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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What the fuck is going on? Aren't incels supposed to be a minority?
They're living with mommy and playing video games all day long. Don't drive, barely work.
>attuned to the shift in priorities that woman have already made
I literally haven't made it in months, touch some grass anon
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It's pollutants in the food and the environment that disrupt the endocrine system and feminize men. It makes them uninterested in pursuing relationships with the opposite sex and so they pursue other hobbies such as video games, comic books, cosplay, anime, gooning competitions, vaping, tiktok, floss dancing, and other zoomer hobbies.
>4th world stats from dystopian shitholes like Shartmerica
>Aren't incels supposed to be a minority?
They are, very much so. Keep coping, subhuman trash.
>Need 5 years of work experience for entry level job
>Every single fem has been "in a relationship" since age 16
>Gasoline literally more expensive than vodka
Really a mystery why
You're acting as if it's a bad thing and that I should be miserable and lonely like you.
At least I can be comfortable being with my family and earning money for myself
>young men must... attuned to the shift in priorities women already made.

Women made it their priority to make as much money as possible and never have kids. How on earth are men supposed to shift their priorities to become desirable to those women? As if those women are even desirable themselves.
Women's typical strategy. If you take offense with her demands, then you are just not good enough and need to do better.
It is never her fault for being unreasonable, the only possible reason could be that you are not man enough.
And they don't even say that just to manipulate. They genuinely believe it. In their mind, they are the archetype of the perfect human being, and anyone who does not obey their demands is inferior, subhuman (which they just label as "creepy", because that's more socially accepted).
Why the fuck did she hit him?! I hate fortnite tiktok shit but that guy literally wasn't doing anything to her. Holy shit, women need a fucking reality check (like getting punched in the fucking face).
>tugs dick all day
>long consequences
>tfw in a sane world, he could have just knocked her teeth out
>instead he had to back down to not have the state ruin his life
>which resulted in this video
>everyone who knows him will have seen it and will know that he was humiliated in public by some dumb hole
>everyone loses respect for him
Granted, the dumb dance would have achieved the same.
Because in typical whore fashion she assumed that everything that happens in the whole wide word is about her, and that he was mimicking dry humping her.
The thought that he wasn't even paying attention to her never entered her mind, because such a thing does not exist in her perception.
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This shit is why men used to beat their wives. Sad as it is, this parasitic, ME ME ME behavior is only allowed to fester if there isn't a massive force blowing it back. A few gallons of tears and black eyes are a worthy cost of the clusterfuck that is today.
It's like 13 now man. In junior high they were all hos. I missed out
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*for preventing the clusterfuck that is today
Still though, female-led sexual strategy always leads to disaster if the selection is all ornamental. The Irish elk literally went extinct because of it, and the peacocks that mate the most fly the worst.
>get a job to get a gf
Well I had a girlfriend and she said my behaviour "really turned her off" now I don't have a girlfriend. What am I supposed to do.
She's an adult, so it's not surprising that she doesn't know what that is.

Do you really think you can go anywhere and throw your hips right behind a random woman without her getting upset about it? Doesn't help that the dude is visibly weaker than her. What a pitiful specimen.
>female-led sexual strategy always leads to disaster if the selection is all ornamental.
Because they are completely amoral. A woman will never think
>I would benefit from this, but I should not do it, because it is wrong and causes too much harm to others
Her only concern will be if she thinks she can get away with it. If she thinks she can, she'll do it.
They are, like your image said, all psychopaths.
It saves me a lot of money and bullshit. I banged a lot of chicks in my younger days but it becomes a hollow experience. Trying to find a decent wife is a struggle now.
You VILL raise the niglet
They’re the majority for whites. They’re dying and going extinct into that sweet sweet night quietly like their moms queef from her busted ass vagina.
Yes, but women really want giga Chad and everyone who isn't giga Chad is invisible. To women they only notice incels if one dares initiate a conversation, the rest of the time they are invisible. The study found incels to be 2/3 of the male population because it didn't include women's perceptions and therefore reflected reality.

