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Since it was a pedocrat doing the shooting you're probably right OP

Crooks was a DEMOlitia pedocrat
Secret Service left Trump on stage to die
Trump was hit by teleprompter glass
This is what happened
8 shots with an AR? TC was a typical leftist, can't shoot or hold a fucking rifle worth a shit.
He juiced himself with a razor like he was back in WWF
I thought I saw something in the news about a shooting at a Trump rally. Bullet seems plausible, but let's wait for the experts.
Plus there's really no footage of the "shooting" either which is weird
Where did the glass come from?
I really dont understand their obsession with this detail. Can someone tell me the implications if it was glass/debris?

I understand the significance if it turned out to be some razor blade he cut himself with, but if its debris or bullet, why does it matter? He was shot at and nearly died in both scenarios.
Debris wouldn't have killed him. The 1cm bullet miss is more sensational.
its almost frightening that i cant tell if youre being sarcastic anymore
ask the g-men who hosed the evidence from the scene, they're bound to know something
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>no teleprompter between Trump and would-be assassin
>no teleprompter behind Trump which is the way his ear was facing when turned
>large podium between Trump and sole teleprompter in front of stage
It couldn't possibly be broken glass. People can't be this dumb.
All they care about is how things can be used for propaganda soundbites.
If it can be established that it was glass, they get to say "Trump wasn't shot" and "It wasn't miraculous that Trump moved his head at the last second"
Of course the broader implications of the event remain exactly the same. But to sophists the important thing is quibbling about the details in an attempt to confuse and demoralize people.
Look at it this way - this event was extremely moralizing for Trump supporters. A lot of them believe Trump was literally saved by divine intervention. They want them demoralized so the tiny details of what happened become an extremely important battleground.
Miss by an inch, miss by a mile. A bullet being aimed to kill you and hitting something nearby you vs it grazing you, are both very serious! Any difference is insignificant after the fact someone with a reasonable means (capable weapon, in range, etc), shot at to kill you and only luck (or God) kept them from doing so.
No broken glass around. It was a bullet. Only idiots say anything different.
Its just insane to me. If a guy rushed me, pulled a gun and got off 8 shots before I drew mine and killed him, I would not think less of the near death experience because he shot around my head like from that scene in pulp fiction.
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>we dunno what it was maybe someone threw a rock?
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here you go. Stupid faggot. Like it really even matters.
Media framing. Take any course even remotely about media and framing is part of the lesson. You imply and suggest and possible and sometimes outright lie and then do a unnoticed retraction in an imperceptible space later. Take Joe, says something suggests something outright lies and then the handlers later walk it back. That's framing 101. Recollections may vary. Everything you see and hear in your American life from salespersons to your leader shifts and alternates with framing and absolutely nothing you encounter is even remotely straight unvarnished truth from anyone.
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The Prompters were still intact.
No clue. A bullet grazed his ear causing a superficial wound which is a near miss. If he was hit by shrapnel it would still be a near miss. If the shooter missed entirely it would still be a near miss.
Okay so what killed the guy behind him when he looked to the side? Covid?
Theyre so dumb for arguing this. I think theyve realized it and moved on to picking at Vance.
An aneurysm brought on by the Russian Havana Syndrome EM weapon which they loaned out to the Iranians. Israeli intelligence has confirmed this and would like to offer some potential targets for an initial retaliation strike on Tehran.
>Have picture of the first bullet going past Trumps head
>Have video of Trump putting his hand against his ear after the first bullet and seeing blood
>"What could it have been?"
I should have become a journalist
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Trump took a minute piece of glass on the edge of the ear for Democracy. Show some damn respect.
Still voting Trump, snaggletooth.
It was a bbc shooting it’s load
Ejaculated so fast it whipped his ear
the evidence was then swallowed
If it was glass then the patsy on the roof was not the shooter.
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Yes, another tragic covid death.
You retards belong in gulags.
I even saw the 2016 But... But.. Trump used the N word being recycled.
Yea ive been seeing that with Vance as well, them chopping up the most out of context Frankenstein looking quotes and applying it to whtever boogeyman fetish they can. Its all desperate hail mary blitz plays. Their speed running of psyops has to backfire on more people then number of ones who fall for it.
They are literally just jealous how much of a badass this story makes Trump look, and are desperate to be able to have a “well ackshually” rebuttal.

You put any Dem in the same spot, Kamala, Obama, Biden, they’d be shitting bricks and would’ve fled in fear. Trump stands up bloodied and riles up his base lmao. Anything that could be perceived as remotely helping his odds of winning must be attacked endlessly.
Leftist's rely on 2 things whenever they make an argument. The first is a "well actually" argument that is entirely reliant on hairspliting. In short, Pilpul. The second is the "mic drop". Create a le epic sound byte where you own your opponent while ignoring all context and evidence. Perfect slop for the masses.
Should those two methods fail, they typically resort to terrorism.
>um achshulley, Kamala gave a handjob to Willie Brown with her mouth over his dick head, it wasnt a blowjob !
explain how glass was flying at a significant velocity? what glass? from where? Why? A bullet hitting glass isn't likely to cause that glass to fly away with all that much force.

fucking retarded take desu.
They believe that they create reality via their words. These are post-modernists. The failed assassination of Donald Trump does not fit into their script so they are trying to remove it by re-writing the incident one piece at a time.

