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Why are white people so fucking rude?
Why are niggers so fucking stupid?
I think niggers are more rude for committing the majority of violent crime.
why do you expect a Free Lunch?
unless you were actually invited for Lunch there is no Lunch.
>wait here, I don't want my parents to think I'm a fag
not offering your guest a meal is only acceptable if you're really poor, like, in a famine

telling the guy to stay in the his room is somehow gayer
Why blur the swears when the blur doesn't even actually obscure the words
Nothing special about this. Sometimes friends parents ask if you’re hungry and want food too, sometimes not.
Maybe you were planning to go home for dinner in a few hours anyway. Perfectly normal.
>nords are pale niggers
everybody knew that
>telling the guy to stay in the his room is somehow gayer
Yeah should have told the kid to go home to eat. Hate parents that don't tell their kids friends to go home to eat. We always told our kids friends to go home come dinner time unless they were staying over for the night.
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>Shit skins expecting handouts
You owe me food bcuz.... YOU JUST DO OK

Because that freeloader kept getting free food and they got tired of it. Notice how they didn't specify "first time"? They probably fed his ass several times and got tired of it. Stop leeching every day, food is expensive NIGGER.
Not feeding brown kids FUCK OFF NIGGER
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Northern Europeans are snowniggers
Ok mayate
>food is expensive
what, are you having caviar and lobster for dinner? stop being such a jew
Why are you so entitled? Go back home to eat nigger.
My Canadians friends parents did this to me

Fuck Canadians
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
When I was growing up and I went along with my two older brothers to their friends houses that I guess I somewhat was apart of but not to the same degree their parents would usually feed us or give us snacks. So it's weird seeing how nordcucks have a negative level of hospitality.
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How is that rude?
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>all these poors who can't afford to treat their guest to one measly meal
If you can't afford one extra plate at the table, then you can't afford to have friends
Sorry, NEETcels. But maybe just stick to talking to your online "friends."
Mediterraneans proving to be the only civilized people of Europe, as expected
Its not about being able to afford it, what a weird idea, american and brazilian barbarians dont understand basic manners
It's dey culcha
I wouldn't feed Swedish food to a dog so they were doing him a favor.
Shit I meant to say "to their friends houses and took part in their friend group that I was somewhat apart of"
My brain stopped working again I guess... but anyways the point is that modern nords are snowniggers
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When I was younger we were basically told to fuck off at dinner time. Everyone did this
You are the barbarian dude. Holy shit, they person is at your house! What are they supposed to do? Leave to go back to their own house just to eat and then return to yours?! That is impractical even if you are neighbors let alone if they have to stay overnight for some reason.´

Its fucking disgusting and you are a bad person for defending it.

If your guest is around at meal time, you account for them. Its basic civility. You might as well be a nigger.

That's because there are moms who are like "NOOOOOOOO MY POOPIE ISN¨T ALLOWED TO EAT X. YOU NEARLY KILLED MY SON!!! I'M GOING TO SUE YOU!!!"

I would give that sucker food, but if he's not 18 I can´t even let him sign a disclaimer that his retarded parents won't sue me for it.

>You owe me food bcuz
Because you invited them into your home you nigger. If the guest is around at meal time then you account for them. Its the height of rudeness to do otherwise. A literal slap to the face is less rude than that. What lack of basic civility and community. This isn't some homeless guy that broke in its someone that took time out of his day to spend time with you after you INVITED THEM!

Hispanic majority will be an improvement to america at this rate not even joking.
The british were right when they called germans white niggers.
Lmao euros are fucking autistic
Euros don't have 1/100 of our litigation culture and that's not an issue here
I don't get it. Do you not have enough food? Do you expect them to go home, eat, and come back? Do you expect them to go hungry and skip dinner? This is really a mystery to me.
Euros are actually THAT autistic. It's not a meme
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At least we are white.
It's almost admirable. "Fuck you, go find your own food."
I've always been offered food wherever I went.
Maybe you shouldn't be a nigger.
You have to give Celts credit... Look at Scotland and Ireland.
>after inviting them over
Fucking wild

In Germany, liability for providing food to a friend's underage child, especially if they are allergic, can be a complex legal issue. Here are some key points to consider:

Duty of Care: When providing food to a minor, you have a duty of care to ensure the food is safe and suitable for consumption. This includes being mindful of any known allergies.

Parental Responsibility: If you are aware of the child's allergies (either through the child or their parents), you must take reasonable steps to avoid giving them food that could trigger an allergic reaction. Failure to do so could be seen as negligence.

Informed Consent: Ideally, you should seek parental consent before giving food to a child, especially if there is a known allergy. This can help mitigate risks and demonstrate that you took necessary precautions.

Liability: If a child suffers an allergic reaction due to your negligence (e.g., providing food with known allergens without checking), you could potentially be held liable for damages. This might include medical costs and other related expenses.

Criminal Liability: In extreme cases, if the allergic reaction results in severe harm or death, criminal charges could be possible under German law, such as bodily harm through negligence.

In summary, while simply giving food to your son's friend may not automatically result in legal issues, failing to account for known allergies and not taking appropriate precautions can lead to potential legal consequences, both civil and criminal. It's crucial to communicate with the child's parents and be fully informed about any dietary restrictions or allergies before providing food.
Autism radiation map
>What are they supposed to do? Leave to go back to their own house
Ofcourse if they aren't planning to stay the night or something, what kind of disgusting person sends their kids to another persons house to eat? You are a fucking leech bro, nigger tier
>Do you expect them to go home, eat, and come back?
Yeah usually? Whats weird about that? Its incredibly rude to send your kids on someone elses house to eat unless you are very good friends with the parents or something, if the kid is staying the night then its a different story, I get it that you americans are used to walking indoors with your shoes on and going up to other peoples refridgerators like its yours but in here you would be looked at like a gypsy for doing that, I'd throw you out unironically (not a joke), you have to respect other peoples houses and not be a leech
So this is all because of allergies? You can just ask the kid if they have allergies, or if you're really worried, you can call their parents. This is the most autistic thing I've ever seen. I heard of this weird European cultural difference before but I thought it was just a meme.
See advertisement ai bots

It's a Swedish thing.