Also, they need to do a similar study on married incels. My money's on 50% or more husbands are incels in the west currently.
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Pretty on the nose that you think incels' methods of dealing with a failed society is something to be mocked. You won't be mocking them after you discover your wife has been whoring in your marriage bed for several years mate.
Best part is society will stop you from having any recourse on the matter and in fact will make you pay her on the way out the door .
I have noticed the trend in the worse quality the woman is, the more she doubles down on her comical autistic demands that would limit her mating pool to 0.01% of the population.
Doesn’t this question get answered several times a day?
A grocery store job didn't even bother getting back to me, I'm not gonna humiliate myself anymore trying to fit in with the normal folk. I used to feel bad about not working but I don't give a shit anymore, there's no meaning to anything monetary. It all just goes back into the Feds pile of printed green slips to pay for a debt that they created. Pussy is the least of my worries so NPNW doesn't represent me much either. Having a relationship with a girl would be nice but that's not a possibility for me.
the uglier a woman, the more inaccurate her self-perception.
Define young men. Also, what was the sample size of the study? Seems like bullshit to me.
women can go fuck themselves
FUCK YOU. YOU ARE PAID BY GLOBOHOMO to open daily threads with a screen capture or a twitter trying to give importance to it.

Again: you and your teamwork that open daily threads on 4chan to demoralize people are SON OF BITCHES. There is another thread opened by you right now (with a VPN).
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She thought he was dry humping her. She's older and has no idea what the zoomer flossing dance is.
she is a Slav and Slavic women are particularly dangerous and violent. he is a young zoomer slav, and he has not yet matured enough to be strong enough to handle Slavic women with the appropriate amount of brute force which is necessary to keep them under control and in line.
Only a Slavic man that has matured into adulthood is capable of handling a Slavic woman with the proper amount of brute force that's necessary to keep her in her place.
do you mean like this?
not true i jerked off 20min ago
>they're fighting okay
>Wow look how close to each others' faces they are. Why don't they just have sex?
>I bet they have sex after this
>They probably are both getting turned on actually
>Oh yeah they're definitely going to fuck
My thought process
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Yes, exactly. Violent fights are Slavic mating rituals
>What the fuck is going on?

I lucked into a house early on in my life and was told by a lawyer that if I co-habitate I have to charge her rent or she'll be entitled to half the house after like 2 years or something. Try telling your gf you’re going to charge her rent and see how it works out by the way, so I have to pick between this asset or a long term gf I’m taking the house worth nearly a mil.
What would you have done? I can understand a "gesture of fertilization" but if I had done a ballet and someone would have punched me in the face at least I would have thrown her to the ground kicked her in the face, maybe even spat..
does she have a knife? I can't quite tell what she's attacking him with.
either way, he was too lenient on her. should have thrown some actual punches
>they just clean up the elevator together
top kek
I'd have done webm related. Knock a bitch out. Put her in her place.
>keeps wobbling after the slam
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
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They still are a minority technically, their numbers are just much higher than they used to be. This was always going to happen after women's equality won. Just be glad that we have weed, porn, junk food, and video games to pacify most of them, if we didn't they would run wild.
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>What the fuck is going on?
Women only want to be with exceptionally physically attractive men.
I have a good gf and she wants to get married one day but Im fucked up and blackpilled on marriage as an institution to be honest. No congressmen,president, senator even acknowledges the problem they just ignore it. Judges and jewish lawyers are raping relationships in this country and nobody does anything and these same people wonder why people are reclusing and being blackpilled. I want to give my parents grandkids but I also don't want to lose what I have built.
I've always had the idea that it links back to this pyramid of needs. But in reality, sex which at the bottom should be near the top.
Most people, especially men, are struggling with the lower 'tiers' so they are not even thinking about more advanced stuff. It includes me, where I feel like I'm in a literal gay version of the soviet union with maybe 50% less starvation.
Men need to go for black chicks at this point.
All the girls that rejected me in the past look repulsive now.
>most of them are probably Trump voters
>he chose a VP that belittled them
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Most black women are racists who hate white men.
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I'm single in my mid 30s. I have sex at least 20 times a year with girls from 18-45. I don't know what zoomer boys are doing because it's easy as fuck to get laid.
Are they though? I've never seen so many white dudes dating black girls as I see now.
They're flooding the country, at least mine.
France and Germany are a different story since their immigrants are most men and the women that get there are Muslim.
>refuse to hire men unless they are DEI
>>durrrr they just neet who do nothing but video gamer!
Hope we get another pandemic to finish the job of wiping out you oldheads
>refuse to hire men unless they are DEI

