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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Migger detected
enjoy going to iran lol
Ok, Shlomo
What's it like being on the wrong side of history? What goes on over there?
I love watching leftists come here just to seethe.
Very Based
Very Red-pilled
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Shills suck harder than kamala. And that's saying something.
Still voting Trump to make Redditard angry
Not because I like Trump.
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Nice, have fun in boot camp and Iran.
Me? I'm going to stay home and enjoy my Tuesday.
you can literally kill Iran’s president and they won’t do a damn thing about it kel
no one cares JIDF
pic rel
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Voting for low food and gas prices and a secure border....i wonder who the fuck that might be?
That's your problem when he has lost and you start coping for another 4 years.
Fuck you OP i'm still voting for Trump and you can't stop me.
Don't care, still voting Ron Paul
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Based. Also look at this poll. How could Trump lose at this point? It's over Kamala sisters. Did you hear that more and more Democrats are flipping to Trump these days? Think of how people will look at you if you support these Palestinian murdering psychopaths in your social circles? How will women look you in the eye if you support murdering palestinian babies for Israel.
We weren't talking to you.
do their shilling campaigns ever have an effect? like has anyone ever changed their view based on shill posting
cool story, kike. still voting trump
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let us change your mind
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Miggers are flailing again. The last time they used SVT they lost bigly.
Don't care. Israel shot Trump.
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Very nice. I'm not.
For once, OP isn't gay
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its not a waste of time if you get paid
>white dudes
When her supporters noooootice there goes 1/2 of her voters
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>has anyone ever changed their view based on shill posting
not the point
its to validate election fraud
and launder donations
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Any one else notice all the "DON'T JOIN THE DRAFT" posts are gone since Vance spilled the beans on invading Iran day one of trump's presidency? PUZZLING
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Very cool, but I'm still not.
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Which one's the fake one, I can't tell
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If they can't post jewpills then it's a larp
People are very susceptible to manipulation. It's a hypnosis trick also used in advertising where they use repetition to change your mind.

For example, at the start of every single youtube channel before my autoskip skips it, is Kameltoe Hairballs telling me Trump is a threat to Democracy.

Not only is this repetition advertising, but it's now also stochastic terrorism since there are active assassination threats against Trump almost daily. Search tiktok and twitter and reddit and you'll see countless people (or bots?) calling for someone to aim better next time. The intent is to have a level of plausible deniability so when some lone-wolf radical shoots Trump, they can pretend they were not involved but you see, it's the daily, repetition that "Trump is a dangerous threat to our Democracy" from Kamala's own mouth, which is telling the would be shooters, to act. It's a call to action to murder a former president and it's allowed to happen all day every day in every home in the United States despite this being on the books as ACTUAL TERRORISM punishable by rather severe penalties. If our law enforcement had any balls they would arrest these conspirators on rico charges of murder.
True, they're literally paid to shill.
I find it amusing how leftards will insist equality for all things economy, that da rich pay more taxes for the poor, no matter what poor decisions the *ahem* poor make.
But apparently, shit that's literally determined by genetics and can't be naturally change is okay to be darwinistic over.
Honestly, if these 'big-dicked' libfags could have their willies sawed off and traded with those who didn't deserve to be born with like, micro penises as punishment for their retardation, a lot of fags would be much quieter.
I’m not voting
I’m not retarded
Are you saying that the left has bigger cocks? Based
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Giga based!
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Its time to die for israel!!
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If it helps you sleep at night, you can headcanon that.
The important part is, when we win, we'll make sure that all the left has tiny dicks, for they're what they deserve. Call it erectile redistribution.
Idc, you’re an Israeli shill
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Okay who cares
lmao good one
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Giga Chads! MIGA 4 LYFE!
Thanks, but nothing could ever be as funny as the idea that you have anything above 3 inches down there (erect) lmao
I wonder if they have to take mental breaks from faking hatred for their (((masters))).
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this u?
Still voting Trump!
Alright, you convinced me. Please enter your email in the name field. If you have any plans, I'm genuinely interested in what operations you have instead of Trump 2024.
cool, youll be in the oven anyway, kike.
i dare you to denounce the talmud
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Holy fuck, I was spit balling there. Did that really sting you? Sorry bro, as I said: dick size is genetic, it ain't your fault you've got a yocto-peter in your pants.
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Im so mad its unreal, fuming rn, steam out of my ears as i type this
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I know lmao
Still voting Harris and sending screencaps of the most outspoken rightoids to normie friends so they understand all republicans are Nazis
Don't care. Israel shot Trump.
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If trump supports israel does that mean it’s a self inflicted gunshot wound?
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Imagine thinking this website is even popular enough to invest what precious little time you have on this earth shilling for oligarchs.
I too will be voting for Trump.

