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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>let's cut down all trees and --ACK!!
climate change isn't real.
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Overpopulation is a problem isn't it?
Shit is chilly outside my house, I don't know what this FAGGOTS are talking about
Maybe not, but areas with no trees are significantly warmer than areas with trees.
Go stand in a park vs standing in a parking lot.
remarkable that Russia is so obliging with sharing scientific data to the West isn't it? y'know the largest landmass on Earth?
Why do all of these temperature sensors located on the tarmacs at airports keep reading such high temperatures?! AAAGGGHHH
it was like 50F here in NY this morning. go fuck yourselves
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The last 3 years it's impossible to plant cucumbers here. They ACK!! in a week even if they get tons of water. And you retards keep saying climate change no real
>let's cut down all trees and --ACK!!
The entire World began planting trees throughout the 2010's.
> What is Runaway Greenhouse Effect
>It's cold where I am climate change isn't real
ok so write a nice letter to China to tell them to stop fucking everything up.
I hate this shit so much. I grew up in a neighboring county to a nice little town. Well they began slamming up the section 8s and building the big box stores. City became rundown. Do they clean it up? Nooo. They start knocking down trees, flattening the land, and building shit in the county. They won't fix what they started, oh no. They're just all, "Well, this sucks. Let's hop over and go fuck that shit up, too." There isn't going to be a single patch of wilderness left. They've actually had bewildered deer wandering into the city and their little fawns getting hit by cars. And, actually? Yes, the temperatures have gone up. I never connected it to them tearing down the trees and slathering everything in concrete, but it might have something to do with it.
The soil is degraded
Same. I live in Mississippi and this year growing cucumbers just wasn't happening. It was bad last year, too. This year I tried growing them in pots on the porch so they'd get partial shade at least but no, things were just too hot. I had about two weeks of good cucumbers and then after that the vines began shriveling and all of my cucumbers looked like diseased yellow squash.
This isn't even close to true.

>And by "Recorded history" we mean 1988
Strawberries grew like crazy this year.
Who cares.
Yeah I hate parking lots and industrialism, but climate change still ain't real.
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see brainlets>>475743219
cucumbers tell no bs. it's over.
it's not even actual data, it's what an AI model sharted out from the thin scattering of data from co-operating countries
Italians aren't white and are historically bad at farming on the world stage. You people literally produce nothing. Your entire country is a theme park for middle management in countries that produce things.
>climate agency finds
Immediately discarded
Same but with tomatoes, raspberries, potatoes, plants, flowers, some trees, almost everything. Shade, shadows, nets, watering every 3 days... They give some harvest, then they are gone. Meanwhile at the market - they have everything fresh... wtf. Some genetically engineered bullshit that tasted like plastic and shit. It's so over, we want reverse and it's already too late to change. Humanity is a cancer to our Planet.
>recorded history
oh...so literally nothing
Which is then “adjusted” to give the results the climatologists want. And for some reason the adjustments are always 90% up and 10% down…
Hide the decline…
Whose idea was it to cut down all the trees and put solar panels, climate change man?
ban people for tweet screenshot threads. they are spamming israelis

ban people for tweet screenshot threads. they are spamming israelis

ban people for tweet screenshot threads. they are spamming israelis

ban people for tweet screenshot threads. they are spamming israelis

ban people for tweet screenshot threads. they are spamming israelis
Australia also had its coldest day in 125 years last week https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/jul/22/qld-weather-cold-snap-queensland-temperature-brisbane-cape-york

Seems like we need more monitoring of the "bottom half" of the Earth to more accurately gauge the Earths actual average temperature
You arent having kids, you MONGOLOID Kimchi-nigger. Too bad. I liked your culture
>hottest day in history
>hasn't even topped 100 degrees this year
fuck off
>poisons the earth to oblivion
>modifies corn and other crops
>puts corn ''syrup'' on everything
>puts plastic on his ''bread''
mutt retard pls

