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Previous >>475741138

PRESIDENT Kamala Harris

#TeamKamala #Harris2024 #MommyKamala

**By posting in this thread you automatically denounce MAGA and Trump.**
/phg/ Posters:https://www.etsy.com/market/kamala_harris_poster
Cute Kamala Memes:https://imgur.com/t/kamalaharris

>what has she done?
Brought respect to America
Pulled the troops from the Middle East
Instituted Feminism
Defended DEI
Protected Minor Attracted Persons (MAP)
Legalized recreational drug use
Formalized child gender affirmation care
Promoted lgbtq+ in elementary schools
Led POC against white supremacy
Protected ESG scores
Antifa is still an idea
Fighting for civil rights
Defeated racism
Crushed Misogyny
Destroyed transphobia
Cured homophobia through Lesbian interpretive dance therapy
Stopped pro hamas student protesters
Helped Israel our Greatest Ally
Beaten COVID
Giving incels free black GFs
>"Harris Taunts Trump After He Backs Out of Debates."
Absolutely agree with that poster
I'm a senior registered Independent. I've voted for both Republicans and Democrats.

After the debate, I was not feeling good about what was coming, but I am impressed that President Biden actually listened and was able to let go of the most powerful office in the world, totally blindsiding the Trump campaign.

For the first time in a while, I feel good about the future, and the new commercial Kamala just released and the other videos I'm seeing on Tik Tok give me chills; I'm that moved by them.

In all my years of voting, I have never donated any money, but for the first time, I donated to the Harris campaign and was glad to do it.
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>"DICKS could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this public office before. There could be DICKS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her bare chest. "I LOVE SUCKING DICKS" she thought. Hypnotize by Biggie Smalls reverberated her entire campaign bus, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through her powerful thick veins and washed away her (merited) fear of sex tapes on the internet. "With a blowjob, you can get any career you want" she said to herself out loud
Thats it I'm voting for Cumshot Harris. We need a consumate blowfessional in office. She will finish the process Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton started
Thats right brother remind the MAGA fags that us straight Kamala Jockeys here to stay. We'll goon her straight to the whitehouse
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Kamala will ensure the rulea based order of democracy is blowinh through the wind and coming through the rain
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im cumming for kamala
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Show her you care about her polling. You know what must be done
>KAMALA HARRIS!! im cuming to you,
In my goon station, at my house!
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Bro the whore and pornstar vote will actually get her elected because of onlyfans. She should start one out of solidarity
Sam Hyde should be her gooning mate as VP
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Yeah the only cringe here is /ptg/. Trump lost in 2020 to Biden and Harris. He'll lose again cementing his legacy as a CHUD who belongs in jail. Don't you just love democracy?
I am unironically voting Harris because she knows how to meme. Trump did in 2016, but since then he has become a humorless faggot.
>that pic
this is ultimate momma Kamala
we need deepfake mommy porn of her right the fuck NOW
imagine kamala and giorgia goofing off and making tiktoks at the next g7/nato gathering
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Thats right Kamala 2024
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Imagine them having foursomes with Zelensky and Keir Starmer
no. id rather imagine them having sex with me instead
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No doubt she'll heap tons of gangbangs to her straight male supporters

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