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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>/ptg/ shilled 24/7 for years with the same images and replies
general threads are made by governments
memeflags are paid goverment agents
Im telling everyone else
you already know that of course
>Israel killing Palestinians at a 1000:1 ratio
Pretty crazy
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Because 1 thread is the same thing as 50 of the same thread made by a bunch of retarded faggots. Kys
Ptg is a containment thread for migatards. It works some of the time. All types of autists and spergs are welcome here, normies are not. Being enthusiastic unironically for kamala is avery normie position and very out of place.
Why didn't you just make a Kamala General thread? Even /ptg/ is respectful enough to have their own thread.
Kek and thispilled

I love watching all the paid interests come to /pol/ to argue
We've got shills who've been shilling for years, we've got shills who've never been on /pol/ before, we've got political party shills, we've got shills from other countries, we've got anti-White shills, we've got anti-women shills, we've got religious shills, we've got crypto shills, we have shills that run cover for pharmaceutical companies, we have shills for famous people and e-celebs, we have shills who promote the jewish alt-right, and we have shills who do nothing but post shit

And here I am, a shrimple anon who just wants TKD
>Even /ptg/ is respectful enough to have their own thread.
They got put into a containment general thread because they fucking suck And they ruin board culture
Same with every single one of the other general threads that don't get pruned by jannies. They're all full of namefags, feds, and shills.

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