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Why are service industry workers so rude now?
Stupid rude bitch. Women need to be polite or imprisoned.
obese neckbeard, slobbering and hyperventilating
>anime...I like anime...you...waifu
stupid sloot
>can you please just order?
They are rude because in Western countries we have no laws against rudeness. And we don't punish our women through the family unit. A father should have hit this woman for acting like that.
Cause they have to put up with overly entitled boomers and faggots like (You) every day.
Stop the gay small talk, order your coffee, and fuck off.
She's right.
Imagine a stinky incel weebs coming to you and trying to flirt while you you're just doing your job.
that's what he gets for being sub 8.
*sub 9.9
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Fast food is fucking soul crushing man. I was working 14hr days over at Whataburger because I needed the money, and while it’s blur now. I still remember the feeling of just wanting to die.

And they’re one of the better places you can work, I couldn’t imagine working somewhere like McDonald’s or Taco Bell
Lol... big box franchise have no idea how to deal with this.

Old mom and pop shops would tell you to beat it... don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Gay franchise has to answer to the Karens... which they created with their sneaky customer service bullshit.

Ha ha ha... revenge of the mom and pops is sweet nectar
Because they know they can't be fired anymore. Post-pandemic service worker shortage means you are basically guarateed your job so you don't have to put up with Karens that much.
This is a good thing. Nobody owes you shit.

Kill yourself.
>acting like that
like what? Is someone obligated to talk to you about anime while they are trying to clear a line at work?
>How can I help you?
>Sir, did you want anything?
how are either of these replies rude?

But yes, her dad should have prevented her from getting retarded tattoos and thus not subjecting herself to be bait for awkward neckbeards.
They have started putting up signs that they don't tolerate complaints about employees.
Closing at Taco Bell was pretty dope during COVID I miss having the privilege to scream the nigger word from across the kitchen
Maybe they were both autistic.

Why were you feeling like that?
>see femoid with a tattoo
>didnt spit on her
Employment is 60%. Worker shortage has never been a thing.
why was a non-chad even talking to a woman? that's what's rude here
>raging incel tranny alert
You clearly haven't been beaten enough. yet.
>permanent engraving of association in full display
>bothered by unsolicited association in work
The cashier has minor fault. Shoulda bought a kawaii keychain.
Good fuckin point. I have noticed this ever since all those big store employees were righteously beaten and killed over playing Mask Police - The Awakening.
you don't get to choose the clientele when your job description is "barista".
You happily, innocently chat with all of them. Don't want to engage about anime with some fat creep?
>Oh, I don't even know the character's name I got this tattoo for my boyfriend, can I take your order?
I would complain about the sign as well
If you have a law against rudeness, wouldn't society eventually find a new way to be rude while being within the confines of the law?
Working during the scamdemic when everyone else got to stay home made something in all of them snap for the better

If you put a fucking tattoo on your skin, you better be prepared for people to ask you about it for the rest of your life.

Wear a fucking dildo on your forehead too while you're at it, people will stare and ask.
Nobody that works at a coffee shop has time for small talk. It's annoying when customers can't read the room and understand how busy it is at any given time. I've had people try to chat me when there are multiple people behind them in line. Like, do you have any self awareness?
This isn't exactly true, while it's difficult to actually get fired most places will just refuse to hire you on fulltime so that when they don't need you anymore they can reduce your hours to nothing until you quit. I don't think it has anything to do with the pandemic anymore it's just the new strategy of greedy corporations.
>short fat balding man tries to hit on a girl who just wants to make coffee
why do losers think they have what it takes to make small talk to a cute barista?
*cancels transaction"
nothin undeservved, kiddo

I can tell you'd never succeed at those roles, not that most have room for advancement. Let's put it this way: don't own your own business if that's how you want to be with customers. While your point is taken that they might be busy - this post does not give you any indication if they were busy or not. It oculd have been totally dead and he was the only customer for all we know. Not all coffee shops get 'big traffic', they are usually laid back. Except maybe some Starbucks or Dunkins, they can get busy.
Everybody has become an order of magnitude ruder since Covid.
anime fag holding up the line
>tattoo anime anime tattoo
busy day, just make an order bud
>anime anime
just order already weeb there's 20 people behind you.
>I was just trying to be nice, the people around me can go fuck themselves
the customer service saying is finally being followed
the customer is always right...in the matter of taste. kikes tried, and succeeded for the last couple decades to leave out "in matters of taste"
which means they can order the most disgusting food, the worst clothes, and horrid room decor and you sell it with a smile. Nothing else, no worker owes you a conversation beyond taking your order
yep, all kinds of VERBAL ABUSE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED signs protecting braindead nonwhites who forget what you said to them 12 seconds after it's been said

thank god the city and banks and post office don't have those disclaimers in their email signatures, because I spend a lot of fucking time showing ESL diversity hires exactly what they did wrong and calling them useless when they still don't understand the problem. I wish the supervisors would email their apology instead of calling, so then I'd have proof of them saying "yes we hire fucking morons, sorry about that"
These same employees get their feelings hurt when I don’t smile at them, look them in their eyes, or say anything extra to them aside from my order.
I don't fuckin owe you customer service, or a smile or shit. Oddly, these rude ass cashiers/servers/bartenders get their fuckin feelings hurt when you aren’t nice to them, after they give you nothing but dead eyes, no smile or greeting. Bartending and waiting for years made me less sympathetic to shitheads.

