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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why is this fraud remembered as a good president? Like even from an objective historical point, he genuinely should have been impeached for Iran-Contra, like even if he didn’t do it, he was so incompetent that he allowed it to happen under his watch. Literally the only good point of his that doesn’t have some kind of caveat is the fact he was a good orator. The PR propaganda machine on this nigga is crazy.
Movies about muscly guys
rekt communism
made oil cheap
economy was the greatest
in that order
Because he's the idol of the Republican party until about Trump. It's also the reason Clinton isn't looked down upon because he transformed the Democrat party
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That's moden politics for you . PR image of macho > everything else.
t.Leftoid that pretends not taxing the rich 99% ruined America somehow
>subsidized corporations which killed small businesses
>added gun control laws
>subsidized international transport/shipping and restricted contracts on the use of natural resources to a few corporations which killed small businesses and forced businesses to export jobs overseas to stay afloat
>which deindustrializes the US
>did a psyop were you deal drugs to inner-city communities to destabilized them and make them dependent on welfare.
>criminalized drug use so that you can have a stable population of free labor and so that you don't need to pay gov workers
>fund/arm the cartels/terrorist groups in Latin America so that you can destabilized them
>allow those Latin Americans to come to the US
>which increases crime
>which means more free labor
Made rich people richer and fucked everyone else.
>right wing is when you worship Israel and give tax cuts to rich Jews
Most Millennials and Zoomers don't know Biit the Iran Contra scandal. They don't teach it in public schools unlike Watergate.
In America yes
He made America Great Again you fucking chud
Because he was a good president and probably the last one to ever win an election in a complete blowout like he did in 1984. You can bitch about all sorts of things, but the reality is that Reagan oversaw a new dawn in America from the rot of Johnsons dream where industry and business boomed which had the real effect for middle class Americans to have more jobs and higher pay, which allowed them to buy more consumer goods which led to a booming economy. Poor people being able to actually buy shit triggered elitist rich old money liberals for some reason, so they say this is actually bad and stupid poor people ape this against their own self interest.

I want you to explain what crime Reagan committed that he should have been impeached for.
>boomed which had the real effect for middle class Americans to have more jobs and higher pay
And yet now the average boomer who lived through the Reagan years is either still working because they can't retire or "retired" but living by the skin of their teeth
>its Reagans fault my dad still has to work some 40 years after he left office
I love this game. Blaming Reagan for all sort of insane shit as a reason for why he sucks.

Its also Reagans fault that AIDS happened too apparently.
>immediately into whataboutism
Iran contra was a CIA operation and had nothing to do with him
Watergate blew up because Nixon the paranoid retard recorded everything he ever did so there was no room for plausible deniability once he was subpoenaed to release the tapes and made it even worse for himself by going on a panicked firing spree and trying to erase evidence before it came out.

Reagan could just go "lol I dunno Oliver North did it not me" and there was no way to prove him wrong
>Because he was a good president and probably the last one to ever win an election in a complete blowout like he did in 1984
Four more months, anon, four more months.
no one who typed this post could possibly have an IQ over 80 or be this dumb. i hope anyway.
because communism fell during his administration
it had nothing to do with the USSR getting involved in afghanistan and over expanding while also not producing enough consumer goods
t. Chud Anon
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the funniest thing about Nixon blowing up is that he didn't even need to do Watergate in the end
you have to understand just how broken the US was in 1980 and why Reagan was elected in a 44 state landslide

>worst economy since the Depression
>double digit inflation
>interest rates as high as 11%
>cities were hellscapes full of crime, drugs, etc
>serial killers, bikers, etc running amok
>high energy prices
etc, etc.
Nixon was perhaps a victim of a hopeless situation being president in an extreme era when the nation was almost turned inside out while Reagan was president in a much calmer and less politicized era when bipartisanship was more of a thing. One supposes if Hubert Humphrey had been president instead of Nixon he wouldn't fare any better. The radical left street mob was everywhere and out for blood in the late 60s-early 70s.
Hence paranoid retard, although to his credit no one could have suspected how retarded McGovern's campaign would be
Should be easy to counter-argument then. But you won't because he's right
Tell me, anon. Do you actually give Chud Anon (You)s or do you just humor him like a smart person would.
nta but the part where he said Reagan was the guy who criminalized drug use already made that post not even worth replying to
>no arguments
Imagine still sucking Raygun's balls in 2024 when he dealt the knockout blow to rational conservatism and led us to clownworld
Watergate had nothing to do with the election, this is a narrative created by democrats to explain how they so handily lost despite being communists
Not Chud Anon, LBJfag. Any time you see a screaming schizo post about Nixon or Reagan it's him.
If you see a homeless guy on the street on drugs ranting that the CIA stole his dick, do you debate him or just turn around and run as fast as you can?
Wrong, as always. Raygun was just a dementia-ridden B actor who let his handlers do everything. Total snoozefest. I only shitpost about Nixon because game recognizes game. It's honestly a shame Bebe didn't take his pills away from him because a less paranoid, pill & alcohol-mixing Nixon could have been one of the most kino presidents ever

