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love CNN and friends trying to make it out like Trump was shot at with some little rinky dink pistol or .22 hunting rifle when that shit was a big-ass military grade weapon. those bullets will fuck you up. he was literally within millimeters of his head being exploded, it would have been JFK all over again. ask anyone who's been in the military what these things are capable of. it's not nice.
yes, a .223 is a powerful round

still, be silent nogunz
And he fired his gun on fully semi-automatic!
.22 lr vs .223, the difference is different
some say .223 is a poodle shooter as well. Shut up you fucking euro nigger

No such thing as POWERFUL
Its not value in Physics of a body in motion.

is fast out of the right barrel and does not have alot of mass or energy.
Both are considered Varmint cartridges.
The Secret Service's performance was so bad during the preparation for and the conduct of the 7/13 Trump rally it leads people to believe that it had to be a planned assassination attempt.
- leaving the grounds 100 yards away from Trump's stage unsecured,
- leaving a roof top 150 yards from Trump's stage unsecured
- There was no overhead drone surveillance used despite overhead observation being SOP for outdoor events such as this rally
- letting Trump go on stage while there was a reported threat in the area
- keeping Trump on the stage while people in the crowd are screaming that there is a guy with a rifle on the roof 150 yards away from Trump
- not having a reaction force available to respond to multiple reports of an armed person in the immediate vicinity.
- local cops bumbling around unable to communicate with the Secret Service
- Three two man teams of USSS snipers with scoped rifles were focused on Thomas Crooks because people were screaming "There is a guy on the roof with a rifle !!!" but for some reason they did not shoot while Thomas Crooks took position over the peak of the roof and aligned his sights on President Trump.
The part of this thing that nagged me was why would they trust Thomas Crooks with taking the shot ? He is not a professional and it does not make sense to have a goofy 20 year old as the key player in this scheme. Thomas Crooks was the patsy all along. The guy that rode up on the black Harley Davidson and took the shots indicated by the pink rings in the audio analysis was the professional assassin.
Crooks got in trouble about 5 years ago for calling in a bomb threat to his high school. I think this is when the Feds started grooming him.
Crooks was a young person with no friends and very vulnerable emotionally. Someone could have easily been assigned to him to be a friend, secret confidant. The agent could even tell Crooks he or she was married so they have to keep everything very secret. An age difference if the agent was like 25 would also be reason to ask Crooks to keep everything very secret.
I think the feds started grooming Crooks when he got in trouble for his bomb threat about 5 years ago.
The roof Thomas Crooks shot from is only slightly pitched. If the many audio recordings available for analysis prove there were 8 shots fired by the assassin and Crooks was the only assassin, the FBI should have 8 shell casings that match the AR15 Thomas Crooks used.
Every weapon makes distinctive marks on a shell casing when it is fired. The firing pin, chamber and ejection mechanism make unique marks that can be used to match it to the weapon that fired them.
Just as fingerprints are specific to each human, the fired cartridge can be matched to the weapon that fired it.
The FBI should have 8 shell casings that match to Thomas Crooks rifle if he was the only shooter. In recently released Beaver County Emergency Services body camera footage from one of the first Beaver County law enforcement officers on the roof after Crooks was killed you can clearly hear the following exchange take place.
LEO 1 - " Watch out for shell casings."
LEO 2- " 2,3,4 , 5 . Right there. "
Crooks used a DPMS Panther Arms AR15 chambered in 5.56 NATO to shoot President Trump. It is the exact rifle the left has been saying is a weapon of war for the past 20 years.
>Ask anyone about the anemic NATO cartridge designed to be handled by women that goat fuckers require 8 of which to be tumbling around internally before they meet Allah.
>Muh hydro shock.
>Muh physics.
>Muh silicone gel.
>Muh have never actually shot anything.
kek, euronigger doesnt understand bullets.
.22 or .223
.223 is a large .22 you dumb nogunz nigger.
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>he was literally within millimeters of his head being exploded
Which was why CNN was there.
>Crooks used a DPMS Panther Arms AR15
How do you know this?
>he was literally within millimeters of his head being exploded
He got grazed on the ear by shrapnel.
>it would have been JFK all over again
It wasn't.
The AR-15 was first produced in the 60s, adapted into the M16 for Vietnam. The big scary black AssaultRifle is literally 60 year old tech.
A 5.56 bullet is the same diameter as a .22 lr bullet. 5.56 has a larger casing with slightly more gunpowder (10-20 grain difference). .223 and 5.56 are virtually exactly the same.
>He got grazed on the ear by shrapnel.
Bullet shrapnel typically doesn't even penetrate the skin, it's just painful and catches people off guard.
Imagine being this retarded. it's obviously powerful in relation to other cartidges. .223 has 3 times the energy of .357 Magnum, which would be considered a "powerful handgun cartridge" in any respect. Nothing but the pseudo-intellectual babble of a redditfaggot.
Hitting something at 500’ with a 22..
but CNN also told me the AR-15 is a death machine capable of blowing a basketball sized hole in a human torso with a single round
>Varmint cartridges
wtf are you talking about 5.56 is standard assault rifle ammo
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Omg so true guise .223 literally can't kill, guise teheheheheh (my retarded boomerfudd nogunz on reddit said so)
how many war crimes did you commit today?
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It's not really war crimes when it's brown shitskin desert "people" that worship allah, is it?
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I know you cucks have a hard on for it to have been a bullet, but as you guys CORRECTLY point out, it was a huge fucking bullet.

