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JD Vance is LITERALLY enacting the Handmaid's Tale
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Fallacious and homosexual.
Trump needs to come forward and ease the pressure on abortion or he'll lose most of the female vote.
Why does abortion make them seethe so much?
They want white kids
>muh handmaiden's tale
>what do you mean we're expected to have babies???
why are these dumb animals allowed to vote again?
OP is a shit eating faggot
>JD Vance is LITERALLY enacting the Handmaid's Tale
based. still voting trump
>Soros will send in planes and pack them full of pregnant black women to make them have abortions
What stage of rw psychosis is this
Send all memeflag to the showers. Let them all burn. Piss on their corpses. Fuck a horse.
A.I. Deepfake. Thanks for playing.
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What is wrong when a women can walk from the kitchen to the living room? ... The chain is too long!

Fact checked and approved by the Republican party
J.D Vance.
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bro LOL who the fuck makes this shit, I honestly wish shit like this would happen. lefties make it out to be like we live in some neo fascist utopia and it pisses me off that we dont we really should
>this devastating leak
AI confirmed
how long can dems pull this bullshit scare tactics before people wise up?
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Because women are irresponsible whores who want a get out of jail free card when their luck runs out and they get knocked up. They act as if getting pregnant is out of their control, but unless they're raped, getting pregnant is their own damn fault and they should take some accountability for their actions the same way a man is expected to take accountability for his actions if he gets a woman pregnant who decides to keep it. Women have the brains of spoiled children who expect to always get their way.
what about the men whos fault it is
oh no! women can't kill their babies? how horrible
so the federal government should be able to restrict interstate travel for any reason by us citizens?
Who has the Sam Hyde edit?
Should have vetted this shithead better. This, the dolphin thing, the couch, "I convinced myself I was gay", "I felt like a woman", etc., retard needs to go
>y-you're falling for a psyop anon
No, I'm not.
>y-you're a shill
>the couch
What's up with that?
I've seen couchposting all day.
was she trying to smuggle her child across state lines in order to have him murdered?
Men don't have reproductive rights. If she chooses to keep it, or is forced to, the man has to pay child support regardless of whether he wants it.
he fucked a couch
not relevant. what about men who father children when they could've worn a condom? are they not to blame?
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Of course it's relevant when women have the final say.
If neither party wants a baby and they mutually agree not to use a condom, then they are each as much to blame as the other. But legally speaking one has more protection from the consequences than the other does.
Mindless clumps of cells aren't children.
The world is currently one of inversion. Women have been reverse engineered to feel power and duty in sacrifice and chronos like hunger instead of the growth and nurture as nature intended as seen in past ages. Sad. Parasitic and sad.
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Oh no, even that shitrag Snopes admits it isn't true.
Anbody here who read his book?
Women are the gatekeepers of sex, and women are the ones who get pregnant, so it is their responsibility to ensure they don't get pregnant if they don't want to have a baby. All a woman has to do is say "wear a condom or we're not fucking".
Imagine telling others how to reproduce while pumping out poo's
handmaid tale? why didn't he say that from the start? I've seen that tv series, it's very good and looks like an awesome society. TRUMP/VANCE.
p.s. why is VANCE so close to PENCE?
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>pretend a tv series is real life
>it sounds unbelievable
you should be arrested for genociding millions of spermatozoids you sick fuck
no, you just can't go across state lines to commit murder. sucks to suck, maybe should've kept the legs closed
>reproductive healthcare
you mean murdering their unborn children?
(You) might have missed the part in sex ed where it takes two to tango
where did this shit even come from?
>Stop dysgenic whores from giving birth to retarded mutants and niggers

i don't see the problem, dumb ass hags shouldn't have kids
why didn't Trump just pick some boring ass Governor no one cares about?
>Christian flavored Sharia Law
Sharia Law would actually save the west. If I'm going to have a religion forced on me, I'll take Islam.
Pretty based.
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He is also a degenerate Vaushite whose into big Dolphin cock

He needs to go
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>Make abortion legal in blue states full of nigs and spics
>Make it illegal in red states full of Whites
>Already stupid but whatever
>Nigs now travel to get abortions
>Republicans: "NO WE HAVE TO STOP THIS"

In red states it's mostly nigs getting abortions

Blacks are only 13% of the population. Without abortion there would be 50 million more of them.
Some fag posted it on twitter and retards just ran with it.
tl;dr - Vance said in a hypothetical if a state banned abortion he would be against leftists like George Soros setting up charter flights for masses of black women to get abortions in another state
Woman should be able to abort as much as they fucking want in peace