If his friend fed him dinner then he would feel obligated to return the favour. The friend did not want to burden him with that.
You know canadians only eat ass, right?
dont give food to friend in house

but refugee welcom and nigger

Nordic logics

Whoa now. That dude is probably a spic. English Americans offer food if you are over during meal time, I have never seen otherwise. In fact if offering food is a given, it would be very strange if that didn't happen. In fact, It is considered rude to turn down food that is offered while you are a guest.
We plan meals, we don't make 1kgper head and throwaway the leftovers.

Also op is deboooonked
They are all collapsing, burning, and being replaced for behaving like niggers, who cares.
You are not?
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>Its incredibly rude to send your kids on someone elses house to eat
Why? Is food extremely expensive in Scandinavia?

>if the kid is staying the night then its a different story
Fair enough

>going up to other peoples refridgerators like its yours
Absolutely not true. Nobody helps themselves to food in other people's houses. But the host is generally expected to take care of their guest's needs. Do you send them home to use the bathroom, too? lmao

>you have to respect other peoples houses and not be a leech
It's not that house guests demand food here, it's that hosts generally offer food because it's no big deal to provide it. I didn't no Nords were so jewish. Actually, I don't even think Jews are this jewish.
That doesn't sound wildly out of line with what I'd expect here, but I could see Germans being extra autistic in how its applied
>What do you mean you didn't request a full medical work up before giving him peanut butter crackers!?
>I asked him if he was allergic
I didn't and I am from a small Dutch town of under 2000 inhabitants
>seen. I heard of this weird European cultural difference before but I thought it was just a meme.
Anon....the memes are real. ESPECIALLY Germans

Yep, and if his parents don't pick up the phone, the sucker gets no food. You can't just ask a kid whether it has allergies. The kid might be too retarded to even know it. You have to contact the parents or you might get in trouble if the little poopie eats the peanuts in the Kung Pao chicken and dies.
Lol this is the kinda shit I mean
>You can't just ask a kid whether it has allergies
Yes... Yes you can. Kids know if they have allergies or not. If the kid answers "no" and dies of allergies, that's not really your fault. And anyway, the chances of that are practically zero because deadly allergies are somewhat rare. This is just German poop shelf toilets all over again. Fucking autism.
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>invite friend over
>pretend like you lacked the time to plan for ahead for an extra seat at the table
you are poor
>that's not really your fault.
First day with Germans?
That's nigger behavior.
The correct way of behaving like a civilized human is to let your friend know that you've got to go because it's dinner time so the parents can take you home. Unless you are inviting your friend to dinner.
It's probably taken from a reddit-scraping website, such as boredpanda. They blur swears automatically, but it's usually pretty bad. Whoever posted the OP is either one of those scraper bots, or it's just a bottom-of-the-barrel normie.
It goes in all fields, friend.
I never throw away leftovers. I generally eat them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner on a night when i don't feel like cooking.
mal confirms if you gibs free food to randoms you’re not aryan
So why make him wait in his room? If you don't want him at the table, say it's dinner time and it's time to go home. What the fuck.
>autism justification.js
This is obviously a filthy protestant thing, not that related to race.
Not offering your friend food is the most un-white thing I can think of. I hope the eurofags itt are larping. Never once growing up was I turned away from dinner by my friend's parents. With that being said it is definitely a very white thing to have your own food. I think it comes from storing in cold climates. I was reading an anthropological book about an African tribe one time, can't remember the name(it was by a woman) and she described a scene wherein the tribe was eating and when she was invited she said "no thanks I have my own food" at which point the tribe began laughing at her saying "oh she has her OWN food".
Europoors can't afford food, and are so litigious they're scared of feeding hungry kids bc of lawsuits. Disgusting.
This just proves that Scandinavians, like Russians, are NOT white.
No true white Westerner would ever let a guest in their home go hungry. Period. Even French faggots are more hospitable.
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This happened to me alot as a kid aswell.my friends allways got dinner at my house though,allso i was allways welcome for dinner at my best friends house.but yes,this subhuman behaviour still exists here.this is something us scandinavians should be collectively ashamed of.we should allways strive to imrove our race,and welcoming our fellow white neighbours is one of them.the problem in op's pic though,is that the kid invited a shitskin to the house to begin with.
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You don't understand German law.

This is how it was for me as well. Dinner time as a kid = shutting things down for the day, playtime is over
I’m both ways. Only if I knew the kids family and know what they are feeding my kid. Religious restrictions or no testicles and gnetiles. Just weird things like that. But if he didn’t prep me up a sandwich in wait then it’s grounds to end the friendship. Because it’s obviously not with long term intention because friends support friends.
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>invite people to your house
>make them watch you eat
>Why? Is food extremely expensive in Scandinavia?
I already told you its not about the money, its nordic culture to not want to take away anything from others for free, if you go old school nordic then it would be customary to rather bring something to them like a coffee packet or something like that, not for kids obviously but thats how it is, taking something for free is frowned upon in nordic countries, thats why the welfare state worked well for so long, people were insanely embarrased to take something for free that they would avoid it as much as possible if they could
>Absolutely not true. Nobody helps themselves to food in other people's houses
>it's no big deal to provide it
Its no big deal to provide it but its embarrassing to ask for it, its just ingrained part of our culture to avoid asking for anything for free and even if its offered you know you have a dinner home waiting, this type of culture comes from scarcity and extremely rough living from the past, nobody wanted to be looked as the guy taking handouts even if its offered, its not part of our thing
>children under 7 years are incapable of business
Lmao, is this a Germautism way of saying they're incapable of consent because they're minors?
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all i hear is foreskin-less screeching from sancho and pancho
Bruh, their different hominids.
This is just deflection from your hyper autism and we all know it
You significantly underestimate legalistic bureaucratic autism of germans. They ARE fucking robots who do everything according to waypoints, and scold each other if they are not following ze rules
Totally subhuman behavior. I guess too much snow ends up affecting the cortex
>its nordic culture to not want to take away anything from others for free,
That's bullshit. Alcohol is so expensive when you bring a bottle to a party, like to share, like a normal fucking person, they think you're a hero