>helping this man get his dick back and doing some meth along the way isn't an option in anons world
Reagan's reputation has been tanking over the last 15 years, I don't know anybody that considers him a good president anymore.
While letting gazillion immigrants cross the border.
it is rather odd to hear leftists rant about that considering a lot of Reagan's legislative accomplishments such as tax cuts were bipartisan and which Democrats signed onto
>left wing
lolno and certainly not in that era. it was an extremely reactionary decade when everything people fought for in the 60s had been beaten down and capitalist excess and evangelical Christian repression of women and LGBT reigned.
>Reagan's reputation has been tanking over the last 15 years
"America has been drifting left in the las 15 years".

>lolno and certainly not in that era.
Democrats were left-wing in that era.
You're just redefining left-wing in order to push your far leftist radicalism.
>capitalist excess and evangelical Christian repression of women and LGBT reigned.
Pure Karl-Marxian waffle...
>agreeing with the Dems of any era
"Leftist" is clearly just the rights version of "genocide" - a word they use so much it means nothing anymore
Era when the 60s generation all turned into fat middle aged coked up yuppies as epitomized by "We Built This City on Rock and Roll."
>"Leftist" is clearly just the rights version of "genocide" - a word they use so much it means nothing anymore
Why do leftists use both words all the time then?
Maybe you're just hallucinating on drugs again?
i mean, he could have vetoed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act
>"America has been drifting left in the las 15 years".
No I've known several conservatives that have also turned on Reagan despite otherwise maintaining conservative values. Dude's reputation's just in decline.
>Era when the 60s generation all turned into fat middle aged coked up yuppies as epitomized by "We Built This City on Rock and Roll."
You're completely missing the reasons for why the hippies were bad.
You're an out of touch moron who's self-talking.
>No I've known several conservatives that have also turned on Reagan
You don't know anyone outside of the internet lol.
>Dude's reputation's just in decline.
You're obviously making shit up lol.
He didn't nuke Israel on his first day in office, damn, we know.
at least they might be happy to know Reagan jailed Jonathan Pollard
It's kind of dumb to care about Presidents this much anyway because they don't actually control the country. They aren't monarchs, they are mascots.
Everyone with the actual power isn't voted for by anyone.
Democracy only works with very small numbers of people. Maybe a few thousand.
Any more than that and it simply can't actually exist for a number of reasons.
Communism and Democracy pushers like to say "the people own the government".
Yet that is never true.
No these are people IRL I've known for years, I live in the South and most people I know are conservative. You seem particularly upset at the idea that Reagan's reputation is in decline for some reason.
I always think it's funny how people that are clearly upset start to repeat things like "lol", "lmao", etc.
>No these are people IRL I've known for years
You haven't known anyone IRL for years.
>You seem particularly upset at the idea that Reagan's reputation is in decline for some reason.
Where's the upset?
It doesn't make any sense and it's obviously a weird autistic forever online lie.
>I always think it's funny how people that are clearly upset start to repeat things like "lol", "lmao", etc.
Where's the upset lololololololololol?
NTA but I'm from rural Oregon (fuck Portland btw) and I've noticed people actively kind of shit-talk Reagan now when he gets brought up. That includes my boomer father that voted for him in '84 and '88.
Yeah man you know me better than myself, you got me. I'll just let you believe what you want since you seem to make up things to make yourself feel better, enjoy living in your bubble world.
Maybe you could stop obviously samefagging anon.
That's a sign of psychopathy anon.
Yes, the IP counter has gone.
>Yeah man you know me better than myself
You're an autistic samefagging pathological liar and psychopath.
No I'm from Oregon dude, the fuck lmao. I'm from the Eastern part of the state that wants to break off and become part of Idaho, it's based.
There's no evidence you're from anywhere "dude".
You're just making shit up.
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Schizo moment
Schizo thread
Schizo board
Yeah I'm not about to post my fucking ID on 4chan lmao, there's no evidence I'm even American. That's the nature of anonymous image boards, for all I know you're not even American and don't even like Reagan yourself. Welcome to the internet.
Reagan is just another target that communists like to try and pick apart. Can't have some uniting public figure when they want to pipe the charred remains of the state into their assholes

