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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>literaly nobody gives a shit anymore

What happened?
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>Destroy the very concept of nations and pride in those nations
>All competitors are clearly nationals in technicality only
>Unironic globohomo pagentry for opening ceremonies
>Everyone is on EPO or whatever
>Destroy the desire for large public events with the coronacaust
Did I miss anything?
Globalism means national achievements are meaningless. It's just the same grey-brown writhing mass of flesh competing against itself.
It's too political now.
In ancient Greece even warring states would play in Olympics and respect the neutrality. Today it's just another way for globohomo to direct and influence the world.
The more people realize that globalism is a front for talmudic totalitarianism, the less globalist events are followed.
Hard to get excited for your country's team when half the athletes on the team weren't even born in your country.
japan ruined it
this. Western white people where the ones that perviously cared about the olympics the most. Now we stopped caring because we are not living in countries that are united by a people.
Yeah, niggers larping as humans.
is it free to watch online? only interested in free media
I don't care which economic zone full of various races who play sports in other countries for most of their careers wins the shiny trinkets that you're required to pay tax on in the US
Isn't it now also pozzed with globohomo, like the rest of the world has been?
I do remember how fucking cringe the opening ceremony the London Olympics were.
Doubly cringe as it's my home city and it's full of fucking shitskins.
it has too much random shit. who cares about specific shit like chinese underwater ball juggling
Looking forward to see lady gaga get firebombed tonight while she boat sails down shit river
Too commercialized and nation state era is almost over. Globalization is so dominant that its not a big deal anymore to see people from all over the world coming together. Plus the idea to bring people together by sport an prevent war by that is just ridiculous.
i think most people just hate entitled faggots and don't want do give them any attention basically its celeb tier attention whoring and its fucking boring
I’m playing it in the background, so I give half a shit
people have better things to do now
No more race walking.
The scamdimic happened. If they want a crowd there, get some cardboard cutout fans and piss off.
>jocks run around

Why should i care
Wait for it, memes will arrive shortly.
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The IOC being arrogant asses who demanded that the King of Norway kneel before them if they'd let Oslo host the Winter Olympics. Also the costs kept rising because the IOC insisted on all new venues and "transformation projects" on junk properties owned by their friends and family members.
Paris is the first of the "cost saving" Olympics that the IOC had to agree to once western cities stopped bidding on the games. They're being allowed to use many existing venues instead of building entirely new facilities that duplicate what already exist. They're also not required to turn some old industrial wasteland into an Olympic center.
I'm not really sure who's watching it. After my teams national championship run (Meatchicken) and watching two soccer tournaments + golf I'm pretty cooked on sports til September.
there are only four teams in the world anymore:
and every other country's team filled with americans that didn't make team USA
No more sexy East German Helgas.
No point in watching since '90s.
They need to put the events on youtube, not as many people have cable tv anymore
Lol...because it's an overpriced useless spectacle of bread and circuses.

And nailed it
Damn i miss the deathmarch so much its unreal
Nope. OTA CBC has it during the afternoon's

The Five Cock Rings of Audi
I wonder if anyone would even give a shit if they caused a terror attack to blame on Iran at the Olympics. Would most people just assume it was staged or perpetrated by mossad at this point?
>americans are shit at it since they are fat
>chinks cheat and roided or buy wins
>russians cheat and roided, still lose
>pussyfied rulesets of representitive sports
>taekwando but shit
>karate but shit
>dumb sports nobody even know exist
gee I wonder why
No one pays got cable and no one will pay for whatever streaming service they are on
London did the best ever and now it's shit since Rio was shit and Japs one got pretty much cancelled.
All of our countries are ruled by kikes so we have no pride anymore.
Nice observation
Gay messaging
Half of the participants from European countries are joggers
Very accurate.
all nations are the same brown biomass. who cares.
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I don't see the Olympics anymore. The French athletes aren't French. American athletes aren't Americans. Everything is fake and gay. I cannot afford to eat and all my tax dollars are going to gay jewish pedophiles or to kill white people in a foreign war. I'm just gonna buy more ammo and wait.

