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But at least you're not speaking German, right?
doubt that image is correct, anon
the uk, like most muslim unions, will seperate into warring sections, before breaking up into individual muslim provinces which will be renamed in hindu. this will end the british identity.
>gen alpha cant read and is retarded in the west
yet no one can bring up the fact that most young children in the west are non-white, especially americans (majority of kids are hispanic LOL)

you also cant mention who does 90% of the mass shootings in usa (its black people)
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This is fake propaganda, retards.
who is stopping you from breeding?
it will be
Literally every facet of our culture is anti-white and anti-family
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Wow. We've been stuck with niggers and mexicans forever, but you guys got fucked on an island in just three or four generations. Your government has absolutely murdered you. Your royal family should be hung from lampposts. Those are your tribal leaders? Topkek. The jews absolutely killed you faggots.
its as easy as penis goes in and out. your ancestors have done it since before history started. literally ALL of your ancestors got laid. you're the very first that was unsuccessful at in and out. let that sink in for a few moments. dont blame us, go have a long look in the mirror.
Bet if ur bleeding out you’ll still repeat the cope
>its as easy as penis goes in and out
This is why you muslims are regarded as cockroaches.
But at least theyre not speaking English.*
its so evident why you cant breed. such little man energy. so much unresolved personal trauma.
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SOMEONE keeps letting them in.
at least dey ain't spekun germun inshallah
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If that isn't the pot calling the kettle Mehmet.
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Rivers of Blood in two more weeks
Fascism has failed every single time it has ever been tried
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I would rather speak German than live in today's clown world ran by globalists slave-drivers, and be permanently under the heel of burgerland.
Rome lasted for 1100 years in the west and a further 1000 in the east.

Name a communist nation that has lasted 100?
not a single person ITT has a kid
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argentine here.
you get what you fucking deserve,kike lapdogs
eastern rome was communist, all greekos are communist faggots who subvert and larp as conservatives in the west
Thank god for that, in case you haven't noticed we 1 step away from fucking WW3.
Rome wasn't Fascist you absolute cretin.

>all of your ancestors got laid

not true MUJEET, you could have had great aunts / uncles / grandmothers sisters / brothers who did not have children, it doesn't make them any less of them being your ancestors.........
enllighten us, bucko
>nooo stop having kids theres a war and the world is ending!
luckily this is a self-solving problem, im glad youll wipe yourself off the gene pool
I have no desire to spell out simple and basic information to a turk on 4chang.
Europe needs a new crusade. We've been able to slay all these fucking muslim invaders before and we can do it again. We have better tools of destruction so it should be no big deal to simply murder them all and drive them out of our lands in a glorious genocidal purge that leaves few survivors. It's happened before. It will happen again. Europe for Europeans. Back to your desert quarantine zone you goat fuckers.
>literally ALL of your ancestors got laid. you're the very first that was unsuccessful at in and out. let that sink in for a few moments
That was before jews poisoned women with feminism. Back then even a factory worker could have a pick of women, because being a breadwinner was something respectable and women didn't want to starve to death.
that's hilarious.
Your daughter will likely be raped by a pack of muslims and your son will become a regular user on this shithole forum
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The Roman Republic and Empire are literally the foundational blueprints of fascism. Are you going to pretend that the Patrician's and their many, MANY civil wars to prevent the plebians from resting control was not?

The most influential, and bedrock of European civilisation was Fascism. Athenian democracy - with all references to Greeks or Greek gods and holidays exchanged in name only - rebranded in any western country would be absolutely persecuted for it being 'neo fascist' by retards who do not know better or malicious actors who do.

Fascism and the Free Market are the two most productive - and by their actions and effects in total - the most benevolent systems ever devised.

