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Confirmation from at least 5 people on site that the details in this article are at least 90% true.

Lost medication, injuries, running out of food, dehydration, lost undergarments, no hygene products, several contestants hospitalized.

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>A guy literally called the beast becomes internet famous
>He's literally everywhere
>His "candy" is even at Wal*Mart
Nice timeline. Someone just blow fucking bill gates' brains out already. SOMEONE has to be within slaughtering range of that psychotic.
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>Only ‘electrolytes’ were Gatorade handed out on the second day in small batch that ran out quickly and people were fighting over, hoarding. Ran out of meals for people. Water would run out. Was completely not a safe space. Many of us knew it would be mentally challenging, but the danger we were put in and lack of care from staff wasn’t expected. No clear communication between staff either, making it worse.”
This is in downtown vegas, not fucking the gobi desert. They could have literally just left and got food and water and whatever else.
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Thats an illegal threat anon get that mess out of my thread
>Mr Beast blowing everyone in the prison and giving each 1m dollars.
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Dear god I can't even tell if this image is doctored or not.
Good. Let him kill even more.

That is the fakest smile I've ever seen. What's hiding behind those eyes? He sure as hell isn't as happy as he's pretending to be in this picture.
So wait, they are within a city and couldn't figure out how to find water?
>One contestant reports, “Contestants were instructed to provide producers with five days worth of medications, and as of today, contestants have not received a single dose. They have denied food to diabetics, denied water to contestants, and at least two individuals have had seizures as a result.”
this is the most american thing I read today
Kill yourself faggot buy an ad.
>christcuck pisses and shits his pants over chocolate bars being a sign of the end times

Mr beast is so close to being exposed
Just needs another push
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The only important post here is this comment about Night Media
>A kike called me a kike
LOL no. I work for the forces of Life, not the death god of the kike.
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This fellow has a cursed look in his eyes, I would NOT have a coffee with him.
I'm not sticking up for Mr Beast or anything but... Why is it his responsibility to look after your medication, undergarments and hygiene products? Is he their mother or something? Can't they feed and drink by themselves?
None of them wanted to tip the cocktail waitress a dollar
He just looks so fucking fake, the day he's hit with an actual career ending controversy is going to be one where I feel slightly better about the world. Can't stand people that have to advertise their good deeds.
Dude has been addicted to youtube since he was a kid. That shit scrambles the mind.

He has no soul. That is a soulless smile and soulless eyes.

Fitting his name is Mr Beast
I can't bro. roofs at too steep an angle for me to lay upon
That’s what I realized recently… if you cover his mouth his eyes are dead in every photo of him. He’s soulless.
>I've gathered 100 of the biggest Youtubers on the planet and threw them all into the Amazon rainforest.
>They've been equipped with food rations that will last them a week, a small campsite that they have to defend, and glocks that may or may not be broken.
>The winning team wins a hundred billion dollars if they survive a week in the Amazon.
Who would win?
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There’s nothing behind those eyes. He was MKUltra’d by his military mommy a long time ago.
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Remember that 11 year old girl you humiliated and had arrested? Her little Cousin does.
Puppets don't have souls.
The restaurant zaxbys has a mr beast meal. I wonder if they’ll drop it
Why is this dork always smiling like a 5 year old girl? Like you're a man ffs
He reads a script, he is an actor. Night Media refers to them internally as "talents" please search their website forwardslash "talents" (if they took it down again look it up on archive, youre welcome)
Because they took it all away from the contestants. Even took away their tampons so the females were bleeding everywhere through their clothes.
Doubt it, we'll know their course of action by Sunday night at the latest though as mrbeasts new videos usually drop on Saturdays iirc, and zaxbys will just ignore it if mrbeast does and just ends up putting out a video like normal without addressing the situation
He sold his soul

He is the beast many have warned about for generations

He works to distract your kids from the truth

Hmmmm... all seems super fitting....
>The only important post here is this comment about Night Media
Who owns Night Media? Reed Duschscher. The President of Night, Inc. is Ezra Cooperstein. He was president of Maker Studios which is now part of Disney Digital Network.

Night Inc. is financed by the Chernin Group aka TCG, one of its executive members being Alexandra Moore, a former Amazon executive. TCG itself is financed by ESG-compliant Providence Equipment valued at $30,000,000,000

All this information is publicly available.

