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Netflix just released a homosexual dating show for Japan in an unprecedented breakthrough for LGBTQ rights in Japan

This is another step forward to eventually legalizing same sex marriages

So it's still America's doing
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jews push LGBT to make gays intolerable in non-christian nations.
then christcuck slaves come in and present themselves as the solution.
japanese end up worshipping a jew god - jews win.

its basically what the mafia used to do. break store windows and then sell "protection".
Samurai & Tranny.
Battle pink robots with Yoshimi
dude....never even crossed my minds there were homos in japan.
thought it was just traps and das it.

Culture shock rn ngl
Would, japs are cute uwu
It's over, all the major entertainment companies in Japan are getting bought by (((American))) funds. We're living the last days of unpozzed anime.
>ask for blackrock investment
>country turns into shit
Abe was assassinated by zog
japan is nothing more than nigger lovers, faggots, incels, and similar bin detritus. they haven't been relevant since the 1980s. it's bizarre people idolise that dystopian, bankrupt hellscape. it's usually munted cunts from third-world shitholes like usa. it's "wakanda" in comparison to where they're living.
Yonakanimo otsukare anon kun
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all is not well, mr. roboto.
You're Indian
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just as fucked as ameripoors, kek.
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jeets are taking over, lulz.
>revolting jewish garbage
good thing no one watches that shit
Bro there were gay black samurai in feudal Japan. Get over it, you're on the wrong side of history.
Thanks, I'll watch it later
repent, sinner
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one of the most degenerate societies on earth, full stop.
Why am I so homophobic even though I'm literally a faggot? Like I literally like kissing men and sucking their dicks and getting fucked in the ass. Yet every time I see some LGBT stuff in public or on tv I just shout in my head "hahaha fucking faggot losers" wtf is wrong with me am I retarded
go back to america
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well underway to becoming this.
Based trvth nuke
you have the makings of a catholic priest
>homosexual dating show for Japan
..It's aimed at fujos rather than faggots or normies, isn't it?
Japan wanted American culture. You got it.
Homosexuality wasn't even outlawed in Japan until the Meiji era, as part of the reforms to be on par with the west in the 1800s. Besides the globohomo horseshit and the foolish acceptance of the multicult this isn't some new development in Japans overall history
>inb4 homo
I hate fags and fag culture, Im just pointing out that this is hardly new in the grand scope of Japanese history
japan was always homo.
samurais were massive faggots with fuckboys
I wonder which jew is behind this
Hi, faggots. I've lived in Japan for years. Let me tell you how rare it is to see or even hear people talking about faggots, trannies, or Jewish pozzed bullshit. It's extremely rare, and when I do encounter it, it's basically always some Western queer pushing an agenda.
You don't understand it because you're not here and your only insight into Japan is retarded shit you see on the internet. Japanese people do not care about your gay shit. They don't even think about it. They don't even dislike it, it simply isn't even on their radar. This is despite serious concerted effort from outsiders. What little gets pushed in front of people's faces is almost entirely ignored. You think because someone took a picture of some gay Japanese people (out of 100+ million) and (((Americans))) doing "street interviews" asking about gay shit and getting extremely shallow but vaguely positive replies is some insight into Japan? No.
Japan doesn't care about your gay shit. It is irrelevant. Even if Japan legalized gay marriage in some sort of "I guess this makes us look more tolerant" kind of gesture, practically all Japanese would be unaffected by it and never give it a second thought. Most people talking about this on the English speaking web are completely out of touch with this. You really have no clue.
na, they intentionally make it cringe. they want to antagonise.
This was predictable, most of the male teenagers there can't even talk to women.
>Women become intolerable
>Men start fucking each other instead
This is what happens in gynocentric societies
you mean israelis who own international corporations which are hardly tied to America at all, but do it in America's name.
May God have mercy on your soul.
Jews own Netflix. Jews are not Americans. They're subversive treasonous monsters that are using America to poison the world.
Where is that dude that says the jews fear the samurai to KILL all of this faggots?
How do you say faggot in japanese?
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You were always homos, who are you kidding?
It's never too late, bro. We're all equal in the eyes of God.
idk, you sound like a typical Ukrainian to me.
Your civilization is already beaten. You enthusiastically wage slave because your culture has no purpose and has atomized into individualistic materialism. In a few years nipland will be forced to take in the migrant hordes from generations of self cucking and then even the memory of Japan will be gone.
They were teitering at half-homo for some time...
Already happened
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It would have been better for all of them to banzai or die in nuclear fire as warriors, than to become this under the boot of the US
Because modern fags are becoming extremely obnoxious and annoying and globohomo promote the most demented of fags they can find.

Early and late 2000s fag culture was peak!
Even I'm getting sick of faggots in my face 24/7
I used to be christian, there is hope for you to break free from your brainwashing.
I hope this non-existent god doesn't view a rapejeet as equal to me!
japanese culture has always been about cooperation, teamwork and harmony. individualistic materialism comes from america, and isnt prevalent. america is already minority white.
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>First, Netflix released a series about a foreigner coming to Japan and cucking a Japanese man
>Now this
Holy shit, how more can japs get humiliated before they rise up?
It’s a atheist nation what do you expect lmao.
Japs have been making gay dating sims and anime for years. Fuck Netflix
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>Even if Japan legalized gay marriage practically all Japanese would be unaffected
No baka Shinji, you don't understand the extreme perversity of jews. If you allow it to happen, before you know it there will be fags everywhere, they will start adopting children, and soon they'll be pushing to troon your children. Then you'll be flabbergasted about how fast it all happened.

Lots of ancient societies tolerated fags because they were realists, knew there would always be a percentage of the population that would be fags, it's impossible to stamp it out. But no ancient society had fag marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman, period. To allow fag marriage is not just to begrudgingly tolerate their degeneracy, but to promote it.
You're a fool with your head up your own ass. Japan is doomed unless something changes very soon and the only ones that can are the native nips. I don't think they will though as they've been well drilled in their goyslave routines by their overlords and their bugman nature makes bottom up change impossible.

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