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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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MIGA bros….. we’re back
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Look at that old dog waiting for his master to come home what a great image for based ZOGnald very MIGA
You had your shot. You missed. Voting Trump.
I love Israel and the Jews
How much jewish cum do you think trump has swallowed?
I love Israel and the Jews
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Do you hate jews or just israel? whats the difference?
Trump is gonna get the bbc, big Bibi cock.
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Kamala Pajeet and Joe Bidet met with thir boss yesterday now it's Trump's turn. The absolute state of amerigoy politics
The goyim deserve it
Why is he holding the back of his own hand? Dotard.
The real President of the US and Donald Trump are taking a picture
I love Isreal and the Jews
shabbos AF
Trump isnt gonna change anything
he works for the swamp now.
Yeah he is really making the rounds these few days. Wonder if Biden got down on one knee.
Read the Talmud
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Trump is the only President to put America over Israel.

literally every other candidate

especially Jew Rat Democrats

put Israel above the US
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lmao so fucking true
/thread, but it's hilarious watching the brainwashed shills Arab shills seethe
fuck yeah no better honor for a maga brain than to send their circumcised slave offspring to the meatgrinder
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dead cunt
left vs right never worked for even a non 100% golem countries
Trump talks to whoever a leader has to talk to. He's the one person in the world who can manage Israel
you have to pay tribute to your hosts
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why does she look like Michael Scott winning salesman of the year?
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Yes. I love MIGAs. It makes for a good breakfast. Beaners make cheap food.
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>every other candidate
why lie?
Ron Paul was always that
Why doesn’t he meet with Biden/harris? Everyone knows trump will win whether you like him or not and all, but the current president should be the one he should be meeting with right?
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>Net and yahoo with kamala
trump is the only thing in the world that can rally amreica into another war, why would bibi bother talking to anything else?
He did they just lied about it because they know retards like you will believe it
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Bibi is a total Chad


The jew was the first to congratulate Biden.
Then there’s the whole jew thing.
Trump is literally forcing kikes to kneel to him
Please explain to me why America shouldn't destroy Iran. Iran has been an explicitly anti-American country since day 1 of their revolution when they kidnapped the US embassy staff. One of their main slogans is "Death to America". Literally, everything they do in the Middle East is based around trying to attack and destroy US influence.

Why shouldn't the US just say, "Ok, we're going to treat you as the enemies to us that you say you are"? Answer this without sounding like a pacifistic hippie commie.
Lying doesn’t benefit him
jews are sandniggers; disgusting.
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Jewed up bastard
It's just not really my problem
America made me (White male zoomer) a second-class citizen, so I empathize with the Iranians
Art of the deal power move, makes the other guy look like a child.
kek bibi can hardly keep it together
/pol/ will defend this
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the only non kiked pro Palestine candidate seems to be the green party Stein jewess
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Normies aren't obsessed with jews and you're wasting your breath trying to flip people here. Touch grass and get a job and a girlfriend.
migabros... im so hyped to go kill children in iran!!! i cant wait for america to be nuked, all according gods plan!
the people of Israel (white expats from central europe and Crimea) did definitely NOT give you Jesus lmao
Don’t care, voting trump
/pol/ is anti america's world police state you filthy zoomer migger. especially when its mostly for kikes
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That's it.. I'm voting for Kamala
>Normies aren't obsessed with jews
They will be
we know, Hans
>Trump is literally forcing kikes to kneel to him
Lol is that how you think this goes? The opposite is true, he needs more schekles for his re-election campaign so he is definitely sucking their dick
its a gesture of reassurance and respect. it just shows how much trump loves him and his willingness to suck his cock at the snap of a finger
If Trump wins in November first thing he should do to stop the war in Gaza is tell HAMAS "if all your members turn yourselves in I will declare Palestine(Gaza)a state"
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retarded ape, actions speak louder than words
Call someone a Retard in front of your liberal faggot friends and see how well you are received you fucking hypocrite.
lol that jew ears are insane, hes literally a rat
I just want Trump to elected because people cried like mad when he did, when Biden won, the crying, while still entertaining, was not nearly as funny when Trump won in 2016.
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jewish flaggot
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To bad for your narrative that he's already been president for four years
Sorry to break it to you OP but Trump will be telling Bibbi that he will (1) not be launching any amphibious expeditionary forces into the MId East in his second term and (2) that Israel will be required to sign more peace accords with Arab states in his second term.
America can't destroy Iran. If Israel was put in it's place and a 2-state solution was implemented by leverage of the US, then the region would actually normalize. Psychotic zionists and their blackmailed shabbos goyim keep this from happening.
white "people":
>p-please clap

