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Fucker Faglson is the one who told trump to pick JD. One of the worst VP picks in history. JD is a fraud and already fucking everything up.
>he's the worst VP pick in history because...uh...we say so lol
Thanks shill
I thought it was Elon and Thiel and techfags?
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>Fucker Faglson is the one who told trump to pick JD. One of the worst VP picks in history. JD is a fraud and already fucking everything up.
JD Vance is based you can tell by how many shill threads there are bashing him
kys OP
nice, tucker is based and nicotine pilled
Stop defending an objectively bad choice and fix the problem you retards.
Tuck the Cuck.
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No one cares. VP doomers are the oddest shills on the site.
jeet wife
Cucker Tarlson is in with the SV freaks, they bankrolled his log cabin studio

His "basedness" (ie hating women) is going to cost you an election
Criticizing spinsters isn't hating all women you feminist shill
It doesn't matter. Conservatives are going to vote for Trump no matter what, and liberals who are fed up with how batshit insane and retard the Democratic party has become will vote for Trump because they're tired of clown world. JD Vance might be a factor for voters on the fence, but nobody is on the fence on 2024. It's a vote for relative sanity or MORE clown world.
As opposed to Jeet with Jew husband?

I like Vance
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shut up nigger kys
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all this hate means he's a good pick.. if he was a Pence RINO plant he'd be universally praised and lauded.
Memeflaggot opinion doesn't matter
Based Tucker making the shills seethe
I don't like his stances on foreign policy and I don't believe he is actually MAGA.
Brave AI says otherwise:

Criticism of U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts: Vance has expressed skepticism about U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts, particularly in Ukraine. He has criticized the Biden administration for “micromanaging” Israel’s war in Gaza and agrees with Trump that the Israeli government should “finish the job.”
Asia-First approach: Vance is considered an Asia-Firster, prioritizing U.S. interests in Asia over Europe. He believes the U.S. should focus on countering China and redirect military resources from Europe to Asia.
Ukraine aid skepticism: Vance has opposed U.S. aid to Ukraine, arguing that the U.S. should not be involved in Ukraine’s conflict with Russia. He believes Europe should take more responsibility for its own defense.
Realist approach: Vance’s foreign policy views are rooted in realism, emphasizing the importance of national interests and the limitations of U.S. power. He has criticized the idea of “nation-building” and believes the U.S. should prioritize its own security and economic interests.
Critique of U.S. foreign policy establishment: Vance has attacked the U.S. foreign policy establishment for its failures, particularly in the Middle East. He has criticized the Iraq War and the decimation of ancient Christian communities in Iraq.
Focus on domestic issues: Vance’s foreign policy views are often tied to his focus on domestic issues, such as manufacturing and trade. He believes the U.S. should prioritize its own economic interests and reduce its reliance on foreign aid.
I mean tucker is an actual retard so this is plausible, but source?
Good because I enjoy both. Tucker/Vance and hearing leftists/faggots reee about them.
I heard it was Don Junior, they can't even keep the blame game stright
I agree it was a cocky pick and Youngkin would have been much more tactical
>Youngkin would have been much more tactical
He would've been Pence 2.0, the base would rebel
So who would have been better...?
So basically warmongering against China and Iran. Then, nothing of substance.

He's a wish-washy isolationist, and that's being generous. He will foot the bill for Netanyahu. He's talked shit about Trump and then flipped when it was convenient. A snake. And nobody actually America First believes him.
>No one cares.
>VP doomers are the oddest shills on the site.
Correct on both counts.
But he was(and remains) the favorite amongst the America First crowd. You say he wants war with Iran and China, and in the very next breath call him an isolationist? Which is it?

Oh wait you're just a D&C shill, nevermind.
apparently it was Don Jr and Eric shilling for him because they're buddies
Two things can be true. What wars do Democrats push for? Ukraine-Russia. What wars do Republicans push for? Israel-Iran. What do both parties fearmonger over? China.

