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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Let me start off by saying Fuck jannies, fuck kikes, fuck niggers, fuck trannies, fuck shills
I denounce the talmud
Now that that's out of the way...

What the fuck is up with the critical mass of shills around Trump's VP pick, and the astroturfing of kumala? And why are the shills so godawful and unconvincing? You all glow brighter than a thousand suns, worse than even the glowniggers. Is the entire population of India on the DNC payroll, but they won't spend the extra $20 per month on a paid chat bot to generate their posts, or even grammarly? These shills are Gemini or GPT3.5 grade. I have like 50 threads filtered, this site is fucking unusable. So now I have to go on X to post screenshots of red pills about jews where fucking norms can see because you niggers fucked up the containment zone. I didn't want to go on shitter and red pill normans, but since this place is fucked I have no choice.

This is the future you chose. I hope you fags all got boosted.
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I demand better shills!
>Anti-Vax OP image
>shill Trump, who created and pushed the vax
Report spam. Jannies will have to do their job.
Outsourced to India. Or Indonesia.
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You retarded fucking nigger, I don't give a fuck about trump. Trump is a kike loving faggot whose kids are all married to kikes. His daughter swallows kike kushner's cum and he applauds it.
Not that kamala is any better, she's just there to appease the antisemites who are retarded enough to also be communists.

Fuck you, I hope your family is raped to death in front of you by a pack of feral niggers.
The funny thing is they could have done all this for Biden, but instead they humiliated and destroyed him, Why?
If they are going to fake support and cheat again why not do the same for ol’ dementia joe, he’s a great patsy for them robbing our country and trying to start WWIII
Memeflag shill pajeet street shitting degenerate genetic abomination, kill yourself
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Vance bad. Something something nuclear codes.
Lol oh my god this so me
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So is there any actual distaste for this guys among the normans you associate with? Or is it literally 100% astroturfed outside of some useless old cat ladies like vance was saying?
I saw a thread saying even Redditors are sick of this.
>shills shills shills
JD Vance is unpopular, and Kamala is very popular right now. There are no shills here.
2024: RFK elected for president
2025: RFK takes office
2026: RFK scatters Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J to the winds
2027: RFK scatters EPA to the winds
2028: RFK re-elected for president
2029: RFK scatters TSA to the winds
2030: RFK scatters FBI to the winds
2031: RFK scatters CIA to the winds
2032: RFK declassifies JFK assassination and exits politics as mysteriously as he arrived
Hail your photo of the words of a savior OP
Fuck all bionazi swampers
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>JD Vance is unpopular, and Kamala is very popular

The exact opposite is true. Here are the actual stats.
>There are no shills here.
Why are you concerned about election shilling when you know it's all kike theatre?
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nice primary votes you got there
Because effortless spamming is offensive to my eyes. The shills at least used to be lolcows in some capacity, Now it's just sad and cringy reposting of the same 10 AI-generated pastas by Karnataka cubicle dwellers who don't speak enough English to understand what they are posting, and aren't paid nearly a fraction of enough to care
That and they are going to try to use all the shilling to build a post-hoc consensus where in 10 years they say that that's how it really was, when it's all pure bullshit.

It's no different than when the jews told everyone hitler was a one-balled homosexual fecaphiliac megalomaniac bent on conquering the world, who also wasted his time with nonsense like holocoasters and detached-chimney gas chambers.
In 10 years, when LLMs have become a source of authoritative truth (this is coming, don't kid yourself), the AIs will scrape old news articles and web posts and see all this astroturfed bullshit and report that's how it really was

Unless we scream into the void now with enough volume and reach that they cannot drown it out or purge it it without making the internet unusable. Similar to what's happened here on /pol/
You have to completely break it to make it unusable for anon.
Screaming about the astroturfing is so that happens to the entire internet and world.
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Kino, I wish...but the way more realistic thing that could happen is he gets a position in Trump's office after he obviously loses. And then he actually mopps the floor with all those agencies and takes revenge for what they did to his dad and uncle.
They're trying to spin false narratives because they apparently didn't have enough material already

>Vance is bad because we say he's bad...or something
It's transparent as fuck
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>Kamala is very popular right now
kek, even
He’s a fag and a cuck for jeets. Michelle Obama has a bigger cock.
Did you forget about operation warp speed
the spam never gets taken down and you end up getting banned for pointing out that other posters are communist tranvestites/kikes/niggers. the niggers are in charge of the antinigger house
Yes, but I also remember
"I'm on the Hydroxy"
and "There will never be a mandate"
and "I'm all for alternative treatments"
Go fuck yourself you stupid shills, just because your smooth nigger brains only hold the memory capacity of a goldfish doesn't mean us actual humans share your profound impairment.

You're truly unfit for the modern world and you should kill yourselves now to avoid further embarrassment and shame for yourselves and your subspecies.
>let’s check the source on that
I dont like him because hes a zionist, but the majority of his current views are more populist and in line with Trumps agenda than any of the other alternatives.
I dont trust him, but I dont trust Trump either.
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operation warp speed spared us all from 5 years of lock Downs followed up with mandatory Vax. the sheep wanted us in camps after less than a year of no niggerball, imagine how unhinged they'd have been after 5
JD Vance is a Peter Thiel jerkoff. That's why he gets on the podium and says childless people shouldn't get a vote. It's a good policy, but saying thst in public to campaign is absolutely retarded. He is just going to say basedboy shit and sue for war in Iran if he gets in with zion don.
I fail to see the point you are trying to make.
It doesn't seem like this guy has much of a horse in the race either way, being a Portuguese transplant in England. Portuguese are part of the Anglosphere so he's technically not even really an invader, but legitimately a visitor from another part of the kingdom. I'd expect his polling to be roughly accurate, at least as much so as one without a particular ax to grind on a topic can hope to be in a conversation full of ax grinders.
Maybe because he’s just a jeet tool? Like you?
Zion don was surrounded by traitors like pence, warmongers, and other jews during his first term and somehow things were amazing. The economy exploded when he was elected like it'd been edging for 10 years. No new wars. Cheap gas, cheap groceries.
I don't care if he picked David ben-gurion as his running mate, the results speak for themselves
Especially in comparison to the clown show we've had since.

But that is off of my original topic, which is why all the LOW EFFORT crap for vance? They are literally pissing more people off than they are winning over. Their efforts at consensus building are going to blow up in their faces, just like their cheating in 2020 has with all the scrutiny this election is going to receive. Why can't they see that?
They don't think it be like it is but it do.
Maybe him, but not me
Here, have a long list of companies ruined by jeets

Still not sure why that would give him cause to weigh his polls one way or another.
Trump pays lip service, but immigration fell during his term.

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