>No, don't applaud yet. I'm not done.
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trump is the one kneeling
Too late.
He's already made the commitment.
It's time for Isreal to be final.
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any other front runner then, happy?

fuck off kike, none of those things sacrifices American interests

while Jew Rat Democrats are literally jews and give anything and everything to israel plus more

Trump just panders for votes, name 1 American interest he sacrificed for Israel
>Trump just panders
Is that what gen Z calls it these days? I have other words to describe what Ivanka gets from Jared Kushner
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Please explain to me why America shouldn't destroy Israel. Israel has been an explicitly anti-American country since day 1 of their revolution when they murdered the US and European diplomats. One of their main slogans is "Edom will be demolished". Literally, everything they do in the Middle East is based around trying to attack and destroy goyim influence.

Why shouldn't the US just say, "Ok, we're going to treat you as the enemies to us that you say you are"? Answer this without sounding like a pacifistic hippie commie.

Nuke Jerusalem.
>America can't destroy Iran.
Cowardly cope. A squadron of F-35 Lightnings could completely lay waste to Iran and their shitty ancient air force couldn't do shit.

You just sound like an anti-war liberal.
>And Bibi, this *OPENS DOOR* is my personal bedroom, and you can visit any time you want. Any time you want. Look at the size of that bed! That's a XXL King size Bibi!
Holy kek. Trump has lost the plot. Jews won. America is done.
also iran is literally months away from nuke and they just paused it so they dont get into even more trouble but if anyone choses to have full blown war the under mountain nuke sites will start revving if they didn't already had enough for a bomb or two
beep*boop*error error boop*beep*
Why is Trump such a cuck? Bibi literally threw him like a used up prostitute the minute he lost the election.
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yes, it's pandering for votes

that's what a major politician does to win

name 1 single American interest he sacrificed for Israel

funny how you attack Trump and directly help the Jew Rat Democrats

show your fucking nose, heeb
stfu zoomer die horribly
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Stop advocating for ww3 you fucking mentally ill psycho
its probably b8s but its very believable that you're that stupid
>you have to pay tribute to your parasites
humiliation ritual
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America should destroy Israel.
cant tell if jewish or 70 iq
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fuck off you kike shill, i forgot to link a post and deleted/reposted it corrected

Despite being 2% of the Population, why are Jews 100% of every Democrat Cabinet?

Chinese are 2% of the US Population, how weird would it look if the entire cabinet was full of gooks?

Why do you help the Democrats who put so many jews in the government?

How many kikes did Trump have in his cabinet?
He drinks it with every meal.
$20 billion in aid.
Killing the Iranian General.
Kikes are 1.4% of the population and vote 70% Democrat.
$20 billion for .42% votes.
I'm voting for Kamala. :)
A vacuum filed by Iran is really a benefit.
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no argument

just more yiddish nonsense

Jews = Democrats
Democrats = Jews

Jews HATE Trump
as much as they LOVE Onigger

Why do Jews hate Trump so much?

Why do Jews love Onigger so much?
>"ISRAEL must finish the job"
>Trump kneeling

take your meds
Nothing funnier than watching all these sand niggers try to get European Americans to support Palestine. Fuck the Middle East, glass the entire area including Israel
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>nahtzees butthurt at ANGLO ATLANTIC SUPERIORITY
Are you German? Don't make us blow up your pipeline again.
chill out man. i agree with you. you just came off as a bot. lol
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You're too fucking stupid to actually understand anything. Vote for whoever you want, as if that matters.
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Under the protection of the Triumvir Donald Trump the Tetrach of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu arrives at Mar-a-Lago.

