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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I wanted to join the military, but then I saw these.


>fat, diverse recruits
>menopausal commanders
>20-minute 1.5 mile run requirement lmao
Are you fucking kidding? I want to do something meaningful with my life and become a soldier, but fuck serving the woke globohomo empire. I'd rather speak Russian than witness my mongrel grandsons chop their dicks off someday. Not even simping for vodkaland, I just hate our western governments with a burning fury.

Shit sucks. What can we do?
That's a man
She has the respect of thousand of service men and women who the fuck cares what you think cunt

Yeah, the respect of thousands of gay brown retards woooooo!

Yeah, you sound like a russian bot... DIE FOR ZOG OR ELSE
>ZOG media claims they're prepping war with China, Russia and NK
Everyone with half a brain knows they're only prepping against Iran, Hezbollah and the houthis.
Wouldn't a war with Iran pull in Russia and China anyway?
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>The same roastoids giving your shit grades for being a chud at school and later gatekeeping you from work as HR shrews will be sending you into trenches against Russia

The absolute state of Westohomo
What’s the point of joining as a white dude to be yelled at and discriminated against by the loserest blacks, ugliest women, and dumbest phillipinos? Like what’s the fuckin payoff?
You have to be a cuck into humiliation to subject yourself that kind of lame ass shit, playing pretend with genetic garbage that y'all are somehow the Prussian or Napoleonic army.
I don't know why everyone thinks China Iran and Russia have defense treaties. You can be sure that China will not do shit even if Israel nukes Iran. Russia's involvement is difficult to anticipate. They would sell them arms at best. I don't think Russia would want to enter a war on behalf of Iran.
the benefits are good thats about it
Let them lose. Globohomo needs to learn the hard way that DEI = DIE
They would both support Iran but most likely wouldn't show it publicly. Thinking otherwise is delusion.

The west can't even take 100 people dying.
Meanwhile on a real battlefield
100 die in a single half hour.

the "WEST" and its trannys aren't ready
I believe they'd do their best to prevent it from happening, but once the war happens it's unpredictable what will Russia do.
I feel like the fact that you wouldnt have a female boss or manager used to be the best thing about the military and now theyve taken that away. Good luck with your jew wars retards.
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>fake terrorist attack
>threats of more at voting locations
>mail in voting because people are afraid
>glowniggers cheat kamaltoe into office
>war with iran
this is what will happen now that their fake charges and assassination attempt failed

They have spent decades trying to destroy nationalism, sovereignty and national identity. That means nobody is going to fight your wars. Of course there will have to be conscription. Its going to be interesting to see when the US and EU face the next major war if the technological force multipliers they are working on can win. People say they did not learn a lesson in viet-nam but that's wrong. They learned to use volunteer troops, females,technical force multipliers and proxy armies to fight their wars minimizing political opposition. But that wont work for a really major war.
>The west can't even take 100 people dying.

Supposedly putin has lost 600,000 dead in Ukraine in two years which is more than the US lost in WWII.
This is not a man, this is a mentally ill piece of shit who needs to be beaten to a pulp and put in an insane asylum. He is gay pedo pervert 1000%
show some respect for the troops, my girlfriend's husband is overseas right now fighting for our freedom
>fighting against subhuman chinks, vatnigs, arabs bad
hello shitskin
The eyes of a mad man
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lmao you nafo troons are just retardedly obvious
if you wanted to join the military, you are as good as a shabbos goy and should be imprisoned. fucking kike slave.
glowies like you won't survive day of rope and your memeflag wont save you.
>tranny goes under cover in China
>hilarious anime make up, geisha dress and Raiden rice hat
>permenant 5 o clock shadow and shoulders wider than a chinaman is tall
>runs around screaming I'm a Chinese woman over and over
>perfect spy
>still can't figure out how China found every CIA in Myanmar in under a month
China and Russia tried to bait ww3 over Alaska yesterday
The only one talking about WW3 is the west, and if the west was serious about fighting BRICS they wouldn't be flooding our countries with BRICS citizens and our military ranks with non-whites, women, and trannies.

WW3 is a smoke screen to distract people from talking about the oncoming and totally avoidable economic collapse Brought about by oligarch greed.

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