I don't know how your law works (and you probably don't either because every U.S. state has a different law) but you can´t give a shit on what a 6 year old kid tells you. He might tell you that he has no allergies but you have to ask the parents or you will be liable, because the kid just might be an idiot and the law even has to protect idiots, especially if they are children.
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hyperautismus siegt
If they give away extra food now they might not have enough to get through the winter.
You people are freaks
Sick freaks
Whites must be human, and you are clearly not human. Therefore, you are not white, but white coloured bots.
Why would you go around someone else's house just to beg like a starving whelp?
>customary to rather bring something to them
We do this too. It's reciprocal. Guest brings something, host offers something, there's back and fourth. Kids are never expected to bring anything, of course.

>this type of culture comes from scarcity and extremely rough living from the past
Ah, so it is poverty-related, I knew it. But other poverty-stricken cultures have traditions of hospitality, sharing even when there's little to be shared. I'll stop bashing you guys, but I do think it's odd.
>treats friends as "stsrving welps"
Non white behavior
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Wait a minute what the fuck is that red splotch of land to the west of France on this map, did I switch world lines again? I've never seen that before in my life. I gotta be going schizo

I don't care what you think about us. Come here and feed your son's friend some food he's allergic against and enjoy the legal trouble.

Maybe you can tell the judge that you are Spaniard and not used to living in a country that has a working justice system but he'll probably apply the law to you anyway, so there's no point arguing with you here.
burn in hell, nigger
i think it's supposed to be iceland
>Come here and feed your son's friend some food he's allergic against and enjoy the legal trouble.
Peak autism
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>wait in his room
If you don't fucking leave right then and there you are a cuck
We used to be like this too before spics and niggers hopped on the welfare train. Food stamps is the largest example as used to be shameful both personally and societally, your cart had better been either scarce or the cheapest of “good” food (no snax) or you would get glared at, and even talked down on, by the taxpayers also in line with you that effectively paid for your food. Now it’s a fucking free stuff coupon
It's not a white people problem, Scandinavians are really just freaks
Whites aren't rude to each other, they're just rude to you because you're a filthy chimpanzee nigger.
You are just using law as an excuse because at least you are aware of the turboautistic subhuman behaviour this is. On the other hand, scandis in this thread seem very proud.
Never understand nigger logic of showing up at a home and expecting food.
Same reason niggers don't like dogs you secretly want to be our pets and be taken care of.
Ugly, smelly ratchet ass coons.
This is fucking stupid. We're talking about a little kid getting to stay at his friend's for dinner. It's not a big deal. You eurotrash faggots are insufferable. Stay in your miserable fucking country where everyone is too proud and no one talks to each other.
Yeah, but we're talking specifically about hospitality culture. Welfare is only tangentially related.
Oh okay thank God, for a second I thought I was ending up like the average American when it comes to maps and I just deleted an entire island from my memory. Usually they're supposed to have a line or box around those indicating that it's superimposed or whatever in order to show on the infographic
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Alcohol is a different matter entirely, among good friends finns are pretty much private property extremists at the beginning of the night but communists as the night goes on, everything is offered and shared, maybe I'm doing a bad job of explaining it but its kinda like you are embarrassing the kids parents aswel if you offer them to eat without talking to his parents first, it implies his own parents cant feed the brat, as I mentioned there is no problem offering food if a kid goes to spend a night at a friends house because there is an unsaid agreement there that implies that the kid will be fed, you as a parent dont know what kind of dinner plans the kids parents have for them either if he is just visiting, these are nuances that exist in our culture, its not just about fuck you, you cant eat at our house because of money or some shit like that its more complicated than that, you would think its not a big deal but in some things respect still matters a lot here

That's exactly why your country doesn't work nigger, because you give a shit about the law.
I don't blame the father for not wanting every little shitskin his son brings home to join the family dinner table.
Fuck you and fuck the government. Rigged system where all my money goes to Israel, I'm stuffing my cart with steaks and lobster. I don't owe anyone shit fucking faggot
The real answer is that the custom is to always have dinner with your family.
Probably in crime-ridden nonwhite countries small kids can't roam around freely but in Scandinavia they could, and before mobile phones existed the parents didn't always know exactly where the kids were.
So kids would have a pre-agreed dinner time when you're supposed to go home.
Of course if the kid was not supposed to go home - in a case of sleepover for example - of course he would eat too, kek.
But the OP's case is probably the kid being autistic by not inviting him to eat, especially since he clearly was visiting from someone else - not offering food to such visitor is not normal.
That is what I think is being meant there, as in reality when I was a kid in the 90s I was always offered food at friends houses as were friends in ours - but only seldomly I or they took upon the offer because I/they had to go home at that time to eat with my/their own family anyway.
>t Tyrone Ortiz
>feed your son's friend some food he's allergic
what are the odds of that happening? food allergies are incredibly rare, and the majority of them will give people only mild diarreha at most
Go kill yourself at the jew wars because it says so in the law, law abiding bot.
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t. broke ass snow monkey
real civilized people have an abundance of food and can afford to share it with their close ones
but considering your cuisine, its not like they are missing out on much
Not offering food to your guests is subhuman behaviour, simple as
>Hispanic majority will be an improvement to america at this rate not even joking.
Chillout, João. It was a swede. You'll be offered a burger here in the States.

