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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It doesn't make any sense. I'm starting to understand why so many people don't like him.
Because antisemitism has rotted his brain, like so many /pol/tards. A few years from now he'll be a Leninist tankie talking about how the evil American empire must be destroyed.
It's all about whoever kicks the jew harder at this point with Fuentes.
I’m genuinely starting to believe he might be a fed
nick loves that black girl, brat magic
Trump is annoying
The bottom line:
does this HELP or HURT miss cackle?
She's married to a jew though
Kamala isnt?
Because the RNC was a degeneracy festival and Trump sold us out. He made all sorts of promises to heathens, faggots, niggers, beaners, and glowniggers. White men were told to sit in the corner and shut the fuck up. Any self respecting white man isn’t going to turn up to vote for that.
>Because antisemitism has rotted his brain
So why shill for Kabala? She is married to a turbokike...
who isn't in politics...A lot of people don't know but Rogan is married to a jew. They always talk how Jamie is jewish and whatever, but his wife is literally a jew which makes his children jewish lel. I don't hate him tho, Rogan has always been cool in my eyes and he doesn't owe anyone anything.
So they should vote for a poo nigger married to a kike? Genius.
Cumala put niggers in prison while Trump pardoned them
Because she’s apparently “moderate” on Israel instead of hardcore pro-Israel.
The JIDF has never been able to explain to me why america needs to purchase it's money from a jewish-majority owned private central bank. Can you fine anons take a crack at it?

Nick has decided to 'punish' the GOP for cucking to everyone else and ignoring their base, even though it's a political calculous he understands. The projection of another trump presidency where he sells out to jewish interests/donors is less appealing that kamala, that's his point.
Pretty late to the party Anon. This nigger flat out told people to enter the capital and has remained free the entire time since. Aside from all the other sketchy crap that alone raises questions.
She is pretty obviously just playing to her base.
He already explained why he’s not voting for trumpstein
Why would anyone vote if it doesn’t benefit them? Some will vote RFK, but most will stay home. Trump and the couch fucker are not the white mans candidates.
>why is a gay brown glownigger faggot shilling for a democrat
because his bosses told him to
Rogan is such an obvious glownigger that it is one of the few well poisonners whose spouse kosherness is actually irrelevant
The SPLC has him by the balls

Do you know why J6 rioters are in prison and he’s untouched?
stupid moron who openly admits to only voting in national elections and not local elections. also says not voting is preferable to voting third party.

retarded contrarian whiny bitch.
He's a spic femboy who loves nigger spics
What do you like about trump? That he will start a war with iran or that he will remove tip taxes?
hes butt mad trump ditched his ass so hes just trying to stay relevant any way he can to continue the grift
hes also a faggot so ofc he would like the dei nigger hire
why do yo watch a gay brown spic?
it's his way of finally coming out of the closet
I think during the pandemic it became obvious who is a glownigger and who isn't. I don't think Rogan is.
Exactly. He was a white supremacist until six minutes ago. Why listen to a spic that is flippant with his opinions like a woman
ITT seething kikes
Because he was always a well poisoning controlled opposition? Pretty much all “alt right” personalities are solely in it for the money.
he'll change his mind three more times before the election.
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you fucking retards already tried this bullshit with Joe Biden because Trump wasn't 100% national socialist, and the entire country got fucked over for four years, dumb ass. great plan though, I'm sure it will work out this time.
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hes gay and brown
Yeah we heard that all before in 2016 bruz, all that happened is we got 4 years with no wars.
He's probably been coerced/bribed by alphabet agents linked to the Biden administration so he now unconvincingly tries to dissuade white voters from voting for Trump but Fuentes no longer has any credibility bc his schtick has become obvious and cringe
This. He believes the Dems are serious when they say, "Israel stahp. Stahp it. Oh you're so silly. Seriously Israel stahp it. Teehee"
Trump in 2016: Idont need jewish money you cant buy me
Result: no new wars
Trump in 2024: please jews gove me money I will do everything you ask
Also jews: vote for this goyim trump, he did not start any new wars last time
>flat out told people to enter the capital
What's wrong with that? I thought we were for free speech.
>I'm starting
Him being a closet homosexual grifter wasn't enough huh?
How about talking about introducing the biggest deportation operation in American history? What is Kamala offering me
on the same payroll as spencer
Yeah he also said they will cure cancer.
Because he's based. Maybe someday when you're not cringe you'll understand.
>What is Kamala offering me
A blowjob
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>like a woman
many such homosexuals
>the evil American empire must be destroyed.
It should.
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The only reason cancer isn't cured is because people are profiting off of it. The medical industry is one of the most corrupt in America and that's saying something
He hates Israel first.
because he knows it will give him 4+ years of content, he's a sellout. he wants a literal jew in the white house (doug emhoff). kamal recently tweeted about her zionist views, emhoff has been working for years to combat "anti-semitism" and nick is a retard and sellout.
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you fucking retards already tried this bullshit with Trump in 2016 because Trump was 100% Israeli national socialist against globohomo, and the entire country got fucked over for 8 years, dumb ass. great plan though, I'm sure it will work out this time.
>Why is he shilling....
Cashing in their assets early like Spencer.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that Israel shot Trump.
Good luck organizing a movement under the slogan of "I want this country to be powerless.
This. There is nothing but money. Life you think otherwise you are probably too poor to exploit and explore.
And the only reason immigration is out of control is because people are profiting from it. Japan had no immigrants and their gdp is constant since 1995
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>fed has to change narrative to fit current agenda
Dont be stupid pol.
Arrest larry loomer for treason if you see him.
Conflating andf setting up Americans who question Israel is an act of treason.
>Trump was 100% Israeli national socialist
They're at best "national conservative." Likud is importing poojeets too.
>vote for the brown leftist woman who pretty clearly is hypnotized, the one with a jewish husband

