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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why does /pol/ love sucking landlord dick?
Same reason they suck Putins dick or zogbot dick
Because they base their entire personality and being around contrarianism. There's no deeper ideological or rational persuasion than that. They are hardcore schizoid skeptics that feel rejected by society and lash out by impotently bitching about it here.
Elliot rodger probably seems comparatively normal next to some of the cretins here, chitwoods arrests proved as much.
The problem is that there is no measure of "fairness" in the law.
A landlord can increase rent arbitrarily to the point where people can't pay. There are renter protection laws that make it hard to outright kick them out to live under a bridge, though.
But those same laws apply equally well when the renter is a junkie that never pays rent and trashes up the place. You still gotta wait months for the court proceedings to go through (depending on the country/place and its laws).

In fact it's not uncommon that, because it's a civil matter, if you ever want to recoup costs as a landlord, you have a file a suit and for that you need the address of the renter. So in fact, the injustice works the other way too: someone who tries to abide by the law, gets fucked by a landlord, fails to pay and moves out to a cheaper slum somewhere is gonna get sued. Meanwhile the junkie from above who trashes the place will draw out the eviction proceedings, then disappear before any liability is imposed and nobody is going to be able to even find him to file a suit, so the landlord is shit out of luck and has to fix everything out of pocket.

The scummy and dishonest win, the low-lifes who can exist halfway outside society win, and those trying to be decent and play fair lose.
Free market faggot, buy your own properties and rent if you are unhappy with it
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ignorant rentards who dont understand how inflation effects property taxes are extremely low IQ subhumans who will never figure out money enough to ever own their own homes. pathetic!

yes, blame your landlord and not the satanic globalist new world order that has ramped up inflation to siphon money to launder through forever wars. its not the satanic globalists fault, its the random local landlord's fault! top kek. fuckin morans.
>buy your own properties and rent if you are unhappy with it
yeah that would be fine if you weren't competing with multibillion dollar companies like blackrock and vanguard constantly outbidding you
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get a job /leftypol/dot/org kike
Cause we are landlords
Redditgoy rent
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You just sound poor
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I own my house, i don't care
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you go from "its our house" to murdering people for not wanting to give up their couch
Because you're a communist
Do you also have an issue with car rentals?
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>Renter is a junkie
Literally doesn't happen (how many junkies can pay rent), and the landlord allowed him to sign the contract.
>Boomers buy up all housing
>We don't want new housing because it drives down property values!
>Whoops sorry, I can't control the market, 50% increase on rent
Here comes the seethe.
We're all poor, by design. You were either born into wealth or you weren't.
It's not like left wing politicians will lower the cost of rent.
Biden didn't do shit.
holy shit this thread immediately got spammed
unironically the way to fix everything is to:
>make it illegal for any corporation to own a single-family home or condo
>make HELOCs illegal
>make cash-out refinancing illegal
>make it illegal for any non-citizen to own a home. you can fucking rent if you're a visitor

sorry, it's not an asset if it's mortgaged, it's a liability. until you own the home outright, using it as collateral on another loan is just lunacy and economically insane
There's absolutely zero reason for a corp to own a single-family home other than rent-seeking

>Free market faggot, buy your own properties and rent if you are unhappy with it
>no dude its really simple just get a loan then repeatedly HELOC over and over again, then just bleed everyone else dry when rates don't drop like you predicted and you're also underwater on all of your properties
I'm not a jew and also not a psychopath
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Communism’s fundamental principle of collective ownership and management of resources leads to a lack of individual incentives, as people are not motivated to work efficiently or innovate, as they do not have a personal stake in the outcome.
The absence of property rights and private ownership means that individuals have no control over their own labor, skills, or resources, leading to a loss of autonomy and dignity.
Communism’s emphasis on central planning and control stifles creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation, as decisions are made by a small group of bureaucrats rather than by individuals responding to market demands.

Property rights provide individuals with a sense of security and stability, allowing them to make long-term plans and investments in their lives and communities.
Private property encourages responsible stewardship, as individuals have a vested interest in maintaining and improving their assets, leading to more efficient use of resources.
Property rights recognize the inherent value of human labor and creativity, allowing individuals to reap the rewards of their hard work and innovation, thereby fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Communism seeks to eliminate private property and individual ownership, whereas property rights recognize and protect individuals’ rights to own and control their own resources, including their labor, skills, and assets.
Landlord hardly exist in red districts. They prey on the stupid, plenty of those in urban areas.
Okay replace junkie with nigger, spic, or even wigger
Depending on the place, it may be illegal to discriminate on race, and/or like 80% of the market might be shitskins that you have to gamble on. And again, wiggers exist

It depends on the area of course, but most renting problems happen in big cities.
I am sick of little fucking kids not understanding reality and blaming only what they can see and blame like some nigger.
>Do you also have an issue with car rentals?
I'd have an issue with car rentals if Hertz and Avis were buying 30% of ALL new and used cars, driving up the price astronomically for me
>>Boomers buy up all housing
>>We don't want new housing because it drives down property values!
>>Whoops sorry, I can't control the market, 50% increase on rent
again, this isn't individual landlords fault. its the result of decades of satanic globalists running the world's economy, causing runaway inflation, and setting policy that allows foreigners and investment banks to buy up real estate in our country as speculative investments. thats a government created problem. not a landlord created problem. asking the government to come fix a problem that THEY CREATED ON PURPOSE is just asking for the noose they are looping around your neck to be tighter.
>property taxes

That term never even enters their thoughts!
Why do only poor people seethe about contracts they willingly agree to?
>Credit check
>Employment history
>Weekly salary
Just shut the fuck up.
>Can't pay the rent? Just live under a bridge!
I'm 99% sure my landlord has a vagina, if she had a dick though that'd be hot, I love trannies
t. chud
property tax is reassessed every 3-4 years, you stupid fucking asshole
if you're a "landlord" and you are competent and behaving like someone who befits the title, i.e. maintaining the property and providing a service, you should be more than competent enough to build all of your miscellaneous costs into the next year's lease renewal.
Raising rent in the middle of a lease period is scum behavior and is indicative instantly of someone who HELOC'd or did some other financially-stupid decision in a fit of rent-seeking, and now is getting choked out by an adjustable rate increase or other dipshit move
What is homeowner's insurance? What are repairs? Taxes aren't even the biggest part of the money sink.
You SHOULD BE FUCKING DEAD you god damn mindless fucking waste of natural resources drone.
>what is property tax
>wtf why am I fat when I'm not taking care of my body??
This is why leftists are fat hamplanets.
They literally can't understand operating costs
You should be in a fucking ward faggot.
There is poor and there is too poor to buy a house. If you are second, it is probably your fault
I own a home.
Thread disregarded.
>caught lying
>tries emotional example
>Raising rent in the middle of a lease period is scum behavior and is indicative instantly of someone who HELOC'd or did some other financially-stupid decision
or they just want to get rid of a problematic rentoid.
>not living somewhere with a mailing address is vagrancy
>all property not owned by a private citizen is de facto owned by the government
because it's illegal to not pay someone to live. either you have the capital to purchase a house or you're stuck in the rent-seeking scheme. If you fuck off to an empty part of the woods that's not owned by someone and build your own place, you'll eventually have 7-10 code enforcement cops sent out to shoot you in the head because you have a poured foundation and never did X and Y and Z so now they're going to bulldoze it
oh shit i aggro'd FedBot #485792
>property tax assessed every 3-4 years
>this translates to "i'm raising your rent in the middle of the lease period"
forecast the increase and build it into the lease renewal, dipshit. it's not their problem you couldn't figure out how to plan ahead. if being a landlord is your job, you're bad at it
unironically the most likely answer
I am Indian and I own real estate. They should pay up. My kids need to eat
they think they will be a landord one day, same reason they suck billionaire's cock
I don't think anyone who leans right supports this.

I'm also confused by a trend I've seen of these people trying to show people how to generate money by buying up section 8 stuff, and then renting it.

This is why everything sucks. Why would the government allow people to middleman section 8 deals? How is that not some kind of fraud? Why would the US government not just buy such buildings outright, and rent them as section 8?
The average house where I live is over $1 million. No one in my city can afford a house unless they bought one back when they were cheap, or were born into wealth.
Because people that get jewed by landlords deserve it. Nobody forces you at gunpoint to live inside an overpriced, crime plagued city.
Keep lusting for your great leap forward II, I am sure you will be a winner soon.
>They literally can't understand operating costs
no, landlords can't understand operating costs, liabilities, and risk
that's why half of them have zero liquidity because they repeatedly HELOC into multiple ARMs then piss and moan when they're underwater and the rates haven't dropped
watching landlords get rear naked choked by their own retarded financial decisions is orgasmic
No we don't support the government constantly raising property taxes and other fees.
>Nobody forces you at gunpoint to live inside an overpriced, crime plagued city
actually in the US they do because BlackRock told all of the companies that they own majority shares of (almost all of the fortune 500) that they're to implement return to office
and because we've been flooded with jeets and spics the job market is dead in the water
>Just live away from all the high paying jobs!
Landlords will steal as much cash as then can from you because the alternative is homelessness.
You don't seem to understand the market lmao.
>You're a commie for wanting people to have a place to live!
All you need is ability to pay down payment, monthly mortgage payments are similar to rents, if not less.