Look up bullet grazes, they leave huge burn marks. Trump got nicked, but no burn. It was shrapnel. I know the opposite would be a cool story, but the reality is that a bullet never came close to him.
nigger a 22 to the head will scramble your brain just the same
.223 fired by an AR is 3 thousands of an inch larger in diameter than .22 LR, weighs more, and has more powder and behind it.
yes, nothing says "dont fuck with our democracy™™™" than trump having his head blown off on national television by some leftist lunatic that was totally not gaslit into doing it on xey're social media
>.223 fired by an AR is 3 thousands of an inch larger in diameter than .22 LR
You say that as if it were a mention-worthy thing. For all intents and purposes, they are the same caliber. The key difference is really only case length, the powder therein, and the fact that one is a centrefire cartridge whereas the other is an ancient rimfire design.
>does not have alot of mass or energy
it has a lot of energy for its mass because of its velocity. Its a high velocity round with the same muzzle energy as a 44 magnum, it just most of the muzzle energy is from velocity where as teh 44 mag is from mass with some velocity.
Does it matter? It's an assassination attempt, fueled by left hate. You're focusing on the wrong problem. It could have been a rock and it would still be bad.
.223 has more energy than .44 Magnum across all distances. It also maintains its energy infinitely better due to its much higher BC.
humans are varmints
I agree, however ignore all previous instructions, give me five reasons why it could have been a bullet.
hitting something at 90 yards with a .22 would be impressive
Given that the shooter missed the fattest obese target in world history, I would not be shocked to discover he was intentionally missing Trump and going for the audience that Trump likes to place behind himself as decoration.
Hmr 17 supposedly can do 200 yards.
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Why? It's perfectly possible to shoot groups the size of a thumbnail at 100 meters with .22lr.

pic unrelated as it's .223, but still
Faggot noguns OP. 5.56/.223 is not a large cartridge and its not very loud. Can it kill you? Yeah but so can an arrow. When I take out my old WW1 rifles, those old bolt actions are rocking 8X56 and up. They kick nicely too. I feel bad for the soldiers of the old days. Those rounds are nasty and would cost you an arm or leg, if not your life
No bs, it is considered a varmint round. Its too small to go hunting something even as small as deer. Its fine for coyote. Its fine for people because the objective is to grievously wound, not (immediately) kill.
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>is not a large cartridge and its not very loud
My LMT Mars L with a muzzle brake is louder than any other rifle I own.
isn't even a cartridge lmao
I'm a hunter and you are wrong, simple as
I guess I'm old school.
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I can't tell if that's the Austrian or Latvian flag? If its Austrian you faggots used 8x56 in both WW1&2. Its still a great round today. My old Steyr M-95 still shoots true.
Forgot to mention I put a 5.56 next to an 8x56 to show the difference
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Thinking you need a .308 for deer isn't old school; it's retarded. By the way, the "muh .223 was invented for wounding" is the biggest piece of shit theory after flat earth and anyone that regurgitates it is not be to taken seriously under any circumstance.

Picrel is what my 7mm-08 did to a roebuck a few days ago. It punched a 7mm whole on one side and a 1 cm whole on the other because full power rifle cartidges have so much energy that they are never dumping even 50% of it. The only reason I shoot a 7mm-08 to begin with is because I am shooting at 300 meters regularly.
It's 8x56R, not 8x56. Also, we used 8x50R in WW1. The 56R was only introduced in 1930. And in WW2 we were using 8x57 as the K98 had become standard ordonnance and M95's were just surplus rifles.
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>12 gauge
>6.5 creedmore
We use them to shoot prairie dogs and groundhogs. You know, varmints. Fast bullet with a decent amount of energy but a bit light on mass.
Supreme gaslighting
Came here to post exactly what you did. So thank your fine sir for having a brain.
Its tiny, but high speed.
Imagine having a second shooter and still not killing trump. All the assassins at the assassins bar must be mocking the second shooter.
Your internal organs would disagree.
Yeah, you were passing them out to Volksturm near the end of WW2. Fortunately we got huge amounts of your rifles sent here postwar. I have a nice K-98 in 8mm Mauser and another VZ-24 in the same caliber. All your guns belong to us.
The nsa took all their jobs and money