Get your fellas trained to keep Jurisdiction, and teach them to seek Jesus. The US Republic form cannot survive other faiths, because Grace and self-adherence even to opponents when nobody is looking, is not a trait in most religious philosophies, certainly not Talmudism and Islam. Apparently not enough in Hindu either.
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Arrest nicks IDF Handler for treason.
He shilled trump harder than anyone for 8 years straight, and Trump still cucked. He's pissed.
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trump is running as a neo con, welcome to Jeb Trump
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Arrest Larry Loomer and his tranny operatives.
You'd be surprised how many young white men despise this Jewish dystopia
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good lord...
>proud to be a zionist
yea no shit shark fin face
>why is a spic fbi asset shilling for the opponent of the guy who wants to deport spics and dismantle the fbi
It's a mystery
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Arrest Larry Loomer to stop fed op left/right extremism theater, attempting to push Americans into civil war instead of revolting on these IDF operatives and zionists/freemasons.
Kamela is the perfect candidate for us aceleratetionists
Reminder to everyone that this kid was a never trumper and unironically voted for Ted Cruz.
Can you post of clip of him shilling Kamala so we can all see it?
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I'm shilling against the left since they took videya games away
if trump is no longer the vessel in the fight I move on.
He wanted war without an army?
500,000 showed up on Jan 6th. The faggots preaching "hang Pence" demoralized the crowd that was there.
If 5% of Trump voters had showed, there'd have been a change, I believe sincerely.
But when you faggots won't show for your own votes, there's nothing to be done. Nobody is going to start a bloody civil war, which always gets innocents too, over people who are happy to sit at home watching on TV where they are safe.
Why would you guys, as white men, pay attention to ANYTHING some dumb brown moid says? He’s not even part of your in-group yet he has such immense popularity and influence over so many white men. Other races of men will NEVER have your best interest and will actively want to sabotage you. They are jealous of all white men and want to usurp you. Wake the fuck up.
denounce false god of Israel YHWH
He's not, Trump simply refuses to stop sucking Jewish cock so it's time to expose him.
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Arrest Larry Loomer and IDF operatives setting up Americans.
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he supports democrats for the same reason richard spencer supports democrats: the democrats want racial segregation, not the republicans
american 'white supremacists' (mexicans) are so fucking stupid
Kamala is not fucking anti Israel. Some of her supporters are rabidly pro Palestine so uou wony gear much about israel from her. but who bankrolls kamala? Jews.
that was ben shapiro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fu3XFXyThLM
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Abolish jewish NGOs attacking America via financing immigration and enforcing laws in politics, all dual israelis out of politics.
Fuck Trump/Biden/Kamala/ all of them.
Israel under the Torah is no more. The God of Israel is The Creator of the Universe, I would sooner denounce my own breath. I can't make a universe, neither can you, stop being an idiot.
Modern Israel is a cult state created by people who want a racial claim to heaven on earth, and who are all stuck unable to actually prove to the race they claim, ipso cult.
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kamala got the better memes
>Why is he shilling for kamala Harris
Where is he shilling for Kamala, Jew?
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the left can't meme
So whatever the amount of money is in med, the immigration brings x1000 that
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denounce false impotent god imposter YHWH or show your cutdick
He 100% is one. He's establishment 100%.

>attacks right-wingers
>doesn't like Trump
>never calls out the government
>is a gay faggot
>supports all kinds of niggeroids and browns and cathocucks
No, it was him too. He's openly admitted it.


'Nick firstly supported Ted Cruz in 2016, before switching his support to Trump. He also called Trump a 'borderline racist' in 2015. Despite being a Trump supporter, he has criticized Trump on many issues such as Trump's social policies and his political endorsements of political candidates after leaving office.'
his recent shows he shills for her
he’s not shilling her he’s just pointing out that it’s blatantly obvious both candidates are controlled by Jews and that believing Trump will save the day is cope
Fucked over how? Inflation? Trump signed the cares act nigger. He devalued the money.
>both candidates are controlled by Jews
his actions will result in one living in the white house (emhoff). what a genius nick is.
He is a nobody who had to stream on fucking dlive, DLIVE. Then he tried fucking Trump up by using Ye as some weird bait and switch.

He was a never trumper in 2016 until trump won the nomination. Never forget that. He is nothing more than a pied piper and sunshine patriot.
I get the feeling that Melania has deep khazar blood
Kamila Hates Jews so I’ll prolly vote for her
It’s this. If White men are given the choice between two democrats, they might as well vote for the Democrat with the “D” next to her name. We lose either way, so why not punish the “Republicans” who betrayed us?