Maybe you can save enough if you stop paying ethots or vtubers
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In this world, you are either a landlord, or you are a renter.

Which would you rather be?
>monthly mortgage payments are similar to rents, if not less
they're not even close, lmao. in my area the median home translates to a payment of $3,800-5,000/mo WITHOUT PMI, while the average 3b/3ba is ~$3,000. Rates aren't coming down unless the market starts bleeding, so you won't even be able to refi over the next couple of years so you're stuck with your rate
why is a swede speaking as if he has any idea what america is like?
I live in a cheap part of Germany and just work from home. My employer is in Munich and pays really well.
Surely this would also be a possibility in burgerland.
>i must vote big daddy government so they can steal on my behalf
>Why is the government stealing my shit?
Brainless fucking drone.
Kill yourself.
People do have a place to live you dishonest faggot!
>I live in a cheap part of Germany and just work from home. My employer is in Munich and pays really well.
>Surely this would also be a possibility in burgerland.
it's not
late last year every corporation got marching orders from blackrock because corporate real estate was getting choked out by lack of use and high rates threatening lease renewals, meaning buildings would just lie fallow. CRE is tied into a fuckton of financial instruments, so this couldn't happen.
everyone was told to go back in-office, it fucked a ton of peoples' lives up, and no one's happy, but the point is floating the economy.
Remote work was cut significantly in the US. even now, the companies that have slightly relaxed basically have the policy that no one working remote can be promoted, and they're first on the layoff list.
>insurance up
>property tax up
>maintenance up
>water rate up
>People do have a place to live you dishonest faggot!
but actually they don't.
>illegal to camp for too long
>illegal to live in a car
>illegal to live on anyone else's land (there is no un-owned land in the US)
>if you find land that's not actively in use, you can't build on it
>if you do build on it, you better fucking hope no one finds you because code enforcement will come out and shoot you in the head and demolish your house (they've done it before)
>therefore you either get to pay the jew tax and rent, or pay the jew tax and mortgage a home
>even if you pay outright in cash, you have to pay property tax for... owning a thing
it is fundamentally impossible to live anywhere without paying a jew for the convenience to continue to do so

that's really interesting, but trump was the one who released $16.1 trillion dollars into the economy in 2019 inflating the money supply by 600%, not biden
>all you need is to enslave yourself to the kikes with endless interest payments for the rest of your life
We're both poor buddy. You just choose to enslave yourself.
>median aus income is 65k
>approximately 13k to taxes
>1k a week post tax salary
64% of income spent solely on rent. How do ausoids stay alive down there?
rents due in a few days, make sure you're paid up.
Yes. They have to keep up uncivilized poors. I tried renting out a house below market value to be nice and my entire yard and garage turned into a part farm and dirt bike storage…fucking rattle snake eating white trash losers. Stay poor, you will never be a homeowner.
Then you better not bitch and moan and protest outside of city hall with your fellow parasites when there are plans to build more housing.
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pol is 99% jewish bots
you sound fucking retarded
what kind of lease doesn't have stipulations about acceptable storage places and upkeep?
send them a notice that they're in violation by registered mail, give them seven days to rectify it, then send them notice to vacate and evict them, dumbshit
The government clowns you worship are the very fucking reason there is not more housing being built now!

God damn you are disconnected from reality.
>despite owning the place outright
what kind of argument is this?
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Glad we're on the same page comrade. We must remove these building codes and simply build on top of the landlord's house!
I did that in 2018 with environmentalists and was successful. You cannot increase housing density in my area. All it took was to pay an ecologicalist $1500 to say there’s endangered toads and owls in my area. Get fucked rentoid.
>t. financial illiterate
it means that the owner isn't on an ARM that's jumped, unless they HELOC'd
it means that the operating costs are just property tax, whatever utilities aren't paid by the tenant, and miscellaneous wear/tear/repair, and home insurance
none of the above change on a short enough timeline to justify a mid-lease rent hike
granted AUS is different but probably not that different
>you sound fucking retarded
You’re right. I was retarded learned my lesson. Been having good tenants since then.
>tosses two handfulls of japanese knotweed, giant hogweed, and bamboo seeds over your fence
>heh, nothin' personnel
Have you considered for one second that many of us have been/are/want to be land lords?
>all of which will never take root in this arid area.
>wanting to destroy an ecosystem because you can’t have someone else’s house for free
Pathetic. Rent is due on August 1st. If you pay online make sure you have enough to cover the 3.5% transaction fee. If you pay in cash make sure you’re there before lunch on July 29.
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It's the last bastion of low class advancement to prosperity and the only realistic way for any lower class person to break into the middle class, without slaving for decades just to end up in some soul-sucking corporate job.
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>outlaw landlords
>people who own those properties take them off the market and sit on them
>now nobody can even rent somewhere to live
What now?
Meanwhile in reality
>Maintenance costs
>Property tax
>No way to make money off property anymore
It's gonna be the biggest firesale in history.
/every /pol/ thread ever
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We don't. That's the r/TheDonald and r/libertarians refugees that make up half the board now since 2015.
landlord isn't a valid job or career
>n-no you don't get it i do useful things for people like squatting on an asset and waiting six months to call a handyman to fix a thing when it breaks
being a landlord is equivalent to being a toilet cleaner or secretary. you make a couple of calls, forward emails, and periodically slowly deal with an issue. you don't produce anything of real tangible value, thus you're not to be respected at all. I'm not sure why anyone would want to be one other than the fact that the current market allows you to take on insane levels of risk with zero education, skills, or intelligence to potentially make money, as long as number keep always going up
>people who own those properties take them off the market and sit on them
>now nobody can even rent somewhere to live
>what now?
considering most landlords have only paid off like 15-20% of their properties because they repeatedly heloc them, I'd say the landlord goes to debtor's prison or files for bankruptcy and has those homes liquidated
I'm not a renter
also, the ecosystem is meaningless. jeets are an invasive species, but they don't stop fucking importing those
>maintenance costs
nonexistent if they can just live in another house they own and let it fall to disrepair while holding it out of spite because you made it illegal for them to allow people to pay money to rent the living space
See point 1
>considering most landlords have only paid off like 15-20% of their properties because they repeatedly heloc them, I'd say the landlord goes to debtor's prison or files for bankruptcy and has those homes liquidated
And how does that solve the immediate problem of ex-renters now homeless because they can't rent anymore (thanks for being anti-landlord and causing that!), and can't afford to buy an entire home because of the economic status requiring them to rent in the first place?
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Because we are also the Landlord.

>unzips pants
>pulls out BWC

Now get sucking
Stopped reading, I can hate landlords and still think Communism doesn't work.

there are more than two possible economic models.
idc about the slave class/poor people. they should tip their landlords more and this wouldn't happen.
Unequal ownership of land is slavery.
>allodial land titles
>homestead exemptions from property tax
Build more housing
Supply and demand does the rest
>Build more housing
>Supply and demand does the rest
This has been a demonrat talking point for decades and it has never worked for them.
Easy. 20% property tax on vacant houses. Now you have to sell to the white man who will put white children in it (God forbid)! 0% property tax on owner occupied primary houses.