''Talent Agencies'' aka jewed Content Streamers:
https://www.leviathangroupllc.com/tribe (For Gun Fans)
https://www.caa.com/ (WhistlinDiesel)
https://www.re6l.com/ (pewdiepie)

Yikes dude this pic is depressing
Is this cryptokike related to Jeff Bezos or something?

holy shit, lmao... Do Zalphas really watch this guy?? hahaha
>Lost medication, injuries, running out of food, dehydration, lost undergarments, no hygene products, several contestants hospitalized.
its a game, who gives a shit. imagine wanting to cancel someone because a game didn't go as planned. giant pussies.
Yikes, he looks like a sex addict. Not the sort that gets it for free either.
Mr Beast is working alone now
How interesting… he broke up with the company recently. I wonder if they’re punishing him?

And/Or a child rape victim
That would be very very silly of them considering they knew all the stuff that was happening when it was happening because it was their talent doing it
just look before posting. midwit
>Confirmation from at least 5 people on site that the details in this article are at least 90% true.

did you actually watch the thing? you'd think it was an epstein tier expose if you see pol spurging about it but its
>these giveaways are technically a lottery, he doesn't put the required small print though, thats like a big fine!
>look at these reddit posts of poeple who LITERALLY bought signed t shirts during a live giveaway and they were told SOME shirts would get prizes in the box, and they didn't win!!! that qualifies as a lottery and there was no SMALL PRINT!!!
one of the moms was complaining because her son was so excited because he thought if you bought a shirt it would come with a $100 bill in the box, and he didn't get it and now hes upset!! (yes thats a real complaint kek)

and then the last half of the video is that hes literally encouraging obesity and causing diabetes by telling kids to buy his chocolate. you know, like every candy company in the world who wants kids to buy their chocolate. he makes it sound like an evil scheme.

if you get worked up by shit like that and want to cancel someone for it you're a gigantic pussy. if you haven't watched the video and just think it must be something awful- watch it, i thought it was hilarious. i kept waiting for something actually bad to be exposed but it was exactly as i wrote it.

He's Satan. His entire existence is to showcase the depths of humanity in how low people will go as they humiliate themselves and grovel for greed.
>MrBeast bought out Plaza downtown. Here’s a look at some of the aforementioned contestants wearing the aforementioned garbage bags. It’s hard to imagine people would suffer this indignity just for millions of dollars.
u wot m8. journalism in 2024: just be offended and outraged no matter what.
This one goes down for time to time, I'm constantly monitoring it but could use some help. Just make backups from time to time.

When it goes down, something big is usually happening.

There are archived pages of this link, plz view them.

Jews are so pathetic. Every time they try to look like a tough guy they convince 1,000,000 more people that all jews should be kept out of any position of authority.

>"I don't care if niggers are raping and murdering all my jewish grandkids, that white guy laughed at me and called me schlomo! Get him!"
Finally whistling diesel makes sense. He wastes money like a drunken Saudi princess
unfathomably based
Yeppers, I've been telling people this shit for awhile now, it's a dead giveaway
Always look at the eyes
Amp is tracker, you can remove it from all links and the link will work. What kind of tracker is it? Google accounts?
>Another commenter said, “Each challenge catered to young strong men, who bullied female and elderly contestants and ultimately took away any chance of a fair competition. I have always been a fan of Mr. Beast. I believe in the causes he donates to and all the good he has done, but in a world where women’s rights are literally being threatened I’m disappointed that he would spearhead a show that encourages such toxic masculinity.”
>Why would you expect someone who said they'd look after your kids to look after your kids and give them water and stuff???
The page wouldn't open for me but I'm wondering if exploring with Josh is on there kek
If you are stupid enough to compete in anything this pedo produces, you deserve to die.

He went to Africa for the same reason Oprah did - to rape African children.
Holy shit. What a fucking waste of time
I'm using an archived version of the page.

The page is " https://www.night.co/talent "

There are 49 captures of it on the wayback machine.
>I have always been a fan of Mr. Beast. I believe in the causes he donates to and all the good he has done
Mr. Beast runs illegal lotteries and scam contests that would be 100% illegal on TV but somehow adding "but on the Internet" has let him avoid State AGs destroying his highly profitable business.

Online evangelical megachurch preachers wish they could get away with the tactics that Mr. Beast uses without seeing jail.
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don't know don't care didn't watch didn't read turn off that talmudvision Christ is king
>not the heckin giveaways! thats illegal!! theres no fine print!!!
fuck off bootlicker.
The only people competing are the Night Media "Talents" now.