He claims to want America's interests first but has no problem saying hawkish shit. Nevermind being Peter Theil's goon, the defense contractor who is ripping anonymity from the internet and using AI to bomb people.
>Democrats crying in the chat
I’m voting Vance, not even trump. Just Vance
Niggers on this board can't hold a conversation before collapsing and yelling shill. I get we're being flooded at a higher rate but take your fucking meds and type your thoughts.
It’s a problem according to you. I elected the guy and if you are already seething, he’s doing his job well
>muh Republicans vs. Democrats
Have you been in a coma for the past 10 years? Who the hell cares? It's 2024. Imagine still dividing the political atmosphere into "R" vs. "D." Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi are on the exact same side.
>has no problem saying hawkish shit.
Such as? This doesn't sound hawkish to me:

Vance said at the Munich Security Conference in February that the United States' ability to support Ukraine's ongoing battle to fend off Russia's invasion is "limited" due to America's weapons manufacturing capacity. He said it wouldn't be realistic for the U.S. to continue providing the same level of assistance to Ukraine moving forward.

"Given the realities that we face, the very real constraints in munitions and manpower, what is reasonable to accomplish and when do we actually think we're going to accomplish it? And my argument is, look, I think what's reasonable to accomplish is some negotiated peace," Vance said. "This will end in a negotiated peace. The question is when it ends in a negotiated peace and what that looks like."
Shut the fuck up when grown men are speaking.
>people who supported Kamala as VP mad about bad VP choices
This will always be funny
not surprising as tucker carlson is easily one of the dumbest people alive
Well Iran attempted to kill Trump so of course Trump has tooth to pick with them
whats funny is tucker HATES trump too, it came out when his text messages were released. he said the elections weren't rigged and trump is dangerous. yet trump listens to him and picks a VP who during that same time period also hated trump.

its sabotage and trump did it to himself by trusting these complete retards just because they kissed his ass publicly for the last couple years LOL. i hope everyone is ready for the first female black president yaaaaaaaasss #blackgirlmagic
How did he hurt you?
>Tucker hates Trump because of 2 text messages 4 years ago
Post your text messages from 4 years ago so we can laugh at you now, anon.
>tucker carlson is easily one of the dumbest people alive
STFU medpack
there is no way anyone picked that spineless dweeb with the intention of helping trump win the election
not that any of this is real, but it's like a sitcom we're just going along to kill time

