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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Forget the couch sex, JD Vance is also into dolphin porn fetish.
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That's his role
I went to elementary school with JD Vance, or JD Bowman as he was known then. He wet his bed until he was 13 and we all called him JP Soakman. That's the real reason he changed his name to JD Vance. But then we just called him JP Pants and he left our school.
based and John C Lilly pilled
knowing him as a kid is your biggest achievement in life. you can now die in peace for ZOG, shart
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he's one of you
As if you've never googled weird shit before just out of curiosity
He searched for it to find it again to make the post. I don't even like Vance, I think he's a weirdo, but no one is searching for "woman dolphin" looking for porn on twitter. He just remembered the headline of the tweet.
Democrats clutching their pedo pearls
thats just you buddy
doesn't mean shit, could be that someone told him about the video, or he remembered seeing it somewhere so he looked it up
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>heard about video
>search key words of popular video
maybe he gets off on that sorta thing
JD Pants is actually a sick junior high school comeback
All of this plus she hasn't touched the goy wall in Israel? Sounds great.
Yea but most people don't post it to social media with their real name attached.
I don't trust anyone that hasn't actually accepted the gross visceral nature of reality and watched at least one gore video.
Personally I think he has it out for women. Everything about him is very anti-woman.
Trump is a pussy grabber and lolita express frequent flyer.
Nobody cares.
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>bro, you gotta see this clip on twitter, it's a woman getting humped by a dolphin, look it up dude
>lol, ok
Imagine that moment fucking your political career
Is he wrong though?
wow dudeee youre so cool you watch gore videos. i bet all the cunts light up on fire when you tell that to chicks
I took a look at that guys account, and he has posted several times per day, every day for the past 8 years about Trump. I just can’t imagine being so obsessed with someone. Sounds exhausting.
Very based
JD is getting eviscerated lmao worst pick ever for Trump he’s truly a retard
In the minds of normal people searching using the terms "woman" and "dolphin" does not have sexual implications. There would be no reason to even assume this.

Sick cunt
No its not based. Probably has to do with the fact that he had a terrible mother growing up. So now he hates women. Thats usually how that type of thing works.
Rupar disproves the "high IQ is the reason Ashkenazi dominate media" meme
I’ve never been keen on this Vance pick. Pence seemed based. Short spoken. Confident. Smart. Reliable. From a Johnny Quest comic. The new guy... IDK
I went to the school he transferred to. We bullied him because he was fat and dressed like a faggot. We started throwing French fries at him in the cafeteria. At first he seemed really upset, but then began ignoring it. So, we began hiding French fries in our pockets and would toss them at the back of his head in class. Then one day in Geometry class somebody threw an entire pizza slice at his head, one of those rectangle cafeteria ones. The teacher turned around and thought he had brought food into class and told him to go to the principal's office, lol.
avg incel
if you can fuck real women you fuck animals
vote for harris and make america great again
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Cameltoe got israel quaking in its boots.
if you cant fuck real women*
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I’m seeing a pattern here
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Funny and original!
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good, i dont want ww3
>posts video saying internet was a mistake
>left wing retards suggest he was into dolphin fetish

Why are left wing people so retarded? How gay is this aaron rupar faggot? I bet he does grindr gang bangs.
If I ever become a political figure, am I gonna be called gay or a sexual deviant for having looked up shock videos?
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This will be the tip of the iceberg. This cunt Vance is a big time pervert.
You don’t understand Spain-bro, The vast majority of millennial and gen-z Americans have arrested development, The clinical diagnosis not the TV show. High school never ends here.
he probably heard about the video and looked it up. fucking retards. REACH is a toothbrush...
posting that reply was yours
Do people not understand how Twitter works? Shit pops up in your feed, either by people you follow or by the algorithm, that you never search for. That Twitter account he's retweeting is an aggregator that just posts random viral clips, it's not a dolphin porn account. I wish people would stop being disingenuous.
>injecting the dolphins with LSD
Did they ever think that animals are so smart that they refuse to talk to us? The second dolphins start talking is the second we strap torpedoes on them for Isreal.
They are high IQ
Shhhh. Stop making sense!!!!
That's absolutely sickening. Does anyone have the original video he retweeted? I can't believe anyone would post something so revolting, I have to see it for myself just to... see if it's real.
>be dolphin
>get free LSD
Sounds lit
are leftist this retarded? where do you see thst he searched anything? his post is talking about how fucking weird it is that the lady enjoy3d it.
The left truly has no sense of humor
this is the obvious answer
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Already doing that kek


It's America in general not just a particular generation.
opps same link..

Jesus Christ. At least anybody in America has the potential to become vice president now.
the terms woman and dolphin are in bold

That's normal for search terms to be in bold but I'm surprised retweeting would retain your search terms in bold. You guys use x right? If it wasn't like that surely anon would have said something.
Michelle is a tranny

Still voting trump ksxm
Seen this shilled everywhere. Even if it's true it makes me like him more. He's an actual human being with faults just like us. Part of being likeable, especially part of being a good leader is being vulnerable. Good on him fir being brave enough to do so.
Aaron bitching about white. Stay classy kikes. Once whites are gone good luck talking to niggers and muslims you are not white.
Oi vey
showing the jews ... being normal fucking jews
how anti-semetic of you
thank you
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