>Inb4 Fascists want planned economies


>>you absolute cretin.
You are a fucking poof and cunt.
id say youll die of suicide but chances are youre like a 17 year old kid so who cares youll grow out of whatever this is
I do. I have 2, and want another one. I work in an iron ore mine and have nothing to do since it rained for 35 minutes, so I am shitposting here in my heated cab while I wait for the all clear or my shift to run out. Likely the latter at this point.
W-working on it... does that count?
yes, be the saviour of the white race others only have powerfantasies about
>Inb4 Fascists want planned economies
It was, as was the Imperial German and Prussian economies before it.
go back to your shithole
+ I get to creampie the wife on a daily basis which is nice.
> Are you going to pretend that the Patrician's and their many, MANY civil wars to prevent the plebians from resting control was not?
o you really want to hitch your cart to that horse? Tehy fought tooth and nail to avoid necessary reform that would have made Rome strong again.
It was basically the same rot we have today where they'd rather crash and burn to avoid a modest sacrifice from the ruling class.
>has kids with some fat and/or ugly whore
>thinks hes cool
You are way more childish than me lol. Sticking your dick into a pussy isn't a great accomplishment.
youre making up shit in your head so much i wonder if youre a paranoid schizophrenic
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>Rome was fascist b-b-b-because I really, really, really want it to be!!!
Kek nice argument retard
That's what I would advise you to do, Mehmet, but seeing as how turkmany is already so chockfull of your kind, who am I to say you must leave?
Prussia was an army that happened to own a country and does not count. They were a pure military dictatorship.
>Imperial Germany
>Fascist Italy
>Colonial Athens
>Rome at any point until its fall

When and fucking how?

Do you understand what a planned economy is? The main reason Ceasar rose to power and was a such a threat to the Patricians was because he tried to steer the ship and failed. Gracchi brothers failed, Sulla failed.
Aurelian was the closest one you could claim to have enacted a planned economy but in reality he did a hard reset and purge, then immediately allowed the free market to resume activity.

Part of the reason Rome was on the verge of full industrialisation was because of its free market, that is now considered the natural progression of. Rome was accidently inventing standardisation before the crisis of the 3rd century.

Planned economies are not capable of it, or industrial revolution.
Whatever, have fun getting raped by Russia in the next 2-3 years
2 more weeks
to the last hohol
85%+ White births in Scotland.
90%+ White births in Northern Ireland.
Wales doesn't exist.
Its not the Russians that will fuck him up, its the Africans and muzzies. He thinks he is safe in the frozen north unable to understand when they hit critical mass it will be good goy finns that march out of the south to enact sharia and he will be as fucked as much as the rest of Europe.

Australia is doing no better but we have infinitely more territory to fuck off into. All we have to do is wait for the water shortage coming in a few years. The fucking idiots are actively fracking and polluting the Great Artesian Basin and there goes our ability to support more than 10 million people on the whole continent.
He doesn't get it. Retards like that never learned to extrapolate current trends into the future. He suffers from the illusion that how things are is how they are going to stay.
>Argie kid looks retarded af
>Tyrone probably now banging his sister on the back
>When and fucking how?
The German economy bent to the needs of the military first and foremost. Sure private entireprise was allowed, but in similar manner to how it's allowed in China. State First, economy second.
Also i never claimed any non-german state had a planned economy, if anything land redistribution is closer to the breaking of the Zaibatsu than taking thw wheel.
Kill kikes
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17% of the population had 60% of the kids last year?
Impressive. I swear you retards will believe anything.
Yup I’m sure our ancestors would’ve died in droves knowing what the future held for our homelands. Jesus Christ we’re gonna fail this great filter aren’t we. Ww2 was the great filter and we failed, humanity is in its death throes.
Captcha GG488
We are heading in this direction and as far as I am concerned, this country is already dead. Expect those in power and those who want power to become Muslims in the near future. The reason immigration is pushed so hard in both Ireland and Sweden is so that there is no escape.
There are always shitskin invaders moving into Europe and Britain. They don't need the births when they have the boats.
and who was it that opened the flood gates hans. didnt want to annihilated again with another war so u cunts tried something else
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Jesus Christ is returning soon. The 144,000 Elect Israelites are coming. They are most likely already born and are children right now(ages 4-6.) By the time the Euphrates river dries up in 15 1/2 years from now in 2040 they will be full; fledged fighting age adults ready to for their Waffen-SS paramilitary and reconquer the Land of Israel to protect the believers in Jesus Christ from the Great Tribulation.
The (((Koreans)))! FUCK KOREA!
The only saving grace is Europe has pushed out the invaders before, it just took 800 years.
It's true in America. All kids 18 and younger haven't been majority White in about three or four years.
full fledged*
>800 years
Europeans will all be mongrels if they let the shitskins stay in Europe for that long. Good thing Christ is returning before then.
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We can only hope.
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>88 get
Someone is returning. Someone Godly, of God. Likely Jesus Christ.
yes, Hitler started with that.
Fuck white people.
>turk town rapist wins
I don't get it.
I wonder, if all of these brits are saying that the Falklanders wish to remain british and are more patriotic than the English from the Mainland... Why don't they settle there to escape Multiculturalism? I doubt you would get sent to jail for flying the English flag there

