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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Today goat fuckers from Iran sentenced this qt to death for writing articles against politically motivated executions (what irony). She was arrested together with her entire family (which was thankfully released later), denied a lawyer and tortured. She was kept in solitary confinement, temporarily hanged and even entombed 10 metres underground for a while.

What is your opinion on this story?
Based Iranians, the same should be done to at least 90% of modern journalists. I wonder who hired her to write those articles...
russia would be a godsend if they did this to all of their liberals.
Sounds fake
i think none of this would have happened if Canaanites did not create any religion.
>What is your opinion on this story?
Did you already forget Navalny?
I don't care. Women shouldn't get involved in politics.
i can save her
CIA assets don't count.
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>be a QT

>realize you're surrounded by genetic deadend mudmen who kill each other for literally any reason

>stay in said country

>piss off said mudmen

>get killed

??? What the fuck was she expecting?
She decided to do the things she thought was right and didn't let anybody get in her way regardless of her own safety. She should be considered selfless and a martyr to whatever cause she thought was worth dieing for. It's probably hard to justify her execution but America still has the death penalty.
It's difficult to leave Iran.
We all die someday.
nice vpn / circumcision
Muslims are the scum of the Earth.
This. Stupid whore I bet she was pro West.
Vasya, what are you doing in your enemies' land? Your Daughter is dying on the trenches and your wife is seeing black men in France, AND YOU ARE IN RUSSIA?!

>We all die someday.
Some sooner then others.
I'm sure it's true, every word of it, just like the holocaust, and they'd have no reason to hang a journo other than being evil, no, she was definitely not trying to undermine her country in the service of foreign interests or anything.
My opinion is any propaganda about the countries not run by jew banks is immediately ignored.
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Based as fuck ngl
>Hindu hands typed this
Soo what made you worship jew cock Ramjeet? Your Hindi wife leaving you for a Muslim, or the fact they are getting revenge for those village raids you did in the 80's in the name of a binary god. I know the US have alot of jew lovers, but you Hindis take the worship to higher levels.
one sandnigger less
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I don't understand what you're trying to communicate, but have this.
Looks like a tranny, desu
now tell me about Saudi Arabia, my guess is you won't be so interested
but how does this affect me personally?
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Nah i'm good with this thank you very much. That Anya looking nice though.
Is that really all there is to the story? Last time I heard a story similar from the BBC, they said a man was executed just for protesting. I then checked PressTV (Iranian version of BBC) and they showed a video of the guy literally stabbing cops which wasn't shown on BBC for some reason.

Our gay ass globohomo media always omits the important bits of information.
If abolition of the death penalty undermines your country, does this country deserve to exist?
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Based, I have never been against hangings of feminists, nor do I advocate for them because its illegal
Nice link
Aso when Chochi too those he nearly died, still won but barely. Fucking Sand Puppet guy didn't even break a sweat, and he lost to a guy WHO CONTROLS BUGS.
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I could have saved her
Yes. It’s none of the jews’ business and they will all burn.
who made the article?
I have no opinion. I dont care. I just want to lay in bed and eat fruit while watching tv
Suprisingly Iranians are nice people (those I talked to). Their gov is total shit for anyone who doesn't like it though, seems even more evil than russian
It's definitely much more evil, not even close. The Iranians I know (and I know several) are very politically polarised, they either call for mass beheadings of priests or of homosexuals.
Islam is correct about women.
Do not give an inch to feminism.
Look at the demographic death for all feminist states that gave women rights: (Europe, Japan, NK, and America are all below replacement levels)

The future will be Brown shitskins who were completely lacking any empathy for women or their rights. It's a sad and unfortunate truth, but it is the truth.
Every country has death penalty for the enemies of the state, every single one, no exceptions. Some do it publicly by hanging or whatnot, others do it covertly with polonium tea or suicide by 3 shots to the back of the head.
kill all journalist scum.
Proof of this?
Iran has the same birth rate as the US.
good starting opinion.
don't trust Jews.
You think you hate journalists enough but you don't.
pussy pass status: DENIED
They taught her women have no place speaking against men. Iran is based. That’s why America and the Jews will never defeat them in war. America fights for faggotry and consoomerism. Iran fights for their God. They can’t be defeated without nukes.
Only if you include Hispanics (I do not)
That's a man
ultra based Iran
She fucked around and found out.
>Some sooner then others.
A blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things.
It sounds like completely made-up bullshit.
>even entombed 10 metres underground for a while.
Sounds fake as fuck. Russians are used to lying, a hangover from the soviet era.
>"you can't kill me I'm a wom-ack!*"
It’s jew lies. OP is a jew
that's not ironic, it matches expectations perfectly. irony would be if a pro-execution advocate got executed, like the french revolutionaries who got guillotined.
I'm the very opposite thing to a Jew, an Uzbek.
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>even entombed 10 metres underground for a while.
This is actually a common torture technique in the middle east.
Why does the house of detention look like a restaurant with great barberries and rice with lamb kabob?
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>Iran's glowies can't kill naughty journalists and has to publicly put them on trail

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