(feel free to save this image if you want, i didn't make it)
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hoping for more kino clips otherwise fuck the niggermutt games
Why is globohomo kidnapping kids in the opening?
I bet tons of french getting killed right now in France by muslims
To help bring the Mashiac'h.
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>oh look country A's imported niggers are faster than country B's imported niggers!!!!!!!
Isn’t that River really polluted? I wouldn’t want any of that aids water spraying on me…

Oh yeah how’s it going with the trains that all disabled by getting their cables torched?
Unsurprisingly, no one wants to watch a bunch of niggers run and jump.
just waiting for Gojira here
WHy would I want to go to a public event that will just be overrrun with niggers with plastic trumpets?
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>Refugee Olympic team
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lmao wtf is that
As a kid I used to cheer for my country. Now niggers especially nigger woman are using it to make it about race which defeats the purpose of what the Olympics are so I stopped watching it.
The moment they banned Russia for doping and political reasons it became a joke.
Germany's flag held by a nigger rest of germany team white
>Isn’t that River really polluted?
Yes, despite $2 billion invested since 2016 to clean it up. Athletes are at serious risk of getting sick.
>Oh yeah how’s it going with the trains that all disabled by getting their cables torched?
All attacks on the rail network in France have always been the work of anarchists, who know where to attack thanks to their unionist friends.
I do. I like the Olympics.
the media broadcast is unwatchable.
There's a refugee team.
It's the same as national teams in soccer
>which team of africans sporting an european flag will win?
hahahaah well I just LOVE that picture I lol (laugh out loud!) so much do you mind if I show it to my grandkids, they're always playing on their computers so they like stuff like this!
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>Train stopped working the opening film
>main trains in france stopped working

the french cause the trains to stop it wasn't the "enemies"
This lip syncing is atrocious by satanic lady globohomo
The only one I like is /fs/ and IOC killed it by banning Russians. Nothing beats the graceful movement by young girls.
I watch gymnastics and highlights because I like athletic girls
Did I miss anything?
>IOC being one of the most corrupt international organizations on the planet
>the games being terrible for anyone actually living in the cities they're held in to the point when everytime citizens get to vote if they want them they vote against it (happened multiple times in Germany)
>thus they are now oftentimes being held in dictatorial third world shitholes (Olympic e-sports games 2025 (lol) went to fucking Saudi Arabia of all places)
Was that the parade of troons?
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>pol nightmares
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>Refugee Olympic team
oh fuck it's real
Holy shit those niggers are made out of obsidian.
I lost all respect for the Olympics when I learned of Olympic Village sex parties.

The cuck who made that "Hey There Delilah" song lucked out when he was rejected by that chick. She most likely had a train run on her by dozens of literal Olympian Chads.
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White Whore
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>Olympic e-sports games 2025 (lol) went to fucking Saudi Arabia of all places
tbf I thought it's because Saudi Arabia is funding a lot of videogame studios and things like streaming platforms like kick
Refugee Olympic team have existed for years.
They gave me my beloved wife Yusra Mardini.
Gtfo poonigger
Shows you how much I've actually watched that
The Olympics Games meta is just a contest of who can hire the most ringers... mostly niggers, but some sports require more finesse than a nigger brings to the table. In any case the whole thing is just a giant grift, everybody knows it and nobody can afford it any longer
Canada and China share a boat? What a surprise.
>Canada and China on same boat
USA better have its own boat damn it
Fpbp. I'd only add that they've also made it political by excluding Russia from many sports.
the masked parkour dude looks cool tho
You'll probably have Ukraine on there.
The broadcast is so fucking chaotic. What am I watching
why is it so pink?
is this the globohomo ?
Diversity day
Probably another satanic ritual.
>What happened?
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That’s racist anon. Pink like white pussies and nipples? Cancel the Olympics now
Who is the guy holding the torch? Any satanic occult faggots want to enlighten us?
weird virtue signalling with a police state atmosphere that has decades of insane corruption involved behind it.
>african countries have negros
>south american countries have negros
>north american countries have negros
>oceania has negros
>european countries has negros
Sure it’s Prometheus
all I remember was one of our US nigger athletes openly hates the US and was twerking on camera and just making a mockery of the whole event
This is globo bolshevik. It's 1924.
>What happened?
(((globalist))) brainwashing and the browning of white civilizations results in people having zero pride in their country and its achievements.
Fuck you
Then she is a good representation of niggerdom in America. The living embodiment of Give a Mouse a Cookie
>Unironic globohomo pagentry
As opposed to globohomo semitic faggotry
It’s Semitic anon. It’s just got pageantry too
Why are these people even living? Why don't we conquer the shit out of Africa again?
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It's more and more a Jew DEI thing, so my only interest is in Jew-free Commie China beating JewSA, with a side interest to see how many tiny countries beat dysgenic India.
Faggots, niggers, and niggerfaggots everywhere.
it's all of these things
>dictatorial shitholes using their funds to whitewash their human rights abuses through sports and improve their international image
>corrupt IOC not giving a shit and taking the money
>more and more first world countries refusing to host because citizens don't want to deal with the hassle and corruption
go inject some more HRT marxist faggot.
Hopefully the Houthis sink it
pretty sure China is currently conquering the continent
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>Jew free China
>street shitting
wake me when they go back to primogens of human fitness, one male from each country (real ethnicity, not just what a piece of paper says) and they all compete in every physical sport instead of just one, winner being the one to dominate in all games and gets a statue
clothing optional
women shouldn't be allowed to attend
And bringing us plenty more negroes while they get an untouched continent (since niggers never invented the wheel much less industrialization)
>I'm just gonna buy more ammo and wait.
And that's all you'll ever do. You faggots won't do shit, lmao.
Nothing is happening.
>The ceremony begins at 19:30 local time (18:30 BST) on Friday, 26 July.
Why is it just shots of losers sat in the rain with le epic musique and dignitaries shaking hands?