That’s the mindset anyway. I personally abstain from voting entirely. I refuse to vindicate this fake and gay system.
>the dozen or so retarded 12 year old groypers who hang around spic fuentes are all zoomers
Because he understands that Edom needs to fall along with the wicked erev rav in order for the Kingdom of Heaven to come about.
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who said I'm leftwing?
Because the burden of the grifter is to attempt to be a continuous edgelord for attention.
I'm not talking about groypers I'm talking about people I know irl. Young white men who are getting ass raped by this country.
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>No, it was him too
it wasn't, stop the retarded gaslighting leftoid
Lolcows doing lol things. Not surprised I guess. I wonder how crazy he would get if no one acknowledged his existence
Pretty sure those people just have to sit around and watch it happen. Process started years ago.
>Young white men who are getting ass raped
Ali got them too? You sure they're not groypers?
you guys are blind to the fact Fuentes knows his endorsement is BAD.
If he endorsed Trump it would be used against Trump
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thats not how grifting on the american right works you just don't understand on what level fuentes operates
this is the absolute low end of what he could have achieved this is him being autistic principled
Accelerate the collapse, yes. Violence is the only way forward.
Diversity makes us stronger dumbfuck
Just like all the other famous so called "white supremacists"
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his anti endorsement got wide sweeping consequences online
its coconut time
Oh ok, I thought you were one of the shills here promoting her. She basically a walking meme herself, whenever I've seen her speak the cringe is stomach turning. She's a worse speaker than Joe, at least he had the excuse that he is old. She is what in her late 50s and sounds like a retarded dr.Seuss.
>Kamala hates her husabnd
even if she does, she's probably been under hypnosis for a decade or more.
>Ali got them too?
Fucking kek, but in all seriousness no, they can't get jobs and are pretty much openly told it's because they're white men.
>effeminate homosexual mutt likes kamala harris
This surprises you how, exactly?
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imagine voting unironically in the year 2024
Nice ai reaction image. I assume you groyper intern ass sucking faggots have a whole telegram where you pull this stuff from.

What I said is factual. He's said it multiple times. He voted in 2016 for Ted Cruz and then jumped on the Trump train.

I am not going to spoon food some 14 year old faggot like you. Ask your groyper buddies what happened.
>It doesn't make any sense
He is a fed through and through
It has been established since forever ESCPICALLY after J6
It is baffling that there are people who still do not get it
voting doesnt matter thats why they just tried to cia trump
because voting doesnt matter
He's the most obvious fed there ever was
Why would an antisemite support a woman who literally sucks a kike's dick and will receive 75% of the jewish vote?
Because more people will notice things if Kamala wins. If Trump wins it'll just be Trumps last presidency all over again. media will just blame Trump for everything and the normies will eat it all up
He’s a fed
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I do it semi ironic. Trump running for the Iran war makes it easier, I'm no longer bound to not shitpost as both sides suck to a degree that it is hard to imagine.
Same here. He's just another politician now.
What's the point of showing up for someone who sells you out?
OMFG. can we have her romancing a coed Trump, like a YA novel book cover?
>If he endorsed Trump it would be used against Trump
he doesn't care
just another scripted episode. seems to have worked on you
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>evil American empire must be destroyed.
I support Trump because he has isolationist instincts.
That's true conservatism, Imperialism is not.
>just keep voting for the bad option and you'll be saved, goy
Yes kamala hate jews she has such a burning hatred for jews she is practically Hitler. Shut the fuck up you brain dead fagget.
take your meds visajeet
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>Nice ai reaction image.
thank you, its organic support something you maga niggers have to emulate now
Republicans seem to think it's Iran
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As a huge Kamala fan my only problem with Nick's endorsement is that his fans aren't old enough to vote.
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He doesn’t support Kamala. He’s not voting. I think he feels betrayed by Trump and is having an emotional tantrum because he’s finally come around to the reality of what white nationalists have been making clear on /pol/ since Jared Kushner was running the show in Trump’s administration many years ago and were pointing out he has kike grandchildren. He’s late to the show and his naive optimism from when he was a teen has come crumbling down. It happens to all of us who aren’t retards so I don’t hold it against him too much. Trump has been domesticated by a GOP that was more socially conservative when it had Mitt Romney running in 2012 and otherwise has left populism on the back burner so they can shill for war with Iran and oil companies. Whoever wins, the current political system is rotten to the core and will continue the fellatio of Israel and the genocide of white people and culture in favor of Judaism, feminism, homosexuality, and all other poisons of the post Hitler world.

If you pay attention to what Nick actually says to his followers he promotes:
Going to church
Becoming physically fit
Becoming financially and intellectually strong
Infiltrating local govt and introducing right wing populism from the ground up

All of which is far more constructive and good advice then just playing part in yet another Jewish political circus like what happens every 4 years in this country. MIGAtard shills will have an aneurysm at this but it’s fact.
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if Iran assassinated you, wouldn't you want to wipe them off the map?

it only makes sense
I've got a story to share /pol/. I come from a deep red state, and I hate women with a passion, something I'm sure many of you can relate with.

