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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Did he wash Bibi's dirty undies again?
Everybody seethe posting loves brown people. Shitskins and jeets one and all
Based. Unironically a strong conservative ally regardless of what the grifted jew fearing faggots in this thread may think
oh i am sure Trump has something up his sleeve. this is just another jewdi mind trick
What for? Remove your cranium from your rectum, please.
Tired of ((them)). Why is Trump kneeling to this guy who tried to kill him.

So much for Trump being mad at him... Oh God. These fucking people.
they have a jew fetish
Jewed uuuuup
jews only smeared ketchup on him
Why is he welcoming the man who called the shot on him? Doesn't Trump know that Israel shot him?
Is he in denial? Does he believe it was the Dems in general with Pelosi/Schumer who tried to kill him and he does not amalgate with the Jews? How do we know the truth and he cant see the truth?
dude do you even know where you are
Uh oh what will trumpcucks say now?
Mi casa és su casa!
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Iran tried to kill him not Jews.
Like Kamala, the clown put on his best sad face to join the crowd mourning for Fentanyl Floyd. Now the man responsible for the most barbaric images since Vietnam comes for a visit but he is welcomed with open arms because he brings gifts of investment opportunities in the newly acquired real estate.
Yes, I would prefer if Trump was Hitler 2.0 and was committed to deporting all nonwhites, and I understand people who might criticize him for his support of Israel. But anyone who countersignals Donald Trump is the enemy, a leftist pretending to be one of us. Donald Trump is the coalition leader and has the Mandate of Heaven after his assassination attempt. Anybody telling you not to support him is the enemy. You don't like him because he's not saying "Gas the Kikes?" Reminder that Donald Trump's most controversial opinion is "maybe we shouldn't have 20 million unvetted immigrants from God knows where crossing the US border undocumented" and they tried to kill him for it. What do you think they plan to do to you?
It was all fake WWE shit, there was no ''assasination attempt''
Did Iran scare the secret service agents off the roof too?
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kikes are brown people
His DAD was friends w Netanyahu in the 80s (when he was UN ambassador I believe, kike in that vid where he promises to bring moshiach to the Rebbe)
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>answer the call
bonjour, ladies.
>they tried to kill him for it
fake, play blood. kayfabe
ever met an addict? they only care about feeling good and getting their next fix, nothing else matters to a jew cum addict.
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there is literally nothing wrong with Trumps ear in any of these.
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All anons be aware that the Tetrach Benjamin Netanyahu is in the city.
By order of the triumvir Donald Trump, during his visit, all mockery of Jews and their one God shall be kept to an appropriate minimum.
M I G A !!!!!!!!!!!!
KEK it's gotten so bad that one kike /ptg/ shill stopped posting on here
WWE is more believable desu
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>How do we know the truth and he cant see the truth?
Because he's fucking stupid and it's as simple as that. You fell for the grift thinking he's some 4D chess master. Are you a boomer or something?
How would anyone possibly benefit by doing a fake near miss assassination by a lone wolf Republican with only milquetoast evidence of supporting Joe Biden? He wasn't a rabid Trump hater, he wasn't Antifa, he wasn't a Muslim or spic. No one benefits from a RINO incel. Conspiratards are basically cultists but instead of believing a higher power is controlling the world for good you believe it's for evil. But you still have to believe the world is controlled. You're too immature to accept that we were a mere inch and less than a second away from watching his head explode on live TV
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we know youre a 16 year old midwit shareblue shill when you have to label your faggy memes like that. I'm not sure who you think youre fooling but it is entertaining to watch you spergs fag around here.
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>no you can't just organize! be a messy autist like me!
No thanks, bub. I like how easy it is to summon you because you're a literal bot with my image titles in your detection system.
>maga israel 33
>maga israel 34
lmao, I dont even have to say anything. just bump it to expose you for everyone else
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Yes let people know how much evidence of Trump being a jew exists. Thank you. Continue squirming for me.
Trump already helped them give credence that Iran was behind it yesterday. That's gonna be in every normalfags head. It would also bring in a lot voters not really affiliated to any party to vote for him. Why else would the msm release those propaganda photos with the flag behind him looking all defiant and heroic if not to help get him elected.
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If you think Trump is against the invasion you are hopelessly retarded.
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Kek he's openly said he wants millions of immigrants (brown people) just "legally"

