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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Don't care.
Do you hate jews, trannies, women, blacks, etc? Are you happy? If the answer is no, you're wrong.
Are you a mentally ill rabid lefty feminist tranny? Are you happy? The answer is obviously no, so your beliefs are wrong.

Nothing matters in this life more than being happy. If your political beliefs keep you down, outraged, constantly angry, etc. why not change it?
Changes are, your opposition is happier than you, so what are you doing with your life, nigga?
You took the hedonism pill, didn't you?
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Hedonistic people are not happy and are extremely prone to randomly commit suicide.
Alright, so I need to get this off my chest because I honestly can't tell if I'm losing my mind or if something genuinely bizarre is happening. Bear with me, this is going to be long, but I need to lay it all out to see if anyone else has experienced something similar or can offer any insight.
It all started about three months ago. I was just going about my usual routine, nothing out of the ordinary. I work from home, so my days are pretty uneventful. I wake up, make some coffee, and sit down at my computer to get to work. One day, as I was working, I noticed something strange out of the corner of my eye. It was just a flicker, like a shadow moving quickly across the room. I brushed it off as my imagination and went back to work.
But then it happened again. And again. Over the next few weeks, I kept seeing these flickers, always out of the corner of my eye. They were quick and subtle, but they were there. I started to get paranoid, thinking maybe I had some sort of eye problem or that I was just overly tired. I even went to the eye doctor, but they found nothing wrong.
Then things started to get even weirder. One night, I was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, when I heard a faint whisper. It was so quiet that I thought I might have imagined it, but then I heard it again. It was like someone was whispering right in my ear, but there was no one there. I sat up and looked around, but my room was empty. I tried to tell myself it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but it was hard to shake the feeling that something was off.
OP is a spoiled brat opinion disregarded
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I'm brat? Like Kamala?
Good. Kamala is brat, and so am i.
Over the next few weeks, the whispers became more frequent. Sometimes they were so quiet I could barely hear them, and other times they were loud enough to wake me up in the middle of the night. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but they always sounded urgent, like someone was trying to tell me something important.
I started to lose sleep, and my work began to suffer. I couldn't focus on anything because I was constantly on edge, waiting for the next whisper or flicker of movement. I even started to hear strange noises during the day, like footsteps in the hallway or doors creaking open when no one else was home.
Then, about a month ago, I found something that made my blood run cold. I was cleaning out my closet when I came across an old box of photos. As I was flipping through them, I noticed something strange in one of the pictures. It was a photo of me and some friends at a party from a few years ago, but in the background, there was a shadowy figure standing in the corner of the room. It was blurry and hard to make out, but it definitely looked like a person. The thing is, I don't remember anyone else being at that party, and none of my friends recognized the figure either.
I started to do some research, trying to find any explanation for what was happening. I read about shadow people, ghosts, and even parallel universes, but nothing seemed to fit exactly. I even reached out to a few paranormal investigators, but they either didn't take me seriously or wanted to charge me a ridiculous amount of money to come to check it out.
Things reached a breaking point last week. I was sitting in my living room, watching TV, when I saw a figure standing in the hallway. It was just a shadow, but it was clearly the shape of a person. I froze, not knowing what to do. The figure didn't move, it just stood there, watching me. After what felt like an eternity, it slowly faded away. I was so freaked out that I spent the night at a friend's house, but I knew I couldn't avoid going home forever.
Now, I'm at my wit's end. The flickers, whispers, and shadows haven't stopped, and I feel like I'm being watched all the time. I don't know if this is some sort of elaborate prank, if I'm losing my mind, or if there's something genuinely paranormal going on. I've even considered moving, but I'm not sure if that would solve anything or if whatever this is would just follow me.
So, I'm reaching out to you guys. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Do you have any idea what might be happening or what I should do? I'm desperate for answers and any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I just want my life to go back to normal.
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Your country is poor and so are you.

Get the bloke on camera
reduce the caffeine intake and go to a nice forest to enjoy the silence. Additionally do something that breaks routine like baking something or make something draw something. If your caffeine intake is a lot drink enough alcohol to give you a hangover and follow the suggestions above. Hope this helps.
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wtf are these real
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Being racist and homophobic just means I do all of the things that all the other rich people do to live in peace and be happy (live in 99% White communities, get married, have kids) but I do it mindfully, intentionally, and without any guilt and without wasting any energy on a false public or private image of myself as some kind of "ally" to freaks who hate me.
Redpilled take.
Many of you think
>The world should be xyz, it would be perfect
Instead, you should think
>What can I do with the given set of parameters?
It shifts your mind from a passive state to an active one.
Who cares how the world should be? What can you do about it is a more relevant question.
Any political stance in the "should be" rather than in the "wat do" is meaningless and retarded.
Go to a psychologist
How do they train these cats to dance like this???
Obviously they use Chinese Children to train them, aint that clear anon?