Oh so if the odds are quite low that an elevator falls if we skip inspection from time to time, it's a great idea to skip inspection?

Is this how Brazil works?
>thats why the welfare state worked well for so long, people were insanely embarrased to take something for free that they would avoid it as much as possible if they could
This is definitely true, everyone is proud about making on their own and not taking any handouts, but handouts are always available.
For example if you had some low pay part time job there would be handouts available but people wouldn't take them out of pride.
Of course it all aparts with some jeets that take every handout possible because they think its "smart", they have no honor and cannot understand their actions in the context of the society at large, in fact no nonwhite races can except the Japanese.
Ya niggas weird
Alright, this makes more sense now. Especially that part about kids roaming freely, but usually going home for dinner.

But germany still seems utterly retarded, unfortunately.

Nope, you don't understand German law. There's a concept of Kriegsdienstverweigerung and that law makes sure that the state can´t put you into jail for refusing to fight someone else's war.

Maybe instead of ignoring the law you people should learn to make good laws.
The inspections are why the frequency is low. Stop being retarded
>But germany still seems utterly retarded, unfortunately.
As usual
I think hospitality is the only positive point among shitskin cultures, and autistic nordics should take a notice

You're missing the point you stupid shit-skin. He wasn't invited for dinner, he imposed.
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I will, I love my country and wont disrespect parents of kids by offering them something without knowing if its proper to do so
>everyone is too proud and no one talks to each other.
First time hearing we are too proud, kek, absolutely not, we are far too humble, you cant understand our culture and I dont know if I have the vocabulary to explain it so cope and seethe about it if you want
You people are a circus
Nordic children are retarded and have worse social skills than /pol/ neets. If a snownigger asks him, in his primitive gibberish, "Are you allergic to fermented herring guts, little Hans?", the snownigglet will look at his feet in a visibly confused manner as he tries to put one word together with another in his tiny brain
I swiped but didn't get any more info
>we're ao humble that someone offering food is a grave insult
Nigga what
cuz youre a nigger
It's basic hospitality retard. I guess that's why g*rm and n*rd barbarians never figured out civilization and medchads had to civilize them.
Im married to a Br and this was a huge culture shock for her.
Also being expected to bring your own drinks to say a bbq, only drinking what you brought, and taking leftover alcohol with you when leaving was something she couldnt wrap her head around lol
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why Mohammed's mother didn't feed also Ababuo?
I love when Euros go in on each other! The banter is exquisite. You have to consider that Scandinavians are genetically autistic so they have weird hang ups over things like “if I feed this kid then his parents will secretly think that I think that they are poor and bad at parenting!! I can’t let that happen!!” all the while showing absolutely zero expression or emotion one way or the other to each other
>Also being expected to bring your own drinks to say a bbq, only drinking what you brought, and taking leftover alcohol with you when leaving was something she couldnt wrap her head around lol
Because you freaks are autistic af
I'm sure they'll throw away that law if and when Russia comes to your doorstep (not that they will).
Euros not being racist to each other, impossible challenge
>nigger detected
Stop pretending you can cook faggot, you’re stuffed with Gatorade, Doritos variety packs, one of each soda, and miscellaneous forms of Cheetos and cheese puffs with poptarts for breakfast

Dunno, father is a boomer from the rural parts of Louisiana and it was very much what you’d expect - open door, food is always being prepared for more than the family, etc. - then I was from Texas in the suburbs in early 90s and had the same experience as nordbro. Maybe it’s the difference between American traditionalists vs. boomers but yeah, lunch and dinner was made for the family and we were generally sent home unless invited by the parents to stay otherwise
I always ask people if they want something to eat or to drink expect for good friends because they can simply take whatever their is in the fridge
kek horn of africa

That's not just a law. It's part of the German constitution, the Grundgesetz. You can´t just change the Grundgesetz.
Lets bring this to an end.
Californian originally from Austria here in defense of european values.

It is unacceptable not to host any guest to the best you can and make the guest feel as welcome as possible. Orherwise you are an asocial piece if shit who deserves neither friends nor love interest.

Also, i am not surprised that latinos and -as are more agreeable to this although the couple of US and European flags defending this crappy behaviour are average 4chan chuds raised in a family that is directly responsible for this opinion and for their loneliness. But i guess this inherited "culture" ends with the chuds for good due to their lack of procreation.
What's a Br?

When I was still drinking, I would buy excessive amounts of alcohol and try to get people to drink with me. I would also leave people with extra alcohol when I left. I was like an alcohol fairy. Would this be considered rude in Finland?
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>this thread

Brown people want everything for free because they're lazy.
To be fair i much prefer the free shit and pampering im always served with in br
Do europeans really do this??? Fucking selfish arrogant twats, I'm glad the mohammeds are butchering them.
As a parent I wouldn't feed another kid a meal, unless it was arranged ahead of time, like they're sleeping over. Beyond not wanting to interfere with their meal plans at home, you might piss the other parent off, make them feel indebted to you, or offended, like your kindness is a slight that they can't take care of their kids.
All of that is beside the point, that that other kid shouldn't be there at dinner time, should have gone home already.
That's only for compulsory military service, retard, just like in Spain, where it's called objeción de conciencia. You think you have invented the wheel.
This is the same thing that kills them in third world countries lmao, they're so full of themselves the locals just start offing them. Just look up the numbers of Scandinavians murdered/raped compared to Americans and other europeans.
get to play with my friends cool toys, explore them while also contemplating how his room and toys being different from mine is a reflection of our different personalities and paths in life, both being valuable but still different