There is not a goddamn thing you faggots will do about it
islam is terrible theology, terrible system. it's the same side of the coin as globohomo "sharia." only retards don't realize the answer is pre-enlightenment society, not some 7th century arab LARP
It was in the first printed copies of "Faggot Elegy" but the pervert removed it to hide his degeneracy
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Go back to plebit. Anyways he is a fat circumcised racemixing retard.
who gives a fuck? America is failing
just posted some pages from his book without verifying

where is this dolphin bullshit coming from now
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That's why these RINO faggots want to stop it, so they have more of their favorite shitskins.
Why are Americans so retarded? omg retweet this guise wholesome keanie chungie. Fuck off the cunts should be wearing a burqa and not cutting the foreskins off babies. Disgusting subhuman muttland
>abortion mostly kills black people
>better outlaw le abortion for more white people
your brain on conservatism
>In a stunning leak, JD Vance is found to be calling for a federal response to stop women from traveling from red states to blue states to murder children.
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as-salami a lakum, abdul. go lick some toilet stones
The absolute insanity of it. MY BODY MY CHOICE TO KILL AS MANY OF MY BABIES AS I WANT IN SERVICE TO ISRAEL. Fucking hell our countries need wiping off the map. In fact, let's just kill the jews
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Funny how they managed to use a white woman for this and not Shaniiquad
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Says is sympathetic for congressional legislation to prevent Soros and other big money NGO's from flying women to get abortions. Which like he said, IS creepy.
These idiots somehow think that's preventing a woman from leaving?
Nothing he said in that is controversial

Holy fuck the left is retarded
legit fucking 3rd grade retarded
Women want to have sex willy nilly with whomever and just nuke whatever may come along. Fuck repercussions for actions, just murder the fetus and out it in Hillary's milkshake.
I love how they call genital mutilation and killing fetuses "care".
Why are they travelling to blue states to do it in the first place? They should be deported from red states and forced to live in those blue states.
Because misery loves company. And even though they denounce the existence of God they still think there is small chance that he is real and they are going to hell and they want more people to join them in their eternal misery.
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Stopping NGO's from facilitating it
Nowhere is a specific woman prevented from interstate travel
It's fucking nothing.gif
>her body, her choice
i don't get it. why are they so offended if this is their choice and nobody is affected by it? unless their biological subconscious are screaming at them saying it's wrong?
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This abortion argument is fucking stupid and gay. Instead offer free taxpayer funded dual oophorectomies to women who don't want children or want to get abortions. This will solve the problem permanently.
The biggest irony is that many women in Idaho are just tying their tubes in response. So much for pro-life. I'd rather a couple fetuses die, personally.
JD Vances likes Dolphin cock
And? What kind of faggot has a problem with shit women tying their own tubes? Self solving issue.
That should be the punishment.
Exile and trial for murder if you ever return.
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>90% Of all abortions are done by Niggers, spics, shitskins and other subhumans

"Ey Stop that! I'm tryina to replace whites here pal!"
islam is already the handmaids tale, and they vote to import it
The government should have zero say in this, it is between the woman and the doctor, and the community to properly ostracize them once it comes to light what they've done.
murder is a rite of passage for women as much as it is for men
we have wars and crime to carry it out
women are weak are can produce small defenseless persons by themselves to kill
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>but someday I may WANT to settle down and have kids
It's for this exact reason why they will never go through with that.
You need to offer them something more tangible that has value to them.
Like money.
You can't prevent people from traveling you shitstain, your faggot abortion laws are retarded and just give us more niggers.
they want to reap the benefits of a stable society while enacting the society-wrecking policies they support
Wrong answer. The correct answer is that women being free cattle means Iran gets to control western nations.
>two white women
>Kamala’s wins
>screeching about a man
In exchange for their ovaries, they will receive a FREE $100 gift voucher for Olive Garden.
hey fags
member when 4chan use to at least pretend they were on average smarter than the average plebs
>now /pol/ is just a messaging testing ground for political advertising
Will JD be the first politician to implement state enforced human dolphin inter species relationships? You don’t need to worry about abortion if you’re not even mating with the same species.
>right to be whore
then stay in demonrat state and suffer the consequences there, no need to come in logos county if you cannot abide to logos rules

wicked shall not enjoy the fruits of truth
>name yourself “bitch fit”
>expect to be taken seriously
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I hope so, those Handmaid's Tale outfits are cute desu.
if the republicans do not treat abortion the same as first degree homocide they will always lose the issue. we need a federal ban that includes the death penalty for abortionists. seize the moral high ground
Must suck to try so hard and still be an obviously seething faggot

>go on 4chan to pretend to be smart
Idiot loser
Why do you want infinite niggers?
I think he is being paid to fuck over Trump now. He should get fired.
>it's okay when we do it with guns, which are constitutionally protected
>but it's not okay when we do it with abortions, which are NOT protected
Horrid women sterilizing themselves is a win-win-win. Sounds like your personal preferences are twisted and retarded
this anon gets it
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She is going to be your President
Take two to make a kid. She had a choice to masturbate to sate herself instead.
>comparing this to sharia law
lmao these women would literally be stoned to death for no covering themselves when going outside, or because they don't let their husbands fuck them at will. they have no idea what they're talking about.
no wonder they need to bring up some faggy netflix series all the time, any actually oppressive country is incomparable to the US
this is the new music video for moonmans song cold as the cold wind blows when it snows and the nigger blood flows
*He will be president.