I don't know if happy is the right word, but you should feel thar your worldview benefits you in a real and measured way.

For instance "worldview informs you that homogeneous white communities thrive" Therefore, you buy real-estate in a white community, and watch as your investments increase.

Likewise, you can count on niggers being violent and retarded and place your bets in order to capitalize on that. You can capitalize on jews always lying, stealing and cheating the system to avoid punishment (at least initally) so you place your bets accordingly. Then short them when a jewish buisiness owner appears to be growing unpopular among his fellow jews and you sense they're going to "sacrifice the tail" as they sometimes do to sloppier members of their tribe.

If your truly understand the patterns of the world, it's like being able to predict the future - because you truly understand the present better than most people.
saving all of these, thanks
i dont have any politics, i'm not happy - just content

as of right now, someone owes me a few thousand bucks, my mom is dying, and i have no social life - i can't really say i'm happy, but i'm content with my lot in life
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Being happy is for women and faggots.
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Are you happy dedicating your life to hating and harrassing homosexuals, who are a million times happier than you?
I'm happy because I'm living my ideology. I'm having my first child in a few months with a wife who is devoutly Christian.

I can completely understand why other men, who have not yet found a good, loyal, failthful wife who will give them children; might be unhappy. That does not make their ideology, which is my ideology that makes me happy, wrong, just because it is not yet making them happy. Equally, the nationalist that loves his nation but is enraged at seeing its street swarming with foreigners and its laws and businesses despoiled by foreign practices; his ideology is not wrong due to it not bringing him comfort in the modern world. It would bring him comfort were he to remove the filth; and I believe that will happen in the future. In that day, your ideology of massochistic multiculturalism will bring you pain; and his ideology of loving his own will bring him happiness.

Your gauge for something being right or wrong is retarded. I'm drunk, but you're stupid, and tomorrow I won't be drunk, but you will still be stupid.
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This reads like fanfiction.
> G-guys i totally found a woman who is uhh christian and loyal and uhh white and has lots of children with me and uhhh all you guys need is uhhh an imaginary trad wife too!

I hope you don't end up like every other family with a trad wife like Chris Watts in which you murder your wife and kids.
Oh right, for that to happen they would need to exist first!
where do you keep finding these cats?
they're really well trained
Believe it or not, the relationship style that was the norm in England for a thousand years is still the norm in England. A few sodomites and negros on the television waffling on about how 'modern Britain is different' is irrelevant to my life, and is irrelevant to the lives of the vast majority of Britons.

Consider the painfully normal existence of mine as 'fanfiction' if you want, but your line is going to go extinct like a dodo or something because you're a retarded faggot, so I'd suggest that rather than worrying about me and the average Englishman; you should worry about your own soon-to-be-dead dynasty. You are a biological failure. You are a disgrace to nature. And if there is a God, and I believe there is; He's going to send you to hell.

Get it together lad.
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Please don't beat your imaginary wife to death.
didnt read, is this real?
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Obvious jewish bitch.
Much like weed, catnip keeps getting stronger every year.
Cats in the '70s would only get a mellow buzz from smelling it.
It's actually hilarious to see leftists cope by denying that traditional, normal relationships are real. You are a mistake. Your people will disappear by the next generation.

The future belongs to me and my kind. My children will inherit the Earth. You will have no children. It's not even a contest. You gave up before it ever began. Your only hope is that your sodomite ilk can abuse children and cause them psychological trauma that turns them into yet another faggot. If we just stone you, your hopes disappear.

As a Christian Englishman I think we should stone you. The muslims who you naively think are your allies also want to stone you. You're going to disappear.

Meanwhile my children might have to fight against endless tides of brown people in the future, but its not like we've not done that before. Glory awaits us. Oblivion is all that is waiting for you faggot.
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>The future belongs to me and my kind. My children will inherit the Earth.

Please don't beat your imaginary children to death.
Normal, well-adjusted people (who apparently are both your omnipresent oppressor who need to be unseated with revolutionary change, but also don't exist because everyone is secretly as gay and miserable as you) live so rent-free in your head it's unreal.

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