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How many non whites does Norway have?
>-b-but muh guns and freedumb(
Those are the only things that matter
Norway population - 5.5 million
U.S. population - 340 million

No fucking comparison at scale.
>democratic socialism
It's social democracy
Means of production are privatised = not socialist
Also the tax rate thing is an out right lie
stop sliding with bad info pics, asshole.

This only works because europe doesnt pay for their own security. It is shifting though. You have a point if this is still true in 10 years.
>anti gun thread
fuck you glowie faggot
what's this american obsession with socialism??
no European country has had socialism for like 35y!

we have capitalism with pro consumer / citizen regulations
>repeat after me: capitalism WITH regulations PRO consumer / citizen

also Norway is a "bad" example
as they have oil money
A LOT of oil money
though neighboring Finland or Sweden don't look so different
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If the US left NATO we could afford to live like socialists too. It gets old subsidizing the EU's military weakness by filling the vaccum you leave behind by allocating almost zero funding to defense.

Basically, lets see you you little special EU boys do with a real budget. Sink or Swim!
>capitalism WITH regulations
Mutally exclusive
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look, i'm just not gonna be a homo, /leftypol/dot/org
America has A LOT of oil money.
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>norway - democratic socialism
stopped reading right there
>G-d I wish I loved dicks!
Kill them
And a gorillan more niggers
are you moving to Norway any time soon?

Rope yourself OP.
A lot of socialist countries have their pensions in the US stock market, raping the poor people is mandatory to buy a lifestyle. I'd argue that you can trust Norwegians with these benefits, to use them wisely and live rich and full lives, and that if you dumped these conditions on the US the poor people would be too mindfucked by right wing talk shows and lead exposure to just make effective use of their lives.
>the mutt mind can't comprehend how Europeans don't let rich people dictate their whole life

not as much as Norway per capita
just look up the
>Government Pension Fund of Norway
they have like $300k PER CITIZEN

norway has the same population as the Boston Metro area
so their oil money goes a lot further
>>the eurocuck mind can't comprehend how Americans don't let the government dictate their whole life
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Also Norway
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Sorry Chaim but I just talked to my Clara wife and she said she like America better because we have a lot more chocolate.
yeah, you replaced "government" with "corporate overlords"

at least I get 30 days of vacation, work 35h/week, unlimited sick days, no student loan debts, don't bankrupt myself when I go to the hospital, actually usable public transport, not getting myself or my kids shot in school, actually clean lakes and rivers to swim in...
should I go on?
Thanks but I think I prefer my situation
>should I go on?
>Thanks but I think I p
Yes your delusional head cannon is funny as fuck. It's not entirely your fault, you fags have been propagandized hard AF by your governments for a long time. Many such cases, sad!
Don't economics scale make things cheaper and easier?
The united states is not a capitalist country. practically $1 in ever $4 that contributes to the US GDP is government spending…
Not when it's the niggers your scaling
Not even norway claims that its 'democratic' socialism you disingenuous kike.
Racism is not an argument.
You can sub "blacks" for "niggers" if you like. Same result
Then how did plantations ever turn a profit?
Common sense nigger control
mutts are a cancer as bad as kikes, disgusting rich and police worshippers

I think the circumcision ritual somehow damages their brains too and they become the perfet niggercattle for corpos and the managerial class
>rich and police worshippers
Hell yea
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FPBP. Everything else is just another shill/bot like all the others which have made this forum unusable since cameltoe
>death to all dune coons
>death to all yids
Yes it is
Collectivism is based and individualism is gay

>please take care of me mommy
Get gassed
So if America gets a little kinky and can be big Norway?
ok then tell me one, just one thing, where the US is actually better in terms of quality of living for a normal person like me
>So if America gets a little kinky and can be big Norway?
Nah I don't think it works at that scale anyway, but it would significantly improve things
>where the US is actually better in terms of quality of living for a normal person like me
Depends how exactly you define normal, but standard of living is typically where euros are surprised. Last Dane expats I knew couldn't believe how much/nice of an apartment they could get for what they were used to paying
>oil exporter
>ethnic monarchy plus muh socialigms
>decades under US security blanket
>2% US population
Norway and North Dakota are both successful for the exact same reasons.
looks like the tax rate is lower on the red side, I'll take that one.
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Correct. OP is a faggot
the nordic countries are not socialist in the traditional sense. they are mixed economies based on social corporatism.
>90 percent white country with natural gas and oil subsidizing all the social programs and USA paying their defense costs is nice
wow how shocking it's almost like white people nationalizing their resources in a socialist manner and keeping out brown people is good.
lazy bait thread
norway is extreme cherry picking everyone knows this by now
norway also doesn't have niggers
"unfettered" lmao
kys OP faggot

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