LoL an UruguGAY anon insulting his own brother, talk about self-hatred
>another CIA psyop is returning soon
>it will be
So it's not accurate yet?
>One third
Not 60% memeflag.
Bizarre shilling going on here today, huh?
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Are you saying God is not returning to our world? Ever? You sound like a blasphemer. Why would God create the Earth and then just abandon it. God wasn't defeated because He is omnipotent. He defeated Satan once before and He will do it again.
Good that's what anglocucks get for WW1, WW2, Dresden, Trianon, and forcing the shitty English language upon the world.
I have no idea and dont care at all
not my problem
Im just telling you the trajectory
You have no idea lol
>At least you're not speaking German
Neither are you
You have no idea at all lol. Stick to things you do know, like statistics about your favorite YouTuber or Twitch streamer.
>Jesus fucking Christ
Choose one, retard
>oh noe, but both are the same
So you agree that your god died?
>well no of course not
>but he died for /our/ sins
thats right! I dont know the exact number! AND NEITHER DO YOU HAHAHAHAHAHA

but who cares? Russia is gonna nuclear tsunami them within the next 5 years
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it's over
I hope it's not but if it is fake I'm still for pushing it to scare normoids and wake them up
Naaah, we love you man... please bring money
omg bongs are going extinct, whatever. Who's hungry?
You could be a kike.
You're really good at making things up! This is hilarious! Keep it up. What happens next?
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>its as easy as penis goes in and out

turd world inbred low iq shitskin is not aware that we have legal birth control and illegal rape in the west
You're both sudaca-niggers
I think the Irish will finally get their independance but it will be in a nuclear wasteland
>if you don't believe in my invisible friend, you are Jewish or something
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1. Stop wearing a condom
2. Lay off the birth control pills
3. Don't be so quick to run off to the abortion clinic when contraceptives (which you shouldn't be using if you're so concerned about being made a minority in your own country) fails
4. After you lead by example and you have some extra kids, encourage your fellow white couple to do 1 through 3.

So, even if your government is trying to flood the country with rape-ugees, you will at least slow down or even stop the demographic change in your country.

But you won't do any of these things b/c having more kids is hard work and white people has gotten lazy and selfish and would rather hit the iceberg than take the trouble of steering the ship out of the way.
I think the Irish will, too! Just without the nuclear wasteland part. That doesn't make much sense.
based turk-roach.
>not native german
>native germans simply have no humor
Strong Words for somebody whose income comes from his Girlfriend fucking the Entire North Africa region KEK Go to your Pride parade with kids exposing themselves manolo
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But "muh based bomber harris" and "at least we're not speaking german" bros, this is what we wanted, right? We allied with bolsheviks and firebombed german kids because we wanted this, no?
the great filter is kikes, we must warn other planets about them
I don't know about that, Germans not exactly the most nicest of european languages. I can see why people went to war not wanting to learn it. A romance nazi party would of sold it's self more, people would of got less offended having to learn italian or spanish under the threat of conquest
If you believe this MS Paint tier fake pic you might be a moron
Births are 70% white, which is still terrible and should never happen
It will be true in another 10 years
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In the under 15 year old category.
30-35 million ethnic European children in North America and around 65 million in Europe.
So there are around 100 million European children under 15 alive at this point.
Over 2 billion children worldwide.
That is a ratio of 20 to 1.
Considering that European founded nations are taking at a minimum 4 million non European migrants per year the majority of which are under 30 and are ready to have children.
In just 30 years you will have 120 million.
The ZOG is importing 120 million every 30 years at the current rates. This is from official figures. In reality we could be looking at 170 million. Within 30 years only 200 million European children are born. That is all assuming the invasion rates remain at current levels. Most European nations are already at 40-70%.
We are the last generation that can stop the extermination of the European people.
Soon the borders will be wide open.
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trigger backlash by sabotaging food supply.
nobody gets violent until hangry

its not too late
Everything must come to an end at some point, it doesn't bother me.
Brits aren't allowed to live there to prevent overpopulation
all your direct ancestors... happy now?
Anon, the government doesn't even report the correct population numbers to start with. Tesco did a study for some Liberal idiot in 2008 and Britain had ~30% more people based on the amount of food and general goods being purchased in the UK than what the government was reporting. You have no idea just how bad it is and how fucked people are in the UK. You've quite literally been genocided by the government, which is run by Jews since the late 1500s when they took over your banks, and the government refuses to release the actual numbers.