Thats a man.

But probably not. JD is clearly going to get fired due to being lolcow material and being a horrible drag on the Trump campaign.
God willing abortion will be banned in this country
I won't vote for Trump only because he conceded that up to 15 weeks is okay. I will not vote until there is a candidate that is for complete abortion ban
end the genocide of the unborn
God bless and pray for this country
>reproductive healthcare

Christ these fucking word games. They wont even call it abortion anymore.
if they could ban abortion people would trust them to solve the nigger problem.
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my point fucking exactly double speak faggot
they know theyre in the wrong. i dont get why women need the right to murder their child. it's state sponsored eugenics
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>JD Vance is LITERALLY enacting the Handmaid's Tale
He'll get the women's vote for sure.
Cool story but what’s Kamala’s platform?
that she wasnt responsible for anything the past 3 years
>so far that is what ive picked up
Couch fucker literally cost Trump the election. He shit canned all the goodwill he built up dodging the bullet, only to lose it in 72 hours picking a degenerate glownigger Jew dick sleeve to be his VP. It’s over.
Women are demonic and love to murder their children and future
If they don't abort it they will ruin the kids life and future
Free abortions up to birth for all. Death sentences for dolphin and couch fetishes
JD vance is extremely based. I urge you all to look into his politics. He is 39 and extremely "alt-right". Much more populistic and nationalistic then Trump. Trump selected JD to appease his 2016 white voter base so that he can shill to trannies, gays, blacks and women as the GOP needs 5% of each section to win while the Democrats need at least 80%.

this is why they are freaking out and there are so many anti JD vance threads. these are all jewish liberal commie shills. ignore them.
That's my homosexual couch-fucking VP. All hail
the chud version is a lot funnier with the black chad
Why didn’t he shoot them?
Handmaids tale is literally a femcels rape fantasy
Bullshit. He wants to import jeets. This fucking guy isn’t our guy jackass. He’s a bigger Jew dick sleeve than any other. He didn’t have the job for 24 hours and started advocating war for Iran. Fuck right off. You don’t know shit about the couch fucker.
ahh yes, the agressive christian take over of government by the religious group that was banned from meeting for 3 years straight unconstitutionally.
He sure is alt-right given his sexual preference for foreign women and obscure fetishes.
>Vice president
>Any power what so ever
in b4 Dick Cheney.
In theory indefinitely. In practice it will work until middle class women have real problems again. But but then the system itself will have stopped functioning.
Did you watch the RNC? Yeah, you’re ok with it which makes you a degenerate lowlife.
too late
The vetting was that he comes with mindboggeling amounts of campaign funds.
Really says a lot of about chicken salad doesn't it?
Any time I see anyone mention the Handmaid's Tale I already know they're just spreading a part of the psyop since almost no one was talking about that before Vance, and I would bet money that only a very slim minority have actually read that book, because most fiction is trash.