Today I was chilling with my 3 misogynistic brothers in our mancave, listening to alt right podcasts, when suddenly Steve said "Ey you know that Kamalla Harris? I know she's a woman and all... but I'd totally bang her". There was a brief silence, then Charlie shouted from the bathroom, as he had overheard us "hell yeah, my man, I'd totally bang her too!". We then erupted in glee, talking about how we'd all give Kamala a good fucking. I then put my arms forward and started thrusting my hips, mimicking screwing Kamala doggy style. "This is how I'd do her", I said, as my bros cheered. "I WANT TO BEED HER SO BAD" Yelled Barry the mentally retarded, unable to contain himself anymore.

Then suddenly we heard a knock on the door, and our woman hating gay fathers barged in. "What's all this commotion?!" George said.
We were all struck silent, fearing we'd be forced to play "cave explorer" because we misbehaved. Eventually, Barry the retard stood up and with unexpected bravery he said "We were just discussing how fuckable Kamala Harris is". After another few seconds of silenced that seemed to stretch on forever, George responds "I know she's a woman and all... but Kamala makes my cock rise like no other". Jerry looked at George with a grin, and said "You and me both, just thinking about her makes me rock hard". He then unzipped his pants and took out his raging hard boner, as did George. We started cheering and dancing, as our gay fathers stroked each other until they finally erupted into a gleaming white fountain of cum.

I've talked to many in the misogynist community, and they all had similar experiences. I'm usually a staunch republican voter, but I don't see how I could pass up on a smoking hot president like Kamala, and that's what everyone is saying!

I think the Kamala Kats are taking this one!
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They know it was not iran (except for trump who is a retard), do you however know who is the leading state actor of assassinations for generations? Especially unique in using military assets against civilians?
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Iran wants to kill Trump

they need the Democrats to stay in power, otherwise they're completely fucked
It's sad as fuck that you took the time to write this slop lol
>He is a nobody
Four elected officials attended his political conference AFPAC
>He was a never trumper
Maybe at first but he became a diehard trump supporter that even went to the capitol during the riots. It's understandable why he's mad.
I agree both sides have hit cringe critical mass. The israel/palestine shit did a real number on right wingers. It was a mask of moment for both parties which is good imo
>I think he feels betrayed by Trump and is having an emotional tantrum because he’s finally come around to the reality of what white nationalists have been making clear on /pol/ since Jared Kushner was running the show in Trump’s administration many years ago and were pointing out he has kike grandchildren. He’s late to the show and his naive optimism from when he was a teen has come crumbling down.
Couldn't have said it better.
Lmao at anyone who actually thinks Nick Fuentes believes anything. He is a federal informant. This has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
anti zionism and accelerationism, if i had to guess (and assuming your premise is true which it probably isnt)

You cant' hate jews if you love capitalism.
I could. Nick is a grifter faggot who has no integrity or actual beliefs that he holds. You're a moron.
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>al dente
Yes just vote for Drumpf and then we can get JD “Indian children” Vance in charge, go to war in the Middle East for Israel again (because that worked out very well last time when “””””Iraq and Afghanistan””””” “”””did”””” 9/11) meanwhile promoting whores and homos and never once mentioning the plight of white people again so we can submit to the whining of blacks and Hispanics. Hecking based!
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>Why is he shilling for kamala Harris

"Crash and sink the kike ship" strategy. I'm actually considering it. If deep state wants to install a Zion Don, you don't need to support their candidate if it is rigged anyway. What matters is fighting age American men don't pick up arms against the Chinese if they invade and rather we get out of the their way.

That was a problem before because too many WOULD have defended the kikes and they would have gotten a high white man kill count in ww3. Now, it isn't, and we know what they are planning. If there is a war, we simply allow them have their goals which tends to be against kikes that hate China and any retard that would be supportive of jews and the current system and society.
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Nothing of this is emotional, trump is no better or worse than kamala
mid to longterm trump losing is probably preferable

I got a psychological condition that makes me unemotional even.
I do know. Regardless of how many Republicans believe the new Iran narrative though, if Trump will go along with it then the rest of the party will follow suit
Are you a white nationalist/anti-Zionist?
The Feds have had him by the balls since Jan 6th at latest. He now says whatever they tell him to as part of his cooperation as an intelligence asset.
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to the right, israel = white and palestine = muslims who cheered 9/11

to the left, israel = white and palestine = freedom fighters

that's literally the only difference

i personally don't mind israel and palestine killing each other, do you?
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We must summon the dark horse
Thank you for being so concerned with American politics German!

Don't look at your worksheet, this is the part where you claim I'm Jewish.
'the right' doesnt care about skin colour
>he’s said he’s pro Indian mass immigration
Lmao only a kike could be capable of distorting reality this much
tim pool is the one who should raise a stink not nick
he came to trump for anti interventionism I shilled his stuff to maga early on to pull him in

shia terrorism is not being exported either against what netanyahu claimed
its the qatar and saudi wahabis who use ISIS as proxy with the US and Israel
in joint custody
Fuck off spic
Wrong nimicky go australian military no ant Hill asshole
All of them said they were bamboozled and didn't know him and got tricked. Milo tricked MTG into going. Sheriff arpio said he had Mexican grandchildren and the audience booed. Everyone who went disavowed Nick including gossar who had dinner with him.