How the fuck are you people that ignorant?
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English will always be better than Injun-Spanish, Bob Fernandez.
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Did they include airports in those figures? Millions of people pass through this country using food and goods without actually entering the country before you even get onto tourists who do for a short time.
New rule. All migrants and so-called asylum seekers must be sterilized upon entry.
France is worse. The Olympic opening ceremony is 90 percent niggers.
I don't know because I didn't follow the study more closely. However, let's not pretend that tourists stay in the UK for more than 1-3 weeks max would account for 30%+ of people's needs for 52 weeks. Even at 1:1 population vs tourism, you would expect maybe a 2-4% increase relative to the population, not a 30% increase.
Based rare flag???
Based. Now all they need to speak is German.
There is no way they accurately measure people leaving and for how long too. The census is only once every 10 years and last time everyone was forced to stay put, they won't do that next time. They were mulling the idea of not releasing the census or not measuring race, ethnicity and religion like they do in Europe but they decided to use the American form for this one at the last minute, they won't do that next time either. Point is you will never know what the hell is going on this country.
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I love bill gates. I love klaus schwab! I love the elite’s depopulation of the Jews and whites. Make Europe brown again!!!
If the Tesco numbers were bad in 2008, which represents the numbers of one of the biggest supermarket chains in the UK, and they NEVER released any study since, the only numbers the government likely track are the white numbers. All you have to do is go to any major city in the UK where populations are normally representative of the significant majority, and they're all brown.

Same shit is happening in Australia, France, and Canada. It's 95% brown. All governments are lying. They know what they are doing, and they are openly posting fraudulent numbers so we don't freak out over what is clearly a genocide.

Don't confuse malice for incompetence.
there arent any turks where I live, you obnoxious nigger
stop shitting up every thread, with your fucking presence
Just get on gibs and keep having more kids for unlimited welfare!

Convert to an Arabic name too
Ah you convinced me, lets keep the floodgates open until it becomes a reality
England is an Economic zone. It doesn't matter what colour people are as long as they are Economically Active.
E Coli breakout
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I will not lose sleep over it until they ban tanning salons on every street, yes everyone is brown but you're using your own eyes to figure out what may or may not be true. Even OP's image is bullshit but there's no way to prove it without scouring data, all the worrying is on your side.
>Posts this on /pol/
Preaching to the choir
mutts law
I have never seen a white anglo in my life, alberto
this is very obvious the thinking of our ruling classes
Shame Germans are shit at war, right?
>scouring data

searching through data the government has made available to everyone, at some point they will just stop releasing it or recording it.
I trust my eyes far more than some stats that a government who on record said, "we don't know the number of immigrants who are actually coming into Canada", just like one immigration minister in the UK, said. The only reliable source was Tesco from almost 2 decades ago.
More people there are, the more gibs they can print.
>Makes fun of argies for taking the falklands
>can't even go there

Literally a worthless war then, At least Thatcher got richer and elevated to Sainthood.
at least they will speak english
>Literally a worthless war
Yes, you are retarded
Not everyone is a psycho rapist like most middle-easterns
Your kids will be raped by muslim invaders
Muslims can't even keep hold of their own countries.
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>literally ALL of your ancestors got laid

This is the funniest shit I heard all day, and I was just on /o/ where a guy posted that all car crashes happen with a car.
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Good. I wish the obliteration of the British. Simple as.
I think its ultimate liberalism
they believe in institutions and rules, they dont understand the essence of things
this is also why they mog people who think about the roman empire and the collapse of civilization, they literally cannot understand it
I remember Ukranians saying the same thing not that long ago.
They are printing gibs that all work their way up to them, then they use it to buy everthing. We will own nothing.

Then go to Europe and inspire people to start a revolution.
All I see here on pol is just bots spamming 1pbtid threads to bury good threads or to demoralize. The non-shill posters are hopelessly demoralized to do anything. If you want to see change be the change you want to see. Inspire a new revolution. Civil wars only benefit the faggots we all hate. The American revolution was the only based war. Only 3% of the colonists participated in the revolution. It doesnt take many to start one.
>The American revolution was the only based war.
Kek, Kikes just wanted to take control of you because you were printing your own money.
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If you are living in England you need to get the fuck out NOW. Move to another country because it's over. And yes we are 15 years behind you so I'm also planning my EU exit
Yeh it was a war for money like every uk and usa war. Its a useful tactical spot like gibralatar though
"Retarded" kek says the one getting replaced, you better watch out for speaking ill of the foreign, i heard you guys can get arrested for 10 years for doing that while the Black man takes what he deserves (anglo women and your jobs)