america is tired bro. we don't need more doom and gloom and seriousness. we need high spirits and positivity, Kamela is perfect
Okay ShareBlue. You’re right. Worst VP pick. Guess I’m not voting for Trump and voting for the Nigjeet instead. You convinced me.
I understand the uniparty aspect. I'm not sure what your point is there. JD vance wants his particular wars?
Okay now do his comments on Iran. All you've done is backtrack to the ONE POINT about Ukraine.
didn't, just truth
>sure he always privately hated trump but when he was making huge money from the MAGA tard by spewing russian propaganda he totally came around to trump and realized hes based!!!
>hes totally not pretending to like trump
>its not like his fans would leave him if he came out and said what he actually thinks about trump!!!
>hes really, really redpilled bros just trust me, thats why he picked vance who also hated on trump and who on the night he was picked by VP told hannity we don't need to deport all illegals, just the most violent :DDDD
Checked. I wonder who he's taunting over this obvious Mossad fake shit.
Elon wanted Vivek. Vance was all Don Jr.
Iran teamed up with Obama to destroy Trump.
The whole lot of them are guilty and terrified, hence the shill freak out concern trolling.
Elon and Thiel are decades old enemies and Elon stopped supporting Trump after he picked Vance.
>Okay now do his comments on Iran. All you've done is backtrack to the ONE POINT about Ukraine
I've asked you twice now to provide me those comments as I haven't seen them. Perhaps you can change my view on him, but just alluding to it isn't gonna cut it.
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>Iran teamed up with Obama to destroy Trump
Ben Carson. If you're gonna go for the minority votes go for them with a black + black couple.
>>he's the worst VP pick in history because...uh...we say so lol
>called Trump "America's Hitler"
>made comments of childless people which could affect votes
>doesn't help Trump in any groups (Rubio would have helped with Hispanics, Burgum would have helped with Haley voter boomers)
Worst ever.
well i guess when there's double teaming they say it's halal sandwich
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every racial group has a greater average number of family members than whites, so
CIA Mockingbird Tucker was not fired from Fox. He was simply redeployed to alternative news media. The "firing" was a ruse to curry favor with right wing MAGAtards.
>I agree it was a cocky pick and Youngkin would have been much more tactical
See >>475754508
Rubio or Burgum (or Tulsi is you really wanted to roll the dice) were the best picks. Youngkin would have been sold as Romney 2.0.
>Shaniqua with 9 kids has more of a voice in democracy than a while male with no kids
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Cucker Tarlson is some kind of glownigger. His father was a glownigger that ran state owned media companies that broadcast American propaganda to foreign countries during the cold war. There is enough circumstantial evidence that it's kind of silly to deny it. He appears to represent some more moderate faction of the deep state that doesn't want to push white genocide so fast that it creates an institutional competency crisis, and doesn't want to waste resources on Ukraine and Israel because they want to save strength for a final showdown with China.
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Well nigger I thought you'd just ask your AI but here:

Funny top jewgle search is fitting. https://jewishinsider.com/2024/07/vance-on-iran-if-youre-going-to-punch-the-iranians-you-punch-them-hard/

>If you’re going to punch the Iranians, you punch them hard,” Vance said in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity in Milwaukee, where the Republican National Convention began on Monday.

Seems he is advocating for direct conflict with Iran.
You forgot where Valerie Jarrett, Peter Stzrok, and Lisa Page were all born and still have familial ties?
You forgot about Obama dropping midnight pallets full of cash to Iran?
You forgot about John Kerry meeting with the Iranian FM after Trump was President?
You forgot how Iran threatened to air out the entire corrupt enterprise (and name EU and US names involved) if they didn’t reinstate the JCPOA?

Git gud.
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Brown people will be in the Vice President's Mansion for the first time in history. They will be sleeping in the master bedroom and rolling around in the plush sheets. Vishnu help us
>always hated Trump
>posts 2 text messages from 4 years ago
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This is what you guys get for listening to someone who fakes his facial expression.
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Whitney Webb is that you?
This is a kike (very obvious)
Man these shill posts are hilarious
>He appears to represent some more moderate faction of the deep state
Schizo take. I'm also laughing at your classification of people in politics:
>mild deep state
>moderate deep state
>X-treme deep state
Do you have examples of anyone in the other 2 tiers?
Same thing. Tucker interviewed Curtis Yarvin who is part of that jewish neoreaction matrix that wants to do a right wing corporatocracy thing with no racial angle.
Do you have any dignity?
This is a paid shill
So Putin told him.
Why is Vanse so bad? Because he pissed of millions of women voters?
Talking about the woman problem would be good. He's not doing that, he's just attacking childless people generally without addressing any systemic problems (female political power and social freedom)

You're a very obvious kike. This board is nothing but shilling meant to confuse everyone.
You obviously didn't read the article. That quote was talking about Trump taking out Solimani long ago, and later goes on to state:

“My basic foreign policy,” he said in an interview with Jewish Insider in 2021 during his first Senate campaign, “is that Americans have to be a little bit more humble about what we can accomplish in the Middle East, and importantly, what we can accomplish in the world.”

So not advocating for direct conflict with Iran whatsoever. Come on man, if you have such solid convictions that Vance is a warmonger you gotta do better than that.