Shame y'all missed the event this year, I bet 'sneako' would have really put you on the world stage lololololol
Idgaf who you're voting for if your saying anything positive about kamala then you are a fagget. That thing makes me physically ill as it should
Semitism does bot etc they are judaic thats is racial and kabblaha harris is Brock oiece smollet giusra and the zionist ylsmudic mafia of he'll that more open every fucking real catholic movement larouche sabotaged
Nobody thinks politicians are serious when they say shit, retard. The point is that Kamala’s rhetoric sounds more like Trump 2016 than Trump 2024.
No it isn't, it's the same grift Coulter pulls every time a rep gets in office. They can't make their living as a bucket of crabs if they admit things are getting better. They only make money when their followers are aggitated and willing to spend money on books/podcasts that say words they agree with. The "priciple" angle has been played to death in CA as just the last gasp of demoralized losers who would much rather pretend to be the only principled loser in the room than to put in the work of getting the country back on track and risk suffering setbacks
No thats what nations are not economic thats religoous economic and political liberty like therr is not a manual I. This thing law and narure and state of money 10 Ponzi schemes like bankman fried
Because the subversive evil jews who let 9-11 happen as a pretext to war in iraq us dthe same method of operation on oct 7 as a pretwxt to war with iran and you low iq retards fell for both hook, line and sinker.
Left wing jews destroyed our culture with marxist propaganda, the vaccine, gay agenda and destruction of religion and family values and then push for mass replacement migration. However the right wing jews are literally just as bad or worse.
Hes merely pointing it out.
We all knew this was coming, we all knew the right was going to be subverted by them and we would need to wake up the right in the same way we attempted to wake up the left.
Hes not low iq nigger cattle, like you.
>said said said
But what did he DO in his previous term?
Every time a GAYPER posts demand that post pics of their GAPE.
They killed a lutheran girl and replaced her with a tranny
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nothing you do works, Trump is going to win and there's nothing you can do to stop it lol
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he told his jeet megadonors that 2 years college diploma mill is going to give a greencard
, second order effect is canadian conditions on top of an open border so the worst of all
we by now identified the root of cancel culture and wokism
its the power networks of the jewish diaspora who are the integral central pillar I think
the kyrie, kanye and candace sagas have shown that it extends to the financial and bank layer
A spic shilling for an indian.. probably feel connected as migrants.
The positive stuff he’s said about Kamala is in relation to the strength of the influence her campaign has created over pop culture and younger voters which is exactly what gave Trump so much power in 2016. He doesn’t like her as a person but he respects the game they’re playing and wishes Trump was still competing on that level. Perhaps you’re too young or weren’t invested in politics during 2015-2016 but Trump was balls to the wall and had a vice grip on American culture during that time which is why he was so powerful. Now due to age or otherwise he seems to have relaxed and taken a backseat to let the GOP establishment run the show again and the GOP establishment are very lame.
Ask bhai shit brith and Ald bnai and hit brith and then nasa and then communist education and the clot shots dropping everyone then
Hangpence a crypto jew a zionist a karxist soosta3 a communist administrator
>They can't make their living as a bucket of crabs if they admit things are getting better.
Are you suggesting things are better?
>No it isn't, it's the same grift Coulter pulls every time a rep gets in office.
name non grifters on the american right for me to understand your standard
Thafs the jews thank un for condemning then as such and then you a trillion then pools closed
Nope but I don't like kids dying..I hate those videos. Whoever bombs innocent kids should be bombed.
How do catboys, tranny porn and Ethan Ralph fit into Nick's world view?
Nasa stooped nopeJewmocracy nope then what eage nope usury no communist obsolete state
christcucks cuck, its what they do
Anyway. It's pretty clear he's just trying to pull support away from trump. Spew as much shit out of you blowhole as you want at the end of the day that's all he's done all year.
The new trump administration is the worst deep state operation to subvert and steal your rights of any operation in history and you low iq retards are gonna line up and vote for it.
You think trump will protect you? What about when he dies and youre left with a closeted faggot who hates poor whites, thinks trump is hitler (in a bad way) and is owned by jewish billionaires becomes president and does literally anythig these kikes tell him to do?
Stupid nigger cattle.
He's the male equivalent of shoeonhead, flipflops on whatever's popular, drops it when things get tough, always tries to keep up with whatever's new, will change his beliefs on the fly, nothing's ever solid or reliable
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>The positive stuff he’s said about Kamala is in relation to the strength of the influence her campaign has created over pop culture and younger voters which is exactly what gave Trump so much power in 2016.
weird how you have to pull facts out of your ass in order to justify your love of the couch cum seeker

The ONLY demographic Trump did worse in than the youth was NIGGERS.

enjoy falling for Spic Fuentes' bullshit grift

he's literally no different than richard spencer in that he'll just say whatever bullshit that gives him the most attention
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can you at least attempt to not talk like a 2016 jeb or cruz supporter?
this is pol
because he is just a Richard Spencer type. just a grifting faggot with no real principles. fuck the both of them.
why is anyone listening to a closeted hispanic little boy in his daddy's suit?
How does voting Kamala fix that?