The reverse happens too where these fucking loser ass employees try and flirt with you. Fuck em.
>the customer is always right...in the matter of taste
and opinion. It's about more than their sandwich order.
If a customer comes and starts spouting off unprompted about their political affiliations, you are to smile and nod and go along with it noncommittally, not get into an argument about how they're wrong.

When it comes to store policy, employee guidelines, the law... the customer can keep their mouth shut or file a formal complaint to the people in charge

all that said, Subway sure fucking tossed aside "the customer is always right in matters of taste" for a while there trying to push their overpriced signature sub bullshit
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Story similar to this happened to me.
>At Starbucks with the old ball and chain (nagging me, of course)
>Behind the counter is this big titty giant of a woman with mammaries so large you could spot them from orbit
>I approach the counter with the exaggerated swagger of a black teen
>”Hey nice tits. What’s the milk like?” I ask.
>Can I help you sir?
>”I said I want your milk in my latte”
>At this point my wife’s upset (as usual, dumb bitch) and making me uncomfortable
>”Sir can I get you a coffee?”
>“no, not anymore. Bye” I say and slink off söyfully
>At this point my wife is crying
>I turn around and look at her name tag
>”Thanks a lot, Abby. Now look what I have to deal with.”
Fucking women.
>walk into business
>see that the annoying brain damaged faggot that thinks you're best friends is working there now
>turn 360 degrees and hee-hee away
>Rah rah look at me I'm a big tough guy on the internet I want to beat my children.
Good by all accounts, if you avoid sweeteners, and as long as it doesn't interrupt your sleep routine. I have my last coffee before 5pm, but work keeps me up until 1am.
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Literally this comic. Learn the rules.
he could have very easily none of those things that you mentioned
I had to work. It was easy, and the streets were empty. It was nice, but I don't work in the service industry. I would listen to this on the way back home https://youtu.be/jWFb5z3kUSQ?si=JYDgYrWgRI780Ex3
Came here to post this. It's just the way shit works. Unfair? yeah. But it be what it do.
100% that poster was a pajeet
No, this isn't true either. you whiteboys will never understand it.
It's never about what you say. It's about how you say it. I can guarantee it was the tone he used that threw her off. He probably stuttered, appeared desperate for an anime waifu, and just all round pathetic and weird.
Tyrone who loves anime would have definitely gotten her number because he would have been smooth and suave.
Yes, all those smooth talking minorities lmao.
>I saw that anime too, what characters do you like
>has tattoo of character on arm
fucking retarded slackjawed faggot has to carry a bucket under his chin
>bix nood... muhfugga
Yes. Specifically niggers and spics. You ever seen a whiteboy dance? Whiteboys have 0 feeling of rhythm and look like morons.
The only exception to this is the Italians
That story is cringey, but I'm glad someone else noticed. The service workers in my city are rude as fuck, almost outwardly antagonistic. And of course they have the gall to ask for a tip after. What the FUCK am I tipping you for?
I'm a lifelong tipper, but I've actually started leaving no tip if they piss me off. I've worked lots of service jobs so it's not like I'm some entitled boomer or something. They can get fucked.
>Because they know they can't be fired anymore
In what world? You literally get written up and fired for the tiniest bullshit even if it's not your fault.
Had me in the first half

I was gonna sperg out before you gave us Italians our props. Cause I know I can dance like a motherfucker and its absolutely been the #1 reason I got laid in my 20's before I married.
only if your bullshit is affecting your bosses directly.
You can fuck up six times an hour and as long as a fellow employee is cleaning up after you, you're secure in your job.
Ask a store manager about a recent policy change? What policy change? That never happened. Calm down, wagie, you don't get to raise your voice at me. You can't quit, we're firing you. Oh shit, the union doesn't like that we fired you the way we did when you quit. Okay we'll tell the union that head office sends out materials and employees put them on the shelves and managers don't know anything at all, that should take the heat off of us. What do you mean we owe him a month's severance pay, and only because he refused to accept his job back? How could this happen to us, we're in charge!
>Muh dancing
Bringing civilization to the world was a mistake.
Dont talk to women unless you are at least 8/10