Or are you just shilling?
Work on your reading comprehension and observation skills you 100 IQ maggot
baiting Israel to finally directly fight iran after all this time is a simply a platform to get righteous revenge on those sandy fucks. and they deserve it.

Tucker recommended Vance? That makes me like Vance more, because I don't really know much about him.

This is not the 'dig' you think it is. Quite a relief actually.
>Why is Vanse so bad? Because he pissed of millions of women voters?
See >>475754508
I'm really behind on burgerclap politics. Why are people assmad about Vance? He seems like an economic populist, that would be popular with the Trump base.
You literally have a 4chan pass to shill here
Yesterday you guys wore claiming that Trump junior was the one who told Trump to choose JD
This is a very obvious kike
This is a lying kike shill who inverts reality. I'm not posting any faster than the standard countdown.
You’re terrified. As you should be.
JD Vance needs to be removed. There is no path to victory for Trump with him on the ticket. JD actually DECREASES the voting base for Trump. Adds nothing.
Vivek, Tulsi, or Haley would all be exponentially better.
Trump and his dumb son Don Jr and his bf Poso are retarded if they think a ticket with two white males can defeat Kamala.
This is a kike
>Why are people assmad about Vance?
They're shills and would be dragging any VP pick of Trump's
100% correct and obvious.
>durr I just can’t believe the us would use proxies to fight our wars!
kys retard. talmud denounced.
if this were true we wouldn't need 100 gorillion threads to tell us so. sneed.
Bullshit bro, these two posts are lik 30 seconds apart, standard is 60
You're a very obvious shill
Yup, that's the schizo response I would expect from you.
I love that the new shill script is to accuse everyone else of being a shill.
You stick out way worse than you think you do faggot.
Be afraid, the end is near.
You got me
>JD Vance needs to be removed. There is no path to victory for Trump with him on the ticket. JD actually DECREASES the voting base for Trump
#1. Elections are fake. Trump is being installed by the more zionist jews to redirect war material away from Ukraine and to Israel. Vance is anti Ukraine war and pro escalation in the middle east. He will probably lead policy under the supervision of the regime's jewish handlers while Trump eats McDonald's and watches TV.

#2. Even if elections were real, Trump's mongoloid partriotard base would vote for him no matter what, as will all the red team/blue team normie centrists after the Biden administration disaster
These are very obvious paid shills
I am terrified. Trump will lose with Vance.
Thats this fag for you
>One of the worst VP picks in history
If it was the worst VP pick in history then why does literally everyone who hates Trump and wants him to be utterly destroyed keep trying to get Trump to somehow change this VP pick? You get flak when you're over the target.
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Tucker is kind of clueless when it comes to real politics and strategy. These deep state puppets with their phone-in degrees and no real skills are not good at anything except at repeating others. Any anon on /pol/ would have picked a better vp.

We don't need these political activists to tell us what to think.
Obvious shill
>FUDmaxing concern trolling
>everyone else is a shill
Probably time to just move on to the next thread.
I read it.
>Vance has previously outlined his views on Iran on several occasions. Speaking before he was chosen as the VP candidate, Vance stated that he doesn’t see the use of force on the Iranian mainland as an option "right now."
>He has criticized President Joe Biden’s handling of Iran and its proxy forces, advocating for a de-escalatory approach with Tehran - or strong retaliation in the event of any attacks on US interests.