It's a Black/Brown Man's World, Sissy ;;)
This is correct. They tried 3 fucking times to set up a central bank in the US and started multiple wars over it. The Rothschilds were crying out like a child having a tantrum that they couldn't control the US.
The usa just wanted it for a base so they got the Argies to invade.
>We are the last generation that can stop the extermination of the European people.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but within 100-200 years the last White child will be born. We have no way of opposing the invasion. We have no money, no political power and no representatives or leaders. There's no resistance movement, even passively and it needs violent pushback at this point to achieve anything. Sorry but the White race is done, you'd be better off figuring out how to live with it than being bothered by it because it's a foregone conclusion the Boomers decided before most of us were even born.
there isnt anywhere to run
thats what all these "get out" faggots dont understand
"What he deserves"

I wouldn't get too cocky your jew loving leader might give us Argentina so our shitskins can exploit our resources.
The (((US))) of course. Why is a Jew and a Shabbos goy brokering a deal to take the island?
Fake headline faggot
They don't understand / wish to ignore the global part in globalism
We should have gone to Canada before WW2. Too late now we are stuck with this until the shitkins realise there's nothing left here for them.
>there isnt anywhere to run
I'm sure there are places where you can live out your life in peace. At least our generation
sure, middle of nowhere and becoming a hermit, really great solutions
What is wrong with living in the middle of nowhere with a small community? Do you need a big city?
No. The fire rises and the greater struggle begins.

Europe for Europeans.

No, but you are speaking turkish, faggot kek
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Sit down and shut the fuck up. You went from a somewhat functional country with a majority European population, to a diseased mestizo-infested shithole ruled over by a schizophrenic lolbert who spends every day of the week sucking Jewish dick. You're no better than the Britbongs, you might actually be worse than them.
how did this happen so quickly? It took 50 years for the US to get to this point, in England it took like 5 years
England was finished when we allowed the Irish when miscegenation with them contaminated our genepool now we are falling to non white sandniggers and niggers. Times are fucked bros
In their own countries. I don't want to mix with Slavs or Irish that fucks up our genepool too
Photoshop mainly.
Do you know anyone in the police force? They get unexpurgated figures. Ask them about drug death figures while you're at it.
England started taking scum from Ireland since the 1800s now we have Liverpool that's crime riddled feral shithole. The Irish are subhumans I don't care what anyone says.
The non white immigration is worse we have enclaves in Birmingham and London where's there no whites.
we speak with you in your language nigel.
plus our own native tongue, which is europes most spoke language btw.
>who is the idiot now?
I didn't know Turkish was Europes most spoken language.
Why, you guys still speaking german there? I thought you switched to camel-speech.
checked and based bro
Lmao this post made the incels seethe hard, well done shitskin bro.
you are the retarded with his invisible friend, who tells his buddies to cut the genitals of their children and you think he's ultra powerful, but is fine with baby rape and doesn't do shit about it.
who for the love of god is still having children ???

HUMANITY IS DOOMED NO FUTURE all the elites already have built their underground survival habitats now we are just wating to burn the world
hope you get your lighter as well bro!!!!!!
the people dont dont have kids are the smart ones sparing them from this abomination called society
where your ancestors from?
here can take it to the last man standing! not even joking
no jobs, no money
fucking nigger
You get what you voted for
Thats the overall movement but each nation will run its own national movement.
Germany for Germans
France for the French
Italy for the Italians ect ect
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>clown world ran by globalists slave-drivers
You live in a world ran by monarchs slave-drivers
There are no white enclaves in London
Why don’t Whites just have more kids?
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UK must modernize and get in line with the current trend elect a real (nigger) king.
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You allied with monarchs who view you as cattle, it makes no difference to them what color or religion is the cattle. Get fucked king lovers.
Fascism isn't a political ideology, you retard. It's enforcement of an ideology. Look up the original Oxford definition. Any government can be fascist but it gets increasingly hypocritical the farther right (toward anarchy) you go.