"50 YouTubers Fight For $1,000,000" (Night Media "Talents")
What's going to bring him down at this point? His prize winners have been exposed as friends/family members of the Mr Beast organization. Not to mention the tranny shit. His lawyers are able to weasel him out of any situation.
It's the shape of eyelids you actual fucking retardeds.

Also, I can almost guarantee he has sleep apnea. Every single sleep apnea sufferer has the exact same "look".
This faggot is doing that same retarded grin in every pic I've ever seen of him.
I hope someone serial kidnaps, chains up, and rapes all rich oligarchs
Simply kill yourself you pathetic little internet faggot
extremely based
They are lotteries. When you have to buy shit to enter, that's a lottery. When you "give away" "randomly" and most of the prizes end up with your friends, family, employees, and employees' friends and family, that's a crooked lottery. The first State Attorney General that realizes what's been done to his children under the cover of innocent YouTube app kids stuff, and Mr. Beast is done.
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Have you seen any interview with that faggot?
In one interview he's asked if he'll put one of those neuro link shits Elon musk is promoting.
Without a second to snap he replies yes, can you imagine the amount of money you can make with one of those?
You can just think about it and organize all kinds of shit, imagine all the money you can make?

Mother fucker has tick tock fried brain, he doesn't think of consequences, is just money, money, money even tho he has enough to buy a private island and terra form it with white Sand, that's how much of a fucking degenerate he is, he's a Bill Gates in the making
All it takes is for someone to make a single complaint to their state AG / consumer protection board and/or FTC to get the ball rolling. Its amazing nobody has done this yet.
I have never seen a more soulless creature.
despite your despair I'm still voting Kamala.
Why are they going after Mr beast so hard? Not a fan im just curious
I'm trying to fix the smile
he fired his troon friend for being a pedophile
You just gave him tranny eyebrows faggot
This like that time Israel shot Trump.
yeah not great. I think I need to push the cheeks up into the eyes also
He's a faggot and manipulates little kids. Also high probability hes a pedo himself. Also all of his "charity work" is fake and gay. Also who advertises their charity work like that? Its all a money making scheme. He's evil.
Eyes should squint more, nose should krinkle slightly.
Its all fake...because it just is ok!!
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I shouldn't be surprised about Jimmy having an internet defense force. His illegal lotteries target kids and there are more protections for kids because they're easily manipulated.
He never smiles with his eyes.
He looks more and more demonic as he ages
You stupid faggot, nobody votes.
Kek, his downfall is funny.
He's a massive piece of shit
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He's a mk ultra slave
Stupid little fuck drops a pistol like that. What a fucking fool. You want to loosen and break shit up so it jams all the time?

Fucking idiot.
Mortal Kombat Ultra isn't even out yet. I know he is a gamer but still...
fake smiles are easy to distinguish, and his is awful. a smile is far more than a mouth movement, there are tons of micro movements of of the face, and that "smile with your eyes" factor that is impossible to describe, but everyone knows when they see it. he lacks this, his smile is only ever a forced movement of the mouth.
soulless skin-walker confirmed.

You don't hear about this shit on Japanese game shows. Maybe Americans just need to be healthier, of if you aren't healthy don't try to participate in this stuff. Not to say Mr. Beast is great at safety, clearly he isn't.

The whole youtube thing is about getting out content fast, and safety regulations these days make that impossible. It is like you need to pays millions of dollars and have liability up the ass in case someone stubs their toe. I bet a bunch of out of shape older fat people signed up for this stuff with no idea what they were getting into.

Mr. Beast makes content mostly with young people for young people. He didn't have an issue with a ton of his challenges in the past cause he just grabbed a bunch of in shape college students. Clearly that wasn't the case this time. Not to say older people shouldn't get to compete on challenges. But no one is holding a gun to your head making you stay there. Mr. Beast didn't kidnap a bunch of diabetics and deny their meds by force.