Do not read anything written by these people do not give them your attention do not engage with them. They should be treated as dead and a liability. Always respond to the dissemination of their lies by others by calling out their lies.
From where?
Trump pulled a WWE razor move https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoke4d7o5o0
Nah, the stupid fucking normies are the ones believing it and constructing their worldview upon it. Those that are disseminating it are ontologically evil and are lying on purpose to twist public perception. Both are bad but one is doing it malevolently while the others are doing it retardedly.
No one cares, glowfag. Kill yourself.
wasted Hitler numbers on kike
Making shit up isn't detail.
It was a bullet. The FBI are just being shifty kikes. There a ton of shot by shot analysis on Youtube. A straight line between the shooter and where the first bullet hit takes it straight through where Trump was standing, and puts it nowhere near anything that would cause shrapnel.
Trump said it was a bullet. If it turns out it was not a bullet, the entire narrative becomes "Trump lied about getting shot".
Wrong. Trump was wearing an earpiece and the bullet ripped it apart, sending plastic shrapnel into his ear. You lose, chud.
There was a piece of glass travelling with the bullet that split off from the bullet and hit Trump causing him to fall down.
Being shot at is real. Being injured while being shot at was real. Having the injury caused by the shooter (debris or bullet) is real. What was made up?
I wish trump would say breathing air is good, so they all do the opposite...oh wait I guess they did that with covidmasks.
>What was made up?
Their minds before they heard any facts whatsoever.
The bullet hit a grasshopper and fragmented, blumpf was only hit by a tiny piece of shrapnel! Checkmate!
there's no video of him drawing blood from his ear, thats only in the Jew York Times photos

This post is a false flag accusation from a meme flag. They're all controlled. Zion Don just declared action against three hostile countries that WE HAVE BEEN ARMING.
Its all part of the plan, and we never do anything. Mostly because of those FAGGOT FEDS like OP. All we can hope for is Trump having a change of heart. Then they'll REALLY kill him.
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This reminds me of when the global media lied and claimed that an Independence Day event hosted by Trump was rained out and attended by just a few hundred people. I believe it was the 2019 "Salute to America" event. The tv news kept looping footage shot earlier in the day when it was raining, and intentionally avoided showing the massive crowd that did show up (picrel).

They cannot allow the man to have a "win," no matter how small. They will lie about anything.

Naturally, you can no longer find the articles where they claimed that very few people attended. I bookmarked a few and all the links are dead.
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>>475739160 memeflag
>all the links are dead
source? They should still appear in Archive.org wouldn't they?
Thank you. I came to this thread to ask if anyone had a picture of the glass.
TroonAnon conspiritards shitting up the board with their crazy Thomas Crooks tier posting.
Kek democrats seething. You love to see it
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problem is

they are that dumb
FBI and journalists need a propganda win for the party anyway if they succeed I want Americans to stop participating in politics
It´s a reframing tactic. They want you to forget this monumental event and focus on this insignificant little detail that they made up. American journalism is dead. This is not news reporting it is pure manipulation
Because Trump personally stated on Truth Social that he was "pierced by a bullet," and even his wording implies he was not grazed but "pierced." And yet there are no medical records, he didn't even require stitches.

It's not simply a matter of bullet vs shrapnel, it's the fact that if it's the latter, Trump lied and this arguably treads on the memory and injury of his dead supporter and others.

It also raises conspiratorial questions about the integrity of the narrative with Crooks, and Trump's automatic photo op mindset. It's all very weird. I don't think he was shut, nor do I believe he was hit by glass or shrapnel. Wtf happened? It was fishy from the start ngl, and Trump cares as much about the possible set up as he did about Epstein and Vegas.
I will agree you do need to start taking psychiatric medication. Seriously thinking anything you wrote as truth, is a separation from reality.
What stitches would you apply to an ear missing a chunk from it?
Leftists aren't people.
No but seriously what should be an international event discussed worldwide constantly got fucking hand waved away
It's absolutely wild to me that trump can be shot and they still try to sweep it under the rug. It's the biggest happening since 9/11 and leftists want to pretend it never even happened.
Him taking a bullet was too badass so they need to make it seem a bit silly.
I started a series of 'teleprompter shrapnel' threads yesterday shills were seething
he was shot at in an assassination attempt
what difference does it make if a bullet grazed his ear, or it missed by a foot and he got inured by shrapnel?

do you think the liberals would be splitting hairs if the same thing had happened to Harris?
If US really wants to totally remove something from their darpanet, they can, with a multitude of options for doing it.
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People are so fucking stupid.
>shrapnel hit him!!!
That means something else was hit. what was it and show damage.
>it was staged
So the guy that died. Was he in on it? Was he willing to sacrifice himself for Trump? Chosen to die to make it seem real?
Fucking retards. The photo is the photo. The 'Fight-Fight-Fight' saying happened. I know you don't want it to be true, but it is.
Moronic fucktards playing make believe.
where did the glass come from?? both teleprompter were 100% intact.

also, the fuck does it matter? an attempt on his life was taken. stop moving goalposts kike
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It was the New World Order tumbling down. Grant no mercy to any of them absolutely ever.
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Pile them up.
The left becoming the deranged schizo conspiritards is one of the more amusing developments of this election cycle.
Glowniggers gunna carpet bomb my entire state to end my shit posting.
No one is falling for this brain dead gaslighting bullshit. If anyone claims they are, then they are either lying, or complicit.

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