I think when Isreel, who wants to war with Iran, becomes a targeted "US interest", Vance will be the first one gunning for interventionist action. It's a Russia and China backed powder keg of sandniggers. This goes beyond a vice presidency and into a hypothetical presidency. If you don't think he's a defense-contractor-backed hawk, agree to disagree.
>You get flak when you're over the target
100% correct, and they're pushing literal neocons(Rubio) and Jews(Burghum) as his replacement.
Correct. The decision is made - and they are absolutely malding which tells you everything you need to know.
He's not popular with republicans like Ramaswamy or Donalds and he's not someone who could win more moderate leftist votes like Gabbard or RFK JR. He's an empty case who gets hate from all angles.
JD Vance is a neocon and no one here is pushing neocons. Your lies are so ridiculously transparent
>doesn’t see the use of force on the Iranian mainland as an option
>advocating for a de-escalatory approach with Tehran
Bro, come on...
>you guys
Retarded ass take, but okay.
You're a very obvious kike reading off a script.
>They said "malding" in 2016. Tell them they're "malding"
>If it was the worst VP pick in history then why does literally everyone who hates Trump and wants him to be utterly destroyed keep trying to get Trump to somehow change this VP pick?
Who is doing that? The media isn't saying "dump Vance" they are just pointing out how bad Vance is. Trump should dump Vance. He's a fucking drag on the ticket.
>>FUDmaxing concern trolling
Trump will dump Vance soon. And then you will be all "BASED TRUMP FIXING THE TICKET!"
You and all the Vance haters would be denigrating any of these choices
Brainwormed liberal!!!

So transparent
All bullshit propaganda, Vance is fine. In fact, '''they''' are clearly scared of Vance, it's a coalition of Wall Street '''Republicans''' who fear actual capitalism that lets the common man get ahead instead of themselves and libshits. Here in tardville the ammo is his jeet wife, NO ON HERE CARES BESIDES BOTS AND SHILLS! You guys are getting duped by bots and shills, there's no real hate against Vance, it's a double-edged attack of attacking the Trump Republicans of today and trying to destroy the Vance Republican party of the future.
Mark my words, they FEAR Vance. I personally don't care that much, but he's the first millennial that actually has a chance to become a force in modern politics. They fear his gutter upbringing story, they fear his disruptive libertarian financial views, they fear his young age and relatability to young white men. Don't let the lies get to you.
Vance being on the ticket is irrelevant to the election. He's going to win because the Jews decided they want Trump more and his normiecon voters don't care who the VP is.

Vance being on the ticket is bad because it's showing what we already knew - the second regime is going to suck in all the ways the first one sucked except twice as bad. Trumpism now means Israel over Ukraine and Indian H1B's over illegal Mexicans.
Trump will not dump Vance, you and I both know that you want him to just so you can say "campaign in disarry, Trump doesn't know what he's doing!!!"
So his only choices for VP are shitskins and democrats? Wow. I didn't know that there are zero America first white males in the entire country that can be put on a Republican populist ticket.

You are the most obvious shill ever.
Vivek says the right things but he's still a poo and a WEF shill. Republicans can only win elections if retarded old white boomers get off their asses and vote. Would your grandma vote for a ticket that puts a poojeet one heartbeat away from the Presidency? And yes I realize Vance bewed a poojeeta but most boomers won't be plugged in enough to know that. All they know is he is a ostensibly straight white guy.
Well that fucing figures there is no way rusdia tried to push pro kreml vp in the office
i don't know a whole lot about vance aside from he made some book/move called "hillbilly elegey", but the fact that retarded shills are seething and dilating non-stop on this board about him, i assume only good things.
Nice try orc, its most pro russian vp so to shit hole it goes
>In fact, '''they''' are clearly scared of Vance,
> it's a coalition of Wall Street '''Republicans''' who fear actual capitalism
Lol. These are all paid Peter Thiel shills
Haoxha3 I've tuned you out faggot
He should have picked Antonio Brown and he’d get a landslide win.
Based couch fucker
You're a very obvious kike
I don't believe this retarded dogshit. Jew media and broken education at home did more to radicalize that kid. He was not an iranian citizen, nor were the SS that allowed him to take shots.
Tuck picked him because he's a Russian shill just like him. J.D Vance wants to slash all Ukraine aid and send it to Israel.

we need to do something with Iran—but not these weak little bombing runs. If you're going to punch the Iranians, you punch them hard..."