Size of government from large to small:

totalitarian - communist - socialist - moderate - conservative - libertarian - anarchist
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Because jews have convinced 80% of white women that they're losers unless they become girlbosses and sportfuck pet niggers all through their teens and 20s. The jews found the weak link in the white race (women) and buckbroke them. Simple as. They also control all the institutions, so nothing will change peacefully, white men will need to rise up kinetically if they want to re-establish dominance. Not going to happen. Which is another reason that white women are abandoning white men in droves, it's a vicious cycle. Sadly, my analysis is that you crackers are not long for this world. It's a remarkable reversal of Fortune but it does demonstrate that the jews are much more powerful than you, so the poos are probably right to kneel before them and serve them.
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Yes. Make every euro monarchy 90% shitskins so that we won’t have any moral hesitation nuking you.
I am happy we are brown. German Nazis are cringe as fuck our world would be hateful and incels would be the ruling class.
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England is the center of the satanic commonwealth. We must nuke you and relieve the planet from the great Satan.
If that's modern-day sweden, the blonde would be chasing the jet black retard gorilla nigger, not the other way around. Kek Scandinavian women are gigantic massive coalburners of the highest order. Garbage
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Same, fuck the great Satan.
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Kikes is a new synonym for anglo scum?
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>where you can live out your life in peace
Yes, at your king’s feet, slave. Ask him nicely to grant you some immunity and you’ll live in peace.
The middle of nowhere is owned by your massa. You need his permission to live there, slave.
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(Ich werde weinen...)
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There is no more middle of nowhere in white civilization, the Jews make sure of that. Minneapolis and Maine are overrun with somalis. There are entire beaner enclaves in rural Wyoming. The Soros boat lift of sub-saharan african hominids into Europe is just warming up. It's ogre. It's fight or die time, basically. And most crackers seem happy to die. *shrug*
WW3 nuclear holocaust please.
Subsidized surrogacy for childless men and problem solved.
Women like you only need to exist in order to breed.
>Tee hee, millions of human beings are dying childless.
>Hi, hi, hi, the only purpose of males is to be discriminated, tortured and ultimately be genocided in wars through drafting for the sake of matriarchies that cater exclusively to women like me.
You're such a nice person...
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Ich lerne gerade Deutsch anon's
>Becky pumps out 1.9 kids instead of 1.6
>meanwhile the government imports 10x more Africans and Indians
What’s it like being retarded/Canadian?
>women like you
want a picture of my hairy balls you humongous tranny faggot?
Nobody intelligent wants to have kids, there are no positives and lots of negatives.

There is literally no good thing that comes from having kids in a modern western society, to you as a man. Even if you want to say you love your kids, they will grow up to be annoying shitty teenagers and then adults.

As a man, kids ruin your life.
Literally wouldn't surprise me any more. I was brought up in a 90+% White market town and the number of Indians, Africans, Asian and Kurds has increased a fuck load to the extent that maybe 1 in 3 people I see on the street aren't white. Now just imagine how bad it is in the big cities.
Jews do this, and then White christcucks thank them.
Thank you, you must noble and delectable jews!
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>used to rule the entire planet
>had a beautiful high end country
>gave it all away to endless 3rd world parasites

>Not 60% memeflag.
>women born outside the UK
That doesn't include all the births to non-white mothers born INSIDE the UK or racemixing white women.
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Former Waffen-SS General who in 1981 predicted what the kikes will do to Europe.
Britain wouldn't have spoken German anyway because Hitler was a massive britaboo.
You’re right, the water and sewage companies that were targeted by gov msm attacks recently were ordered to renew the infrastructure in the 1980s. They did. For a projected population to peak at 65 million. The systems are failing as they are getting flows commensurate with a population between 77-80 million. That’s why the combined rain/sewer emergency overflows are having to be used so frequently now or the sewage processing plants will flood and be destroyed.
Not true. I'm what most of you would probably call a chad, and I've been relatively financially successful. Lots of women, travel, experiences, stuff. The only thing I really look upon and smile is my son and how lucky I am to be his father. He's gone from a fun happy kid to a strong kind man he's my legacy and the best thing in my life. We usually text every day about redpills too. So speak for yourself.
Yes but those shitskins are very respectful of you for both creating a better society for them to live in, and for welcoming them into that society, right?
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It's like he had a crystal ball
No, but these stats do include non-British Europeans, still the total is too high for any reasonably sane country.
Nigger, your country has been a republic since it started and you guys are worse off than anywhere in Europe.
You're a retard because you are replacing totalitarianism with fascism in your description, the fact that you fell for this because some pozzed dictionary told you says it all about your low intelligence.
No shit. Imagine all the eurogoy monarchies teaming up to destroy your republic, how would that look?
Yeah it's us, fucking retard. Look at all those Spanish nobility names leading your major companies and institutions...
>has no clue how glowies work

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