I can get a job next week if I wanted to? You're a piece of shit. It's not the job....
I work and netted 118k USD last year and live alone in a modestly sized SFH at 29 and I haven't been on a date in years. Just feels pointless every time.
feminism won, now the politicians have to import millions of 3rd world indians
What are the stats like in kekistan, my kosher friend?
> still thinks this is unique to modernity

ngmi nigger
It's only poor people the ones having sex and babies.
Maybe it's different in certain places outside of America.
Maybe on a larger scale but believe me I know plenty of EBT-class people who aren't fucking either. Men or women. Everyone just has such vile personalities (me too I guess) or are boring as fuck (me too I guess). At least I'm not fat, but like 75% of people are, I'm sure that isn't helping.
Women are whores and not worth our time anymore.
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Or women are right and men are in shit form.
He never finished the work but in the final draft he had self transcendence
no, incels are normies now.
You need to have sex to become social outcast now
white women are unkind.
Why doesnt it affect blacks, tho?
Black women have gigantic asses and they aren't all ugly.
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Oh no newsman is goading you saying everybody is single. Funny that newsman is a liar.
I don’t appreciate them
ok boomer
God, family, country, self

Liberals have brainwashed people into not caring about any of those but the latter.
Where did you think concepts like Hope, Motivation, Loyalty, etc came from..the next season of the acolyte?
Stop drowning in vanities and pretending you know better than your ancestors.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Mat 6:33
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>Or women are right and men are in shit form.
No, they just have wild and unattainable standards, it's that simple. This is one of the men who women view as severely below average.
It’s really just social media killing socialization and the gender revolution making being sexually active cringe.

Seriously, why is all the sex positivity and polygamy talk coming from the grossest bitches?
I mean in terms of being racist / having severe in-group bias.
"Dont drive, barely work"
Foreign invaders are taking over Europe and the USA. Also funny story about driving: My driving judge wanted to make me fail on purpose so he would hold the clutch so I dont get speed for my car, but instead only the gas would increase. Causing me to lose focus and fail the test. "These kids cant get drivers licenses"
>The test is literally designed to make you fail
Well, somebody needs to beat that little faggot for doing retard shit. Maybe a girl hitting him will be that much more humiliating.
Can't you like record him doing this (even secretly) if you need to? It's not like anybody can't record anything at any time without anybody knowing it? Or shit just audio record it and say out loud "Can you leg to of the fucking clutch so you don't fuck up my test?" and he'll be heard responding?

I mean, I get it though. You guys are fucking just as stupid as I was when I was younger. Maybe you don't have the balls because older people are intimidating, but being here on 4chan bitching on /pol/ and circle jerking about how the world is against you is not the fucking answer.

Go talk to some real men and let them give you some helpful advice.
U a fucking NIGGER or kike

who thinks that working and taking a cold shower will change anything son of a bitch. You must be TALL and have a social circle for that son of a bitch, how many workers in their shitty fenwick have been virgins for 45 years lol
This guy gets it.