During his visit all mockery of Jews and their one God shall be kept to an appropriate minimum.
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>$20 billion in aid.
congress, you fucking retard

in fact, Trump pulled physical support from Israel citing all the money Congress already gives them you kike shill

>Killing the Iranian General.
good, fuck Iran

>Kikes are 1.4% of the population and vote 70% Democrat.
yes, why do you think they all vote for Democrats?

NOTHING on this earth pushes the Jewish Agenda harder and further than the Democrat party

that's why you fucking kike

>$20 billion for .42% votes.
once again you're speaking Yiddish (lying) and purposely conflating what Congress does with what Trump does

and you're doing it on purpose like a typical little kike shill
To be fair they did. Anglo Americans and unfortunately niggers are the only 2 races that have any claim to America because they’ve been in America for over 400+ years. The final redpill is realizing that sand niggers, chinks, Latinos and every other race has ruined America not niggers. Pre Anti Segregation America was a paradise and black Americans today are quite literally vying to segregate themselves yet again. Don’t want to be near niggers, but we can’t change history.
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The Jews
youre literally retarded
He’s going to invade iran
When we MIGA you MAGA
>inb4 Dems claim Logan Act violation
POTUS has veto power, never used.

You speak like a bitter, pasty, fat basement dweller.
Your life will be painful.
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You have both been around for such a short amount of time that if you considered yourself great you obviously weren't. We are still great because we are still the largest island in the British Isles.
>I'M retarded
>FACTS hurt YOUR feelings

You're a joke.
if you destroy Iran, you only create a power-vacuum for the violent expendable males to form some shi'ite caliphate thats even more radical than now. and then you'll see some real terrorism, but thats what you want, don't you, you fucking ZOGBOT
He didn't take the plastic off the gold trim for Bibi?

What's this painting, or tapestry, depicting?
Show me the signed contract you literalist imbecile.
youre barely sentient
Things that never happened
Irans whiter than the usa of course they are going to genocide them.
Is this your president, chudbros?

The IRGC won't miss once Trump drafts your ass and flies you to Iran kek.
>whiter than
This gay ass trope means nothing when you’re of 100% Aryan/Anglo Saxon descent. They’re all just mutts, who fucking cares. I genuinely respect people of 100% pure African descent than middle eastern mutts, at least they don’t race mix like fucking degenerates.
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Israel Heritage Foundation awards Trump ‘crown of Jerusalem’
Nooooo he should stand with le based Muslims
Why would Trump welcome the man who wants him dead? Doesn't Trump know that Israel shot him?
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Donald Trump honors Theodor Herzl's legacy
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Why always blue tie . Obedient trump?
You missed
Here's the vid with audio
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>Donald Trump honors Theodor Herzl's legacy
Dear Diary
>Aryan/Anglo Saxon descent
Kek, Angles and Saxons rarely mixed.
> you can’t destroy your enemies!

Lol. US will destroy mullahs with minimal casualties and Iranian people will be forever grateful
How about neither?
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Why do foreign leaders meet with Trump, Newsom, Obamna, etc? Where is the president?
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Trump lacks true conviction
things that never happened
you can really tell how retarded israelis are in grand strategy, they thought the USA wouldnt fuck up in Iraq, and they destroyed the biggest counter to Iran themselves and iran rolled in and filled up the vacuum in the south of iraq, gg fucking RETARDS
Jews are trying to force Trump into the “gentile messiach” role. You realize before Trump there was never going to be a Messiach for goyim right? The entire plan was just to have one Jew rule everything. They are literally panicking and trying to befriend him by showering him with praise, it’s the most Jewish tactic I’ve ever seen. Just look at Trumps face, he clearly doesn’t give a fuck about some Jewish trophy
How many amphibious expeditionary forces did President Trump launch into the middle east as opposed to Bush the elder and Bush the younger?