That's it.
Here is a life hack. Dont like landlords?
>don't rent
>buy a house
>buy one you can afford
>shit credit? No job? Shitty job?
Not my problem.
Because they keep flooding the country with people, you need to make houses AND keep people the fuck out.
So what should be done? Rent control?
see >>475751514
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>nonexistent if they can just live in another house they own and let it fall to disrepair while holding it out of spite because you made it illegal for them to allow people to pay money to rent the living space
except that's literally the reason why adverse possession/squatting/orphaned asset procurement isn't illegal
so basically by letting it fall into disrepair you're giving whoever decides to forward their mail there and fix it up a free house.
>And how does that solve the immediate problem of ex-renters now homeless because they can't rent anymore (thanks for being anti-landlord and causing that!), and can't afford to buy an entire home because of the economic status requiring them to rent in the first place?
dumping 30% of housing on the market as distressed assets on the market via bank sale does wonders for affordability
if you can't afford $1,500 as a 2% down payment for a $75k home, then no one can help you
>allodial land titles
so you're going to pay a shitton in legal fees and spend months getting an allodial title to just sit on an asset?
>homestead exemptions from property tax
except that anon said no one would live there and a homesteading exemption specifically requires that you use the land to support dependents (not renting but utilization)
>Landlord demanding rent each week
>Not by the first of every month
That is scummy, will admit. Landlords should only charge by the month, not by the week.
Defined rent ceiling and an indefinite immigration moratorium, probably the only reasonable solution.
Fuck landlords
Fuck ((bankers))
Fuck neoliberals
Fuck capitalism
Simple as
>except that's literally the reason why adverse possession/squatting/orphaned asset procurement isn't illegal
>so basically by letting it fall into disrepair you're giving whoever decides to forward their mail there and fix it up a free house.
Nope, you can do the bare minimum to go by every so often with a gun and shoot any burglars that broke into your property :)
Anyone asks you were in fear of your life the the dead nigger can't testify against you :) :)
>to just sit on an asset?
>homesteading exemption specifically requires that you use the land to support dependents
So put your kids in it to utilize it. Imagine that, it also promotes white birthrates.
>Kids leave because they don't want to live in the Oklahoma desert
Motherfucker still living in the 1800s
Homeschool your kids, then they don't know what they're missing.
permanent net zero immigration
permanent removal of H1B and other work visas
ban on corporate ownership of single-family and condominium housing
any company based in the US is required to offer remote work within the US to any position for which the duties can be fulfilled on a computer and for which the duties of that job do not require physical presence (i.e. manufacturing/assembly line)
any company based in the US must hire US citizens for any work done in the US which sells product within the US
>Nope, you can do the bare minimum to go by every so often with a gun and shoot any burglars that broke into your property :)
>Anyone asks you were in fear of your life the the dead nigger can't testify against you :) :)
you get arrested
and you get double fucked because that person was having their mail delivered there and legally held color of title
>So put your kids in it to utilize it. Imagine that, it also promotes white birthrates.
>getting a homesteading exemption by dumping your nonexistent kids into a suburban home
that doesn't work anon
your thought experiment simply doesn't work
> votes for open borders
> housing demand exceeds supply
> property tax increased to keep up with entitlement programs that they also voted for
> comes to the conclusion landlords are bad
Housing should not be a bussines nor investment, just as water, food, Air.
All kike capitalist shall get the burgundian treatment one day.
the existence of jeets and government waste does not obviate the fact that landlords and rent-seeking in general are destructive to economies and bad practices in general
>you get arrested
>and you get double fucked because that person was having their mail delivered there and legally held color of title
Nope, try again :) It never was allowed to get this far because I shot the nigger early.
Courts will side with the legal owner who was in fear of their life and was forced to shoot a violent criminal breaking into their home. :) :)
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pretty sure you're going to be the one sucking landlord dick here pretty soon if you don't figure out a way to pay your rent, poorfag
not my problem, by the way
Why must you put things in gay terms, anon? Hmm?
>Nope, try again :) It never was allowed to get this far because I shot the nigger early.
>Courts will side with the legal owner who was in fear of their life and was forced to shoot a violent criminal breaking into their home. :) :)
so you just spend all day circulating between your empty properties wasting money on gas for your car, doing the bare minimum to prevent them from being condemned?
seems like I'd be doing everyone a favor by waiting for you to show up then dropping you with a suppressed .300BO from 125yd away, then buying one of your properties at an estate sale for cheap.
It does if you have kids but at the very least even if you don't, you still only have to maintain a second home. Hell if your parents are still alive, then drop them into it to cover "utilization".
Oh my, poor people who don't own houses are so jealous and violent low IQ individuals.
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>Because they base their entire personality and being around contrarianism
That and because they think it triggers da libtards, but it's kind of the same thing. There's no logic to it, they lament jews, they lament low birth rates of whites, yet they love landlords because reddit doesn't, so landlords must = good! These people aren't using their brains, and arguably never had one.
you dont need all that newfag, just ban loans and return to gold standard
literally no one is complaining about owning a second home and putting your kids in it
dynastic housing is unironically one of the solutions to this issue
if you have two generations living in a house, you should pay half the property tax
if you have three generations living in a house, you should pay zero property tax and get a 10% tax credit on all income earned for those in the household

the intended purpose of a house is to provide people who live there a place to live, shelter, and store their shit
if you own multiple houses and put your kids in them, the houses are being used for their intended purpose
if you're a landlord, the only person using the house for its intended purpose is the tenant
Nobody forces you to not be homeless.
All rent and housing went up globally
during Biden's leftist regime.
this, even in the nightmarish states attempts, the burgundy ordenstaat would not make greed bank out of housing,but housing will be for and by aryans,
landlords dont care the race, nor gender, they just care about profit, they dont care if a european is having troubles, then comes a richer oligarch african and take his house,
captalist dont care about the demographics of a neighborhood, they care about making money and enjoying materialist life is all that matter, and in fact, they would be shot in line.

It's call own it yourself not renting. This already exists.
>the only person using the house for its intended purpose is the tenant
Yep and they rightly get fees passed onto them in rent. Not sure what the complaint is outside of corporations driving prices up and since that's the case, your fight isn't with random landlords to begin with.
Sounds grim, I hope things will get better soon for you guys.
Because i'm a landlord and i like having my dick sucked.
Any more stupid questions?
>Why does /pol/ love sucking landlord dick?
Beats paying full rent
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So perhaps you are a disingenuous cunt instead of a shill. In that case:
>pol is not a single-minded entity
>traditionally, landlords fill a critical need for those who cannot, or shouldn't, but a house outright
>it seems your problem isn't landlords as a whole, but only the jewish ones
>bitching about landlords without addressing the even more repugnant airbnb "entrepreneurs" is like discussing the founding of the u.s. without ever mentioning George Washington
I'm pretty sure you'd find that the majority of Americans are of like mind, and would be more agreeable if you perhaps weren't such an utter, malding faggot about it.
>Wahhh my landlord is increasing my rent
>There's nowhere else to go in the horror desirable area I want to live in
Do rentcucks honestly not realise how these two things are connected? Either pay the market rate or fuck off and allow someone that does want to pay it to move in.
total lala land death? but I like that movie
>Live with your family until you can afford your own place
>Get a roommate(s) to split the rent
Rentoids deserve to suffer.
they parents doesn’t want their pathetic leftoid ass on home anymore, they are THAT annoying that not even their own parents love them
Idk I was paying $2100 base rent for a regular one bedroom in a random town. Utilities were $140, insurance was $40, internet was $80. So $2560 AUD to live in Sydney isn’t that bad
This image is pure cope. Build so many houses that there is 10x that the population needs and they cost 3 hamburgers? You've got to be joking. We already have a housing surplus now and housing is costing 10x what it should. You've got this completely backwards. This is conservative logic on steroids. Always blaming the wrong people and the wrong ideas.
Why does this greedy rentoid think he gets to keep using the house that he doesn't own for the same rate while inflation continues to rise? What a greedy leech.
If you stop making a bunch of whiny excuses you could have bought one. There are new people buying their first house literally every day.
>Inflation: 3%
Rent increase: 30%
Oh gee another redditor marxist faggot pushing towards communism to help jews take complete control over the rubble that has never happened before in history.
>Free market
Someone doesn't know what fiat money and central banking is. The game is highly rigged against the common person.
There's way too many retarded faggots on pol who fell for dumb communist bullshit. Rent control, arbitrary loan regulations or housing regulations, or whatever other stupid ideas you guys are saying now won't do what you think. They all just disincentivize housing creation AND housing sales, both of which would greatly exacerbate the issue because the supply is way less. Then its not only expensive to buy a house it may actually be impossible even if you weren't lazy and worked and earned enough to buy one.

Just stop being dumb and lazy and wasting your money on weed and Funko pops. It isn't even that hard to buy your first home because there's so many fucking programs and incentives to help. Just save for like a year and almost anyone can get one with a vaguely decent job.
do you think inflation rates are one to one with cost of living? Jesus you guys are dumb. But if you don't like the cost of rent, go somewhere else. That's literally just the deal with renting.
Just dig a hole.
if it's a request, then just deny it lmao. simple as
>same laws apply equally well when the renter is a junkie that never pays rent and trashes up the place
this isn't a thing if you only rent to white people
>There are """""people""""" in this thread who defend leechlords simply to own the heckin' communists.
Kill yourselves. Every single one of you. Landlords are cryptokikes and always have been.
keep seething but rents due in a week
i love owning a home and being a landlord, fuck all of you parasites. go buy a house where you can afford it instead of bitching.