It will be my last election. The deep state will make it so.
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Still voting Trump… Fuck these shills talking about going to die in Iran, have fun when Kamala turns into the great whore of Babylon… Democrats plan on expanding the Supreme Court banning guns and putting us into reeducation camps for not respecting the alphabet mafia’s pronouns or wondering why white people will now be 2nd class citizens.

As much as I hate Biden and all the bullshit police’s he pushed he was still an old school democrat that still somewhat respected the rules… Kamala won’t care and be like Obama on steroids. Kamala will go full radical day one and it’s actually kinda scary to think of. She truly despises Americans and she was just an anchor baby then went to leafistan just like Obama who left only to comeback to be installed in politics.
too true and based. fuck off reddit fags
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We are not going back to the days where women had no rights.
We are not going back to the days where black people were
We are not going back to the days where white men ruled America.
We are not going back to when people felt that had rights to dictate.
what others do with their sexuality.

We are not going back
OMG, Is that thing real?
>voting for low food and gas
So, neither? Biden (Obama) set off an economic bomb to be going off next year because shit was already so fucked, so a depression is damn-near unavoidable at this point. Hope you're investing in crude oil.
Yeah we all know it's UNIPARTY, but until everyone organizes into a public version of a UNIPARTY, then you can't vote dem anything.

The last 4 years and the obozo years showed that the democrat party is dead. Buttsex Barry destroyed it when he rebranded it with the "Woke and Broke" platform.

It's even at the city level. When modern libs take control of the city council they run that city like a 5 year old behind the wheel of a car, straight into the ravine.

