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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Get in here.

Absolute happening.
Ps. This is the only "arabs" which is actually against muslims in UK and gets also death treats from pakistani subhumans

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Nah it's whites in indjun paint.
Anybody who uses the term "Islamist" isn't worth listening to. Just call them Muslims or fuck off.
So why the fuck don't they go to Israel and hunt kikes there? Why the fuck is Europe supposed to take this? Oh yeah, the ones there tend to shoot back. Coward fucking muslim pieces of shit. Fuck em all. This is why they have no place in Europe.
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>gypsy screech
no one takes your cunt srsly even if you try harder
holy shit cant wait for the white man to justify this killing for them
Christianity -> Christians
Hinduism -> Hindus
Islam -> Islamists
I don't understand what upsets you mahumad?
Fake and gay
Jews use nationalist sentiment to make western countries start a war with iran
After which they will continue pump europe with niggers and arabs and wine about the holocaust
Sweden -> Swedenist
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miggers is the main reason TKD is still an altime high because they're like retard infiltrators who want to convince you that his way was the way when it was always the tkd way
Sorry, nigger not a gypsy. But you probably are one, that why you hiding your flag, nigger boy? You ashamed of your skin cola?
gypsy is general term for your poorflag
you're indian tier in sucking up to whites to feel included
They get what they fucking deserve
Oh it's a general term, who decided that? You fucking nigger jeets? Well as poor as we might be, your fucking jeet brothers come here to serve us. Fancy that, nigger.
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why are you acting like you're not gypsy central?
talk like a romanian not like an englishman tryhard
Well it is true. You jeets are slaves here. And what's worse is that you are slaves pimped by gyps. Can you imagine?

It's only natural that Gypsies (Nomadic Indians), would congregate with their now migrating kin from India ...
Oh, jews killing jews and blaming it on Iran, again.

Pakistanis ended up with the land where the silk road ran through, they are from jewish traders, they are larping bastards and a fifth column in our country... never trust these fuckers ever. they are an Indian jew hybrid flooding out country with heroin and getting away with it, It was these bastards that ran the roost in Afghanistan and it still is.
This is framed retardedly
They’re implying only Muslims support Palestine when tons of other groups join in too. Limiting your scope to just “islamists” is such a stupid neocon take
They are going to do the same to french people once they become the majority
And will be dealt with
The Zionist control is far more damaging
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LMAO "dealt with", you haven't dealt with them for decades because you are PUSSIES. Jews disappearing wouldn't magically change that fact about you. Man up and stop looking for scapegoats faggot.
Yeah, 3 guesses why?
Try not to cry victim too hard
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ye we truly fucked up
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I'm not a victim, my country, despite all it's faults, can deal with Islamic filth. Your country is incapable of that. Now keep seething goy. If you get a Kamala regime with a 2024 election theft, I can only expect that you'd get something far far worse than 9/11.
Your “country” is entirely dependent on gibs, which you get by crying lmao
You sound like you’re from Tel Aviv
Day 295 of the 48 hour op to deal with Hamas

Over 70k casualties of a 600k army both active and reserve #

You lost, mate
>Talks shit about a flag
>Uses a memeflag
This. You know fake right wingers by the language they use. They will cry and scream about radical islam and say nothing about the african and pajeet biomass who are just as prone to (or worse) when it comes to rape. They get their cheques from merchants.
Oh yeah thats why you cunts are trying to get rid of us, because were pussies! fucking shut up.
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This board is absolutely infested with muzzie shitskins
some flags are beneath a memeflag retard like india romania or any shithole for that matter
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>I can only expect that you'd get something far far worse than 9/11.
Is that a threat?
jews are the lowest of all, which is what the memeflag represents.
Jeets cannot detect irony or hypocrisy. Don't waste your time.
>This is the only "arabs" which is actually against muslims in UK

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and one is beneath them all for he is THE golem
Right lads and lassies get this guy famous we need this dude to be heard. Hes fucking brilliant like a mini mick jagger but better.


Time for a break from all these fucking jew ballbursting pricks, be entertained senpai!
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The modern Jews who are in reality Canaanites, that is (((You))), are descended from Indians.
No wonder neither of you can sustain a civilization by yourself and are scammy, subversive fucks.
Only difference between you two is that you don't breed quite as fast as they do.
Islamists is a leftist propaganda term. They're Muslims.
What a fucking disaster. Kikes and mudslimes in Paris. They all need to be killed
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DNA proof for modern Jews being Canaanites, when Jews of today say there descendants of ancient Israelites, that is completely false and simply a case of stolen identity.
I remember something being said in Bible about Jews that steal identity of Israelites...

>Revelations 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
>Revelations 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

It's insane that the passages actually match what happened. We have Jews today that claim something they are not, and we have the modern science of DNA to prove that you are lying.
>commit war crimes on gaza
>is upset muslims worldwide want them dead
They never change, or learn
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Yeah why the FUCK are Kikes and Muslims in Paris.

This shit would have NEVER happened in the Reich.
nice session identifier nigger
I like this quote from Martin Luther

>But Luther had other opponents: the Jews. Judaism not only repudiated Christian theology by denying that Jesus was the true savior or Messiah, but it also took on an air of supreme arrogance--Jews as special, as different, as "chosen by God." As such, Jews are unwilling to repent, to accept Christ, or to see the true meaning of the Old Testament; hence they slander and insult Jesus, Mary, and indeed all Christians. Jews, said Luther, harbor an intense and deeply-rooted hatred for all non-Jews, and thus are willing to use, abuse, and exploit people for their own ends.
>For Luther, Jews are arrogant and stubborn liars. They are greedy materialists, ever covetous of Christian wealth and power. They are congenital misanthropes, the master haters of humanity. And through their damnable usury--lending money at interest--they exploit, bankrupt, and enslave innocent people everywhere. Given the chance, said Luther, they would slaughter us all.
>Hence his dramatic plan of action: destroy the synagogues, ban Judaic teaching, confiscate ill-gotten Jewish wealth, put Jews to hard labor, and ultimately, drive them out of Christian lands. Jews are incorrigible corrupters of humanity, and nothing less would get to the root of the problem.

>Jews are incorrigible corrupters of humanity
They truly are. Incorrigible corrupters of humanity.
>death treats
Yummy but probably fattening, good name for a band.

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