Buying another property soon just to have a mailing address in a different state and to store things in a place that isn't fire prone.
Why do poor fags blame everyone else for their shitty situation?
um sweaty if you dont like it, just move
Cuz their mom sucks dick to pay the rent
Ok, peasant of Charles that has to call everything hrm
mutts and gentiles in general are stuck in a rut where they envy rent-seeking kikes who make their livelihood without ever lifting a finger, and only resent that they personally aren't able to do so
it's why they keep falling for speculative pyramid schemes and defending landlords and CEOs
it's fundamentally fraudulent behavior but won't be outlawed because they fantasize that it could be them, so nothing will ever get better
Everyone in the usa is a temporarily embarrassed millionaire
Actually I would just add on to this though. A lot of the middle managers are conservatives, at least economically. They feel it is their job to prop up the system even if they don't ever become a millionaire. I think they legitimately feel that the people above us are our betters and they don't want to rock the boat too much. So they keep on voting the way they do even though they really don't want to live on the bottom of the economic ladder. They are just okay being in the middle even though many on the top are outrageously rich. It's kind of the attitude of "well, I got mine, you just have to work harder to get yours".
no, you guys are just dumb faggots falling for the lies of communism. I don't rent out property, and I don't rent from anyone. I'm just not lazy and stupid like you so I bought my own house instead of agreeing to pay someone money then whining about how the government should make them unable to collect what I agreed to pay.
I'll stop complaining if the government allows people like me to build smaller houses so at least we aren't homeless and gives us free property as well. The whole system is right now is a house of cards just to enrich the bankers. You think you really own your home, but look at the note. It's always owned by the bank, and then the state after you pay it off. If you don't think this, try not paying your property taxes and see who gets the property.

I'll also add that there is really no one that own lands. Europeans practically stole the land from Native Americans to start with. The land may as well be shared at this point.
>rental market is crazy, I got to raise rent
That doesn't make sense. The only reason to raise rent would be because of the landowners purchasing power decreasing. Other landowners raising their rent doesn't mean every landowner has to raise their rent, unless...they are colluding.
You're still saying stupid shit meant to trick retarded children into thinking communism is a good idea. I'm aware taxes exist. I still don't think we need to abandon property rights because of that fact. Stop being a dumb child and buy property if you want property. No one owes your lazy ass anything.
This is retarded. Rent is a supply and demand question like every market. If someone would pay you 100 dollars for something why would you sell it to someone else for 5 dollars? If you don't like the price then move out.

I can't buy property. I'm partially disabled and no one will give me a job for that fact. I applied for disability but got denied on the first go around. If I wasn't living with family, I'd be out on the streets. No way in hell I can afford a house at this point. Even when I wasn't disabled, the most I made was about 30$ per year. A down payment on a house is twice that amount. I could, however, build a house for probably $5k dollars. But zoning laws won't allow it and the property cost half a million per acre at this point, even though all land was stolen at gun point one time.
Not 30$ but $30k per year.
You're arguing in bad faith because you just want to spew shit out.
>Just move out
Where? On the street?
You just hate people for being poor. I would love to see your head on a stick one day.
Wrong. It's incredibly easy for the majority of people. You're just either exceptionally lazy or exceptionally stupid.
I was in a similar situation a few years ago. I managed to convince one employer to hire me and I just worked through the pain and took a lot of ibuprofen and then I went to a temp agency that specialized in people with disabilities and I was able to get a better paying job through them. They didn't ask for proof of disability, doctor's note or anything, they just helped me.

Your only other option is self-employment.
1 - being a tranny isn't a real disability
2 - I was making 30k a year when I bought my first home
3 - if can muster up 5k for some stupid tiny home idea you have a down payment on a home. I literally put nothing down on my first one.

Also, no this wasn't 1965. It was like 7 years ago.
somewhere cheaper, I don't even have to hope to see you dead in a ditch ODed on fentanyl. That is just your destiny.
1- I'm a heterosexual male you doofus. I was made sick by some liver type illness in 2019. Probably covered up by the government too even though I suspect they know about it. They covered up the deaths from the vaccine, so why not just cover up everything at this point.

2. On your own? The down payment alone is 60k so I know you're lying. You probably had family cover the down payment.

3. I can't muster up 5k even now. I'm trying to prove a point that the housing situation is beyond ridiculous at this point. 1 million dollars for a house with 5k dollars worth of parts.
Those cunts get what they fucjing deserve
>Just go live out in the sticks
>What? The only job is Dollar General
>Awww that's too bad
They unironically 100% no bullshit believe that landlords supply housing somehow
1 - I don't actually give a fuck. If your disability is real you can neet it up. Shaquanda figured out how to get paid for her migraines or whatever she came up with. You can too. I don't actually believe you though and I'm willing to bet a ton of money there are plenty of jobs you can do but won't

2 - no one paid shit for me. Also my ex at the time was basically mooching off me. But the house was a foreclosure that squatters had fucked up and I was willing to work on it for years while living there. The down payment was literally nothing but with PMI and a shit interest rate I didn't make much of a dent in the mortgage over that time, but it didn't matter because I sold it for more than triple what I paid after fixing it up.

3 - yes a house does in fact cost more than just material costs lol. You guys always surprise me with how delusionally you think about these things lol. But again you don't need a down payment at all for your first home even right now when banks are about as stingy as they ever have been. Just don't have shit credit and have enough income to pay, which if crying about rent payments you do
Reddit is a hivemind of pathetic catchphrases and groupthink. Unlike /Pol/
Yes exactly, no one owes you a dream job either. Maybe spend time teaching yourself something valuable and you can choose to move somewhere better later.
1. I know there are jobs I can do. But I can't show up for work every day. Also, if I go slow, it is isn't my problem. Let me know if there are employers that don't mind if I go slow and pay me a livable wage. I'll be waiting.

2. Sounds like you live in Michigan and bought a house on the very cheap, ie like 20k. Problem is that $30k is like living like a millionaire in parts of Michigan.

3. So? My parents got a house with double an average income 40 years ago. Now, houses cost 5-10x the average income. Of course, you are a conservative or paid shill, so you won't think this is a problem. Blackrock probably told you everything is okay.
Buy your own home otherwise shut the fuck up you crybaby bitch
>1 - let me know where I can be lazy but also be rich and maybe I'll work
Sorry bro, that ain't real life. Stop being a little bitch and make something happen

2 - it was Charlotte NC and just under 120k

3 - no one "told me" it's ok. I know it's ok because I've done it myself and seen it really wasn't that hard. My mortgage payments were actually less than the rent I was paying before then. Again though this was 7 years ago not 40. It's absolutely still easy right now you just might want to refinance wherever rates go back down.
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Most people literally cannot practice a skill enough to become valuable with the goal of gaining wealth with it; they don't have the capacity or drive to do so. And that's completely natural and fine. It is the job of a society to allow these people, when they are well meaning, the ability to pursue their life with some balance of autonomy and comfort, and owning a home is one of the few things that allows for both. If an average, unexceptional person cannot own a home, then unless they are living in a nomadic culture, society is not functioning properly.
A home for every family is not some pie-in-the-sky unattainable goal for a society to reach. It was achieved by most societies throughout history, which had far fewer resources than we do in the modern day.
>stop blaming society on the inability of the individual
This is a political board. Its very nature is the discussion of our society, so it would be very stupid to jump in and put all of the weight of any topic on the individual.
>Live in place to be meme neighborhood.
>Vote for it.
>Get it.
>Oh em gee, like, this is, like, so unfair, like.
yes, its how the system is designed. one of the advice in this thread is "just live with family and save money." lol, implying i have family that will let me live with them free, they want rent money like everyone else lol. in order to maintain their oppulence though, this rent seeking behavior is needed. hence why there is a necessary underclass. it exists in order to maintain the overclass
Ok, don’t complain you voted for that leftie. The more immigrants the higher prices, simple is that
1. Yes it is. I know people on welfare that make more than I do working. That IS real life. I'm not going to work for a system that isn't going to make accommodations for me, as if they will anyways. Might as well starve at this point if that is the case. Or go and squat with someone in a house that Blackrock owns.

2. So you probably did this when interest rates were so low it might as well be like a wage increase. I'd like to see you do that with interest rates right now at 7-10%. Plus my credit is screwed anyways. Like I said, I'm not working my way out of this problem, at least any time soon.

3. Do you know that monthly payments on a house have gone from 500 per month when you bought that $120k house 7 years ago to 800 per month? Do you still think you could afford that same house? This is assuming you have pristine credit. This may explain why people feel like they are being pinched.

>higher tax
>higher insurance
>mortgage rates on new home purchases are 6-7%

Provide a better alternative or fuck off and be homeless
This is retarded communist nonsense that doesn't apply to the universe we live in. You're just incredibly lucky to have been born in a time and place where you are actually in a position to even cry about these things instead of literally fighting to survive all day every day of your entire life, and that fact has made you soft and made you take for granted all the miracles you were already gifted.