I'm getting some desert vibes from this. We'll becoming like marocco soon
You Shitalians have an UGLY country and UGLY culture
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Where was it hidden bros?
No, we actually have some onions and some tomatoes, we planted 60 pieces of tomato plants (don't know the botanical name exactly) and we reaped some. Also peppers are good, but again, part of the house keeps a bit of shade on them. No, no, overall it's all really bad. We also have a garden in the town, there is some traffic going around the street, this also contributes. But so far 1 month of brutal heat wave around 40 celsius, just now it cooled down to 31 for 2 days, but it's getting back up to 40 again in the next week. Also i remember the times back when everything was growing, cherry trees, appricotes, everything. And i remember we had winters going -20 degrees celsius, last winter - 2023, lowest temp was -5... and it kept like that for 2-3 days. Not even a snow fall, always above 0 degrees. This is all a total destruction of our nature and only retards deny it.
>climate change agency finds
For how many years have daily temperatures been consistently recorded?
Not all of them. New Mexico's highest temperature ever was recorded by a sensor at a nuclear waste dump.
The climate was fine until 3rd worlders got access to industrialized societies. The sheer volume of jeets, chinks, and niggers that exist is nearly incomprehensible.
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Forests around the world are disappearing with a lighting speed
It is doe. Climate was never constant, it's always changing. Idgaf if it's anthropogenic.
Adapt or perish.
Because the soil is degraded, retard.
Why can't we just plant more trees?
Yup. People be dumb and shit.
Trees literally, not figuratively, create clouds, which reflects solar gain back into space.
Additionally, they are air conditioners, who by transpiring create cool air below themselves.
The leaves get burned retard. The plants dry out retard.
It's almost noon here in the Colorado Rockies and it's 72F. Global warming, I mean Climate Change my ballsack.
America isn't a real country to begin with, it's a bastardized melting pot of anglomutts and african slaves who stole other men's land
Yes, your cucumber shrubs died because the soil is DEPLETED, no doubt from crop monoculture. Either into crop rotation, or start buying manure.
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>fuck trees yahweh said they're for retards.
christkikes our response?
Its a sick joke here where people break into your vehicle and leave a bag of fresh cucumbers
Climate changes but most or possibly all of it is natural and not caused by human action.
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>Why can't we just plant more trees?
>peak sunspot cycle
>its hot
no shit sherlok
They're wrong you know
>For how many years have daily temperatures been consistently recorded?
We’ve got temperature records going back a couple of hundred years thanks to the Royal Navy.
The problem comes in when the “climatologists” arbitrarily adjusted these instrumental recordings down to make the current satellite era values look higher so they could cry wolf.
Google Climategate. Climate change skeptics used freedom of information requests and got their hands on the emails of a bunch of climatologists working at public universities where they were discussing all of the bullshit they pulled to make the numbers come out the way that they wanted.
Because if there’s no imminent climate catastrophe, there’s no grant money for big climatology departments or GCM supercomputers.
But you're a nigger bot, so it's right.

You can in some areas. Those areas with rainfall to sustain forests as other than dry tinder every 2nd year, are crop lands generally speaking.
Those areas where rain is intermittent are supposed t be watered by herds of herbivores.

>oh no we must inact stricter movement of human activity!

Hang all climate shills
Recorded history for heat using the most commonly accepted instruments for doing so having started in 1951, of course.
We are still sitting in bottom half of temperatures when it comes to earth's entire existence.
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In North America 97% of all old-growth forests were chopped down before the year 1900. We still have a very long way to go before undoing a fraction of the damage already done

A single tree over a home will drop the interior temperature dramatically. It would save thousands of dollars each year in a hot climate. Personally I suspect the power companies want total deforestation to bring in more money

It's absolutely retarded that people place a box directly in the sun with zero shade whatsoever and then fork out thousands to keep it air conditioned
Trees and plants provide oxygen. Without them you can't grow food.

It isn't doe.
Your own people lied and were doing temperature tests at airports while jets were taking off.
Forests are only one section of the discussion, we used to have massive grasslands as well.