Look at west coast of california, chicago, portland, seattle, detroit. Then, they have to migrate and find another "car" to destroy.
good goy
In this shit hole of slide shill thereads
The good one. Amerifat should wake up and use this chance to save usa. Saving usa from leftists marxists = saving west civilization
Ahahaha BUMP
Fuck KABALa shills
Iran won't do shit faggot
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No captcha? Ok
Fuck Ukraine 89% of the money we send gets embezzled
Shilling? This is gaslighting.
Biden send 21+kk worth of weapon only
Biden indirectly gifted putin 600+kk with his "sanctions"
Ah, ur demented prez also gave 300kk in to CLIMATE FIGHT crap
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this controlled opposition homosexual makes a compelling point but i think i'm still going to vote against democrats. i'm going to vote for trump.
4chinks jannies should have added option to put reactions to OP, so anon can vote on threads, like, dislike, to filter bots
Well, maybe it's also dumb idead, coz mass bot voting possible
Catalog is 95% slide threads and fake "I love Kamala not Drumpf" propaganda
I'm voting Netanyahu this year!
I’m with two scoops
Straight to the point.
Im so fucking MAD at it I'll bump this thread to bumplimit
enjoy your Tuesday shilling for fuentes < shilling for Kamala you turbo faggot! lmao
miganigger salt is hilarioua
>be jew
Watching trumpshills try the same failed tactics from 2020 is just bizarre. It didn't work then, why would it work now?
They need this place, and the well has been sealed off from them.
Frankly, Im for Vance desu. The shills have pushed me pass neutral on him.
>DEMONrats are the real racists
"israel" dies with you, boomer scum, tick tock
Why would you actually want the 2025 project to go through unless your convinced that somehow you're not the problem.
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>*POP!* *SMACK!*
You have to go back... It's already over
>Chink fight simulator
Vid looks ching chong as fuck. My friend from ukr have been in china, as sailor or some shit. Drank some bear when not on the ship, found a key. Got back to bar, said to barmen he found a keys, ken u keep it so owner can pick it up? Chink barmen where scared, said i dunno anything, throw this away throw thos away.
Chinks fucking afraid of their police, hate each other. To compensate it, they hate usa and west world
Ugh, lights go down, thanks Putin, my id probably changed
God fuck Jesus in anus I irritated by 4chinks captcha so much
Whole fucking DEMON RATs party is sponsored by globohomo and ccp. They are CCP agent with single task destroying usa, empowering dictators, turning world in to giant somali, just as Klaus Schwab (RotShillD) said
Fagalein fagalein FAGALEIN
and can't even fight back.
this 'poor' chinksect has to bottle up all of his seething anger and shame.
just to take it all out on a defenseless kid at some point when he snaps.
don't forget to lay flat!
I'll be ur sore in eyes, kabal glow nigger
OP is correct, nobody but dickens troons and retarded women will vote Kamala, she’s a loser cunt.
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Unfathomably based.
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They live in hierarchy hate society.
I do know things. Talked to a Taiwan dude for some time.
Chinks want to be first, be einner, by any means, lying, stealing, cheating, betraying, for one goal, to be on top
There are some similarities between chinks and rukies. Also ukies too
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Stupid ukr government are pro democrat party, doing suicide
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God damn, the salt is delicious on /pol/, all these faggots and kikes losing their minds and it's barely August. heh heh heh
Say, amerifat. It's all the Juice, right? Not globohomo, the transinternational cabal. Mister Schwab. Great reset. Build Back Better. 666. No? Those poor fucks in Israel surounded by feral muslims who want to burn whole civilized world. They are to blame, not the Kikes in usa, in eu?
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Hate the Juice?
Go piss on Einstein and Harlan Ellison grave maybe?
Go buy rifle shoot on David Draiman
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Came to say this
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Hell yeah
Before Muslims attacked Israel I too believed in DA JUICE
Now this hate looks like shilling for Kabala
Looks like paid by globohomo
Umm, they also jews, yes. But they already transcend nationality
These aren't the memes we deserve, but they are the memes we need right now.
still never voting trump
Ah, 15kk illegals, i thought it's 11kk
Need add 600+kk $$$ gift to Putin from the sanctions in list
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>It's all the Juice, right? Not globohomo, the transinternational cabal.
So international jewry...
Those poor fucks in Israel surounded by feral muslims who want to burn whole civilized world. They are to blame, not the Kikes in usa, in eu?
Again international jewery. Jews are zoinist in israel then commies in European countries; who support open borders and anti white policy's with the intent to harm and destroy European countries. Its also pretty well documented that the invasion of European countries by third world men is being organized and funded by jewish ngos against the will of the people.
Oh and fuck Ukraine Putin should annex the whole thing.
I remember memes with Momiji in maga hat from 2016. Yep. There is not enough memes now
Im getting tired fighting with this captcha
That's great but all of us are and the election is already over. Trump is already president. It's just waiting till Biden leaves Trump's white house now.
>*POP!* *SMACK!* *POW!*
ya got me wimp lo, you limp noodle!
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I thought respond with argument befor:
>Oh and fuck Ukraine Putin should annex the whole thing.
Go away
Ur putin, xi, cabala, all part of the globohomo
Bigly that's all you've got? Just spamming Israel and hoping we'll get worked up about kikes? That's hilarious. Still voting Trump.
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>trump initiated exactly zero wars as president before
>but trust me bro he totally will this time
>unless you vote for biden I mean kamala
is there a single person fooled by this? plz confess
Whoa holy shit a random anonymous post?! Better take this as fact I guess I mean who can argue with a made up story posted by nobody and reposted by a faggot that no one can stand IRL?
Is mastermind is in Israel where muslim attacking
or it's in Switzerland, a neutral country
> 2016
Didn’t vote because politics is bullshit. Trump years were good to us and noticed he was different.
> 2020
Voted Trump… oh wait, that’s right, politics are bullshit.
> 2024
Politics are bullshit, but it’s funnier than anything else on TV. Never voting again, just like I knew better decades before.
This is just killary clinton pissing away money using the same exact strategies that lost her the election in 2016. These tactics do not work, clearly. Chlamydia even does the same fake accent bullshit killary does.
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>Hate the Juice?
Why do you keep saying Juice not jews?
>Go piss on Einstein and Harlan Ellison grave maybe?
Einstein plagerised Hilbert and Poincares work and is only popular thanks to jewish control of media.
>Go buy rifle shoot on David Draiman
Or you should do everyone a favor and buy one and shoot yourself faggot.
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No, idiot. This goy is voting Trump. Don't get fooled by all the Israel talk. Trump wants America to be prosperous, which is absolutely what Jews do NOT want. They want us gone. I'm pretty sure he knows that, but between the (((media))) and idiot Zionist Christians, he's got to walk a fine line or he doesn't get re-elected.
funny how shitlibs hate trump so much they attempt to murder him
then they hate him even more when their attempt fails
a real human would look inward at this point
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>Hold on guys donalds busy right now
From a point of logical consistency you should shut the fuck up about anything politics related if you can't be bothered to go at least once every 4 years to vote. You should be voting more often, especially in your local elections.
Remember: you have no room to bitch about anything if you are unwilling to do the bare minimum.
Narcissists and sociopaths are incapable of introspection. Simple as.
Same. But lets not kid ourselves that JD hasn't made Trump’s path to victory exponentially less likely.
Yep. Jews propaganda is powerful. I can't argue with it too much. I don't like Israel too. But there should be some proof to blame shitty Israel less and hate Jew in usa more...
Пoхyй, keep bumping until I go nuts
Fucking Kabala shills
Holy shit the seethe LMAO
For Chinks captcha is killing me
I was actually not planning on voting but these shills get on my nerves so badly I'm going to vote trump just to spite them
My brother in Christ, I get PAID for it. Maybe my boss cares who you vote for. I just care that I get the dollars that I have earned in exchange for services rendered.
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>I took a big fat diarrhea DUMP !
>no, as a matter of fact i took two shits!
>count those fucking shits ! Two
>STEAMing piles of diarrhea dookie!
>Eat my shorts and suck my asshole
>IM about to leave a big log of shit on this board
>holy ass gravy i just left a pile of shit on this board!
>ball cider taste better than this Mongolian asshole
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Bumping bumping
Oh wat
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Thanks ukr niggers. I "love" my neighbour too
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I mean if they are true shills they are getting paid and their time is already wasted to get money. The best you can do is make them realize their job is a waste of time and they could have been doing something better with their lives
good to know you're seething about no one liking jew dick riders and couch fuckers
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Reminds me of the time a Finn poster triggered a Russian moderators PTSD on /int/ by posting dead Russians to the point where all of Finland got an image block for a week.
Hate dollar? Yep, vote Kabala, she'll use the Great Reset so u will have no dollar. Ull own nothing, ur be happe, ill be dead, everyone win
facts. gonna stuff ballots with trump. get fucked
>still voting
lol, he doesn't know
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that's not the only thing getting stuffed, fat ass
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Lolz. Ugh. Maybe it's ok, I don't have much funny pics. Saved in random way, didn't interested in politics until 2022
My first ever vote for him and I can't wait. I have never missed an election in 24 years and never voted for a republican until 2022. I hated Trump but now I can't wait to vote for him. Dems are insane degenerates now.
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>Its time to die for israel!!
we'll mourn your death, even if it's just for a moment...a brief moment...like a second...maybe...probably not though...
you lose Op cause Harris is winning in all of the swing states
epstein worked for mossad
mossad killed epstein
it was ruled as a suicide
so its attempted suicide