Waiting for someone stronger, smarter, better, than yourself to come carry you through life is only a path to a more miserable existence. Stop wasting your time whining online about how people and the universe hasn't given you enough. You already live the life of a king compared to almost anyone in human history.

There are a few places where they achieved situations that can afford to give everyone homes and land, sure. Generally they were possible because other countries safe guarded them so they didn't have to allocate any resources to their own defense. They also built those situations in times when their country was filled with a homogenous society that shared a collective identity and were able to cooperatively follow a shared set of laws and cultural norms. We currently see cracks forming or the disintegration of pretty much all of those systems already.

It might sound like I'm being a big meanie pants but I'm in here frantically warning you idiots that you're pushing for your own death along with millions, maybe billions, by pushing for ideas we know end in genocide 100 percent of the time. And yes I understand that may not happen immediately, maybe not even while you are alive. Maybe you end up benefitting from some government forced bullshit. But it would happen eventually and it would destroy the silver spoon every modern human is born with compared to the past 100 thousand years.

You guys are crying toddlers throwing a tantrum and I'm just not giving you candy. Learn a lesson today. Life REQUIRES work. No matter what your ancestors built.
>Live somewhere affordable but shitty
>"Learn a skill"
>Employees of high paying jobs want 5 years of experience for entry level positions
>The only places near high paying jobs are more expensive than what you would make anyway
I hate boomers like you so fucking much. You deserve to die the most painful and humiliating deaths imaginable. YOU are the reason the housing market is fucked beyond repair.

What you summed up is that everything requires balance. If we have to make sacrifices, then Blackrock needs to too. Society starts to collapse when some groups aren't willing to sacrifice. So you can come on here and say that you are well intentioned. But are you really?

Who are you asking to bear the most sacrifices? It is the down trodden and the people that already don't have means. Be careful what you wish for, because you may get it, but not in the way you hoped.
>Life REQUIRES work. No matter what your ancestors built.
Our (((Boomer))) ancestors made things unimaginably worse for the later generations out of sheer greed and hubris.
Remember to pay your taxes so they can go to israel! There's a good goy.
The problem with their viewpoint is that they want to push all the sacrifices on other groups, but don't you dare touch Blackrock you commie. That is about half the Republican party nowadays. Which is why Trump or no other politician will get us out of the hole we dug for ourselves.
1. Then go get welfare. That's my point. That would be much less of a bitch move than squatting for sure. There never has been and never will be a system that "makes accommodations for you" that's just you repeating dumb shit you've heard women say to get men to do things for them. Someone always has to do the work. If you want to be a gay Twink only fans prostitute I don't care. Live however low you need to. Just stop waiting for gifts and pity.

2. Can you just please stop desperately searching for some validation? My interest then was less, by less than half a point lol. It went from like 4.97 to 5.25 or something. Like I said before I was barely making a dent on payments. It was still on track for a 30 year pay off but 30 years is slooooooowwww. But it didn't matter at all because housing prices rose faster and I sold it for triple and paid off the last one and put all that equity in on house two as a 50 percent down payment.

Oh and you having shitty credit is 100 percent in your own poor decisions. Good credit is the easiest shit in the world and takes like 15 min worth of research to learn how to game the system and raise your score even if you're terrible with money. Just stop making stupid decisions that lower it.

>3. Do you know that monthly payments on a house have gone from 500 per month when you bought that $120k house 7 years ago to 800 per month?

lol This is the funniest part of this whole exchange between us. My OLD payment was like 980 most years. I also paid more than that most months. My new one is like 1800+. But since I bought house one I also improved my job and now make more than quadruple what I was making then.
Landlords are NEETs, but ones that parasite off mostly the poor. Corrupted NEETs think this ok.
> spend all day arguing online
> never care to even try to learn anything anyone anywhere would maybe need
> "why won't you just give me free shit and let me pay fortnight!!! wahhhhhhhhhh!!"

I'm not a boomer, you're just incompetent and desperately grasping for an explanation of why your life sucks that avoids any blame on your own decisions
Your disappointed father isn't what ancestors means. You just have a comically myopic view of reality. Millions of people accomplish these things every year. If you want to drive your life into the gutter go for it. just don't drag the rest of us with your lazy ass
you're still trying to understand reality through a Marxist lens. Some rich Jew who gets propped up by a government bending the rules from him has nothing to do with you buying a house. You can buy a house and make your life better and separately argue against what black rock does. Instead you're pushing for the same communist bullshit blackrock is trying desperately to spread. They know it leads to genocide. That's what they are hoping for.

There is no fairness. There's no bargaining. Real life isn't arbitrated by your kindergarten teacher. There's supply, demand, and leverage and you have to work those in your own favor. Or cry about your failures on 4chan
Someone has to do the work, but the healthy people should do it. It's not my problem I was stuck with bad genetics, or got some kind of super virus. I said I'm willing to work, but my employers should be crystal clear that I can't work like a healthy horse.

For crying out loud, I just saw the olympics and there are these people that look like Greek gods and godesses. I've seen several people out there like that in society. You are saying that they can't do the hard work? I can work a phone if that is what you want. But I need someone to give me the job. I think your attitude is that people like me have to do all the hard jobs because no one likes you and no one cares. Tough deal but that is the way it is.
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holy based fpbp
What I'm saying is that you should hold Blackrock to a higher standard than me. That's fairness. But you won't. You spend more time arguing about what is fair with some 4chan NEET than even considering sending a strongly worded letter to your congressperson or even Blackrock. Because you know in reality that it is common people that prop up the system. Blackrock likes to pretend that they prop up the system.
Just start killing land lords, you know where they live they have families, Ambush them when they make an inspection, Atleast when you're in prison you'll have a roof over your head. Do it for the greater good
>more crying about gibs
Wish in one hand and shit in the other bro. Everyone's got problems and no one is ever going to care about yours. You can accept that and live anyway or crawl under a house to die like a stray cat. It's literally your own choice to make though.
fuck off you weak pathetic loser. I'm trying to talk sense into you and you just want to change the subject to something that isn't your own fault. Be a whiny bitch all you want but when you fall asleep at night for the rest of your time here I hope you think about how you're choosing to be a weak loser and not building something, anything, for yourself. Maybe one day it will click and you'll grow up.
See, you are proving my point. Why should I work for a system that will not accommodate me? I can guarantee that my health problems are much, much worse than yours. What do you do to contribute to society? Sounds like you argue with 4chan NEETS? Why aren't you out there contributing this fantastical society of yours where it is so easy to make it as you claim?
You are a soulless kike. You see money as the end goal, rather than a tool. The point of a society is to provide a foundation to help those who deserve it. No, I'm not talking about endless hordes of immigrants, I'm talking about people who want to start families and have a place to call home. Most people are not capable of making huge amounts of money. You seem to think that a man only has worth if he has money.
You seem to spend alot of time and energy on them. Curious.
"free market" is what brings in third world shitskins and lets investment groups that are a step away from the money printers buy up all of the housing.
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Why aren't you taking the car camper pill
>FREE roof over your head
>ZERO rent
>ZERO goy normie boomer neighbors, niggers or spics
>ZERO crime when you live in a white state
>PARK your car rurally and don't spend any money for 7 days if you want
>Get to camp with other like minded RVers and make good friends and banter on your travel
>Or you can just be a NEET and stay inside shitposting and playing vidya all day.

You are mentally ill if you need a big piece of land or big house. A small van is enough for many people and if you're a NEET you definitely can live out of a small car if you take out backseat and passenger seat. If you are scared about what people think about you, then you should just pay $1000+/mo for rent, you're obviously not cut out if you can't make food on a little stove camper on the backseat of your trunk

Just live out of your car until the collapse and stack silver whenever you have extra money and go pick it up at the post office. Never have a real address, always use a PO box.
Just live near national parks and occasionally drive into the city like billings or helena montana to actually make some money for the month.

There's zero reason why you should be paying rent.

This is politicial because its an economic problem in america, and this is the way to solve it for men. Free living, no goy address needed.
They don't want you living in your car, less money for jews and their whole system collapses.

>ask the librarian
Why would there be a librarian if she's not getting paid?
Wrong again. I'm here trying to talk sense into you and telling you to live a happier better life and you're fighting against that because it seems weaalllll hawdddd!!

You're definition of society isn't too far off but it's definitely an over simplification. The thing is you DON'T deserve a house and property and a great job. You have done nothing to earn them.
But the one in the example owns it outright. So why are you seething?
>Why does /pol/ love sucking landlord dick?
It's success trolling for rage-bait and it's because they somehow think you are automatically communist if you criticize shitty business models and practices that make you not want to purchase a product.