/ptg/ desperately attempts to hush up anybody who posts these images
Whatever happened to this guy. Did he die
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You now realize that western civilization never could be saved.
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you know whats full of zionist pedos? reddit..I bet you hate it there right bud?
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these kamaltoe shills dont actually hate jews. If they did they wouldnt be here shilling
Why is it so hard for /pol/ chuds to comprehend that Israel and the US are friends and allies? It's not a hard concept to grasp.
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>shit fuck ask the team lead what were supposed to do when they start exposing reddit mods and admins
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Jewbros we got too cocky... It's over...
Former Trump supporter here. I can't do it anymore. I want to fight for the US, not for Israel. I'm desillusioned af. Even Kamala seems a better choice now, I never thought I would say it, but it's true. Trump has betrayed us, and everyone knows it. Fuck MIGA, fuck Trump. Please tell me I'm not the only one, I wanted to believe in Trump, but something snapped
Personally, I think he’s acting a little funny. Bibi must have been paranoid or suspicious the whole time he was there
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4d chess, amirite?
>Everybody seethe posting loves brown people
What kind of people do you think jews are, ya faggot?
>Unlimited money for Israel
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didnt u know that jews are white
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>implying i give a fuck about reddit trannies
KEK you underagefags are so out of touch. i have seen quite a lot of trump trannies though!
Yep. This time he used his tongue.
You laugh now, yet you’ve already forgotten Trump dodged death merely two weeks ago. It isn’t Trump playing 4d chess, it’s someone higher
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Now that's catchy!
Remember when Bibi stabbed him in the back on Twitter? Karma.
>kikes are brown people

But they look more White-ish than Brown.
Grey, I say.
>Why else would the msm release those propaganda photos with the flag behind him looking all defiant and heroic if not to help get him elected.
Because they're cool photos and no one could possibly stop the photographer that was possibly risking his life to take them from releasing them. You need to get over this mental illness where you believe everything is controlled by inhumanly competent people. Unexpected things happen that change the course of history
There's two of them and they're both dead.
He deported tons of illegals his first term. You're a troon that wants to poison the well. Nobody's falling for it. Trump is coalition leader and anybdoy countersignalling him is the enemy
im very aware
how else would the demonic jews be exposed
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lmao did you really think this rhetoric would work on /pol/?
>Because they're cool photos and no one could possibly stop the photographer that was possibly risking his life to take them from releasing them.
They were fucking msm photographers who took them. The same people you fags like to believe wanted to destroy Trump. Yet they just boosted him higher than ever.
The original?
>no saar do not vote Trump he is not based nazi like you and me saar
You will be going back.
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It was a single photographer who took the iconic flag photo. You fags are fucking insufferable with your mental illness bullshit
israel jews hate amalek esau edom rome america europe western CHRISTian civilization