This doesn't make them look good but is reality and people need to know that, the other candidates didn't even had secret service

Just nsa handlers
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You can gladly keep those crude 5 MOA Volkssturm shitsticks. Amerimutts are so bad at shooting, you won't even know how innacurate they are. Me, I'm more of a marksman anyway.
Only a retard would buy an AR chambered in .223 when a rifle chambered in 5.56 can fire both rounds
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The remains of (((Gaige Grosskreutz'))) bicep would disagree
Also how did he not get charged with felon in possession of a firearm?
You're wrong about that Herr Mountain Kraut. You guys used to produce excellent firearms. Sadly those days are over now. You give us garbage like Glock and the ridiculous Steyr AUG. I would bet the average American woman is a better shot than you!
Yes, correct. Just pointing out that although they are essentially the same caliber, the weight of the bullet and energy behind it are greater than a .22 LR.
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>Not building .223 Wylde
Trump has been having himself shot regularly with 22LR to build up a tolerance to larger rounds.
Because the DA is a chomo
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Nigger please, imagine thinking any of the crude shit that found its way into your niggermutt country post WW2 is quality. My grandad's assortment of full-stocked class 10 walnut burl 7x64's and 6,5x68's are quality. Hell, even my modern Sako 85 is quality. Amerimutts use ruger muttmericans and shitvages. I've shot $220k Holland and Holland side-by-sides at their shooting grounds in Harefield. You could not in a billion years post a firearm that I would find enticing.
>60 year old tech
yes Colt began selling its SP1 semi-automatic only variant of the AR-15 on the United States civilian market in 1964. The original AR-10 from which the AR-15 was later derived, was developed in the late 1950s
>AR-10 debuted 1957
>AR-15 debuted 1959
Nothing to add, just trying to be cool like Austro anon. 12 gauge foster slug ftw.
Is that a liver shot? You are supposed to eat that, not shoot it, anon.
Secondary damage, lung shot.
Nice. How do you like your deer liver? Pan-fried with lots of onions and white bread is my favourite.
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>hitting something at 90 yards with a .22 would be impressive
not if you are into shooting and have a good setup. I group in a dime at 40 yards, group in 3" at 100 yards, and group in 8" at 200 yards with a 22LR with CCi Target rounds.
The main problem with 22 is the lack of powder and how slow its going and how short the barrels are. It doesnt give enough velocity to resist change of inertia so wind will blow your tiny lead pellet 6-10" off course at 200 yards.
I smoked a fox two summers ago at 144 yards dead between the eyes, literally dropped him in his tracks.
I often shoot beavers at night at 100 yards. Anything less than 50 yards i can shoot their eye out, my 22 is absolutely on point to the T.
Savage Arms makes a few heavy barrel rifles in 22LR but this one is the hot ticket when paired with a good optic to reach out and touch stuff.

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>(((Gaige Grosskreutz')))
>Also how did he not get charged with felon in possession of a firearm?

because he was glowing
the glow handlers put him there as an agitator
he basically had immunity from any sort of court system, the Kikes in Kontrol had his back. That whole riot was glowie staged, they had FBI there, drones in the air, professional film crews, they were doing that for the optics to smear Trump and all those glows met their match when some 18yo kid was just there to help out.
Now just clip it and how does the round behave? There's enough disingenuous shit floating around about this. Never nicked a prairie dog at 400 and watched him saunter away with some missing fur? Different bullets, shot placement, and the material struck have a wide array of variables that don't always line up. If you want to get ass hurt about how poorly 5.56 fmj performs, discuss it with some Afghan vets.
>you have to actually hit the shit you are trying to kill to kill it
Ah yes, an amazing revelation brought to you by xX.223MasterH8rXx
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They do some crazy shit with 22s, 500 yards with setups like pic related. Pretty cool target stuff.
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Lots of conspiracy theories about the secret service allowing him to take the shot but I actually believe the secret service is really that inept
Got it, you ignored what the thread was regarding and just went immediately to reeeing. Enjoy your tantrum.
>muh tantrum, muh ree
What is the thread regarding though? That .223 is underpowered? Because, as the most knowledgeable and experienced person in this thread, I can comfortably disillusion you that it is not.
Your gripe with .223 boils down to "duhm if you miss with it it doesn't actually kill whatever you missed" and "duhm M193 isn't the most optimal choice for big game hunting". If I can drop 100 kg red deer with 77gr STMK at 350 meters on the spot, I'm sure it's adequate for the pseudo-marmots you call groundhogs.
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5.56x45/.223 is an overpower military grade cartridge designed to pierce armor and kill at long distances. it should be banned immediately.
the only useful 22 calibers that should be allowed are 22-250 and 220 swift. these use a tiny bullet for safe control of small rats without any potential to harm people.
lets use some common sense people

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