolitionism, etc.
Nope, this was pushed hard by you, dirty kike rats.
And was permitted to exist thanks to secularism.
Notice the false narratives this jew is pushing.
> It's not us, Goyim, it's the Christians who did this.
This is how you recognize a kike shill.

I give zero fucks about your cool stories, shlomo.
It's you kikes who use the govements you subverted to allow an infinite amount of migrants in.
Fuck you, kike rat.
You failed to fool anyone.
You are bad at this.
>(((white))) women
I thought they couldn’t take foreign money?
>He’s right and most white Americans are race traitors
They arent.
Most of them are just apathetic.
What you have is a vile minority that works with jews to gas light the public.
No. I was raised on melting pot theory like a lot of people. I woke up late and by the time I got to the game it was over. What you could do if you are so inclined is take a few courses on how to open a commercial bank, then a central bank. That may be more study that most want to do. If you are lazier, type in on a search engine, how do I open a bank? Or, how does a central bank get a charter?

Alternatively, you might start suggesting to anyone you talk to that Congress should get back the authority to issue currency from the Federal Reserve. Don't let your jaw hit the floor when that simple suggestion sends the talking heads into a frenzy of no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Congress used to have that power.
I advocate racist Christianity. Nobody else in the Christian world does, not really, and that's a problem. But that's why we need to try a different route. It's not about this religion or that religion. Not right now. Right now we have to deal with the bad actors in government who have made themselves legally invulnerable.

It is my understanding they are not illegally invulnerable...but maybe there is another way.
>The power to issue currency. Learn about it. Understand it.
The issue of central banking and the debt economy is rarely if ever discussed.
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how white do you have to BE
I see. I was hoping, but. There is only one path, and that is through.
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White people only turn violent when other white people attack non whites
>only $12 a person
It’s over
Not true. You're about to see.
Nord tier.
Fuck BEs though.
>$15 each
wow, that is 2 days of sugarcoffee from starbucks they forwent in order to virtue signal kamala. such bravery!
We should set up a Zoom call for Trump and ask people to donate either $20 or $24 for 2024
But how do you get a govement that is entirely ran by jews to act against jew interests.
It's like expecting Israel to enbrace an open borders policy.
Organization in the pursuit of an armed revolution is the only route ahead, desu.
Maybe but there are a lot happy too see America and Americans go down in flames by associating with people and movements who have made it clear what their goal is. Guilty by association.
Female mistreatment is what makes men hate women we aren't listening to some jew telling us to stupid, we are simply breaking under the unforgivable abuse women put us through beginning in early childhood and then never ever stops our entire lives, we spend our entire lives under female torment and we require recompense for the injustice done to our gender.
Oh, piss off, with your male version of femenism.
The state is under jew control not female control.
Jew enforcement at the top, female enforcement on the ground. Women are still choosing to do what jews say
They have the agency of a child. Like niggers or brown people.
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>80% of us are repulsive ideological and racial traitors but please don't persecute us so WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
no. This is a new low. Sorry. If you want to be taken seriously by the movement you should start taking yourselves seriously ASAP. You had one bargaining chip, that you would resort to cucking the white men and voting for their enemies if white men didn't fall in line. Well guess what you're fucking doing it anyway. What happens with political factions with no bargaining chips left? They get liquidated and repressed.
165 thousand women were able to raise 1/25 of the money that one men donated to Trump?

I'm impressed.
If it's men vs women, blacks, and Jews, then all that matters is numbers on the ground (ie white women, who actually perform the aborting, family ruining, stealing of white mens jobs, and outvoting men)

Basic logic. I would ally with the devil himself against women.
I know what you mean. You're not alone in this either, by the way. Can't say much but me, two of my friends, and at least one group I know through one of their relatives that I associate with are all going to do something soon.

It's getting to the point where they simply have to die. Doesn't matter if we do too. Some things are just worse than death...and doing what you need to do to avoid those things is part of being a man.

Whatever you end up doing, Godspeed.
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>>80% of us are repulsive ideological and racial traitors but please don't persecute us so
Citation needed rabbi.