>A landlord can increase rent arbitrarily to the point where people can't pay.
Rent-locked contracts need to be legally enforced thing. It needs to be, when you move in, whatever price is agreed on the lease/agreement whatever is the price you pay. It CAN NOT BE RAISED UNLESS AN ADDITIONAL SERVICE IS PROVIDED OR ADDITIONAL SPACE IS PROVIDED.
>Be RVer, Zog bots see you pulled over on the side of the road or in a forested area, Proceed to pull you out of your car. Make you play Simon says and blows your face off.

Being white and being in a white state won't help you
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>but muh no toilet
Peeing is a non issue, shitting is a non issue. Every campground in most of the US lets you stay up to 10-15 days consecutively and they have a toilet, sink and free electricity. IF you're so rural that there's not a gas station within a mile, then just shit outside in a hole. It will compost. Animals shit on the ground 24/7 lmao.

>but muh no shower
You don't need a shower everyday. A lake is good enough to take a quick dip in with shampoo and swimming shorts you don't need a shower.
Retarded argument. Most campgrounds let you stay like 10-20 days. In the winter you can stay longer nobody gives a shit if you're there a whole month. Also cops don't give a shit.
who thought people posting on a Jamaican Jerk Chicken recipe website, specifically on the part called politically incorrect, would have extreme or contrary views to the everyday person. truly, it makes me scratch my head
It's just shit flinging for shit flinging sake
NTA but I hope you get your throat slit on the side of the road car fag
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Not happening glowniggy
I'm definitely not proving your point that the universe owes you stuff because you feel sickly some days. You are wishing you were born into a different universe which doesn't exist. It's a nonsensical fantasy that you're pining for. It's a distracting mirage and you're wasting time and energy crying because it's not real. Focus on reality instead and figure out how to make the best of what is actually there.

Or don't, that's my point. If you want to waste your single life and do nothing and die then go for it. I can't make you live better. I will call you stupid though for pushing the idea that we should create a government that steals from people to give to whoever they like better. That government won't give you or me anything free. I get that your life sucks enough you think you have nothing to lose trying it but it can definitely get a lot worse for you.

As for me I wouldn't describe my "tech bro" job as contributing to society but it's a skill that's in demand enough people wanted to pay me a lot of money for it. Actually it's probably something even you could do if you put the time into learning it. it's all at a computer and I could sleep through multiple days a week without anyone ever noticing. It's also the entry level job I got in the industry. I did a coding boot camp, met people in the class who got me in an interview then got the job off of one interview because it's a skill which is technical and very easy to show you can or can't do it in an interview. Since I started I've gotten more and more responsibility, job security, and money because I keep proving myself useful and knowledgeable. I see many others around me who I don't even think are very high intelligence but they are doing fine too. They just get shit done and don't act like lunatics.

None of this is hard. Just stop looking for excuses to be lazy and never try.
You don't know a fucking thing about me you cunt. The current system does everything in its power to keep the poor on their fucking knees while siphoning money from them. Landlords are a microcosm of that.
What purpose does society serve the individual if it isn't providing some kind of infrastructure for them to provide for themselves and live without a constant feeling of dread?
Law and Order? lmao.
if you convert the dingery doo dollars that aussies use into usd its roughly $1800/month
i paid that shit for a 1bd1ba in california in like 2015
also she voted for that
>this is how landlords react to someone not paying them
not it's not. That's government bureaucracy. The exact thing you're crying for more of if you want rent control or any of the dumb ideas I keep seeing in these threads.
>"If you think the current kiked system is fucked beyond repair, then you must be a communist!"
Holy shit just end your life. It would raise the average IQ of the board by 1 point.
You were lucky enough to be born at the easiest time ever in one of the easiest places ever in the history of humanity. Your life is better and softer and easier than most of the people who ruled kingdoms since humans became humans. Society has given you more infrastructure than most of humanity could even fathom as possible.

You are alive on easy mode and spending all of it whining about how it's too hard lol.
In their ideal system they would be culled for non-productivity.
I honestly don't get these bait threads
>average salary is 100k
>average home price is 250k
Wow 3 years to get a house, how horrifying.
>nooooo I need to spend 30% of my income on the stock market, 20% on food, and 10% on funko pops!!
Fix your posture faggot.
That's not why you're communist. You're communist because you want a government with the power to steal from your betters to subsidize your weakness and sloth. Even if you get your wish though you would win nothing. You'll be cast aside. All you are really fighting for is the destruction of people who are better than you. That's why I'm calling you out.
they are too dumb to realize they are arguing for their own execution
Rental prices in Sydney are fucking insane. I just moved into a two bedroom apartment for $800 a week. Not even close to the city. And the wording of this message from the real estate agent is pretty condescending.
So I get person's frustration. But I can't stand people that scapegoat the landlords for this problem. The fucked up thing is that someone is gonna pay that price, whether it is you or someone else. The home owner is under no obligation to subsidise your rent. The problem is the government that has allowed this rental crisis to happen with their insane migration policy and inflationary economic policy. The type of people that get mad at the home owner are the type of people that refuse to acknowledge the migration impact on rent prices. So they can get fucked.
Maybe in the US. In Australia the average home price nation wide is $800k while the average full time wage is less than $75k.
In Sydney where the person in OP is talking about, the average property price is $1.6 million and the average full time salary is $90k.
The bank won't lend you enough to purchase a home unless you are borrowing as a dual income couple. Maybe if you're lucky you will find a studio apartment for $600k but demand for them is so high since they are the only home a single person can afford that the competition is crazy and the prices on these are going up too. It really is a fucked situation. Hopefully it's better in the US.
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Jew here. Know what happens when Jews step out of line and use their true identity like you are recommending? They get destroyed. He would get fucking annihilated, that's why he is here on this anonymous board just like you and I. We can criticize Blackrock here, but we will have no future if we reveal ourselves in reality to take them on. Remember that. We want change as much as anyone else, but this system is dangerous. Didn't you see what happened to Trump?
>A landlord can increase rent arbitrarily to the point where people can't pay.
This doesn't happen.
They increase it to the maximum the market will pay. That means somebody richer than you.
Why should a landlord rent to you for $1000/month when somebody else will pay $1500/month?
>you want a government with the power to steal from your betters
As opposed to a government that leeches off the poor to subsidize Jewish Pedophile Billionaires?
What makes them my betters? Because they have more money than me? Thank you for confirming that you really are a soulless Kike.
>Rent-locked contracts need to be legally enforced thing. It needs to be, when you move in, whatever price is agreed on the lease/agreement whatever is the price you pay. It CAN NOT BE RAISED UNLESS AN ADDITIONAL SERVICE IS PROVIDED OR ADDITIONAL SPACE IS PROVIDED.

You are just describing leases. That's exactly how they work. They are just only a year long because the landlord would have to be a retard to give you rights to the home in perpetuity for a rate that only makes sense today.

You make an agreement for a year or whatever time you agree to, then renegotiate when the contract ends. If you don't agree with the landlord that the value of the home as a rental increased then go find something you are willing to pay for.

>it's toooooo higggghhhhhhhh thoooooooooo
Yeah, so are my groceries, but I still have to eat. If you want to argue against immigration and stupid policies that are increasing market rates on things go for it. The issue isn't greedy landlords though.
You dont have the right to be a squatter. If you want to live in someone else’s building, they get to decide how much you will pay. If you dont like it, there are many options available. You can find another place to live, buy a tent or an RV, or just kys. The latter is probably best for the majority of you, who no longer have anything of value to trade for a living that a robot or brown cant do cheaper. Basically you are all worthless niggers who want to be subsidized while you order Uber eats, smoke weed, and jerk off. Did you think that would last forever?
They're completely devoted to capitalism no matter how fucking backwards and blatantly evil it is just because they're terrified of the word 'communism' even though they don't know what it means.
>As opposed to a government that leeches off the poor to subsidize Jewish Pedophile Billionaires?

No in addition to it. You're arguing to give those people more powers to steal people's personal property

>What makes them my betters? Because they have more money than me?

No, the fact that they work to improve their station in life instead of crying because more people won't do the work for them and give them free stuff

>Thank you for confirming that you really are a soulless Kike.

Again, I'm literally arguing for you to have a more fulfilling enjoyable existence and you're fighting to remain miserable. All because you're just that opposed to the effort it might take. That is pathetic and it should disgust you.
>Yeah, so are my groceries, but I still have to eat.
Your groceries are provided by farmers. They do backbreaking work to uphold society for little financial gain.