That isn't the correct for for a woman to protest, of course, this woman thinks she is a man clearly, but anyone who felt intellectually offended, might be a loser.
Because I only realized it after the fact. Also they do record it: They record every test with a small camera. The only "real men" that I know is my uncle and he is just busy af and old. I ain't got no dad and my mom tries too hard to be a man. In the end its somehow my fault though
>Young men must re-prioritize
Fuck off kike
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My 10 year old can drive standard transmission
In a world where man whores get chased out of town and sluts get ridiculed, women have no choice but to be discerning about finding a quality partner in as few "attempts" as possible. Now, it's a perfectly valid strategy to fuck as many good looking men as possible with the vague, minuscule hope that he will pick you over all the others. Pursuing a normal man is essentially settling for nothing in their eyes.
I once had a black chick flirt with me. But the nanosecond she found out I can't dance she loathed me. Apparently blacks value dance above everything else. To them rhythmless guys are subhuman.
It's really just feminism making women less open to relationships for the 20-30 years they're actually worth having one with since they're busy chasing careers and not trying to start families with men
You're supposed to just lie to her that you pay rent
>66% is a minority
Gotta love burger math.
Uncle's are all you need, and it isn't so much about asking someone and then giving you verbal advice by communicating (though, this is great). It's about seeing how he lives, his mannerisms, how he carries himself, do you like how his life is? Because how he carries himself is exactly what determines the result of how his life ends up.

Parents are overrated. I didn't listen to a goddamn thing my parents told me. They pissed me off and I hated them (figuratively and maybe literally).

But, I picked up the good things about them without realizing it and took those things and helped incorporate them into my life.

It's a long fucking story, but the later you wait to develop all this shit the more it's going to hurt you.

You don't need a job paying 110k a year to be happy, you don't need a wife, you don't need shit.

But one thing that nobody can help you with is taking a stand and growing some balls. You can't cheat your way into having some balls. You have to at some point have some confrontations and win them. Stand up to someone one time. Then you'll want to do it twice, then you'll end up doing it three times and eventually however many times you do it you'll be stronger after.

But, if you let someone punk you around like that "driver judge" (driver test instructor)? then that might eat away at you knowing you let someone fuck you and subconsciously I think you know that.

You got to learn how to take an asshooping too. You should get to a point where you're willing to fight and get your shit beat in if that's what it takes and the battle is worth it. If nothing is worth it, then yeah not sure what to tell you.
Average white couple (except for the heterosexuality)
I'd imagine 60% of young men have failed to launch and I don't understand why younger women, who are better-educated and outearning younger men, would settle for an abject failure.