Do something.
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>No more sexy East German Helgas
No more sexy loli gymnasts
Totally not satanic Marie Antoinette
What time is that in American units?
The actual ceremony is on tv, for some reason they're showing random shit on these streams.
45mins ago king
I do agree that there are just way too many events. it's like those big jewish movie franchises that went from a solid contained trilogy to dozens of shitty obscure sequels and spinoffs. even fans of those things find it hard to keep up with such constantly expanding mass of shit. as the number expands, the quality falls dramatically
>”oh so cool!”
Great commentary you stupid bitch
Oh weird is it any good?
I think opening ceremony directors gave up after Beijing 2008
Who wants to watch black Africans wearing German uniforms race against black Africans wearing French uniforms.
Most people are only interested in a select few sports...if I want to watch skateboarding I’d watch XGames or Street League not a bunch of browns and chinks larping as americans and stealing the glory
The so called cultural elite. These were the faggots pushing the vaccine.
It's unrehearsed and full of "modern" artsy shit. Even French people are hating it.
Fuck off op
Its all so painfully globohomo. A humiliation ritual.
the less stake you have in the world the less you believe you're part of it, your time becomes precious and staring and some clouds > staring at some negroes on roids.
/pol/ is also mostly bots/shills so the real number is probably far far down the list.
The olympics are just super spreader events and are fake and gay. The destroy the climate and prop up nationalism. They were started by the nazis, too. It's ableist and fatphobic.
Do people in France think it’s still the 1960’s?
rails are down Olympics are cancelled you chuds
Niggers like to walk 50 km per day for some water. They never tried to make their own well. Niggers watched the sea for thousands of years and never built a decent boat. How is this even possible? Even ravens use tools. Ravens are smarter than niggers.
why is this live action faggy cinematic lasting more than gojira's presentation?

It's this that I have no interest in sports really. Same goes with city names. It's just random people going up against random people wearing a different colour jersey. There's no stakes really.
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>Ceremonial globohomo isn't interesting

Paris is burning. The Free World must declare war on Russia and Iran now. #Olympic2024


At least there is something worth watching in regards to the Onigpic.
I'd watch that over basketball.
>interracial threesome
This is the kind of family friendly content we need to be seeing on TV
I can't stand looking at bl*cks.
>Jew-free Commie China
>He doesn't know jews were involved in the chinese commie revolution:
>He doesn't know the talmud is a best selling book in China
Oh sweaty, you have so much left to learn
>Strangling contracts for the host cities
>Host cities purging their communities of homeless and poor people on the IOC's behalf
>Doping devaluing the spirit of sports
>Sports competitions turning into political dick waving contests
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The best Olympic ceremony was 20 years ago.
i don't even have anything to say, this guy already said it all
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It’s ok anon you can say niggers here you’re amongst frens
>americans are shit at it since they are fat
maybe if the Olympics were still what they used to be, Americans would be ashamed that they can only send fat bastards to compete with fit aryans
Satan will come to the Olympics for sure. He always shows us his number. If he's not out of this world, you're dead. It sucks actually. Even seeing magic tricks isn't entertaining when we're slaves. Or maybe you will care
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France has added a new sport to the Olympics this year. Gang rape of white women.
Or Israel...
I think 2008 was the last real Olympics.
actually you can't. at least not where I'm from, you'll be put on a government list and they'll put microphones outside your home, tap your phones and go through your trash.
They aren't close enough in the alphabet to be possible.
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This guy?
Wow 5 men just like the 5 rings of the Olympics
>fpbp with digits
Missed opportunity to put worst and best Korea on the same yacht
No. In fact after the first line you were just being redundant.