No women react in the same way to smelly jeets like you.
who needs advancement and forward thinking when you can shuck n' jive
I think I stopped going to places because I always feel like I have to match their dead inside mood.
If you see a remotely attractive foid with an anime tattoo this doesn't mean she wants to speak to your incel ass. She got that because she wanted to attract the 1 in 100 Chad she knew that likes anime.
Forced tipping.
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>Dont talk to women
Fellow italbro how 2 dance?
kek pajeets have zero concept of personal space. It sucks dealing with them as a department store wagie, because groups of them will crowd around you within bad breath distance if they ever need help with something.
I love anime but holy fuck that was cringe. Shut the fuck up and complete the transaction. I don't talk to females for ANY other reason than contractual obligations. Learn to hide your power level you retarded sperg. Talk to people on your own time, not when someone's on a job.
he was and you know it.
I give credit where its due. Extends to most of the med, spaniards have a similar spirit
>buh buh buh we made SCHIVILIZASCHION
Gay fucking cope kek
Im not a poo you blackpilled incel retard
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in india, personal space is a luxury
for all my love making fun of jeets, this one i can understand
doesn't make it better though
it's just another fucking symptom of importing the third world.
Import a lack of personal space, get a lack of personal space.

I fucking hate pajeets walking around my desk to look at my computer screen like they own the place
Holy shit kek
Wagies are meant to be super duper friendly and basically suck off customers.
It's part of the social contract.
>Why are service industry workers so rude now?

Covid years left deep scars on retail when dealing with people. And no one fears getting fired anymore. "Oh boo hoo, I get unemployment now. However will I manage not having to go to my $16 an hour bullshit dead end job?"
The girl was the sperg.
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jupp, all those "progressives" believe in magic dirt. once they are here, they will behave like humans
sadly that's not the case
>niggers for the diversity of hate
It's an odd contract and I speak as a helldesk operator.
Being friendly requires effort but I found makes interactions take longer making my day appear to my peanut brain go faster.
Being a cunt requires no effort but just meant I had to deal with more cunts in the day.
Helldesk only metrics matter so being a cunt was favorited by management. Not universal but I was in a unique gov based MSP position.
Should say was a helldesk operator I graduated years ago by dropping my metrics until they got annoyed and promoted me.
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You are just ugly bro, that s the real answer. And the poor wage-slave just want to go home, and she gave you the most profesional answer you could get

brown and smells like shit
i'm honestly hoping to lose my job because I'm told I might have a case to get my tax dollars back via "i'm too retarded to work" benefits or something similar
Then don’t do hospitality. You understand the word right?
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>be teenage girl
>transition into George Costanza
Maybe God does have a sense of humor.
a coworker of mine, when i was working internet support as a college work placement, was applying to be a manager after something like 10 years working the phones.
They gave him so much fucking material to read up on, interviews to do, forms to fill out, the guy spent the better part of 2 months busting his ass for a promotion.
At the end of it all they said his experience was too single-focused and he'd have to work a different position for less pay for at least 2 years if he wanted a management job. The position he was shooting for was filled by some migrant. coworker quit. And not a shred of it mattered because that location got shuttered and everyone was laid off except for the handful of higher ups that just moved laterally in the company
Kind of happy for them. Even very ugly people need love.
Why have a tattoo and show it if you don't want comments on it? Do you state at it in the mirror for yourself or something? I swear people with tattoos are just attention whores.
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they are evil to further their genetics
and i'm not talking about them being retarded
I deserve good service for my money or I reserve the right to turn around and walk out.
They may not even understand the concept of genetics. I'm not interested in attacking mentally disabled people.
This is the biggest lie you have fallen for.
You aren't buying service, you are buying a product.
These useless cunts can and should be replaced by robots and amazon.
She should have been followed by that incel and winded up as a floating plastic barrel in a lake somewhere. What a stupid slut bitch jackass whore
trust me when i say I'm perfectly willing to enter my order on the ipad myself and grab the food from the passthrough when it's done

"Women in the workplace" was spearheaded by the idea of a waitress and that idea has persisted for far too long, corrupting it from "kind, visibly pleasing service for hardworking men" to "pay a bunch of extra money for some bitch to maybe refill your drink twice"
I haven’t fallen for anything. Whatever you want to call it. If I don’t want to give them my money for whatever reason, I will walk away and they can fuck off.
You miss the point of tipping entirely.
Nobody tips anymore as a way to reward above and beyond work. People tip as protection money to stop the servers from committing biological terrorism on their food.
No. Stimulant use increases risk of heart disease.
Less pay more work. You get lower quality.
If Chad did the same exact thing she'd be gushing.
>attention whore gets attention
We will soon enough.
No fatigues your adrenals.
>interacting with a femoid beyond what is absolutely necessary
you get what you fucking deserve
never mentioned tipping.
service staff are paid proper wages here which means inflated prices across the board, along with the opportunity to create the "pay me more or I fuck with your food" hostage situation.

If I don't tip at all a portion of my bill is still ending up in the hands of some useless roastie that let my food sit and get cold while she chats with her coworkers

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