Childless women are the most left wing demographic
Just fuck off, already, chaim.
I already BTFO'd when you tried to claim that Christians are the ones making replacement migration possible.
The brought back the originals for the new movie.
>I would ally with the devil
I can tell from your flag
If the men of your country are weak, it wasn't the women that caused that. Women were always this. They have never been anything other than what they are. It is the men who changed.
We can get ALL of those white women fired from their REPUBLICAN, JEWISH, JOBS.
This. These faithless whores decided that leveraging all minorities and the entire state against their own men in order to become queens of the affirmative action pyramid was a good idea. They thought they could keep their men on a leash as a literal slave and that men wouldn't notice.

And that fucking image: men didn't want to believe their women would hate them, but white women's behavior forced them to accept that conclusion. Women can't drive most marriages into divorce for a quick payout and have double digit body counts and give their best years to a Chad or Tyrone fuck buddy all the while still claiming to love their husbands. No that shit is hate. Any woman who does one of these things is incapable of love, and most women do all of them.
They literally donated 12.19 dollars for attention lol
Why if there are so many women, I can't get even one to have sex with me?
Based servers. They heard all the shrill chatter and forced a circuit breaker. Better to die than enable them to speak.
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I don't know about America but for Europe the pro-refugee crowd is disproportionately female. White female. Like, by a fat margin. It's so bad that even the female leaders themselves embody the ideology and channel it to a much greater success than their male counterparts, so much so that a woman like Meloni will run on anti-refugee platform and then become worse than anything that has come before her regardless of their ideological stances. Merkel was head of the German conservative wing under the Christian Democratic Union, a Christian party. Von der Leyen, Le Pen - you get the idea. You either start changing now, like *now*, or you will be excommunicated and seen as a fifth column once we seize power. You don't have any bargaining chips left. We can now afford to shittalk you in the open like incels without a hit in popularity since your support flows into fucking Kamala anyway. You either start caring about this as women and as a collective or your rights will vanish.
FPBP, white womem will be subjugated once more and the spinsters will be relinquished to tasks where their virus of the mind will not be allowed to infect the subsequent generations.
wtf happened to her face!?
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It's in this picture yet Cucks and whores on this board will still denie it.
This is extremely racist
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My fellow white women
>that webm
fucking criiinge
Nature always goes in cycles
$50 million from Elon alone, to trump every month kek. You’ll need a lot more than that. Thiel will probably go in over a billion.
Brilliant insight, hey MEN used to control nogs too, there's nothing wrong with nogs, the answer is definitely not to hate on nogs goyim!!! It's the Jews! Oh wait it's only white christian men who have empowered Jews. So white christian men are the problem for humanity, men like (You) lmfao you're such stupid faggots
Where’s the women?
>Women will be subjugated once more
Son, that doesn't happen in a vacuum. You either make it happen or the problem continues until there are no genetic Europeans left and our countries are left third world brown shit holes populated by savages and subhumans.
>We have to save the great majority of our idiots from themselves or we're done.
As it has always been. Every healthy society must oppress the idiots out of love for them.
Coincidentally all the people the jews hate (white straight Christians) seem to always be the problem with the world when you listen to newsman
It's christcucks. This is history:
>Euros develop a middle class w usury
>Allow headscarf removal in middle ages to show off wife's elaborate hairdo
>Women seen in public more
>"Hey my daughter can draw or sing well, that's cool!"
>"I bet my .daughter could write and study well too!"
>"Heh she's smart like her old man, she can vote!"
It was over as soon as the hijab came off.
In Islam women can't just arbitrarily divorce lmfao, it's absurd and cruel that Christianity allows it
You literally said it: le WEAK MAN did it all!! Why doesn't the fucking WHITE MAN stop chinks and jeets from polluting? Look white goyim man you only have urself to blame, not women, my advice is do 8 years of gymcelling and self improooving til u become a STRONK MAN worthy of a huwhite queen (they will follow once we're strong, trust me goy)
I'm just saying people have to act
>It's the Jews!
This but unironically
Christianity does not permit what you have said. Jews permit and enforce it to weaken Christian families and destroy faith in God. They are of their father, Satan.
There's is nothing Christianity in america or the West in general.
Females have evolved to follow strict rules, religions and to observe social consensus to breed with the best males in the tribe according to social hierarchy.