End-stage liberalism makes the Olympics a corporate scam while the contestants are all just narcissists working for their own aggrandisement.

Surprised anyone would be surprised it's unpopular.
In globolist hedonism world, why would any individual care about it?
Where do I sign up?
Sounds like America

>switch to the opening ceremony
>see niggers on boats invading paris
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>Some random brazilian gets raped in tribal area of India, /pol/ cries for a month and makes thousands of post about it
>An Australian gets raped in the prime area of France and nobody bats an eye
Why such hypocrisy bros
Letting Israel compete is too much cognitive dissonance for normies so they are pretending it's not happening.
I was making a joke about associations, not letters.
Mongolian basket weaving races
ut of the top of my mind i can think of a 100 reasos, the games will never be in india
Don’t forget the mass rapes
Who cares at this point anyway? Fuck the kikes and fuck niggers
You're living in the wrong fucking country, mate.
niggers in America maybe, but chinks are like that everywhere. We're not even talking about rural China but the "civilised" part.
Boring,bullshit kid sports!...
Jump Rope...
Crap !
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Those heads poking out of the water are scary as FUCK.
kek the floods are coming to wash away all the niggers
Imagine the restoration work that piano is going to need after being drenched in rain for hours
Yeah when I see niggers called French and German and Swedish I can't watch anymore.
They were probably pakipoos, if that makes you feel any better.
Nice slags you brought to the party England
Not just interracial. Black faggot, hapa trannie and a white woman.
>Did I miss anything?
People are fucking broke so no one's gonna want to travel to watch in person even if there was hype
I was sad to discover I'm not on any list recently.
I lost all interest many years ago when synchronized swimming became an "olympic Sport", followed by bullshit like fucking table tennis,etc

Here's an interesting thing.
Why has there been no return to the original Olympic Games, as practiced by the Greeks over 2000 years ago?
Just the basics and the ancient traditions,
No big wank fest opening ceremony.
You would think given all the bullshit of the modern Olympics there would be a movement to return to the origins. The fastest, the strongest, the most agile, the greatest endurance.
Just hold them every year in Athens. They came up with the idea.
But it appears there isn't such a movement to return to the roots of the Olympics.. Don't you think that is peculiar?.
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so anons, how many of these will you be watching?
how many do you consider an actual olympic sport?
>breaking AKA break-dancing, a new olympic sport for 2024
lmao, i will definitely be skipping that one
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Well, Mordecai, as picrel shows, the Chinese people are based, noting "if there are 8 million Jews in Israel, we can open a really big soap factory there." They also openly write "Too bad Hitler didn't finish the job."

If Jews actually were part of the Chinese revolution, then China did a damn good job of exterminating them after their usefulness was over. China currently has about 1,400 Jews out of 1,400,000,000 people - barely 1 Jew per million citizens. Chinese Jews aren't protected as a minority and have no political power. I look forward to a world like China.
Olympics are a luxury. The standard of living is falling everywhere. People are lonely as the family unit and birthrates collapse everywhere. Everyone is in survival mode. There's too much to think about like where you're going to live at the end of the month or where your next meal is going to come from. Nobody has time to think about this shit or devote any time to it.
Because sports are meaningless
the only olympic sports are shot put, running, wrestling, discus and spear throwing.
>not the winter sports
>trannies running amok
Boxing for me… at least it’s not that faggy mma garbage
>my niggers are better at sports nobody plays because we have to work 3 jobs to afford grocery than your niggers!!

who gives a shit.
I'm sure one of the things the wokeolnigpics would like to bring back is gay men competing nude.
Indians have never seen a river that clean.
Paris Olympics 2024 under attack by Iran and its proxies. What we know so far:


Well boys it looks like it's time to go to war....
yeah, sanction Russia who is dragging its shitshow for 2.5 years in order to minimize casualties and let Izrael compete even though they killed 5 times more civvies in 6 months than Russia did in 5 times that long

honestly, fuck the collective west and fuck the olympic games
Honoring tradition is unbearable for all those who want to wipe the slate clean and create the New Human.
Don't forget how the event also has a condom shortage every time because all the athletes have such high T levels they fuck each other like rabbits
women's beach volleyball
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>wen shouldn’t be allowed the attend
Fpbp. It’s not the olympics anymore, it’s just the nigger games. Couldn’t give less of a shit.
Lmao Italy Chads mogging israel so bad
only satisfaction i get out of the olympics is that our team isn't government funded unlike everyone else
The whole point of the Olympics is showing off national ethnic health, but now nations basically don't exist.
Niggers and jews, pops and Muslims invaders need to be dealt with before white ppl can have nice shit again.
France has nothing to show for in the past 30 years and it shows
Is this the smashing pumpkins video remake?
Soon fistings and cock sucking will be a medal event
France finally submitting to mutt agenda. Under homosexual president no more french culture. Globohomo reigns supreme.
Finally a strong black woman to represent France
Sanctioning any country is beyond evil to me. Its a eat eho gives a fuck point of Greece Olympics was for all wars to stop and Olympics to be held.
These poeple are so fucking petty.
fucking what?
All under the tender gaze of rabbi-bankers.
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Apparently French men have never done anything worthy of note.
men are shit remember?

Women are the only ones who can do anything
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>And now, representing France in 100 meters, Motumbus Ngubu, whose mother emigrated to France 18 years ago, making him as french as a baguette
Also, meritocracy died. Who gives a shit about the fastest nigger anymore. As long as someone who isn't planted by the FEDs can pull and keep attention for whatever they are doing they become famous
India pooed in it

That whole bit was so weird
Dems our negroes
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fpbp. its literally monkeys with colored flags going against each other. might as well be the fucking horse races and their gambling but with apes instead.
I like how they were throwing away literature and then just had a threesome.

>Destory the past
>Goon yourselfs dumb to Niggers

This is what they want to push on us
Who’s Big Girl Nikka?
Does the Olympics really think breakdancing is going to make young people watch? I re,beer the Olympic torch coming through my city in 1996 going to Atlanta where based Eric bombed it
back when the olympic games were actually real, if women were caught attending they'd be killed, usually by throwing them off a cliff
i would like to go back to those times
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Just nuke everything and start over in a few million years
On the USA boat all the nigresses are wearing rain coats and all the white people aren’t
yee russia is out so the olympiic idea is out
white people stopped caring
hula hooping will be a sport confirmed by the BBC
I just arrived home from my workweek flat to spend the weekend at my parents' place, and they're utterly confused and disoriented why the opening ceremony features a depiction of Carmen with a black male lead and the whitest possible woman, even though Carmen was a Spanish Gypsy, and why there is an anarchist-looking freak (an ButtButtin'd Creed ripoff) running along the rooftops. Coming home this weekend is already top kek.
Also, apparently the French are torching buses
Great now it’s time for the gay water fountains… hopefully it means the USA is approaching
It's now a marathon white peepo countries humiliation ritual. Russia is better off not participating.
nobody cares because olympic sports are B O R I N G
Because everyone is tired , demoralized and angry. I fucking hope a bomb of peace goes off
Pro Wrestling is better than the Olympics

I can't wait for Joe Hendry next week on NXT
fuck that girls looks too cute to be in gymnastics. now all the female gymnasts look like they take steroids
Adolf Hitler hat Jesse Owens persönlich gratuliert
während FDR nicht einmal ein Telegramm geschickt hat
Is that the French Birdman?
>woke festival
>forced woke on non woke participants (nearly everyone including the audience)
>national pride in tatters everywhere woke exists
>trannies replacing women
The IOC is Jewish?
your girls soccer team are a bunch of cheaters
i hope they get their previous wins taken away and they have to return metals
This really made me lol more than it should have… good one anon
Lol even the african Teams are mostly white people. So weird
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>literally this
>the only olympic sports are shot put, running, wrestling, discus and spear throwing.
i'd add pankration/boxing as well. a few years back they tried to get rid of wrestling. the olympic committee is a joke
>ban steroids
>sports are fucking lame
Lift all ped restrictions
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What American wants to watch a fat, sweaty, African female attempting to twerk? Which Frenchman wants to watch all the Africans on the French team? Which Englishman wants to watch the Africans on the English team?