that's why i dont support anyone, so that when i'm killed it's flat out murder, and they wont escape hell.
Maybe Kabala shills are not payed, it's just a cult. Next generation of america muts hybrids race mixing grow up defending her in religious zealot...
you mean the days where everything was objectively better? Yeah we know you don't want to go back. That's why we're all voting Trump.
send this man another 7 billion NOW
>We are not going back
you are
no refunds

dont worry though, no one will rule america, what's coming will ensure that nothing remains, except ash and glass
>fighting captcha
lol, normie, true mememasters utilize the captcha to fuel their schizzo powers.

no wonder you're losing your war against russia
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Why, yes, I denounce the Talmud and consequently also denounce Zion Don. Seethe forever.
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Why you reinstallin' the dictator
Why you reinstallin' the dictator
No one is being paid to shill for Kamala by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
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>it's ok to be goyim
how could you betray your greatest ally like this
I keep bumping coz i also mad at ukr people.
News on my town local telegram chanel, interpretation of Trump's peace plan by Pence and some (karl?) Urban dude. My neighbour who usually hate trump with religious rage started to think or something. Me and some other dude tried to prove Trump is ukr ally
Stupid ukr people call friend a foe and fie a friend
Im normally a readonly. But im just mad yesterday and today
and I'm still ridin' with Biden.
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Hi David say hello to Jimmy for us
The boys season 4 is so fucking shit. Full leftists propaganda, plot written by AI. I do need to read the original. Can't stand western comics, they just not a mangas
Why the fuck amerifat comparing Lisa Simpson to that brown laughing abomination...
Will try to bump untill sparta number and fuck it
>jewkraine piggy is losing his fucking mind
I am
I'm pretty down about the Trump stuff bros. I don't have a lot going on in my life and 2016 was a special time for me personally - a rare win. Why can't the dems and leftists and trannys just let white conservatives like me live in peace somewhere and not mess with us? I don't want to mess with them, I just want to be left alone.
Please, just let us have a single State to ourselves or something and stop forcing their ideology which is diametrically opposed to my own on me and my family. I feel like we've lost our country and nobody even gives a shit.
Is there any hopium he'll win now or is this the end?
U can't have peace. Usa 2024 election is whole world problem now
Damn, im not sure i can live gere till sparta number
Oh, i missed lights turning on. Id change
Let's bump till 225. Im weak and pathetic and retarded, just screaming in yo void
Madness is when u keep doing same exact thing hoping it will give different results
Ka ba la Ka ba la satan satan kabala
Put a demented corpse pupper on throne for 3.5 years.
Truth goes up.
Show pajeet puppet ass tits instead.
Amerifat mutts just keep fapping on, not seen any difference

It's like that epesode from south park where woman died from toilet
Keep fapping. Keep fapping on kabala, see nothing wrong
Im too dumb to meme. Can't even post shopped pics here
Yep, it totally look suspicious that some foreigner shilling for Trump like a retard. Truth is simple, it's just retarded
Whole fucking world fate will decided this November
Don't care, still voting Trump! :)
Haha. Untill next time...
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>big coolin' in the summer time voting trump in the fall.
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dis you, desu?
They've always wasted their time. Decades of wasted shilling that only makes things WORSE for their preferred outcomes yet here they are. Always shilling.

It's amazing. The sheer futility of it all.

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