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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Please come back
No country for white men
zog needs you back to die in iran!
>for the next three years
Is war back on the menu
I hope some of them take the deal and sabotage military from inside.
Once you take up position. Make sure all equipment goes to shit from bad maintenance and promote the lowest iq laziest niggers.
lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kike wars cancelled for the foreseeable future
straight to Israeli-Iranian front
They already promote paranoid Jews in diapers
why not just say sailors?
where's the refund?
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The poison spreads to everyone


It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else & grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after removed from body & put in preservative


Scientists find moving tech in vaxxed blood dead for 8 months

>32:00 mark





>antioxidants, alkaline diet, EDTA, high dose Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic & Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG

Pyrantel pamoate once a week for 3 weeks, once a year, to clear intestine parasites

Use Zelenko protocol to clear vax

Pray for divine intervention

"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons & instead transmute it to the good"

Pray for God to transmute the evil to good, which makes the magnitude of evil not so important. Pray that the more the beast wriggles the faster the divine plan comes to fruition. Pray any & all actions people take ultimately energize the divine plan & it doesn't matter if they have good or bad intentions. Pray to redirect all efforts everywhere & every-when into the divine goal

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (New Discovery Shows How To Pray 10x More Effectively In Half The Time)

>only three years
why? isn't discrimination protection for life?
desu those seem like absolutely the wrong people to piss on.
can fasting get rid of these vaxx structures?
>Please come back and die for srael
Why an arbitrary three years and what happens after? Discrimination?
Just three years?
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>sorry we tried to kill you
>can you do your part for israel
The Manila mafia already runs the Navy, just sit back and watch
What happens after 3 year? They go back to forcing th2 vax?

give them medals for their bravery in the face of tyranny.
Yes, it’s for life
a us navy ship is a black neighborhood that floats on water.. and, like many predominantly black communities in coastal areas, the neighborhood has been inundated with hispanics who are alcoholic
The government has realized that if you're so gullible and fucktarded that you would refuse common sense vaccines because of Russian destabilization memes on a Nepalese basket-weaving site, you should die an agonizing death from easily treatable infections.
Three years ago? Lol, of course they already moved on. Man, our government is SO retarded it hurts. If anything I would sign up to a paramilitary contractor instead of government bs.
>I see you're still alive and don't have myocarditis, it's a miracle! anyway so there's a little situation again in the middle east
I’m 600 pounds now wtf I can’t go back
I went into a spiral
>Brad’s the national anthem ending
No just discrimination during promotion boards
fake news. trace his endless sources as i once did and at the end of the rabbit hole is shitty fly by night journals no one ever heard of with random articles by literal whos that anyone could write anything in. filtered through shitty dumb clickbait "news" and repeated on youtube videos.

those with untainted immune systems will destroy any spike proteins in their body. only the vaxxed produce endless spike proteins they can't remove. also all that other shit is fake too.

its just a psyop to make you think you're not safe even if you haven't been vaccinated.
This is why we call them ZOGDOGs
Uncle Sambo owns their balls
Why not just say semen.
Yeah, the kikes in Washington tried to kill Trump so he made an agreement with them that if they manage to kill him, America will go to war with Iran.
You read that right.
That's what happened.
Trump is a colossal fucking retard and has learned absolutely nothing from his first term.
Kick out all the Right Wingers and then realize they were the only ones who were competent
550 pages of you being a retard.
They won't be alive after 3 years
their lucky.

they basically refused an order. should be grifting or working at mcdonalds after that
Sign tappers stay winning.
>and will be protected against discrimination on promotion boards for the next three years
So the rest of zogbongs aren't protected, lmao.
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>the next three years
thanks for the heads up on the timeline, chief

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