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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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100 billion was allocated for this shit - Mars. Why is that??? It's just a desert, and the planet is unique, but it doesn't give anything, a few rovers there and zero progress. There are also fucking interesting ones - Enceladus, Ganymede, Europa, Callisto with possible oceans, Triton, and there is also Titan with an atmosphere and liquid oceans. There is IO, which is similar to Kazakhstan. Iapetus. Pan looks like a dumpling. What the fuck are you? The Europa clipper cost only $ 3 billion, which is 3% of the cost of Mars exploration and it is 100 times more useful, studied the oceans of Europe better than the deserts of Mars
>100 billion was allocated for this shit - Mars. Why is that???
Pigs at the trough of public money and money laundering
because mars was earth like with water and atmosphere in the early stages americans thought they could find fossils and microbes easily i guess which is why the massive mars push. now they are going for signs of life in exoplanets because mars probably didn't have life. This is what next gen space telescopes will focus on. They will keep launching larger and larger optical telescopes to find biosignatures and technosignatures. I guess they are doing it because finding life outside our planet will the single most important milestone for us to understand our place in the universe.
>There is IO, which is similar to Kazakhstan
Imagine the smell
File: methane sea of titan.jpg (69 KB, 1920x1200)
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contemplate the aroma
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>Why is that???
because retarded normies are so brainwashed and indoctrinated by space, convinced it is a "noble pursuit" to "advance humanity" when in reality space agencies have been one giant grift since the moon landings

pic related is what NASA did with your money in the 70s, this low budget movie is the best fake they could make at the time and its what they showed on TV to boomers to "prove we put men on the floating rock in the sky"

everything you've heard about other planets and outer space comes from the govermnent. NASA is a government space agency. what does the government do with money for homeless people? waste it. what does the government do with our tax dollars? waste it. what does the government space agency do with our tax dollars? NO WAY THEY COULD EVER DO EVIL GUYS!! NASA IS NOBLE AND WE LOVE THEM AND THEY CAN NEVER DO ANY WRONG!! right?

do you realize that there are literal DOCUMENTARIES made that look at old nasa livestreams, old ISS footage and show you how obviously fake and gay it is JUST like pic related?



so lets just establish that everything in the early days of NASA is fucking fake and gay down to the moon landing. and yet, we are expected to believe that anything today is real? is that really reasonable to believe?

wanna know what is WAY MORE REASONABLE TO BELIEVE? that the government is fucking evil and hates you, they steal our money to do whatever the fuck they want with and NASA has a daily budget nearing $60,000,000 EVERY SINGLE DAY!

how much does it cost to publish an article saying "There is something called Dark Gravity that was measured in the Cumfart Nebula 359374734 lightyears away. None of you can see it or verify our numbers but here is a computer generated image of some swirly shit on a black canvas that is definitely real"

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