>This Should Have NEVER Been Allowed To Happen

>The Energy of the Groypers is Inspiring!


>Should We Vote for Donald Trump?

>Analyzing the Trump Conviction with Alex Jones

>It's Time to Tell the Truth about Jewish Power

>The Fake Controlled Right Wing

>Group Chat Leak EXPOSES Jewish Bribery Network

>Tim Pool is Controlled Opposition


>Nick Fuentes x Keith Woods x SNEAKO

>Nick Fuentes x Cheesur Stream

>Nick Fuentes vs Gavin McInnes | Zionism DEBATE
>He's the male equivalent of shoeonhead
He's whiter, though
so we should vote Democrat? a party that literally puts diversity and racial equity as part of its biggest platforms.
fuck off
Doesn't, fake change promises

But for the exact people currently on command or else
I’m certainly not voting for Republicans after watching the RNC convention. Half of it was literal sex workers, niggers, and spics…. The other half was people bitching about Iran and antisemitism, or directly sucking Israel’s dick.
There is no party for white people anymore. Elections should therefore be determined by who is the worst for Israel.
> flipflops on whatever's popular
Your motivated reasoning makes you invert reality, because his support trajectory is the opposite of ben shapiro
ben shapiro rides the highs while nick is there when it is hard. We could track what he supported when and why.
Because Kamala is the only one who gave lip to Israel. It's the only way to win this game.

This is all you need to know to vote Kamala.
The kike shills are in overdrive because they realize they are losing if we continue to let Dems have power.
Because Kamala is the right candidate to energize the dissident right and get more people on our side, Trump is not, he may have said some stupid stuff in the past but he is 100% correct on this one if thats his reasoning, Kamala is the superior candidate compared to Trump, jew loving conservatives are not our guys, I'm happy that he finally let go of that Trump stuff
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standard partisan republican negative case, you can't defend trump on the merits that is why you attempt this but trump has crossed the point where he should no longer be called donald trump but jeb trump

like mark hamill had to pretend that he plays jake skywalker and not luke
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25 minutes of standing ovations for this guy. This never would have happened without Trump.
Trump subverted the right, earned your trust and is now spending all of it to help right wing jews expand territory.
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just admit you like affirmative action, vax mandates, roe v wade, student loan forgiveness, gun control

because i could never believe a bunch of jigaboos at a minstrel show would scare someone to flip on so many issues

Spic Fuentes is the biggest bullshitter
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where is donald trump and how did jeb trump replace him?
we have nearly 300 years of history of being non-interventional, "not my fucking problem", assholes that did everything they could to care for and grow our nation from sea to shining sea. Don't be fooled by the last 50 years of jewry, we can go back. Literally every piece of material and technology can be manufactured in the US without any help from any country.
Just admit you like expansionist wars and limits to free speech.
>nooo you can’t support her she’s BLACK and a WOMAN
>yes I can. She’s the only one who challenges zionist power, while Donald Trump reinforces the status quo and enables their bad behavior. Stop being such a comical caricature of a dumb right-winger when Zion Don never did anything that he promised.
Just seethe cope and dilate harder you fucking faggot lol
The inflation is literally the fault of Trump with the stimmy and interest rates.
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>She’s the only one who challenges zionist power
whoops, time to update your talking points
That’s the preferable outcome, he’s obviously a more competent administrator. Be honest with yourself though, 2024 Trump is worse than 2016 Trump. The platform is gayer, the rhetoric sucks, and he’s not funny anymore. Trump represented so much in 2016, and this year his was literally willing to take a bullet for “drill baby drill”. I mean, what the fuck man.
you got 300 years of your ruling elite overruling you on immigration and wars
they even get into wars when 90% of americans are against it, the way to do that is to start
unilateral low key aggression against the enemy du jour to incremental on ramp

if that doesn't work they stage a falseflag on a ship happened so many times by now
The right doesn’t use thought leaders because the right isn’t like democrats. Democrats are followers who need leaders. Nobody is out here leading the right wing. We are the leaders. My biggest right wing influencer is my dad
How do you think he is going to deport people when he had less deportations than Obama or Biden.
Trump promised to kill all jews and create an islamic caliphate in the middle east in 2016 and he betrayed the right. Such subversion of right-wingers must be punished by electing straight dem ticket. We need a billion more brown catholics to own the jews.
That wasn’t what you were saying four years ago when you said deportation is racist and trump was the devil



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Nah I like him now more than ever, and no amount of astroturfing shill faggotry will change that.
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nah its global its a supply shock caused by the bipartisan russia (commodity superpower) sanctions and nordstream pipeline(took down the entire west european fertilzer production)
there is a cartel of silence around that because if you say what causes it then the plebs want to see it reversed
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Don’t care, it’ll take her a while to catch up to Donald Trumps high score of pandering to Israel all the time
Donald Trump says Kamala is “totally against the Jewish people”. Are you calling your hero Donald Trump a liar?
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Its insane how much Jews fear this man. Talmud Network on twitter and these threads on /pol/ have been kicked into overdrive lately. Its really telling. Kikes are losing it that an influential commentator sees through their propaganda so easily.
You can expect that number to be even worse now
Checked and kek'd, this is what brown homosexual groyper niggers truly believe. Luckily, none of them can vote because their under 18.
Literally who?
>blah blah blah gay nigger talking point #3427828-b
Don't care, still voting Trump.
They know this. You are replying to a kike
>trump bad