Landlords provide nothing. They own properties and leech money from people who cannot afford to buy their own. If you own a property and do nothing of value with it you do not deserve to have it.
I don't see why they need to take money from other people. I mean, making money is super easy, right?
You clearly don't know what it means given you're implying it's an improvement over capitalism. You would be executed for laziness a couple days into the revolution
If you defend property investors, you defend immigration and you don't belong here and you should also be killed because you're ruled by greed, the most destructive force on the planet. Simple as.
where are all the left wing people offering their property for far below market price?
where are they?
Where are the left wingers renting out their homes and properties for far below market price? Anyone? Beuller?
Everything is an improvement over capitalism. Feudalism is an improvement on this revolting shit that ONLY incentivizes extreme greed.
>No in addition to it. You're arguing to give those people more powers to steal people's personal property
Blackrock is not a person. It is a demonic multinational.

>No, the fact that they work to improve their station in life instead of crying because more people won't do the work for them and give them free stuff
The rich did not earn their money. They inherited it.

>Again, I'm literally arguing for you to have a more fulfilling enjoyable existence and you're fighting to remain miserable. All because you're just that opposed to the effort it might take. That is pathetic and it should disgust you.
Again, you don't know a fucking thing about me, Kike.
>Your groceries are provided by farmers. They do backbreaking work to uphold society for little financial gain.

I literally grew up raising livestock. It's why I'm not a lazy turd like you. It's hilarious though that you are clinging to the hard working reputation of a hypothetical farmer to avoid confronting your own slothfulness

>Landlords provide nothing. They own properties and leech money from people who cannot afford to buy their own. If you own a property and do nothing of value with it you do not deserve to have it.

literally any one can buy a house. That's the whole point. They aren't a special class and the only reason it's so easy to find renters as a land lord is because most of you are too stupid and lazy to just buy your own home.

>I don't see why they need to take money from other people. I mean, making money is super easy, right?

Yeah it is. And renting out your own property is one way to do it. Solving any need in the market is a way to do it. What can you do that people are willing to pay for? Anything?
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>where are all the left wing people offering their property for far below market price?
Fucking nowhere.
Any commie with money hates pleb worker goys.
Anyone who states they are a commie outright, see themselves as more than the 99% of pleb slaves and rules for plebs don't really apply to them.
ok, you're free to come live as my serf on my property then you dumb faggot. All your possessions will belong to me and you'll be forced to work my land and pay me taxes for allowing you to do that. Also I'll be able to put you in stockades and publicly humiliate or torture you if you offend me.
Landlord chad here
Imagine being poorfags kek
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>Landlords provide nothing.
They provide a work or living space in exchange for money.
Nobody is stopping you from buying a house or renting a cheaper unit.
>I have to live in heritage city centres where there is hustle and bustle of the big city.
Live around niggers for cheap rent and save your money.
>I can't do that.
See this is what you capitalist cultists always try to do. You point out the shit parts of every other system but you'll ignore the shit parts of your own even though they're so much worse.
I bet the dude sleeping on the corner of my street would love an opportunity like that. His rent went up so high that he couldn't pay it or find another place because every rental property has a thousand immigrants outbidding him and now he's lost his job and is homeless with no way out.
>Blackrock is not a person. It is a demonic multinational.

Made of people you stupid monkey. They want the power to steal homes instead of buying them and you're arguing in their favor.

>The rich did not earn their money. They inherited it.

Fuck off. More excuses that sound like a 13 year old girl. Most people earn their own and aren't rich anyway. Anyone can buy a house unless you spend your time avoiding work and crying about how no one gave you a free house yet

>Again, you don't know a fucking thing about me, Kike.
I do though. I know you're a weak pathetic lazy loser who whines about how nothing is your fault to avoid anything remotely difficult
REMINDER: Nobody owes you a fucking thing.
Why don't you buy your own house if you don't like renting, you whiny faggot?
>Yeah it is. And renting out your own property is one way to do it
An individual does not need multiple properties. If you are renting out a property, it is because you are not using it. You never deserved it in the first place.
The day of rent approaches
Ah yes, let me leave money on the table so some twitter moron can pay her rent late every month. Do these people even think before they type?
>Made of people you stupid monkey.
Kikes, like you, aren't people.

>Anyone can buy a house unless you spend your time avoiding work and crying about how no one gave you a free house yet
Houses are unaffordable because of you vile rats

>I do though. I know you're a weak pathetic lazy loser who whines about how nothing is your fault to avoid anything remotely difficult
You know nothing about me, Shlomo.
the guy sleeping on your street has way more opportunities than that. He can build a successful life if he wants. You dumb fucks just confuse the scarcity inherent in casual reality with a flaw of capitalism. The other systems don't solve that either but they do concentrate power in fewer hands and give fewer people a chance to improve their lives through their own work and self determination. That's actually just the base principal behind capitalism. Individuals can choose to do what they want to do. Every other system is just some version of removing choices and forcing someone to do something they hate. You needing to work is not the same concept as forcing you to grow rice for the party elites. You don't have to work that specific job. You don't have to buy those specific groceries. You can choose what to do as long as it makes sense in reality. The value of things derives from how bad people want it. It's got nothing to do with how hard it was to do or how much some faggot in an office said it's worth.
>the guy sleeping on your street has way more opportunities than that
Didn't bother reading past that. Dunno why people that have literally never been homeless think they can speak about homelessness. Go back to your farm, you naive retard.
>the guy sleeping on your street has way more opportunities than that. He can build a successful life if he wants.
You are a delusional fucking boomer.
An individual can do whatever he wants with the property he owns. You are free to buy it if you want, or you can buy someone else's, or you can rent from whoever you like. Why do you think you're entitled to just take from someone else who earned enough value to purchase the property? Fuck off and get your own shit you leech.
Didn’t some rich tech fag try being homeless once? Didn’t he pull a bunch of strings to secure loans from his millionaire friends to start a shitty business and start making $40k? Didn’t he quit the experiment early because he couldn’t hack it?
>Houses are unaffordable because of you vile rats
Unaffordable due to
That's it. Guess what group controls/pushes that?
I was considering just moving to /lit/ but /pol/ ruined /lit/. There is no point of talking to these out-of-shape, neurologically damaged dregs.

/pol/ has ruined this site.

How do we fix /pol/? Do we start a revolution of rationality?
>Kikes, like you, aren't people.

I'm arguing against the shit they are pushing. They being blackrock and the Jews. You're arguing for the shit they are pushing in every developed country and you're calling me a kike. You are the most useful idiot God ever produced lol.

>Houses are unaffordable because of you vile rats

They aren't at all unaffordable. It's not even particularly difficult. It's only modestly difficult when you compare now only to the last 80 years or so and ignore the previous 10s of thousands.

>You know nothing about me, Shlomo

I know you're lazy. I know you're dumb. I know you're weak. I know you're a loser.
Keep being a loser and getting more and more poor. If you're lucky you end up in prison instead of dead in a ditch. You're clinging to comfortable lies instead of actually fixing your life.
Nope, I'm not close to a boomer. I just didn't fall for all the indoctrination of Marxist bullshit about oppressor oppressed dynamics. I understand life is very complicated and there's always something to do to improve your situation. Many others squandered all their chances, melted their brains with meth, and drove friends and family away. I didn't do that to them and I don't feel pity that they did it to themselves
Why did you even bother posting that pathetic shit. You're a naive retard that doesn't know anything about life. Hope your house burns down so you can find out how easy it is to lose all your precious possessions.
probably, but the actions of some California faggot don't change the laws of the universe. Cause and effect are still real. Choices still have outcomes.
>le big guvment is forcing the morally pristine capitalists to be sociopathic greedy little rats
shart moment
"We have a moral duty to enact TLLD as soon as humanly possible"
You may be one of the most delusional people people I have seen on this board. You even admitted that you got far in life through sheer fucking luck. You sleep on the job and get paid a lot for it. Your income has nothing to do with what you produce.
Just end it.
kek I was just talking about that with a buddy. That's like the best outcome as a home owner if you're not attached to stuff emotionally. Insurance can screw you in a lot of events but if it burns I just get a better brand new house and money to replace all the stuff inside.

You aren't on any moral high ground. You're just trying to feel better about never actually trying to live a more successful life. If you're under like 50 there's a massive amount you can still do if you stop whining. I doubt that though based on this conversation.
>You aren't on any moral high ground.
Compared to some farmboy retard that thinks he can comment on the plight of the homeless without ever experiencing it himself? Yes, I am. Objectively. Kill yourself, naive retard.
Just don't be a landlord dick sucking renter, faggot. And if you can't afford to buy, you deserve to suck landlord dick. Simple as.
They are the ones allowing 10 million illegal immigrants and even more legal ones. So yeah that drives up housing prices. They also caused a massive spike of inflation which also drove up housing costs and it caused higher interest rates too.