A moment of silent reflection must surely be hell to the southern european
>Would this be considered rude in Finland?
Would require a duel to the death probably
It does not apply to any war.
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>bring your own drinks to say a bbq, only drinking what you brought, and taking leftover alcohol with you when leaving
This can't possibly be real
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>tiny brain
noooo, binlan numba wan #1
Nahh people would gladly accept it.
Growing up, most of the time you'd be invited to early but there was one or two families where the mom would tell you to leave because it's their supper time. I couldn't stand those rude moms.
As a parent, we always offer food to our kids friends if they are present at meal times.
Its just good manners.
Plus we're not poor
Are you my wife?
americans are niggers
That’s gay as fuck cope Norway bro sorry to say
You need to understand, Finns are like boats. They idle over to you, and maybe tie up occasionally to chat, but everyone and everything stays in it's own contained vessel.
Ive heard this exact thing from other scandis

"In Frankreich, Österreich und Spanien ist die Verweigerung von Militärangehörigen nicht vorgesehen."

You don't even understand your own laws, nigga.
I swore I thought Germany had 105 average? Unless this is taking into account recent populations with all the shitskins I guess
pls stop sperging and feed your kids friends
Here in America, you may get shot but we'll at least feed you. There's no need to put the curse of the bean on us. We have enough problems as it is
Yeah, the kid is likely to be shoot at school later, but at least is well fed
this is my approach to bringing alcohol. I'm not accompanying the drinks, i brought them. To the event. For anyone who'd like some.
If someone got all finnish on me and acted like their drinks were for them alone, I'd chat up the drink as if it was human, asking "what were you guys planning on doing after this?"
everything north of austria is autistic niggerdom that does not know what hospitality is. pic very related
you eat rotten sharks.
Exactly, its just a part of our culture to rather bring something to the table than to take from it, its a respect thing part of an old honor culture and I dont know if you disagree with this but its almost disrespectful for the parents to offer your kid food without knowing any of your plans for your own kids dinner, this if you are not good friends with the kids friends parents already, then its a totally different matter, these are some unsaid nuances that exist in Nordic countries imo, people think its cold and autistic or whatever but our people were extremely communal back in the day and not individualistic, easiest way to explain it is that you never want to be a leech and you never want to even insinuate other people are leeches because its very disrespectful
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I guess it's one of those cultural nuances. They see it as if the guest is taking advantage of them and not as if the host should provide comfort to the guest. I think the point of manners and etiquette is to try to make people feel as comfortable as possible, so to me it comes across as rude as well. What do you think ?
La ley fijará las obligaciones militares de los españoles y regulará, con las debidas garantías, la objeción de conciencia, así como las demás causas de exención del servicio militar obligatorio, pudiendo imponer, en su caso, una prestación social sustitutoria.

Constitución Española, Artículo 30.2

Go eat some Iberico ham, drink a whisky and relax knowing that German tax payers help reconstructing your country's broken infrastructure.
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sounds comfy af desu
holy shit what a fucking sad world...
you are fucking retarded monkey fuck

When you have a guest you treat them how you would like to be treated...
i know this concept wow mind blown
try not being a selfish lil shit for once in your mutt life. for sure you are one of the brazilains that live on the other side of the barrier.
you are poor in a general sense your family don't have good values thats why you are a shit person.

Cope and look up what happens when Spain goes to war.
> I dont know if you disagree with this but its almost disrespectful for the parents to offer your kid food without knowing any of your plans for your own kids dinner

This is one of those autism things where the worry is one sided. If my kid got fed at your house I’d just think you were kind for taking care of them. The idea that I’d immediately jump to assuming it was a personal slight and judgment of my own parenting comes across as slight paranoia/mental illness on your part.
Alcohol is sentient, and once i let it into the wild, its own will power should be respected.
Fake kike charts, mongoloid subhuman
You don't have telephones? If a friend was at my house around dinner time my mom would have them call home and they'd all work things out.
Checked, its pretty difficult to explain these types of cultural nuances now that I try, I just taken that for granted ever since I can remember, finns are actually generous people but you dont ever want to be seen as taking advantage of that or insinuate others take advantage of that because its a major disrespect, it sounds retarded but there is a method to the madness
>If someone got all finnish on me
You mean staring at you angrily, not saying anything and just skipping your invitation next time?
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You don't BYOB to parties?
We drink so much here that if people didn't bring their own drinks it would not only get insanely expensive but also logistically cumbersome to host parties.
For example, 12 beers is a good buzz before going to a bar.
If you are going to stay for the whole evening and night and leave at morning, 24 is what you need plus maybe some strongs to boot.
Beer is not that expensive here, but it quickly adds up.
Let's say you have 30 guests, you account 24 beers each, thats 720 beers.
Case of typical cheap beer as in pic rel costs 32€, not much, but 30x of them would cost 960€.
Not to mention that unless you have a truck, you'd have to make a couple trips to bring in just the beers.
Everyone has a liquor cabinet in their house though and most people also bring some strongs and those are shared with everyone, and people usually overshoot what they need so there is always enough.
But the idea is that you bring the "basic alcoholic needs" yourself.
That way the party hoster doesn't have to pay 1k€ for just the beers for hosting a BBQ, but the cost is shared between everyone, makes sense no?
And more than the money, its extremely important that the booze NEVER runs out.
So mostly its that everyone brings a lot of things to drink and no ones mouth will be dry at any point since that would be an absolute disaster.
It makes sense to me now. Don't let mutts talk you down.
>You don't BYOB to parties?
Sure, but you don't horde it autistically
Why are Swedish people so fucking rude?

Fixed that for you faggot, my friends always were invited to dinner and vice versa.
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>12 beers is a good buzz before going to a bar.
There's no way Andorra is 93 if Spain and France are 99 and 100. Andorra is populated by upper classes of both counntries, and they are probably better educated.