Exactly zero.
There’s a difference between 100% aryans and Anglo saxons whether you admit it or not. Not my fault you have no knowledge on basic genetics and historical admixtures.
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The way I can tell /pol/ is full of poorfags is they don’t understand the concept of being forced to work with Jews to make money and get out of goy debt slavery. You guys genuinely have no Opsec whatsoever, and I can only assume you are all shut in autists. Touch some fucking grass dear god.
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We love our rapists. MIGA
>Wonder if Biden got down on one knee.
It's more likely he got down on both.
Then they make up with buttsex and gay blowjobs
I remember my fat putz friend saying the same bs excuse to be a sellout goy
How about they get trained to keep Jurisdcition, which Israel has no problem doing To its subjects?
Only they get trained as Militia, owners of themselves?
>posts 4 year old propaganda
Based Trump.
God bless Israel.
It does sound very putzy.
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I bet you think white people are descended from monkeys too.
it’s just the harsh reality of how the economy works though. They print our money, they own the levers of our economic society. Once you climb the ladder high enough, there is always a Jew waiting for you. Again, anyone who has truly made a decent chunk of change knows this. I guess being a willing goyslave and being “based” supercedes actually creating value and ammunition to fight Jews on a tangible level by acquiring funds. Adolf Hitler himself was forced to get funding by Jews, legitimately when I say everyone has to do it I mean everyone. Your favorite “based” content creator, has worked with Jews. You cannot escape reality, no matter how much you cope.
btfod miga nigga
In a medically induced coma.
You can't shift from 0 to Arbeit Konzentrationslager in one term.

America has the jew cock all the way down its throat, Trump at most can take it out as far as Tonsils but won't be able to stop sucking jew cock.

And this is what idiots in american right wing don't get, you need to keep slurping jew cock until it's time.
this guy really enjoys the cock of his AIPAC-guy
hes calling for war with iran u fucking retarded troglodyte, as is his vp
This doesn’t even make sense, that’s because you’re an inbred paki larping as a white man and you’re fucking retarded. Fuck your sandnigger war, kill your self and unshackle the world from your problems if you truly want to help.
This is the most I have seen Trump smile in the past 4 years. Holy fuck, he truly is Zion Don.
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zognaldo pissi miga cucks are seeeeeething itt
I'm NorfenSoufish just like you. Stupid mutt.
Brother Nathanael is based!
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Um, based Jewish fellator?
>overthrows democratically elected leader
>installs pro shariah, america hating leader to promote war and destabilize the region
why does iran hate the US so much????
glass iran, what america needs is another forever war
Whatever you say Mohammed
>touch the wall nigger
Shut the fuck up you bootlicking Pine Gap glownigger. For fucks sake
Sauce doofus.
That isn't even close to a Cornovii name.
he's so fucking happy

all you had to do was say you were welsh lad
Bibi looks like he’s about to cry
All of it. He's given them everything
If Trump says Jews are cool, then Jews are cool.
You missed, still voting Trump.
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giga miga, only whiteness matters
I wouldn't want to be Aryan.

Aryan, name originally given to a people who were said to speak an archaic Indo-European language and who were thought to have settled in prehistoric times in ancient Iran and the northern Indian subcontinent.
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Quick question for you guys. Would you still hate Israel if America, Israel and the west came together and genocided the western leftist ideology, all of its followers and all the immigrants that have invaded our borders? Genuinely curious. If they depopulated all of these motherfuckers, would you still hate Israel?
>literal billionare
>still selling out for le greatest ally

>How much jewish cum do you think trump has swallowed?

Pre or Post Roy Cohn?
“Whiteness” doesn’t exist you fucking nigger. “Whiteness” is a way that pale sandniggers and mutts use the accomplishments of the Anglo Saxon race to uplift their own ideologies. Its all about genetics, simple as.
If we had an honest media, Kamala would have to be sidelined and the Democrats host some sort of emergency session to select a delegate. It was pretty disgraceful that she ditched to go campaign to some sorority bimbos. Right there she proved that she is not presidential material. Even if she doesn't like the guy not acting the role and being there should have killed her chances at running.
Good eye, bibi is sticking out his arm like a child holding mommy's hand.
>whiteness doesnt exist
ok shmuley if u say so, guess who started civilization
Again, you’ll never be European, you’ll never be white, whiteness doesn’t exist. Stop using that gay ass fucking buzzword you fucking faggot.
probably, but Trumps first term was kissing kike asses way too much to believe in your pic
He kissed their asses so hard that BlackRock tried to blow his fucking brains out and profit off of his death. I agree muhammed, thank you.
You’re right, and I agree as an Anglo Saxon myself. That being said, Aryans have achieved more than anyone in the world outside of Anglo-Saxons. Hard to deny what they’ve accomplished.
Larry Fink is heavily invested in rebuilding Ukraine.
Jew as well.
>white is a buzzword
honey, new miga jew pilpul dropped
He said “whiteness” not white. This is the most Jewish response I’ve ever read by the way, trying to slightly change my response to then change the argument itself. Truly a kike tier debate tactic, consider killing yourself.
so, what's gonna be?