lol, I love red temp maps. It's completely counter-intuitive if you're trying to get people to switch behavior.
>Oh shit, 93 is boiling hot, I better turn on the AC early!
Nigger the Romans conquered Africa and Egypt because they couldn’t farm shit in Italy. Couldn’t even feed themselves. The Italians were niggers before Africans were niggers.
hasn't even been above 75 all summer here
climate change is fake and gay
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It's not real
Wasn't it because all the patricians were growing olives, grapes and other shit rather than grain?
Fascinating video.
Fuck grains. Even potatoes are healthier.
Burgeranon, I'm talking about Earth's history.
4 and a half billion years. Climate was, is and will be changing.
I literally do not care unless they nuke India and stop private jet ownership for Jewish people.
Also in Mississippi and my cucumbers didn't do worth a damn. My okra, beans, and tomatoes were great. Jalapeños too. But this was the first year our cucumbers weren't worth a damn. Oh, and last year was a wash. We went on vacation for two weeks during the drought so yeah, I don't count it.
it takes approximately 20 years for a tree to begin sequestering more carbon than it releases
God is punishing this sinful world
We must all pray for His forgiveness and His Second Coming!
God will enact His justice and burn down the sin that permeates in our world.
Lord come soon, I am so very tired of the evil one's influence.
Even if climate change is uncontrollable, I think it's crazy that people advocate for completely abandonning all forms of environmentalism because of it. We should keep the planet clean and healthy. We live here. It's how you can tell that a lot of people are really just contrarian brainlets who automatically hate whatever "the other side" wants.

Which is even more hilarious because Democrats don't do jack fucking shit for the environment. Biden opened more domestic land for drilling and fracking than any other president in history, with a 10-year plan to do even more. There are zero politicians in America right now doing anything for the environment. Why is everyone so triggered by the notion?
it's not so much about the man-made horrors but more like about the tilt actually progressively changing a bit. Even the smallest changes make an impression. Plus our fuckery is not helping. It is what it is. Prepare your anuses for moar.
>carbon sequestration
We are at near historic lows for CO2 in the atmosphere. For most of Earths history it has been much, much greener and far more biodiverse than it is now.
Oh, and those polar ice caps? For most of Earths history they haven’t existed. The only reason we have them now is because we’re in the middle of an ice age.
>people advocate for completely abandonning all forms of environmentalism because of it
Literally no one is doing that.
You're absolutely retarded. Thanks for trying though.
Conservatives actually conserve more trees and wildlife than Liberals.
That isn't even what you need trees for. The higher the CO2 gets the more fast growing photo-synthesizers proliferate in response. It'll eventually create higher oxygen concentrations in the atmosphere and this is really, really bad for reason entirely unrelated to muhglobalwarminstho.

It will create massive algae blooms, many species of which are poisonous. Insects will steadily increase in size and wildfires will become proportionally more common.

What you need trees and forests for is as a stabilizer. Without them biomes and the landscape will quickly change and things like straight winds and tornadoes will become more common because there's no more atmospheric drag on the ground to keep winds from building speed exponentially.
Why do you faggots worship (((capitalists)))?
See >>475752544
use co2 as a resource (like brickmaking). there are fanless carbon capture devices so power consumption is much less of an issue.
you're jewish
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Was it? I spent the day on my couch watching kino, fapping to loli incest hentai and eating snacks.

I was actually a bit chilly so I covered myself with a second blanket.

64 degrees is 17.778 degrees for our eurotrash friends.
I would prefer not to worship anyone including your green party hippie world health organizations.
Yes, I think we are in a super green period that probably coincides with the end of an ice age.
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it was like 13 degrees here yesterday in the middle of fukin summer
>in all recorded history
>records began being recorded in 1970

I think this every fucking time I see this shit. Its no different from stock market. All time highs sometimes, all time lows sometimes, and something in between sometimes.

As if we actually have recorded temperature data for the history of earth. Fuck off.

If the planet decides to an hero us so be it. Any fucking random ass disaster can wipe us the fuck out. Just turn on your AC and if you cant afford it or its broke i dont give a fuck.
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Good to know, thank you. I thought i was some kind of genious.
>hottest day
This past Sunday it rained and was noticeably cooler in my area than it’s been. But i guess i love paying more taxes, living in pods, eating bugs, and importing millions of Africans nao
or contaminated from all the shit they spray in the air for their weather bullshit.
We’re NOT in a super green period. When CO2 levels were higher the Earth was much greener and more biodiverse. The Earth now can’t support the kind of megafauna that once existed, certainly not in the quantities there used to be.
Having little to no respect for the planet, the animals, the plants is what lead to this.
If you're going to worship something, worship the planet. The ground you walk on, the plants and animals you eat, they are what sustain you and keep you alive.
Lmao what? Been the same temp as always. Fucking trannies make me want to suicide. Let me guess, this winter is going to be THE COLDEST EVER, even though it's the same temps as last winter. Lmao
meanwhile how eurocucks maintain their trees
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It's the albedo of white people that is causing the heat. We need more diversity
Yes. And the grain production was offloaded to Egypt and what's now Tunisia.

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