Which leads to think that this map is bs.
You're playing madlibs with the toilet paper copypasta. Most people will be passed out in a pool of their vomit or asleep on the couch after 8 drinks. You're not all half mongolian Andre the Giants over there.

This is exactly how it was for me growing up, I would hang out with friends then go home for dinner. I always roamed freely throughout the neighborhood. We all did. Heck people still do where I live.

It's a very White area so homogenous culture and norms are still very much alive here. Brazilian Favela monkies wouldn't understand.
Karhu is dirt cheap and if you want people to get shitfaced just get a couple of bottles of salmiakki.
>it's expensive
Just take a quick trip to Tallin and get loaded with a bunch of alcohol dude.
>You're playing madlibs with the toilet paper copypasta.
>praise kek jpg
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ah now I get it. ty for explaining
It's about being a good host vs being a good guest.
The host should offer to feed the kid.
The kid should refuse the offer and go home to eat with his family.
But the offer is genuine and if the kid eats at your house then that's good. It reflects well on you as the host
Sure I can understand your point of view, I wouldn't think anything of it either when I'm offering my kids friend dinner but at the same time I dont know if my kids friends parents had their dinner ready and waiting for their kid so when I think I'm doing a good thing I might also be inconveniencing the parents aswel, dinner time is considered family time in Finland and issues of the family are discussed, those dont necessarily belong to outsiders ears either, I remember when I was young I used to call my parents and ask if its ok for me to eat at my friends house so there is no inconveniencing anybody and things were settled, its just to be polite to others
That is less retarded
it makes more sense if you read this
So white italians and black italians really are different
There is no hoarding, it's again cultural difference.
Like anon said above
>easiest way to explain it is that you never want to be a leech and you never want to even insinuate other people are leeches because its very disrespectful
It's more like if there's people you don't know you feel it's rude to be a "leech" and ask for someone's elses drink, not that they wouldn't give it to you.
Basically here everyone would give you anything but no one asks, if that makes sense.
How it works though with people you know is, for example when you go to a cabin, everyone brings absolute fuckton of drinks and food and everyone drinks and eats everything. I think that is how it works everywhere.
The basic root of the whole culture is that you always consider other people.
>n*rd autists get filtered by basic hospitality rules
It's like you set up borders and ask them not to jump them, eh?
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Holy shit, this is Chinese levels of obliviousness.
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I've seen this thread so many times and it's always some brown person complaining about gibs me dat.
I think you suomikeks are just a tad too autistic, you guys at least stop overthinking shit and start behaving like humans in the sauna or after a drink.
Checked, yeah I used to do that to make sure I'm not making my mom do stuff for nothing, usually dinner is considered family time when everybody gathers together and talks what the day was like and stuff like that so parents often want to do that, I know I do now that I'm older, its good to hear your kids thoughts everyday and have a moment to just be a family together and allow other families to have that moment too in their busy day
Cool, it might seem absolutely retarded when there is zero context, I get that
Imagine that's America and people are just walking by jews, faggots, and trannies raping kids.
Hey pancho, can you call the police where you live? Or is it more effective to find local cartel members and pay them to help you with your problem? I've heard it's the latter option
>be american
>get shot in the face by a cop
many such cases
8 drinks is something people would consider being able to still operate heavy machinery.
The gen Z is not the same though, they drink less and do more drugs.
We are simply accustomed to alcohol, ask any Millennial or older Finn and 12 beers before bar is totally normal.
The drinking culture over here is totally Russian or redneck USA level, it is not "European sophisticated" style at all.
>with people you know
i think you're missing the cultural differences when it comes to this statement.
Around here, if you know someone and they know someone else, you know that other person by association. any event you both attend will treat you both as equal friends, so it just makes sense to behave that way towards each other, too. You "know" your friend's parents in the same way, so there's no "neeehhh we're feeding some other person's kid", it's just "hey, it's anon, let's see if he's staying for hot dogs and fries tonight"
Just offer you weirdos
>hey man, want a beer?
Simple as
All I see is a troon flag
idk I think slavery and the Hall of Cost were pretty rude
Exceptionally rare, unless you're a rabid nigger and you purposefully attack them.

Anyway, stil better than getting your head sawed off
It boggles my mind that these soulless people think of themselves as nazis. How is le epic aryan race you defend (a club to which meds don't belong) going to survive with this shallow and detached ethics? You owe much of who you are to the greeks, and they had the laws of hospitality at the core of their culture, to a extent that it is an ubiquitous concept in the Illiad and the Odyssey. Vikings would be ashamed of this protestant thing against any glimmer of brotherhood.
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Click and read, faggot
Scheiß Schwaben
No. This phenomenon is unique to northern europe. The entire rest of the world is accommodating to guests even if they live in squalor. You can see this if you watch any Youtube travel vlog which involves interactions with locals. The poorest people will invite you into their home to share tea or a meal with you. In many Islamic countries, the vendors refuse payment. Meanwhile, Northern Europe is one of the wealthiest places in the world and they throw you out when dinner time comes along.
rare? Police shoots like 5 ppl per day in your shithole country
>protestant thing
whites truly are the niggers of race
Read the thread, dumbass
My mom's family are all alcoholic hillbillies. None of them are drinking 12 beers as a pregame. The one guy who drinks a 30 case of Miller Lite a day is seen as extreme.
>5 niggers per day
fixed for u

What's it like for us Americans? In Texas it's rude if you eat without offering a guest any. It's likewise rude for a guest to refuse.