This just shows how soft, unhealthy and out of shape America is. To me that is the bigger story.
I love blackpowder weapons
what the shit, loser?
he had the weird smile even as a kid
I dunno what would do it, but it would be nice if it happened. Like that occasional story you see in the local news of a disabled puppy learning how to walk sprinkled among the reports of niggers shooting eachother and hitting bystanders or serial murder rapists on the loose.
Never understood the hate for Mr.Beast he seems like a genuine good person if somewhat of a midwit.
Did any of the female contestants lose their undergarments and is there anywhere I can go to watch this?
Thanks for condensing this into a single reply. I was in those threads and help dig up some of those (((talent agencies))) but it was always so hard to convey that literally every big name on youtube is fake now. It's the new fucking TV. When there's money there's Jews, no matter what
So there was this pedophile prostitution ring in chile, specifically in viña, full of poltards

>Wanting to have fun physical comps as opposed to boring questions and answers
But wait! Q&A doesn't give stupid people and the mentally disabled an equal chance! It should be a game show totally decided by random draw! But wait, we don't want winners and losers! How about a game show where everyone gets the same amount of cash for doing nothing! That will be fun.

Also when did men being naturally bigger and stronger turn into toxic masculinity? I guess a while ago.
Please provide proof.
Sure was on the news and everything let's see if the cops don't try to hide it
I noticed a couple months ago some other channel that was doing something similar. I guess this is like so much else now, slap “tech” on it connects it to the intent and suddenly you can get around whatever regulation you want (taxis, hotels, etc)
You must be an NPC or something, you can't tell by looking at him his evil aura?
>several contestants hospitalized
kek. its averaged 110F out right now and the past week has been north of 40% humidity and all these idiots are wearing trash bags... lunacy
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talk tough do nothing as usual
He just looks like redditor.
Many of his challenges involve unhealthy sbit like sleep deprivation, lack of movement, not being able to piss properly and shitty food for some reason
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Exactly, redditors are evil
Its called exposing him for what he is and canceling him theres no need for violence.
Here we go posted in another thread too


I have more going back the exact 14 years since we formed the pizzagate research team
>Many of his challenges involve unhealthy shit
Maybe (((they))) are testing in a controlled environment and gather data on how much abuse is too much. So their controls will be just soft enough to not kill you but enough to enforce their will. Just an idea
You may be right
It’s because he’s been programmed
heres Chris Tyson posting revenge porn pics of iCarley nickelodeon star

say more...
colonia dignitad?
He’s a sociopath. He’s a crypto Jew with intelligence agency family who was artificially pushed to the top of YouTube so he could target children with illegal gambling schemes that are technically not regulated since he’s not on actual television. Most of his wealth is based off of getting retarded 10 year olds to believe he’s going to send their family cars and money when 95% of his shit goes to his friends and fellow KikeTube stars in exchange for promotions and business deals. He also protected a pedo tranny. Down with Beast
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I haven't met a man in years who doesn't have an evil aura. The world has gone mad. Outside that he appears to genuinely try to do good things even if he's not smart about it. I do admit to only a passing knowledge of the man.
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God he is one ugly faggot.

In Minecraft.

And real life.
If you couldn't tell from looking at his face that he was a fraud, then there's no helping you.
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>Women contestants were instructed to provide five days worth of underwear.
>All underwear gave been 'lost' and will not be returned.

It's good to be the King.
Dick Masterson is an unfunny faggot
someone should give chitwood a wet willy (in minecraft)
>"illegal on TV"
what does that even mean? you sound like an idiot.
This dude smiles like a child beauty pageant contestant
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He is demonic. Everything about him is.
I wish Mr beast would kill all of his NPC following
>I might even subscribe, faggot

I miss watching talk shows getting mad at 'prostitots'.
>Mr Beast challenge: run a real and fair and legal contest without salting it with his employees and friends
>difficulty: impossible