damn this season of America went from comedy to horror in a heartbeat
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Nooooooo!!!! You can’t say that!!!!! Trump is ZION DON NOOOOOOOOO!!!! You can’t say that globo homo Jews tried to kill him for profits NOOOOO
>dems hate Trump
>neocon wing of repubs hate Trump

qed: Trump is totally controlled

I think the "Trump slurps cum" proof is faulty.
Sorry this was meant for >>475749251
jeetla niggeris is literally married to a kike, yiddy
I actually hope the MIGA Jews help Trump win. They are kind of an Ace in the hole. The bad liberal Jews are putting all their eggs in Kamala's basket, they want the destruction of the family, God, and the west as we knew it.
About 4 or 5 overall which is still a massive overrepresentation, but nowhere near as bad as Biden
LOL. This.
>1 interest
Democrats = Bolshevik jews, Republicans = Zionist Jews, both are Federal Reserve jews.
lol you Russian agents really having nothing going for you right now, huh?
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Remember when Netanyahu talked Trump into almost going into war with Iran by killing Soleimani only for Netanyahu to stand him up at the joint-press conference.

Remember when Netanyahu became the first foreign leader to call in to congratulate Biden after stealing the election from Trump. After Trump gave Netanyahu literally everything he asked for- capital in jerusalem, embassy in jerusalem, golan heights, recognition from arab states (in exchange for american dollars and weapons), killing iran nuclear deal, killing soleimani.

Remember when Trump literally said "Fuck Netanyahu" after he getting stabbed in the back him
You should've stayed out of the middle east from the start, you stupid zogbot
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>the brainwashed shills Arab shills
That's jew math, the more you gave them, the faster they drop you
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Groveling to His Eminence Lord Bibsi is one thing. That's to be expected from all US politicians at this point. Nobody wants to die like John Kennedy or Yitzhak Rabin for going against the Knesset's will. Bibsi spurning Zognald really fucking hard by congratulating Biden and Zognald just pretending it never happened now though, is quite another. Zognald was so mad about that too, pitching a huge shit-fit about it. Four years later though, Zognald is spreading his anus wide for Bibsi to mount him. That makes him look like a huge faggot and obliterates his tough guy moxie image that he tries to maintain. You aren't God Emperor of King Shit Mountain when somebody offends you so deeply, yet you still give them concessions and bow and scrape to their every whim

When somebody fucks you over that bad and shits on you and you just let it go and worse yet, give them whatever they want, that's a poor image no matter who it is
Don’t care. Still voting RFK.
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>Do you hate jews or just israel?

Talmud believers.
Who are most Jews.

Only Jews who renounce Talmud and accept Jesus Christ can be forgiven

>>475741832 >>475745056
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evil retards
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lol lmao
Why do world leaders keep visiting and speaking with Trump when he isn't even the President?
Kamala could still win.
Don't care

Still voting Trump
Because you have to or else you’re going to jail in your “freedom of speech” country. Your kids must believe that jews are the most vicitmized people in the world, or else they get in serious trouble.

Your country has arrested a 90 or so year old granny for denying the holocaust.