see >>475750084 for all you need to know
anti-semites are actually retarded
Idiotic statement, the absolute opposite is true, the entire idea of right wing is based on believing that strict hierarchy is not only necessary but preferable to a country, leftists believe in overly convoluted systems and large scale byrocracy, your favourite right wing influencer being your dad is pretty cool though
I don't get it either because shitjeeta already bent the knee to israel
here comes the low IQ anti antisemitism
Moshe, fuck the fuck off and go to IDFchan or whatever the fuck it is that you """people""" use.
You advocate for the great Satan to stay in power, we advocate to cut off the head of Judea and replace it.
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We prefer the term critical semite theory
israel got a massive ask, meandering acquiescence ain't enough
for what they got in store
There is no good outcome for white people. It's either getting flooded with spics (Democrat solution) or getting flooded with Pajeets (GOP solution).
I'm just voting for who I think is the worst for Israel.

If you want to change my mind, feel free to link clips where Republicans were talking about white people or our issues at the convention.
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Imagine not being anti-semitic in 2024
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“ JUST IN: Israeli cabinet minister Itamar Ben Gir backs Trump and says that if he is elected, 'Israel will receive the backing to act against Iran”
>be antisemitic
>look at all these jews saying dumb anti-white things
>completely ignores everything anti-white muslims and blacks say
>”b-but if it wasn’t for jews they would be totally cool and pro-white! durrrr”
>votes for George Soros candidate
>le antisemitism is bad
it’s not.
Have fun being drafted. Hope you remember this moment with the iranian guard is inserting their penis into your freshly made meat pie.
OK but how does voting for a woman married to a Jew who leads the party that gets 70% of the jew vote fix that?
No just activist brain very very common on the right
Because that's what he was hired and paid to do from the very start.
To get Republicans on his side, and then sabotage his side entirely, and drag his following down with him.
That's his job.
Not an argument.
“still voting Trump”: what the migatard says in confusion and frustration when presented with facts contradictory to his limited worldview where Donald Trump is always right about everything
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I love her
So perfect the million man invasion will continue and you will he drafted by a cackling bitch to die in Eastern Europe or Asia
I’m not the type of guy to slap dicks outta hands at a gay bar. So if you like him more, make sure to get out and vote in November! I wish I could like him more. It’s disappointing how things have played out over the last 8 years.
The jewish talking points get weaker by the day. They’re not sending their best.
Yes she hates them so much her VP pick will be
>Jew governor of Pennsylvania who was first Democrat governor to go TSD
And her husband
>Rich Jew
>Bruh let's vote for our enemy ironically
>le epic TruLl
kek the absolute fucking state of the gayper army
He's literally saying Trump wasn't shot the guy is going down Lolcow lane I'm sorry he's looking like Spencer now which is ironic since he's all about
not an argument
my purely rational prediction is international white flight as it is the precedent and projection of past behavior
the moment the 101s airborne got deployed against unarmed school children to end freedom of association everything was set already

first white flight out of the cities
now white flight is going interstate
if the pattern proceeds then white flight will go international

the US military has crossed the line as well too where they are now "black coded" that trend cant be reversed
in european schools the research shows that white flight sets in at 20-30% and is not reversible
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i dont like him because he is a closeted homosexual
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It doesn't immediately fix that, but its a certainty that Kamala presidency energizes the dissident right wing far more than Trump ever could and the dissident right is the only political force thats worth anything in western countries, conservatives are just libtards from 5 years ago, its totally pointless to vote for them, conservatism needs to go away and be replaced by nationalism, no more fake right wingers, false hopes and shabbos goys
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Kamala Harris is more racist and antisemitic than Trump is.
The left is more racist and antisemitic than the right is.
It's literally that simple.
this is why nazis are actual low IQ wignats that get grifted and honey potted. then that gets magnified like there so many of you that could be this retarded but it's only 1 or 2. sage any thread about your king to even begin redeeming yourself.
/pol/ is literally too stupid to appreciate Nick.
netanyahus minister for national security supports this and netanyahu too with that
Enjoy the 100 million migrants
I myself prefer to call it counter-semitism.
For what he moved the spectrum but he's retarded now like Spencer
>Kamala is so smart.
But I'm not voting for Trump. That faggot would give every indian a green card just for getting a (fake) degree.
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>implying Trump is /ourguy/
Absolute state of jews
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Implying there's any difference
that faggot started by saying he wouldn go vote then started shilling for the more insufferable pile of shit ever presented
a fuck you vote would be voting RFK
you can't pretend to be against someone for 4 years then change side and pretend it's for le epic lul you're just a fucking prostitute with no moral
that stupid cunt is supporting an unironic alcoholic deep state plant for "Le EpIc LuL"
because the throw a tantrum against Trump for not including him in any ways
what a fucking shit show his life is
no you, migatard.
>but its a certainty that Kamala presidency energizes the dissident right wing

What dissident right wing? The catboy fag who endorsed Kanye West and Andrew Yang? What dissident views are you actually promoting?