>This just shows how soft, unhealthy and out of shape America is. To me that is the bigger story.
lol his handlers are paying people to set the appropriate context on /pol/ of all places. Wow.
checked and backed
Mr. Beast masterminded the Las Vegas shooting.
Normalcunts will look at this face and say yeah that looks like a face I can trust
total normalnigger death
>if you get worked up by shit like that and want to cancel someone for it you're a gigantic pussy.
listen we know you are a turd world shit skeen stank jeet but we have laws against running unfair lotteries in the U.S. gonna laugh when mr beast gets his ass sued for thinking he can flaunt the law
Big if true
They are youtubers. These people only know how to hunt down kids to molest
>>"illegal on TV"
>what does that even mean? you sound like an idiot.
I will use small sentences to help your damaged attention span.
It means illegal. If broadcasted. On TV.
The US already went through dealing with many of these scams way back in the 50s. Fixing the results of a contest is explicitly illegal. Other fraudulent actions may be blocked by heavy self-regulation by the networks to avoid either Congress stepping in or to avoid court cases on law that may not be explicitly about gameshows, but could still be applicable as forms of f.ex. fraud.
Why does he have such a vacant expression in his eyes? Looks soulless
Little guy never had a chance.
Bet his mom is a beast in her own right in the sheets.
Would love to give her a spin.
Its because he literally has no soul. All he cares about is money and power. He is a fraud. All of his contests are lies and his charity work is fake and gay. The only thing his charity work does is make him more money thats what its designed to do. This guy is the biggest fucking faggot on Earth.
Mr. Beast
More like Mr yeast amirite?
Amazed how there hasn't been any class action lawsuit related to this yet.
KEK. Send these people to the depths of the Amazon.
I'd like to see how many times i have to punch you in the face until you die, scum.
Why is this guy relevant?
So fucking disgusting
Glad I never watched his shit. I only remember seeing a Honey ad he did a while ago and thinking he looked weird and seemed annoyed to be doing the ad.
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>if they dont have someone holding thier hand they dont drink water or eat in a city full of water and food.
typical zoomer
Yeah, most troons get off wearing women's clothes. They're all degenerate porn/sex addicts.

Bill Gates is a shambling ghoul these days. I don't think kinetic instruments would do it, need some sort of magic to cast down that gurgling corpse.
>gonna laugh when mr beast gets his ass sued for thinking he can flaunt the law
Nothing will happen and he'll continue to scam kids on YouTube. Even if his channel drops viewers he can just fire all his staff and still make 50,000$ an upload. His viewer base is clueless kids that were born yesterday and have no way of knowing any controversy him or his channel creates. He has the perfect captive audience that hangs off his every word. The average Mr. Beast viewer cant tell the difference between their right and left hand and still haven't mastered the names of the six basic colors. If you ask them how their eyes work they'll tell you sight "beams" emanate from their eyes. Etc. Etc.
Dog wtf
If you are showing up for a fucking challenge, why in God's fucking name wouldn't you bring your meds with you? They deserve it at that point. It's darwinism at that point.
Whats wrong with this cunts forehead

Lots of sun on balding, aging skin. Dude looks like he's seen some shit.
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The beast that thou hast seen, was and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and shall go into perdition, and they that dwell on the earth, shall wonder (whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world) when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
They did bring medication. It sounds like his staff took the medication and basic necessities away, and then refused to even speak with them.
>Tom hanks eyes
They have dirt on Mr beast too.
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they don't want to stop internet gambling so they will never do anything about him. he's their poster boy and thats ALL he accomplishes. he fills those certain things, and he can do whatever.
>watch my video and next hour ill give a prize to someone.
>1-1/2 later someone gets something
but hey you got people watching your shit for an hour and a half didnt you? nothing illegal about prize giveaways with lying abou tit as long as you get the quote: "most valuable currency" attention huh you fat faggot

everything he does is to attract gambling, poses himself to children and caters his show to the audience of children. Parents should not watch him, or let their kids do it and he should be banned.

BUT theyd have to ban other types of the SAME THING too wouldnt they?

this guy gets it. all his charity work is just to make him more money, make him look good and lower his tax implications on all that money he's earning. he's a fraud. reminds of the same grift the recycled percussion guys do always 'helping the less fortunate' while filming them for content to make themselves more money/look good so they can sell middle aged women more vastly overpriced t shirts and hoodies
what is social credit score anyway?
Just an assskissing club
Funny image.
Once again, darwinism.
Idk. The average civilian has no idea what they are gonna NEED over the next 36 hours. Just the context of food/sleep/charge the phone. What did they run their pockets? Keep a baggy with your meds on you. Or perhaps, because you are a fat piece of shit who has diabetes, don't participate. Jesus people are fucking stupid.
yep things are progressing now. there's another kid who was underage now calling out Chris for grooming and posting sexual shit to underage kids in discord where mr beast was also the other mod and they were instructed to let underage girls join
I think anon cracked the case on Kris Tyson
ok maybe he's based after all
how he always mostly smiles, the time when he really thinks is when you see that shit look on his face., is with get this, MONEY. hes' think about all the money he'll get and thats how he keeps that shit eating grin on his face all of the time. I
If you see him for what he is, you'll see what he's really doing. then you and everyone else will hate the look of the fucker until he chnages his shit. but ur all braindead and dumb
Who's that fagot...
Looks like the kind of peter puffer that would have a Troon lover.
Most young millionaires as destined for an early downfall, not everyone can be Bill Gates, Zuckerberg
PanAm smile
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There's also been a bunch of other streamers and other content creators like DrDisrespect and Elvis alien getting exposed as pedos. Also tons of rumors that Twitch streamers had child prostitutes in the VIP section at Twitchcon.