I think it's quite obvious diversity and immigration are destroying the Nationalities of countries to the point the native populations are checked out.

No one gives a fuck. The Jews and their Liberal pawns are destroying everything in this World that was once great.

ww3 is basically beginning.
who fucking cares?
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You should've typed globohomo 2 more times and highlighted jews and trannies. Other than that, GG, mein nigger
I mean, it's almost as if you faggots have run white folks out of society.
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>What happened ?
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I had to watch the clip again and she never said DEY HEA.
Satan, can you be a little bit more subtile ?
But there were some hot models though
>Poland #1 in men’s volleyball
not enough blacks
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what the fuck was this?
she can't even DJ
Summer Olympics has too much nigger shopping for shit like track & field and basketball. The winter games is more representative of each country's demographics
The ones who live too close to watering holes get killed by the other wildlife. No African has ever been pissed off enough by the loss of their children to swear revenge and spend the rest of their life hunting down the culprit.
This reminds me of the gaypride in the canals of Amsterdam hahahahah I liked the assassins creed reference though
Sorry we let this happen guys
Just you. I have always loved watching the Gymnasts and I look forward to it.
That's a man anon
>The IOC being arrogant asses who demanded that the King of Norway kneel before them if they'd let Oslo host the Winter Olympics.
What's the lore behind that??
If it was happening in Norway, and if I were the king, I would command to have them publically shamed and have them publically apologize for such a disrespect.
I’d rather lay in a vat of boiling hot cooking oil than watch an hour of this dung.

It’s pozzed, but frankly, it was always crap. Those weepy documentaries about the athlete’s mom who died 5 years ago… it’s terrible TV.
the one on the left is a tranny, the one on the right is a crossdresser
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>>What happened ?

It’s getting annoying now, just for how utterly predictable it is. I’d be absolutely shocked if it wasn’t riddled with multiethnic transsexuals.
Anything Gymnastic, Breaking, Boxing, Weight lifting
A man too. Sad to see a kid with those troons
Puerto Ricans are Spanish-Niggers
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I might care if they had that thing where for every gold medal the US gets I get a free Big Mac from MacDonald's, (except instead MacDonald's it's Carl's Jr or Wendy's).
Otherwise fuck GloboHomo, fuck fake nigger citizens, and fuck the international crime syndicate known as the IOC.
you forgot the worst offense of all
nacho cheese just doesnt taste good anymore
Are the Olympics covered under legal sports betting?
Americans are Bong niggers.
What's the name of the 1938 Olympics film? I want to watch that in protest.
Made me hard tho
Some are sure but they're mostly the dregs of what's left of European nobility
There is some pushback.

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What do you think these two French military A330 are doing all the way over there?
Seething. Show afro hair you fried banana eating Rican cockroach.
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>this is France
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Context: They closed the airspace over most of France for this shit boat parade.
Me on the right
Exactly what we need.
Except for the condoms.
Fuck yeah Americas got its own boat
>Giving a shit about Jewish events
Why you no like the multinational corporate funded globohomo athletic shit show goy?
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I never even thought about this. Apparently you can bet on the Olympics anywhere where "sports betting" is legal.
This year, for the first time, you can also bet on the "Special Olympics". HONK HONK!
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I kekked
Dilate you traditional life hating globohomo exporter. Your ancestors were swamp people, my ancestors have killed more brown people than you have eaten baby foreskin.
What the hell is this?

Btw worst Olympics ever. I cant take this seriously without the Russian team.
Every time they assume they have enough eyeballs they release the same faggots n niggers and trannys footage. All programming. All disgusting.
This is not real... is it???
unfortunately yes
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dios mío!
Its like a freak show.
>She's not fat or monumentally ugly

It's a tragic sign of how bad things are that I'm actually grateful someone on Team GB for MU actually remembered the purpose is to show off someone attractive. At least our entry is pretending our replacement niggers aren't like, fat loud American niggers.

I mean it's a larp but still.
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oh it is
In reality, it was probably around 1980.

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