the assasination was staged btw
staged how
It was a guy who worked for AP news. Kill yourself glownigger.
Maybe he's just playing 100 dimensional chess?
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Bibi was one of the first to turn his back to Trump during the troubled 2020 election. Interesting if he still remembers that fact.
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what's going on in these?
maybe higher forces are at play here
i firmly believe trump is nothing but pawn, one of many
>oh no he worked for le associated press this means he rehearsed running in front of the stage multiple times with a few second timeframe in the entire choreographed stage show to capture a great photo in order to *checks notes* make Trump look really cool despite the MSM at large calling Trump Hitler for years
Or maybe he was just a photographer that got a cool photo in the heat of the moment
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who nose
Sure, the same way you remember your boss reprimanding you for coming back five minutes later from lunch break.
staged how
Or maybe you're a glownigger trying to cover for your gayops.
Yes I'm a Mossad agent stationed in cyberwarfare Tel Aviv office trying to convince a mentally ill retard that sometimes professional photographers at historical events take photos unprompted
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You niggers outed yourself once using an fbi VPN so it wouldn't fucking surprise me.
how many foreskins did u eat today rabbi
No, they've just transcended.
you absolute fucking moronic dumbass. jews are responsible for nigger worship.
Please tell me there's an actual source for the quote.
Yes I'm the Mossad Agent assigned to you personally. My main mission is to use our JewMindBeam technology to mind control all the women in your life into only fucking "Chads" so you remain a virgin permanently.
15 as directed by the Talmud
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look it up dummy
Don't be a kike and help a fellow out.
The CEO of the western world coming to visit is kind of a big deal
its fucking true. zionists are only "right wing" when it benefits themselves, they promote diversity and multiculturalism onto their host nations because they see all goyim as cattle.
Most powerful people are surrounded by worm tongued yes men and are fed lies and garbage meant to further careers not inform.
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dont be a retard and do ur own homework
This is what solidified my vote for Trump. He is the only candidate that is strong in supporting Israel.
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Here's hoping the Pro Palestine hordes of brown people and dyed hairs have taught them a lesson on not importing your own doom.
What did trump say just before the first shot?
Bibi and Donald sittin in a tree
he said "take a look what happened"
>UK drops plans to challenge ICC arrest warrant request against Benjamin Netanyahu
Criminal hideout for Benny he has to book another flight home because UK is going to arrest him when he steps one foot on UK soil haha
This shit cannot be real holy fuck ahahahahahahah
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Zion Don and Juden Vanceberg are going to draft you retards to fight Hezbollah and Iran.
You are a pajeet so youre basically a giant pile of poop
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Call yourself Land of the free. Cannot even Comment freely on youtube. LMAO 100 YEARS OF DYING ACROSS THE WORLD FOR THIS LMAO!! NOW GO DIE FOR CHRIST KILLERS FOR 2000 MORE LMAO!
Better than voting for a literal nigger jeet jew wife
Keep posting shit just like this. That's all it ever took. You have them now.

Well done.
They provide advertising campaign management services. The companies that use their services decide what to advertise.
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I seriously don't even understand why kike shills love spamming their far left divide and conquer agendas on here. Literally even newfags know the kike shills need to go back to pRedditor, discord and dilate with all their tranny friends
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No fucking way lmao
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Imagine being this much of a cuck after bibi backstabbed him

Remember this from 2020?
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The kike shills act as if trump likes yahoo, when nothing could be further from the truth. Trump helped yahoo out with the embassy, and then yahoo immediately ran to publicly congratulate biden, when the election was still contested. With trump being a high functioning sociopath (not a bad thing for politicians. Most politicians are NPD, or NPD + ASPD, just like MD's, lawyers, cops, actors, CEO's, and so on), trump sees that action by yahoo as complete betrayal, and will unironically never forgive him regardless of what he says publicly for self benefit.

Yahoo is a high functioning psychopath, and therefore sees nothing wrong with his actions, except that trump is pissed at him. Biden is a low to average sociopath, too stupid to do the shit that he wants to do to others.
Trust the plan
Still voting Trump
Still voting JD
Still supporting israel
Still killing muzzies

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Why is yahoo such a cuck?
He knows that he betrayed trump, and yet he keeps wagging his gaping anus in front of trump as a peace offering
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Even just this past week, trump is absolutely furious at yahoo, and will unironically never forgive him. This despite what he might say publicly, to get jewish donations and votes in the 2024 election... but will retaliate against yahoo once back in his 2nd POTUS term
>famous presidential photographer photographs president
i am shocked
kikes aren't white
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You do realize that kike shills get shekels for each (you) that they farm, right?
Poo's get 1-2 cents per (you), while the skilled quality tier israeli's get 30 cents per (you).
If it's a memefag, it's a poo since it means the kike shill org doesn't want to spend $2/month for his VPN account
Based Iran then
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Jews are 100% definitely white. How the fuck can you lie like that? Can you seriously look at picrel and say that these IDF soldiers aren't white??
Miggers usurp my anus.
Jews are anti-White foreigners who belong with their jeet allies
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Do these people seriously not look white to you??!

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