Why am I supposed to be angry at Vance for marrying an Indian but vote for an Indian? How does endorsing a black and asian guy for president help the white race? How does Nick's homosexuality help white fertility rates? How does leading your supporters into a trap on Jan 6th look as the leader of a dissident cause? Why would I associate with someone who associates with Ethan Ralph?
But he isn't shilling for her.
He was pretty clear on his stance and I really doubt that OP is a retard, so I assume this is low effort smearing.
he is a gay catboit and a mysterymeat nigger. his opinions is irrelevant since he is not white
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anon this entire thing has been gamed out
only a black swan event can prevent this scenario here by my prognostics
>ctrl f "source"
>0 results
Hes never said that, jew
No /pol/ is just full of kikes and feds now. Even in this thread they cant even hide the fact that its the antisemitism that upsets them most about Nick.
He's saying it probably wasn't a bullet since trumps ear didn't explode into 1000 pieces just like the movies on his telegram.
Nick is an unironic faggot and his fans are meatbot NPCs who will do whatever he tells them to.

This retard and his cult deserve to be politically isolated in much the same way Spencer was - to result in being a complete laughingstock for both political aisles.
You need to ask why this moron is an idiot? Because he's stupid.
This is where we are at. Actual groyper shills can't be bothered to look at their own fucking leader's telegram page to see what he's flip flopped to today.

Fucking scum.
Kamala is a lot more annoying
Why are australians always consitently so braindead retarded? Ive never seen a coherent post from an aussie poster in all my years on this site
He's a moron who thinks there's some kind of 4D chess going on with her. She's about as big of a globalist as you can get literally Hillary 2.0.
The only way positive change is ever going to happen is if Americans get pissed off enough to rebel in meaningful ways like stop paying income tax. That's not going to happen with Trump. At least Biden was making people rebel
You were implying he thinks the shooting was fake. He said its plausible glass or shrapnel hit him from the bullet because he sustained no damage (how is this controversial?)
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they got so comfortable in their /ptg/ ghetto that they can't even blend in in outer pol of it
same thing happened in 2015 when obama was president. standing ovations are how americans show their loyalty to their jewish masters.
He just throwing a contrarian tantrum because Trump isn’t doing it exactly the way he wants it to be done. He knows better, but needs full transparency and showing your opposition all your cards, like an idiot.
When did he ever say anything like this, kike?
>Nick the spic thread
>bump limit
brown "people" were a mistake
>Biden was making people rebel
You mean false flags and retards getting entrapped?
>meme flag

But you’re from Israel, we know that because of your flag, you could post without it but you won’t. Because you are a coward.
The Judeocentrics are completely schizophrenic mental leftists, it is a phenomenon that can also be observed in Europe, you are not unique to this phenomenon. They are right-wing, then they see that there is a Jewish community behind certain institutions, they think that everything is due to that, then they no longer see anything in this world except the Jews, so they become far-left while the far-left does not like Jews for the same reasons as the schizophrenic, but only in relation to Palestine and because they suck Mohamaed's cock. They are castaways

These are quite cancerous autistic people who come to join us fuck em,
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because trump will start ww3 with iran you fucking newfag rapefugee
What he wants done is the Trump we all signed up for in 2016 that won him the election, not Mitt Romney 2.0. Kikes like you dont realize the goyim are done with their faggot GOP and fake politics. They tried to introduce a cringe civic nationalist chud as VP to say “America is a people! (of no specific race)” and even that failed miserably. Its no wonder you kikes have been absolutely losing your minds over Nick for the past month.
>everyone hates him
>if he supports Trump people will never stop mentioning it
>supports Kumala instead
Only the absolute most retarded niggers think it matters either way. Regardless, catboy should eat a bullet. Not because of this. Just because he's a faggot kike pied piper.
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>Kamala Harris is more racist and antisemitic than Trump is.
They both married jews wtf you on about?
Stupid shills today...
You are literally a kike. How have you kikes not realized this BAP screed doesnt work on anybody who isnt jewish or under the age of 40
Show me when the Trump or Republicans have ever protested our greatest ally, bigot.
What is Trump 2024 even offering? It feels like a purely worse version of Mitt Romney or McCain, only this time directly pandering to niggers and spics.
The entire reason I ever voted Republican is because I want the niggers and spics out of the country. Why the fuck is Trump pandering to them?
Real CLAP Right CLAP Wingers CLAP Will CLAP Never CLAP Vote CLAP For CLAP Zion CLAP Don
It's always better to vote for someone who is anti-white than it is to vote for someone who is racially blind. At least the anti-white politicians give us the power to redpill whites on race.
schyzo larping
>The Judeocentrics
1.9b muslims, 1.4b chinese, nick fuentes and jewish publications
>The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?
You fucking retards already quickly forgot that Trump dodged certain death, and not by his own hand. You think this shit is about “politics”? Nick’s role in this story is over, and so are the groypers. Trump will get it done and Israel will be dealt with.
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Voting doesn't change anything, but President Kamala will erode American strength, military recruiting will decline further, China and Russia will gain more support as American allies take America less seriously. It's so bad for the American empire if Kamala wins, I doubt she will be allowed to win.

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