However unless you're there for a while and/or specifically going at a mealtime then there's no promise of food either.
Holy fuck anon…I…Just…
>American education yaaaalll
us police killed 425 white persons in 2023 alone
Imagine automatically expecting to get free food
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Le go back, faggot
the right can't meme.
>The Allies caused these deaths
oh okay. And were these Allies white by any chance? Hmmmm seems like it's still White people being rude then
Niggers of the soul
is your dad a pig or something? why are you simping for those faggots?
Idk how anyone can defend murritard pigs after the uvalde shitshow.
They lack the Nordic constitution. Basically, it's a skill issue.
This. In the catholic parts of the Netherlands this shit would not fly
No free lunch. If you want to have a dinner with the family you have to pay for it.
>e vendors refuse payment. Meanwhile, Northern Europe is one of the wealthiest places in the world and they throw you out when dinner time comes along.
The more commie the government, the less hospitable the people
>when police kills white ppl is ok
holy shit the boot is deep in your throat
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Scotland..proud of ye.
They're Scottish. They're not that far off.
There's already a hyper autistic German ITT, sorry
northern european stuff, harsh winter or something like that, not a souther european thing tho.
>when police kills white ppl is ok
Killing criminals is their job
>No free lunch. If you want to have a dinner with the family you have to pay for it.
>Gives lifetime free lunches to brown migrants for the rest of their lives
That would happen if someone sit there without a drink.
Or at least used to, nowadays there are freaks that dont drink so someone sitting without a drink could be thought of being one of them.
Anyways the bottom line is still that everyone always has what they want and no one is left stranding.
But it could happen that no one realizes to offer you a drink and just assume you ain't drinking, assigned driver or whatever so you would need to ask if you want one and didnt bring any.
lmao are you 12 or just retarded?
Nobody is memeing or upvooting you here, faggot. TKD. Hang schmooly
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Dude, you're Mexican.
and thats how capitalism was born unironically, you northern europeans bough the kike scam totally.
someone post that jpg where murder convicts were classified as "white"
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>ask any Millennial or older Finn and 12 beers before bar is totally normal.
Exchange students get wrecked in Finland, I had this korean guy at my apartment when I was studying and the dude was throwing up when everyone was basically starting to consider heading to the bar, he was still in the bathroom 6 hours later when we came back, in hindsight I'm happy he didn't die of alcohol poisoning
>like 5 ppl
rookie numbers, sorry we will try to bump that up over the weekend
Scottish and Vikings fucked an fought all the time. English just fucked jews and each others cousins.
It is their job. That's the whole point
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Jews and boats with niggers in them, name a more iconic duo.
Whether the slave ships to Americas of past or Jewish NGO ships to Europe today, its Jews facilitating the movement of nonwhites to White lands.
There's a difference between playing outside or roaming to neighbor's houses and being invited over. If it's the former, it makes sense although non autistic people would go back to their houses to have dinner themselves as well.
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a beaner and a communist?
Only niggers lust for the gibs. Whites have manners and do not impose. OP is a nigger.
only the g*rms and asians got shitfaced first I helped a couple of suomifrens return to their dorms after they blacked out and I'm not a big drinker back here.
The former communist Germans somehow have a problem when it comes to sharing. When you go out with them, they split every bill down to the last cent. And then there are the Swabians, who say, if you come to my place after lunch, you can be home for cake. The others are actually all ok when it comes to this kind of thing.
This isn't a legal inquiry kraut they're your friends.
Aren't Bavarians the most cheery and friendly of the German people?
When it comes to mexican beverages like tequila I admit I'm going to go to sleep with that shit pretty quickly too, the devil went to Mexico and invented that
and hardly unique to either group, they should get some perspective.
>Cheery and friendly
pick one
Germans literally can't tell the difference
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>communism is when giving your white neighbors friends food
muricans are this mkultra brainwashed really? Thank lord im spanish blood and i know when to being a good human and share, the Fuhrer itself will cut your balls of at normandy
Everyone had slaves. Wasn't browns who started stamping it out.
They are inbreed retards
>The former communist Germans somehow have a problem when it comes to sharing.
The more commie the gov, the less hospitable the people
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Yeah they get absolutely blasted and can't keep up.
I don't know what it is really, it must be in the blood.
Because even the lankiest Finn can outdrink most people.
Though I've seen some Dutch and Germans that put up a good drinking face too.
Other Scandinavians are pretty hit and miss, from my experience half of them are French/South European type of civilized drinkers while the other half are more like us.
At dinner time you should fuck off where you came from
At least that's how I've done it
yes they are, some of them where proud od their police killing civilians earlier in the thread. trully brain broken
yea its gay if a 20 year old does it but the premise here is eight year olds

You sound jelly.
>killing civilians earli
They only kill criminals, which is based
Foreigners reaction to our Swedish culture merely convinced me further that we truly are superior than all other countries.

No, there is no such thing as a free lunch, no gibsmedat, fuck you all
were they gen Z? because they're not finns in the sense what we used to be.
too much social media, too little going out drinking.
We mainly drank beer, ciders and vodka but that explains why the suomibros got destroyed on the international night when we brought other stuff like tequila and chileans brought red wine.
>hyper autism
Verpiss doch du Fotze und blamiere Deutschland nicht mit deinen erbärmlichen Armutposts. Wenn du und deine ekelhafte Brut keine Manieren besitzen ist das euer verficktes Problem.
Why? Are there actual differences in how different liquors are digested?
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>No, there is no such thing as a free lunch, no gibsmedat
the rapefugees that the jews brought in would beg to differ, there is ONLY free lunches and gibsmedats
>Aren't Bavarians the most cheery and friendly of the German people?
Many are ok. But there are many and more and more nouveau riche among them, which doesn't have a good effect on most of them. It's the same in Switzerland. I like the fish heads in the north more. But you can also find good people in the white ruhrpott.
Wasn't it the opposite like in the Kalevala? People were praised for being a good host and providing large shots of melted butter. You guys have no noble swineherd spirit or butter shots in you anymore
even if there is no food because I didn't go to the supermarket, I'd still offer to order some KFC or a pizza. At the very least a whiskey or something.
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This thread was a cool read. Thanks to all the Fins elegantly explained this nuanced culture.