You are pathetic and deserve everything thats coming to you.
But I thought Trump was so based? Don't tell me he's just another one of the millions of political clowns before him sucking Jewish cock?
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at the very least the whole kiked up right wing would die with trump he is the only only one from that aisle that would still make autistic /pol/ miggers voote at all so there is a light at the end of the tunnel and when he is gone the disappointing replacement will pale and make everyone turn faster
It is strange how Net & Yahoo needs to meet with Biden and Trump. If I was a world leader I would only meet with whoever is in charge. Lot of kissing the ring going on.
Humiliation ritual
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All of these happenings are part of the political theatre. Left vs right, blue vs red, man vs woman or old vs young. They are all distractions.
Clown world circus needs a steady stream of happenings to stop you from thinking about the ongoing worldwide replacement genocide of ethnic Europeans and the complete lack of political representation for our people.
I will mock every politician that doesn’t fight against the genocide of the European people world wide. If you defend these zog puppets, I will mock you too. It’s that simple.

Every time you vote or hope for change via some puppet. You are tightening the noose around your neck.

I don’t recognise any of the politicians or the legitimacy of a government which is supporting the replacement genocide of the European people.

Why do we recognise any of these meat sacks on tv? Are they supermen? Are they deities?

No they are old men and roasties that are given power because of the recognition that you give them.

You give recognition to the system. Instead of mocking it everyday you are giving them more power. You have a rope around your neck but you keep tightening it.
"So Bibi, why'd you try and kill me 2 weeks ago...?"
there's literally a fucking video of it you db ass mother fucker
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So much its altered his DNA.
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Don't you mean Iran now. The narrative and the handlers are going for Iran.
Get with the times. You're supposed to regurgitate the right lies we want to spread.
And why is this vid russian?
stupid fuck.
I was over at my dads house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very Palestinian area of NYC. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby hooka bars. It’s the kind of place that arabs, college kids, legit burkha wearing types and the radical lefties go to unwind with a good puff.

Israel president Netanyahu was on the TV and the local baklava baker said to his interior decorator (friends since art school),

“You know what? He ain’t so bad. The Palestinians are bonding, nobody’s hating muslims, and we’re standing on the world stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ tel aviv Bibi’s got my support”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Allahu Ackbar” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely bomb jacket wearing bearded guy in the corner raise his pipe with a nod.
Kek. Bibi always wins.
HAHAHAH this is terrific
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you guys memed this so much that the democrats picked kamala to run for president
her husband is jewish
kamala drains an actual jewish cock of jewish cum every night
and now dems will vote for it
from a cruel joke, to a reality!
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>that the democrats picked kamala
You mean globohomo panicked that nobody is falling for the left right dichotomy so they went ape shit with psyops and now nobody gives a fuck even further including this bullshit with montel williams groupie propped up industry plant kamala?
This is all stupid, sloppy, very desperate.
Can tell things are about to implode internally.
when I think about my actions the only person I truly hurt is myself to be the man who's responsible for killing others especially kids I don't understand how he can wake up each day and not take his life. battling your demons is one thing being the one firing out conflict like holllyyyyyy molyyyyyy
1pbtid miga mossad
Nice catch
Trump is such a cretin fucking hell.
LMAO trump smiling like a child who meets his hero. Truly warms my heart.
Trump is hiding his thumb placement in the handshake to hide the fact that it was a Masonic handshake.
This is my only pet peeve with Trump. I fucking hate Israel and the middle East. Just let them kill each other. Stop being a puppet to these cunts.
We don't even need the oil anymore and the US dollar is too strong anyway
Just let them go their way. Either side is filled with animals
jeb bush was the left right dichotomy, not trump
good good goyim, suck that Jew cock
Netanyahu is a guy that eats trump for breakfast.
Not saying that he is a good guy.
You got it the other way around,
SHE is keeping HIM as her jewish sex slave.
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This but unironically.

Vote Trump
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> vote trump
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Hes such a good shizo goy
A vote for Trump is a vote for Israel.
Do your part and sacrifice your self for Greater Israel.
Defend Israel even if it means your life
Defend the Jews from Iran, even if it means your country destroying it's self in the process
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America. Land of the free. Cant even comment on youtube freely. LMAO . americans not even once. holy shit. Im moving outta this shit hole. Africa looks nicer.
>doesn't know how masonic handshakes work
>I'm retarded
Yes you are
>This is the man spearheading the future and revitalization of the Aryan race

It's comms. At least that's what it looks like.
this and checked

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