With that said, the standards aren't exactly high. Have a decent degree, don't live with your mum, don't be a fat, smelly manlet. If you meet these basic criteria, women will do all the work for you.
>What the fuck is going on? Aren't incels supposed to be a minority?
1: Economy is shit and distorted.
2: 24/7 demonization of men, especially white Christian men.
Nigga. I understand, my nigger. I've been through that fire, starting at the age of fucking 9 and it hasnt stopped since. I can give you some funny stories if you want. I know what fear is. I actually feel kinda bad for my uncle because he still Simps for my aunt. Even though they're both fucking addicts. Finding a person who isnt into vices in this fucking world is literally like digging for a unicorn, underwater. I'm mostly just venting here though. I like seeing peoples perspectives, confirmation bias is actually a powerful thing because you can find so many people that are just like you. Which is funny. My parents are just examples of what not to do. Peace
Oh, well glad you know. I have the impression 85% of people LEGITIMATELY don't know how to man up and get shit done.
Fucking based, big bertha heemed the pigger
And btw, to get into a relationship with one of those hoes, even if you meet her height criteria, looks criteria, money criteria, status criteria, you must also have 5+ years of relationship experience.
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It's really just personality criteria and being semi-decent in bed. If you can't manage to have a tolerable personality, I dunno, you wind up voting for someone like Trump who wants to blow you up for Israel.
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Grant no mercy to any of them absolutely ever. Pile them up.
That’s not what I’m saying attractiveness is a prime factor.
But women don’t ping off a sole factor. It’s an index. You’ve gotta remember women are hyper logical. But their emotional processing is very slow. It’s why it takes a woman 10 minutes to get into the mood. Or realize she’s hungry. If you’re the initiator you’re familiar with this. So dating apps are poorly formatted for them to maximize.
That said, asking women to emotionally invest in every delusional fuck with a keyboard isn’t right either.
So women need to be timed out and men need to be rate limited. And people dressed down before they message people.
In these surveys you’re not getting the women’s true response curve is the problem.
Mirror neurons fire hardest with genetic matches.
called the police and have her arrested for assault then sue her in court
Every women I know knows exactly what I say and do everyday, fuck those feds
Neanderthals too. I know there is a theory that Neanderthals dies out because their women wanted men who were not only tall but had massive heads. Eventually the baby heads became too big to birth naturally so there were a massive amount of both the women and babies dying during childbirth
Or you could simply not have sex with any of your boyfriends and then you could date as many people as you want without being called a slut because then you would no longer be one.
This I will never understand what's the deal is your dick missing or something lol
I can’t give someone love I don’t have
Love is built not had
No incels online are just the dudes who don't live in cognitive dissonance
If you spend time building love with someone and it fails, did you ever have it or even know it? I think love is intangible and therefore cannot be had
Why dont they call it for what it really is: poverty.
Dating is actually expensive (car, fuel ,restaurants, etc). Also life is now more chaotic and uncertain than before so theres less routine. Without routine you dont get to know someone.
We really are in hell.
Depopulation is a core issue of NWO bullshit. You'll notice a common thread in left wing politics is policies that disable the nuclear family and discourage reproduction.

My gold digging ex is still single because all the men she engineers are a bunch of pussies, by pussy she means doesn't completely provide for her and her bastard son.

She's gained 100lbs the past year, hitting the wall at warp speed. Kinda sad to watch desu
You know they make shit up. Psychology today is just fake state dept nonsense. Follow the money as they say....
But of course they are going to write anti-male articles like that since the US govt is strongly anti-male and pro-vaginal/homo/nigger only
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the only people who attempt to seek after men to have sex with men is other men

on grindr men are still actively seeking out sex with other men around the clock for free

no such service exists for women to prowl on straight men

theres no grindr female edition where women are prone to have sex with you it doesnt exist on earth proving women are one sided scumbags after ur money

the fact that women arent actively seeking sex with men to any important degree proves theyre not truly interested in men

youre worth $0 to them they wont pay for sex with men anywhere in the world

men have zero value meaning they would rather play on their iphone than be with their husband you have to pay them even if youre a handsome gigachad

theres nowhere on earth where handsome gigachads are actively being seeked out show me one man that was purchased for sex favors in the past year of 8 billion people from a women

this all proves that you cant actually get a girlfriend women dotn like sex and they dont like men they only want to exploit your resources

in prior history they were forced to marry someone

Chad is just an extremely rich person who can pay to keep all these women around

women are not nice or generous enough to give a man sex for free anymore
Due to the popular demand. I bet it won't fail to reach 300+ posts. Opposite sex relationships are a hot topic.
women dont want kids

they choose to abort children

and they choose to neglect children and yell at them when they do have children

meaning they hate their children when they do have them

the last thing women want to do is go through 9 months pregnancy and pain and then have to change diapers and do all that bullshit

women hate having to cook dinner they would rather be models where people pay to see her feet and she can go do nothing with no responsibilities

its the logical play every women is making and youre allowing them

you gave them the rights to go be free and live without a marriage they will take it 9/10 times

the women who are still trad are almost being the stupid women or the righteous one but still not intuitive
That's nice dear. I'll spend my time on how I choose fit.
Well the fact you're here looking for advice tells me all I need to know on you turned her off.
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fuck cars. cars were such a psyop. its bard being a walkpilled cardiomaxxer is a gascucked carcel city like phoenix
I mean he's almost completely covered in shadows so you can't really tell either way. Does guitar = attractive to you or something? And why didn't you include any of the other examples which were accurately below average guys?