Guys, I'm thinking the Jews realized how unprofitable the streamer industry is and are now cutting ties by sinking the whole ship down to cover their asses. Too many retards on YouTube and Twitch getting backlash lately in 2024 can't be a mere coincidence.
lmao it's the Doug Walker allegations all over again
>He didn't buy us enough food during production of our shitty youtube video! Cancel him!!!
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Also some juicy shit;




Some real fucked shit, the type of thing you see Hollywood do for the last century kek
assmongergeld is also a night baby
he really is
>glowie is upset about mr beasts smom joke
lol i would show mr beats glowie mom my mr beat you know what im SAYIN'?!?!
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Linkara gets cranky without his tendies
Same thing with Ryan Reynolds. His giant smile hides evil fucking eyes
These people are such fucking pussies. Drop out of the competition if you can’t handle the circumstances.

>nooo the young physically fit guys are dominating the physical competition it’s not fair!!!!
Did they mk ultra this dude?
Nick Rochefort
They did to all of us

Disregard reality vote third party
What do you call this "emotion"?
You leave assmongler alone he's a good goy
whats up with his smile?
fake algorithm decided smile. dudes smile is so fake it's ridiculous. has anyone ever seen him really smile? the eyes don't lie when you actually smile and yet you never ever see any smile lines on this dudes eyes
>posting Sheriff Fagwood

Another name being added to the filter list.

You didn't read the attached article, did you?

Sold my soul to the Devil regret smile

If I didn't already know he was a famous billionaire, I'd say he looks incredibly nervous. Same look as when the shy kid in school has to do a presentation.
They're in a city that literally offers free soda in nearly every building lmao.
And that retard wants to run for president. Embarrassing.
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I can't stand this faggots reptilian smile. I don't care how nice of a person the Jews claim he is, he is a faggot.

I was utterly bemused when I found out he is apparently the worlds #1 content creator. What the fuck is the appeal?
When you have a genuine smile you raise your eyebrows a bit and your eyes open up more. If literal autistic people can learn how to fake it in public this dude has no excuse.
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He looks like a methed out pedo in that pic
He was the goodest of guys until he hinted at running for president when he turns 35, and now he's being shown a lesson by people who don't want him in power.
It's not. I passed by that demonstration when it was happening. He was protecting Jews protesting Hamas
Sociopathic eyes
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Feels bad man
Ok here we go

The pedos from viña are caught wanna know where the chilean presidential residency is?
I break his candy in half everytime I'm in the aisle
pot calling kettle black on steroids
Chris you giant FAGGOT, dont u have some kids to groom or something?

Mr. Beast is a piece of shit good goy who is enjoyinh the spoils of being a rat in sheep clothing
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Fixed his gay outfit
Le bootlicker name calling, looks like a tranny, sounds like a tranny, and I'm sure you smell like a tranny. Faggot piece of shit.
Definitely a psycho
Congratulations faggot, you became a retarded boomer from the 80s.
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I only see three niggers we need to pump those numbers up!
Even though you botched it, I do know what you were saying anon.
This thread has been up all fucking day. Yet the recent UFO thread is quickly hushed and archived. Like holy shit 200 replies later you faggots still don't have an answer? Why have none of the elite pol faggots figuratively destroyed Mr. Beast yet?
What are you faggots waiting for? Dr. Disrespect gets crucified like Christ himself and everyone cheers, then threads like these hit 200+ replies over what a 7 hour period and you faggots are still flailing. What a fucked up simulation we are living in.
Make his neck longer
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So he turned out to be a child rapist...imagine my shock.jpg
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>victim insists they aren't a victim
That's how grooming works lol
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I've been meaning to point this out but Retarded video for not knowing how black powder weapons work, for not understanding he would have a bayonet on there and charge every motherfucker in the room, and for not realizing that he can carry multiple guns including blackpowder pistols.

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