It's mostly endless lies and strawmen and when you point this out it just fuels them more. Just like Nixon hate there's zero actual substance to it or knowledge of their actual policies. At best you get conspiracy theories
Schizobros we fucking won, this is OUR board now.
Take your pills autistic psychopath lol.
Yep, you obviously don't like Reagan.
In reality outside of the internet most people aren't even thinking or talking about Reagan.
Take your pills and see that psychiatrist about your autism and latent psychopathy.
Reagan gave those illegals citizenship
I unironically like the schitzos on this board, they provide me with endless entertainment just watching them argue.
You don't even know what schizophrenia is...
It's just a word you picked up as a general insult.
Spics were already in the country and California was refusing to deport them because they pick strawberries for them. A great example of the progressive banker class that profits off of not only cash crops but the exponential increase in property values by flooding the country with third worlders.

Reagan tried to hash out a deal with them to stop importing third worlders and they refused. We basically have a belligerent power running the country and violating the constitution daily
>Just like Nixon hate there's zero actual substance to it or knowledge of their actual policies
The two actually major mistakes Nixon did (creating the EPA and ATF) are not ever attacked by leftists probably because they conceptually agree with them.
Schizo posters are genuinely based as fuck and I'm tired of pretending they aren't. They make /his/ way more fun, without them this place would just be dry boring discussion. If anything we need MORE schizos.
You don't know what schizophrenia is.
No, actual schizophrenia is just stupid noise.
Bitch I don't give a fuck, it's a funny meme and I like repeating funny memes. Now shut the fuck up and schizo post or stop replying to me.
>Bitch I don't give a fuck
Actually you're just too stupid to understand things.
It has nothing to do with how much you care.
>it's a funny meme and I like repeating funny memes
You're a humorless autistic.
>Now shut the fuck up and schizo post or stop replying to me.
Learn the meanings of the words you use you stupid moron.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh did I say I cared? Didn't think so, won't learn! Sorry chuddy, either be a good schizo poster or stop replying to me. I only live for schizo posts.
You're too stupid to understand the basic meanings of words.
It has absolutely nothing to do with how much you care.
You're nothing more than a gibberish generator due to your double digit IQ.
Is this a schizo post? No? Then don't respond to me, I do NOT want to see you post unless it's schizo content. I do NOT care otherwise.
Samefagging isn't based. It's idiotic and autistic.
why are Reich Wingers mad then that Reagan banned assault rifles? imagine if he could have had a fully automatic gun firing those things. a lot of people would have died.
Learn how to speak English properly buddy.
He didn't? That was FDR who banned machine guns.
Why are commies always comically wrong about history?
Less talko more schizo bub, come on I haven't got all day over here! Schizo me out, shoot me up with that schizo shit real good. Schizo or get off the pot.
not exactly. the National Firearms Act of 1933 only required you to pay a Federal tax on automatic weapons, the working idea was that gangsters wouldn't pay the tax and could be nailed on it. the '86 AWB made it that the government would no longer accept the tax. Reagan didn't write that into the bill, incidentally it was some libshit Congressman whose name I forget.
Try getting basic history right moron anon.
What's funny is the democrats called the bill "Firearm owners protection act" in order to boost popular support and then banned guns
>Leftist is when Democrats
Half of Democrat delegation are communists
Less talko more schizo, chop-chop!
which board does this thread come from?
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Yeah, you're all faggots
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of course
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Never forget that Reagan was a manchurian candidate from hollywood who came in, betrayed the evangelicals by leaving babymurder in tact, and proceeded to give the democrats millions of legal spic voters that turned california permanently blue.
Leftists should be building statues of this fucking globohomo faggot.

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