Dating sites have attractive people, but overall skew below average. The women ranking men graph is more accurate, the men ranking women graph ends up looking normal because they're more desperate and overrate most women.
I would have knocked that fat slob cunt out.... then again I wouldn't be doing some stupid fag zoomer dance
dating is jewish bullshit, and you'd be hard pressed to find a decent (aka virgin/doesnt have casual sex) girl either way
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my opinion is that the female wall doesnt exist

women in their 40s and 50s still get more attention from men than a man gets at 20 at his peak

womens wealth continues to grow they will have stolen their husbands assets and achieved their career goals by then

theres no epidemic of middle aged women suicide but there is a epidemic of male suicide

are they truly falling off after a certain age? every karen i know lives in a huge mcmansion

male suicide rate is 5x higher than womens at any age
>I mean he's almost completely covered in shadows so you can't really tell either way. Does guitar = attractive to you or something?
He has a decent looking face. He's at least slightly above average since he doesn't have any noticeable flaws. Most guys have at least one thing noticeably off about their faces.
The point is that normal looking isn't good enough for women, they only like chad.
>And why didn't you include any of the other examples which were accurately below average guys?
Because they're actually ugly LOL, so that wouldn't help prove my point.
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im a neet and if i see a qt 3.14 on the internet that wants to ste al my white genes then i tell her about soren kierkegaard to convey that im both to o depressed for sex and also really nerdy
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sluts are the best girls that exist

its an early 2000s concept where you could still find casual sex with a women and 90s and 80s

now if you found free sex with a women its like striking the lottery its like finding 3000$ on the floor

its only the high body count slut who barely exists anymore still fucking men and curing the incel pandemic a little bit

most women are hyper privileged feminazis who get off on rejection and will let you rot till youre a 40 year old virgin

the best girls are the girls who are nice to men and they love men

as evidence by their high body count

the real problem we have today is the low body count women creating the incel pandemic

they refuse to offer up their holes to men anymore because theyre evil and not nice

there exists like a tiny amount of women who are still sluts those women deserve a medal it proves they still have their human attraction to straight men

most women dont anymore
Just wait for them to do a facial composite of all the incels and then all the sex havers

>typical virgin
>average sex haver
This is true. When men were the only ones working and marrying down. They were actually fucking losers for putting up with someone who was an abject failure.
Those women never actually existed. All women are ravenously sexual, but only for chad.
I need her to shit on my chest.
i'm married and sexless
don't get married
you all think it won't happen to you, but it will. we fucked every day sometimes twice a day, for over a decade. And then one day, she just didn't want sex any more. Not that we hate each other, she just doesn't want sex any more.
>inb4 she cheating
she never leaves the house
rape her
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they existed in the early 2000s

i know a emo girl still her name is alice you can find her online she fucks all the incel nerds that hit her up she is a high body count prized women that we need more of

women arent ravenously sexual theyre having the least sex of any time in human history

chad is a missed customer for them they are not going to grant certain men privileges above them under feminism

even chad is beneath them.

there exists no concept of a chad anymore that is also a fraud

tate is still having to offer these women money to stay in his mansion if he didnt pay for anything they would leave

theyre not doing it for free they fuck him because theyll get his scraps whatever he payed them for the night the dude has bugattis

chad isnt real just a incredibly lucrative rich person

if chad was real he would be a missed client they would need to extract wealth from a geek and prefer to hang out with him over chad
Don't they have a couch?
Ideas and propriety are also intangible. And yet you can say me and the thing are bound.
good idea. is prison comfy these days?
Generations of warfare and slavery by globalists against the public, and more specifically, men.
prob full of pakis m8 but you can rape them too
They answer it themselves at the last point lol