>why are women so crazy

When instructed by society with a social consensus set by social media they will conform.
The tribe is under occupation, the hierarchy was taken over by parasites, the religions are fake and they get their social consensus from demon worshiping social parasites through black screens in the form of psyops created by military intelligence and demon worshipers.

Social parasites have evolved to give birth to higher ratios of leadership types such as nobles and priesthood casts who travel to large ethnic groups and take them over by replacing the leadership (brains) of the ethnic group. The new (((priesthood))) force a religion on the population. Christianity, communism, materialism, feminism, ect. The normies are biologically inclined to follow the orders of the leadership class.
Morality is part of the social hierarchy. It is the biological inclination of individuals to follow rules and orders from leadership casts. This is the origin of the normie. The social consensus filter.
Some play the part of the brain and some play the role of the muscle.

Normies are followers in the social hierarchy who view the world through a social consensus filter. Therefore they have a need for a religion and moral guide for them to be able to carry out their function as the muscles of the ethnic group. The best of each cast must also be rewarded with rights to reproduce to improve/refine the metaphysical body. Should the least capable: the lazy, deformed, cowardly, unwilling, degenerate or abnormal breed. The metaphysical body will degrade.
A morality system must account for this.

>110.4 million vaginas

Ponder that aroma
>Normies are followers in the social hierarchy who view the world through a social consensus filter. Therefore they have a need for a religion and moral guide for them to be able to carry out their function as the muscles of the ethnic group.
I think you are correct and that whites were created to thrive under a monarchy. I suspect this is why they blindly follow authority no matter what. You don’t see that with blacks and Hispanics, Asians and whites though will follow an authority figure to their own detriment.
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im with her
Small donors my ass. ActBlue is a money laundering system.
Unironically yea, robowaifus are our only hope
Collapse is inevitable, regardless of who is selected to hold power in the White House come January 2025, 2nd revolution or civil war is all but guaranteed.
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144k ceos with a finals raise 12 dollars each. Sides FUCKING GONE.
These hoes should designs a plane or a bridge and see who they can kill
I have pussy whenever I want unlike you. Maybe sucking up to women doesn’t work, retard. It never did for me
>Source: Trust me, bro
Sex robots have to feel 100% real and look like Sydney Sweeney before I consider the abomination. I don't see the tech getting there in our lifetime. Unless they perfect Star Trek holodeck tech or VR where you can do anything with any woman you create in your VR - celeb or not. Wear sensors that trick your nerves and mind into stimulation.
Yea I think we’ve hit the point it doesn’t matter who leads or gets voted in from this point on. The country is already ripped in half and hate each other and has formed two sides. It’s set in stone at this point that America will have a civil war in my opinion.

I think the George floyd riots was the tip of the iceberg of what’s to come. You can’t lock millions of people into cages and abuse them for bullshit reasons and violate humans rights and laugh in their faces.

Decades of zogbot abuse and the American people all experienced it and they all still remember it.
they are right and you are retarded
>Women are like children.

So only pedophiles like them. Got it.
white women LOVE abortions
its their main fetish
Ok rabbi.
You are running away from the necessary problem of confronting and evicting Jews from our societies and putting women back in the place that Nature and Nature's God have designed for them.

You are a coward. You are the reason why all this shit happened in the first place, and you don't deserve to get to run away you deserve to die for participating the problem to begin with. Societies cannot withstand the sheer level of this disgusting, wormlike avoidance of responsibility.

Sir, you are fucked, and need to seriously reconsider your life.
womans brain 2/3rd smaller = should only get 2/3rd vote
>Biden uses zoom fundraising in 2020, makes lots of cash
>Trump doesn't
>Kamala uses zoom fundraising in 2024, makes lots of cash
>Trump doesn't
Why is Trump so fucking retarded.
White women are such hand-wringing emotional dipshits.
yeah, because most white women support Trump.
According to you what should I have done? Attack a synagogue? Anons have done that several times, no change in society. How do we remove jews? Friend, my crew and I were geared up, ready and willing to go full Kristallnacht and minecraft kikes in my state on J6 if the Right had the balls to seize power in D.C. They didn't. I pray daily for bloodshed and jew extermination. Jew systems will collapse before the tech I described is created. You're quick to accuse. What are you doing other than posting in a Tibetan Dorje making forum?
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high quality op
>Attack random Jewish grannies at a synagogue
No and no, not suggesting that, and no that has not happened "several times".