personally growing up, my mom and other friends' moms would borderline flex on each other by being a better host and having high effort dinners when their kids had guests over. idk if it makes sense what i mean. hosting was really valued - my moms especially.
No, we were all millenials I was abroad for my master's from 2015 to 2017. Good times, going to Tallin to buy loads of stuff and then drink at night.
White people are starting to snap and go insane. I can see it in my friends group and relatives
They are starting to realize what modern hell we live in but don't yet know what to do and they are going haywire
You are a disgrace, stop posting here
I think it has more to do with ingestion rather than digestion, Tequila night was full of people drinking shots nonstop, and beer nights was more casual, we played beer pong or talked so the ingestion was better paced.
There shouldn't be and scientifically it doesn't make any sense but I've noticed too that shots of tequila gets you blasted pretty quick while shots of vodka doesn't, not in the same way.
I can drink 0,5liter bottle of vodka no problem in my younger party days I could even down the whole bottle with two big gulps spaced 15 minutes apart and then hit the bar afterwards completely fine, it was like a party trick, but would not dream of doing it with tequila
Not sure but the wildest I’ve ever gotten when drunk was when I took trips down to Mexico and would slam half a dozen tequila shots in a row, something about tequila in particular makes me more amped up next to most alcohol. Wine for example tends to be more of a relaxed buzz and is my choice most of the time to drink
cause it works when you call them rude, try that shit in poorer area like mexico, give a fuck, might just get shot at, , crazy place 3rd world country right? we dont know?
>Why are white people so fucking rude?
You must have never seen non white people then.
Exactly what I was thinking, leave it to the Germans to get legal on you if you get hungry at their place.
I genuinely hope you're just trolling because that behavior is 100% autistic.
Maybe tequila has some other compounds to it than alcohol? Haven't researched, don't know.
But wine for sure it makes sense even in scientific way, it has lots of other stuff from the grapes that isnt alcohol, iirc it shares some of the feel good chemicals with chocolate.
Also the tannins in red wine break into some toxic compound just like alcohol thats why consooming lots of it gives worse hangovers than any other drink
>White people are starting to snap and go insane. I can see it in my friends group and relatives
>They are starting to realize what modern hell we live in but don't yet know what to do and they are going haywire
There is a simple solution to this problem: we send as many niggers as possible to Finland, give them plenty of money, and tell them to rape as many white womens as they can, and kill as many white men and white children as possible. It will be great when the replacement happens because those half breed and full breed retards will be so easy to control.

Methanol is a common congener

>One hundred percent agave tequilas generally have the highest levels of methanol
Fuck off, Finns are some of the best people
Imagine defending this subhuman behavior lmao what the fuck is wrong with you?
You're like the chinese that won't help a victim because they're afraid of getting sued.
That's cool, so that's why rum and red wine hangovers are the absolute worst.
It's good manners not to impose and expect free shit just because you mooched into another family's private dinner time.
Oh yeah time is the biggest factor.
For example when I say 24 beers is not much it really isnt if you start drinking at noon and end at next morning like you would do in summer at lake cabin when the sun dont go down at all, so for such a day the 24 isnt even enough.
When you think about in terms of time, if you are awake for 20 hours and keep drinking then its only 1.2 beers per hour which is nothing.
And in summer you sweat more and metabolism is faster too.
I like how this is clearly AI posting in retrospect but it took me a very long time to realize it because of the German flag causing me to think it was just a standard krautpost
That would explain it, if tequila has methanol even trace amounts that would make you shitfaced easier, that shit is deadly even in very small amounts, as 10ml makes you permanently blind while 15ml kills you.
I usually drink gin (or vodka) exclusively (and i rather large amounts) and never really get hangovers, just feel tired the next day. I refer to gin and vodka as the "cleanest" alcohols.
>Fuck off, Finns are some of the best people
There were more Nazi death camps in Finland than in the entire rest of the eastern and western European countries combined.
Almost 97% of all Jewish deaths occurred in Finland.
Almost all the horror stories originated in Finland: the holocoaster, the holomanmilker, the holoshotgun, the holoectricityroom, the forced holowhorehouses for prepubescent Jewish girls, and the hololabor where they were forced to try to dig a tunnel through the Earth to Moscow.
If Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler, then the Finns are the socialists that killed tens of millions of Russians and Chinese people.
This was normal as a kid in USA too in the 90s. Sometimes you're playing every day and you are tolerated to stay in spite of them wanting to have a family meal and have to wait until they're done. Sometimes they just sent you home and told you to come back a little later after dinner. It was actually more rare to get invited to dinner. We're not all fucking niggers spics poos and italians who eat as a social large group in every meal by default to save money.
>Be a guest in a foreign country
>Don't bother to learn any of the social dynamics
>Be a guest in someone's house
>Chimp out when it doesn't work the same way as where he comes from
Yeah I don't think it is white people who are being autistic here. It's generally socially acceptable for kids to invite each other over without much prior agreement from the parents, but it is understood that they are expected to leave/get picked up before evening.
That’s their nature. They learned it from their father the Jews who learned it from satan
See? I told you they were the best
That’s what poc have been saying when Europeans came
We don't call each other white and black (we have many other funny names) but yes, we are.
>Yeah I don't think it is white people who are being autistic here
It is. Euros at least. Danes are also fucking weird. They'll invite people over for dinner, but only make steak etc per person
What the fuck is an Andorra
pocs don't have culture, unless you count wallowing in the mud
Also if you don't get it, it's setting healthy boundaries. There's always that family who tries to offload their kids onto other parents and hopes they will just take care of all their needs for an extended duration while they go off and live like they're single for the day or weekend.

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