I will not prioritize stuff that the motherfucking feminazis want me to do.
Whores were always cheaper than sluts any way
Adapt to the market or don’t.
Andrew Tate isn't actually good looking.
You forgot
>molested by her mom's boyfriend ages 4-9 and now holds it over every man's head as if he did it instead of doing therapy that they suggest everyone else do
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women have been destroyed
its pretty terrifying to see ho easy womens liberation to fuck anything and getting career fuckd up whole race of white people.
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lookism is incorrect

women biologically have some lookism tendencies that theyre not using

as evidence by there not being a male sex market on earth

like i said gay men on grindr are doing a better job at seeking out casual encounters for sex and love with other men then women do

grindr goes around the clock men are hyper motivated to express love to other males

women no such service exists theyre not out there looking for dudes

they barely want sex or to appreciate the male form at all anymore prefer to be spoiled and rich and have 1000 separate simps pampering her

its not about you anymore in feminism its about her

anything you do to improve your looks goes unchecked
Can you write me a short story about a bear driving a bus into an orphanage?
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I'll tell you why. This is all happening because participating in modern society is the fools mistake.
Have a family? Get divorced and robbed.
Have kids? Divorce steals them away.
Have career? Waste life away for minimal returns.
Have girlfriend? Get emotionally manipulated.

The only option left is to not participate in this world.

If I catch a cop pulling this kind of bullshit, he's getting the exact same bodyslam but from much, much higher and with my weight coming down on them.

File that away, pigs.
It's not about the job itself, it's showing that you're an actual adult who can handle responsibilities and provide for yourself.
>all blame on men
>no blame on women

It’s all so tiresome
>standard transmision
So, manual?
Woman these days have such absurdly high standarts that they themselves make it impossible to date/please their asses.

Instagram also helped the average girl think that they are some sort of supermodel because of all the simps and other girls telling them how cute they are (even if they look like chimps).
Don't hold doors open, don't say excuse me, don't say "please" or "thank you", don't let people into your lane, use your turn signal at the last second, drive 3mph under the speed limit, ride on people's back bumper, don't cover your sneeze, fold up wet floor signs and hide them on the shelves, don't reciprocate niceties "I'm good, how are you?" just say "I'm good", These all seem mean and rude, but really I'm just trying to prepare the normies for the immigrant tsunami
its a scam its not that they have high standards for chad its that she is deliberately not dating anybody and going to fuel her luxurious life with your money

not so she can fuck chad its not even on her list of priorities

chad is an additional high paying customer to her

why would a roastie drop her guard and fuck chad for free that doesnt exist

all our parents were chads yet had to get a divorce

the women still came after them too
Another slide thread. FYI, Hitler did nothing wrong, kike.
My female cousin, a 6ft tall blue eyed german blonde, has not paid for lunch or supper for at least half an year.

She found out all the guys on tinder pay for the food and when they say they want to "move elsewhere" she just rants she has something to do and bails out.

Her father doesnt know about it but her mother not only approves but incentivizes her.

IMO she will get behedead by a muslim these days.
All the women I know are either too fat or too old.
Incel is the way to go. Don't let anyone tell you that you are bad for being incel. It's not like it's wrong or bad.
Maybe things are different in Vietnam, a country that's already been through socialist/communist hell and is an up and coming semi-capitalist country now. But no, you're wrong, western women are having more sex right now than any previous generation except the Woodstock boomers
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im american dude i fled the plapjak apocalypse of white western roasties fucking niggers

i speak from an american

this is how it works

women are having the littlest amount of sex they ever had in human history

thats how they make so much money withholding their vaginas

if they gave it away for free you wouldnt have to pay for it

and you could just be a average dude who logs in on tinder and gets a few dates with normal non obese women

but that world doesnt exist anymore

we live under brutal hypergamy

theres no casual sex for anybody they allow women in free at clubs because they have to theres going to be no girls and all guys at every social event ever

1000 simps for every 1 girl in the real world just like it is online
I blink and the number goes up by a %
why not just hop to 110% of men are incels? wait I blinked

>don't be short

in the eyes of women that's already 50% of men getting thrown in the trash regardless of any qualities that they may have.