It reminds me of the shit the right pulls when they start talking coordinately about a cultural reference at once, like the "fuck around and find out" phenomenon. memetic warfare.
How many "alt right" guy do you know that knocked up an Indian woman?
Abortion is going to be the biggest reason why Republicans are going to lose in November. Seethe all you want. You know it's true
>dude just deliberately ruin large amounts of your own nation's natural reproductive resource lmao
The actual solution is to stop letting these stupid cunts make ANY decisions for themselves and return to them the status of property where they belong.
Oh no
>Stupid cuntoids being allowed to vote when they shouldn't is going to be the biggest reason why Republicans are going to lose in November
this. Feminists (and most women) HATE being accountable for their decisions. It's the same reason they always get mad at men whenever their plan of chasing after bad boys backfires.
feminists are only pro choice for women. Those men already have to be accountable for it, even if he was raped or was underage.
>Oh yeah, well what about the men? Shouldn't they be held responsible???
yes, they already are held responsible and always have been
>that's not relevant!
you're an idiot
I see you've skipped right ahead to the seething part. Suit yourself.
QRD on Handmaidens Tale?
You mean like during the first two weeks when abortion is still legal in the evil red states? Or were you arguing for leaving this decision until the woman is a hormonal wreck with a distended belly and then making it only her decision?
Wtf, this commercial is based
>child is literally just scared of guy with truck and flash (ostensibly opposing political views to kids parents)
>second child just runs because he sees first child run
>They then tell other kids to run in fear so they do; don't even question what they're running from
>Just as truck man is about to do something actually bad, kid wakes up and it's a dream
So in short:
>His persecution was made up in his own head and others will accept his fears as real without any evidence
but we want black females to disproportionately kill their children.
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Trump's position is correct though. Whores can just get the abortion pill that is effective up to something like 12 weeks discreetly shipped from overseas now. There's really no way to stop that. If women want to slut it up and kill their babies, then that's between themselves and God. It's not like femoids are even punished by the authorities for killing their babies after they're born anyway. Just chalk it up to "SIDS" or let the neighbor's pet shitbull have at it. Abortion is a dead issue at the federal level now that Roe v Wade has been overturned. The red states that wanted to ban baby butchering already accomplished that. If whores want abortions protected at the federal level, then they need to give up something to us. We ought to have mandatory paternity testing at birth in exchange for federally allowing pharmaceutical abortions in every state (already impossible to ban). Doing that would probably put an end to female sluttery more than trying to ban abortion ever would.
>pregnancy test came out negative
>let's fix this
If she consented to sex, even with birth control/condom/etc, she accepted the inherent risk that she could get pregnant.
Consent to sex is consent to pregnancy.
thats actually real
he posted a tweet about muh internet being a mistake because of a girl fucking a dolphin; but dolphin and women were highlighted meaning he searched for those terms
>prevents you from doing it
>why are women so offended that their body autonomy rights are being violated
gee i wonder
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have sex, incel
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the right can't meme
"Reproductive healthcare" = whores murdering their unborn babies because they don't want to be inconvenienced. They don't even have to keep the baby. They can give it up anonymously with no shame or consequences and they still would rather commit murder because they don't want to be inconvenienced.
>literal JD vance shill
Holy shit you're actually retarded
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Crazy how feminists reject this, yet use the exact same logic when forcing men to pay child support. Except feminists don't even think he needs to consent to sex. They force men to pay child support even if a woman raped him while he was unconscious. And then feminists somehow claim that abortion would be legal if men got pregnant lol. No Democrat would support abortion if men got pregnant.
Muh abortion.
abortion is a big in issue for (D) money both locally and federally and also for public healthcare. banning or giving abortion to the states shuts the door on this
so he was just pulling up a story but left is spinning it as he was searching up dolphin porn.

Ok got it. They really have nothing on this guy
>"Lets make a losing argument even more maginified"
>"Lets make Trump's 'states rights' argument irrelevant"
Worst VP pick ever.
What the fuck is handmaiden's tale, is it a book, is it a movie, is it a TV show, is it a stupid ass cartoon?
>muh women's rights
go be a faggot somewhere else
>reproductive healthcare
literally just code for
women shouldnt' be allowed to travel out of state to murder their kids.
Jesus fucking Christ -- ever hear of something called Google?
a 2:1 ratio is better than the like 30:1 ratio we get otherwise.
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>what about men who father children when they could've worn a condom? are they not to blame?
no, theyre not. the woman who let the man cum inside her is responsible for having cum inside her. child support laws exist with the sole direct intention that women can blackguard their would-be husbands and steal everything from them. burn america down
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he discovered in his soul search he was deeply couch sexual. ZESTY
>Soros is filling planes with niggers so they can kill their niglets
holy fucking based jew.
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>t.jewish search engine tranny
KYS retard, I want a human answer not a jewish faggot search engine. Use yandex or presearch nigger.
And yet if someone dismembered you and crushed your skull it would be illegal, curious.
I am very smart.
He's just being based.
>reproductive health
>pro choice
>freedom to choose what to do with our bodies
they really are fucking evil, have sex and kill the human that grows inside as a result... just to satisfy their lust
or drive, or be out in public without a chaperone
>my botched circumcision
imagine getting jewed like this and still shilling for the demons
I don't know nor I give a fuck.
If I hear "handmaids tale" I know it's just some women having a fantasy
cunts want to slut around with no reprecussions. the more sentient and evil may realize they like murdering infants.
The left constantly referring to the Handmaid's Tale is further proof that they ALL need to be euthanized.
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Abortion is the shield against rapid demographic replacement by shitskins. Ever wonder why the trump (((administration))) is so opposed to it?
sounds based
Jack Parsons Crowley Moon babies, iykyk
>woman is white
mutt's law

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