We have to attack the Jewish Mafia, the actual elites doing this shit. We have to introduce real, tangible, and fearful consequences for what they have done. And do it at any cost.

I won't go into detail. You should know what I mean.
Also, pray in one hand and shit in the other. God doesn't care. He despises weakness and destroys the weak utterly. His law is invoked in the Nature surrounding us, and that law is holy.

You will either conquer your fear and make the RIGHT people feel mortal fear at continuing the path of White Genocide, or you will watch it happen as an utter and pathetic failure.

That's all there is to it. It is time for them to DISAPPEAR, Anon. Only one way, sadly, that that happens in this supremely fucked political atmosphere of brainwashing and manipulation.
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They can fuck dogs and niggers.
>to trump every month
Oh he hasn't heard.
How much have you donated?
Attacks occurred a few times. Not all were shootings. Yes I know what you speak of. I've stood against several of their secret societies & demons. I've come across a few insiders here who have fought in the same battles. This is a multi-front war. Yes I am sinner. So are you. Christ has redeemed us. You have your struggles I have mine. The Führer said struggle is the Father of all things. God speed anon.
Their time for destruction is inevitable. I just don't want to be an old ass man then.
Why wait? I certainly am not waiting for all the brainwashed masses to unbrainwash themselves. That's not how this happens. If you know..then it's your responsibility.

It's mine, too. It's what sucks about this..but I don't care anymore. Better than living in this hellhole.
White Liberal women. The suicide for the White race.
Whites are a broken race because they stopped caring, stopped policing their own race like they used to (ex: wiggers were few when I was younger because everyone else shit on them for it), and hid behind cucked bullshit like "not my problem". It's over now. There is no coming back from this. Look at every White nation, city, town and you'll see it. The town I grew up in was 100% Irish and now you can't even find them. You pussies gave it all up.
>even the servers an hero'd
You can't make this shit up
So they all donated 10 to 12 bucks and that's it? They value their daily cup of coffee more than this rancid cock-smoking whore and honestly that is pretty in line with bitter and resentful middle aged white women. Yas queens, slaaaaayyy.
Why do people gave money to the rich and powerful?
What a bunch of retards.
Uhhh, hello retard women have been destroying humanity since Adam and Eve.

Women were a mistake, thanks a lot God. You couldn't even put their vagina a little further away from their shithole?
'''white''' women
If white women are a lost cause then so are whites.
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It's why women get UTI's at least 1-2x/year. Some women get them monthly or even more frequently, and have to take prophylactic nitrofurantoin nightly to prevent it- especially if they had sex.

They have a super short urethra, which simply compounds the problem too. As not only is the shit bacteria rubbing onto their vagina and pee hole as they walk, but once there it barely has to travel before infecting the bladder or urethrea, or even worse when it makes it to the kidneys. They can unironically die from this, if it reaches the kidneys. I knew a pharmacist that was in the hospital for a week, since she didn't treat it in time. Pyelonephritis is no joke.

So yes, women have a major design flaw. But remember, they only cost a rib, and are not a complete human.
My half North Korean half Irish ex had friends that would get them a lot, she would tell me about her girl friends telling her about the yellow "discharges" that they would have, just through their panties, down their leg, like what the fuck. Woman are a mess. Women are a complete mistake.
They say White women but let's be honest here in America there's no such thing as White.
Plenty of white areas here, mostly midwest and north.
Abort, it's an abort mission!
jews arent white
spiritual jews arent white either
>Leah Greenberg
I hate white women. Bunch of fucking hags and hags in training.
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Women follow what's popular. Hitler was more popular with women than men. They NEED social approval and being ostracized is like a death sentence.
UUUUGH I'M SORRY!!!! I'm just gonna vote for Harris!!!! SORRY!!! Ugh I'm so sorry guys but I'm gonna vote for Harris augh!!!! Sorry this upsets you!

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