>women's standards aren't high

if you are chad then you could literally burn down a kitten orphanage and it wouldn't matter, outside of that it's over
Cost benefit of dating hoes;

>pay for dates
>put in effort
>deal with her shit
>high chance of cheating and stds cause they're all hoes now
>don't expect sex
>occasionally orgasm

Yeah you can just jack off unless you have the money and status to get some virgin who hasn't been through the dick carousel yet

that isn't just the future, its the present.

women below the age of 35 dont have hobbies, they just scroll through tiktok on their phones while chowing their way through a bucket of ice cream

if you go to a gym men outnumber women 10 to 1. outside of that women aren't doing anthing
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ty for the story

i also believe theres a christian trad form of enforced monogamy youre going to want to support

whites have their own traditions from christianity that theyre supposed to follow still

dont need muslims

need to kick out muslims and ban feminism using whites


getting a date is fucking bullshit these days too.

having to use the apps that will ban you completely at random or because some bitch you didn't reply to reported you.

good look meeting women organically because they don't have hobbies

if you aren't chad nobody is going to set you up (but they are more than happy to gaslight you about how personality means everything)
I had a glimmer of hope with the tradwive trend but, well, it is just another way of those hoes getting their much needed digital attention.
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its not a cultural movement to remove feminism and womens rights its a political and governmental policy change

remove women from workforce and promote marriages

and women cant win in the divorces etc

a tradwife now doesnt do anything for the feminist tyranny were under shes just pretending

women were property before and now that theyre not they will never want to go back given the choice

its a structure that god made the man is actually more rights than the women and superior
Stfu cunt.
They're actually at least an 80% majority, and will probably be a 93% majority soon, if not already.
Good goy, the housing costs and state of western women are perfectly fine! It's the young mens' fault.
Id say we could start to fix the problem by:

1 - Mandatory DNA tests for all babies
2 - No more alimony for children who are not yours
3 - No more division in divorce if she did not contribute financially to it or any form of spousal support from the man.
Look at that burnt whore lol
You can fix the problem by going extinct. Chad harems are built into humanity's DNA. You're not the ultimate earth lifeforms. You aren't blessed by God. You're mere cuck monkeys. Just stop reproducing and go extinct.
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I like the discussion going on but for God's sake guys please stop reddit spacing
Foreign invaders who are meek and don’t attack anyone because they live off the same slop the whites do. Nobody is scared of your basedboy spics and Africans that are 100 lbs.
I guess I cant even make fun of you because you're already dead by niggers.
>need a degree to make $25/hr
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ive made tens of thousands of posts for decades if i didnt use reddit space and instead formatted using proper punctuation id have carpal tunnel and arthritis

and wouldnt be able to crank out as much posts

Needs to be a good long war, that always straightens shit out with women

Right now women have it too easy and really don’t “need” men

Once the fighting starts for real, they will seek strong men for protection, quickly
They hated him because he spoke the truth
When you have no purpose because you have no rights, romance and dating itself becomes the destination and in this destination, woman and rich males can have fun...

You go to this destination, sedentary, your heart can't even pump a full erection, you get that senseless roastie, you've being unemployed for a decade, you look like a bum....

I don't think you'll have much fun dating someone, dating and social activities are for rich people.

I'm interested in point 3 because I think this would really work, although society has changed massively marriage hasn't evolved and it seems that the law is made on the assumption that people are getting married when they are in their 20's, with no money or assets and are genuinely in love.

Now, men and women get married when the woman is in her late 20's or 30's, the man is financially independent and has assets, the women end up being too old having children which defeats the whole purpose etc.
I noticed that loser incels here just go for. Brazilian girls kek
Yeah, man would tend to get into a more "marriageablemindset" if he didnt have that much more to lose than the woman.
People don't wanna hook up with a billion people they want 1 person

Most women act like they're hookers now so guys are less interested
Fags have no one to fight so they bully disabled people with fake words


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