At a 2024 Quincy Institute conference, Vance differentiated his opposition to US aid for Ukraine from his support for Israel, explaining, quoted by Jewish Insider “I’m supportive of Israel and their war against Hamas...It’s sort of weird that this town assumes that Israel and Ukraine are exactly the same. They’re not, of course, and I think it’s important to analyze them in separate buckets.”

Vance has also addressed the rise in antisemitism in the United States, advocating for aggressive legal action to combat such crimes. He stated, “America remains one of the great places to live if you are Jewish. The question now is how to reverse the negative trend of the last years” and emphasized the importance of prosecuting antisemitic crimes to prevent further attacks: “If you beat up a Jew and don’t face consequences, the attacks will continue and get worse.”
Strengthening ties and cultural continuity

Vance’s conversion to Catholicism has deepened his connection to Israel, reflecting on the historical continuity between Judaism and Catholicism. In a 2022 interview with Jewish Insider, he mentioned, “There is this kind of historical continuity between Judaism and Catholicism that I always found pretty interesting."
This. All the right people seem to hate the guy. He must be the right choice.
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You don't understand women. They get mighty sensitive when "fertility" is mocked or questioned by men. Many women are reproductive challenged and aren't going to look kindly at his edge lord commentary. Lol faggot fucked up bigly.
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I wonder why you think people are retarded here. This type of feminine gaslighting makes me sad.
Sorry memeflaggot I ain't reading none of that
the shilling and reeeee in this thread is top-kek.
the shills can't even keep a consistent train of thought, and just schizo-posting at this point, contradicting themselves between the beginning and end of a sentence, unable to even make a consistent paragraph.
>“If you beat up a Jew and don’t face consequences, the attacks will continue and get worse.”
Wow you mean he's not advocating for repealing the 1st amendment? Fucking how awful, no one should be free to criticize jews.
They get sensitive about everything and will get pissy regardless because politics is too uncomfortable.
Bro Nathanael says a poojeta with connections to JD Vance is Tucker's lawyer and so this was to pay a favor
Why don't you eastern Europoors go sign up to the Ukrainian foreign legion? And spend your own money while you're at it, shitskin mongol.
Neat. I hope all the gay ukrainian and their crossdressing faggot jew leader dies.
I like Fucker Faglson
Dude, have you been out of the loop? Iranian agents had Trump covered from several different angles. They hid themselves so well it was almost like they weren't there, but according to intel experts they were all there. As many as 20 trained assassins all had their scopes on the head of Trump. I hear some of them were behind 9/11, real tragedy.

>a shill actually thinks the Ukraine conflict is a good thing.

Wow I am shocked
Tucker now has the biggest podcast in the world.
His most recent with Ben Carson is worth a listen
the hillbilly will be replaced.
Yeah but if JD can successfully spread the meme that spinsters are low status it could have an effect
Jesus Christ how far have things degraded from before the election tourist.
He's a Zionist stooge first and foremost.
He will always backstab and disappoint without fail.
Probably because Tucker is pragmatic and believed JD was the least bad pick. Might have been right, would you rather have Rubio or Haley?
Kamala literally sucks Jew cock every night, as she is MARRIED TO ONE
Tucker is CIA. Putin so much as said so during that incredibly boring interview.
Tucker is based and hates Israel
Why are shills and neocons so DESPERATE for us not to like J.D. Vance? kys shills
>hes so bad that we have to make a new thread every 5 minutes to shill against him
>were totally not afraid of him or anything you baka

Rfk says Jd is cia, I believe him, but would that mean the CIA and FBI are fighting for control of the government? or are there factions in each infighting. the 4th turning doesn't lack for entertainment ill tell you that
This board belongs to the discord shills and bots now. Not to you.
Get the fuck out.
Jesus the state department faggots are truly terrified, because Vance is going to fire all of them. I saw dozens of these threads today.
they've been at it for days now. scared shitless of him. Good.
This you?
You're getting war with Iran with this retard instead.

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