Surely even you can understand the fact that if it were just greedy landlords forcing you to pay whatever they wanted you would be paying even more and would have been paying it this whole time. There wouldn't be any rising prices because greed isn't new.
you seem to believe that the US government is anything other than a tool of the property-owning class
Why do poorfags like you belong on reddit?
It’s called “the market” you dumb ass commie. If the government will not allow new housing units to be built while simultaneously opening the border to migrants so that millions of them are hunting for a place to live, the problem therein lies with the government, does it not? They could build commie blocks 100 stories high with a thousand units but they don’t. The lack of supply is causing value to increase, this is Econ 101
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I just want to say, as a landlord, I only raise rent on tenants that suck. So.... This person must suck as a tenant.
I haven't raised the rent on my current tenants in 3 years and when they renew this September, I'm still not raising it.
They take care of the property as if it was their own and they always pay rent on time.
I want good tenants to stay and shit ones to leave.
I make them leave by slowly raising the rent until they move out
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oh wow I wonder which part of the population is lobbying to restrict the creation of new housing?
You even fucking admit that housing prices are obscene and that inflation is fucked. But no, the ONLY reason people can't afford to buy is because they are lazy, right?
>dont blame the larplord that decided to play the game created by kikes
lmao, look at these boomer niggers trying to hide behind their masters
It's not at all luck. You're just ignoring the parts that imply you could do it if you did something hard. To get that job I did a 6 month camp while teaching. I was working like 50-60 hours teaching and staying up every night working on coding projects and learning. The job itself is easy yeah.

But here's the thing. You seem to be confused into thinking someone should be paid based on how hard their work is. I could go dig out a cubic yard of dirt in my lawn using a spoon and then fill the hole back in over and over. That would be tons of work but it's pointless. Value on everything comes from supply and demand. This job is one that most people won't take the time and energy to learn. So, now I'm in a position where there are more jobs available than people who can do them and companies compete for me instead of me competing with workers for the job. And like I said in the post about how I sleep through the day some times I have also already spent years learning and building relationships and experience in the job so now I can get my stuff done and still sleep through some days. The employer doesn't care because they get what they need out of me. We're in a mutually beneficial relationship. That's the case for all jobs. The part you aren't getting is that if you make shit money then you're not doing anything anyone actually needs that bad right now. Likely that's because it's something literally anyone can do and there's hundreds of people ready to do it when you leave. If you're in that spot, you should learn to do something more in your favor with supply and demand.
>$640 for a studio apartment.

NZ got like this 10 years ago. We warned you Aussies to keep your immigration numbers low and you went and voted fucking Labour in.

Its your own damn fault. You had a good thing going with Morrison.
No you really aren't. And that's exactly why I pointed it out. Some homeless man's plight has literally nothing to do with the conversation between you and me. You aren't homeless. You're literally just making up a hypothetical victim so you can justify righteous indignation instead of confronting your own shortcomings. I'm trying to make you better and you're pretending you're vindicated because you are defending the honor of an imaginary homeless man.
you seem to think your enemy is people who own any property and not a massive government. One which you're arguing to give even more control and power to.
literally yes. Even right now it's not that hard for anyone willing to work and keep a life track. There's literally millions of people doing it all the time. I did it while in a shit job and at a time when there were already tons of you idiots telling me it's not possible.
Australia doesn't have property taxes or costs for upkeep?
you are a massive fucking burger retard and should rope ASAP
No lol. I have a good life I enjoy and multiple acres where I can do whatever the fuck I want. Maybe if I were stuck working for minimum wage and then paying it all to some shitty apartment complex I would. Fortunately I had sense enough to work my life away from that situation
To be fair the OP is Australia. Which is retarded regarding housing (entire national parks the size of Scotland, but residential zoning for 30,000 people plonked around a train station). The property prices are deliberately inflated by limited living options because boomer only have their houses to support retirement. I think U.S./Canada might be similar.
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>you're pushing for your own death along with millions, maybe billions, by pushing for ideas we know end in genocide
I have no idea how you read my post and concluded that I was advocating for communism. I literally just said that a society which doesn't provide for people in certain ways is dysfunctional. How the hell is that communist thinking? Do you think that any criticism of society is 'communist nonsense'? Please, explain to me how what I said, and only what I said, is somehow advocating communism and pushing for the deaths of millions.
You even seem to AGREE with my assessment that society is dysfunctional in your third paragraph. Your post reads like you desperately started typing away with only the faint idea that I was disagreeing with you in your head.

>Stop wasting your time whining online about how people and the universe hasn't given you enough.
See the last two sentences of my post you responded to. I already predicted this response from you before you even made it, and yet you made it anyway. This is a POLITICAL BOARD. Discussing societal problems on a board dedicated to POLITICAL DISCUSSION doesn't mean you are blaming other people or refusing to solve your own problems or wallowing in self pity. It is the topic of the fucking board. I can't believe that you actually responded like this after reading my post. There's no way you're that retarded; you must've not read it.

Also, you don't know my situation. Where did I say that I was even renting? Please point to my post and tell me where I said that I was angry at my own circumstances. You can't because I never even mentioned myself. You just projected onto me the image of some poor wagie. I am actually in a very good spot financially and familiarly in life right now, if that makes any difference to you. I never assumed anything about yourself that you didn't tell me in your post- don't assume things about other anons that you don't know if you want to argue in good faith.
*familially not familiarly -_-
Again showing how hopelessly naive you are. We will never have anything better while retards like you exist.
> taxes
> rates
> utilities
> maintenance

these are things renters will never understand
I have to rent because housing prices right now are retarded. I can't even afford to build my own if I wanted to. I'd have to take out a loan from my bank that I would never be able to pay off in my lifetime. What other options do I have?
Didn’t read. But look at all the absolute fucking retarded nigggers that replied to this shill/bot.
There is an alarming people on 4chan who have trouble thinking in abstract concepts or interpreting a very simple text. They just assume whatever and then start shitposting.
The shit you're arguing for would make your life worse along with everyone else. We know this because we have seen that pan out many times in many countries. You're trying to say I'm naive because I don't just ignore the lessons of history and even recent history in modern countries.

Government enforced rent and housing control will always make housing crises worse. Giving a government the power to size and redistribute private property leads to a central party of elites committing genocide of their enemies.

I'm not naive. You are the one who is pushing for something to make your life a thousand times worse because you're trying to avoid anything too difficult.
Alarming amount*
This is exactly why non-property owners should not have the right to vote.
>He doesn't own property
Get back to work, wagie. If the government isn't raising taxes on rented property, which is a separate tax bracket mind you, why shouldn't we exploit it as well?
if you say "own" when you mean able to qualify for and afford minimum mortgage payments, you should kill yourself
> Here comes the seethe.
Low iq and low value male who can’t into life and can’t buy a house because of his own stupidity and laziness cries about it “not being heckin fair!” ITT but it is the other laughing at him that are le seething

Keep your chin up. Asshole too.
The world needs ditch diggers just like you, even if you’re a ridiculous commie homosexual
live in a kangaroo pouch
Yeah, it has been really frustrating the last couple of years. Where can you even go online to have decent discussions where people reply to what you're actually fucking saying?
At least 4chan has revealed just how incapable of logical thought the average person is. They have no idea how to even identify ideas, let alone argue against them. It's just all projection and ad-hominem and talking past one-another.
But I want casual sex without my parents
Hating individual landlords is retarded. These are problems caused by poor governance.
>I have no idea how you read my post and concluded

Because you want the government to have the power to take the assets of others and give them to you. Why else would there be free housing? Maybe it's land and houses maybe just taxes but you're saying other people who haven't made all your bad choices should use the wealth they earned to gift you a house. If they won't then the government should use it's force to take it from them for you. This is not even getting into how fucked the markets get if a government tries to control a housing market. It always gets worse and then there's a feedback loop of "fixing" the new problems with even more government solutions.

>You even seem to AGREE
No I don't. You're confusing the fact that I'm saying there are other distinct problems with saying those are evidence you're right about housing. Rentals and landlords have literally nothing to do with inflation or interest rates. They don't even have anything to do with rent costs. That's just market driven.

>See the last two sentences

I did read it. You're just waffling between abstract political theory to make it seem like it has no impact on reality and real policy ideas. I'm saying the real policy ideas are evil bullshit that always makes it worse and the only reason you want them is because of your own personal failures.

>Also, you don't know my situation. Where did I say that I was even renting?

So? The only thing that would change is your motivation for pushing this objectively stupid nonsense. I thought you were assuming it's in your own self interest and had nothing to lose by trying it. You're telling me no, you actually stand to lose a great life and feel no benefit whatsoever. I guess you're just even more manipulated than I thought and an even more hopeless rube willingly pushing for a worse society.
You're calling for ideas that create the worst of humanity because you think people shouldn't have to struggle. That isn't high minded. It's mid wit retardation

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